Document the parser's design.,

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Peter von der Ahé 2017-04-06 17:53:00 +02:00
parent 19a352e0f5
commit af73802a67

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@ -182,6 +182,90 @@ class FormalParameterType {
/// Historically, we over-used identical, and when identical is used on other
/// objects than strings, it can often be replaced by `==`.
/// ## Flexibility, Extensibility, and Specification
/// The parser is designed to be flexible and extensible. Its methods are
/// designed to be overridden in subclasses, so it can be extended to handle
/// unspecified language extension or experiments while everything in this file
/// attempts to follow the specification (unless when it interferes with error
/// recovery).
/// We achieve flexibily, extensible, and specification compliance by following
/// a few rules-of-thumb:
/// 1. All methods in the parser should be public.
/// 2. The methods follow the specified grammar, and do not implement custom
/// extensions, for example, `native`.
/// 3. The parser doesn't rewrite the token stream (when dealing with `>>`).
/// ### Implementing Extensions
/// For various reasons, some Dart language implementations have used
/// custom/unspecified extensions to the Dart grammar. Examples of this
/// includes diet parsing, patch files, `native` keyword, and generic
/// comments. This class isn't supposed to implement any of these
/// features. Instead it provides hooks for those extensions to be implemented
/// in subclasses or listeners. Let's examine how diet parsing and `native`
/// keyword is currently supported by Fasta.
/// #### Implementation of `native` Keyword
/// Both dart2js and the Dart VM have used the `native` keyword to mark methods
/// that couldn't be implemented in the Dart language and needed to be
/// implemented in JavaScript or C++, respectively. An example of the syntax
/// extension used by the Dart VM is:
/// nativeFunction() native "NativeFunction";
/// When attempting to parse this function, the parser eventually calls
/// [parseFunctionBody]. This method will report an unrecoverable error to the
/// listener with the code [codeExpectedFunctionBody]. The listener can then
/// look at the error code and the token and use the methods in
/// [dart_vm_native.dart](dart_vm_native.dart) to parse the native syntax.
/// #### Implementation of Diet Parsing
/// We call it _diet_ _parsing_ when the parser skips parts of a file. Both
/// dart2js and the Dart VM have been relying on this from early on as it allows
/// them to more quickly compile small programs that use small parts of big
/// libraries. It's also become an integrated part of how Fasta builds up
/// outlines before starting to parse method bodies.
/// When looking through this parser, you'll find a number of unused methods
/// starting with `skip`. These methods are only used by subclasses, such as
/// [ClassMemberParser](class_member_parser.dart) and
/// [TopLevelParser](top_level_parser.dart). These methods violate the
/// principle above about following the specified grammar, and originally lived
/// in subclasses. However, we realized that these methods were so widely used
/// and hard to maintain in subclasses, that it made sense to move them here.
/// ### Specification and Error Recovery
/// To improve error recovery, the parser will inform the listener of
/// recoverable errors and continue to parse. An example of a recoverable
/// error is:
/// Error: Asynchronous for-loop can only be used in 'async' or 'async*'...
/// main() { await for (var x in []) {} }
/// ^^^^^
/// For unrecoverable errors, the parser will ask the listener for help to
/// recover from the error. We haven't made much progress on these kinds of
/// errors, so in most cases, the parser aborts by skipping to the end of file.
/// Historically, this parser has been rather lax in what it allows, and
/// deferred the enforcement of some syntactical rules to subsequent phases. It
/// doesn't matter how we got there, only that we've identified that it's
/// easier if the parser reports as many errors it can, but informs the
/// listener if the error is recoverable or not.
/// Currently, the parser is particularly lax when it comes to the order of
/// modifiers such as `abstract`, `final`, `static`, etc. Historically, dart2js
/// would handle such errors in later phases. We hope that these cases will go
/// away as Fasta matures.
class Parser {
final Listener listener;