Flow analysis: break up libraries.

This change breaks flow_analysis.dart into the following libraries:

- assigned_variables.dart (for the AssignedVariables class and related

- promotion_key_store.dart (for the PromotionKeyStore class)

- type_operations.dart (for the TypeOperations mixin and related code)

- flow_analysis.dart (for the rest of flow analysis)

And it breaks mini_ast.dart into the following libraries:

- flow_analysis_mini_ast.dart (functionality specifically concerned
  with testing flow analysis)

- mini_ast.dart (functionality not specifically related to flow

This is in preparation for trying to share some more type inference
behaviors between the analyzer and CFE.

Note that although the diff is big, the only changes in this CL are
moving code from one place to another, renaming some class members
from private to public, and updating imports.

Change-Id: I71768f03b1e75ed754c7b7af39f6cf7f03c4fe44
Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/c/sdk/+/254462
Reviewed-by: Johnni Winther <johnniwinther@google.com>
Commit-Queue: Paul Berry <paulberry@google.com>
This commit is contained in:
Paul Berry 2022-08-11 13:18:52 +00:00 committed by Commit Bot
parent f45353eafd
commit ac08c03dc6
17 changed files with 1075 additions and 1039 deletions

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@ -4,322 +4,9 @@
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
/// [AssignedVariables] is a helper class capable of computing the set of
/// variables that are potentially written to, and potentially captured by
/// closures, at various locations inside the code being analyzed. This class
/// should be used prior to running flow analysis, to compute the sets of
/// variables to pass in to flow analysis.
/// This class is intended to be used in two phases. In the first phase, the
/// client should traverse the source code recursively, making calls to
/// [beginNode] and [endNode] to indicate the constructs in which writes should
/// be tracked, and calls to [write] to indicate when a write is encountered.
/// The order of visiting is not important provided that nesting is respected.
/// This phase is called the "pre-traversal" because it should happen prior to
/// flow analysis.
/// Then, in the second phase, the client may make queries using
/// [capturedAnywhere], [writtenInNode], and [capturedInNode].
/// We use the term "node" to refer generally to a loop statement, switch
/// statement, try statement, loop collection element, local function, or
/// closure.
class AssignedVariables<Node extends Object, Variable extends Object> {
/// Mapping from a node to the info for that node.
final Map<Node, AssignedVariablesNodeInfo> _info =
new Map<Node, AssignedVariablesNodeInfo>.identity();
/// Info for the variables written or captured anywhere in the code being
/// analyzed.
final AssignedVariablesNodeInfo _anywhere = new AssignedVariablesNodeInfo();
/// Stack of info for nodes that have been entered but not yet left.
final List<AssignedVariablesNodeInfo> _stack = [
new AssignedVariablesNodeInfo()
/// When assertions are enabled, the set of info objects that have been
/// retrieved by [deferNode] but not yet sent to [storeNode].
final Set<AssignedVariablesNodeInfo> _deferredInfos =
new Set<AssignedVariablesNodeInfo>.identity();
/// Keeps track of whether [finish] has been called.
bool _isFinished = false;
final PromotionKeyStore<Variable> _promotionKeyStore =
new PromotionKeyStore<Variable>();
/// This method should be called during pre-traversal, to mark the start of a
/// loop statement, switch statement, try statement, loop collection element,
/// local function, closure, or late variable initializer which might need to
/// be queried later.
/// The span between the call to [beginNode] and [endNode] should cover any
/// statements and expressions that might be crossed by a backwards jump. So
/// for instance, in a "for" loop, the condition, updaters, and body should be
/// covered, but the initializers should not. Similarly, in a switch
/// statement, the body of the switch statement should be covered, but the
/// switch expression should not.
void beginNode() {
_stack.add(new AssignedVariablesNodeInfo());
/// This method should be called during pre-traversal, to indicate that the
/// declaration of a variable has been found.
/// It is not required for the declaration to be seen prior to its use (this
/// is to allow for error recovery in the analyzer).
void declare(Variable variable) {
int variableKey = _promotionKeyStore.keyForVariable(variable);
/// This method may be called during pre-traversal, to mark the end of a
/// loop statement, switch statement, try statement, loop collection element,
/// local function, closure, or late variable initializer which might need to
/// be queried later.
/// [isClosureOrLateVariableInitializer] should be true if the node is a local
/// function or closure, or a late variable initializer.
/// In contrast to [endNode], this method doesn't store the data gathered for
/// the node for later use; instead it returns it to the caller. At a later
/// time, the caller should pass the returned data to [storeNodeInfo].
/// See [beginNode] for more details.
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo deferNode(
