Move two functions into PatternConverter.

Change-Id: I454d66d684e31709ec391c30d1bc344d6d31416a
Reviewed-by: Brian Wilkerson <>
Commit-Queue: Konstantin Shcheglov <>
This commit is contained in:
Konstantin Shcheglov 2023-02-28 17:08:47 +00:00 committed by Commit Queue
parent 032996f45c
commit fa95f287cd
2 changed files with 158 additions and 155 deletions

View file

@ -765,6 +765,10 @@ class ConstantVerifier extends RecursiveAstVisitor<void> {
var hasDefault = false;
// Build spaces for cases.
final patternConverter = PatternConverter(
cache: _exhaustivenessCache,
constantPatternValues: constantPatternValues,
for (final caseNode in caseNodes) {
GuardedPattern? guardedPattern;
if (caseNode is SwitchDefault) {
@ -783,9 +787,7 @@ class ConstantVerifier extends RecursiveAstVisitor<void> {
space = Space(_exhaustivenessCache.getUnknownStaticType());
} else {
final pattern = guardedPattern.pattern;
space = convertPatternToSpace(
_exhaustivenessCache, pattern, constantPatternValues,
nonNull: false);
space = patternConverter.convertPattern(pattern, nonNull: false);

View file

@ -19,158 +19,6 @@ import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/resolver/variance.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/constant.dart';
Space convertConstantValueToSpace(
AnalyzerExhaustivenessCache cache, DartObjectImpl constantValue) {
InstanceState state = constantValue.state;
if (constantValue.isNull) {
return Space.nullSpace;
} else if (state is BoolState && state.value != null) {
return Space(cache.getBoolValueStaticType(state.value!));
} else if (state is RecordState) {
Map<String, Space> fields = {};
for (int index = 0; index < state.positionalFields.length; index++) {
fields['\$${index + 1}'] =
convertConstantValueToSpace(cache, state.positionalFields[index]);
for (MapEntry<String, DartObjectImpl> entry in state.namedFields.entries) {
fields[entry.key] = convertConstantValueToSpace(cache, entry.value);
return Space(cache.getStaticType(constantValue.type), fields);
DartType type = constantValue.type;
if (type is InterfaceType && type.element.kind == ElementKind.ENUM) {
return Space(cache.getEnumElementStaticType(
type.element as EnumElement, constantValue));
return Space(
cache.getUniqueStaticType(type, constantValue, constantValue.toString()));
Space convertPatternToSpace(
AnalyzerExhaustivenessCache cache,
DartPattern pattern,
Map<ConstantPattern, DartObjectImpl> constantPatternValues,
{required bool nonNull}) {
if (pattern is DeclaredVariablePatternImpl) {
DartType type = pattern.declaredElement!.type;
StaticType staticType = cache.getStaticType(type);
if (nonNull) {
staticType = staticType.nonNullable;
return Space(staticType);
} else if (pattern is ObjectPattern) {
Map<String, Space> fields = {};
for (PatternField field in pattern.fields) {
PatternFieldName? fieldName =;
String? name;
if (fieldName?.name != null) {
name = fieldName!.name!.lexeme;
} else {
name = field.element?.name;
if (name == null) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): How do we handle error cases?
fields[name] = convertPatternToSpace(
cache, field.pattern, constantPatternValues,
nonNull: false);
final type = pattern.type.typeOrThrow;
StaticType staticType = cache.getStaticType(type);
if (nonNull) {
staticType = staticType.nonNullable;
return Space(staticType, fields);
} else if (pattern is WildcardPattern) {
final typeNode = pattern.type;
if (typeNode == null) {
if (nonNull) {
return Space(StaticType.nonNullableObject);
} else {
} else {
final type = typeNode.typeOrThrow;
StaticType staticType = cache.getStaticType(type);
if (nonNull) {
staticType = staticType.nonNullable;
return Space(staticType);
} else if (pattern is RecordPattern) {
int index = 1;
Map<String, Space> fields = {};
List<DartType> positional = [];
Map<String, DartType> named = {};
for (PatternField field in pattern.fields) {
PatternFieldName? fieldName = (field as PatternFieldImpl).name;
String? name;
if (fieldName == null) {
name = '\$${index++}';
} else {
if ( != null) {
name =!.lexeme;
} else {
name = field.pattern.variablePattern?.name.lexeme;
if (name != null) {
named[name] = cache.typeSystem.typeProvider.dynamicType;
} else {
// Error case, skip field.
fields[name] = convertPatternToSpace(
cache, field.pattern, constantPatternValues,
nonNull: false);
RecordType recordType = RecordType(
positional: positional,
named: named,
nullabilitySuffix: NullabilitySuffix.none);
return Space(cache.getStaticType(recordType), fields);
} else if (pattern is LogicalOrPattern) {
return Space.union([
convertPatternToSpace(cache, pattern.leftOperand, constantPatternValues,
nonNull: nonNull),
convertPatternToSpace(cache, pattern.rightOperand, constantPatternValues,
nonNull: nonNull)
} else if (pattern is NullCheckPattern) {
return convertPatternToSpace(cache, pattern.pattern, constantPatternValues,
nonNull: true);
} else if (pattern is ParenthesizedPattern) {
return convertPatternToSpace(cache, pattern.pattern, constantPatternValues,
nonNull: nonNull);
} else if (pattern is NullAssertPattern ||
pattern is CastPattern ||
pattern is RelationalPattern ||
pattern is LogicalAndPattern) {
// These pattern do not add to the exhaustiveness coverage.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Handle `Null` aspect implicitly covered by
// [NullAssertPattern] and `as Null`.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Handle top in [AndPattern] branches.
return Space(cache.getUnknownStaticType());
} else if (pattern is ListPattern || pattern is MapPattern) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Support list and map patterns. This not only
// requires a new interpretation of [Space] fields that handles the
