Revert "Refactor type propagation."

This reverts commit r6599.


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git-svn-id: 260f80e4-7a28-3924-810f-c04153c831b5
This commit is contained in: 2012-04-16 20:06:00 +00:00
parent 31e2a0b5ee
commit ec2bc38e45
7 changed files with 225 additions and 418 deletions

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@ -276,9 +276,7 @@ class SsaTypeGuardBuilder extends HBaseVisitor implements OptimizationPhase {
bool shouldCaptureEnvironment(HInstruction instruction) {
HType propagatedType = instruction.propagatedType;
return propagatedType.isUseful()
&& propagatedType != instruction.computeTypeFromInputTypes();
return instruction.type.isKnown() && !instruction.hasExpectedType();
void insertCapturedEnvironments() {

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@ -788,8 +788,7 @@ class HType {
bool isNumber() => (this.flag & (FLAG_INTEGER | FLAG_DOUBLE)) != 0;
bool isStringOrArray() =>
(this.flag & (FLAG_STRING | FLAG_READABLE_ARRAY)) != 0;
/** A type is useful it is not unknown and not conflicting. */
bool isUseful() => this !== UNKNOWN && this !== CONFLICTING;
bool isKnown() => this !== UNKNOWN && this !== CONFLICTING;
static HType getTypeFromFlag(int flag) {
if (flag === CONFLICTING.flag) return CONFLICTING;
@ -837,6 +836,7 @@ class HInstruction implements Hashable {
HInstruction previous = null;
HInstruction next = null;
int flags = 0;
HType type = HType.UNKNOWN;
// Changes flags.
static final int FLAG_CHANGES_SOMETHING = 0;
@ -848,11 +848,7 @@ class HInstruction implements Hashable {
// Other flags.
: id = idCounter++,
usedBy = <HInstruction>[] {
if (guaranteedType.isUseful()) propagatedType = guaranteedType;
HInstruction(this.inputs) : id = idCounter++, usedBy = <HInstruction>[];
int hashCode() => id;
@ -874,68 +870,24 @@ class HInstruction implements Hashable {
// Does this node potentially affect control flow.
bool isControlFlow() => false;
// All isFunctions work on the propagated types.
bool isArray() => propagatedType.isArray();
bool isMutableArray() => propagatedType.isMutableArray();
bool isBoolean() => propagatedType.isBoolean();
bool isInteger() => propagatedType.isInteger();
bool isDouble() => propagatedType.isDouble();
bool isNumber() => propagatedType.isNumber();
bool isString() => propagatedType.isString();
bool isTypeUnknown() => propagatedType.isUnknown();
bool isStringOrArray() => propagatedType.isStringOrArray();
bool isArray() => type.isArray();
bool isMutableArray() => type.isMutableArray();
bool isBoolean() => type.isBoolean();
bool isInteger() => type.isInteger();
bool isNumber() => type.isNumber();
bool isString() => type.isString();
bool isTypeUnknown() => type.isUnknown();
bool isStringOrArray() => type.isStringOrArray();
* This is the type the instruction is guaranteed to have. It does not
* take any propagation into account.
HType get guaranteedType() => HType.UNKNOWN;
bool hasGuaranteedType() => !guaranteedType.isUnknown();
// Compute the type of the instruction.
HType computeType() => HType.UNKNOWN;
* The [propagatedType] is the type the instruction is assumed to have.
* Without speculative type assumptions it is computed frome the propagated
* type of the instruction's inputs and does not any guess work.
* With speculative types [computeTypeFromInputTypes()] and [propagatedType]
* may differ. In this case the instruction's type must be guarded.
* Note that the [propagatedType] may only be set to [HType.CONFLICTING] with
* speculative types (as otherwise the instruction either sets the output
* type to [HType.UNKNOWN] or a specific type.
HType propagatedType = HType.UNKNOWN;
HType computeDesiredInputType(HInstruction input) => HType.UNKNOWN;
* Some instructions have a good idea of their return type, but cannot
* guarantee the type. The [likelyType] does not need to be more specialized
* than the [propagatedType].
* Examples: the [likelyType] of [:x == y:] is a boolean. In most cases this
* cannot be guaranteed, but when merging types we still want to use this
* information.
* Similarily the [HAdd] instruction is likely a number. Note that, even if
* the [propagatedType] is already set to integer, the [likelyType] still
* might just return the number type.
HType get likelyType() => propagatedType;
* Compute the type of the instruction by propagating the input types through
* the instruction.
* By default just copy the guaranteed type.
HType computeTypeFromInputTypes() => guaranteedType;
* Compute the desired type for the the given [input]. Aside from using
* other inputs to compute the desired type one should also use
* the [propagatedType] which, during the invocation of this method,
* represents the desired type of [this].
HType computeDesiredTypeForInput(HInstruction input) => HType.UNKNOWN;
// Returns whether the instruction does produce the type it claims.
