Remove unused reify transformation

Change-Id: I4d29e3372b9aaf6bc7f1849e9fc0fb27f63e5c5f
Commit-Queue: Peter von der Ahé <>
Reviewed-by: Karl Klose <>
This commit is contained in:
Peter von der Ahé 2018-05-14 14:48:57 +00:00 committed by
parent 184e2a8b4c
commit bc86dc1dd6
88 changed files with 0 additions and 6724 deletions

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@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import '../transformations/treeshaker.dart' show ProgramRoot;
import 'flutter.dart' show FlutterTarget;
import 'vm.dart' show VmTarget;
import 'vmcc.dart' show VmClosureConvertedTarget;
import 'vmreify.dart' show VmGenericTypesReifiedTarget;
final List<String> targetNames = targets.keys.toList();
@ -37,7 +36,6 @@ final Map<String, _TargetBuilder> targets = <String, _TargetBuilder>{
'none': (TargetFlags flags) => new NoneTarget(flags),
'vm': (TargetFlags flags) => new VmTarget(flags),
'vmcc': (TargetFlags flags) => new VmClosureConvertedTarget(flags),
'vmreify': (TargetFlags flags) => new VmGenericTypesReifiedTarget(flags),
'flutter': (TargetFlags flags) => new FlutterTarget(flags),

View file

@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import '../ast.dart' show Component;
import '../core_types.dart' show CoreTypes;
import '../transformations/generic_types_reification.dart' as reify
show transformComponent;
import 'targets.dart' show TargetFlags;
import 'vmcc.dart' as vmcc_target;
/// Specializes the kernel IR to the Dart VM with reified generic types.
class VmGenericTypesReifiedTarget extends vmcc_target.VmClosureConvertedTarget {
VmGenericTypesReifiedTarget(TargetFlags flags) : super(flags);
String get name => "vmreify";
// This is the order that bootstrap libraries are loaded according to
// `runtime/vm/object_store.h`.
List<String> get extraRequiredLibraries {
return new List<String>.from(super.extraRequiredLibraries)
void performGlobalTransformations(CoreTypes coreTypes, Component component,
{void logger(String msg)}) {
super.performGlobalTransformations(coreTypes, component);
// TODO(dmitryas) this transformation should be made modular
reify.transformComponent(coreTypes, component);
// Disable tree shaking for Generic Types Reification. There are some runtime
// libraries that are required for the transformation and are shaken off,
// because they aren't invoked from the component being transformed prior to
// the transformation.
// TODO(dmitryas): remove this when the libraries are in dart:_internal
void performTreeShaking(CoreTypes coreTypes, Component component) {}

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@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library kernel.transformation.generic_types_reification;
import '../ast.dart' show Component;
import '../core_types.dart' show CoreTypes;
import '../transformations/reify/reify_transformer.dart' as reify
show transformComponent;
Component transformComponent(CoreTypes coreTypes, Component component) {
return reify.transformComponent(coreTypes, component);

View file

@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library kernel.transformation.reify.analysis.program_analysis;
import '../asts.dart';
import '../../../ast.dart';
// TODO(karlklose): keep all predicates and derived information here and move
// the actual data to a builder class.
class ProgramKnowledge {
Map<Member, Set<TypeParameter>> _usedTypeVariables =
<Member, Set<TypeParameter>>{};
Map<Member, Set<DartType>> isTests = <Member, Set<DartType>>{};
Set<Class> _classTests;
/// Contains all classes that are used as the declaration of a type expression
/// in a type test.
Set<Class> get classTests {
if (_classTests == null) {
_classTests = isTests.values
.expand((set) => set)
.where((DartType type) => type is InterfaceType)
.map((DartType type) => (type as InterfaceType).classNode)
return _classTests;
recordTypeVariableUse(Expression expression, TypeParameter parameter) {
// TODO(karlklose): also record expression.
add(_usedTypeVariables, getEnclosingMember(expression), parameter);
Set<TypeParameter> usedParameters(Member member) {
return _usedTypeVariables[member] ?? new Set<TypeParameter>();
void recordIsTest(IsExpression node, DartType type) {
add(isTests, getEnclosingMember(node), type);
add(Map<dynamic, Set> map, key, value) {
map.putIfAbsent(key, () => new Set()).add(value);
typedef bool LibraryFilter(Library library);
class ProgramAnalysis extends Visitor {
final ProgramKnowledge knowledge;
final LibraryFilter analyzeLibrary;
ProgramAnalysis(this.knowledge, this.analyzeLibrary);
defaultTreeNode(TreeNode node) => node.visitChildren(this);
visitLibrary(Library library) {
if (!analyzeLibrary(library)) {
handleTypeReference(TreeNode node, DartType type) {
typeVariables(type).forEach((TypeParameter parameter) {
knowledge.recordTypeVariableUse(node, parameter);
handleInstantiation(InvocationExpression node) {
node.arguments.types.forEach((DartType type) {
handleTypeReference(node, type);
visitIsExpression(IsExpression node) {
knowledge.recordIsTest(node, node.type);
handleTypeReference(node, node.type);
visitConstructorInvocation(ConstructorInvocation node) {
visitStaticInvocation(StaticInvocation node) {
if ( == ProcedureKind.Factory) {
bool _analyzeAll(Library library) => true;
ProgramKnowledge analyze(Component component,
{LibraryFilter analyzeLibrary: _analyzeAll}) {
ProgramKnowledge knowledge = new ProgramKnowledge();
component.accept(new ProgramAnalysis(knowledge, analyzeLibrary));
return knowledge;

View file

@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library kernel.transformations.reify.ast_helpers;
import '../../ast.dart';
Class getEnclosingClass(TreeNode node) {
TreeNode original = node;
while (node != null && node is! Class) {
node = node.parent;
if (node == null) {
throw 'internal error: enclosing class not found for $original';
return node;
Library getEnclosingLibrary(TreeNode node) {
TreeNode original = node;
while (node != null && node is! Library) {
node = node.parent;
if (node == null) {
throw 'internal error: enclosing library not found for $original';
return node;
Member getEnclosingMember(TreeNode node) {
TreeNode original = node;
while (node != null && node is! Member) {
node = node.parent;
if (node == null) {
throw 'internal error: enclosing member not found for $original';
return node;
List<TypeParameter> typeVariables(DartType type) {
List<TypeParameter> parameters = <TypeParameter>[];
collect(DartType type) {
if (type is InterfaceType) {;
} else if (type is TypeParameterType) {
return parameters;

View file

@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library kernel.transformations.reify.standalone_runner;
import 'analysis/program_analysis.dart';
import 'dart:io' show File, IOSink;
import '../../binary/ast_to_binary.dart' show BinaryPrinter;
import '../../ast.dart';
import '../../kernel.dart';
import '../../verifier.dart';
import '../../text/ast_to_text.dart' show Printer;
import 'transformation/remove_generics.dart';
import 'transformation/transformer.dart'
show ReifyVisitor, RuntimeLibrary, RuntimeTypeSupportBuilder;
import '../../core_types.dart' show CoreTypes;
RuntimeLibrary findRuntimeTypeLibrary(Component p) {
Library findLibraryEndingWith(String postfix) {
Iterable<Library> candidates = p.libraries.where((Library l) {
return l.importUri.toString().endsWith(postfix);
if (candidates.length != 1) {
String howMany = candidates.isEmpty ? "No" : "Multiple";
throw new Exception(
"$howMany candidates for runtime support library found.");
return candidates.single;
Library types = findLibraryEndingWith("reify/types.dart");
Library declarations = findLibraryEndingWith("reify/declarations.dart");
Library interceptors = findLibraryEndingWith("reify/interceptors.dart");
return new RuntimeLibrary(types, declarations, interceptors);
Component transformComponentUsingLibraries(
CoreTypes coreTypes, Component component, RuntimeLibrary runtimeLibrary,
[Library libraryToTransform]) {
LibraryFilter filter = libraryToTransform != null
? (Library library) => library == libraryToTransform
: (_) => true;
ProgramKnowledge knowledge = analyze(component, analyzeLibrary: filter);
Library mainLibrary = component.mainMethod.parent;
RuntimeTypeSupportBuilder builder =
new RuntimeTypeSupportBuilder(runtimeLibrary, coreTypes, mainLibrary);
ReifyVisitor transformer =
new ReifyVisitor(runtimeLibrary, builder, knowledge, libraryToTransform);
// Transform the main component.
component = component.accept(transformer);
if (!filter(runtimeLibrary.interceptorsLibrary)) {
// We need to transform the interceptor function in any case to make sure
// that the type literals in the interceptor function are rewritten.
component = component.accept(new Erasure(transformer));
// TODO(karlklose): skip checks in debug mode
return component;
Component transformComponent(CoreTypes coreTypes, Component component) {
RuntimeLibrary runtimeLibrary = findRuntimeTypeLibrary(component);
Library mainLibrary = component.mainMethod.enclosingLibrary;
return transformComponentUsingLibraries(
coreTypes, component, runtimeLibrary, mainLibrary);
main(List<String> arguments) async {
String path = arguments.first;
Uri output;
if (arguments.length > 1) {
output = Uri.base.resolve(arguments[1]);
Uri uri = Uri.base.resolve(path);
Component component = loadComponentFromBinary(uri.toFilePath());
CoreTypes coreTypes = new CoreTypes(component);
RuntimeLibrary runtimeLibrary = findRuntimeTypeLibrary(component);
Library mainLibrary = component.mainMethod.enclosingLibrary;
component = transformComponentUsingLibraries(
coreTypes, component, runtimeLibrary, mainLibrary);
if (output == null) {
// Print result
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
Printer printer = new Printer(sb);
} else {
IOSink sink = new File.fromUri(output).openWrite();
try {
new BinaryPrinter(sink).writeComponentFile(component);
} finally {
await sink.close();
try {
// Check that we can read the binary file.
} catch (e) {
print("Error when attempting to read $output.");

View file

@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library kernel.transformations.reify.transformation.binding;
import '../../../ast.dart';
class RuntimeLibrary {
final Library typesLibrary;
final Library declarationsLibrary;
final Library interceptorsLibrary;
final Constructor dynamicTypeConstructor;
final Constructor interfaceTypeConstructor;
final Constructor declarationClassConstructor;
final Constructor functionTypeConstructor;
final Constructor voidTypeConstructor;
// The class used to mark instances that implement `$type`.
final Class markerClass;
final Class declarationClass;
final Class reifiedTypeClass;
DartType get typeType => reifiedTypeClass.rawType;
final Name variablesFieldName = new Name("variables");
/// The name of the field to create for the type information. This name is
/// extracted from the class `HasRuntimeTypeGetter`.
final Name runtimeTypeName;
final Procedure asInstanceOfFunction;
final Procedure isSubtypeOfFunction;
final Procedure typeArgumentsFunction;
final Procedure allocateDeclarationsFunction;
final Procedure initFunction;
final Procedure interceptorFunction;
final Procedure reifyFunction;
final Procedure attachTypeFunction;
factory RuntimeLibrary(Library typesLibrary, Library declarationsLibrary,
Library interceptorsLibrary) {
Class dynamicTypeClass;
Class interfaceTypeClass;
Class declarationClass;
Class functionTypeClass;
Class voidTypeClass;
Class markerClass;
Class reifiedTypeClass;
Procedure allocateDeclarationsFunction;
Procedure initFunction;
Procedure interceptorFunction;
Procedure reifyFunction;
Procedure attachTypeFunction;
Procedure asInstanceOfFunction;
Procedure isSubtypeOfFunction;
Procedure typeArgumentsFunction;
for (Procedure p in interceptorsLibrary.procedures) {
if ( == "type") {
interceptorFunction = p;
} else if ( == "reify") {
reifyFunction = p;
} else if ( == "attachType") {
attachTypeFunction = p;
for (Class c in interceptorsLibrary.classes) {
if ( == "HasRuntimeTypeGetter") {
markerClass = c;
for (Class c in typesLibrary.classes) {
if ( == 'Dynamic') {
dynamicTypeClass = c;
} else if ( == 'Interface') {
interfaceTypeClass = c;
} else if ( == 'FunctionType') {
functionTypeClass = c;
} else if ( == 'Void') {
voidTypeClass = c;
} else if ( == 'ReifiedType') {
reifiedTypeClass = c;
for (Procedure p in typesLibrary.procedures) {
if ( == "asInstanceOf") {
asInstanceOfFunction = p;
} else if ( == "isSubtypeOf") {
isSubtypeOfFunction = p;
} else if ( == "getTypeArguments") {
typeArgumentsFunction = p;
for (Procedure p in declarationsLibrary.procedures) {
if ( == "allocateDeclarations") {
allocateDeclarationsFunction = p;
} else if ( == "init") {
initFunction = p;
for (Class c in declarationsLibrary.classes) {
if ( == 'Class') {
declarationClass = c;
assert(dynamicTypeClass != null);
assert(declarationClass != null);
assert(interfaceTypeClass != null);
assert(functionTypeClass != null);
assert(voidTypeClass != null);
assert(markerClass != null);
assert(declarationClass != null);
assert(reifiedTypeClass != null);
assert(allocateDeclarationsFunction != null);
assert(initFunction != null);
assert(interceptorFunction != null);
assert(reifyFunction != null);
assert(attachTypeFunction != null);
assert(asInstanceOfFunction != null);
assert(isSubtypeOfFunction != null);
assert(typeArgumentsFunction != null);
return new RuntimeLibrary._(,
/// Returns `true` if [node] is defined in the runtime library.
bool contains(TreeNode node) {
while (node is! Library) {
node = node.parent;
if (node == null) return false;
return node == typesLibrary || node == declarationsLibrary;

View file

@ -1,509 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library kernel.transformations.reify.transformation.builder;
import '../asts.dart';
import '../../../ast.dart';
import 'dart:collection' show LinkedHashMap;
import 'binding.dart' show RuntimeLibrary;
import '../../../core_types.dart' show CoreTypes;
class Scope {
final Map<String, TreeNode> names = <String, TreeNode>{};
bool nameAlreadyTaken(String name, TreeNode node) {
TreeNode existing = names[name];
return existing != null && existing == node;
void add(String name, TreeNode node) {
assert(!nameAlreadyTaken(name, node));
names[name] = node;
class Namer {
final Scope scope;
Namer([Scope scope]) : this.scope = scope ?? new Scope();
String _getProposal(TreeNode node) {
if (node is Class) {
throw 'unsupported node: $node';
String getNameFor(TreeNode node) {
String base = _getProposal(node);
int id = 0;
String proposal = base;
while (scope.nameAlreadyTaken(proposal, node)) {
proposal = "$base${++id}";
scope.add(proposal, node);
return proposal;
class RuntimeTypeSupportBuilder {
// TODO(karlklose): group this together with other information about what
// needs to be built.
final LinkedHashMap<Class, int> reifiedClassIds =
new LinkedHashMap<Class, int>();
int currentDeclarationId = 0;
final Field declarations;
final RuntimeLibrary rtiLibrary;
final CoreTypes coreTypes;
final DartType declarationType;
RuntimeLibrary rtiLibrary, CoreTypes coreTypes, Library mainLibrary)
: declarations = new Field(new Name(r"$declarations"),
isFinal: true, isStatic: true, fileUri: mainLibrary.fileUri),
declarationType = new InterfaceType(coreTypes.listClass,
rtiLibrary = rtiLibrary,
coreTypes = coreTypes {
int addDeclaration(Class cls) {
return reifiedClassIds.putIfAbsent(cls, () {
return currentDeclarationId++;
final Name indexOperatorName = new Name("[]");
MethodInvocation createArrayAccess(Expression target, int index) {
return new MethodInvocation(target, indexOperatorName,
new Arguments(<Expression>[new IntLiteral(index)]));
Expression createAccessDeclaration(Class cls) {
return createArrayAccess(new StaticGet(declarations), addDeclaration(cls));
Name getTypeTestTagName(Class cls) {
return new Name('\$is\$${}');
Name typeVariableGetterName(TypeParameter parameter) {
Class cls = getEnclosingClass(parameter);
return new Name("\$${}\$${}");
// A call to a constructor or factory of a class that we have not transformed
// is wrapped in a call to `attachType`.
Expression attachTypeToConstructorInvocation(
InvocationExpression invocation, Member member) {
assert(member is Procedure && member.kind == ProcedureKind.Factory ||
member is Constructor);
Class targetClass = member.parent;
assert(targetClass != null);
DartType type = new InterfaceType(targetClass, invocation.arguments.types);
return callAttachType(invocation, type);
Expression callAttachType(Expression expression, DartType type) {
return new StaticInvocation(rtiLibrary.attachTypeFunction,
new Arguments(<Expression>[expression, createRuntimeType(type)]));
Expression createGetType(Expression receiver, {needsInterceptor: true}) {
if (receiver is ThisExpression || !needsInterceptor) {
return new PropertyGet(receiver, rtiLibrary.runtimeTypeName);
return new StaticInvocation(
rtiLibrary.interceptorFunction, new Arguments(<Expression>[receiver]));
Expression createGetTypeArguments(Expression typeObject) {
return new StaticInvocation(rtiLibrary.typeArgumentsFunction,
new Arguments(<Expression>[typeObject]));
// TODO(karlklose): consider adding a unique identifier for each test site.
/// `receiver.[subtypeTestName]([type])`
StaticInvocation createIsSubtypeOf(
Expression receiver, Expression typeExpression,
{targetHasTypeProperty: false}) {
Expression receiverType =
createGetType(receiver, needsInterceptor: !targetHasTypeProperty);
return new StaticInvocation(rtiLibrary.isSubtypeOfFunction,
new Arguments(<Expression>[receiverType, typeExpression]));
int getTypeVariableIndex(TypeParameter variable) {
Class c = getEnclosingClass(variable);
List<TypeParameter> variables = c.typeParameters;
for (int i = 0; i < variables.length; ++i) {
if (variables[i].name == {
return i;
throw new Exception(
"Type variable $variable not found in enclosing class $c");
Expression createNewInterface(
Expression declaration, Expression typeArgumentList) {
List<Expression> arguments = <Expression>[declaration];
if (typeArgumentList != null) {
return new ConstructorInvocation(
rtiLibrary.interfaceTypeConstructor, new Arguments(arguments));
/// Returns `true` if [types] is a list of [TypeParameterType]s that exactly
/// match the [TypeParameters] of the class they are defined in, i.e.,
/// for all 0 <= i < cls.typeParameters.length.
/// types[i].parameter == cls.typeParameters[i].
bool matchesTypeParameters(List<DartType> types) {
List<TypeParameter> parameters;
for (int i = 0; i < types.length; ++i) {
var type = types[i];
if (type is TypeParameterType) {
if (parameters == null) {
Class cls = getEnclosingClass(type.parameter);
parameters = cls.typeParameters;
if (parameters.length != types.length) return false;
if (type.parameter != parameters[i]) {
return false;
} else {
return false;
return true;
// TODO(karlklose): Refactor into visitor.
// TODO(karlklose): split this method in different strategies.
/// Creates an expression to represent a runtime type instance of type [type].
Expression createRuntimeType(DartType type,
{reifyTypeVariable: false,
Expression createReference(Class cls),
VariableDeclaration typeContext}) {
Expression buildReifiedTypeVariable(TypeParameterType type) {
Expression typeVariables = new PropertyGet(
return createArrayAccess(
typeVariables, getTypeVariableIndex(type.parameter));
Expression buildDirectTypeVariableAccess(TypeParameterType variable) {
Class cls = getEnclosingClass(variable.parameter);
return extractTypeVariable(
new VariableGet(typeContext));
Expression buildGetterTypeVariableAccess(TypeParameterType type) {
return new PropertyGet(
new ThisExpression(), typeVariableGetterName(type.parameter));
Expression buildTypeVariable(TypeParameterType type) {
if (reifyTypeVariable) {
assert(typeContext == null);
return buildReifiedTypeVariable(type);
} else if (typeContext != null) {
return buildDirectTypeVariableAccess(type);
} else {
return buildGetterTypeVariableAccess(type);
createReference ??= createAccessDeclaration;
/// Helper to make recursive invocation more readable.
Expression createPart(DartType type) {
return createRuntimeType(type,
reifyTypeVariable: reifyTypeVariable,
createReference: createReference,
typeContext: typeContext);
if (type is InterfaceType || type is Supertype) {
InterfaceType interfaceType =
(type is InterfaceType) ? type : (type as Supertype).asInterfaceType;
Class cls = interfaceType.classNode;
Expression declaration = createReference(cls);
List<DartType> typeArguments = interfaceType.typeArguments;
Expression typeArgumentList;
if (typeArguments.isNotEmpty) {
if (!reifyTypeVariable && matchesTypeParameters(typeArguments)) {
// The type argument list corresponds to the list of type parameters
// and we are not in "declaration emitter" mode, we can reuse the
// type argument vector.
TypeParameterType parameterType = typeArguments[0];
Class cls = parameterType.parameter.parent;
Expression typeObject = typeContext != null
? new VariableGet(typeContext)
: createGetType(new ThisExpression());
typeArgumentList =
createGetTypeArguments(createCallAsInstanceOf(typeObject, cls));
} else {
typeArgumentList =
new ListLiteral(;
return createNewInterface(declaration, typeArgumentList);
} else if (type is DynamicType) {
return new ConstructorInvocation(
rtiLibrary.dynamicTypeConstructor, new Arguments([]),
isConst: true);
} else if (type is TypeParameterType) {
return buildTypeVariable(type);
} else if (type is FunctionType) {
FunctionType functionType = type;
Expression returnType = createPart(functionType.returnType);
List<Expression> encodedParameterTypes =;
List<NamedType> namedParameters = functionType.namedParameters;
int data;
if (namedParameters.isNotEmpty) {
for (NamedType param in namedParameters) {
encodedParameterTypes.add(new StringLiteral(;
data = functionType.namedParameters.length << 1 | 1;
} else {
data = (functionType.positionalParameters.length -
functionType.requiredParameterCount) <<
Expression functionTypeExpression = new ConstructorInvocation(
new Arguments(
Arguments arguments = new Arguments(<Expression>[
new IntLiteral(data),
new ListLiteral(encodedParameterTypes)
return new ConstructorInvocation(
rtiLibrary.functionTypeConstructor, arguments);
} else if (type is VoidType) {
return new ConstructorInvocation(
rtiLibrary.voidTypeConstructor, new Arguments(<Expression>[]));
return new InvalidExpression(null);
Expression createCallAsInstanceOf(Expression receiver, Class cls) {
return new StaticInvocation(rtiLibrary.asInstanceOfFunction,
new Arguments(<Expression>[receiver, createAccessDeclaration(cls)]));
/// `get get$<variable-name> => <get-type>.arguments[<variable-index>]`
Member createTypeVariableGetter(
Class cls, TypeParameter variable, int index) {
Expression type = createGetType(new ThisExpression());
Expression argument = extractTypeVariable(cls, variable, index, type);
return new Procedure(
new FunctionNode(new ReturnStatement(argument),
returnType: rtiLibrary.typeType),
fileUri: cls.fileUri);
Expression extractTypeVariable(
Class cls, TypeParameter variable, int index, Expression typeObject) {
Expression type = createCallAsInstanceOf(typeObject, cls);
Expression arguments = new StaticInvocation(
rtiLibrary.typeArgumentsFunction, new Arguments(<Expression>[type]));
// TODO(karlklose): use the global index instead of the local one.
return createArrayAccess(arguments, index);
void insertAsFirstArgument(Arguments arguments, Expression expression) {
expression.parent = arguments;
arguments.positional.insert(0, expression);
/// Creates a call to the `init` function that completes the definition of a
/// class by setting its (direct) supertypes.
Expression createCallInit(
VariableDeclaration declarations,
int index,
InterfaceType supertype,
List<InterfaceType> interfaces,
FunctionType callableType) {
/// Helper to create a reference to the declaration in the declaration
/// list instead of the field to avoid cycles if that field's
/// initialization depends on the class we are currently initializing.
Expression createReference(Class declaration) {
int id = reifiedClassIds[declaration];
return createArrayAccess(new VariableGet(declarations), id);
bool isNotMarkerInterface(InterfaceType interface) {
return interface.classNode != rtiLibrary.markerClass;
Expression createLocalType(DartType type) {
if (type == null) return null;
return createRuntimeType(type,
reifyTypeVariable: true, createReference: createReference);
Expression supertypeExpression =
supertype == null ? new NullLiteral() : createLocalType(supertype);
List<Expression> interfaceTypes = interfaces
.toList(growable: false);
Expression callableTypeExpression = createLocalType(callableType);
List<Expression> arguments = <Expression>[
new VariableGet(declarations),
new IntLiteral(index),
if (interfaceTypes.isNotEmpty || callableTypeExpression != null) {
arguments.add(new ListLiteral(interfaceTypes));
if (callableTypeExpression != null) {
return new StaticInvocation(
rtiLibrary.initFunction, new Arguments(arguments));
Expression createDeclarationsInitializer() {
List<Statement> statements = <Statement>[];
// Call function to allocate the class declarations given the names and
// number of type variables of the classes.
Namer classNamer = new Namer();
List<Expression> names = <Expression>[];
List<Expression> parameterCount = <Expression>[];
reifiedClassIds.keys.forEach((Class c) {
names.add(new StringLiteral(classNamer.getNameFor(c)));
parameterCount.add(new IntLiteral(c.typeParameters.length));
Expression namesList = new ListLiteral(names);
Expression parameterCountList = new ListLiteral(parameterCount);
StaticInvocation callAllocate = new StaticInvocation(
new Arguments(<Expression>[namesList, parameterCountList]));
VariableDeclaration parameter =
new VariableDeclaration("d", type: declarationType);
reifiedClassIds.forEach((Class cls, int id) {
if (cls == rtiLibrary.markerClass) return;
// If the class declares a `call` method, translate the signature to a
// reified type.
FunctionType callableType;
Procedure call = cls.procedures.firstWhere(
(Procedure p) => == "call",
orElse: () => null);
if (call != null) {
FunctionNode function = call.function;
final namedParameters = new List<NamedType>();
for (VariableDeclaration v in function.namedParameters) {
namedParameters.add(new NamedType(, v.type));
List<DartType> positionalArguments = function.positionalParameters
.map((VariableDeclaration v) => v.type)
callableType = new FunctionType(
positionalArguments, function.returnType,
namedParameters: namedParameters,
requiredParameterCount: function.requiredParameterCount);
statements.add(new ExpressionStatement(createCallInit(
.map((Supertype type) => type?.asInterfaceType)
statements.add(new ReturnStatement(new VariableGet(parameter)));
Expression function = new FunctionExpression(new FunctionNode(
new Block(statements),
positionalParameters: <VariableDeclaration>[parameter],
returnType: declarationType));
return new MethodInvocation(
function, new Name("call"), new Arguments(<Expression>[callAllocate]));
void createDeclarations() {
/// Recursively find all referenced classes in [type].
void collectNewReferencedClasses(DartType type, Set<Class> newClasses) {
if (type is InterfaceType || type is Supertype) {
InterfaceType interfaceType = null;
if (type is InterfaceType) {
interfaceType = type;
} else {
interfaceType = (type as Supertype).asInterfaceType;
Class cls = interfaceType.classNode;
if (!reifiedClassIds.containsKey(cls) && !newClasses.contains(cls)) {
interfaceType.typeArguments.forEach((DartType argument) {
collectNewReferencedClasses(argument, newClasses);
// TODO(karlklose): function types
Iterable<Class> classes = reifiedClassIds.keys;
while (classes.isNotEmpty) {
Set<Class> newClasses = new Set<Class>();
for (Class c in classes) {
collectNewReferencedClasses(c.supertype?.asInterfaceType, newClasses);
c.implementedTypes.forEach((Supertype supertype) {
collectNewReferencedClasses(supertype?.asInterfaceType, newClasses);
for (Class newClass in newClasses) {
// Make sure that there is a declaration field for the class and its
// library's declaration list is setup.
classes = newClasses;
Expression initializer = createDeclarationsInitializer();
initializer.parent = declarations;
declarations.initializer = initializer;
declarations.type = declarationType;
Procedure createGetter(
Name name, Expression expression, Class cls, DartType type) {
return new Procedure(name, ProcedureKind.Getter,
new FunctionNode(new ReturnStatement(expression), returnType: type),
fileUri: cls.fileUri);

