[docs] remove older pages

Change-Id: I6567aa21fe036929fb036551901823dc2926468f
Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/c/sdk/+/367480
Reviewed-by: Hossein Yousefi <yousefi@google.com>
Commit-Queue: Devon Carew <devoncarew@google.com>
This commit is contained in:
Devon Carew 2024-05-21 21:10:29 +00:00 committed by Commit Queue
parent 263820ad70
commit e5e2c925c0
5 changed files with 0 additions and 353 deletions

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[Getting the source](#source)

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The Dart Web Libraries have not been updated since Chrome 50. With this release these libraries have been revd to the Chrome 63 APIs (WebIDLs). Below are the known differences between the Chrome 50 and Chrome 63 Dart Web libraries. These are the changes that have affected Dart users code:
* Touch and TouchEvent change
- _initTouchEvent removed see [Chrome Change](https://www.chromestatus.com/features/4923255479599104)
- Example of [Migrating initTouchEvent to Map](https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2016/09/chrome-54-deprecations#use_of_inittouchevent_is_removed)
* TouchEvent constructor takes a map argument, strong mode catches these failures in our tests.
* Web_audio
- AudioBufferSourceNode extends AudioScheduledSourceNode there are two start methods
- AudioScheduledSourceNode.start can't be overloaded and will become operation void start2([num when]);
- AudioBufferSourceNode.start([num when, num grainOffset, num grainDuration]) is void start([num when, num grainOffset, num grainDuration])
* Attributes of type double changed num see section "**Attributes Type Change double to num**" at the end of this document.
* onWheel event exposed
* Created for union of two kinds of canvas HTMLCanvasElement and OffscreenCanvas interface WebGLCanvas
* all other RenderingContext
- readonly attribute WebGLCanvas canvas;
* interface WebGLRenderingContext
- readonly attribute HTMLCanvasElement canvas;
* KeygenElement was removed in Chrome 57
* IDBFactory.webkitGetDatabaseNames() constructor removed in Chrome
* Depreciated FileError and DomError have been removed use DomException
- error.code replaced with error.name (e.g., see fileapi_directory_test.dart)
- Additional because FileError is gone there is no easy way to determine which errors are File only errors. However, these are:
* registerElement and register maps to old style (Chrome 50)
* registerElement2 2nd parameter is a map {'prototype': xxx, 'extends': xxxx} not 2 separate arguments.
* List<Rectangle> getClientRects() is now DomRectList getClientRects()
* Rectangle getBoundingClientRect() is now DomRect getBoundingClientRect()
* postMessage(/*any*/ message, String targetOrigin, [List<MessagePort> transfer]) changed to void postMessage(/*any*/ message, String targetOrigin, [List<Object> transfer]) transfer can now be ArrayBuffer, MessagePort and ImageBitmap
* RTCPeerConnection.setLocalDescription and setRemoteDescription
- takes a Map setLocalDescription(Map description) description is a map e.g., {'type': localSessionDescription, 'sdp': fakeLensSdp}
* nounce removed from HtmlScriptElement added to HtmlElement
- https://codereview.chromium.org/2801243002
- https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/2369
* Event.deepPath() was removed Chrome 54
- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Event/deepPath
* Event.scoped replaced by Event.composed
- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Event/composed
Summary of API changes from Chrome 51 thru Chrome 63:
### Attributes Type Change double to num
* Accelerometer
- x, y, z
* AmbientLightSensor
- illuminance
* AnimationEffectTimingReadOnly
- delay, endDelay, iterationStart, iterations
* AnimationEvent
- elapsedTime
* AnimationPlaybackEvent
- currentTime, timelineTime
* AnimationTimeline
- currentTime
* BatteryManager
- chargingTime, dischargingTime, level
* BlobEvent
- timecode
* BudgetState
- budgetAt
* Coordinates
- accuracy, altitude, altitudeAccuracy, heading, latitude, longitude, speed
* CSSImageValue
- intrinsicHeight,intrinsicRatio, intrinsicWidth
* DeviceAcceleration
- x, y, z
* DeviceOrientationEvent
- alpha, beta, gamma
* DeviceRotationRate
- alpha, beta, gamma
* Event
- timeStamp
* GamepadButton
- value
* Gyroscope
- x, y, z
* IntersectionObserverEntry
- intersectionRatio, time
* Magnetometer
- x, y, z
* HTMLMediaElement
- duration
* MediaKeySession
- expiration
* MediaSettingsRange
- max. min, step
* MouseEvent
- clientX, clientY, pageX, pageY, screenX, screenY
* Navigator
- deviceMemory
* NetworkInformation
- downlink, downlinkMax
* PaintSize
- height, width
* PaintWorkletGlobalScope
- devicePixelRatio
* Performance
- timeOrigin
* PerformanceEntry
- duration, startTime
* PerformanceNavigationTiming
- domComplete, domContentLoadedEventEnd, domContentLoadedEventStart, domInteractive, loadEventEnd, loadEventStart, redirectCount, unloadEventEnd, unloadEventStart
* PerformanceResourceTiming
- connectEnd, connectStart, domainLookupEnd, domainLookupStart, encodedBodySize, fetchStart, redirectStart, requestStart, responseEnd, responseStart, secureConnectionStart, workerStart
* PointerEvent
- height, pressure, tangentialPressure, width
* HTMLProgressElement
- position
* RTCRtpContributingSource
- timestamp
* ScrollState
- deltaGranularity, deltaX, deltaY, velocityX, velocityY
* Sensor
- timestamp
* SpeechRecognitionAlternative
- confidence
* SpeechSynthesisEvent
- elapsedTime
* TextMetrics
- actualBoundingBoxAscent, actualBoundingBoxDescent, actualBoundingBoxLeft, actualBoundingBoxRight, alphabeticBaseline, emHeightAscent, emHeightDescent, fontBoundingBoxAscent, fontBoundingBoxDescent, hangingBaseline, ideographicBaseline, width
* Touch
- clientX, clientY, force, pageX, pageY, radiusX, radiusY, rotationAngle, screenX, screenY
* TransitionEvent
- elapsedTime
* VRFrameOfReference
- emulatedHeight
* VRStageBoundsPoint
- x, z
* VRStageParameters
- sizeX, sizeZ
* VideoPlaybackQuality
- creationTime
* VisualViewport
- height, offsetLeft, offsetTop, pageLeft, pageTop, sca, width
* WheelEvent
- deltaX, deltaY, deltaZ
* Window
- devicePixelRatio, pageXOffset, pageYOffset
* WorkerPerformance
- timeOrigin
* XPathResult
- numberValue