// For most instructions, this returns false. A type guard will be
// inserted to make sure the users get the right type in.
bool hasExpectedType() => false;
bool isInBasicBlock() => block !== null;
@ -1049,7 +1001,8 @@ class HBoolify extends HInstruction {
HType get guaranteedType() => HType.BOOLEAN;
HType computeType() => HType.BOOLEAN;
bool hasExpectedType() => true;
accept(HVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitBoolify(this);
int typeCode() => 0;
@ -1077,16 +1030,21 @@ class HTypeGuard extends HInstruction {
HInstruction get guarded() => inputs.last();
HType computeType() => type;
bool hasExpectedType() => true;
bool isControlFlow() => true;
accept(HVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitTypeGuard(this);
int typeCode() => 1;
bool typeEquals(other) => other is HTypeGuard;
bool dataEquals(HTypeGuard other) => propagatedType == other.propagatedType;
bool dataEquals(HTypeGuard other) => type == other.type;
class HBoundsCheck extends HCheck {
HBoundsCheck(length, index) : super(<HInstruction>[length, index]);
HBoundsCheck(length, index) : super(<HInstruction>[length, index]) {
type = HType.INTEGER;
HInstruction get length() => inputs[0];
HInstruction get index() => inputs[1];
@ -1096,7 +1054,8 @@ class HBoundsCheck extends HCheck {
HType get guaranteedType() => HType.INTEGER;
HType computeType() => HType.INTEGER;
bool hasExpectedType() => true;
accept(HVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitBoundsCheck(this);
int typeCode() => 2;
@ -1114,7 +1073,8 @@ class HIntegerCheck extends HCheck {
HType get guaranteedType() => HType.INTEGER;
HType computeType() => HType.INTEGER;
bool hasExpectedType() => true;
accept(HVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitIntegerCheck(this);
int typeCode() => 3;
@ -1219,24 +1179,15 @@ class HInvokeStatic extends HInvoke {
&& == 'List');
HType get guaranteedType() {
HType computeType() {
if (isArrayConstructor()) {
return HType.UNKNOWN;
HType computeDesiredTypeForInput(HInstruction input) {
// TODO(floitsch): we want the target to be a function.
if (input == target) return HType.UNKNOWN;
return computeDesiredTypeForNonTargetInput(input);
HType computeDesiredTypeForNonTargetInput(HInstruction input) {
return HType.UNKNOWN;
bool get builtin() => isArrayConstructor();
bool hasExpectedType() => isArrayConstructor();
class HInvokeSuper extends HInvokeStatic {
@ -1257,14 +1208,10 @@ class HInvokeInterceptor extends HInvokeStatic {
toString() => 'invoke interceptor: ${}';
accept(HVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitInvokeInterceptor(this);
bool isLengthGetterOnStringOrArray() {
return getter
&& name == const SourceString('length')
&& inputs[1].isStringOrArray();
String get builtinJsName() {
if (isLengthGetterOnStringOrArray()) {
if (getter
&& name == const SourceString('length')
&& inputs[1].isStringOrArray()) {
return 'length';
} else if (name == const SourceString('add')
&& inputs[1].isMutableArray()) {
@ -1276,23 +1223,17 @@ class HInvokeInterceptor extends HInvokeStatic {
return null;
HType get guaranteedType() => HType.UNKNOWN;
HType get likelyType() {
// In general a length getter or method returns an int.
if (name == const SourceString('length')) return HType.INTEGER;
HType computeType() {
if (getter
&& name == const SourceString('length')
&& inputs[1].isStringOrArray()) {
return HType.INTEGER;
return HType.UNKNOWN;
HType computeTypeFromInputTypes() {
if (isLengthGetterOnStringOrArray()) return HType.INTEGER;
return HType.UNKNOWN;
HType computeDesiredTypeForNonTargetInput(HInstruction input) {
// If the first argument is a string or an array and we invoke methods
// on it that mutate it, then we want to restrict the incoming type to be
// a mutable array.