View file

@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library kernel.transformations.reify.transformation.remove_generics;
import '../../../ast.dart';
import 'transformer.dart';
class Erasure extends Transformer with DartTypeVisitor<DartType> {
final ReifyVisitor reifyVisitor;
bool removeTypeParameters(Class cls) {
return reifyVisitor.needsTypeInformation(cls);
TreeNode removeTypeArgumentsOfConstructorCall(ConstructorInvocation node) {
Class cls =;
if (removeTypeParameters(cls)) {
Constructor target =;
return node;
TreeNode removeTypeArgumentsOfStaticCall(StaticInvocation node) {
if ( is Class) {
Class cls =;
if (!removeTypeParameters(cls)) {
return node;
} else {
// If parent is a Library, then a global procedure is invoked, and it may
// be a generic function, so we need to remove type arguments anyway.
assert( is Library);
Procedure target =;
return node;
TreeNode removeTypeArgumentOfMethodInvocation(MethodInvocation node) {
return node;
defaultDartType(DartType type) => type;
InterfaceType visitInterfaceType(InterfaceType type) {
if (removeTypeParameters(type.classNode)) {
return new InterfaceType(type.classNode, const <DartType>[]);
return type;
TypedefType visitTypedefType(TypedefType type) {
throw 'Typedef types not implemented in erasure';
Supertype visitSupertype(Supertype type) {
if (removeTypeParameters(type.classNode)) {
return new Supertype(type.classNode, const <DartType>[]);
return type;
FunctionType visitFunctionType(FunctionType type) {
bool partHasChanged = false;
DartType translate(DartType type) {
DartType newType = type.accept(this);
if (newType != type) {
partHasChanged = true;
return newType;
} else {
return type;
DartType returnType = translate(type.returnType);
List<DartType> positionalTypes =;
List<NamedType> namedParameters = new List<NamedType>();
for (NamedType param in type.namedParameters) {
namedParameters.add(new NamedType(, translate(param.type)));
if (partHasChanged) {
return new FunctionType(positionalTypes, returnType,
namedParameters: namedParameters,
requiredParameterCount: type.requiredParameterCount);
} else {
return type;
DynamicType visitTypeParameterType(_) => const DynamicType();
DartType visitDartType(DartType type) {
return type.accept(this);
StaticInvocation visitStaticInvocation(StaticInvocation node) {
if ( == ProcedureKind.Factory || == ProcedureKind.Method) {
node = removeTypeArgumentsOfStaticCall(node);
return node;
ConstructorInvocation visitConstructorInvocation(ConstructorInvocation node) {
return removeTypeArgumentsOfConstructorCall(node);
Class visitClass(Class node) {
if (removeTypeParameters(node)) {
return node;
Expression visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocation node) {
return removeTypeArgumentOfMethodInvocation(node);

View file

@ -1,624 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library kernel.transformations.reify.transformation.transformer;
import '../analysis/program_analysis.dart';
import '../../../ast.dart';
import 'binding.dart' show RuntimeLibrary;
import 'builder.dart' show RuntimeTypeSupportBuilder;
import 'dart:collection' show LinkedHashMap;
import '../asts.dart';
export 'binding.dart' show RuntimeLibrary;
export 'builder.dart' show RuntimeTypeSupportBuilder;
enum RuntimeTypeStorage {
class TransformationContext {
/// Describes how the runtime type is stored on the object.
RuntimeTypeStorage runtimeTypeStorage;
/// Field added to store the runtime type if [runtimeType] is
/// [RuntimeTypeStorage.field].
Field runtimeTypeField;
/// The parameter for the type information introduced to the constructor or
/// to static initializers.
VariableDeclaration parameter;
/// A ordered collection of fields together with their initializers rewritten
/// to static initializer functions that can be used in the constructor's
/// initializer list.
/// The order is important because of possible side-effects in the
/// initializers.
LinkedHashMap<Field, Procedure> initializers;
// `true` if the visitor currently is in a field initializer, a initializer
// list of a constructor, or the body of a factory method. In these cases,
// type argument access is different than in an instance context, since `this`
// is not available.
bool inInitializer = false;
String toString() => "s: ${runtimeTypeStorage} f: $runtimeTypeField,"
" p: $parameter, i: $inInitializer";
abstract class DebugTrace {
static const bool debugTrace = false;
static const int lineLength = 80;
TransformationContext get context;
String getNodeLevel(TreeNode node) {
String level = "";
while (node != null && node is! Library) {
level = " $level";
node = node.parent;
return level;
String shorten(String s) {
return s.length > lineLength ? s.substring(0, lineLength) : s;
void trace(TreeNode node) {
if (debugTrace) {
String nodeText = node.toString().replaceAll("\n", " ");
" [${node.runtimeType}] $nodeText"));
/// Rewrites a tree to remove generic types and runtime type checks and replace
/// them with Dart objects.
/// Runtime types are stored in a field/getter called [runtimeTypeName] on the
/// object, which for parameterized classes is initialized in the constructor.
// TODO(karlklose):
// - add a scoped namer
// - rewrite types (supertypes, implemented types)
// - rewrite as
class ReifyVisitor extends Transformer with DebugTrace {
final RuntimeLibrary rtiLibrary;
final RuntimeTypeSupportBuilder builder;
final ProgramKnowledge knowledge;
ReifyVisitor(this.rtiLibrary, this.builder, this.knowledge,
/// If not null, the transformation will only be applied to classes declared
/// in this library.
final Library libraryToTransform;
// TODO(karlklose): find a way to get rid of this state in the visitor.
TransformationContext context;
static const String genericMethodTypeParametersName = r"$typeParameters";
bool libraryShouldBeTransformed(Library library) {
return libraryToTransform == null || libraryToTransform == library;
bool needsTypeInformation(Class cls) {
return !isObject(cls) &&
!rtiLibrary.contains(cls) &&
bool usesTypeGetter(Class cls) {
return cls.typeParameters.isEmpty;
bool isObject(Class cls) {
// TODO(karlklose): use [CoreTypes].
return "$cls" == 'dart.core::Object';
Initializer addTypeAsArgument(initializer) {
assert(initializer is SuperInitializer ||
initializer is RedirectingInitializer);
Class cls = getEnclosingClass(;
if (needsTypeInformation(cls) && !usesTypeGetter(cls)) {
// If the current class uses a getter for type information, we did not add
// a parameter to the constructor, but we can pass `null` as the value to
// initialize the type field, since it will be shadowed by the getter.
Expression type = (context.parameter != null)
? new VariableGet(context.parameter)
: new NullLiteral();
builder.insertAsFirstArgument(initializer.arguments, type);
return initializer;
Expression interceptInstantiation(
InvocationExpression invocation, Member target) {
Class targetClass = target.parent;
Library targetLibrary = targetClass.parent;
Library currentLibrary = getEnclosingLibrary(invocation);
if (libraryShouldBeTransformed(currentLibrary) &&
!libraryShouldBeTransformed(targetLibrary) &&
!rtiLibrary.contains(target)) {
return builder.attachTypeToConstructorInvocation(invocation, target);
return invocation;
Expression createRuntimeType(DartType type) {
if (context?.inInitializer == true) {
// In initializer context, the instance type is provided in
// `context.parameter` as there is no `this`.
return builder.createRuntimeType(type, typeContext: context.parameter);
} else {
return builder.createRuntimeType(type);
TreeNode defaultTreeNode(TreeNode node) {
return super.defaultTreeNode(node);
Expression visitStaticInvocation(StaticInvocation invocation) {
Procedure target =;
if (target == rtiLibrary.reifyFunction) {
/// Rewrite calls to reify(TypeLiteral) to a reified type.
TypeLiteral literal = invocation.arguments.positional.single;
return createRuntimeType(literal.type);
} else if (target.kind == ProcedureKind.Factory) {
// Intercept calls to factories of classes we do not transform
return interceptInstantiation(invocation, target);
return invocation;
Library visitLibrary(Library library) {
if (libraryShouldBeTransformed(library)) {
return library;
Expression visitConstructorInvocation(ConstructorInvocation invocation) {
return interceptInstantiation(invocation,;
Member getStaticInvocationTarget(InvocationExpression invocation) {
if (invocation is ConstructorInvocation) {
} else if (invocation is StaticInvocation) {
} else {
throw "Unexpected InvocationExpression $invocation.";
bool isInstantiation(TreeNode invocation) {
return invocation is ConstructorInvocation ||
invocation is StaticInvocation && == ProcedureKind.Factory;
bool isTypeVariable(DartType type) => type is TypeParameterType;
/// Add the runtime type as an extra argument to constructor invocations.
Arguments visitArguments(Arguments arguments) {
TreeNode parent = arguments.parent;
if (isInstantiation(parent)) {
Class targetClass = getEnclosingClass(getStaticInvocationTarget(parent));
// Do not add the extra argument if the class does not need a type member
// or if it can be implemented as a getter.
if (!needsTypeInformation(targetClass) || usesTypeGetter(targetClass)) {
return arguments;
List<DartType> typeArguments = arguments.types;
Expression type =
createRuntimeType(new InterfaceType(targetClass, typeArguments));
builder.insertAsFirstArgument(arguments, type);
return arguments;
Field visitField(Field field) {
for (Expression annotation in field.annotations) {
// Do not visit initializers, they have already been transformed when the
// class was handled.
return field;
/// Go through all initializers of fields and record a static initializer
/// function, if necessary.
void rewriteFieldInitializers(Class cls) {
assert(context != null);
context.initializers = new LinkedHashMap<Field, Procedure>();
List<Field> fields = cls.fields;
bool initializerRewritten = false;
for (Field field in fields) {
if (!initializerRewritten && knowledge.usedParameters(field).isEmpty) {
// This field needs no static initializer.
Expression initializer = field.initializer;
if (initializer == null || field.isStatic) continue;
// Declare a new variable that holds the type information and can be
// used to access type variables in initializer context.
// TODO(karlklose): some fields do not need the parameter.
VariableDeclaration typeObject = new VariableDeclaration(r"$type");
context.parameter = typeObject;
context.inInitializer = true;
// Translate the initializer while keeping track of whether there was
// already an initializers that required type information in
// [typeVariableUsedInInitializer].
initializer = initializer.accept(this);
context.parameter = null;
context.inInitializer = false;
// Create a static initializer function from the translated initializer
// expression and record it.
Name name = new Name("\$init\$${}");
Statement body = new ReturnStatement(initializer);
Procedure staticInitializer = new Procedure(
new FunctionNode(body,
positionalParameters: <VariableDeclaration>[typeObject]),
isStatic: true,
fileUri: cls.fileUri);
context.initializers[field] = staticInitializer;
// Finally, remove the initializer from the field.
field.initializer = null;
bool inheritsTypeProperty(Class cls) {
Class superclass = cls.superclass;
return needsTypeInformation(superclass);
Class visitClass(Class cls) {
if (needsTypeInformation(cls)) {
context = new TransformationContext();
List<TypeParameter> typeParameters = cls.typeParameters;
if (usesTypeGetter(cls)) {
context.runtimeTypeStorage = RuntimeTypeStorage.getter;
Member getter = builder.createGetter(rtiLibrary.runtimeTypeName,
createRuntimeType(cls.rawType), cls, rtiLibrary.typeType);
} else if (!inheritsTypeProperty(cls)) {
context.runtimeTypeStorage = RuntimeTypeStorage.field;
// TODO(karlklose): should we add the field to [Object]?
context.runtimeTypeField = new Field(rtiLibrary.runtimeTypeName,
fileUri: cls.fileUri, isFinal: true, type: rtiLibrary.typeType);
} else {
context.runtimeTypeStorage = RuntimeTypeStorage.inheritedField;
for (int i = 0; i < typeParameters.length; ++i) {
TypeParameter variable = typeParameters[i];
cls.addMember(builder.createTypeVariableGetter(cls, variable, i));
// Tag the class as supporting the runtime type getter.
InterfaceType interfaceTypeForSupertype =
new InterfaceType(rtiLibrary.markerClass);
cls.implementedTypes.add(new Supertype(
// Before transforming the parts of the class declaration, rewrite field
// initializers that use type variables (or that would be called after one
// that does) to static functions that can be used from constructors.
// Add properties for declaration tests.
for (Class test in knowledge.classTests) {
if (test == rtiLibrary.markerClass) continue;
Procedure tag = builder.createGetter(
new BoolLiteral(isSuperClass(test, cls)),
// Add a runtimeType getter.
if (!usesTypeGetter(cls) && !inheritsTypeProperty(cls)) {
cls.addMember(new Procedure(
new Name("runtimeType"),
new FunctionNode(
new ReturnStatement(new DirectPropertyGet(
new ThisExpression(), context.runtimeTypeField)),
returnType: builder.coreTypes.typeClass.rawType),
fileUri: cls.fileUri));
// Add the static initializer functions. They have already been transformed.
if (context?.initializers != null) {
context.initializers.forEach((_, Procedure initializer) {
// TODO(karlklose): clear type arguments later, the order of class
// transformations otherwise influences the result.
// cls.typeParameters.clear();
context = null;
return cls;
// TODO(karlklose): replace with a structure that can answer also the question
// which tags must be overriden due to different values.
/// Returns `true` if [a] is a declaration used in a supertype of [b].
bool isSuperClass(Class a, Class b) {
if (b == null) return false;
if (a == b) return true;
if (isSuperClass(a, b.superclass)) {
return true;
Iterable<Class> interfaceClasses = b.implementedTypes
.map((Supertype type) => type.classNode)
.where((Class cls) => cls != rtiLibrary.markerClass);
return interfaceClasses
.any((Class declaration) => isSuperClass(a, declaration));
bool isConstructorOrFactory(TreeNode node) {
return isFactory(node) || node is Constructor;
bool isFactory(TreeNode node) {
return node is Procedure && node.kind == ProcedureKind.Factory;
bool needsParameterForRuntimeType(TreeNode node) {
if (!isConstructorOrFactory(node)) return false;
RuntimeTypeStorage access = context.runtimeTypeStorage;
assert(access != RuntimeTypeStorage.none);
return access == RuntimeTypeStorage.field ||
access == RuntimeTypeStorage.inheritedField;
FunctionNode visitFunctionNode(FunctionNode node) {
// If we have a [TransformationContext] with a runtime type field and we
// translate a constructor or factory, we need a parameter that the code of
// initializers or the factory body can use to access type arguments.
// The parameter field in the context will be reset in the visit-method of
// the parent.
if (context != null && needsParameterForRuntimeType(node.parent)) {
assert(context.parameter == null);
// Create the parameter and insert it as the function's first parameter.
context.parameter = new VariableDeclaration(,
type: rtiLibrary.typeType);
context.parameter.parent = node;
node.positionalParameters.insert(0, context.parameter);
return node;
SuperInitializer visitSuperInitializer(SuperInitializer initializer) {
return addTypeAsArgument(initializer);
RedirectingInitializer visitRedirectingInitializer(
RedirectingInitializer initializer) {
return addTypeAsArgument(initializer);
Procedure visitProcedure(Procedure procedure) {
transformList(procedure.annotations, this, procedure.parent);
// Visit the function body in a initializing context, if it is a factory.
context?.inInitializer = isFactory(procedure);
context?.inInitializer = false;
context?.parameter = null;
return procedure;
Constructor visitConstructor(Constructor constructor) {
transformList(constructor.annotations, this, constructor);
if (constructor.function != null) {
constructor.function = constructor.function.accept(this);
constructor.function?.parent = constructor;
context?.inInitializer = true;
transformList(constructor.initializers, this, constructor);
context?.inInitializer = false;
if (context != null) {
if (context.runtimeTypeStorage == RuntimeTypeStorage.field) {
// Initialize the runtime type field with value given in the additional
// constructor parameter.
assert(context.parameter != null);
Initializer initializer = new FieldInitializer(
context.runtimeTypeField, new VariableGet(context.parameter));
initializer.parent = constructor;
constructor.initializers.insert(0, initializer);
if (context.initializers != null) {
// For each field that needed a static initializer function, initialize
// the field by calling the function.
List<Initializer> fieldInitializers = <Initializer>[];
context.initializers.forEach((Field field, Procedure initializer) {
assert(context.parameter != null);
Arguments argument =
new Arguments(<Expression>[new VariableGet(context.parameter)]);
fieldInitializers.add(new FieldInitializer(
field, new StaticInvocation(initializer, argument)));
constructor.initializers.insertAll(0, fieldInitializers);
context.parameter = null;
return constructor;
/// Returns `true` if the given type can be tested using type test tags.
/// This implies that there are no subtypes of the [type] that are not
/// transformed.
bool typeSupportsTagTest(InterfaceType type) {
return needsTypeInformation(type.classNode);
Expression visitIsExpression(IsExpression expression) {
if (getEnclosingLibrary(expression) == rtiLibrary.interceptorsLibrary) {
// In the interceptor library we need actual is-checks at the moment.
return expression;
Expression target = expression.operand;
DartType type = expression.type;
if (type is InterfaceType && typeSupportsTagTest(type)) {
bool checkArguments =
type.typeArguments.any((DartType type) => type is! DynamicType);
Class declaration = type.classNode;
VariableDeclaration typeExpression =
new VariableDeclaration(null, initializer: createRuntimeType(type));
VariableDeclaration targetValue =
new VariableDeclaration(null, initializer: target);
Expression markerClassTest = new IsExpression(
new VariableGet(targetValue), rtiLibrary.markerClass.rawType);
Expression tagCheck = new PropertyGet(new VariableGet(targetValue),
Expression check = new LogicalExpression(markerClassTest, "&&", tagCheck);
if (checkArguments) {
// TODO(karlklose): support a direct argument check, we already checked
// the declaration.
Expression uninterceptedCheck = new Let(
new VariableGet(targetValue), new VariableGet(typeExpression),
targetHasTypeProperty: true));
check = new LogicalExpression(check, "&&", uninterceptedCheck);
return new Let(targetValue, check);
} else {
return builder.createIsSubtypeOf(target, createRuntimeType(type));
Expression visitListLiteral(ListLiteral node) {
return builder.callAttachType(
new InterfaceType(
builder.coreTypes.listClass, <DartType>[node.typeArgument]));
Expression visitMapLiteral(MapLiteral node) {
return builder.callAttachType(
new InterfaceType(builder.coreTypes.mapClass,
<DartType>[node.keyType, node.valueType]));
Expression visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocation node) {
return node;
bool isGenericMethod(FunctionNode node) {
if (node.parent is Member) {
Member member = node.parent;
if (member is Constructor ||
member is Procedure && member.kind == ProcedureKind.Factory) {
return member.enclosingClass.typeParameters.length <
return node.typeParameters.isNotEmpty;
void addTypeArgumentToGenericInvocation(InvocationExpression expression) {
if (expression.arguments.types.length > 0) {
ListLiteral genericMethodTypeParameters = new ListLiteral(
.toList(growable: false),
typeArgument: rtiLibrary.typeType);
expression.arguments.named.add(new NamedExpression(
genericMethodTypeParametersName, genericMethodTypeParameters)
..parent = expression.arguments);
void addTypeArgumentToGenericDeclaration(FunctionNode node) {
if (isGenericMethod(node)) {
VariableDeclaration genericMethodTypeParameters = new VariableDeclaration(
type: new InterfaceType(
builder.coreTypes.listClass, <DartType>[rtiLibrary.typeType]));
genericMethodTypeParameters.parent = node;
node.namedParameters.insert(0, genericMethodTypeParameters);

View file

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the file.
/generic_methods_unused_parameter_test: Crash
/generic_methods_closure_test: Crash
/generic_methods_generic_class_tearoff_test: Crash
/generic_methods_local_variable_declaration_test: Crash
/generic_methods_named_parameters_test: Crash
/generic_methods_optional_parameters_test: Crash
/generic_methods_recursive_bound_error_test: Crash
/generic_methods_recursive_bound_test: Crash
/generic_methods_reuse_type_variables_test: Crash
/generic_methods_shadowing_test: Crash
/generic_methods_simple_is_expression_test: Crash
/generic_methods_tearoff_specialization_test: Crash
/generic_methods_bounds_test: Fail
/generic_methods_dynamic_dependent_type_error_test: Fail
/generic_methods_dynamic_simple_error_test: Fail
/generic_methods_dynamic_test: Fail
/generic_methods_simple_as_expression_error_test: Fail