{bool isClosureOrLateVariableInitializer: false}) {
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo info = _stack.removeLast();
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo last = _stack.last;
if (isClosureOrLateVariableInitializer) {
// If we have already deferred this info, something has gone horribly wrong.
return info;
/// This method may be called during pre-traversal, to discard the effects of
/// the most recent unmatched call to [beginNode].
/// This is necessary because try/catch/finally needs to be desugared into
/// a try/catch nested inside a try/finally, however the pre-traversal phase
/// of the front end happens during parsing, so when a `try` is encountered,
/// it is not known whether it will need to be desugared into two nested
/// `try`s. To cope with this, the front end may call [beginNode] twice upon
/// seeing the two `try`s, and later if it turns out that no desugaring was
/// needed, use [discardNode] to discard the effects of one of the [beginNode]
/// calls.
void discardNode() {
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo discarded = _stack.removeLast();
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo last = _stack.last;
/// This method should be called during pre-traversal, to mark the end of a
/// loop statement, switch statement, try statement, loop collection element,
/// local function, closure, or late variable initializer which might need to
/// be queried later.
/// [isClosureOrLateVariableInitializer] should be true if the node is a local
/// function or closure, or a late variable initializer.
/// This is equivalent to a call to [deferNode] followed immediately by a call
/// to [storeInfo].
/// See [beginNode] for more details.
void endNode(Node node, {bool isClosureOrLateVariableInitializer: false}) {
/// Call this after visiting the code to be analyzed, to check invariants.
void finish() {
assert(() {
_deferredInfos.isEmpty, "Deferred infos not stored: $_deferredInfos");
assert(_stack.length == 1, "Unexpected stack: $_stack");
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo last = _stack.last;
Set<int> undeclaredReads = last._read.difference(last._declared);
'Variables read from but not declared: $undeclaredReads');
Set<int> undeclaredWrites = last._written.difference(last._declared);
'Variables written to but not declared: $undeclaredWrites');
Set<int> undeclaredCaptures = last._captured.difference(last._declared);
'Variables captured but not declared: $undeclaredCaptures');
return true;
_isFinished = true;
/// Call this method between calls to [beginNode] and [endNode]/[deferNode],
/// if it is necessary to temporarily process some code outside the current
/// node. Returns a data structure that should be passed to [pushNode].
/// This is used by the front end when building for-elements in lists, maps,
/// and sets; their initializers are partially built after building their
/// loop conditions but before completely building their bodies.
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo popNode() {
return _stack.removeLast();
/// Call this method to un-do the effect of [popNode].
void pushNode(AssignedVariablesNodeInfo node) {
void read(Variable variable) {
int variableKey = _promotionKeyStore.keyForVariable(variable);
/// Call this method to register that the node [from] for which information
/// has been stored is replaced by the node [to].
// TODO(johnniwinther): Remove this when unified collections are encoded as
// general elements in the front-end.
void reassignInfo(Node from, Node to) {
assert(!_info.containsKey(to), "Node $to already has info: ${_info[to]}");
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo? info = _info.remove(from);
info != null,
'No information for $from (${from.hashCode}) in '
'{${_info.keys.map((k) => '$k (${k.hashCode})').join(',')}}');
_info[to] = info!;
/// This method may be called at any time between a call to [deferNode] and
/// the call to [finish], to store assigned variable info for the node.
void storeInfo(Node node, AssignedVariablesNodeInfo info) {
// Caller should not try to store the same piece of info more than once.
_info[node] = info;
String toString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
return sb.toString();
/// This method should be called during pre-traversal, to mark a write to a
/// variable.
void write(Variable variable) {
int variableKey = _promotionKeyStore.keyForVariable(variable);
/// Queries the information stored for the given [node].
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo _getInfoForNode(Node node) {
return _info[node] ??
(throw new StateError('No information for $node (${node.hashCode}) in '
'{${_info.keys.map((k) => '$k (${k.hashCode})').join(',')}}'));
void _printOn(StringBuffer sb) {
/// Extension of [AssignedVariables] intended for use in tests. This class
/// exposes the results of the analysis so that they can be tested directly.
/// Not intended to be used by clients of flow analysis.
class AssignedVariablesForTesting<Node extends Object, Variable extends Object>
extends AssignedVariables<Node, Variable> {
Set<int> get capturedAnywhere => _anywhere._captured;
Set<int> get declaredAtTopLevel => _stack.first._declared;
Set<int> get readAnywhere => _anywhere._read;