HType computeDesiredInputType(HInstruction input) {
if (input == inputs[0]) return HType.UNKNOWN;
if (input == inputs[1] && input.isStringOrArray()) {
if (name == const SourceString('add')
|| name == const SourceString('removeLast')) {
@ -1302,8 +1243,10 @@ class HInvokeInterceptor extends HInvokeStatic {
return HType.UNKNOWN;
bool hasExpectedType() => builtinJsName != null;
void prepareGvn() {
if (isLengthGetterOnStringOrArray()) {
if (builtinJsName == 'length') {
} else {
@ -1346,13 +1289,12 @@ class HFieldSet extends HInstruction {
class HForeign extends HInstruction {
final DartString code;
final HType foreignType;
HForeign(this.code, DartString declaredType, List<HInstruction> inputs)
: foreignType = computeTypeFromDeclaredType(declaredType),
final DartString declaredType;
HForeign(this.code, this.declaredType, List<HInstruction> inputs)
: super(inputs);
accept(HVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitForeign(this);
static HType computeTypeFromDeclaredType(DartString declaredType) {
HType computeType() {
if (declaredType.slowToString() == 'bool') return HType.BOOLEAN;
if (declaredType.slowToString() == 'int') return HType.INTEGER;
if (declaredType.slowToString() == 'num') return HType.NUMBER;
@ -1360,7 +1302,7 @@ class HForeign extends HInstruction {
return HType.UNKNOWN;
HType get guaranteedType() => foreignType;
bool hasExpectedType() => true;
class HForeignNew extends HForeign {
@ -1378,6 +1320,15 @@ class HInvokeBinary extends HInvokeStatic {
HInstruction get left() => inputs[1];
HInstruction get right() => inputs[2];
HType computeInputsType() {
HType leftType = left.type;
HType rightType = right.type;
if (leftType.isUnknown() || rightType.isUnknown()) {
return HType.UNKNOWN;
return leftType.combine(rightType);
abstract BinaryOperation get operation();
@ -1399,33 +1350,22 @@ class HBinaryArithmetic extends HInvokeBinary {
bool get builtin() => left.isNumber() && right.isNumber();
HType computeTypeFromInputTypes() {
if (left.isInteger() && right.isInteger()) return left.propagatedType;
if (left.isNumber()) {
if (left.isDouble() || right.isDouble()) return HType.DOUBLE;
return HType.NUMBER;
HType computeType() {
HType inputsType = computeInputsType();
if (inputsType.isKnown()) return inputsType;
if (left.isNumber()) return HType.NUMBER;
return HType.UNKNOWN;
HType computeDesiredTypeForNonTargetInput(HInstruction input) {
// If the desired output type should be an integer we want to get two
// integers as arguments.
if (propagatedType.isInteger()) return HType.INTEGER;
// If the outgoing type should be a number we can get that if both inputs
// are numbers. If we don't know the outgoing type we try to make it a
// number.
if (propagatedType.isUnknown() || propagatedType.isNumber()) {
return HType.NUMBER;
return HType.UNKNOWN;
HType get likelyType() {
if (left.isTypeUnknown()) return HType.NUMBER;
HType computeDesiredInputType(HInstruction input) {
// TODO(floitsch): we want the target to be a function.
if (input == target) return HType.UNKNOWN;
if (isNumber() || left.isNumber() || right.isNumber()) return HType.NUMBER;
if (type.isUnknown()) return HType.NUMBER;
return HType.UNKNOWN;
bool hasExpectedType() => left.isNumber() && right.isNumber();
// TODO(1603): The class should be marked as abstract.
abstract BinaryOperation get operation();
@ -1441,38 +1381,24 @@ class HAdd extends HBinaryArithmetic {
|| (left.isString() && right is HConstant);
HType computeTypeFromInputTypes() {
if (left.isInteger() && right.isInteger()) return left.propagatedType;
if (left.isNumber()) {
if (left.isDouble() || right.isDouble()) return HType.DOUBLE;
return HType.NUMBER;
if (left.isString()) return HType.STRING;
HType computeType() {
HType computedType = computeInputsType();
if (computedType.isConflicting() && left.isString()) return HType.STRING;
if (computedType.isKnown()) return computedType;
if (left.isNumber()) return HType.NUMBER;
return HType.UNKNOWN;
HType computeDesiredTypeForNonTargetInput(HInstruction input) {
// If the desired output type is an integer we want two integers as input.
if (propagatedType.isInteger()) {
return HType.INTEGER;
// TODO(floitsch): remove string specialization once string+ is removed
// from dart2js.
if (propagatedType.isString() || left.isString() || right.isString()) {
return HType.STRING;
// If the desired output is a number or any of the inputs is a number
// ask for a number. Note that we might return the input's (say 'left')
// type depending on its (the 'left's) type. But that shouldn't matter.
if (propagatedType.isNumber() || left.isNumber() || right.isNumber()) {
return HType.NUMBER;
return HType.UNKNOWN;
bool hasExpectedType() => builtin || type.isUnknown() || left.isString();
HType get likelyType() {
if (left.isString() || right.isString()) return HType.STRING;
if (left.isTypeUnknown() || left.isNumber()) return HType.NUMBER;
HType computeDesiredInputType(HInstruction input) {
// TODO(floitsch): we want the target to be a function.
if (input == target) return HType.UNKNOWN;
if (isString() || left.isString()) {
return (input == left) ? HType.STRING : HType.UNKNOWN;
if (right.isString()) return HType.STRING;
if (isNumber() || left.isNumber() || right.isNumber()) return HType.NUMBER;
return HType.UNKNOWN;
@ -1490,17 +1416,12 @@ class HDivide extends HBinaryArithmetic {
bool get builtin() => left.isNumber() && right.isNumber();
HType computeTypeFromInputTypes() {
HType computeType() {
HType inputsType = computeInputsType();
if (left.isNumber()) return HType.DOUBLE;
return HType.UNKNOWN;
HType computeDesiredTypeForNonTargetInput(HInstruction input) {
// A division can never return an integer. So don't ask for integer inputs.