View file

@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the file.
library test.kernel.reify.suite;
import 'dart:async' show Future;
import 'dart:io' show Platform, File;
import 'package:kernel/core_types.dart' show CoreTypes;
import 'package:kernel/target/targets.dart' show Target, TargetFlags, getTarget;
import 'package:kernel/target/vmcc.dart' show VmClosureConvertedTarget;
import 'package:front_end/src/compute_platform_binaries_location.dart'
show computePlatformBinariesLocation;
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/testing/kernel_chain.dart'
import 'package:testing/testing.dart'
show Chain, ChainContext, Result, StdioProcess, Step, runMe;
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart' show Component;
import 'package:kernel/transformations/generic_types_reification.dart'
as generic_types_reification;
class TestContext extends ChainContext implements CompileContext {
final Uri vm;
final Uri platformUri;
final Uri platformBinaries;
final Target target = new NotReifiedTarget(new TargetFlags(
strongMode: true,
kernelRuntime: Platform.script.resolve("../../runtime/")));
// Strong mode is required to keep the type arguments in invocations of
// generic methods.
bool get strongMode => true;
final List<Step> steps;
this.vm, this.platformUri, this.platformBinaries, bool updateExpectations)
: steps = <Step>[
const Compile(),
const Print(),
const Verify(true),
const GenericTypesReification(),
const Print(),
const Verify(true),
new MatchExpectation(".expect",
updateExpectations: updateExpectations),
const WriteDill(),
const ReadDill(),
const Run(),
enum Environment {
Future<TestContext> createContext(
Chain suite, Map<String, String> environment) async {
Uri vm = Uri.base.resolveUri(new Uri.file(Platform.resolvedExecutable));
Uri platformBinaries = computePlatformBinariesLocation();
Uri platform = platformBinaries.resolve("vm_platform.dill");
bool updateExpectations = environment["updateExpectations"] == "true";
return new TestContext(vm, platform, platformBinaries, updateExpectations);
// [NotReifiedTarget] is intended to work as the [Target] class that
// [VmGenericTypesReifiedTarget] inherits from, but with some transformations
// disabled. Those include tree shaking and generic types information erasure
// passes.
// [NotReifiedTarget] also adds the necessary runtime libraries.
class NotReifiedTarget extends VmClosureConvertedTarget {
NotReifiedTarget(TargetFlags flags) : super(flags);
String get name => "not reified target";
// Tree shaking needs to be disabled, because Generic Types Reification
// transformation relies on certain runtime libraries to be present in
// the component that is being transformed. If the tree shaker is enabled,
// it just deletes everything from those libraries, because they aren't
// used in the component being transformed prior to the transformation.
void performTreeShaking(CoreTypes coreTypes, Component component) {}
// Adds the necessary runtime libraries.
List<String> get extraRequiredLibraries {
Target reifyTarget = getTarget("vmreify", this.flags);
var x = reifyTarget.extraRequiredLibraries;
return x;
class GenericTypesReification extends Step<Component, Component, TestContext> {
const GenericTypesReification();
String get name => "generic types reification";
Future<Result<Component>> run(
Component component, TestContext testContext) async {
try {
CoreTypes coreTypes = new CoreTypes(component);
component =
generic_types_reification.transformComponent(coreTypes, component);
return pass(component);
} catch (e, s) {
return crash(e, s);
class Run extends Step<Uri, int, TestContext> {
const Run();
String get name => "run";
bool get isAsync => true;
bool get isRuntime => true;
Future<Result<int>> run(Uri uri, TestContext context) async {
File generated = new File.fromUri(uri);
StdioProcess process;
try {
var args = [generated.path];
process = await, args);
} finally {
generated.parent.delete(recursive: true);
return process.toResult();
main(List<String> arguments) => runMe(arguments, createContext, "testing.json");

View file

@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
"":"Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file",
"":"for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a",
"":"BSD-style license that can be found in the file.",
"packages": "../../../../.packages",
"suites": [
"name": "reify",
"kind": "Chain",
"source": "suite.dart",
"path": "../../testcases/reify",
"status": "reify.status",
"pattern": [
"exclude": [
"analyze": {
"uris": [
"exclude": [

View file

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library closure2_test;
import 'test_base.dart';
class A<T> {
fun() => (o) => o is T;
class X {}
class Y {}
main() {
var tester = new A<X>().fun();
expectTrue(tester(new X()));
expectFalse(tester(new Y()));

View file

@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
library closure2_test;
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
import "../../runtime/reify/interceptors.dart" as int;
import "../../runtime/reify/types.dart" as typ;
import "dart:mock" as mock;
import "./test_base.dart" as tes;
import "../../runtime/reify/declarations.dart" as dec;
class A extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
final field typ::ReifiedType $type;
constructor •(typ::ReifiedType $type) → void
: self::A::$type = $type, super core::Object::•()
method fun() → dynamic {
return new self::Closure#A#fun#function::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1), typ::getTypeArguments(typ::asInstanceOf(this.$type, self::$declarations.[](0)))), null);
get $A$T() → typ::ReifiedType
return typ::getTypeArguments(typ::asInstanceOf(this.$type, self::$declarations.[](0))).[](0);
get runtimeType() → core::Type
return this.{=self::A::$type};
class X extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2));
class Y extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](3));
class Closure#A#fun#function extends core::Object implements core::Function, int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
field core::String note = "This is temporary. The VM doesn't need closure classes.";
field mock::Context context;
final field typ::ReifiedType $type;
constructor •(typ::ReifiedType $type, final mock::Context context) → dynamic
: self::Closure#A#fun#function::$type = $type, self::Closure#A#fun#function::context = context
method call(dynamic o) → core::bool {
"This is a temporary solution. In the VM, this will become an additional parameter.";
final mock::Context #contextParameter = this.{self::Closure#A#fun#function::context};
return typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(o), this.$Closure#A#fun#function$T);
get $Closure#A#fun#function$T() → typ::ReifiedType
return typ::getTypeArguments(typ::asInstanceOf(this.$type, self::$declarations.[](1))).[](0);
get runtimeType() → core::Type
return this.{=self::Closure#A#fun#function::$type};
static final field core::List<dec::Class> $declarations = (core::List<dec::Class> d) → core::List<dec::Class> {
dec::init(d, 0, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 1, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19))], new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19)), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](5)), 0, <dynamic>[const typ::Dynamic::•()]));
dec::init(d, 2, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 3, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 4, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 5, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 6, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](6))]), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21))]);
dec::init(d, 7, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22)));
dec::init(d, 8, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22)));
dec::init(d, 9, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 10, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](23)));
dec::init(d, 11, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](23)));
dec::init(d, 12, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](23)));
dec::init(d, 13, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](23)));
dec::init(d, 14, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](24))]);
dec::init(d, 15, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)));
dec::init(d, 16, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](23)));
dec::init(d, 17, null);
dec::init(d, 19, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 20, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 21, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 22, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22))])]);
dec::init(d, 23, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 24, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
return d;
}.call(dec::allocateDeclarations(<dynamic>["A", "Closure#A#fun#function", "X", "Y", "Null", "bool", "String", "int", "double", "Type", "AbstractClassInstantiationError", "NoSuchMethodError", "CyclicInitializationError", "UnsupportedError", "IntegerDivisionByZeroException", "RangeError", "ArgumentError", "Object", "HasRuntimeTypeGetter", "Function", "Comparable", "Pattern", "num", "Error", "Exception"], <dynamic>[1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]));
static method main() → dynamic {
dynamic tester = new self::A::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2))])).{self::A::fun}();
tes::expectTrue( self::X::•()));
tes::expectFalse( self::Y::•()));

View file

@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library closure_test;
import 'test_base.dart';
class A {}
class B {}
typedef B A2B(A a);
typedef A B2A(B b);
bar(A a) {
return null;
B baz(a) {
return null;
main() {
B foo(A a) {
return null;
A qux(B b) {
return null;
expectTrue(foo is A2B);
expectTrue(qux is! A2B);
expectTrue(foo is! B2A);
expectTrue(qux is B2A);
expectTrue(bar is A2B);
expectTrue(bar is! B2A);
expectTrue(baz is A2B);
expectTrue(baz is! B2A);
var rab = bar;
var zab = baz;
expectTrue(rab is A2B);
expectTrue(rab is! B2A);
expectTrue(zab is A2B);
expectTrue(zab is! B2A);

View file

@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
library closure_test;
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
import "../../runtime/reify/interceptors.dart" as int;
import "../../runtime/reify/types.dart" as typ;
import "dart:mock" as mock;
import "./test_base.dart" as tes;
import "../../runtime/reify/declarations.dart" as dec;
class A extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0));
class B extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1));
class Closure#main#foo extends core::Object implements core::Function, int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
field core::String note = "This is temporary. The VM doesn't need closure classes.";
field mock::Context context;
constructor •(final mock::Context context) → dynamic
: self::Closure#main#foo::context = context
method call(self::A a) → self::B {
"This is a temporary solution. In the VM, this will become an additional parameter.";
final mock::Context #contextParameter = this.{self::Closure#main#foo::context};
return null;
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2));
class Closure#main#qux extends core::Object implements core::Function, int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
field core::String note = "This is temporary. The VM doesn't need closure classes.";
field mock::Context context;
constructor •(final mock::Context context) → dynamic
: self::Closure#main#qux::context = context
method call(self::B b) → self::A {
"This is a temporary solution. In the VM, this will become an additional parameter.";
final mock::Context #contextParameter = this.{self::Closure#main#qux::context};
return null;
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](3));
class Closure#bar extends core::Object implements core::Function, int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
field core::String note = "This is temporary. The VM doesn't need closure classes.";
constructor •() → dynamic
method call(self::A a) → dynamic
return self::bar(a);
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](4));
class Closure#baz extends core::Object implements core::Function, int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
field core::String note = "This is temporary. The VM doesn't need closure classes.";
constructor •() → dynamic
method call(dynamic a) → self::B
return self::baz(a);
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](5));
static final field core::List<dec::Class> $declarations = (core::List<dec::Class> d) → core::List<dec::Class> {
dec::init(d, 0, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 1, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 2, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](6))], new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(d.[](6)), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](1)), 0, <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](0))]));
dec::init(d, 3, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](6))], new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(d.[](6)), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](0)), 0, <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](1))]));
dec::init(d, 4, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](6))], new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(d.[](6)), const typ::Dynamic::•(), 0, <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](0))]));
dec::init(d, 5, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](6))], new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(d.[](6)), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](1)), 0, <dynamic>[const typ::Dynamic::•()]));
dec::init(d, 6, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 7, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 8, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 9, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](9))]), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](23))]);
dec::init(d, 10, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](24)));
dec::init(d, 11, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](24)));
dec::init(d, 12, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 13, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](25)));
dec::init(d, 14, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](25)));
dec::init(d, 15, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](25)));
dec::init(d, 16, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](25)));
dec::init(d, 17, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](26))]);
dec::init(d, 18, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19)));
dec::init(d, 19, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](25)));
dec::init(d, 20, null);
dec::init(d, 22, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 23, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 24, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](24))])]);
dec::init(d, 25, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 26, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
return d;
}.call(dec::allocateDeclarations(<dynamic>["A", "B", "Closure#main#foo", "Closure#main#qux", "Closure#bar", "Closure#baz", "Function", "Null", "bool", "String", "int", "double", "Type", "AbstractClassInstantiationError", "NoSuchMethodError", "CyclicInitializationError", "UnsupportedError", "IntegerDivisionByZeroException", "RangeError", "ArgumentError", "Object", "HasRuntimeTypeGetter", "Comparable", "Pattern", "num", "Error", "Exception"], <dynamic>[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]));
static method bar(self::A a) → dynamic {
return null;
static method baz(dynamic a) → self::B {
return null;
static method main() → dynamic {
final (self::A) → self::B foo = new self::Closure#main#foo::•(null);
final (self::B) → self::A qux = new self::Closure#main#qux::•(null);
tes::expectTrue(typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(foo), new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](6)), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1)), 0, <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0))])));
tes::expectTrue(!typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(qux), new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](6)), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1)), 0, <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0))])));
tes::expectTrue(!typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(foo), new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](6)), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0)), 0, <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1))])));
tes::expectTrue(typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(qux), new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](6)), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0)), 0, <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1))])));
tes::expectTrue(typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(new self::Closure#bar::•()), new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](6)), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1)), 0, <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0))])));
tes::expectTrue(!typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(new self::Closure#bar::•()), new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](6)), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0)), 0, <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1))])));
tes::expectTrue(typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(new self::Closure#baz::•()), new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](6)), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1)), 0, <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0))])));
tes::expectTrue(!typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(new self::Closure#baz::•()), new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](6)), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0)), 0, <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1))])));
(self::A) → dynamic rab = new self::Closure#bar::•();
(dynamic) → self::B zab = new self::Closure#baz::•();
tes::expectTrue(typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(rab), new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](6)), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1)), 0, <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0))])));
tes::expectTrue(!typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(rab), new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](6)), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0)), 0, <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1))])));
tes::expectTrue(typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(zab), new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](6)), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1)), 0, <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0))])));
tes::expectTrue(!typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(zab), new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](6)), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0)), 0, <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1))])));

View file

@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library factories_test;
import 'test_base.dart';
class A<T> {
factory A() {
return new B<T>();
factory A.named() {
return new A<T>.internal();
factory A.forward() = A<T>.internal;
class B<T> extends A<T> {
B() : super.internal();
class X {}
class Y {}
main() {
expectTrue(new A<X>.named() is A<X>);
expectTrue(new A<X>.named() is! A<Y>);
expectTrue(new A<X>.forward() is A<X>);
expectTrue(new A<X>.forward() is! A<Y>);
expectTrue(new A<X>() is B<X>);
expectTrue(new A<X>() is! B<Y>);
expectTrue(new A<X>.named() is! B<X>);
expectTrue(new A<X>.forward() is! B<X>);

View file

@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
library factories_test;
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
import "../../runtime/reify/interceptors.dart" as int;
import "../../runtime/reify/types.dart" as typ;
import "./test_base.dart" as tes;
import "../../runtime/reify/declarations.dart" as dec;
class A extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
final field typ::ReifiedType $type;
constructor internal(typ::ReifiedType $type) → void
: self::A::$type = $type, super core::Object::•()
static factory •(typ::ReifiedType $type) → self::A {
return new self::B::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1), <dynamic>[typ::getTypeArguments(typ::asInstanceOf($type, self::$declarations.[](0))).[](0)]));
static factory named(typ::ReifiedType $type) → self::A {
return new self::A::internal(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0), <dynamic>[typ::getTypeArguments(typ::asInstanceOf($type, self::$declarations.[](0))).[](0)]));
get $A$T() → typ::ReifiedType
return typ::getTypeArguments(typ::asInstanceOf(this.$type, self::$declarations.[](0))).[](0);
get $is$A() → core::bool
return true;
get $is$B() → core::bool
return false;
get runtimeType() → core::Type
return this.{=self::A::$type};
class B extends self::A implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •(typ::ReifiedType $type) → void
: super self::A::internal($type)
get $B$T() → typ::ReifiedType
return typ::getTypeArguments(typ::asInstanceOf(this.$type, self::$declarations.[](1))).[](0);
get $is$A() → core::bool
return true;
get $is$B() → core::bool
return true;
class X extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2));
get $is$A() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$B() → core::bool
return false;
class Y extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](3));
get $is$A() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$B() → core::bool
return false;
static final field core::List<dec::Class> $declarations = (core::List<dec::Class> d) → core::List<dec::Class> {
dec::init(d, 0, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 1, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](0), <dynamic>[d.[](1).variables.[](0)]));
dec::init(d, 2, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 3, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 4, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 5, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 6, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](6))]), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20))]);
dec::init(d, 7, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21)));
dec::init(d, 8, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21)));
dec::init(d, 9, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 10, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22)));
dec::init(d, 11, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22)));
dec::init(d, 12, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22)));
dec::init(d, 13, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22)));
dec::init(d, 14, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](23))]);
dec::init(d, 15, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)));
dec::init(d, 16, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22)));
dec::init(d, 17, null);
dec::init(d, 19, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 20, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 21, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21))])]);
dec::init(d, 22, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 23, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
return d;
}.call(dec::allocateDeclarations(<dynamic>["A", "B", "X", "Y", "Null", "bool", "String", "int", "double", "Type", "AbstractClassInstantiationError", "NoSuchMethodError", "CyclicInitializationError", "UnsupportedError", "IntegerDivisionByZeroException", "RangeError", "ArgumentError", "Object", "HasRuntimeTypeGetter", "Comparable", "Pattern", "num", "Error", "Exception"], <dynamic>[1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]));
static method main() → dynamic {
tes::expectTrue(let dynamic #t1 = self::A::named(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2))])) in #t1 is int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter && #t1.$is$A && (let dynamic #t2 = new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2))]) in typ::isSubtypeOf(#t1.$type, #t2)));
tes::expectTrue(!(let dynamic #t3 = self::A::named(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2))])) in #t3 is int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter && #t3.$is$A && (let dynamic #t4 = new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](3))]) in typ::isSubtypeOf(#t3.$type, #t4))));
tes::expectTrue(let dynamic #t5 = new self::A::internal(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2))])) in #t5 is int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter && #t5.$is$A && (let dynamic #t6 = new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2))]) in typ::isSubtypeOf(#t5.$type, #t6)));
tes::expectTrue(!(let dynamic #t7 = new self::A::internal(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2))])) in #t7 is int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter && #t7.$is$A && (let dynamic #t8 = new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](3))]) in typ::isSubtypeOf(#t7.$type, #t8))));
tes::expectTrue(let dynamic #t9 = self::A::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2))])) in #t9 is int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter && #t9.$is$B && (let dynamic #t10 = new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2))]) in typ::isSubtypeOf(#t9.$type, #t10)));
tes::expectTrue(!(let dynamic #t11 = self::A::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2))])) in #t11 is int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter && #t11.$is$B && (let dynamic #t12 = new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](3))]) in typ::isSubtypeOf(#t11.$type, #t12))));
tes::expectTrue(!(let dynamic #t13 = self::A::named(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2))])) in #t13 is int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter && #t13.$is$B && (let dynamic #t14 = new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2))]) in typ::isSubtypeOf(#t13.$type, #t14))));
tes::expectTrue(!(let dynamic #t15 = new self::A::internal(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2))])) in #t15 is int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter && #t15.$is$B && (let dynamic #t16 = new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2))]) in typ::isSubtypeOf(#t15.$type, #t16))));

View file

@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library field_initializer2_test;
import 'test_base.dart';
class A<T> {}
class B<T> {
var x = new A<T>();
var y;
B() : y = new A<T>();
main() {
var b = new B<A>();
expectTrue(b.x is A<A>);
expectTrue(b.y is A<A>);
expectFalse(b.x is A<B>);
expectFalse(b.y is A<B>);

View file

@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
library field_initializer2_test;
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
import "../../runtime/reify/interceptors.dart" as int;
import "../../runtime/reify/types.dart" as typ;
import "./test_base.dart" as tes;
import "../../runtime/reify/declarations.dart" as dec;
class A extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
final field typ::ReifiedType $type;
constructor •(typ::ReifiedType $type) → void
: self::A::$type = $type, super core::Object::•()
get $A$T() → typ::ReifiedType
return typ::getTypeArguments(typ::asInstanceOf(this.$type, self::$declarations.[](0))).[](0);
get $is$A() → core::bool
return true;
get runtimeType() → core::Type
return this.{=self::A::$type};
class B extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
field self::A x;
field dynamic y;
final field typ::ReifiedType $type;
constructor •(typ::ReifiedType $type) → void
: self::B::x = self::B::$init$x($type), self::B::$type = $type, self::B::y = new self::A::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0), typ::getTypeArguments(typ::asInstanceOf($type, self::$declarations.[](1))))), super core::Object::•()
set x$cc(self::A x_) → dynamic {
this.{=self::B::x} = x_ as self::A;
get $B$T() → typ::ReifiedType
return typ::getTypeArguments(typ::asInstanceOf(this.$type, self::$declarations.[](1))).[](0);
get $is$A() → core::bool
return false;
get runtimeType() → core::Type
return this.{=self::B::$type};
static method $init$x(dynamic $type) → dynamic
return new self::A::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0), typ::getTypeArguments(typ::asInstanceOf($type, self::$declarations.[](1)))));
static final field core::List<dec::Class> $declarations = (core::List<dec::Class> d) → core::List<dec::Class> {
dec::init(d, 0, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)));
dec::init(d, 1, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)));
dec::init(d, 2, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)));
dec::init(d, 3, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)));
dec::init(d, 4, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](4))]), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18))]);
dec::init(d, 5, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19)));
dec::init(d, 6, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19)));
dec::init(d, 7, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)));
dec::init(d, 8, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 9, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 10, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 11, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 12, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21))]);
dec::init(d, 13, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](14)));
dec::init(d, 14, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 15, null);
dec::init(d, 17, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)));
dec::init(d, 18, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)));
dec::init(d, 19, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19))])]);
dec::init(d, 20, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)));
dec::init(d, 21, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)));
return d;
}.call(dec::allocateDeclarations(<dynamic>["A", "B", "Null", "bool", "String", "int", "double", "Type", "AbstractClassInstantiationError", "NoSuchMethodError", "CyclicInitializationError", "UnsupportedError", "IntegerDivisionByZeroException", "RangeError", "ArgumentError", "Object", "HasRuntimeTypeGetter", "Comparable", "Pattern", "num", "Error", "Exception"], <dynamic>[1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]));
static method main() → dynamic {
self::B b = new self::B::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0), <dynamic>[const typ::Dynamic::•()])]));
tes::expectTrue(let dynamic #t1 = b.{self::B::x} in #t1 is int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter && #t1.$is$A && (let dynamic #t2 = new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0), <dynamic>[const typ::Dynamic::•()])]) in typ::isSubtypeOf(#t1.$type, #t2)));
tes::expectTrue(let dynamic #t3 = b.{self::B::y} in #t3 is int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter && #t3.$is$A && (let dynamic #t4 = new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0), <dynamic>[const typ::Dynamic::•()])]) in typ::isSubtypeOf(#t3.$type, #t4)));
tes::expectFalse(let dynamic #t5 = b.{self::B::x} in #t5 is int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter && #t5.$is$A && (let dynamic #t6 = new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1), <dynamic>[const typ::Dynamic::•()])]) in typ::isSubtypeOf(#t5.$type, #t6)));
tes::expectFalse(let dynamic #t7 = b.{self::B::y} in #t7 is int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter && #t7.$is$A && (let dynamic #t8 = new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1), <dynamic>[const typ::Dynamic::•()])]) in typ::isSubtypeOf(#t7.$type, #t8)));

View file

@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library field_initializer_test;
import 'test_base.dart';
p(x) {
return x;
class A<T> {
var a1 = p("a1");
var a2;
A() : a2 = p("a2") {
class B<T> extends A<T> {
var b1 = p("b1");
var b2 = p("b2");
var b3;
var b4;
: b3 = p("b3"),
b4 = p("b4"),
super() {
main() {
var b = new B();

