[frontend_server] This adds a more complete set of compiler options to the resident frontend server, allowing for AOT compilations and more options when used by the run cli command. This also adds the ability for the resident frontend server to shut itself down after a period of inactivity.

Change-Id: I1ac52c0bb7186e840c0af5aa48da42868bb41958
Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/c/sdk/+/253640
Reviewed-by: Alexander Aprelev <aam@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Siva Annamalai <asiva@google.com>
Commit-Queue: Michael Richards <msrichards@google.com>
This commit is contained in:
Michael Richards 2022-08-08 16:24:20 +00:00 committed by Commit Bot
parent 1fed9b5bed
commit df87c7819e
2 changed files with 207 additions and 58 deletions

View file

@ -19,9 +19,21 @@ import 'package:front_end/src/api_unstable/vm.dart';
import '../frontend_server.dart';
/// Floor the system time by this amount in order to correctly detect modified
/// source files on all platforms. This has no effect on correctness,
/// but may result in more files being marked as modified than strictly
/// required.
const _STAT_GRANULARITY = const Duration(seconds: 1);
extension on DateTime {
/// Truncates by [amount]
DateTime floorTime(Duration amount) {
/// Truncates by [amount].
/// This is needed because the 1 second granularity on DateTime objects
/// returned by file stat on Windows is different than the system time's
/// granularity. We must floor the system time
/// by 1 second so that if a file is modified within the same second of
/// the last compile time, it will be correctly detected as being modified.
DateTime floorTime({Duration amount = _STAT_GRANULARITY}) {
return DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(this.millisecondsSinceEpoch -
this.millisecondsSinceEpoch % amount.inMilliseconds);
@ -54,12 +66,12 @@ class ResidentCompiler {
File _currentPackage;
ArgResults _compileOptions;
FrontendCompiler _compiler;
DateTime _lastCompileStartTime =
DateTime.now().floorTime(Duration(seconds: 1));
DateTime _lastCompileStartTime = DateTime.now().floorTime();
_ResidentState _state = _ResidentState.WAITING_FOR_FIRST_COMPILE;
final StringBuffer _compilerOutput = StringBuffer();
final Set<Uri> trackedSources = <Uri>{};
final List<String> _formattedOutput = <String>[];
var incrementalMode = false;
ResidentCompiler(this._entryPoint, this._outputDill, this._compileOptions) {
_compiler = FrontendCompiler(_compilerOutput);
@ -70,6 +82,7 @@ class ResidentCompiler {
/// requests.
void updateState(ArgResults newOptions) {
final packages = newOptions['packages'];
incrementalMode = newOptions['incremental'] == true;
_compileOptions = newOptions;
_currentPackage = packages == null ? null : File(packages);
// Refresh the compiler's output for the next compile
@ -78,20 +91,20 @@ class ResidentCompiler {
_state = _ResidentState.WAITING_FOR_FIRST_COMPILE;
/// Determines whether the current compile options are outdated with respect
/// to the [newOptions]
/// TODO: account for all compiler options. See vm/bin/kernel_service.dart:88
/// The current compiler options are outdated when any option has changed
/// since the last compile, or when the packages file has been modified
bool areOptionsOutdated(ArgResults newOptions) {
final packagesPath = newOptions['packages'];
return (packagesPath != null && _currentPackage == null) ||
(packagesPath == null && _currentPackage != null) ||
(_currentPackage != null && _currentPackage.path != packagesPath) ||
(_currentPackage != null &&
.floorTime(Duration(seconds: 1))));
if (newOptions.arguments.length != _compileOptions.arguments.length) {
return true;
if (!newOptions.arguments
.containsAll(_compileOptions.arguments.toSet())) {
return true;
return _currentPackage != null &&
/// Compiles the entry point that this ResidentCompiler is hooked to.
@ -121,11 +134,11 @@ class ResidentCompiler {
.forEach((invalidatedUri) => _compiler.invalidate(invalidatedUri));
_lastCompileStartTime = DateTime.now().floorTime(Duration(seconds: 1));
_lastCompileStartTime = DateTime.now().floorTime();
await _compiler.recompileDelta(entryPoint: _entryPoint.path);
} else {
_state = _ResidentState.COMPILING;
_lastCompileStartTime = DateTime.now().floorTime(Duration(seconds: 1));
_lastCompileStartTime = DateTime.now().floorTime();
await _compiler.compile(_entryPoint.path, _compileOptions);
@ -135,13 +148,17 @@ class ResidentCompiler {
.where((line) => line.isNotEmpty)
// forces the compiler to produce complete kernel files on each
// request, even when incrementally compiled.
_state = _ResidentState.WAITING_FOR_RECOMPILE;
if (incrementalMode) {
// forces the compiler to produce complete kernel files on each
// request, even when incrementally compiled.
_state = _ResidentState.WAITING_FOR_RECOMPILE;
} else {
_state = _ResidentState.WAITING_FOR_FIRST_COMPILE;
return _encodeCompilerOutput(
_outputDill.path, _formattedOutput, _compiler.errors.length,
incrementalCompile: incremental);
@ -186,10 +203,8 @@ class ResidentCompiler {
DateTime lastKernelCompileTime) async {
final sourcesToRecompile = <Uri>[];
for (Uri uri in trackedSources) {
final sourceModifiedTime = File(uri.toFilePath())
.floorTime(Duration(seconds: 1));
final sourceModifiedTime =
if (!lastKernelCompileTime.isAfter(sourceModifiedTime)) {
@ -269,18 +284,7 @@ class ResidentFrontendServer {
final executablePath = request[_executableString];
final cachedDillPath = request[_outputString];
final options = argParser.parse(<String>[