if (propagatedType.isInteger()) return HType.UNKNOWN;
return super.computeDesiredTypeForNonTargetInput(input);
DivideOperation get operation() => const DivideOperation();
int typeCode() => 6;
bool typeEquals(other) => other is HDivide;
@ -1561,24 +1482,17 @@ class HBinaryBitOp extends HBinaryArithmetic {
bool get builtin() => left.isInteger() && right.isInteger();
HType computeTypeFromInputTypes() {
HType computeType() {
HType inputsType = computeInputsType();
if (inputsType.isKnown()) return inputsType;
if (left.isInteger()) return HType.INTEGER;
return HType.UNKNOWN;
HType computeDesiredTypeForNonTargetInput(HInstruction input) {
// If the outgoing type should be a number we can get that only if both
// inputs are integers. If we don't know the outgoing type we try to make
// it an integer.
if (propagatedType.isUnknown() || propagatedType.isNumber()) {
return HType.INTEGER;
return HType.UNKNOWN;
HType get likelyType() {
if (left.isTypeUnknown()) return HType.INTEGER;
return HType.UNKNOWN;
HType computeDesiredInputType(HInstruction input) {
// TODO(floitsch): we want the target to be a function.
if (input == target) return HType.UNKNOWN;
return HType.INTEGER;
// TODO(floitsch): make class abstract instead of adding an abstract method.
@ -1660,22 +1574,20 @@ class HInvokeUnary extends HInvokeStatic {
bool get builtin() => operand.isNumber();
HType computeTypeFromInputTypes() {
HType operandType = operand.propagatedType;
if (operandType.isNumber()) return operandType;
HType computeType() {
HType operandType = operand.type;
if (!operandType.isUnknown()) return operandType;
return HType.UNKNOWN;
HType computeDesiredTypeForNonTargetInput(HInstruction input) {
// If the outgoing type should be a number (integer, double or both) we
// want the outgoing type to be the input too.
// If we don't know the outgoing type we try to make it a number.
if (propagatedType.isNumber()) return propagatedType;
if (propagatedType.isUnknown()) return HType.NUMBER;
HType computeDesiredInputType(HInstruction input) {
// TODO(floitsch): we want the target to be a function.
if (input == target) return HType.UNKNOWN;
if (type.isUnknown() || type.isNumber()) return HType.NUMBER;
return HType.UNKNOWN;
HType get likelyType() => HType.NUMBER;
bool hasExpectedType() => builtin || type.isUnknown();
abstract UnaryOperation get operation();
@ -1696,19 +1608,16 @@ class HBitNot extends HInvokeUnary {
bool get builtin() => operand.isInteger();
HType computeTypeFromInputTypes() {
HType operandType = operand.propagatedType;
if (operandType.isInteger()) return HType.INTEGER;
HType computeType() {
HType operandType = operand.type;
if (!operandType.isUnknown()) return operandType;
return HType.UNKNOWN;
HType computeDesiredTypeForNonTargetInput(HInstruction input) {
// Bit operations only work on integers. If there is no desired output
// type or if it as a number we want to get an integer as input.
if (propagatedType.isUnknown() || propagatedType.isNumber()) {
return HType.INTEGER;
return HType.UNKNOWN;
HType computeDesiredInputType(HInstruction input) {
// TODO(floitsch): we want the target to be a function.
if (input == target) return HType.UNKNOWN;
return HType.INTEGER;
BitNotOperation get operation() => const BitNotOperation();
@ -1797,9 +1706,9 @@ class HLoopBranch extends HConditionalBranch {
class HConstant extends HInstruction {
final Constant constant;
final HType constantType;
HConstant.internal(this.constant, HType this.constantType)
: super(<HInstruction>[]);
HConstant.internal(this.constant, HType type) : super(<HInstruction>[]) {
this.type = type;
void prepareGvn() {
@ -1807,8 +1716,9 @@ class HConstant extends HInstruction {
toString() => 'literal: $constant';
accept(HVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitConstant(this);
HType computeType() => type;
HType get guaranteedType() => constantType;
bool hasExpectedType() => true;
bool isConstant() => true;
bool isConstantBoolean() => constant.isBool();
@ -1827,10 +1737,11 @@ class HNot extends HInstruction {
HType get guaranteedType() => HType.BOOLEAN;
// 'Not' only works on booleans. That's what we want as input.
HType computeDesiredTypeForInput(HInstruction input) => HType.BOOLEAN;
HType computeType() => HType.BOOLEAN;
bool hasExpectedType() => true;
HType computeDesiredInputType(HInstruction input) {
return HType.BOOLEAN;
accept(HVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitNot(this);
int typeCode() => 18;
@ -1886,48 +1797,35 @@ class HPhi extends HInstruction {
// have the same known type return it. If any two inputs have
// different known types, we'll return a conflict -- otherwise we'll
// simply return an unknown type.
