CHANGELOG updates for dart:html and friends

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Kevin Moore 2017-06-07 21:19:06 -07:00
parent edaf6fe25a
commit e41c56580a

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@ -57,21 +57,6 @@
typedef Invoker = T Function<T>(T Function() callback);
#### Strong Mode
* Removed ad hoc `Future.then` inference in favor of using `FutureOr`. Prior to
adding `FutureOr` to the language, the analyzer implented an ad hoc type
inference for `Future.then` (and overrides) treating it as if the onValue
callback was typed to return `FutureOr` for the purposes of inference.
This ad hoc inference has been removed now that `FutureOr` has been added.
Packages that implement `Future` must either type the `onValue` parameter to
`.then` as returning `FutureOr<T>`, or else must leave the type of the parameter
entirely to allow inference to fill in the type.
* During static analysis, a function or setter declared using `=>` with return
type `void` now allows the returned expression to have any type.
### Core library changes
* `dart:async`, `dart:core`, `dart:io`
@ -92,9 +77,82 @@
the Dart VM process current and peak resident set size.
* Added `RawSynchronousSocket`, a basic synchronous socket implementation.
* `dart:` web APIs have been updated to align with Chrome v50.
This change includes **a large number of changes**, many of which are
breaking. In some cases, new class names may conflict with names that exist
in existing code.
* `dart:html`
* **REMOVED** classes: `Bluetooth`, `BluetoothDevice`,
`BluetoothGattCharacteristic`, `BluetoothGattRemoteServer`,
`BluetoothGattService`, `BluetoothUuid`, `CrossOriginConnectEvent`,
`DefaultSessionStartEvent`, `DomSettableTokenList`, `MediaKeyError`,
`PeriodicSyncEvent`, `PluginPlaceholderElement`, `ReadableStream`,
`StashedMessagePort`, `SyncRegistration`
* **REMOVED** members:
* `texImage2DCanvas` was removed from `RenderingContext`.
* `endClip` and `startClip` were removed from `Animation`.
* `after` and `before` were removed from `CharacterData`, `ChildNode` and
* `keyLocation` was removed from `KeyboardEvent`. Use `location` instead.
* `generateKeyRequest`, `keyAddedEvent`, `keyErrorEvent`, `keyMessageEvent`,
`mediaGroup`, `needKeyEvent`, `onKeyAdded`, `onKeyError`, `onKeyMessage`,
and `onNeedKey` were removed from `MediaElement`.
* `getStorageUpdates` was removed from `Navigator`
* `status` was removed from `PermissionStatus`
* `getAvailability` was removed from `PreElement`
* Other behavior changes:
* URLs returned in CSS or html are formatted with quoted string.
Like `url("")` instead of `url(`.
* Event timestamp property type changed from `int` to `num`.
* Chrome introduced slight layout changes of UI objects.
In addition many height/width dimensions are returned in subpixel values
(`num` instead of whole numbers).
* `setRangeText` with a `selectionMode` value of 'invalid' is no longer
valid. Only "select", "start", "end", "preserve" are allowed.
* `dart:svg`
* A large number of additions and removals. Review your use of `dart:svg`
* `dart:web_audio`
* new method on `AudioContext`  `createIirFilter` returns a new class
* `dart:web_gl`
* new classes: `CompressedTextureAstc`, `ExtColorBufferFloat`,
`ExtDisjointTimerQuery`, and `TimerQueryExt`.
* `ExtFragDepth` added: `readPixels2` and `texImage2D2`.
#### Strong Mode
* Removed ad hoc `Future.then` inference in favor of using `FutureOr`. Prior to
adding `FutureOr` to the language, the analyzer implented an ad hoc type
inference for `Future.then` (and overrides) treating it as if the onValue
callback was typed to return `FutureOr` for the purposes of inference.
This ad hoc inference has been removed now that `FutureOr` has been added.
Packages that implement `Future` must either type the `onValue` parameter to
`.then` as returning `FutureOr<T>`, or else must leave the type of the parameter
entirely to allow inference to fill in the type.
* During static analysis, a function or setter declared using `=>` with return
type `void` now allows the returned expression to have any type.
### Tool Changes
* Dartium
Dartium is now based on Chrome v50. See *Core library changes* above for
details on the changed APIs.
* Pub
* Added support for the Dart Development Compiler in `build` and `serve`.