if (request.containsKey(_packageString))
if (request['verbose'] == true) '--verbose',
final options = _generateCompilerOptions(request);
var residentCompiler = compilers[executablePath];
if (residentCompiler == null) {
@ -304,6 +308,37 @@ class ResidentFrontendServer {
/// Generates the compiler options needed to satisfy the [request]
static ArgResults _generateCompilerOptions(Map<String, dynamic> request) {
return argParser.parse(<String>[
if (!request.containsKey('aot')) '--incremental',
if (request.containsKey(_packageString))
if (request['support-mirrors'] ?? false) '--support-mirrors',
if (request['enable-asserts'] ?? false) '--enable-asserts',
if (request['sound-null-safety'] ?? false) '--sound-null-safety',
if (request['verbosity'] != null) '--verbosity=${request["verbosity"]}',
if (request['verbose'] ?? false) '--verbose',
if (request['aot'] ?? false) '--aot',
if (request['tfa'] ?? false) '--tfa',
if (request['rta'] ?? false) '--rta',
if (request['tree-shake-write-only-fields'] ?? false)
if (request['protobuf-tree-shaker-v2'] ?? false)
if (request['define'] != null)
for (var define in request['define']) define,
if (request['enable-experiement'] != null)
for (var experiment in request['enable-experiment']) experiment,
/// Encodes the [message] in JSON to be sent over the socket.
static String _encodeErrorMessage(String message) =>
jsonEncode(<String, Object>{"success": false, "errorMessage": message});
@ -315,12 +350,35 @@ class ResidentFrontendServer {
{String executable,
String packages,
String outputDill,
bool supportMirrors,
bool enableAsserts,
bool soundNullSafety,
String verbosity,
bool aot,
bool tfa,
bool rta,
bool treeShakeWriteOnlyFields,
bool protobufTreeShakerV2,
List<String> define,
List<String> enableExperiement,
bool verbose = false}) {
return jsonEncode(<String, Object>{
"command": "compile",
"executable": executable,
if (packages != null) "packages": packages,
"output-dill": outputDill,
if (aot != null) "aot": true,
if (define != null) "define": define,
if (enableAsserts != null) "enable-asserts": true,
if (enableExperiement != null) "enable-experiment": enableExperiement,
if (packages != null) "packages": packages,
if (protobufTreeShakerV2 != null) "protobuf-tree-shaker-v2": true,
if (rta != null) "rta": true,
if (soundNullSafety != null) "sound-null-safety": soundNullSafety,
if (supportMirrors != null) "support-mirrors": true,
if (tfa != null) "tfa": true,
if (treeShakeWriteOnlyFields != null)
"tree-shaker-write-only-fields": true,
if (verbosity != null) "verbosity": verbosity,
"verbose": verbose,
@ -333,24 +391,53 @@ class ResidentFrontendServer {
/// ResidentFrontendServer instance.
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> sendAndReceiveResponse(
InternetAddress address, int port, String request) async {
Socket client;
Map<String, dynamic> jsonResponse;
try {
final client = await Socket.connect(address, port);
client = await Socket.connect(address, port);
final data = await client.first;
return jsonDecode(String.fromCharCodes(data));
final data = String.fromCharCodes(await client.first);
jsonResponse = jsonDecode(data);
} catch (e) {
return <String, Object>{"success": false, "errorMessage": e.toString()};
jsonResponse = <String, Object>{
'success': false,
'errorMessage': e.toString(),
if (client != null) {
return jsonResponse;
/// Closes the ServerSocket and removes the [serverInfoFile] that is used
/// to access this instance of the Resident Frontend Server
Future<void> residentServerCleanup(
ServerSocket server, File serverInfoFile) async {
if (serverInfoFile.existsSync()) {
await server.close();
/// Starts a timer that will shut down the resident frontend server in
/// the amount of time specified by [timerDuration], if it is not cancelled.
Timer startShutdownTimer(
Duration timerDuration, ServerSocket server, File serverInfoFile) {
return Timer(timerDuration, () async {
await residentServerCleanup(server, serverInfoFile);
/// Listens for compilation commands from socket connections on the
/// provided [address] and [port].
/// If the last request exceeds the amount of time specified by
/// [inactivityTimeout], the server will bring itself down
Future<StreamSubscription<Socket>> residentListenAndCompile(
InternetAddress address, int port, File serverInfoFile) async {
InternetAddress address, int port, File serverInfoFile,
{Duration inactivityTimeout = const Duration(minutes: 30)}) async {
ServerSocket server;
try {
// TODO: have server shut itself off after period of inactivity
server = await ServerSocket.bind(address, port);
@ -359,27 +446,30 @@ Future<StreamSubscription<Socket>> residentListenAndCompile(
print('Error: $e\n');
return null;
var shutdownTimer =
startShutdownTimer(inactivityTimeout, server, serverInfoFile);
'Resident Frontend Compiler is listening at ${server.address.address}:${server.port}');
'The Resident Frontend Compiler is listening at ${server.address.address}:${server.port}');
return server.listen((client) {
client.listen((Uint8List data) async {
String result = await ResidentFrontendServer.handleRequest(
if (result == ResidentFrontendServer._shutdownJsonResponse) {
if (serverInfoFile.existsSync()) {
await server.close();
await residentServerCleanup(server, serverInfoFile);
} else {
shutdownTimer =
startShutdownTimer(inactivityTimeout, server, serverInfoFile);
}, onError: (error) {
}, onDone: () {
}, onError: (_) {
if (serverInfoFile.existsSync()) {
}, onError: (_) async {
await residentServerCleanup(server, serverInfoFile);