HType computeInputsType(bool unknownWins) {
HType computeInputsType() {
bool seenUnknown = false;
HType candidateType = inputs[0].propagatedType;
HType candidateType = inputs[0].type;
for (int i = 1, length = inputs.length; i < length; i++) {
HType inputType = inputs[i].propagatedType;
if (inputType.isUnknown()) {
seenUnknown = true;
} else {
candidateType = candidateType.combine(inputType);
if (candidateType.isConflicting()) return HType.CONFLICTING;
HType inputType = inputs[i].type;
if (inputType.isUnknown()) return HType.UNKNOWN;
candidateType = candidateType.combine(inputType);
if (candidateType.isConflicting()) return HType.CONFLICTING;
if (seenUnknown && unknownWins) return HType.UNKNOWN;
return candidateType;
HType computeTypeFromInputTypes() {
HType inputsType = computeInputsType(true);
if (inputsType.isConflicting()) return HType.UNKNOWN;
return inputsType;
HType computeType() {
HType inputsType = computeInputsType();
if (!inputsType.isUnknown()) return inputsType;
return super.computeType();
HType computeDesiredTypeForInput(HInstruction input) {
// Best case scenario for a phi is, when all inputs have the same type. If
// there is no desired outgoing type we therefore try to unify the input
// types (which is basically the [likelyType]).
if (propagatedType.isUnknown()) return likelyType;
// When the desired outgoing type is conflicting we don't need to give any
// requirements on the inputs.
if (propagatedType.isConflicting()) return HType.UNKNOWN;
// Otherwise the input type must match the desired outgoing type.
return propagatedType;
HType computeDesiredInputType(HInstruction input) {
if (type.isNumber()) return HType.NUMBER;
if (type.isStringOrArray()) return HType.STRING_OR_ARRAY;
return type;
HType get likelyType() {
HType agreedType = computeInputsType(false);
if (agreedType.isConflicting()) return HType.UNKNOWN;
// Don't be too restrictive. If the agreed type is integer or double just
// say that the likely type is number. If more is expected the type will be
// propagated back.
if (agreedType.isNumber()) return HType.NUMBER;
return agreedType;
bool hasExpectedType() {
for (int i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
if (type.combine(inputs[i].type).isConflicting()) return false;
return true;
bool isLogicalOperator() => logicalOperatorType != IS_NOT_LOGICAL_OPERATOR;
@ -1945,7 +1843,9 @@ class HPhi extends HInstruction {
class HRelational extends HInvokeBinary {
HRelational(HStatic target, HInstruction left, HInstruction right)
: super(target, left, right);
: super(target, left, right) {
type = HType.BOOLEAN;
void prepareGvn() {
// Relational expressions can take part in global value numbering
@ -1959,24 +1859,19 @@ class HRelational extends HInvokeBinary {
HType computeTypeFromInputTypes() {
if (left.isNumber()) return HType.BOOLEAN;
return HType.UNKNOWN;
HType computeDesiredInputType(HInstruction input) {
// TODO(floitsch): we want the target to be a function.
if (input == target) return HType.UNKNOWN;
// For all relational operations exept HEquals, we expect to only
// get numbers.
return HType.NUMBER;
HType computeDesiredTypeForNonTargetInput(HInstruction input) {
// For all relational operations exept HEquals, we expect to get numbers
// only. With numbers the outgoing type is a boolean. If something else
// is desired, then numbers are incorrect, though.
if (propagatedType.isUnknown() || propagatedType.isBoolean()) {
if (left.isTypeUnknown() || left.isNumber()) return HType.NUMBER;
return HType.UNKNOWN;
HType get likelyType() => HType.BOOLEAN;
bool get builtin() => left.isNumber() && right.isNumber();
HType computeType() => HType.BOOLEAN;
// A HRelational goes through the builtin operator or the top level
// element. Therefore, it always has the expected type.
bool hasExpectedType() => true;
// TODO(1603): the class should be marked as abstract.
abstract BinaryOperation get operation();
@ -1987,37 +1882,20 @@ class HEquals extends HRelational {
accept(HVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitEquals(this);
bool get builtin() {
// All useful types have === semantics.
// Note that this includes all constants except the user-constructed
// objects.
return left.isConstantNull() || left.propagatedType.isUseful();
if (left.isNumber() && right.isNumber()) return true;
if (left is !HConstant) return false;
HConstant leftConstant = left;
// TODO(floitsch): we can do better if we know that the constant does not
// have the equality operator overridden.
return !leftConstant.constant.isConstructedObject();
HType computeTypeFromInputTypes() {
if (builtin) return HType.BOOLEAN;
return HType.UNKNOWN;
HType computeType() => HType.BOOLEAN;
HType computeDesiredTypeForNonTargetInput(HInstruction input) {
if (input == left && right.propagatedType.isUseful()) {
// All our useful types have === semantics. But we don't want to
// speculatively test for all possible types. Therefore we try to match
// the two types. That is, if we see x == 3, then we speculatively test
// if x is a number and bailout if it isn't.
if (right.isNumber()) return HType.NUMBER; // No need to be more precise.