Set<int> get readCapturedAnywhere => _anywhere._readCaptured;
Set<int> get writtenAnywhere => _anywhere._written;
Set<int> capturedInNode(Node node) => _getInfoForNode(node)._captured;
Set<int> declaredInNode(Node node) => _getInfoForNode(node)._declared;
bool isTracked(Node node) => _info.containsKey(node);
int keyForVariable(Variable variable) =>
Set<int> readCapturedInNode(Node node) => _getInfoForNode(node)._readCaptured;
Set<int> readInNode(Node node) => _getInfoForNode(node)._read;
String toString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
return sb.toString();
Variable variableForKey(int key) => _promotionKeyStore.variableForKey(key)!;
Set<int> writtenInNode(Node node) => _getInfoForNode(node)._written;
/// Information tracked by [AssignedVariables] for a single node.
class AssignedVariablesNodeInfo {
final Set<int> _read = {};
/// The set of local variables that are potentially written in the node.
final Set<int> _written = {};
final Set<int> _readCaptured = {};
/// The set of local variables for which a potential write is captured by a
/// local function or closure inside the node.
final Set<int> _captured = {};
/// The set of local variables that are declared in the node.
final Set<int> _declared = {};
String toString() =>
'AssignedVariablesNodeInfo(_written=$_written, _captured=$_captured, '
import '../type_inference/assigned_variables.dart';
import '../type_inference/promotion_key_store.dart';
import '../type_inference/type_operations.dart';
/// Non-promotion reason describing the situation where a variable was not
/// promoted due to an explicit write to the variable appearing somewhere in the
@ -2478,48 +2165,6 @@ abstract class NonPromotionReasonVisitor<R, Node extends Object,
abstract class Operations<Variable extends Object, Type extends Object>
implements TypeOperations<Type>, VariableOperations<Variable, Type> {}
/// This data structure assigns a unique integer identifier to everything that
/// might undergo promotion in the user's code (local variables and properties).
/// An integer identifier is also assigned to `this` (even though `this` is not
/// promotable), because promotable properties can be reached using `this` as a
/// starting point.
class PromotionKeyStore<Variable extends Object> {
/// Special promotion key to represent `this`.
late final int thisPromotionKey = _makeNewKey(null);
final Map<Variable, int> _variableKeys = new Map<Variable, int>.identity();
final List<Variable?> _keyToVariable = [];
/// List of maps indicating the set of properties of each promotable entity
/// being tracked by flow analysis. The list is indexed by the promotion key
/// of the target, and the map is indexed by the property name.
/// Null list elements are considered equivalent to an empty map (this allows
/// us so save memory due to the fact that most entries will not be accessed).
final List<Map<String, int>?> _properties = [];
int getProperty(int targetKey, String propertyName) =>
(_properties[targetKey] ??= {})[propertyName] ??= _makeNewKey(null);
int keyForVariable(Variable variable) =>
_variableKeys[variable] ??= _makeNewKey(variable);
Variable? variableForKey(int variableKey) => _keyToVariable[variableKey];
int _makeNewKey(Variable? variable) {
int key = _keyToVariable.length;
return key;
/// Non-promotion reason describing the situation where an expression was not
/// promoted due to the fact that it's a property get.
class PropertyNotPromoted<Type extends Object> extends NonPromotionReason {
@ -2758,80 +2403,6 @@ class ThisNotPromoted extends NonPromotionReason {
/// Enum representing the different classifications of types that can be
/// returned by [TypeOperations.classifyType].
enum TypeClassification {
/// The type is `Null` or an equivalent type (e.g. `Never?`)
/// The type is a potentially nullable type, but not equivalent to `Null`
/// (e.g. `int?`, or a type variable whose bound is potentially nullable)
/// The type is a non-nullable type.
/// Operations on types, abstracted from concrete type interfaces.
/// This mixin provides default implementations for some members that won't need
/// to be overridden very frequently.
mixin TypeOperations<Type extends Object> {
/// Classifies the given type into one of the three categories defined by
/// the [TypeClassification] enum.
TypeClassification classifyType(Type type);
/// Returns the "remainder" of [from] when [what] has been removed from
/// consideration by an instance check.
Type factor(Type from, Type what);
/// Whether the possible promotion from [from] to [to] should be forced, given
/// the current [promotedTypes], and [newPromotedTypes] resulting from
/// possible demotion.
/// It is not expected that any implementation would override this except for
/// the migration engine.
bool forcePromotion(Type to, Type from, List<Type>? promotedTypes,
List<Type>? newPromotedTypes) =>
/// Determines whether the given [type] is equivalent to the `Never` type.
/// A type is equivalent to `Never` if it:
/// (a) is the `Never` type itself.
/// (b) is a type variable that extends `Never`, OR
/// (c) is a type variable that has been promoted to `Never`
bool isNever(Type type);
/// Returns `true` if [type1] and [type2] are the same type.
bool isSameType(Type type1, Type type2);