View file

@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
library field_initializer_test;
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
import "../../runtime/reify/interceptors.dart" as int;
import "../../runtime/reify/types.dart" as typ;
import "./test_base.dart" as tes;
import "../../runtime/reify/declarations.dart" as dec;
class A extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
field dynamic a1 = self::p("a1");
field dynamic a2;
final field typ::ReifiedType $type;
constructor •(typ::ReifiedType $type) → void
: self::A::$type = $type, self::A::a2 = self::p("a2"), super core::Object::•() {
get $A$T() → typ::ReifiedType
return typ::getTypeArguments(typ::asInstanceOf(this.$type, self::$declarations.[](0))).[](0);
get runtimeType() → core::Type
return this.{=self::A::$type};
class B extends self::A implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
field dynamic b1 = self::p("b1");
field dynamic b2 = self::p("b2");
field dynamic b3;
field dynamic b4;
constructor •(typ::ReifiedType $type) → void
: self::B::b3 = self::p("b3"), self::B::b4 = self::p("b4"), super self::A::•($type) {
get $B$T() → typ::ReifiedType
return typ::getTypeArguments(typ::asInstanceOf(this.$type, self::$declarations.[](1))).[](0);
static final field core::List<dec::Class> $declarations = (core::List<dec::Class> d) → core::List<dec::Class> {
dec::init(d, 0, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)));
dec::init(d, 1, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](0), <dynamic>[d.[](1).variables.[](0)]));
dec::init(d, 2, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)));
dec::init(d, 3, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)));
dec::init(d, 4, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](4))]), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18))]);
dec::init(d, 5, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19)));
dec::init(d, 6, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19)));
dec::init(d, 7, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)));
dec::init(d, 8, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 9, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 10, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 11, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 12, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21))]);
dec::init(d, 13, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](14)));
dec::init(d, 14, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 15, null);
dec::init(d, 17, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)));
dec::init(d, 18, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)));
dec::init(d, 19, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19))])]);
dec::init(d, 20, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)));
dec::init(d, 21, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)));
return d;
}.call(dec::allocateDeclarations(<dynamic>["A", "B", "Null", "bool", "String", "int", "double", "Type", "AbstractClassInstantiationError", "NoSuchMethodError", "CyclicInitializationError", "UnsupportedError", "IntegerDivisionByZeroException", "RangeError", "ArgumentError", "Object", "HasRuntimeTypeGetter", "Comparable", "Pattern", "num", "Error", "Exception"], <dynamic>[1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]));
static method p(dynamic x) → dynamic {
return x;
static method main() → dynamic {
self::B b = new self::B::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1), <dynamic>[const typ::Dynamic::•()]));

View file

@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library function_type_test;
import 'test_base.dart';
class A {}
class B extends A {}
class C extends A {}
class D implements Function {
B call(A a) {
return null;
class ER0P1 {
void call([A a]) {}
class ER1P0 {
void call(A a) {}
class ER1P1 {
void call(A a, [B b]) {}
class ER1P2 {
void call(A a, [B b, C c]) {}
class ER2P1 {
void call(A a, B b, [C c]) {}
class ER0N1 {
void call({A a}) {}
class ER1N0 {
void call(A a) {}
class ER1N1 {
void call(A a, {B b}) {}
class ER1N2 {
void call(A a, {B b, C c}) {}
class ER2N1 {
void call(A a, B b, {C c}) {}
class ER0N8 {
void call({kE, ii, oP, Ij, pA, zD, aZ, UU}) {}
C foo(A a) {
return null;
typedef B A2B(A a);
typedef C C2C(C c);
typedef void R0P1([A a]);
typedef void R1P0(A a);
typedef void R1P1(A a, [B b]);
typedef void R1P2(A a, [B b, C c]);
typedef void R2P1(A a, B b, [C c]);
typedef void R0N1({A a});
typedef void R1N0(A a);
typedef void R1N1(A a, {B b});
typedef void R1N2(A a, {B b, C c});
typedef void R2N1(A a, B b, {C c});
typedef void R0N8({aZ, oP, Ij, kE, pA, zD, UU, ii});
void test(x) {
write(x is Function);
write(x is A2B);
write(x is C2C);
write(x is R0P1);
write(x is R1P0);
write(x is R1P1);
write(x is R1P2);
write(x is R2P1);
write(x is R0N1);
write(x is R1N0);
write(x is R1N1);
write(x is R1N2);
write(x is R2N1);
main() {
test(new D());
for (var c in [
new ER0P1(),
new ER1P0(),
new ER1P1(),
new ER1P2(),
new ER2P1(),
new ER0N1(),
new ER1N0(),
new ER1N1(),
new ER1N2(),
new ER2N1()
]) {

View file

@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
library function_type_test;
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
import "../../runtime/reify/interceptors.dart" as int;
import "../../runtime/reify/types.dart" as typ;
import "./test_base.dart" as tes;
import "../../runtime/reify/declarations.dart" as dec;
class A extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0));
get $is$Function() → core::bool
return false;
class B extends self::A implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super self::A::•()
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1));
get $is$Function() → core::bool
return false;
class C extends self::A implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super self::A::•()
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2));
get $is$Function() → core::bool
return false;
class D extends core::Object implements core::Function, int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
method call(self::A a) → self::B {
return null;
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](3));
get $is$Function() → core::bool
return true;
class ER0P1 extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
method call([self::A a]) → void {}
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](4));
get $is$Function() → core::bool
return false;
class ER1P0 extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
method call(self::A a) → void {}
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](5));
get $is$Function() → core::bool
return false;
class ER1P1 extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
method call(self::A a, [self::B b]) → void {}
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](6));
get $is$Function() → core::bool
return false;
class ER1P2 extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
method call(self::A a, [self::B b, self::C c]) → void {}
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](7));
get $is$Function() → core::bool
return false;
class ER2P1 extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
method call(self::A a, self::B b, [self::C c]) → void {}
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](8));
get $is$Function() → core::bool
return false;
class ER0N1 extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
method call({self::A a}) → void {}
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](9));
get $is$Function() → core::bool
return false;
class ER1N0 extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
method call(self::A a) → void {}
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](10));
get $is$Function() → core::bool
return false;
class ER1N1 extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
method call(self::A a, {self::B b}) → void {}
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](11));
get $is$Function() → core::bool
return false;
class ER1N2 extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
method call(self::A a, {self::B b, self::C c}) → void {}
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](12));
get $is$Function() → core::bool
return false;
class ER2N1 extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
method call(self::A a, self::B b, {self::C c}) → void {}
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](13));
get $is$Function() → core::bool
return false;
class ER0N8 extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
method call({dynamic kE, dynamic ii, dynamic oP, dynamic Ij, dynamic pA, dynamic zD, dynamic aZ, dynamic UU}) → void {}
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](14));
get $is$Function() → core::bool
return false;
static final field core::List<dec::Class> $declarations = (core::List<dec::Class> d) → core::List<dec::Class> {
dec::init(d, 0, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 1, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](0)));
dec::init(d, 2, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](0)));
dec::init(d, 3, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15))], new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](1)), 0, <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](0))]));
dec::init(d, 4, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)), <dynamic>[], new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)), new typ::Void::•(), 2, <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](0))]));
dec::init(d, 5, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)), <dynamic>[], new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)), new typ::Void::•(), 0, <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](0))]));
dec::init(d, 6, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)), <dynamic>[], new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)), new typ::Void::•(), 2, <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](0)), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](1))]));
dec::init(d, 7, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)), <dynamic>[], new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)), new typ::Void::•(), 4, <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](0)), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](1)), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](2))]));
dec::init(d, 8, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)), <dynamic>[], new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)), new typ::Void::•(), 2, <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](0)), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](1)), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](2))]));
dec::init(d, 9, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)), <dynamic>[], new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)), new typ::Void::•(), 3, <dynamic>["a", new typ::Interface::•(d.[](0))]));
dec::init(d, 10, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)), <dynamic>[], new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)), new typ::Void::•(), 0, <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](0))]));
dec::init(d, 11, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)), <dynamic>[], new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)), new typ::Void::•(), 3, <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](0)), "b", new typ::Interface::•(d.[](1))]));
dec::init(d, 12, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)), <dynamic>[], new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)), new typ::Void::•(), 5, <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](0)), "b", new typ::Interface::•(d.[](1)), "c", new typ::Interface::•(d.[](2))]));
dec::init(d, 13, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)), <dynamic>[], new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)), new typ::Void::•(), 3, <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](0)), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](1)), "c", new typ::Interface::•(d.[](2))]));
dec::init(d, 14, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)), <dynamic>[], new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)), new typ::Void::•(), 17, <dynamic>["kE", const typ::Dynamic::•(), "ii", const typ::Dynamic::•(), "oP", const typ::Dynamic::•(), "Ij", const typ::Dynamic::•(), "pA", const typ::Dynamic::•(), "zD", const typ::Dynamic::•(), "aZ", const typ::Dynamic::•(), "UU", const typ::Dynamic::•()]));
dec::init(d, 15, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 16, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](32), <dynamic>[d.[](16).variables.[](0)])]);
dec::init(d, 17, null);
dec::init(d, 18, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 19, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 20, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](33), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20))]), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](34))]);
dec::init(d, 21, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](35)));
dec::init(d, 22, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](35)));
dec::init(d, 23, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 24, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](36)));
dec::init(d, 25, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](36)));
dec::init(d, 26, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](36)));
dec::init(d, 27, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](36)));
dec::init(d, 28, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](37))]);
dec::init(d, 29, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](30)));
dec::init(d, 30, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](36)));
dec::init(d, 32, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](38), <dynamic>[d.[](32).variables.[](0)]));
dec::init(d, 33, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 34, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 35, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](33), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](35))])]);
dec::init(d, 36, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 37, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 38, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
return d;
}.call(dec::allocateDeclarations(<dynamic>["A", "B", "C", "D", "ER0P1", "ER1P0", "ER1P1", "ER1P2", "ER2P1", "ER0N1", "ER1N0", "ER1N1", "ER1N2", "ER2N1", "ER0N8", "Function", "List", "Object", "Null", "bool", "String", "int", "double", "Type", "AbstractClassInstantiationError", "NoSuchMethodError", "CyclicInitializationError", "UnsupportedError", "IntegerDivisionByZeroException", "RangeError", "ArgumentError", "HasRuntimeTypeGetter", "EfficientLengthIterable", "Comparable", "Pattern", "num", "Error", "Exception", "Iterable"], <dynamic>[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]));
static method foo(self::A a) → self::C {
return null;
static method test(dynamic x) → void {
tes::write(typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(x), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](15))));
tes::write(typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(x), new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](15)), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1)), 0, <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0))])));
tes::write(typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(x), new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](15)), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2)), 0, <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2))])));
tes::write(typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(x), new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](15)), new typ::Void::•(), 2, <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0))])));
tes::write(typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(x), new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](15)), new typ::Void::•(), 0, <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0))])));
tes::write(typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(x), new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](15)), new typ::Void::•(), 2, <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0)), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1))])));
tes::write(typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(x), new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](15)), new typ::Void::•(), 4, <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0)), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1)), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2))])));
tes::write(typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(x), new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](15)), new typ::Void::•(), 2, <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0)), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1)), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2))])));
tes::write(typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(x), new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](15)), new typ::Void::•(), 3, <dynamic>["a", new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0))])));
tes::write(typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(x), new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](15)), new typ::Void::•(), 0, <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0))])));
tes::write(typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(x), new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](15)), new typ::Void::•(), 3, <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0)), "b", new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1))])));
tes::write(typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(x), new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](15)), new typ::Void::•(), 5, <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0)), "b", new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1)), "c", new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2))])));
tes::write(typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(x), new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](15)), new typ::Void::•(), 3, <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0)), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1)), "c", new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2))])));
static method main() → dynamic {
self::test(new self::D::•());
for (core::Object c in int::attachType(<core::Object>[new self::ER0P1::•(), new self::ER1P0::•(), new self::ER1P1::•(), new self::ER1P2::•(), new self::ER2P1::•(), new self::ER0N1::•(), new self::ER1N0::•(), new self::ER1N1::•(), new self::ER1N2::•(), new self::ER2N1::•()], new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](16), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](17))]))) {

View file

@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Test that a dynamic call to a generic function checks the type argument
// against its bound.
library generic_methods_bounds_test;
import "test_base.dart";
class A {}
class B {}
class C {
void fun<T extends A>(T t) {}
main() {
dynamic obj = new C();
expectThrows(() =><B>(new B()), (e) => e is TypeError);

View file

@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
library generic_methods_bounds_test;
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
import "../../runtime/reify/interceptors.dart" as int;
import "../../runtime/reify/types.dart" as typ;
import "dart:mock" as mock;
import "./test_base.dart" as tes;
import "../../runtime/reify/declarations.dart" as dec;
class A extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0));
get $is$TypeError() → core::bool
return false;
class B extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1));
get $is$TypeError() → core::bool
return false;
class C extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
method fun<T extends self::A>(dynamic t, {core::List<typ::ReifiedType> $typeParameters}) → void {}
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2));
get $is$TypeError() → core::bool
return false;
class Closure#main#function extends core::Object implements core::Function, int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
field core::String note = "This is temporary. The VM doesn't need closure classes.";
field mock::Context context;
constructor •(final mock::Context context) → dynamic
: self::Closure#main#function::context = context
method call() → dynamic {
"This is a temporary solution. In the VM, this will become an additional parameter.";
final mock::Context #contextParameter = this.{self::Closure#main#function::context};
return #contextParameter.[](0).fun(new self::B::•(), $typeParameters: <typ::ReifiedType>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1))]);
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](3));
get $is$TypeError() → core::bool
return false;
class Closure#main#function#1 extends core::Object implements core::Function, int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
field core::String note = "This is temporary. The VM doesn't need closure classes.";
field mock::Context context;
constructor •(final mock::Context context) → dynamic
: self::Closure#main#function#1::context = context
method call(dynamic e) → core::bool {
"This is a temporary solution. In the VM, this will become an additional parameter.";
final mock::Context #contextParameter = this.{self::Closure#main#function#1::context};
return typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(e), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](5)));
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](4));
get $is$TypeError() → core::bool
return false;
static final field core::List<dec::Class> $declarations = (core::List<dec::Class> d) → core::List<dec::Class> {
dec::init(d, 0, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 1, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 2, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 3, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22))], new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22)), const typ::Dynamic::•(), 0, <dynamic>[]));
dec::init(d, 4, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22))], new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22)), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](8)), 0, <dynamic>[const typ::Dynamic::•()]));
dec::init(d, 5, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](23)));
dec::init(d, 6, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 7, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 8, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 9, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](24), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](9))]), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](25))]);
dec::init(d, 10, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](26)));
dec::init(d, 11, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](26)));
dec::init(d, 12, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 13, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](27)));
dec::init(d, 14, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](27)));
dec::init(d, 15, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](27)));
dec::init(d, 16, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](27)));
dec::init(d, 17, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](28))]);
dec::init(d, 18, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19)));
dec::init(d, 19, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](27)));
dec::init(d, 20, null);
dec::init(d, 22, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 23, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](27)));
dec::init(d, 24, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 25, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 26, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](24), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](26))])]);
dec::init(d, 27, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 28, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
return d;
}.call(dec::allocateDeclarations(<dynamic>["A", "B", "C", "Closure#main#function", "Closure#main#function#1", "TypeError", "Context", "Null", "bool", "String", "int", "double", "Type", "AbstractClassInstantiationError", "NoSuchMethodError", "CyclicInitializationError", "UnsupportedError", "IntegerDivisionByZeroException", "RangeError", "ArgumentError", "Object", "HasRuntimeTypeGetter", "Function", "AssertionError", "Comparable", "Pattern", "num", "Error", "Exception"], <dynamic>[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]));
static method main() → dynamic {
final mock::Context #context = int::attachType(new mock::Context::•(1), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](6)));
#context.[]=(0, new self::C::•());
tes::expectThrows(new self::Closure#main#function::•(#context), new self::Closure#main#function#1::•(#context));

View file

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Test that a generic closure is correctly constructed.
library generic_methods_closure_test;
import "test_base.dart";
class A {}
class I<T> {}
class B extends I<B> {}
void fun<T>(List<T> list) {
var helper1 = <S>(List<S> list) {
if (list.length > 0) {
expectTrue(list[0] is S);
expectTrue(list is List<S>);
expectTrue(list is List<T>);
void helper2<S>(List<S> list) {
if (list.length > 0) {
expectTrue(list[0] is S);
expectTrue(list is List<S>);
expectTrue(list is List<T>);
main() {
List<B> list = <B>[new B()];

View file

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Test that if the type of a parameter of a generic method depends on type
// parameter, the type of the passed argument is checked at runtime if the
// receiver is dynamic, and an exception is thrown.
library generic_methods_dynamic_dependent_type_error_test;
import "test_base.dart";
class A {}
class B {}
class C {
List<T> bar<T>(Iterable<T> t) => <T>[t.first];
main() {
C c = new C();
dynamic obj = c;
expectThrows(() =><A>(<B>[new B()]), (e) => e is TypeError);

View file

@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
library generic_methods_dynamic_dependent_type_error_test;
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
import "../../runtime/reify/interceptors.dart" as int;
import "../../runtime/reify/types.dart" as typ;
import "dart:mock" as mock;
import "./test_base.dart" as tes;
import "../../runtime/reify/declarations.dart" as dec;
class A extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0));
get $is$TypeError() → core::bool
return false;
class B extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1));
get $is$TypeError() → core::bool
return false;
class C extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
method bar<T extends core::Object>(core::Iterable<self::C::bar::T> t, {core::List<typ::ReifiedType> $typeParameters}) → core::List<self::C::bar::T> {
return int::attachType(<dynamic>[t.{core::Iterable::first}], new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](3), <dynamic>[this.$C$T]));
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2));
get $is$TypeError() → core::bool
return false;
class Closure#main#function extends core::Object implements core::Function, int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
field core::String note = "This is temporary. The VM doesn't need closure classes.";
field mock::Context context;
constructor •(final mock::Context context) → dynamic
: self::Closure#main#function::context = context
method call() → dynamic {
"This is a temporary solution. In the VM, this will become an additional parameter.";
final mock::Context #contextParameter = this.{self::Closure#main#function::context};
return #contextParameter.[](0).bar(int::attachType(<self::B>[new self::B::•()], new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](3), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1))])), $typeParameters: <typ::ReifiedType>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0))]);
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](4));
get $is$TypeError() → core::bool
return false;
class Closure#main#function#1 extends core::Object implements core::Function, int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
field core::String note = "This is temporary. The VM doesn't need closure classes.";
field mock::Context context;
constructor •(final mock::Context context) → dynamic
: self::Closure#main#function#1::context = context
method call(dynamic e) → core::bool {
"This is a temporary solution. In the VM, this will become an additional parameter.";
final mock::Context #contextParameter = this.{self::Closure#main#function#1::context};
return typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(e), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](6)));
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](5));
get $is$TypeError() → core::bool
return false;
static final field core::List<dec::Class> $declarations = (core::List<dec::Class> d) → core::List<dec::Class> {
dec::init(d, 0, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21)));
dec::init(d, 1, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21)));
dec::init(d, 2, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21)));
dec::init(d, 3, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](23), <dynamic>[d.[](3).variables.[](0)])]);
dec::init(d, 4, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](24))], new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(d.[](24)), const typ::Dynamic::•(), 0, <dynamic>[]));
dec::init(d, 5, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](24))], new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(d.[](24)), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](9)), 0, <dynamic>[const typ::Dynamic::•()]));
dec::init(d, 6, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](25)));
dec::init(d, 7, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21)));
dec::init(d, 8, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21)));
dec::init(d, 9, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21)));
dec::init(d, 10, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](26), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](10))]), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](27))]);
dec::init(d, 11, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](28)));
dec::init(d, 12, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](28)));
dec::init(d, 13, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21)));
dec::init(d, 14, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](29)));
dec::init(d, 15, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](29)));
dec::init(d, 16, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](29)));
dec::init(d, 17, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](29)));
dec::init(d, 18, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](30))]);
dec::init(d, 19, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 20, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](29)));
dec::init(d, 21, null);
dec::init(d, 23, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](31), <dynamic>[d.[](23).variables.[](0)]));
dec::init(d, 24, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21)));
dec::init(d, 25, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](29)));
dec::init(d, 26, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21)));
dec::init(d, 27, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21)));
dec::init(d, 28, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](26), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](28))])]);
dec::init(d, 29, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21)));
dec::init(d, 30, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21)));
dec::init(d, 31, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21)));
return d;
}.call(dec::allocateDeclarations(<dynamic>["A", "B", "C", "List", "Closure#main#function", "Closure#main#function#1", "TypeError", "Context", "Null", "bool", "String", "int", "double", "Type", "AbstractClassInstantiationError", "NoSuchMethodError", "CyclicInitializationError", "UnsupportedError", "IntegerDivisionByZeroException", "RangeError", "ArgumentError", "Object", "HasRuntimeTypeGetter", "EfficientLengthIterable", "Function", "AssertionError", "Comparable", "Pattern", "num", "Error", "Exception", "Iterable"], <dynamic>[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]));
static method main() → dynamic {
self::C c = new self::C::•();
final mock::Context #context = int::attachType(new mock::Context::•(1), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](7)));
#context.[]=(0, c);
tes::expectThrows(new self::Closure#main#function::•(#context), new self::Closure#main#function#1::•(#context));

View file

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Test that if the type of a parameter of a generic method is a type parameter,
// the type of the passed argument is checked at runtime if the receiver is
// dynamic, and an exception is thrown.
library generic_methods_dynamic_simple_error_test;
import "test_base.dart";
class A {}
class B {}
class C {
T foo<T>(T t) => t;
main() {
B b = new B();
C c = new C();
dynamic obj = c;
expectThrows(() =><A>(b), (e) => e is TypeError);

View file

@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
library generic_methods_dynamic_simple_error_test;
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
import "../../runtime/reify/interceptors.dart" as int;
import "../../runtime/reify/types.dart" as typ;
import "dart:mock" as mock;
import "./test_base.dart" as tes;
import "../../runtime/reify/declarations.dart" as dec;
class A extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0));
get $is$TypeError() → core::bool
return false;
class B extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1));
get $is$TypeError() → core::bool
return false;
class C extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
method foo<T extends core::Object>(dynamic t, {core::List<typ::ReifiedType> $typeParameters}) → dynamic {
return t;
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2));
get $is$TypeError() → core::bool
return false;
class Closure#main#function extends core::Object implements core::Function, int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
field core::String note = "This is temporary. The VM doesn't need closure classes.";
field mock::Context context;
constructor •(final mock::Context context) → dynamic
: self::Closure#main#function::context = context
method call() → dynamic {
"This is a temporary solution. In the VM, this will become an additional parameter.";
final mock::Context #contextParameter = this.{self::Closure#main#function::context};
return #contextParameter.[](1).foo(#contextParameter.[](0), $typeParameters: <typ::ReifiedType>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0))]);
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](3));
get $is$TypeError() → core::bool
return false;
class Closure#main#function#1 extends core::Object implements core::Function, int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
field core::String note = "This is temporary. The VM doesn't need closure classes.";
field mock::Context context;
constructor •(final mock::Context context) → dynamic
: self::Closure#main#function#1::context = context
method call(dynamic e) → core::bool {
"This is a temporary solution. In the VM, this will become an additional parameter.";
final mock::Context #contextParameter = this.{self::Closure#main#function#1::context};
return typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(e), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](5)));
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](4));
get $is$TypeError() → core::bool
return false;
static final field core::List<dec::Class> $declarations = (core::List<dec::Class> d) → core::List<dec::Class> {
dec::init(d, 0, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 1, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 2, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 3, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22))], new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22)), const typ::Dynamic::•(), 0, <dynamic>[]));
dec::init(d, 4, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22))], new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22)), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](8)), 0, <dynamic>[const typ::Dynamic::•()]));
dec::init(d, 5, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](23)));
dec::init(d, 6, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 7, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 8, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 9, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](24), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](9))]), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](25))]);
dec::init(d, 10, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](26)));
dec::init(d, 11, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](26)));
dec::init(d, 12, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 13, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](27)));
dec::init(d, 14, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](27)));
dec::init(d, 15, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](27)));
dec::init(d, 16, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](27)));
dec::init(d, 17, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](28))]);
dec::init(d, 18, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19)));
dec::init(d, 19, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](27)));
dec::init(d, 20, null);
dec::init(d, 22, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 23, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](27)));
dec::init(d, 24, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 25, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 26, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](24), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](26))])]);
dec::init(d, 27, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 28, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
return d;
}.call(dec::allocateDeclarations(<dynamic>["A", "B", "C", "Closure#main#function", "Closure#main#function#1", "TypeError", "Context", "Null", "bool", "String", "int", "double", "Type", "AbstractClassInstantiationError", "NoSuchMethodError", "CyclicInitializationError", "UnsupportedError", "IntegerDivisionByZeroException", "RangeError", "ArgumentError", "Object", "HasRuntimeTypeGetter", "Function", "AssertionError", "Comparable", "Pattern", "num", "Error", "Exception"], <dynamic>[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]));
static method main() → dynamic {
final mock::Context #context = int::attachType(new mock::Context::•(2), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](6)));
#context.[]=(0, new self::B::•());
self::C c = new self::C::•();
#context.[]=(1, c);
tes::expectThrows(new self::Closure#main#function::•(#context), new self::Closure#main#function#1::•(#context));