// String equality testing is much more common than array equality
// testing.
if (right.isStringOrArray()) return HType.STRING;
return right.propagatedType;
// String equality testing is much more common than array equality testing.
if (input == left && left.isStringOrArray()) {
// String equality testing is much more common than array equality testing.
if (input == right && right.isStringOrArray()) {
return HType.STRING;
HType computeDesiredInputType(HInstruction input) {
// TODO(floitsch): we want the target to be a function.
if (input == target) return HType.UNKNOWN;
if (left.isNumber() || right.isNumber()) return HType.NUMBER;
return HType.UNKNOWN;
@ -2033,11 +1911,10 @@ class HIdentity extends HRelational {
accept(HVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitIdentity(this);
bool get builtin() => true;
HType computeType() => HType.BOOLEAN;
bool hasExpectedType() => true;
HType get guaranteedType() => HType.BOOLEAN;
HType computeTypeFromInputTypes() => HType.BOOLEAN;
// Note that the identity operator really does not care for its input types.
HType computeDesiredTypeForInput(HInstruction input) => HType.UNKNOWN;
HType computeDesiredInputType(HInstruction input) => HType.UNKNOWN;
IdentityOperation get operation() => const IdentityOperation();
int typeCode() => 20;
@ -2137,8 +2014,8 @@ class HLiteralList extends HInstruction {
HLiteralList(inputs) : super(inputs);
toString() => 'literal list';
accept(HVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitLiteralList(this);
HType get guaranteedType() => HType.MUTABLE_ARRAY;
HType computeType() => HType.MUTABLE_ARRAY;
bool hasExpectedType() => true;
void prepareGvn() {
@ -2162,18 +2039,16 @@ class HIndex extends HInvokeStatic {
HInstruction get receiver() => inputs[1];
HInstruction get index() => inputs[2];
HType computeDesiredTypeForNonTargetInput(HInstruction input) {
if (input == receiver && (index.isTypeUnknown() || index.isNumber())) {
// The index should be an int when the receiver is a string or array.
// However it turns out that inserting an integer check in the optimized
// version is cheaper than having another bailout case. This is true,
// because the integer check will simply throw if it fails.
HType computeDesiredInputType(HInstruction input) {
// TODO(floitsch): we want the target to be a function.
if (input == target) return HType.UNKNOWN;
if (input == receiver) return HType.STRING_OR_ARRAY;
return HType.UNKNOWN;
bool get builtin() => receiver.isStringOrArray() && index.isInteger();
bool get builtin() => receiver.isStringOrArray();
HType computeType() => HType.UNKNOWN;
bool hasExpectedType() => false;
class HIndexAssign extends HInvokeStatic {
@ -2190,21 +2065,18 @@ class HIndexAssign extends HInvokeStatic {
HInstruction get index() => inputs[2];
HInstruction get value() => inputs[3];
// Note, that we don't have a computeTypeFromInputTypes, since [HIndexAssign]
// is never used as input.
HType computeDesiredTypeForNonTargetInput(HInstruction input) {
if (input == receiver && (index.isTypeUnknown() || index.isNumber())) {
// The index should be an int when the receiver is a string or array.
// However it turns out that inserting an integer check in the optimized
// version is cheaper than having another bailout case. This is true,
// because the integer check will simply throw if it fails.
HType computeDesiredInputType(HInstruction input) {
// TODO(floitsch): we want the target to be a function.
if (input == target) return HType.UNKNOWN;
if (input == receiver) return HType.MUTABLE_ARRAY;
return HType.UNKNOWN;
bool get builtin() => receiver.isMutableArray() && index.isInteger();
bool get builtin() => receiver.isMutableArray();
HType computeType() => value.type;
// This instruction does not yield a new value, so it always
// has the expected type (void).
bool hasExpectedType() => true;
class HIs extends HInstruction {
@ -2216,7 +2088,8 @@ class HIs extends HInstruction {
HInstruction get expression() => inputs[0];
HType get guaranteedType() => HType.BOOLEAN;
HType computeType() => HType.BOOLEAN;
bool hasExpectedType() => true;
accept(HVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitIs(this);

View file

@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ class SsaOptimizerTask extends CompilerTask {
// propagate types from the instruction to the type guard. We do it
// now to be able to optimize further.
work.guards.forEach((HTypeGuard guard) {
guard.propagatedType = guard.guarded.propagatedType;
guard.guarded.propagatedType = HType.UNKNOWN;
guard.type = guard.guarded.type;
guard.guarded.type = HType.UNKNOWN;
// We also need to insert range and integer checks for the type guards,
// now that they know their type. We did not need to do that
@ -99,8 +99,8 @@ class SsaConstantFolder extends HBaseVisitor implements OptimizationPhase {
// If the replacement instruction does not know its type yet,
// use the type of the instruction.