// relation between concrete lengths, rest patterns with/without
// subpattern, and list/map of arbitrary size and content, but also for the
// runtime to check for lengths < 0.
return Space(cache.getUnknownStaticType());
} else if (pattern is ConstantPattern) {
DartObjectImpl? value = constantPatternValues[pattern];
if (value != null) {
return convertConstantValueToSpace(cache, value);
return Space(cache.getUnknownStaticType());
assert(false, "Unexpected pattern $pattern (${pattern.runtimeType})");
return Space(cache.getUnknownStaticType());
class AnalyzerEnumOperations
implements EnumOperations<DartType, EnumElement, FieldElement, DartObject> {
const AnalyzerEnumOperations();
@ -442,6 +290,159 @@ class ExhaustivenessDataForTesting {
Map<AstNode, ExhaustivenessError> errors = {};
class PatternConverter {
final AnalyzerExhaustivenessCache cache;
final Map<ConstantPattern, DartObjectImpl> constantPatternValues;
required this.cache,
required this.constantPatternValues,
Space convertPattern(
DartPattern pattern, {
required bool nonNull,
}) {
if (pattern is DeclaredVariablePatternImpl) {
DartType type = pattern.declaredElement!.type;
StaticType staticType = cache.getStaticType(type);
if (nonNull) {
staticType = staticType.nonNullable;
return Space(staticType);
} else if (pattern is ObjectPattern) {
Map<String, Space> fields = {};
for (PatternField field in pattern.fields) {
PatternFieldName? fieldName =;
String? name;
if (fieldName?.name != null) {
name = fieldName!.name!.lexeme;
} else {
name = field.element?.name;
if (name == null) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): How do we handle error cases?
fields[name] = convertPattern(field.pattern, nonNull: false);
final type = pattern.type.typeOrThrow;
StaticType staticType = cache.getStaticType(type);
if (nonNull) {
staticType = staticType.nonNullable;
return Space(staticType, fields);
} else if (pattern is WildcardPattern) {
final typeNode = pattern.type;
if (typeNode == null) {
if (nonNull) {
return Space(StaticType.nonNullableObject);
} else {
} else {
final type = typeNode.typeOrThrow;
StaticType staticType = cache.getStaticType(type);
if (nonNull) {
staticType = staticType.nonNullable;
return Space(staticType);
} else if (pattern is RecordPattern) {
int index = 1;
Map<String, Space> fields = {};
List<DartType> positional = [];
Map<String, DartType> named = {};
for (PatternField field in pattern.fields) {
PatternFieldName? fieldName = (field as PatternFieldImpl).name;
String? name;
if (fieldName == null) {
name = '\$${index++}';
} else {
if ( != null) {
name =!.lexeme;
} else {
name = field.pattern.variablePattern?.name.lexeme;
if (name != null) {
named[name] = cache.typeSystem.typeProvider.dynamicType;
} else {
// Error case, skip field.
fields[name] = convertPattern(field.pattern, nonNull: false);
RecordType recordType = RecordType(
positional: positional,
named: named,
nullabilitySuffix: NullabilitySuffix.none);
return Space(cache.getStaticType(recordType), fields);
} else if (pattern is LogicalOrPattern) {
return Space.union([
convertPattern(pattern.leftOperand, nonNull: nonNull),
convertPattern(pattern.rightOperand, nonNull: nonNull)
} else if (pattern is NullCheckPattern) {
return convertPattern(pattern.pattern, nonNull: true);
} else if (pattern is ParenthesizedPattern) {
return convertPattern(pattern.pattern, nonNull: nonNull);
} else if (pattern is NullAssertPattern ||
pattern is CastPattern ||
pattern is RelationalPattern ||
pattern is LogicalAndPattern) {
// These pattern do not add to the exhaustiveness coverage.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Handle `Null` aspect implicitly covered by
// [NullAssertPattern] and `as Null`.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Handle top in [AndPattern] branches.
return Space(cache.getUnknownStaticType());
} else if (pattern is ListPattern || pattern is MapPattern) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Support list and map patterns. This not only
// requires a new interpretation of [Space] fields that handles the
// relation between concrete lengths, rest patterns with/without
// subpattern, and list/map of arbitrary size and content, but also for the
// runtime to check for lengths < 0.
return Space(cache.getUnknownStaticType());
} else if (pattern is ConstantPattern) {
DartObjectImpl? value = constantPatternValues[pattern];
if (value != null) {
return _convertConstantValue(value);
return Space(cache.getUnknownStaticType());
assert(false, "Unexpected pattern $pattern (${pattern.runtimeType})");
return Space(cache.getUnknownStaticType());
Space _convertConstantValue(DartObjectImpl constantValue) {
InstanceState state = constantValue.state;
if (constantValue.isNull) {
return Space.nullSpace;
} else if (state is BoolState && state.value != null) {
return Space(cache.getBoolValueStaticType(state.value!));
} else if (state is RecordState) {
Map<String, Space> fields = {};
for (int index = 0; index < state.positionalFields.length; index++) {
fields['\$${index + 1}'] =
for (MapEntry<String, DartObjectImpl> entry
in state.namedFields.entries) {
fields[entry.key] = _convertConstantValue(entry.value);
return Space(cache.getStaticType(constantValue.type), fields);
DartType type = constantValue.type;
if (type is InterfaceType && type.element.kind == ElementKind.ENUM) {
return Space(cache.getEnumElementStaticType(
type.element as EnumElement, constantValue));
return Space(cache.getUniqueStaticType(
type, constantValue, constantValue.toString()));
class TypeParameterReplacer extends ReplacementVisitor {
final TypeSystemImpl _typeSystem;
Variance _variance = Variance.covariant;