// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import "package:expect/expect.dart"; // Test that error constructors do what they are documented as doing. main() { Expect.equals("Invalid argument(s)", new ArgumentError().toString()); Expect.equals( "Invalid argument(s): message", new ArgumentError("message").toString()); Expect.equals( "Invalid argument: null", new ArgumentError.value(null).toString()); Expect.equals("Invalid argument: 42", new ArgumentError.value(42).toString()); Expect.equals( "Invalid argument: \"bad\"", new ArgumentError.value("bad").toString()); Expect.equals("Invalid argument (foo): null", new ArgumentError.value(null, "foo").toString()); Expect.equals("Invalid argument (foo): 42", new ArgumentError.value(42, "foo").toString()); Expect.equals("Invalid argument (foo): message: 42", new ArgumentError.value(42, "foo", "message").toString()); Expect.equals("Invalid argument: message: 42", new ArgumentError.value(42, null, "message").toString()); Expect.equals("Invalid argument(s): Must not be null", new ArgumentError.notNull().toString()); Expect.equals("Invalid argument(s) (foo): Must not be null", new ArgumentError.notNull("foo").toString()); Expect.equals("RangeError", new RangeError(null).toString()); Expect.equals("RangeError: message", new RangeError("message").toString()); Expect.equals("RangeError: Value not in range: 42", new RangeError.value(42).toString()); Expect.equals("RangeError (foo): Value not in range: 42", new RangeError.value(42, "foo").toString()); Expect.equals("RangeError (foo): message: 42", new RangeError.value(42, "foo", "message").toString()); Expect.equals("RangeError: message: 42", new RangeError.value(42, null, "message").toString()); Expect.equals("RangeError: Invalid value: Not in inclusive range 2..9: 42", new RangeError.range(42, 2, 9).toString()); Expect.equals( "RangeError (foo): Invalid value: Not in inclusive range 2..9: 42", new RangeError.range(42, 2, 9, "foo").toString()); Expect.equals("RangeError (foo): message: Not in inclusive range 2..9: 42", new RangeError.range(42, 2, 9, "foo", "message").toString()); Expect.equals("RangeError: message: Not in inclusive range 2..9: 42", new RangeError.range(42, 2, 9, null, "message").toString()); Expect.equals( "RangeError: Index out of range: " "index should be less than 3: 42", new IndexError.withLength(42, 3, indexable: [1, 2, 3]).toString()); Expect.equals( "RangeError (foo): Index out of range: " "index should be less than 3: 42", new IndexError.withLength(42, 3, indexable: [1, 2, 3], name: "foo") .toString()); Expect.equals( "RangeError (foo): message: " "index should be less than 3: 42", new IndexError.withLength(42, 3, indexable: [1, 2, 3], name: "foo", message: "message") .toString()); Expect.equals( "RangeError: message: " "index should be less than 3: 42", new IndexError.withLength(42, 3, indexable: [1, 2, 3], message: "message") .toString()); Expect.equals( "RangeError (foo): message: " "index should be less than 2: 42", new IndexError.withLength(42, 2, indexable: [1, 2, 3], name: "foo", message: "message") .toString()); Expect.equals( "RangeError: Index out of range: " "index must not be negative: -5", new IndexError.withLength(-5, 3, indexable: [1, 2, 3]).toString()); Expect.equals(42, ArgumentError.checkNotNull(42)); Expect.equals(42, ArgumentError.checkNotNull(42, "name")); Expect.throwsArgumentError(() => ArgumentError.checkNotNull(null)); Expect.equals(1, RangeError.checkNotNegative(1)); Expect.equals(0, RangeError.checkNotNegative(0)); Expect.throwsRangeError(() => RangeError.checkNotNegative(-1)); Expect.equals(1, RangeError.checkValueInInterval(1, 0, 2)); Expect.equals(1, RangeError.checkValueInInterval(1, 1, 2)); Expect.equals(1, RangeError.checkValueInInterval(1, 0, 1)); Expect.equals(1, RangeError.checkValueInInterval(1, 1, 1)); Expect.throwsRangeError(() => RangeError.checkValueInInterval(1, 2, 3)); Expect.throwsRangeError(() => RangeError.checkValueInInterval(1, 1, 0)); Expect.throwsRangeError(() => RangeError.checkValueInInterval(0, 1, 0)); Expect.equals(1, IndexError.check(1, 2, indexable: [1, 2])); Expect.equals(1, IndexError.check(1, 2)); Expect.throwsRangeError(() => IndexError.check(1, 0, indexable: [])); Expect.throwsRangeError(() => IndexError.check(1, 1)); Expect.throwsRangeError(() => IndexError.check(-1, 3, indexable: [1, 2, 3])); Expect.throwsRangeError(() => IndexError.check(-1, 3)); }