View file

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Test that if the type of a parameter of a generic method depends on a type
// parameter, the type of the passed argument is checked at runtime if the
// receiver is dynamic. The checks should pass if the variables are declared
// correctly.
library generic_methods_dynamic_test;
import "test_base.dart";
class A {}
class B {}
class C {
T foo<T>(T t) => t;
List<T> bar<T>(Iterable<T> t) => <T>[t.first];
main() {
B b = new B();
C c = new C();
dynamic obj = c;
expectTrue(<B>(b) == b);
expectTrue(<B>(b) == b);
dynamic x =<B>(<B>[new B()]);
expectTrue(x is List<B>);
expectTrue(x.length == 1);
dynamic y =<B>(<B>[new B()]);
expectTrue(y is List<B>);
expectTrue(y.length == 1);

View file

@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
library generic_methods_dynamic_test;
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
import "../../runtime/reify/interceptors.dart" as int;
import "../../runtime/reify/types.dart" as typ;
import "./test_base.dart" as tes;
import "../../runtime/reify/declarations.dart" as dec;
class A extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0));
get $is$List() → core::bool
return false;
class B extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1));
get $is$List() → core::bool
return false;
class C extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
method foo<T extends core::Object>(dynamic t, {core::List<typ::ReifiedType> $typeParameters}) → dynamic {
return t;
method bar<T extends core::Object>(core::Iterable<self::C::bar::T> t, {core::List<typ::ReifiedType> $typeParameters}) → core::List<self::C::bar::T> {
return int::attachType(<dynamic>[t.{core::Iterable::first}], new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](3), <dynamic>[this.$C$T]));
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2));
get $is$List() → core::bool
return false;
static final field core::List<dec::Class> $declarations = (core::List<dec::Class> d) → core::List<dec::Class> {
dec::init(d, 0, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 1, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 2, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 3, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19), <dynamic>[d.[](3).variables.[](0)])]);
dec::init(d, 4, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 5, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 6, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](6))]), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21))]);
dec::init(d, 7, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22)));
dec::init(d, 8, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22)));
dec::init(d, 9, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 10, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](23)));
dec::init(d, 11, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](23)));
dec::init(d, 12, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](23)));
dec::init(d, 13, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](23)));
dec::init(d, 14, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](24))]);
dec::init(d, 15, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)));
dec::init(d, 16, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](23)));
dec::init(d, 17, null);
dec::init(d, 19, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](25), <dynamic>[d.[](19).variables.[](0)]));
dec::init(d, 20, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 21, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 22, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22))])]);
dec::init(d, 23, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 24, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 25, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
return d;
}.call(dec::allocateDeclarations(<dynamic>["A", "B", "C", "List", "Null", "bool", "String", "int", "double", "Type", "AbstractClassInstantiationError", "NoSuchMethodError", "CyclicInitializationError", "UnsupportedError", "IntegerDivisionByZeroException", "RangeError", "ArgumentError", "Object", "HasRuntimeTypeGetter", "EfficientLengthIterable", "Comparable", "Pattern", "num", "Error", "Exception", "Iterable"], <dynamic>[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]));
static method main() → dynamic {
self::B b = new self::B::•();
self::C c = new self::C::•();
dynamic obj = c;
tes::expectTrue(c.{self::C::foo}(b, $typeParameters: <typ::ReifiedType>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1))]).{core::Object::==}(b));
tes::expectTrue(, $typeParameters: <typ::ReifiedType>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1))]).==(b));
dynamic x = c.{self::C::bar}(int::attachType(<self::B>[new self::B::•()], new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](3), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1))])), $typeParameters: <typ::ReifiedType>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1))]);
tes::expectTrue(typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(x), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](3), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1))])));
dynamic y =<self::B>[new self::B::•()], new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](3), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1))])), $typeParameters: <typ::ReifiedType>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1))]);
tes::expectTrue(typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(y), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](3), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1))])));

View file

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Test that a torn off method of a generic class is not a generic method,
// and that it is correctly specialized.
library generic_methods_generic_class_tearoff_test;
import "test_base.dart";
class A<T> {
T fun(T t) => t;
typedef Int2Int = int Function(int);
typedef String2String = String Function(String);
typedef Object2Object = Object Function(Object);
typedef GenericMethod = T Function<T>(T);
main() {
A<int> x = new A<int>();
var f =; // The type of f should be 'int Function(Object)'.
A<String> y = new A<String>();
var g =; // The type of g should be 'String Function(Object)'.
A z = new A();
var h =; // The type of h should be 'dynamic Function(Object)'.
expectTrue(f is Int2Int);
expectTrue(f is! String2String);
expectTrue(f is Object2Object);
expectTrue(f is! GenericMethod);
expectTrue(g is! Int2Int);
expectTrue(g is String2String);
expectTrue(g is Object2Object);
expectTrue(g is! GenericMethod);
expectTrue(h is! Int2Int);
expectTrue(h is! String2String);
expectTrue(h is Object2Object);
expectTrue(h is! GenericMethod);

View file

@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Test that a type variable can be used to declare local variables, and that
// these local variables are of correct type.
library generic_methods_local_variable_declaration_test;
import "test_base.dart";
class X {}
abstract class Generator<T> {
T generate();
class A implements Generator<A> {
generate() {
return new A();
String toString() => "instance of A";
class B implements Generator<B> {
generate() {
return new B();
String toString() => "instance of B";
String fun<T extends Generator<T>>(T t) {
T another = t.generate();
String anotherName = "$another";
expectTrue(another is T);
expectTrue(another is Generator<T>);
return anotherName;
main() {
A a = new A();
B b = new B();
expectTrue(fun<A>(a) == "instance of A");
expectTrue(fun<B>(b) == "instance of B");

View file

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Test that generic methods with named parameters are of correct type.
library generic_methods_named_parameters_test;
import "test_base.dart";
typedef FunObjObj = Object Function<T>(Object, {Object y});
typedef FunTypObj = Object Function<T>(T, {Object y});
typedef FunObjTyp = Object Function<T>(Object, {T y});
typedef FunTypTyp = Object Function<T>(T, {T y});
Object funObjObj<T>(Object x, {Object y}) => x;
Object funTypObj<T>(T x, {Object y}) => y;
Object funObjTyp<T>(Object x, {T y}) => x;
Object funTypTyp<T>(T x, {T y}) => null;
main() {
expectTrue(funObjObj is FunObjObj);
expectTrue(funObjObj is FunTypObj);
expectTrue(funObjObj is FunObjTyp);
expectTrue(funObjObj is FunTypTyp);
expectTrue(funTypObj is! FunObjObj);
expectTrue(funTypObj is FunTypObj);
expectTrue(funTypObj is! FunObjTyp);
expectTrue(funTypObj is FunTypTyp);
expectTrue(funObjTyp is! FunObjObj);
expectTrue(funObjTyp is! FunTypObj);
expectTrue(funObjTyp is FunObjTyp);
expectTrue(funObjTyp is FunTypTyp);
expectTrue(funTypTyp is! FunObjObj);
expectTrue(funTypTyp is! FunTypObj);
expectTrue(funTypTyp is! FunObjTyp);
expectTrue(funTypTyp is FunTypTyp);

View file

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Test that generic methods with optional parameters are of correct type.
library generic_methods_optional_parameters_test;
import "test_base.dart";
typedef FunObjObj = Object Function<T>(Object, [Object]);
typedef FunTypObj = Object Function<T>(T, [Object]);
typedef FunObjTyp = Object Function<T>(Object, [T]);
typedef FunTypTyp = Object Function<T>(T, [T]);
Object funObjObj<T>(Object x, [Object y]) => x;
Object funTypObj<T>(T x, [Object y]) => y;
Object funObjTyp<T>(Object x, [T y]) => x;
Object funTypTyp<T>(T x, [T y]) => null;
main() {
expectTrue(funObjObj is FunObjObj);
expectTrue(funObjObj is FunTypObj);
expectTrue(funObjObj is FunObjTyp);
expectTrue(funObjObj is FunTypTyp);
expectTrue(funTypObj is! FunObjObj);
expectTrue(funTypObj is FunTypObj);
expectTrue(funTypObj is! FunObjTyp);
expectTrue(funTypObj is FunTypTyp);
expectTrue(funObjTyp is! FunObjObj);
expectTrue(funObjTyp is! FunTypObj);
expectTrue(funObjTyp is FunObjTyp);
expectTrue(funObjTyp is FunTypTyp);
expectTrue(funTypTyp is! FunObjObj);
expectTrue(funTypTyp is! FunTypObj);
expectTrue(funTypTyp is! FunObjTyp);
expectTrue(funTypTyp is FunTypTyp);

View file

@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Test that generic methods can be overridden using the bound of a type
// variable as the type of the parameter in the overloaded method.
library generic_methods_overriding_contravariance_test;
import "test_base.dart";
class X {}
class Y extends X {}
class Z extends Y {}
class C {
String fun<T extends Y>(T t) => "C";
class E extends C {
String fun<T extends Y>(Y y) => "E";
main() {
Y y = new Y();
C c = new C();
E e = new E();
expectTrue(<Y>(y) == "C");
expectTrue(<Y>(y) == "E");

View file

@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
library generic_methods_overriding_contravariance_test;
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
import "../../runtime/reify/interceptors.dart" as int;
import "../../runtime/reify/types.dart" as typ;
import "./test_base.dart" as tes;
import "../../runtime/reify/declarations.dart" as dec;
class X extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0));
class Y extends self::X implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super self::X::•()
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1));
class Z extends self::Y implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super self::Y::•()
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2));
class C extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
method fun<T extends self::Y>(dynamic t, {core::List<typ::ReifiedType> $typeParameters}) → core::String {
return "C";
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](3));
class E extends self::C implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super self::C::•()
method fun<T extends self::Y>(self::Y y, {core::List<typ::ReifiedType> $typeParameters}) → core::String {
return "E";
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](4));
static final field core::List<dec::Class> $declarations = (core::List<dec::Class> d) → core::List<dec::Class> {
dec::init(d, 0, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)));
dec::init(d, 1, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](0)));
dec::init(d, 2, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](1)));
dec::init(d, 3, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)));
dec::init(d, 4, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](3)));
dec::init(d, 5, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)));
dec::init(d, 6, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)));
dec::init(d, 7, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](7))]), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21))]);
dec::init(d, 8, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22)));
dec::init(d, 9, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22)));
dec::init(d, 10, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)));
dec::init(d, 11, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](23)));
dec::init(d, 12, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](23)));
dec::init(d, 13, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](23)));
dec::init(d, 14, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](23)));
dec::init(d, 15, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](24))]);
dec::init(d, 16, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 17, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](23)));
dec::init(d, 18, null);
dec::init(d, 20, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)));
dec::init(d, 21, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)));
dec::init(d, 22, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22))])]);
dec::init(d, 23, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)));
dec::init(d, 24, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)));
return d;
}.call(dec::allocateDeclarations(<dynamic>["X", "Y", "Z", "C", "E", "Null", "bool", "String", "int", "double", "Type", "AbstractClassInstantiationError", "NoSuchMethodError", "CyclicInitializationError", "UnsupportedError", "IntegerDivisionByZeroException", "RangeError", "ArgumentError", "Object", "HasRuntimeTypeGetter", "Comparable", "Pattern", "num", "Error", "Exception"], <dynamic>[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]));
static method main() → dynamic {
self::Y y = new self::Y::•();
self::C c = new self::C::•();
self::E e = new self::E::•();
tes::expectTrue(c.{self::C::fun}(y, $typeParameters: <typ::ReifiedType>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1))]).{core::String::==}("C"));
tes::expectTrue(e.{self::E::fun}(y, $typeParameters: <typ::ReifiedType>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1))]).{core::String::==}("E"));

View file

@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Test that generic methods can be overridden.
library generic_methods_overriding_test;
import "test_base.dart";
class X {}
class Y extends X {}
class C {
String fun<T extends Y>(T t) => "C";
class D extends C {
String fun<T extends Y>(T t) => "D";
main() {
Y y = new Y();
C c = new C();
D d = new D();
expectTrue(<Y>(y) == "C");
expectTrue(<Y>(y) == "D");

View file

@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
library generic_methods_overriding_test;
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
import "../../runtime/reify/interceptors.dart" as int;
import "../../runtime/reify/types.dart" as typ;
import "./test_base.dart" as tes;
import "../../runtime/reify/declarations.dart" as dec;
class X extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0));
class Y extends self::X implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super self::X::•()
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1));
class C extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
method fun<T extends self::Y>(dynamic t, {core::List<typ::ReifiedType> $typeParameters}) → core::String {
return "C";
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2));
class D extends self::C implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super self::C::•()
method fun<T extends self::Y>(dynamic t, {core::List<typ::ReifiedType> $typeParameters}) → core::String {
return "D";
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](3));
static final field core::List<dec::Class> $declarations = (core::List<dec::Class> d) → core::List<dec::Class> {
dec::init(d, 0, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 1, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](0)));
dec::init(d, 2, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 3, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](2)));
dec::init(d, 4, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 5, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 6, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](6))]), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20))]);
dec::init(d, 7, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21)));
dec::init(d, 8, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21)));
dec::init(d, 9, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 10, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22)));
dec::init(d, 11, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22)));
dec::init(d, 12, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22)));
dec::init(d, 13, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22)));
dec::init(d, 14, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](23))]);
dec::init(d, 15, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)));
dec::init(d, 16, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22)));
dec::init(d, 17, null);
dec::init(d, 19, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 20, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 21, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21))])]);
dec::init(d, 22, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 23, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
return d;
}.call(dec::allocateDeclarations(<dynamic>["X", "Y", "C", "D", "Null", "bool", "String", "int", "double", "Type", "AbstractClassInstantiationError", "NoSuchMethodError", "CyclicInitializationError", "UnsupportedError", "IntegerDivisionByZeroException", "RangeError", "ArgumentError", "Object", "HasRuntimeTypeGetter", "Comparable", "Pattern", "num", "Error", "Exception"], <dynamic>[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]));
static method main() → dynamic {
self::Y y = new self::Y::•();
self::C c = new self::C::•();
self::D d = new self::D::•();
tes::expectTrue(c.{self::C::fun}(y, $typeParameters: <typ::ReifiedType>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1))]).{core::String::==}("C"));
tes::expectTrue(d.{self::D::fun}(y, $typeParameters: <typ::ReifiedType>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1))]).{core::String::==}("D"));

View file

@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Test that generic methods that have bounds on type parameters can be
// overridden, and that type propagation can be used in such methods.
library generic_methods_overriding_type_propagation2_test;
import "test_base.dart";
class X {}
class Y extends X {}
class Z extends Y {}
class C {
String fun<T extends Y>(T t) => "C";
class F extends C {
String foobar(Z z) {
return "FZ";
String fun<T extends Y>(T t) {
if (t is Z) {
return this.foobar(t);
return "FY";
main() {
Y y = new Y();
Z z = new Z();
C c = new C();
F f = new F();
expectTrue(<Y>(y) == "C");
expectTrue(<Y>(y) == "FY");
expectTrue(<Z>(z) == "FZ");

View file

@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
library generic_methods_overriding_type_propagation2_test;
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
import "../../runtime/reify/interceptors.dart" as int;
import "../../runtime/reify/types.dart" as typ;
import "./test_base.dart" as tes;
import "../../runtime/reify/declarations.dart" as dec;
class X extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0));
get $is$Z() → core::bool
return false;
class Y extends self::X implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super self::X::•()
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1));
get $is$Z() → core::bool
return false;
class Z extends self::Y implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super self::Y::•()
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2));
get $is$Z() → core::bool
return true;
class C extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
method fun<T extends self::Y>(dynamic t, {core::List<typ::ReifiedType> $typeParameters}) → core::String {
return "C";
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](3));
get $is$Z() → core::bool
return false;
class F extends self::C implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super self::C::•()
method foobar(self::Z z) → core::String {
return "FZ";
method fun<T extends self::Y>(dynamic t, {core::List<typ::ReifiedType> $typeParameters}) → core::String {
if(let dynamic #t1 = t in #t1 is int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter && #t1.$is$Z) {
return this.{self::F::foobar}(t{self::Z});
return "FY";
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](4));
get $is$Z() → core::bool
return false;
static final field core::List<dec::Class> $declarations = (core::List<dec::Class> d) → core::List<dec::Class> {
dec::init(d, 0, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)));
dec::init(d, 1, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](0)));
dec::init(d, 2, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](1)));
dec::init(d, 3, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)));
dec::init(d, 4, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](3)));
dec::init(d, 5, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)));
dec::init(d, 6, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)));
dec::init(d, 7, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](7))]), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21))]);
dec::init(d, 8, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22)));
dec::init(d, 9, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22)));
dec::init(d, 10, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)));
dec::init(d, 11, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](23)));
dec::init(d, 12, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](23)));
dec::init(d, 13, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](23)));
dec::init(d, 14, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](23)));
dec::init(d, 15, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](24))]);
dec::init(d, 16, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 17, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](23)));
dec::init(d, 18, null);
dec::init(d, 20, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)));
dec::init(d, 21, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)));
dec::init(d, 22, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22))])]);
dec::init(d, 23, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)));
dec::init(d, 24, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)));
return d;
}.call(dec::allocateDeclarations(<dynamic>["X", "Y", "Z", "C", "F", "Null", "bool", "String", "int", "double", "Type", "AbstractClassInstantiationError", "NoSuchMethodError", "CyclicInitializationError", "UnsupportedError", "IntegerDivisionByZeroException", "RangeError", "ArgumentError", "Object", "HasRuntimeTypeGetter", "Comparable", "Pattern", "num", "Error", "Exception"], <dynamic>[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]));
static method main() → dynamic {
self::Y y = new self::Y::•();
self::Z z = new self::Z::•();
self::C c = new self::C::•();
self::F f = new self::F::•();
tes::expectTrue(c.{self::C::fun}(y, $typeParameters: <typ::ReifiedType>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1))]).{core::String::==}("C"));
tes::expectTrue(f.{self::F::fun}(y, $typeParameters: <typ::ReifiedType>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1))]).{core::String::==}("FY"));
tes::expectTrue(f.{self::F::fun}(z, $typeParameters: <typ::ReifiedType>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2))]).{core::String::==}("FZ"));

View file

@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Test that generic methods that have bounds on type parameters can be
// overridden, and that type propagation can be used in such methods.
library generic_methods_overriding_type_propagation_test;
import "test_base.dart";
class X {}
class Y extends X {}
class Z extends Y {}
class C {
String fun<T extends Y>(T t) => "C";
class F extends C {
String foobar(Z z) {
return "FZ";
String fun<T extends Y>(T t) {
if (t is Z) {
return this.foobar(t as Z);
return "FY";
main() {
Y y = new Y();
Z z = new Z();
C c = new C();
F f = new F();
expectTrue(<Y>(y) == "C");
expectTrue(<Y>(y) == "FY");
expectTrue(<Z>(z) == "FZ");

View file

@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
library generic_methods_overriding_type_propagation_test;
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
import "../../runtime/reify/interceptors.dart" as int;
import "../../runtime/reify/types.dart" as typ;
import "./test_base.dart" as tes;
import "../../runtime/reify/declarations.dart" as dec;
class X extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0));
get $is$Z() → core::bool
return false;
class Y extends self::X implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super self::X::•()
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1));
get $is$Z() → core::bool
return false;
class Z extends self::Y implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super self::Y::•()
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2));
get $is$Z() → core::bool
return true;
class C extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
method fun<T extends self::Y>(dynamic t, {core::List<typ::ReifiedType> $typeParameters}) → core::String {
return "C";
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](3));
get $is$Z() → core::bool
return false;
class F extends self::C implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super self::C::•()
method foobar(self::Z z) → core::String {
return "FZ";
method fun<T extends self::Y>(dynamic t, {core::List<typ::ReifiedType> $typeParameters}) → core::String {
if(let dynamic #t1 = t in #t1 is int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter && #t1.$is$Z) {
return this.{self::F::foobar}(t{self::Z} as self::Z);
return "FY";
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](4));
get $is$Z() → core::bool
return false;
static final field core::List<dec::Class> $declarations = (core::List<dec::Class> d) → core::List<dec::Class> {
dec::init(d, 0, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)));
dec::init(d, 1, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](0)));
dec::init(d, 2, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](1)));
dec::init(d, 3, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)));
dec::init(d, 4, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](3)));
dec::init(d, 5, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)));
dec::init(d, 6, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)));
dec::init(d, 7, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](7))]), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21))]);
dec::init(d, 8, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22)));
dec::init(d, 9, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22)));
dec::init(d, 10, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)));
dec::init(d, 11, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](23)));
dec::init(d, 12, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](23)));
dec::init(d, 13, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](23)));
dec::init(d, 14, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](23)));
dec::init(d, 15, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](24))]);
dec::init(d, 16, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 17, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](23)));
dec::init(d, 18, null);
dec::init(d, 20, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)));
dec::init(d, 21, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)));
dec::init(d, 22, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22))])]);
dec::init(d, 23, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)));
dec::init(d, 24, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)));
return d;
}.call(dec::allocateDeclarations(<dynamic>["X", "Y", "Z", "C", "F", "Null", "bool", "String", "int", "double", "Type", "AbstractClassInstantiationError", "NoSuchMethodError", "CyclicInitializationError", "UnsupportedError", "IntegerDivisionByZeroException", "RangeError", "ArgumentError", "Object", "HasRuntimeTypeGetter", "Comparable", "Pattern", "num", "Error", "Exception"], <dynamic>[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]));
static method main() → dynamic {
self::Y y = new self::Y::•();
self::Z z = new self::Z::•();
self::C c = new self::C::•();
self::F f = new self::F::•();
tes::expectTrue(c.{self::C::fun}(y, $typeParameters: <typ::ReifiedType>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1))]).{core::String::==}("C"));
tes::expectTrue(f.{self::F::fun}(y, $typeParameters: <typ::ReifiedType>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1))]).{core::String::==}("FY"));
tes::expectTrue(f.{self::F::fun}(z, $typeParameters: <typ::ReifiedType>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2))]).{core::String::==}("FZ"));

View file

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Test that F-bounded quantification works for generic methods, and that types
// that are passed to generic methods in dynamic calls are checked for being
// recursively defined. An exception should be thrown if the type doesn't meet
// the expectation.
library generic_methods_recursive_bound_error_test;
import "test_base.dart";
abstract class I<T> {
bool fun(T x);
void foo<T extends I<T>>(List<T> a) {
if (a.length > 1) {
class C implements I<C> {
bool fun(C c) => true;
main() {
dynamic bar = foo;
List<int> list = <int>[4, 2];
// The type int does not extend I<int>.
expectThrows(() => bar<int>(list), (e) => e is TypeError);

View file

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Test that F-bounded quantification works for generic methods.
library generic_methods_recursive_bound_test;
import "test_base.dart";
abstract class I<T> {
bool fun(T x);
int foo<T extends I<T>>(List<T> a) {
if (a.length > 1) {
return a.length;
class C implements I<C> {
bool fun(C c) => true;
main() {
expectTrue(foo<C>(<C>[new C(), new C()]) == 2);