/// Return `true` if the [leftType] is a subtype of the [rightType].
bool isSubtypeOf(Type leftType, Type rightType);
/// Returns `true` if [type] is a reference to a type parameter.
bool isTypeParameterType(Type type);
/// Returns the non-null promoted version of [type].
/// Note that some types don't have a non-nullable version (e.g.
/// `FutureOr<int?>`), so [type] may be returned even if it is nullable.
Type /*!*/ promoteToNonNull(Type type);
/// Performs refinements on the [promotedTypes] chain which resulted in
/// intersecting [chain1] and [chain2].
/// It is not expected that any implementation would override this except for
/// the migration engine.
List<Type>? refinePromotedTypes(
List<Type>? chain1, List<Type>? chain2, List<Type>? promotedTypes) =>
/// Tries to promote to the first type from the second type, and returns the
/// promoted type if it succeeds, otherwise null.
Type? tryPromoteToType(Type to, Type from);
/// An instance of the [VariableModel] class represents the information gathered
/// by flow analysis for a single variable at a single point in the control flow
/// of the function or method being analyzed.
@ -3513,13 +3084,13 @@ class _FlowAnalysisImpl<Node extends Object, Statement extends Node,
_FlowAnalysisImpl(this.operations, this._assignedVariables,
{required this.respectImplicitlyTypedVarInitializers,
this.promotableFields = const {}})
: promotionKeyStore = _assignedVariables._promotionKeyStore {
if (!_assignedVariables._isFinished) {
: promotionKeyStore = _assignedVariables.promotionKeyStore {
if (!_assignedVariables.isFinished) {
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo anywhere = _assignedVariables._anywhere;
Set<int> implicitlyDeclaredVars = {...anywhere._read, ...anywhere._written};
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo anywhere = _assignedVariables.anywhere;
Set<int> implicitlyDeclaredVars = {...anywhere.read, ...anywhere.written};
for (int variableKey in implicitlyDeclaredVars) {
_current = _current.declare(variableKey, true);
@ -3615,11 +3186,11 @@ class _FlowAnalysisImpl<Node extends Object, Statement extends Node,
void doStatement_bodyBegin(Statement doStatement) {
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo info =
_BranchTargetContext<Type> context =
new _BranchTargetContext<Type>(_current.reachable);
_current = _current.conservativeJoin(info._written, info._captured).split();
_current = _current.conservativeJoin(info.written, info.captured).split();
_statementToContext[doStatement] = context;
@ -3714,8 +3285,8 @@ class _FlowAnalysisImpl<Node extends Object, Statement extends Node,
void for_conditionBegin(Node node) {
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo info = _assignedVariables._getInfoForNode(node);
_current = _current.conservativeJoin(info._written, info._captured).split();
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo info = _assignedVariables.getInfoForNode(node);
_current = _current.conservativeJoin(info.written, info.captured).split();
@ -3737,8 +3308,8 @@ class _FlowAnalysisImpl<Node extends Object, Statement extends Node,
void forEach_bodyBegin(Node node) {
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo info = _assignedVariables._getInfoForNode(node);
_current = _current.conservativeJoin(info._written, info._captured).split();
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo info = _assignedVariables.getInfoForNode(node);
_current = _current.conservativeJoin(info.written, info.captured).split();
_SimpleStatementContext<Type> context =
new _SimpleStatementContext<Type>(_current.reachable.parent!, _current);
@ -3763,11 +3334,11 @@ class _FlowAnalysisImpl<Node extends Object, Statement extends Node,
void functionExpression_begin(Node node) {
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo info = _assignedVariables._getInfoForNode(node);
_current = _current.conservativeJoin(const [], info._written);
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo info = _assignedVariables.getInfoForNode(node);
_current = _current.conservativeJoin(const [], info.written);
_stack.add(new _FunctionExpressionContext(_current));
_current = _current.conservativeJoin(_assignedVariables._anywhere._written,
_current = _current.conservativeJoin(_assignedVariables.anywhere.written,
@ -4079,12 +3650,12 @@ class _FlowAnalysisImpl<Node extends Object, Statement extends Node,
void switchStatement_beginCase(bool hasLabel, Node node) {
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo info = _assignedVariables._getInfoForNode(node);
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo info = _assignedVariables.getInfoForNode(node);
_SimpleStatementContext<Type> context =
_stack.last as _SimpleStatementContext<Type>;
if (hasLabel) {
_current =
context._previous.conservativeJoin(info._written, info._captured);
context._previous.conservativeJoin(info.written, info.captured);
} else {
_current = context._previous;
@ -4143,9 +3714,9 @@ class _FlowAnalysisImpl<Node extends Object, Statement extends Node,
_TryContext<Type> context = _stack.last as _TryContext<Type>;
FlowModel<Type> beforeBody = context._previous;
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo info = _assignedVariables._getInfoForNode(body);