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1. First line is a capitalized, short (50 chars or less) summary,
* Please include the component for which the change is being made in the first line
* **[Analyzer]** short (50 chars or less) summary

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## Publishing an alpha version
`package:analyzer` depends on kernel and front_end. We push those last two packages for the benefit of `package:analyzer`, but their APIs don't currently follow semver, so we set analyzer to depend on exact versions.
Publishing a new alpha version of package analyzer involves a few steps:
- rev package:analyzer to a new alpha version (`0.31.0-alpha.0` ==> `0.31.0-alpha.1`)
- rev package:front_end to a new alpha version; update its version of package:kernel (see the next line)
- rev package:kernel to a new alpha version; update its version of package:front_end
- update the kernel and front_end version in `package:analyzer`'s pubspec
- commit a CL with the above changes
- publish `package:analyzer`, `package:kernel`, and `package:front_end`
## Publishing a new stable version
Many packages depend on `package:analyzer`. These packages often have version constraints that have an upper bound on the last major version of the analyzer. Publishing a new major version of `package:analyzer` requires careful orchestration with other major packages in the Dart ecosystem (in particular, `package:test`, and to a lesser extent, `package:angular`).

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# Who is this article for?
If you are writing tests of core parts of the Dart SDK, there are special
tools to run these tests on browsers. If you are writing tests for a package
that is not part of the Dart SDK distribution, then
previously called "unittest", is the best way for you to write your unit tests
for browsers and the standalone Dart vm. Published Dart packages are
automatically tested using [Drone.io](http://readme.drone.io/pub/overview).
The remainder of this article is about the browser test infrastructure for
core Dart libraries and tools in the Dart repository. These test suites
are run by the tools/test.py tool,
and can be run on web browsers as well as the standalone Dart vm.
In the most common case, Dart scripts are wrapped in an automatically-created
HTML wrapper page, and compiled to JS using dart2js, to run on web browsers.
Usually, this is the best way to test dart:html or other web features,
but a few complex cases require us to write a custom html file, rather
than using the HTML wrapper file.
# Details
A test script testing Dart's web libraries, for example a test in
tests/html, will create the DOM elements it needs to test in the test
script itself. WebPlatformTest tests in the test/co19 test suite will
add HTML or DOM elements to the document, and then operate on them.
This is the best way to create and test a web page. For example, the
contains the following Dart code:
const String htmlEL = r'''
<div id="test">
void main() {
## Running Tests
When a test is run on a browser, the wrapper HTML file, and the
modified or compiled Dart scripts are put into a directory called
generated\_tests, under the build directory that the Dart executable
and SDK are built in. The test server runs a local HTTP server, that
serves files from the build directory, and also from the Dart
repository root, and starts a browser that runs the tests fetched from
this server. To debug a test, you can start this HTTP server, and
then open the test's web page manually in a browser. The output of
test.py includes the command lines necessary to do this.
## Custom HTML Tests
If a test requires a custom HTML file, and cannot be written by adding
DOM elements to a page after it is loaded, then the test scripts allow
you to write the HTML file separately, and use it instead. There are
two systems for doing this. The first system adds a custom HTML file
to the test called foo\_test.dart by putting an HTML file called
foo\_test.html in the same directory. The second system creates a
test from any file ending in `_htmltest.html` in that directory, like
### `_test.html` custom HTML files
To be filled in
### `_htmltest.html` tests
An HTML file with a name that ends in `_htmltest.html` will be read by
the test infrastructure, and metadata about what scripts are used and
what messages the test should post to the document window is read from
an annotation in that file.
The annotation is a JSON dictionary, embedded between two delimiters,
and it can be put inside an HTML comment so that the unprocessed page
looks like valid HTML:
"scripts": ["scripts_test_dart.dart", "scripts_test_js.js"],
"expectedMessages": ["crab", "fish", "squid", "sea urchin"]
The test will pass if the web page posts all the strings in the
expectedMessages property to its top-level window, for example by
executing lines like
window.postMessage('squid', '*');
Scripts in the 'scripts' property of the annotation will be
automatically copied from the test directory to the generated-test
directory, and compiled from dart to js if necessary. The script tags
using Dart scripts should be written exactly like
<script src="foo.dart" type="application/dart"></script>
in order for the test generation to find and modify them.
In order for the test framework to catch all errors in this HTML test,
the first script that executes on this page must be:
<script>window.parent.dispatchEvent(new Event('detect_errors'));</script>
This allows the test framework
to attach an error handler to the window at the first opportunity,
before the scripts being tested have run.