View file

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Test that type parameter can be passed as a type argument in a definition of
// a local variable, and that this local variable is correctly constructed.
library generic_methods_reuse_type_variables_test;
import "test_base.dart";
int fun<T extends String>(T t) {
List<T> list = <T>[t, t, t];
expectTrue(list is List<String>);
expectTrue(list is! List<int>);
return list.length;
main() {
expectTrue(fun<String>("foo") == 3);

View file

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Test that type parameters in generic methods can be shadowed.
library generic_methods_shadowing_test;
import "test_base.dart";
class X {}
class Y {}
bool foo<T, S>(T t, S s) {
// The type parameter T of bar shadows the type parameter T of foo.
bool bar<T>(T t) {
return t is T && t is S;
return bar<S>(s);
main() {
expectTrue(foo<X, Y>(new X(), new Y()));

View file

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Test that type parameters in generic methods can be used in as-expressions,
// and that an exception is thrown if the cast can't be made.
library generic_methods_simple_as_expression_error_test;
import "test_base.dart";
T cast<T>(dynamic obj) {
return obj as T;
main() {
expectThrows(() => cast<String>(42), (e) => e is CastError);

View file

@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
library generic_methods_simple_as_expression_error_test;
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
import "../../runtime/reify/interceptors.dart" as int;
import "dart:mock" as mock;
import "../../runtime/reify/types.dart" as typ;
import "./test_base.dart" as tes;
import "../../runtime/reify/declarations.dart" as dec;
class Closure#main#function extends core::Object implements core::Function, int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
field core::String note = "This is temporary. The VM doesn't need closure classes.";
field mock::Context context;
constructor •(final mock::Context context) → dynamic
: self::Closure#main#function::context = context
method call() → core::String {
"This is a temporary solution. In the VM, this will become an additional parameter.";
final mock::Context #contextParameter = this.{self::Closure#main#function::context};
return self::cast(42, $typeParameters: <typ::ReifiedType>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1))]);
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0));
get $is$CastError() → core::bool
return false;
class Closure#main#function#1 extends core::Object implements core::Function, int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
field core::String note = "This is temporary. The VM doesn't need closure classes.";
field mock::Context context;
constructor •(final mock::Context context) → dynamic
: self::Closure#main#function#1::context = context
method call(dynamic e) → core::bool {
"This is a temporary solution. In the VM, this will become an additional parameter.";
final mock::Context #contextParameter = this.{self::Closure#main#function#1::context};
return typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(e), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](3)));
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2));
get $is$CastError() → core::bool
return false;
static final field core::List<dec::Class> $declarations = (core::List<dec::Class> d) → core::List<dec::Class> {
dec::init(d, 0, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17))], new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](1)), 0, <dynamic>[]));
dec::init(d, 1, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](1))]), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20))]);
dec::init(d, 2, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17))], new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](5)), 0, <dynamic>[const typ::Dynamic::•()]));
dec::init(d, 3, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21)));
dec::init(d, 4, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)));
dec::init(d, 5, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)));
dec::init(d, 6, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22)));
dec::init(d, 7, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22)));
dec::init(d, 8, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)));
dec::init(d, 9, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21)));
dec::init(d, 10, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21)));
dec::init(d, 11, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21)));
dec::init(d, 12, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21)));
dec::init(d, 13, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](23))]);
dec::init(d, 14, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)));
dec::init(d, 15, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21)));
dec::init(d, 16, null);
dec::init(d, 17, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)));
dec::init(d, 19, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)));
dec::init(d, 20, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)));
dec::init(d, 21, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)));
dec::init(d, 22, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22))])]);
dec::init(d, 23, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)));
return d;
}.call(dec::allocateDeclarations(<dynamic>["Closure#main#function", "String", "Closure#main#function#1", "CastError", "Null", "bool", "int", "double", "Type", "AbstractClassInstantiationError", "NoSuchMethodError", "CyclicInitializationError", "UnsupportedError", "IntegerDivisionByZeroException", "RangeError", "ArgumentError", "Object", "Function", "HasRuntimeTypeGetter", "Comparable", "Pattern", "Error", "num", "Exception"], <dynamic>[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]));
static method cast(dynamic obj, {core::List<typ::ReifiedType> $typeParameters}) → dynamic {
return obj as dynamic;
static method main() → dynamic {
tes::expectThrows(new self::Closure#main#function::•(null), new self::Closure#main#function#1::•(null));

View file

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Test that type parameters in generic methods can be used in as-expressions.
library generic_methods_simple_as_expression_test;
import "test_base.dart";
T cast<T>(dynamic obj) {
return obj as T;
main() {
expectTrue(cast<num>(42) == 42);

View file

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
library generic_methods_simple_as_expression_test;
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
import "../../runtime/reify/types.dart" as typ;
import "./test_base.dart" as tes;
import "../../runtime/reify/declarations.dart" as dec;
static final field core::List<dec::Class> $declarations = (core::List<dec::Class> d) → core::List<dec::Class> {
dec::init(d, 0, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](14)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](0))])]);
dec::init(d, 1, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](14)));
dec::init(d, 2, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](14)));
dec::init(d, 3, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](14)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](3))]), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16))]);
dec::init(d, 4, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](0)));
dec::init(d, 5, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](0)));
dec::init(d, 6, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](14)));
dec::init(d, 7, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 8, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 9, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 10, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 11, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](14)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18))]);
dec::init(d, 12, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](13)));
dec::init(d, 13, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 14, null);
dec::init(d, 15, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](14)));
dec::init(d, 16, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](14)));
dec::init(d, 17, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](14)));
dec::init(d, 18, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](14)));
return d;
}.call(dec::allocateDeclarations(<dynamic>["num", "Null", "bool", "String", "int", "double", "Type", "AbstractClassInstantiationError", "NoSuchMethodError", "CyclicInitializationError", "UnsupportedError", "IntegerDivisionByZeroException", "RangeError", "ArgumentError", "Object", "Comparable", "Pattern", "Error", "Exception"], <dynamic>[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]));
static method cast(dynamic obj, {core::List<typ::ReifiedType> $typeParameters}) → dynamic {
return obj as dynamic;
static method main() → dynamic {
tes::expectTrue(self::cast(42, $typeParameters: <typ::ReifiedType>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0))]).{core::num::==}(42));

View file

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Test that type parameters in generic methods can be used in is-expressions.
library generic_methods_simple_is_expression_test;
import "test_base.dart";
bool fun<T>(int n) {
return n is T;
main() {

View file

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library generic_methods_simple_test;
import 'test_base.dart';
bool fun<T>(int s) {
return true;
main() {

View file

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
library generic_methods_simple_test;
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
import "../../runtime/reify/types.dart" as typ;
import "./test_base.dart" as tes;
import "../../runtime/reify/declarations.dart" as dec;
static final field core::List<dec::Class> $declarations = (core::List<dec::Class> d) → core::List<dec::Class> {
dec::init(d, 0, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](13)));
dec::init(d, 1, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](14)));
dec::init(d, 2, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](14)));
dec::init(d, 3, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](14)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](3))]), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16))]);
dec::init(d, 4, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](13)));
dec::init(d, 5, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](14)));
dec::init(d, 6, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 7, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 8, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 9, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 10, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](14)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18))]);
dec::init(d, 11, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](12)));
dec::init(d, 12, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 13, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](14)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](13))])]);
dec::init(d, 14, null);
dec::init(d, 15, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](14)));
dec::init(d, 16, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](14)));
dec::init(d, 17, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](14)));
dec::init(d, 18, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](14)));
return d;
}.call(dec::allocateDeclarations(<dynamic>["double", "Null", "bool", "String", "int", "Type", "AbstractClassInstantiationError", "NoSuchMethodError", "CyclicInitializationError", "UnsupportedError", "IntegerDivisionByZeroException", "RangeError", "ArgumentError", "num", "Object", "Comparable", "Pattern", "Error", "Exception"], <dynamic>[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]));
static method fun(core::int s, {core::List<typ::ReifiedType> $typeParameters}) → core::bool {
return true;
static method main() → dynamic {
tes::expectTrue(self::fun(2, $typeParameters: <typ::ReifiedType>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0))]));

View file

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Test that generic methods can be specialized after being torn off, and that
// their specialized versions are correctly constructed.
library generic_methods_tearoff_specialization_test;
import "test_base.dart";
class A {
T fun<T>(T t) => t;
typedef Int2Int = int Function(int);
typedef String2String = String Function(String);
typedef Object2Object = Object Function(Object);
typedef GenericMethod = T Function<T>(T);
main() {
A a = new A();
Int2Int f =;
String2String g =;
Object2Object h =;
var generic =;
expectTrue(f is Int2Int);
expectTrue(f is! String2String);
expectTrue(f is! Object2Object);
expectTrue(f is! GenericMethod);
expectTrue(g is! Int2Int);
expectTrue(g is String2String);
expectTrue(g is! Object2Object);
expectTrue(g is! GenericMethod);
expectTrue(h is! Int2Int);
expectTrue(h is! String2String);
expectTrue(h is Object2Object);
expectTrue(g is! GenericMethod);
expectTrue(generic is! Int2Int);
expectTrue(generic is! String2String);
expectTrue(generic is! Object2Object);
expectTrue(generic is GenericMethod);

View file

@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Test that generic methods with unused parameters aren't treated as
// non-generic methods, but can be specialized as such.
library generic_methods_unused_parameter_test;
import "test_base.dart";
typedef Fun = int Function();
typedef FunReq = int Function(int);
typedef FunOpt = int Function([int]);
typedef FunReqOpt = int Function(int, [int]);
typedef FunNam = int Function({int p});
typedef FunReqNam = int Function(int, {int p});
typedef FunTyp = int Function<T>();
typedef FunTypReq = int Function<T>(int);
typedef FunTypOpt = int Function<T>([int]);
typedef FunTypReqOpt = int Function<T>(int, [int]);
typedef FunTypNam = int Function<T>({int p});
typedef FunTypReqNam = int Function<T>(int, {int p});
int fun() {}
int funReq(int x) => x;
int funOpt([int y]) => y ?? 42;
int funReqOpt(int x, [int y]) => x;
int funNam({int p}) => p ?? 42;
int funReqNam(int x, {int p}) => x;
int funTyp<T>() {}
int funTypReq<T>(int x) => x;
int funTypOpt<T>([int y]) => y ?? 42;
int funTypReqOpt<T>(int x, [int y]) => x;
int funTypNam<T>({int p}) => p ?? 42;
int funTypReqNam<T>(int x, {int p}) => x;
main() {
Fun varFun = funTyp;
FunReq varFunReq = funTypReq;
FunOpt varFunOpt = funTypOpt;
FunReqOpt varFunReqOpt = funTypReqOpt;
FunNam varFunNam = funTypNam;
FunReqNam varFunReqNam = funTypReqNam;
expectTrue(fun is Fun);
expectTrue(fun is! FunTyp);
expectTrue(funTyp is! Fun);
expectTrue(funTyp is FunTyp);
expectTrue(varFun is Fun);
expectTrue(varFun is! FunTyp);
expectTrue(funReq is FunReq);
expectTrue(funReq is! FunTypReq);
expectTrue(funTypReq is! FunReq);
expectTrue(funTypReq is FunTypReq);
expectTrue(varFunReq is FunReq);
expectTrue(varFunReq is! FunTypReq);
expectTrue(funOpt is FunOpt);
expectTrue(funOpt is! FunTypOpt);
expectTrue(funTypOpt is! FunOpt);
expectTrue(funTypOpt is FunTypOpt);
expectTrue(varFunOpt is FunOpt);
expectTrue(varFunOpt is! FunTypOpt);
expectTrue(funReqOpt is FunReqOpt);
expectTrue(funReqOpt is! FunTypReqOpt);
expectTrue(funTypReqOpt is! FunReqOpt);
expectTrue(funTypReqOpt is FunTypReqOpt);
expectTrue(varFunReqOpt is FunReqOpt);
expectTrue(varFunReqOpt is! FunTypReqOpt);
expectTrue(funNam is FunNam);
expectTrue(funNam is! FunTypNam);
expectTrue(funTypNam is! FunNam);
expectTrue(funTypNam is FunTypNam);
expectTrue(varFunNam is FunNam);
expectTrue(varFunNam is! FunTypNam);
expectTrue(funReqNam is FunReqNam);
expectTrue(funReqNam is! FunTypReqNam);
expectTrue(funTypReqNam is! FunReqNam);
expectTrue(funTypReqNam is FunTypReqNam);
expectTrue(varFunReqNam is FunReqNam);
expectTrue(varFunReqNam is! FunTypReqNam);

View file

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library is1_test;
import 'test_base.dart';
class N {}
class I extends N {}
class D extends N {}
class A<T> {}
main() {
var x = new A<I>();
expectTrue(x is A<N>);
expectTrue(x is A<I>);
expectFalse(x is A<D>);
var y = new A();
expectTrue(y is A<N>);
expectTrue(y is A<I>);
expectTrue(y is A<D>);

View file

@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
library is1_test;
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
import "../../runtime/reify/interceptors.dart" as int;
import "../../runtime/reify/types.dart" as typ;
import "./test_base.dart" as tes;
import "../../runtime/reify/declarations.dart" as dec;
class N extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0));
get $is$A() → core::bool
return false;
class I extends self::N implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super self::N::•()
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1));
get $is$A() → core::bool
return false;
class D extends self::N implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super self::N::•()
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2));
get $is$A() → core::bool
return false;
class A extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
final field typ::ReifiedType $type;
constructor •(typ::ReifiedType $type) → void
: self::A::$type = $type, super core::Object::•()
get $A$T() → typ::ReifiedType
return typ::getTypeArguments(typ::asInstanceOf(this.$type, self::$declarations.[](3))).[](0);
get $is$A() → core::bool
return true;
get runtimeType() → core::Type
return this.{=self::A::$type};
static final field core::List<dec::Class> $declarations = (core::List<dec::Class> d) → core::List<dec::Class> {
dec::init(d, 0, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 1, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](0)));
dec::init(d, 2, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](0)));
dec::init(d, 3, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 4, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 5, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 6, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](6))]), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20))]);
dec::init(d, 7, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21)));
dec::init(d, 8, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21)));
dec::init(d, 9, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 10, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22)));
dec::init(d, 11, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22)));
dec::init(d, 12, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22)));
dec::init(d, 13, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22)));
dec::init(d, 14, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](23))]);
dec::init(d, 15, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)));
dec::init(d, 16, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22)));
dec::init(d, 17, null);
dec::init(d, 19, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 20, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 21, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21))])]);
dec::init(d, 22, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 23, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
return d;
}.call(dec::allocateDeclarations(<dynamic>["N", "I", "D", "A", "Null", "bool", "String", "int", "double", "Type", "AbstractClassInstantiationError", "NoSuchMethodError", "CyclicInitializationError", "UnsupportedError", "IntegerDivisionByZeroException", "RangeError", "ArgumentError", "Object", "HasRuntimeTypeGetter", "Comparable", "Pattern", "num", "Error", "Exception"], <dynamic>[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]));
static method main() → dynamic {
self::A x = new self::A::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](3), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1))]));
tes::expectTrue(let dynamic #t1 = x in #t1 is int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter && #t1.$is$A && (let dynamic #t2 = new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](3), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0))]) in typ::isSubtypeOf(#t1.$type, #t2)));
tes::expectTrue(let dynamic #t3 = x in #t3 is int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter && #t3.$is$A && (let dynamic #t4 = new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](3), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1))]) in typ::isSubtypeOf(#t3.$type, #t4)));
tes::expectFalse(let dynamic #t5 = x in #t5 is int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter && #t5.$is$A && (let dynamic #t6 = new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](3), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2))]) in typ::isSubtypeOf(#t5.$type, #t6)));
self::A y = new self::A::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](3), <dynamic>[const typ::Dynamic::•()]));
tes::expectTrue(let dynamic #t7 = y in #t7 is int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter && #t7.$is$A && (let dynamic #t8 = new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](3), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0))]) in typ::isSubtypeOf(#t7.$type, #t8)));
tes::expectTrue(let dynamic #t9 = y in #t9 is int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter && #t9.$is$A && (let dynamic #t10 = new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](3), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1))]) in typ::isSubtypeOf(#t9.$type, #t10)));
tes::expectTrue(let dynamic #t11 = y in #t11 is int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter && #t11.$is$A && (let dynamic #t12 = new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](3), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2))]) in typ::isSubtypeOf(#t11.$type, #t12)));

View file

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library literals_test;
import 'test_base.dart';
class A {}
class B {}
main() {
expectTrue(<A>[] is List<A>);
expectTrue(<A>[] is! List<B>);
expectTrue(<A, B>{} is Map<A, B>);
expectTrue(<A, B>{} is! Map<A, A>);
expectTrue(<A, B>{} is! Map<B, B>);

View file

@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
library literals_test;
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
import "../../runtime/reify/interceptors.dart" as int;
import "../../runtime/reify/types.dart" as typ;
import "./test_base.dart" as tes;
import "../../runtime/reify/declarations.dart" as dec;
class A extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0));
get $is$List() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$Map() → core::bool
return false;
class B extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1));
get $is$List() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$Map() → core::bool
return false;
static final field core::List<dec::Class> $declarations = (core::List<dec::Class> d) → core::List<dec::Class> {
dec::init(d, 0, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 1, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 2, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19), <dynamic>[d.[](2).variables.[](0)])]);
dec::init(d, 3, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 4, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 5, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 6, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](6))]), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21))]);
dec::init(d, 7, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22)));
dec::init(d, 8, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22)));
dec::init(d, 9, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 10, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](23)));
dec::init(d, 11, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](23)));
dec::init(d, 12, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](23)));
dec::init(d, 13, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](23)));
dec::init(d, 14, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](24))]);
dec::init(d, 15, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)));
dec::init(d, 16, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](23)));
dec::init(d, 17, null);
dec::init(d, 19, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](25), <dynamic>[d.[](19).variables.[](0)]));
dec::init(d, 20, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 21, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 22, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22))])]);
dec::init(d, 23, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 24, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
dec::init(d, 25, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)));
return d;
}.call(dec::allocateDeclarations(<dynamic>["A", "B", "List", "Map", "Null", "bool", "String", "int", "double", "Type", "AbstractClassInstantiationError", "NoSuchMethodError", "CyclicInitializationError", "UnsupportedError", "IntegerDivisionByZeroException", "RangeError", "ArgumentError", "Object", "HasRuntimeTypeGetter", "EfficientLengthIterable", "Comparable", "Pattern", "num", "Error", "Exception", "Iterable"], <dynamic>[0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]));
static method main() → dynamic {
tes::expectTrue(typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(int::attachType(<self::A>[], new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0))]))), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0))])));
tes::expectTrue(!typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(int::attachType(<self::A>[], new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0))]))), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1))])));
tes::expectTrue(typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(int::attachType(<self::A, self::B>{}, new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](3), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0)), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1))]))), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](3), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0)), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1))])));
tes::expectTrue(!typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(int::attachType(<self::A, self::B>{}, new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](3), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0)), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1))]))), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](3), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0)), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0))])));
tes::expectTrue(!typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(int::attachType(<self::A, self::B>{}, new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](3), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0)), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1))]))), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](3), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1)), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1))])));

View file

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library multiple_variables_test;
import '../../runtime/reify/types.dart' as rti;
class X<A, B, C, D, E> {}
main() {}

View file

@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
library multiple_variables_test;
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
import "../../runtime/reify/interceptors.dart" as int;
import "../../runtime/reify/types.dart" as typ;
import "../../runtime/reify/declarations.dart" as dec;
class X extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
final field typ::ReifiedType $type;
constructor •(typ::ReifiedType $type) → void
: self::X::$type = $type, super core::Object::•()
get $X$A() → typ::ReifiedType
return typ::getTypeArguments(typ::asInstanceOf(this.$type, self::$declarations.[](0))).[](0);
get $X$B() → typ::ReifiedType
return typ::getTypeArguments(typ::asInstanceOf(this.$type, self::$declarations.[](0))).[](1);
get $X$C() → typ::ReifiedType
return typ::getTypeArguments(typ::asInstanceOf(this.$type, self::$declarations.[](0))).[](2);
get $X$D() → typ::ReifiedType
return typ::getTypeArguments(typ::asInstanceOf(this.$type, self::$declarations.[](0))).[](3);
get $X$E() → typ::ReifiedType
return typ::getTypeArguments(typ::asInstanceOf(this.$type, self::$declarations.[](0))).[](4);
get runtimeType() → core::Type
return this.{=self::X::$type};
static final field core::List<dec::Class> $declarations = (core::List<dec::Class> d) → core::List<dec::Class> {
dec::init(d, 0, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](14)));
dec::init(d, 1, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](14)));
dec::init(d, 2, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](14)));
dec::init(d, 3, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](14)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](3))]), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17))]);
dec::init(d, 4, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)));
dec::init(d, 5, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)));
dec::init(d, 6, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](14)));
dec::init(d, 7, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19)));
dec::init(d, 8, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19)));
dec::init(d, 9, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19)));
dec::init(d, 10, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19)));
dec::init(d, 11, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](14)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20))]);
dec::init(d, 12, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](13)));
dec::init(d, 13, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19)));
dec::init(d, 14, null);
dec::init(d, 16, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](14)));
dec::init(d, 17, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](14)));
dec::init(d, 18, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](14)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18))])]);
dec::init(d, 19, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](14)));
dec::init(d, 20, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](14)));
return d;
}.call(dec::allocateDeclarations(<dynamic>["X", "Null", "bool", "String", "int", "double", "Type", "AbstractClassInstantiationError", "NoSuchMethodError", "CyclicInitializationError", "UnsupportedError", "IntegerDivisionByZeroException", "RangeError", "ArgumentError", "Object", "HasRuntimeTypeGetter", "Comparable", "Pattern", "num", "Error", "Exception"], <dynamic>[5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]));
static method main() → dynamic {}

View file

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library native_types;
import 'test_base.dart';
abstract class C {}
class D {}
var foo = bar;
var bar = foo;
main() {
expectTrue(1 is int);
expectTrue(1 is! double);
expectTrue(new List<int>() is List<int>);
expectTrue(new List<int>() is! List<double>);
expectTrue("hest" is String);
expectTrue("hest" is! int);
expectTrue(null is! String);
expectTrue(null is dynamic);
expectTrue(null is Object);
expectTrue(true is bool);
expectTrue(true is! int);
// Test error and exception classes
expectThrows(() => new C(), (e) => e is AbstractClassInstantiationError);
/// 01: static type warning
expectThrows(() => new D().foo(), (e) => e is NoSuchMethodError);
/// 02: static type warning
expectThrows(() => foo, (e) => e is CyclicInitializationError);
expectThrows(() => [][1], (e) => e is RangeError);
expectTrue(new UnsupportedError("") is UnsupportedError);
expectTrue(new ArgumentError() is ArgumentError);
new IntegerDivisionByZeroException() is IntegerDivisionByZeroException);