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo info = _assignedVariables.getInfoForNode(body);
FlowModel<Type> beforeCatch =
beforeBody.conservativeJoin(info._written, info._captured);
beforeBody.conservativeJoin(info.written, info.captured);
context._beforeCatch = beforeCatch;
context._afterBodyAndCatches = afterBody;
@ -4196,11 +3767,11 @@ class _FlowAnalysisImpl<Node extends Object, Statement extends Node,
void tryFinallyStatement_finallyBegin(Node body) {
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo info = _assignedVariables._getInfoForNode(body);
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo info = _assignedVariables.getInfoForNode(body);
_TryFinallyContext<Type> context = _stack.last as _TryFinallyContext<Type>;
context._afterBodyAndCatches = _current;
_current = _join(_current,
context._previous.conservativeJoin(info._written, info._captured));
context._previous.conservativeJoin(info.written, info.captured));
context._beforeFinally = _current;
@ -4234,8 +3805,8 @@ class _FlowAnalysisImpl<Node extends Object, Statement extends Node,
void whileStatement_conditionBegin(Node node) {
_current = _current.split();
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo info = _assignedVariables._getInfoForNode(node);
_current = _current.conservativeJoin(info._written, info._captured);
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo info = _assignedVariables.getInfoForNode(node);
_current = _current.conservativeJoin(info.written, info.captured);
@ -4563,7 +4134,7 @@ class _LegacyTypePromotion<Node extends Object, Statement extends Node,
final PromotionKeyStore<Variable> _promotionKeyStore;
_LegacyTypePromotion(this._operations, this._assignedVariables)
: _promotionKeyStore = _assignedVariables._promotionKeyStore;
: _promotionKeyStore = _assignedVariables.promotionKeyStore;
bool get isReachable => true;
@ -4785,11 +4356,11 @@ class _LegacyTypePromotion<Node extends Object, Statement extends Node,
// promoted to T1 and then had a successful `is T2` check.
Map<int, Type> newShownTypes = {};
for (MapEntry<int, Type> entry in lhsShownTypes.entries) {
if (assignedVariablesInfoForRhs._written.contains(entry.key)) continue;
if (assignedVariablesInfoForRhs.written.contains(entry.key)) continue;
newShownTypes[entry.key] = entry.value;
for (MapEntry<int, Type> entry in rhsShownTypes.entries) {
if (assignedVariablesInfoForRhs._written.contains(entry.key)) continue;
if (assignedVariablesInfoForRhs.written.contains(entry.key)) continue;
Type? previouslyShownType = newShownTypes[entry.key];
if (previouslyShownType == null) {
newShownTypes[entry.key] = entry.value;
@ -4813,7 +4384,7 @@ class _LegacyTypePromotion<Node extends Object, Statement extends Node,
if (!isAnd) return;
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo info =
Map<int, Type> lhsShownTypes =
_getExpressionInfo(leftOperand)?._shownTypes ?? {};
@ -4826,16 +4397,16 @@ class _LegacyTypePromotion<Node extends Object, Statement extends Node,
// - v is potentially mutated in e1,
if (variablesWrittenOnLhs.contains(entry.key)) continue;
// - v is potentially mutated in e2,
if (info._written.contains(entry.key)) continue;
if (info.written.contains(entry.key)) continue;
// - v is potentially mutated within a function other than the one where
// v is declared, or
if (_assignedVariables._anywhere._captured.contains(entry.key)) {
if (_assignedVariables.anywhere.captured.contains(entry.key)) {
// - v is accessed by a function defined in e2 and v is potentially
// mutated anywhere in the scope of v.
if (info._readCaptured.contains(entry.key) &&
_assignedVariables._anywhere._written.contains(entry.key)) {
if (info.readCaptured.contains(entry.key) &&
_assignedVariables.anywhere.written.contains(entry.key)) {
(newKnownTypes ??= new Map<int, Type>.of(_knownTypes))[entry.key] =
@ -4966,7 +4537,7 @@ class _LegacyTypePromotion<Node extends Object, Statement extends Node,
void _conditionalOrIf_thenBegin(Expression condition, Node node) {
_contextStack.add(new _LegacyContext<Type>(_knownTypes));
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo info = _assignedVariables._getInfoForNode(node);
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo info = _assignedVariables.getInfoForNode(node);
Map<int, Type>? newKnownTypes;
_LegacyExpressionInfo<Type>? expressionInfo = _getExpressionInfo(condition);
if (expressionInfo != null) {
@ -4976,16 +4547,16 @@ class _LegacyTypePromotion<Node extends Object, Statement extends Node,
// then the type of v is known to be T in n2, unless any of the
// following are true:
// - v is potentially mutated in n2,
if (info._written.contains(entry.key)) continue;
if (info.written.contains(entry.key)) continue;
// - v is potentially mutated within a function other than the one where
// v is declared, or
if (_assignedVariables._anywhere._captured.contains(entry.key)) {
if (_assignedVariables.anywhere.captured.contains(entry.key)) {
// - v is accessed by a function defined in n2 and v is potentially
// mutated anywhere in the scope of v.
if (info._readCaptured.contains(entry.key) &&
_assignedVariables._anywhere._written.contains(entry.key)) {
if (info.readCaptured.contains(entry.key) &&
_assignedVariables.anywhere.written.contains(entry.key)) {
(newKnownTypes ??= new Map<int, Type>.of(_knownTypes))[entry.key] =

