# Dart Development Service Protocol 1.3 This document describes _version 1.3_ of the Dart Development Service Protocol. This protocol is an extension of the Dart VM Service Protocol and implements it in it's entirety. For details on the VM Service Protocol, see the [Dart VM Service Protocol Specification][service-protocol]. The Service Protocol uses [JSON-RPC 2.0][]. [JSON-RPC 2.0]: http://www.jsonrpc.org/specification ## Table of Contents - [RPCs, Requests, and Responses](#rpcs-requests-and-responses) - [Events](#events) - [Types](#types) - [IDs and Names](#ids-and-names) - [Revision History](#revision-history) - [Public RPCs](#public-rpcs) - [getAvailableCachedCpuSamples](#getavailablecachedcpusamples) - [getCachedCpuSamples](#getcachedcpusamples)[ - [getClientName](#getclientname) - [getDartDevelopmentServiceVersion](#getdartdevelopmentserviceversion) - [getLogHistorySize](#getloghistorysize) - [getStreamHistory](#getstreamhistory)[ - [requirePermissionToResume](#requirepermissiontoresume) - [setClientName](#setclientname) - [setLogHistorySize](#setloghistorysize) - [Public Types](#public-types) - [AvailableCachedCpuSamples](#availablecachedcpusamples)[ - [CachedCpuSamples](#cachedcpusamples) - [ClientName](#clientname) - [DartDevelopmentServiceVersion](#dartdevelopmentserviceversion) - [Size](#size) - [StreamHistory](#streamhistory)[ ## RPCs, Requests, and Responses See the corresponding section in the VM Service protocol [here][service-protocol-rpcs-requests-and-responses]. ## Events See the corresponding section in the VM Service protocol [here][service-protocol-events]. ## Binary Events See the corresponding section in the VM Service protocol [here][service-protocol-binary-events]. ## Types See the corresponding section in the VM Service protocol [here][service-protocol-types]. ## IDs and Names See the corresponding section in the VM Service protocol [here][service-protocol-ids-and-names]. ## Streams For a list of core VM service streams, see [streamListen][service-protocol-streams]. DDS will keep a history of events on certain streams and send historical events when a client first subscribes to a stream with history. These streams currently consist of the following: - `Logging` - `Stdout` - `Stderr` - `Extension` In addition, subscribing to the `Service` stream will result in a `ServiceRegistered` event being sent to the subscribing client for each existing service extension. ## Public RPCs The DDS Protocol supports all [public RPCs defined in the VM Service protocol][service-protocol-public-rpcs]. ### getAvailableCachedCpuSamples ``` AvailableCachedCpuSamples getAvailableCachedCpuSamples(); ``` The _getAvailableCachedCpuSamples_ RPC is used to determine which caches of CPU samples are available. Caches are associated with individual _UserTag_ names and are specified when DDS is started via the _cachedUserTags_ parameter. See [AvailableCachedCpuSamples](#availablecachedcpusamples). ### getCachedCpuSamples ``` CachedCpuSamples getCachedCpuSamples(string isolateId, string userTag); ``` The _getCachedCpuSamples_ RPC is used to retrieve a cache of CPU samples collected under a _UserTag_ with name _userTag_. See [CachedCpuSamples](#cachedcpusamples). ### getClientName ``` ClientName getClientName() ``` The _getClientName_ RPC is used to retrieve the name associated with the currently connected VM service client. If no name was previously set through the [setClientName](#setclientname) RPC, a default name will be returned. See [ClientName](#clientname) ### getDartDevelopmentServiceVersion ``` Version getDartDevelopmentServiceVersion() ``` The _getDartDevelopmentServiceVersion_ RPC is used to determine what version of the Dart Development Service Protocol is served by a DDS instance. See [Version](#version). ### getLogHistorySize ``` Size getLogHistorySize() ``` The _getLogHistorySize_ RPC is used to retrieve the current size of the log history buffer. If the returned [Size](#size) is zero, then log history is disabled. See [Size](#size). ### getStreamHistory ``` StreamHistory getStreamHistory(string streamId) ``` The _getStreamHistory_ RPC is used to retrieve historical events for streams which support event history (see [Streams](#streams) for a list of supported streams). See [StreamHistory](#streamhistory). ### requirePermissionToResume ``` Success requirePermissionToResume(bool onPauseStart [optional], bool onPauseReload[optional], bool onPauseExit [optional]) ``` The _requirePermissionToResume_ RPC is used to change the pause/resume behavior of isolates by providing a way for the VM service to wait for approval to resume from some set of clients. This is useful for clients which want to perform some operation on an isolate after a pause without it being resumed by another client. If the _onPauseStart_ parameter is `true`, isolates will not resume after pausing on start until the client sends a `resume` request and all other clients which need to provide resume approval for this pause type have done so. If the _onPauseReload_ parameter is `true`, isolates will not resume after pausing after a reload until the client sends a `resume` request and all other clients which need to provide resume approval for this pause type have done so. If the _onPauseExit_ parameter is `true`, isolates will not resume after pausing on exit until the client sends a `resume` request and all other clients which need to provide resume approval for this pause type have done so. **Important Notes:** - All clients with the same client name share resume permissions. Only a single client of a given name is required to provide resume approval. - When a client requiring approval disconnects from the service, a paused isolate may resume if all other clients requiring resume approval have already given approval. In the case that no other client requires resume approval for the current pause event, the isolate will be resumed if at least one other client has attempted to [resume](resume) the isolate. ### setClientName ``` Success setClientName(string name) ``` The _setClientName_ RPC is used to set a name to be associated with the currently connected VM service client. If the _name_ parameter is a non-empty string, _name_ will become the new name associated with the client. If _name_ is an empty string, the client's name will be reset to its default name. See [Success](#success). ### setLogHistorySize ``` Success setLogHistorySize(int size) ``` The _setLogHistorySize_ RPC is used to set the size of the ring buffer used for caching a limited set of historical log messages. If _size_ is 0, logging history will be disabled. The maximum history size is 100,000 messages, with the default set to 10,000 messages. See [Success](#success). ## Public Types The DDS Protocol supports all [public types defined in the VM Service protocol][service-protocol-public-types]. ### AvailableCachedCpuSamples ``` class AvailableCachedCpuSamples extends Response { // A list of UserTag names associated with CPU sample caches. string[] cacheNames; } ``` A collection of [UserTag] names associated with caches of CPU samples. See [getAvailableCachedCpuSamples](#getavailablecachedcpusamples). ### CachedCpuSamples ``` class CachedCpuSamples extends CpuSamples { // The name of the UserTag associated with this cache of samples. string userTag; // Provided if the CPU sample cache has filled and older samples have been // dropped. bool truncated [optional]; } ``` An extension of [CpuSamples](#cpu-samples) which represents a set of cached samples, associated with a particular [UserTag] name. See [getCachedCpuSamples](#getcachedcpusamples). ### ClientName ``` class ClientName extends Response { // The name of the currently connected VM service client. string name; } ``` See [getClientName](#getclientname) and [setClientName](#setclientname). ### Size ``` class Size extends Response { int size; } ``` A simple object representing a size response. ### StreamHistory ``` class StreamHistory extends Response { // A list of historical Events for a stream. List history; } ``` See [getStreamHistory](#getStreamHistory). ## Revision History version | comments ------- | -------- 1.0 | Initial revision 1.1 | Added `getDartDevelopmentServiceVersion` RPC. 1.2 | Added `getStreamHistory` RPC. 1.3 | Added `getAvailableCachedCpuSamples` and `getCachedCpuSamples` RPCs. [resume]: https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/main/runtime/vm/service/service.md#resume [success]: https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/main/runtime/vm/service/service.md#success [version]: https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/main/runtime/vm/service/service.md#version [cpu-samples]: https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/main/runtime/vm/service/service.md#cpusamples [service-protocol]: https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/main/runtime/vm/service/service.md [service-protocol-rpcs-requests-and-responses]: https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/main/runtime/vm/service/service.md#rpcs-requests-and-responses [service-protocol-events]: https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/main/runtime/vm/service/service.md#events [service-protocol-streams]: https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/main/runtime/vm/service/service.md#streamlisten [service-protocol-binary-events]: https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/main/runtime/vm/service/service.md#binary-events [service-protocol-types]: https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/main/runtime/vm/service/service.md#types [service-protocol-ids-and-names]: https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/main/runtime/vm/service/service.md#ids-and-names [service-protocol-public-rpcs]: https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/main/runtime/vm/service/service.md#public-rpcs [service-protocol-public-types]: https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/main/runtime/vm/service/service.md#public-types