View file

@ -1,453 +0,0 @@
library native_types;
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
import "../../runtime/reify/interceptors.dart" as int;
import "../../runtime/reify/types.dart" as typ;
import "dart:mock" as mock;
import "./test_base.dart" as tes;
import "../../runtime/reify/declarations.dart" as dec;
abstract class C extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0));
get $is$AbstractClassInstantiationError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$NoSuchMethodError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$CyclicInitializationError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$RangeError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$int() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$double() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$List() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$String() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$Object() → core::bool
return true;
get $is$bool() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$UnsupportedError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$ArgumentError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$IntegerDivisionByZeroException() → core::bool
return false;
class D extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1));
get $is$AbstractClassInstantiationError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$NoSuchMethodError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$CyclicInitializationError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$RangeError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$int() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$double() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$List() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$String() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$Object() → core::bool
return true;
get $is$bool() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$UnsupportedError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$ArgumentError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$IntegerDivisionByZeroException() → core::bool
return false;
class Closure#main#function extends core::Object implements core::Function, int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
field core::String note = "This is temporary. The VM doesn't need closure classes.";
field mock::Context context;
constructor •(final mock::Context context) → dynamic
: self::Closure#main#function::context = context
method call() → self::C {
"This is a temporary solution. In the VM, this will become an additional parameter.";
final mock::Context #contextParameter = this.{self::Closure#main#function::context};
return throw int::attachType(new core::AbstractClassInstantiationError::•("C"), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](3)));
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2));
get $is$AbstractClassInstantiationError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$NoSuchMethodError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$CyclicInitializationError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$RangeError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$int() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$double() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$List() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$String() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$Object() → core::bool
return true;
get $is$bool() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$UnsupportedError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$ArgumentError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$IntegerDivisionByZeroException() → core::bool
return false;
class Closure#main#function#1 extends core::Object implements core::Function, int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
field core::String note = "This is temporary. The VM doesn't need closure classes.";
field mock::Context context;
constructor •(final mock::Context context) → dynamic
: self::Closure#main#function#1::context = context
method call(dynamic e) → core::bool {
"This is a temporary solution. In the VM, this will become an additional parameter.";
final mock::Context #contextParameter = this.{self::Closure#main#function#1::context};
return typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(e), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](3)));
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](4));
get $is$AbstractClassInstantiationError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$NoSuchMethodError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$CyclicInitializationError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$RangeError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$int() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$double() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$List() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$String() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$Object() → core::bool
return true;
get $is$bool() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$UnsupportedError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$ArgumentError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$IntegerDivisionByZeroException() → core::bool
return false;
class Closure#main#function#2 extends core::Object implements core::Function, int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
field core::String note = "This is temporary. The VM doesn't need closure classes.";
field mock::Context context;
constructor •(final mock::Context context) → dynamic
: self::Closure#main#function#2::context = context
method call() → dynamic {
"This is a temporary solution. In the VM, this will become an additional parameter.";
final mock::Context #contextParameter = this.{self::Closure#main#function#2::context};
return new self::D::•().foo();
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](5));
get $is$AbstractClassInstantiationError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$NoSuchMethodError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$CyclicInitializationError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$RangeError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$int() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$double() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$List() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$String() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$Object() → core::bool
return true;
get $is$bool() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$UnsupportedError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$ArgumentError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$IntegerDivisionByZeroException() → core::bool
return false;
class Closure#main#function#3 extends core::Object implements core::Function, int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
field core::String note = "This is temporary. The VM doesn't need closure classes.";
field mock::Context context;
constructor •(final mock::Context context) → dynamic
: self::Closure#main#function#3::context = context
method call(dynamic e) → core::bool {
"This is a temporary solution. In the VM, this will become an additional parameter.";
final mock::Context #contextParameter = this.{self::Closure#main#function#3::context};
return typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(e), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](7)));
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](6));
get $is$AbstractClassInstantiationError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$NoSuchMethodError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$CyclicInitializationError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$RangeError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$int() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$double() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$List() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$String() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$Object() → core::bool
return true;
get $is$bool() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$UnsupportedError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$ArgumentError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$IntegerDivisionByZeroException() → core::bool
return false;
class Closure#main#function#4 extends core::Object implements core::Function, int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
field core::String note = "This is temporary. The VM doesn't need closure classes.";
field mock::Context context;
constructor •(final mock::Context context) → dynamic
: self::Closure#main#function#4::context = context
method call() → dynamic {
"This is a temporary solution. In the VM, this will become an additional parameter.";
final mock::Context #contextParameter = this.{self::Closure#main#function#4::context};
return self::foo;
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](8));
get $is$AbstractClassInstantiationError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$NoSuchMethodError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$CyclicInitializationError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$RangeError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$int() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$double() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$List() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$String() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$Object() → core::bool
return true;
get $is$bool() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$UnsupportedError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$ArgumentError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$IntegerDivisionByZeroException() → core::bool
return false;
class Closure#main#function#5 extends core::Object implements core::Function, int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
field core::String note = "This is temporary. The VM doesn't need closure classes.";
field mock::Context context;
constructor •(final mock::Context context) → dynamic
: self::Closure#main#function#5::context = context
method call(dynamic e) → core::bool {
"This is a temporary solution. In the VM, this will become an additional parameter.";
final mock::Context #contextParameter = this.{self::Closure#main#function#5::context};
return typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(e), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](10)));
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](9));
get $is$AbstractClassInstantiationError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$NoSuchMethodError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$CyclicInitializationError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$RangeError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$int() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$double() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$List() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$String() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$Object() → core::bool
return true;
get $is$bool() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$UnsupportedError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$ArgumentError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$IntegerDivisionByZeroException() → core::bool
return false;
class Closure#main#function#6 extends core::Object implements core::Function, int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
field core::String note = "This is temporary. The VM doesn't need closure classes.";
field mock::Context context;
constructor •(final mock::Context context) → dynamic
: self::Closure#main#function#6::context = context
method call() → dynamic {
"This is a temporary solution. In the VM, this will become an additional parameter.";
final mock::Context #contextParameter = this.{self::Closure#main#function#6::context};
return int::attachType(<dynamic>[], new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](12), <dynamic>[const typ::Dynamic::•()])).{core::List::[]}(1);
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](11));
get $is$AbstractClassInstantiationError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$NoSuchMethodError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$CyclicInitializationError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$RangeError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$int() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$double() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$List() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$String() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$Object() → core::bool
return true;
get $is$bool() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$UnsupportedError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$ArgumentError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$IntegerDivisionByZeroException() → core::bool
return false;
class Closure#main#function#7 extends core::Object implements core::Function, int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
field core::String note = "This is temporary. The VM doesn't need closure classes.";
field mock::Context context;
constructor •(final mock::Context context) → dynamic
: self::Closure#main#function#7::context = context
method call(dynamic e) → core::bool {
"This is a temporary solution. In the VM, this will become an additional parameter.";
final mock::Context #contextParameter = this.{self::Closure#main#function#7::context};
return typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(e), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](14)));
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](13));
get $is$AbstractClassInstantiationError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$NoSuchMethodError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$CyclicInitializationError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$RangeError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$int() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$double() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$List() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$String() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$Object() → core::bool
return true;
get $is$bool() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$UnsupportedError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$ArgumentError() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$IntegerDivisionByZeroException() → core::bool
return false;
static field dynamic foo = self::bar;
static field dynamic bar = self::foo;
static final field core::List<dec::Class> $declarations = (core::List<dec::Class> d) → core::List<dec::Class> {
dec::init(d, 0, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)));
dec::init(d, 1, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)));
dec::init(d, 2, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](26))], new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(d.[](26)), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](0)), 0, <dynamic>[]));
dec::init(d, 3, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](27)));
dec::init(d, 4, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](26))], new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(d.[](26)), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19)), 0, <dynamic>[const typ::Dynamic::•()]));
dec::init(d, 5, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](26))], new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(d.[](26)), const typ::Dynamic::•(), 0, <dynamic>[]));
dec::init(d, 6, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](26))], new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(d.[](26)), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19)), 0, <dynamic>[const typ::Dynamic::•()]));
dec::init(d, 7, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](27)));
dec::init(d, 8, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](26))], new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(d.[](26)), const typ::Dynamic::•(), 0, <dynamic>[]));
dec::init(d, 9, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](26))], new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(d.[](26)), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19)), 0, <dynamic>[const typ::Dynamic::•()]));
dec::init(d, 10, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](27)));
dec::init(d, 11, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](26))], new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(d.[](26)), const typ::Dynamic::•(), 0, <dynamic>[]));
dec::init(d, 12, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](28), <dynamic>[d.[](12).variables.[](0)])]);
dec::init(d, 13, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](26))], new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(d.[](26)), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19)), 0, <dynamic>[const typ::Dynamic::•()]));
dec::init(d, 14, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21)));
dec::init(d, 15, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](29)));
dec::init(d, 16, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](29)));
dec::init(d, 17, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](30), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17))]), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](31))]);
dec::init(d, 18, null);
dec::init(d, 19, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)));
dec::init(d, 20, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](27)));
dec::init(d, 21, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](27)));
dec::init(d, 22, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](32))]);
dec::init(d, 23, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)));
dec::init(d, 24, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)));
dec::init(d, 26, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)));
dec::init(d, 27, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)));
dec::init(d, 28, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](33), <dynamic>[d.[](28).variables.[](0)]));
dec::init(d, 29, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](30), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](29))])]);
dec::init(d, 30, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)));
dec::init(d, 31, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)));
dec::init(d, 32, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)));
dec::init(d, 33, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)));
return d;
}.call(dec::allocateDeclarations(<dynamic>["C", "D", "Closure#main#function", "AbstractClassInstantiationError", "Closure#main#function#1", "Closure#main#function#2", "Closure#main#function#3", "NoSuchMethodError", "Closure#main#function#4", "Closure#main#function#5", "CyclicInitializationError", "Closure#main#function#6", "List", "Closure#main#function#7", "RangeError", "int", "double", "String", "Object", "bool", "UnsupportedError", "ArgumentError", "IntegerDivisionByZeroException", "Null", "Type", "HasRuntimeTypeGetter", "Function", "Error", "EfficientLengthIterable", "num", "Comparable", "Pattern", "Exception", "Iterable"], <dynamic>[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1]));
static method main() → dynamic {
tes::expectTrue(typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(1), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](15))));
tes::expectTrue(!typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(1), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](16))));
tes::expectTrue(typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(int::attachType(core::List::_internal<core::int>(), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](12), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](15))]))), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](12), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](15))])));
tes::expectTrue(!typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(int::attachType(core::List::_internal<core::int>(), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](12), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](15))]))), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](12), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](16))])));
tes::expectTrue(typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type("hest"), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](17))));
tes::expectTrue(!typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type("hest"), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](15))));
tes::expectTrue(!typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(null), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](17))));
tes::expectTrue(typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(null), const typ::Dynamic::•()));
tes::expectTrue(typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(null), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](18))));
tes::expectTrue(typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(true), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](19))));
tes::expectTrue(!typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(true), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](15))));
tes::expectThrows(new self::Closure#main#function::•(null), new self::Closure#main#function#1::•(null));
tes::expectThrows(new self::Closure#main#function#2::•(null), new self::Closure#main#function#3::•(null));
tes::expectThrows(new self::Closure#main#function#4::•(null), new self::Closure#main#function#5::•(null));
tes::expectThrows(new self::Closure#main#function#6::•(null), new self::Closure#main#function#7::•(null));
tes::expectTrue(typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(int::attachType(new core::UnsupportedError::•(""), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](20)))), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](20))));
tes::expectTrue(typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(int::attachType(new core::ArgumentError::•(), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](21)))), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](21))));
tes::expectTrue(typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(int::attachType(new core::IntegerDivisionByZeroException::•(), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](22)))), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](22))));

View file

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library reuse_type_variables_test;
import 'test_base.dart';
class X {}
class Y {}
class Z {}
class C<T, U, V> {
foo() => new D<T, U, V>();
bar() => new E<T, U>();
hest() => new D<T, V, U>();
class D<T, U, V> {
baz() => new C<T, U, V>();
class E<T, U> {
qux() => new C<T, U, U>();
main() {
var c = new C<X, Y, Z>();
var d =;
expectTrue(d is D<X, Y, Z>);
d = c.hest();
expectTrue(d is! D<X, Y, Z>);
expectTrue(d is D<X, Z, Y>);
c = d.baz();
expectTrue(c is C<X, Z, Y>);
var e =;
expectTrue(e is E<X, Z>);
c = e.qux();
expectTrue(c is C<X, Z, Z>);

View file

@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
library reuse_type_variables_test;
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
import "../../runtime/reify/interceptors.dart" as int;
import "../../runtime/reify/types.dart" as typ;
import "./test_base.dart" as tes;
import "../../runtime/reify/declarations.dart" as dec;
class X extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0));
get $is$D() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$C() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$E() → core::bool
return false;
class Y extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1));
get $is$D() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$C() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$E() → core::bool
return false;
class Z extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2));
get $is$D() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$C() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$E() → core::bool
return false;
class C extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
final field typ::ReifiedType $type;
constructor •(typ::ReifiedType $type) → void
: self::C::$type = $type, super core::Object::•()
method foo() → dynamic {
return new self::D::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](4), typ::getTypeArguments(typ::asInstanceOf(this.$type, self::$declarations.[](3)))));
method bar() → dynamic {
return new self::E::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](5), <dynamic>[this.$C$T, this.$C$U]));
method hest() → dynamic {
return new self::D::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](4), <dynamic>[this.$C$T, this.$C$V, this.$C$U]));
get $C$T() → typ::ReifiedType
return typ::getTypeArguments(typ::asInstanceOf(this.$type, self::$declarations.[](3))).[](0);
get $C$U() → typ::ReifiedType
return typ::getTypeArguments(typ::asInstanceOf(this.$type, self::$declarations.[](3))).[](1);
get $C$V() → typ::ReifiedType
return typ::getTypeArguments(typ::asInstanceOf(this.$type, self::$declarations.[](3))).[](2);
get $is$D() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$C() → core::bool
return true;
get $is$E() → core::bool
return false;
get runtimeType() → core::Type
return this.{=self::C::$type};
class D extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
final field typ::ReifiedType $type;
constructor •(typ::ReifiedType $type) → void
: self::D::$type = $type, super core::Object::•()
method baz() → dynamic {
return new self::C::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](3), typ::getTypeArguments(typ::asInstanceOf(this.$type, self::$declarations.[](4)))));
get $D$T() → typ::ReifiedType
return typ::getTypeArguments(typ::asInstanceOf(this.$type, self::$declarations.[](4))).[](0);
get $D$U() → typ::ReifiedType
return typ::getTypeArguments(typ::asInstanceOf(this.$type, self::$declarations.[](4))).[](1);
get $D$V() → typ::ReifiedType
return typ::getTypeArguments(typ::asInstanceOf(this.$type, self::$declarations.[](4))).[](2);
get $is$D() → core::bool
return true;
get $is$C() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$E() → core::bool
return false;
get runtimeType() → core::Type
return this.{=self::D::$type};
class E extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
final field typ::ReifiedType $type;
constructor •(typ::ReifiedType $type) → void
: self::E::$type = $type, super core::Object::•()
method qux() → dynamic {
return new self::C::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](3), <dynamic>[this.$E$T, this.$E$U, this.$E$U]));
get $E$T() → typ::ReifiedType
return typ::getTypeArguments(typ::asInstanceOf(this.$type, self::$declarations.[](5))).[](0);
get $E$U() → typ::ReifiedType
return typ::getTypeArguments(typ::asInstanceOf(this.$type, self::$declarations.[](5))).[](1);
get $is$D() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$C() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$E() → core::bool
return true;
get runtimeType() → core::Type
return this.{=self::E::$type};
static final field core::List<dec::Class> $declarations = (core::List<dec::Class> d) → core::List<dec::Class> {
dec::init(d, 0, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19)));
dec::init(d, 1, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19)));
dec::init(d, 2, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19)));
dec::init(d, 3, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19)));
dec::init(d, 4, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19)));
dec::init(d, 5, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19)));
dec::init(d, 6, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19)));
dec::init(d, 7, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19)));
dec::init(d, 8, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](8))]), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22))]);
dec::init(d, 9, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](23)));
dec::init(d, 10, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](23)));
dec::init(d, 11, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19)));
dec::init(d, 12, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](24)));
dec::init(d, 13, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](24)));
dec::init(d, 14, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](24)));
dec::init(d, 15, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](24)));
dec::init(d, 16, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](25))]);
dec::init(d, 17, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)));
dec::init(d, 18, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](24)));
dec::init(d, 19, null);
dec::init(d, 21, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19)));
dec::init(d, 22, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19)));
dec::init(d, 23, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](23))])]);
dec::init(d, 24, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19)));
dec::init(d, 25, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19)));
return d;
}.call(dec::allocateDeclarations(<dynamic>["X", "Y", "Z", "C", "D", "E", "Null", "bool", "String", "int", "double", "Type", "AbstractClassInstantiationError", "NoSuchMethodError", "CyclicInitializationError", "UnsupportedError", "IntegerDivisionByZeroException", "RangeError", "ArgumentError", "Object", "HasRuntimeTypeGetter", "Comparable", "Pattern", "num", "Error", "Exception"], <dynamic>[0, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]));
static method main() → dynamic {
self::C c = new self::C::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](3), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0)), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1)), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2))]));
dynamic d = c.{self::C::foo}();
tes::expectTrue(let dynamic #t1 = d in #t1 is int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter && #t1.$is$D && (let dynamic #t2 = new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](4), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0)), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1)), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2))]) in typ::isSubtypeOf(#t1.$type, #t2)));
d = c.{self::C::hest}();
tes::expectTrue(!(let dynamic #t3 = d in #t3 is int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter && #t3.$is$D && (let dynamic #t4 = new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](4), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0)), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1)), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2))]) in typ::isSubtypeOf(#t3.$type, #t4))));
tes::expectTrue(let dynamic #t5 = d in #t5 is int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter && #t5.$is$D && (let dynamic #t6 = new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](4), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0)), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2)), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1))]) in typ::isSubtypeOf(#t5.$type, #t6)));
c = d.baz();
tes::expectTrue(let dynamic #t7 = c in #t7 is int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter && #t7.$is$C && (let dynamic #t8 = new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](3), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0)), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2)), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1))]) in typ::isSubtypeOf(#t7.$type, #t8)));
dynamic e = c.{self::C::bar}();
tes::expectTrue(let dynamic #t9 = e in #t9 is int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter && #t9.$is$E && (let dynamic #t10 = new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](5), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0)), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2))]) in typ::isSubtypeOf(#t9.$type, #t10)));
c = e.qux();
tes::expectTrue(let dynamic #t11 = c in #t11 is int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter && #t11.$is$C && (let dynamic #t12 = new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](3), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0)), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2)), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2))]) in typ::isSubtypeOf(#t11.$type, #t12)));

View file

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library runtime_type_test;
import 'test_base.dart';
class A<T> {}
class X {}
class Y {}
bool eqt(a, b) => a.runtimeType == b.runtimeType;
main() {
expectTrue(eqt(new A(), new A<dynamic>()));
expectTrue(eqt(new A<X>(), new A<X>()));
expectFalse(eqt(new A<X>(), new A()));
expectFalse(eqt(new A<X>(), new A<Y>()));

View file

@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
library runtime_type_test;
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
import "../../runtime/reify/interceptors.dart" as int;
import "../../runtime/reify/types.dart" as typ;
import "./test_base.dart" as tes;
import "../../runtime/reify/declarations.dart" as dec;
class A extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
final field typ::ReifiedType $type;
constructor •(typ::ReifiedType $type) → void
: self::A::$type = $type, super core::Object::•()
get $A$T() → typ::ReifiedType
return typ::getTypeArguments(typ::asInstanceOf(this.$type, self::$declarations.[](0))).[](0);
get runtimeType() → core::Type
return this.{=self::A::$type};
class X extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1));
class Y extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2));
static final field core::List<dec::Class> $declarations = (core::List<dec::Class> d) → core::List<dec::Class> {
dec::init(d, 0, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)));
dec::init(d, 1, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)));
dec::init(d, 2, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)));
dec::init(d, 3, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)));
dec::init(d, 4, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)));
dec::init(d, 5, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](5))]), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19))]);
dec::init(d, 6, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 7, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 8, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)));
dec::init(d, 9, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21)));
dec::init(d, 10, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21)));
dec::init(d, 11, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21)));
dec::init(d, 12, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21)));
dec::init(d, 13, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22))]);
dec::init(d, 14, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)));
dec::init(d, 15, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21)));
dec::init(d, 16, null);
dec::init(d, 18, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)));
dec::init(d, 19, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)));
dec::init(d, 20, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20))])]);
dec::init(d, 21, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)));
dec::init(d, 22, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)));
return d;
}.call(dec::allocateDeclarations(<dynamic>["A", "X", "Y", "Null", "bool", "String", "int", "double", "Type", "AbstractClassInstantiationError", "NoSuchMethodError", "CyclicInitializationError", "UnsupportedError", "IntegerDivisionByZeroException", "RangeError", "ArgumentError", "Object", "HasRuntimeTypeGetter", "Comparable", "Pattern", "num", "Error", "Exception"], <dynamic>[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]));
static method eqt(dynamic a, dynamic b) → core::bool {
return a.runtimeType.==(b.runtimeType);
static method main() → dynamic {
tes::expectTrue(self::eqt(new self::A::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0), <dynamic>[const typ::Dynamic::•()])), new self::A::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0), <dynamic>[const typ::Dynamic::•()]))));
tes::expectTrue(self::eqt(new self::A::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1))])), new self::A::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1))]))));
tes::expectFalse(self::eqt(new self::A::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1))])), new self::A::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0), <dynamic>[const typ::Dynamic::•()]))));
tes::expectFalse(self::eqt(new self::A::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1))])), new self::A::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2))]))));

View file

@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library simple_test;
import 'test_base.dart';
class C {}
class A implements C {}
class B extends C {}
class D extends B {}
testIs(o) {
write(o is A);
write(o is B);
write(o is C);
write(o is D);
testIsNot(o) {
write(o is! A);
write(o is! B);
write(o is! C);
write(o is! D);
main() {
var objects = [new A(), new B(), new C(), new D()];

View file

@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
library simple_test;
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
import "../../runtime/reify/interceptors.dart" as int;
import "../../runtime/reify/types.dart" as typ;
import "./test_base.dart" as tes;
import "../../runtime/reify/declarations.dart" as dec;
class C extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0));
get $is$A() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$B() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$C() → core::bool
return true;
get $is$D() → core::bool
return false;
class A extends core::Object implements self::C, int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1));
get $is$A() → core::bool
return true;
get $is$B() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$C() → core::bool
return true;
get $is$D() → core::bool
return false;
class B extends self::C implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super self::C::•()
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2));
get $is$A() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$B() → core::bool
return true;
get $is$C() → core::bool
return true;
get $is$D() → core::bool
return false;
class D extends self::B implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super self::B::•()
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](3));
get $is$A() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$B() → core::bool
return true;
get $is$C() → core::bool
return true;
get $is$D() → core::bool
return true;
class Closure#testIs extends core::Object implements core::Function, int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
field core::String note = "This is temporary. The VM doesn't need closure classes.";
constructor •() → dynamic
method call(dynamic o) → dynamic
return self::testIs(o);
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](4));
get $is$A() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$B() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$C() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$D() → core::bool
return false;
class Closure#testIsNot extends core::Object implements core::Function, int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
field core::String note = "This is temporary. The VM doesn't need closure classes.";
constructor •() → dynamic
method call(dynamic o) → dynamic
return self::testIsNot(o);
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](5));
get $is$A() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$B() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$C() → core::bool
return false;
get $is$D() → core::bool
return false;
static final field core::List<dec::Class> $declarations = (core::List<dec::Class> d) → core::List<dec::Class> {
dec::init(d, 0, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 1, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](0))]);
dec::init(d, 2, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](0)));
dec::init(d, 3, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](2)));
dec::init(d, 4, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22))], new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22)), const typ::Dynamic::•(), 0, <dynamic>[const typ::Dynamic::•()]));
dec::init(d, 5, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22))], new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22)), const typ::Dynamic::•(), 0, <dynamic>[const typ::Dynamic::•()]));
dec::init(d, 6, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](23), <dynamic>[d.[](6).variables.[](0)])]);
dec::init(d, 7, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 8, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 9, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](24), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](9))]), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](25))]);
dec::init(d, 10, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](26)));
dec::init(d, 11, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](26)));
dec::init(d, 12, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 13, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](27)));
dec::init(d, 14, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](27)));
dec::init(d, 15, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](27)));
dec::init(d, 16, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](27)));
dec::init(d, 17, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](28))]);
dec::init(d, 18, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19)));
dec::init(d, 19, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](27)));
dec::init(d, 20, null);
dec::init(d, 22, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 23, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](29), <dynamic>[d.[](23).variables.[](0)]));
dec::init(d, 24, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 25, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 26, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](24), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](26))])]);
dec::init(d, 27, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 28, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 29, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
return d;
}.call(dec::allocateDeclarations(<dynamic>["C", "A", "B", "D", "Closure#testIs", "Closure#testIsNot", "List", "Null", "bool", "String", "int", "double", "Type", "AbstractClassInstantiationError", "NoSuchMethodError", "CyclicInitializationError", "UnsupportedError", "IntegerDivisionByZeroException", "RangeError", "ArgumentError", "Object", "HasRuntimeTypeGetter", "Function", "EfficientLengthIterable", "Comparable", "Pattern", "num", "Error", "Exception", "Iterable"], <dynamic>[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]));
static method testIs(dynamic o) → dynamic {
tes::write(let dynamic #t1 = o in #t1 is int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter && #t1.$is$A);
tes::write(let dynamic #t2 = o in #t2 is int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter && #t2.$is$B);
tes::write(let dynamic #t3 = o in #t3 is int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter && #t3.$is$C);
tes::write(let dynamic #t4 = o in #t4 is int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter && #t4.$is$D);
static method testIsNot(dynamic o) → dynamic {
tes::write(!(let dynamic #t5 = o in #t5 is int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter && #t5.$is$A));
tes::write(!(let dynamic #t6 = o in #t6 is int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter && #t6.$is$B));
tes::write(!(let dynamic #t7 = o in #t7 is int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter && #t7.$is$C));
tes::write(!(let dynamic #t8 = o in #t8 is int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter && #t8.$is$D));
static method main() → dynamic {
core::List<self::C> objects = int::attachType(<self::C>[new self::A::•(), new self::B::•(), new self::C::•(), new self::D::•()], new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](6), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0))]));
objects.{core::Iterable::forEach}(new self::Closure#testIs::•());
objects.{core::Iterable::forEach}(new self::Closure#testIsNot::•());