if (!replacement.propagatedType.isUseful()) {
replacement.propagatedType = instruction.propagatedType;
if (!replacement.type.isKnown()) {
replacement.type = instruction.type;
instruction = next;
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ class SsaConstantFolder extends HBaseVisitor implements OptimizationPhase {
HInstruction input = inputs[0];
if (input.isBoolean()) return input;
// All values !== true are boolified to false.
if (input.propagatedType.isUseful()) {
if (input.type.isKnown()) {
return graph.addConstantBool(false);
return node;
@ -186,8 +186,7 @@ class SsaConstantFolder extends HBaseVisitor implements OptimizationPhase {
HInstruction visitTypeGuard(HTypeGuard node) {
HInstruction value = node.guarded;
HType combinedType = value.propagatedType.combine(node.propagatedType);
return (combinedType == value.propagatedType) ? value : node;
return (value.type.combine(node.type) == value.type) ? value : node;
HInstruction visitIntegerCheck(HIntegerCheck node) {
@ -202,7 +201,7 @@ class SsaConstantFolder extends HBaseVisitor implements OptimizationPhase {
compiler.unimplemented("visitIs for type variables");
HType expressionType = node.expression.propagatedType;
HType expressionType = node.expression.type;
if (element === compiler.objectClass
|| element === compiler.dynamicClass) {
return graph.addConstantBool(true);
@ -285,7 +284,7 @@ class SsaCheckInserter extends HBaseVisitor implements OptimizationPhase {
const SourceString("length"),
<HInstruction>[interceptor, receiver]);
length.propagatedType = HType.INTEGER;
length.type = HType.NUMBER;
node.block.addBefore(node, length);
HBoundsCheck check = new HBoundsCheck(length, index);
@ -300,12 +299,9 @@ class SsaCheckInserter extends HBaseVisitor implements OptimizationPhase {
void visitIndex(HIndex node) {
if (!node.receiver.isStringOrArray()) return;
HInstruction index = node.index;
if (index is HBoundsCheck) return;
if (!node.index.isInteger()) {
index = insertIntegerCheck(node, index);
if (!node.builtin) return;
if (node.index is HBoundsCheck) return;
HInstruction index = insertIntegerCheck(node, node.index);
index = insertBoundsCheck(node, node.receiver, index);
HIndex newInstruction = new HIndex(, node.receiver, index);
node.block.addBefore(node, newInstruction);
@ -314,12 +310,9 @@ class SsaCheckInserter extends HBaseVisitor implements OptimizationPhase {
void visitIndexAssign(HIndexAssign node) {
if (!node.receiver.isMutableArray()) return;
HInstruction index = node.index;
if (index is HBoundsCheck) return;
if (!node.index.isInteger()) {
index = insertIntegerCheck(node, index);
if (!node.builtin) return;
if (node.index is HBoundsCheck) return;
HInstruction index = insertIntegerCheck(node, node.index);
index = insertBoundsCheck(node, node.receiver, index);
HIndexAssign newInstruction =
new HIndexAssign(, node.receiver, index, node.value);

View file

@ -165,8 +165,7 @@ class HInstructionStringifier implements HVisitor<String> {
String temporaryId(HInstruction instruction) {
String prefix;
HType type = instruction.propagatedType;
switch (type) {
switch (instruction.type) {
case HType.MUTABLE_ARRAY: prefix = 'a'; break;
case HType.READABLE_ARRAY: prefix = 'roa'; break;
case HType.BOOLEAN: prefix = 'b'; break;
@ -403,7 +402,7 @@ class HInstructionStringifier implements HVisitor<String> {
String visitTypeGuard(HTypeGuard node) {
String type;
switch (node.propagatedType) {
switch (node.type) {
case HType.MUTABLE_ARRAY: type = "mutable_array"; break;
case HType.READABLE_ARRAY: type = "readable_array"; break;
case HType.BOOLEAN: type = "bool"; break;

View file

@ -14,21 +14,19 @@ class SsaTypePropagator extends HGraphVisitor implements OptimizationPhase {
worklist = new List<int>();
HType computeType(HInstruction instruction) {
return instruction.computeTypeFromInputTypes();
HType computeType(HInstruction instruction) => instruction.computeType();
// Re-compute and update the type of the instruction. Returns
// whether or not the type was changed.
bool updateType(HInstruction instruction) {
if (instruction.propagatedType.isConflicting()) return false;
if (instruction.type.isConflicting()) return false;
// Constants have the type they have. It can't be changed.
if (instruction.isConstant()) return false;
HType oldType = instruction.propagatedType;
HType newType = instruction.hasGuaranteedType()
? instruction.guaranteedType
: computeType(instruction);
instruction.propagatedType = oldType.combine(newType);
return oldType !== instruction.propagatedType;
HType oldType = instruction.type;
HType newType = computeType(instruction);
instruction.type = oldType.combine(newType);
return oldType !== instruction.type;
void visitGraph(HGraph graph) {
@ -39,24 +37,19 @@ class SsaTypePropagator extends HGraphVisitor implements OptimizationPhase {
visitBasicBlock(HBasicBlock block) {
if (block.isLoopHeader()) {
block.forEachPhi((HPhi phi) {
// Set the initial type for the phi. In theory we would need to mark the
// type of all other incoming edges as "unitialized" and take this into
// account when doing the propagation inside the phis. Just setting
// the [propagatedType] is however easier.
