Change Expect.identical(NaN, x) to not assume NaNs are identical.

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git-svn-id: 260f80e4-7a28-3924-810f-c04153c831b5
This commit is contained in: 2013-11-26 10:32:51 +00:00
parent c4ca0bf072
commit ef66be8610
3 changed files with 17 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -45,8 +45,6 @@ patch class double {
if (onError == null) throw new FormatException(str);
return onError(str);
// Parse can create a NaN that is not identical to double.NAN.
if (result.isNaN) return NAN;
return result;

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@ -34,17 +34,25 @@ const whiteSpace = const [
void expectNumEquals(num expect, num actual, String message) {
if (expect is double && expect.isNaN) {
Expect.isTrue(actual is double && actual.isNaN, "isNaN: $message");
} else {
Expect.identical(expect, actual, message);
void testParse(String source, num result) {
for (String ws1 in whiteSpace) {
for (String ws2 in whiteSpace) {
String padded = "$ws1$source$ws2";
// Use Expect.identical because it also handles NaN and 0.0/-0.0.
// Except on dart2js:
Expect.identical(result, num.parse(padded), "parse '$padded'");
expectNumEquals(result, num.parse(padded), "parse '$padded'");
padded = "$ws1$ws2$source";
Expect.identical(result, num.parse(padded), "parse '$padded'");
expectNumEquals(result, num.parse(padded), "parse '$padded'");
padded = "$source$ws1$ws2";
Expect.identical(result, num.parse(padded), "parse '$padded'");
expectNumEquals(result, num.parse(padded), "parse '$padded'");

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@ -66,18 +66,18 @@ main() {
for (var d in samples) {
// otherwise, if either `x` or `y` is NaN then the result is NaN.
if (d != 0.0) Expect.identical(NaN, pow(NaN, d), "$d");
if (d != 1.0) Expect.identical(NaN, pow(d, NaN), "$d");
if (d != 0.0) Expect.isTrue(pow(NaN, d).isNaN, "$d");
if (d != 1.0) Expect.isTrue(pow(d, NaN).isNaN, "$d");
for (var d in samples) {
// if `x` is a finite and strictly negative and `y` is a finite non-integer,
// the result is NaN.
if (d < 0 && !d.isInfinite) {
Expect.identical(NaN, pow(d, 0.5), "$d");
Expect.identical(NaN, pow(d, -0.5), "$d");
Expect.identical(NaN, pow(d, 1.5), "$d");
Expect.identical(NaN, pow(d, -1.5), "$d");
Expect.isTrue(pow(d, 0.5).isNaN, "$d");
Expect.isTrue(pow(d, -0.5).isNaN, "$d");
Expect.isTrue(pow(d, 1.5).isNaN, "$d");
Expect.isTrue(pow(d, -1.5).isNaN, "$d");