View file

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the file.
library superclass_test;
import 'test_base.dart';
class X {}
class Y {}
class R<T> {}
class A<T> {
foo() => new R<T>();
class B<T> extends A<T> {}
class C<T> extends A<Y> {}
class D<T> extends B<R<T>> {}
main() {
expectTrue(new A<X>().foo() is R<X>);
expectTrue(new B<X>().foo() is R<X>);
expectTrue(new C<X>().foo() is R<Y>);
expectTrue(new D<X>().foo() is R<R<X>>);
expectTrue(new A<X>().foo() is! R<Y>);
expectTrue(new B<X>().foo() is! R<Y>);
expectTrue(new C<X>().foo() is! R<X>);
expectTrue(new D<X>().foo() is! R<R<Y>>);

View file

@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
library superclass_test;
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
import "../../runtime/reify/interceptors.dart" as int;
import "../../runtime/reify/types.dart" as typ;
import "./test_base.dart" as tes;
import "../../runtime/reify/declarations.dart" as dec;
class X extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0));
get $is$R() → core::bool
return false;
class Y extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1));
get $is$R() → core::bool
return false;
class R extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
final field typ::ReifiedType $type;
constructor •(typ::ReifiedType $type) → void
: self::R::$type = $type, super core::Object::•()
get $R$T() → typ::ReifiedType
return typ::getTypeArguments(typ::asInstanceOf(this.$type, self::$declarations.[](2))).[](0);
get $is$R() → core::bool
return true;
get runtimeType() → core::Type
return this.{=self::R::$type};
class A extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
final field typ::ReifiedType $type;
constructor •(typ::ReifiedType $type) → void
: self::A::$type = $type, super core::Object::•()
method foo() → dynamic {
return new self::R::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2), typ::getTypeArguments(typ::asInstanceOf(this.$type, self::$declarations.[](3)))));
get $A$T() → typ::ReifiedType
return typ::getTypeArguments(typ::asInstanceOf(this.$type, self::$declarations.[](3))).[](0);
get $is$R() → core::bool
return false;
get runtimeType() → core::Type
return this.{=self::A::$type};
class B extends self::A implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •(typ::ReifiedType $type) → void
: super self::A::•($type)
get $B$T() → typ::ReifiedType
return typ::getTypeArguments(typ::asInstanceOf(this.$type, self::$declarations.[](4))).[](0);
get $is$R() → core::bool
return false;
class C extends self::A implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •(typ::ReifiedType $type) → void
: super self::A::•($type)
get $C$T() → typ::ReifiedType
return typ::getTypeArguments(typ::asInstanceOf(this.$type, self::$declarations.[](5))).[](0);
get $is$R() → core::bool
return false;
class D extends self::B implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •(typ::ReifiedType $type) → void
: super self::B::•($type)
get $D$T() → typ::ReifiedType
return typ::getTypeArguments(typ::asInstanceOf(this.$type, self::$declarations.[](6))).[](0);
get $is$R() → core::bool
return false;
static final field core::List<dec::Class> $declarations = (core::List<dec::Class> d) → core::List<dec::Class> {
dec::init(d, 0, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 1, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 2, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 3, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 4, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](3), <dynamic>[d.[](4).variables.[](0)]));
dec::init(d, 5, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](3), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](1))]));
dec::init(d, 6, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](4), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](2), <dynamic>[d.[](6).variables.[](0)])]));
dec::init(d, 7, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 8, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 9, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](9))]), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](23))]);
dec::init(d, 10, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](24)));
dec::init(d, 11, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](24)));
dec::init(d, 12, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 13, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](25)));
dec::init(d, 14, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](25)));
dec::init(d, 15, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](25)));
dec::init(d, 16, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](25)));
dec::init(d, 17, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](26))]);
dec::init(d, 18, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19)));
dec::init(d, 19, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](25)));
dec::init(d, 20, null);
dec::init(d, 22, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 23, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 24, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](24))])]);
dec::init(d, 25, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 26, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
return d;
}.call(dec::allocateDeclarations(<dynamic>["X", "Y", "R", "A", "B", "C", "D", "Null", "bool", "String", "int", "double", "Type", "AbstractClassInstantiationError", "NoSuchMethodError", "CyclicInitializationError", "UnsupportedError", "IntegerDivisionByZeroException", "RangeError", "ArgumentError", "Object", "HasRuntimeTypeGetter", "Comparable", "Pattern", "num", "Error", "Exception"], <dynamic>[0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]));
static method main() → dynamic {
tes::expectTrue(let dynamic #t1 = new self::A::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](3), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0))])).{self::A::foo}() in #t1 is int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter && #t1.$is$R && (let dynamic #t2 = new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0))]) in typ::isSubtypeOf(#t1.$type, #t2)));
tes::expectTrue(let dynamic #t3 = new self::B::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](4), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0))])).{self::A::foo}() in #t3 is int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter && #t3.$is$R && (let dynamic #t4 = new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0))]) in typ::isSubtypeOf(#t3.$type, #t4)));
tes::expectTrue(let dynamic #t5 = new self::C::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](5), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0))])).{self::A::foo}() in #t5 is int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter && #t5.$is$R && (let dynamic #t6 = new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1))]) in typ::isSubtypeOf(#t5.$type, #t6)));
tes::expectTrue(let dynamic #t7 = new self::D::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](6), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0))])).{self::A::foo}() in #t7 is int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter && #t7.$is$R && (let dynamic #t8 = new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0))])]) in typ::isSubtypeOf(#t7.$type, #t8)));
tes::expectTrue(!(let dynamic #t9 = new self::A::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](3), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0))])).{self::A::foo}() in #t9 is int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter && #t9.$is$R && (let dynamic #t10 = new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1))]) in typ::isSubtypeOf(#t9.$type, #t10))));
tes::expectTrue(!(let dynamic #t11 = new self::B::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](4), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0))])).{self::A::foo}() in #t11 is int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter && #t11.$is$R && (let dynamic #t12 = new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1))]) in typ::isSubtypeOf(#t11.$type, #t12))));
tes::expectTrue(!(let dynamic #t13 = new self::C::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](5), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0))])).{self::A::foo}() in #t13 is int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter && #t13.$is$R && (let dynamic #t14 = new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0))]) in typ::isSubtypeOf(#t13.$type, #t14))));
tes::expectTrue(!(let dynamic #t15 = new self::D::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](6), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0))])).{self::A::foo}() in #t15 is int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter && #t15.$is$R && (let dynamic #t16 = new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1))])]) in typ::isSubtypeOf(#t15.$type, #t16))));

View file

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library super1_test;
import 'test_base.dart';
class A<T> {}
class B<T> extends A<T> {
int i;
B(this.i) : super();
B.redirect() : this(42);
main() {}

View file

@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
library super1_test;
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
import "../../runtime/reify/interceptors.dart" as int;
import "../../runtime/reify/types.dart" as typ;
import "dart:mock" as mock;
import "../../runtime/reify/declarations.dart" as dec;
class A extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
final field typ::ReifiedType $type;
constructor •(typ::ReifiedType $type) → void
: self::A::$type = $type, super core::Object::•()
get $A$T() → typ::ReifiedType
return typ::getTypeArguments(typ::asInstanceOf(this.$type, self::$declarations.[](0))).[](0);
get runtimeType() → core::Type
return this.{=self::A::$type};
class B extends self::A implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
field core::int i;
constructor •(typ::ReifiedType $type, core::int i) → void
: self::B::i = let final mock::Context #context = int::attachType(new mock::Context::•(1), new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2))) in let dynamic #t1 = #context.[]=(0, i) in #context.[](0), super self::A::•($type)
constructor redirect(typ::ReifiedType $type) → void
: this self::B::•($type, 42)
get $B$T() → typ::ReifiedType
return typ::getTypeArguments(typ::asInstanceOf(this.$type, self::$declarations.[](1))).[](0);
static final field core::List<dec::Class> $declarations = (core::List<dec::Class> d) → core::List<dec::Class> {
dec::init(d, 0, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)));
dec::init(d, 1, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](0), <dynamic>[d.[](1).variables.[](0)]));
dec::init(d, 2, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)));
dec::init(d, 3, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)));
dec::init(d, 4, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)));
dec::init(d, 5, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](5))]), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19))]);
dec::init(d, 6, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 7, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 8, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)));
dec::init(d, 9, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21)));
dec::init(d, 10, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21)));
dec::init(d, 11, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21)));
dec::init(d, 12, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21)));
dec::init(d, 13, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22))]);
dec::init(d, 14, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)));
dec::init(d, 15, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21)));
dec::init(d, 16, null);
dec::init(d, 18, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)));
dec::init(d, 19, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)));
dec::init(d, 20, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20))])]);
dec::init(d, 21, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)));
dec::init(d, 22, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)));
return d;
}.call(dec::allocateDeclarations(<dynamic>["A", "B", "Context", "Null", "bool", "String", "int", "double", "Type", "AbstractClassInstantiationError", "NoSuchMethodError", "CyclicInitializationError", "UnsupportedError", "IntegerDivisionByZeroException", "RangeError", "ArgumentError", "Object", "HasRuntimeTypeGetter", "Comparable", "Pattern", "num", "Error", "Exception"], <dynamic>[1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]));
static method main() → dynamic {}

View file

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library super2_test;
import 'test_base.dart';
class X {}
class A<T> {}
class B extends A<X> {}
main() {}

View file

@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
library super2_test;
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
import "../../runtime/reify/interceptors.dart" as int;
import "../../runtime/reify/types.dart" as typ;
import "../../runtime/reify/declarations.dart" as dec;
class X extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0));
class A extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
final field typ::ReifiedType $type;
constructor •(typ::ReifiedType $type) → void
: self::A::$type = $type, super core::Object::•()
get $A$T() → typ::ReifiedType
return typ::getTypeArguments(typ::asInstanceOf(this.$type, self::$declarations.[](1))).[](0);
get runtimeType() → core::Type
return this.{=self::A::$type};
class B extends self::A implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super self::A::•(null)
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](2));
static final field core::List<dec::Class> $declarations = (core::List<dec::Class> d) → core::List<dec::Class> {
dec::init(d, 0, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)));
dec::init(d, 1, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)));
dec::init(d, 2, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](1), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](0))]));
dec::init(d, 3, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)));
dec::init(d, 4, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)));
dec::init(d, 5, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](5))]), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19))]);
dec::init(d, 6, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 7, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 8, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)));
dec::init(d, 9, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21)));
dec::init(d, 10, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21)));
dec::init(d, 11, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21)));
dec::init(d, 12, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21)));
dec::init(d, 13, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22))]);
dec::init(d, 14, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)));
dec::init(d, 15, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21)));
dec::init(d, 16, null);
dec::init(d, 18, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)));
dec::init(d, 19, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)));
dec::init(d, 20, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20))])]);
dec::init(d, 21, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)));
dec::init(d, 22, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16)));
return d;
}.call(dec::allocateDeclarations(<dynamic>["X", "A", "B", "Null", "bool", "String", "int", "double", "Type", "AbstractClassInstantiationError", "NoSuchMethodError", "CyclicInitializationError", "UnsupportedError", "IntegerDivisionByZeroException", "RangeError", "ArgumentError", "Object", "HasRuntimeTypeGetter", "Comparable", "Pattern", "num", "Error", "Exception"], <dynamic>[0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]));
static method main() → dynamic {}

View file

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the file.
library super3_test;
import 'test_base.dart';
class A<T> {
get foo => T;
class B extends A<A> {
B.redirect() : this();
main() {
new B().foo;
new B.redirect();

View file

@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
library super3_test;
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
import "../../runtime/reify/interceptors.dart" as int;
import "../../runtime/reify/types.dart" as typ;
import "../../runtime/reify/declarations.dart" as dec;
class A extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
final field typ::ReifiedType $type;
constructor •(typ::ReifiedType $type) → void
: self::A::$type = $type, super core::Object::•()
get foo() → dynamic {
return dynamic;
get $A$T() → typ::ReifiedType
return typ::getTypeArguments(typ::asInstanceOf(this.$type, self::$declarations.[](0))).[](0);
get runtimeType() → core::Type
return this.{=self::A::$type};
class B extends self::A implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super self::A::•(null)
constructor redirect() → void
: this self::B::•()
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1));
static final field core::List<dec::Class> $declarations = (core::List<dec::Class> d) → core::List<dec::Class> {
dec::init(d, 0, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)));
dec::init(d, 1, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](0), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](0), <dynamic>[const typ::Dynamic::•()])]));
dec::init(d, 2, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)));
dec::init(d, 3, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)));
dec::init(d, 4, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](4))]), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18))]);
dec::init(d, 5, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19)));
dec::init(d, 6, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19)));
dec::init(d, 7, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)));
dec::init(d, 8, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 9, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 10, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 11, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 12, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21))]);
dec::init(d, 13, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](14)));
dec::init(d, 14, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 15, null);
dec::init(d, 17, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)));
dec::init(d, 18, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)));
dec::init(d, 19, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19))])]);
dec::init(d, 20, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)));
dec::init(d, 21, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)));
return d;
}.call(dec::allocateDeclarations(<dynamic>["A", "B", "Null", "bool", "String", "int", "double", "Type", "AbstractClassInstantiationError", "NoSuchMethodError", "CyclicInitializationError", "UnsupportedError", "IntegerDivisionByZeroException", "RangeError", "ArgumentError", "Object", "HasRuntimeTypeGetter", "Comparable", "Pattern", "num", "Error", "Exception"], <dynamic>[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]));
static method main() → dynamic {
new self::B::•().{self::A::foo};
new self::B::redirect();

View file

@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library test_base;
expectIs(expected, actual, [String note]) {
if (expected != actual) {
if (note != null) {
throw "Expected: '$expected': $note, actual: '$actual'";
throw "Expected: '$expected', actual: '$actual'";
expectTrue(actual) => expectIs(true, actual);
expectFalse(actual) => expectIs(false, actual);
expectThrows(f(), test(e)) {
var exception = false;
String note = null;
try {
} catch (e) {
exception = test(e);
if (!exception) {
note = "$e [${e.runtimeType}]";
expectIs(true, exception, note);
expectOutput(String expected) => expectIs(expected, output);
String output;
write(o) {
output = output == null ? "$o" : "$output\n$o";

View file

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library typevariable1_test;
import 'test_base.dart';
class Z {
get succ => new N<Z>();
class N<T> {
get succ => new N<N<T>>();
get pred => T;
main() {
var one = new Z().succ;
var two = one.succ;

View file

@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
library typevariable1_test;
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
import "../../runtime/reify/interceptors.dart" as int;
import "../../runtime/reify/types.dart" as typ;
import "../../runtime/reify/declarations.dart" as dec;
class Z extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
constructor •() → void
: super core::Object::•()
get succ() → dynamic {
return new self::N::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0))]));
get $type() → typ::ReifiedType
return new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0));
class N extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
final field typ::ReifiedType $type;
constructor •(typ::ReifiedType $type) → void
: self::N::$type = $type, super core::Object::•()
get succ() → dynamic {
return new self::N::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1), typ::getTypeArguments(typ::asInstanceOf(this.$type, self::$declarations.[](1))))]));
get pred() → dynamic {
return dynamic;
get $N$T() → typ::ReifiedType
return typ::getTypeArguments(typ::asInstanceOf(this.$type, self::$declarations.[](1))).[](0);
get runtimeType() → core::Type
return this.{=self::N::$type};
static final field core::List<dec::Class> $declarations = (core::List<dec::Class> d) → core::List<dec::Class> {
dec::init(d, 0, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)));
dec::init(d, 1, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)));
dec::init(d, 2, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)));
dec::init(d, 3, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)));
dec::init(d, 4, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](4))]), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18))]);
dec::init(d, 5, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19)));
dec::init(d, 6, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19)));
dec::init(d, 7, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)));
dec::init(d, 8, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 9, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 10, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 11, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 12, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21))]);
dec::init(d, 13, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](14)));
dec::init(d, 14, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 15, null);
dec::init(d, 17, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)));
dec::init(d, 18, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)));
dec::init(d, 19, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19))])]);
dec::init(d, 20, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)));
dec::init(d, 21, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)));
return d;
}.call(dec::allocateDeclarations(<dynamic>["Z", "N", "Null", "bool", "String", "int", "double", "Type", "AbstractClassInstantiationError", "NoSuchMethodError", "CyclicInitializationError", "UnsupportedError", "IntegerDivisionByZeroException", "RangeError", "ArgumentError", "Object", "HasRuntimeTypeGetter", "Comparable", "Pattern", "num", "Error", "Exception"], <dynamic>[0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]));
static method main() → dynamic {
dynamic one = new self::Z::•().{self::Z::succ};
dynamic two = one.succ;

View file

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library typevariable2_test;
import 'test_base.dart';
class C<T> {
bool test(o) => o is T;
Type get t => T;
main() {}

View file

@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
library typevariable2_test;
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
import "../../runtime/reify/interceptors.dart" as int;
import "../../runtime/reify/types.dart" as typ;
import "../../runtime/reify/declarations.dart" as dec;
class C extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
final field typ::ReifiedType $type;
constructor •(typ::ReifiedType $type) → void
: self::C::$type = $type, super core::Object::•()
method test(dynamic o) → core::bool {
return typ::isSubtypeOf(int::type(o), this.$C$T);
get t() → core::Type {
return dynamic;
get test#get() → dynamic
return new self::Closure#C#test::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](1), typ::getTypeArguments(typ::asInstanceOf(this.$type, self::$declarations.[](0)))), this);
get $C$T() → typ::ReifiedType
return typ::getTypeArguments(typ::asInstanceOf(this.$type, self::$declarations.[](0))).[](0);
get runtimeType() → core::Type
return this.{=self::C::$type};
class Closure#C#test extends core::Object implements core::Function, int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
field core::String note = "This is temporary. The VM doesn't need closure classes.";
field self::C self;
final field typ::ReifiedType $type;
constructor •(typ::ReifiedType $type, final self::C self) → dynamic
: self::Closure#C#test::$type = $type, self::Closure#C#test::self = self
method call(dynamic o) → core::bool
return this.{self::Closure#C#test::self}.{self::C::test}(o);
get $Closure#C#test$T() → typ::ReifiedType
return typ::getTypeArguments(typ::asInstanceOf(this.$type, self::$declarations.[](1))).[](0);
get runtimeType() → core::Type
return this.{=self::Closure#C#test::$type};
static final field core::List<dec::Class> $declarations = (core::List<dec::Class> d) → core::List<dec::Class> {
dec::init(d, 0, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)));
dec::init(d, 1, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17))], new typ::FunctionType::•(new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17)), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](3)), 0, <dynamic>[const typ::Dynamic::•()]));
dec::init(d, 2, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)));
dec::init(d, 3, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)));
dec::init(d, 4, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](4))]), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19))]);
dec::init(d, 5, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 6, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20)));
dec::init(d, 7, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)));
dec::init(d, 8, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21)));
dec::init(d, 9, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21)));
dec::init(d, 10, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21)));
dec::init(d, 11, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21)));
dec::init(d, 12, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](22))]);
dec::init(d, 13, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](14)));
dec::init(d, 14, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](21)));
dec::init(d, 15, null);
dec::init(d, 17, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)));
dec::init(d, 18, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)));
dec::init(d, 19, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)));
dec::init(d, 20, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20))])]);
dec::init(d, 21, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)));
dec::init(d, 22, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](15)));
return d;
}.call(dec::allocateDeclarations(<dynamic>["C", "Closure#C#test", "Null", "bool", "String", "int", "double", "Type", "AbstractClassInstantiationError", "NoSuchMethodError", "CyclicInitializationError", "UnsupportedError", "IntegerDivisionByZeroException", "RangeError", "ArgumentError", "Object", "HasRuntimeTypeGetter", "Function", "Comparable", "Pattern", "num", "Error", "Exception"], <dynamic>[1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]));
static method main() → dynamic {}

View file

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library typevariable3_test;
import 'test_base.dart';
class C<T> {
T foo(T t) {
T temp = t;
return temp;
main() {
C c = new C<C>().foo(new C());

View file

@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
library typevariable3_test;
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
import "../../runtime/reify/interceptors.dart" as int;
import "../../runtime/reify/types.dart" as typ;
import "../../runtime/reify/declarations.dart" as dec;
class C extends core::Object implements int::HasRuntimeTypeGetter {
final field typ::ReifiedType $type;
constructor •(typ::ReifiedType $type) → void
: self::C::$type = $type, super core::Object::•()
method foo(dynamic t) → dynamic {
dynamic temp = t;
return temp;
method foo$cc(core::Object t) → dynamic {
return this.{=self::C::foo}(t as dynamic);
get $C$T() → typ::ReifiedType
return typ::getTypeArguments(typ::asInstanceOf(this.$type, self::$declarations.[](0))).[](0);
get runtimeType() → core::Type
return this.{=self::C::$type};
static final field core::List<dec::Class> $declarations = (core::List<dec::Class> d) → core::List<dec::Class> {
dec::init(d, 0, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](14)));
dec::init(d, 1, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](14)));
dec::init(d, 2, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](14)));
dec::init(d, 3, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](14)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](3))]), new typ::Interface::•(d.[](17))]);
dec::init(d, 4, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)));
dec::init(d, 5, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18)));
dec::init(d, 6, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](14)));
dec::init(d, 7, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19)));
dec::init(d, 8, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19)));
dec::init(d, 9, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19)));
dec::init(d, 10, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19)));
dec::init(d, 11, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](14)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](20))]);
dec::init(d, 12, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](13)));
dec::init(d, 13, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](19)));
dec::init(d, 14, null);
dec::init(d, 16, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](14)));
dec::init(d, 17, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](14)));
dec::init(d, 18, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](14)), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](16), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(d.[](18))])]);
dec::init(d, 19, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](14)));
dec::init(d, 20, new typ::Interface::•(d.[](14)));
return d;
}.call(dec::allocateDeclarations(<dynamic>["C", "Null", "bool", "String", "int", "double", "Type", "AbstractClassInstantiationError", "NoSuchMethodError", "CyclicInitializationError", "UnsupportedError", "IntegerDivisionByZeroException", "RangeError", "ArgumentError", "Object", "HasRuntimeTypeGetter", "Comparable", "Pattern", "num", "Error", "Exception"], <dynamic>[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]));
static method main() → dynamic {
self::C c = new self::C::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0), <dynamic>[new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0), <dynamic>[const typ::Dynamic::•()])])).{self::C::foo}(new self::C::•(new typ::Interface::•(self::$declarations.[](0), <dynamic>[const typ::Dynamic::•()])));