phi.propagatedType = phi.inputs[0].propagatedType;
// Set the initial type for the phi.
phi.type = phi.inputs[0].type;
} else {
block.forEachPhi((HPhi phi) {
if (updateType(phi)) addDependentInstructionsToWorkList(phi);
if (updateType(phi)) addUsersAndInputsToWorklist(phi);
HInstruction instruction = block.first;
while (instruction !== null) {
if (updateType(instruction)) {
if (updateType(instruction)) addUsersAndInputsToWorklist(instruction);
instruction =;
@ -67,18 +60,17 @@ class SsaTypePropagator extends HGraphVisitor implements OptimizationPhase {
HInstruction instruction = workmap[id];
assert(instruction !== null);
if (updateType(instruction)) {
if (updateType(instruction)) addUsersAndInputsToWorklist(instruction);
void addDependentInstructionsToWorkList(HInstruction instruction) {
void addUsersAndInputsToWorklist(HInstruction instruction) {
for (int i = 0, length = instruction.usedBy.length; i < length; i++) {
// The non-speculative type propagator only propagates types forward. We
// thus only need to add the users of the [instruction] to the list.
for (int i = 0, length = instruction.inputs.length; i < length; i++) {
void addToWorkList(HInstruction instruction) {
@ -94,24 +86,11 @@ class SsaSpeculativeTypePropagator extends SsaTypePropagator {
final String name = 'speculative type propagator';
SsaSpeculativeTypePropagator(Compiler compiler) : super(compiler);
void addDependentInstructionsToWorkList(HInstruction instruction) {
// The speculative type propagator propagates types forward and backward.
// Not only do we need to add the users of the [instruction] to the list.
// We also need to add the inputs fo the [instruction], since they might
// want to propagate the desired outgoing type.
for (int i = 0, length = instruction.usedBy.length; i < length; i++) {
for (int i = 0, length = instruction.inputs.length; i < length; i++) {
HType computeDesiredType(HInstruction instruction) {
HType desiredType = HType.UNKNOWN;
for (final user in instruction.usedBy) {
desiredType =
// No need to continue if two users disagree on the type.
if (desiredType.isConflicting()) break;
@ -120,12 +99,9 @@ class SsaSpeculativeTypePropagator extends SsaTypePropagator {
HType computeType(HInstruction instruction) {
HType newType = super.computeType(instruction);
// [computeDesiredType] goes to all usedBys and lets them compute their
// desired type. By setting the [newType] here we give them more context to
// work with.
instruction.propagatedType = newType;
HType desiredType = computeDesiredType(instruction);
// If the desired type is conflicting just return the computed type.
// If the desired type is conflicting just return the computed
// type.
if (desiredType.isConflicting()) return newType;
return newType.combine(desiredType);

View file

@ -61,11 +61,12 @@ GenericDeepTest: Fail # Expect.isTrue(false) fails.
GenericInheritanceTest: Fail # Expect.isTrue(false) fails.
GenericParameterizedExtendsTest: Fail # Expect.isTrue(false) fails.
Instanceof2Test: Fail # Expect.equals(expected: <true>, actual: <false>) fails.
ListDoubleIndexInLoop2Test: Fail # Issue 2564.
ListDoubleIndexInLoopTest: Fail # Issue 2564.
ListLiteral4Test: Fail # Illegal argument(s): 0 -- checked mode test.
MapLiteral4Test: Fail # Attempt to modify an immutable object -- checked mode test.
NamedParametersTypeTest: Fail # Expect.equals(expected: <111>, actual: <0>) fails. -- checked mode test.
Operator3Test: Fail # Issue 2558.
Operator4Test: Fail # Issue 2563.
TypeChecksInFactoryMethodTest: Fail # Expect.equals(expected: <true>, actual: <false>) fails. -- checked mode test.
TypeDartcTest: Fail # Expect.equals(expected: <1>, actual: <0>) -- checked mode test.

View file

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Dart test program for testing arrays.
bar() => true;
tata() => 1.5;
// The type propagation in Dart2Js wrongly took the intersection of all incoming
// types in a loop-phi. In this case the back-edge brought type 'number' which,
// combined with 'integer' (i = 0) was narrowed to 'integer'. As a result no
// check was inserted for the list access.
foo(a) {
var i;
if (bar()) {
// t's desired type is conflicting. Once it is used as array receiver. And
// once as integer. The backward propagation thus can't decide.
// The forward declaration, however, will assign type num.
var t = 0 + tata();
i = t;
if (!bar()) t[0];
} else {
i = 0;
// The phi, combining the two 'i's must reach the conclusion that i is of
// type num and therefore needs a check before accessing the array.
main() {
Expect.throws(() => foo([1, 2]));