View file

@ -109,6 +109,46 @@ void main() async {
expect(compileResult['output-dill'], equals(cachedDill.path));
test('compile options', () async {
executable.writeAsStringSync('void main() { int x = 1; }');
final compileResult1 = jsonDecode(
await ResidentFrontendServer.handleRequest(
executable: executable.path,
packages: package.path,
outputDill: cachedDill.path,
supportMirrors: true,
enableAsserts: true,
soundNullSafety: true,
verbosity: 'all',
define: <String>['-Dvar=2'],
enableExperiement: <String>['experiemental-flag=vm_name'],
expect(compileResult1['success'], true);
expect(compileResult1['errorCount'], 0);
test('produces aot kernel', () async {
final compileResult1 = jsonDecode(
await ResidentFrontendServer.handleRequest(
executable: executable.path,
packages: package.path,
outputDill: cachedDill.path,
soundNullSafety: true,
verbosity: 'all',
aot: true,
tfa: true,
rta: true,
treeShakeWriteOnlyFields: true,
protobufTreeShakerV2: true,
expect(compileResult1['success'], true);
expect(compileResult1['errorCount'], 0);
test('no package_config.json provided', () async {
final compileResult = jsonDecode(
await ResidentFrontendServer.handleRequest(
@ -503,6 +543,25 @@ void main() async {
expect(serverInfo.existsSync(), false);
test('timed shutdown', () async {
await residentListenAndCompile(
InternetAddress.loopbackIPv4, 0, serverInfo,
inactivityTimeout: Duration(milliseconds: 100));
expect(serverInfo.existsSync(), true);
final info = serverInfo.readAsStringSync();
final address = InternetAddress(
info.substring(info.indexOf(':') + 1, info.indexOf(' ')));
final port = int.parse(info.substring(info.lastIndexOf(':') + 1));
await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 150));
expect(serverInfo.existsSync(), false);
final shutdownResult = await sendAndReceiveResponse(
address, port, ResidentFrontendServer.shutdownCommand);
expect(shutdownResult['errorMessage'], contains('SocketException'));
test('resident server starter', () async {
final returnValue =