View file

@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'promotion_key_store.dart';
/// [AssignedVariables] is a helper class capable of computing the set of
/// variables that are potentially written to, and potentially captured by
/// closures, at various locations inside the code being analyzed. This class
/// should be used prior to running flow analysis, to compute the sets of
/// variables to pass in to flow analysis.
/// This class is intended to be used in two phases. In the first phase, the
/// client should traverse the source code recursively, making calls to
/// [beginNode] and [endNode] to indicate the constructs in which writes should
/// be tracked, and calls to [write] to indicate when a write is encountered.
/// The order of visiting is not important provided that nesting is respected.
/// This phase is called the "pre-traversal" because it should happen prior to
/// flow analysis.
/// Then, in the second phase, the client may make queries using
/// [capturedAnywhere], [writtenInNode], and [capturedInNode].
/// We use the term "node" to refer generally to a loop statement, switch
/// statement, try statement, loop collection element, local function, or
/// closure.
class AssignedVariables<Node extends Object, Variable extends Object> {
/// Mapping from a node to the info for that node.
final Map<Node, AssignedVariablesNodeInfo> _info =
new Map<Node, AssignedVariablesNodeInfo>.identity();
/// Info for the variables written or captured anywhere in the code being
/// analyzed.
final AssignedVariablesNodeInfo anywhere = new AssignedVariablesNodeInfo();
/// Stack of info for nodes that have been entered but not yet left.
final List<AssignedVariablesNodeInfo> _stack = [
new AssignedVariablesNodeInfo()
/// When assertions are enabled, the set of info objects that have been
/// retrieved by [deferNode] but not yet sent to [storeNode].
final Set<AssignedVariablesNodeInfo> _deferredInfos =
new Set<AssignedVariablesNodeInfo>.identity();
/// Keeps track of whether [finish] has been called.
bool _isFinished = false;
/// The [PromotionKeyStore], which tracks the unique integer assigned to
/// everything in the control flow that might be promotable.
final PromotionKeyStore<Variable> promotionKeyStore =
new PromotionKeyStore<Variable>();
/// Indicates whether [finish] has been called.
bool get isFinished => _isFinished;
/// This method should be called during pre-traversal, to mark the start of a
/// loop statement, switch statement, try statement, loop collection element,
/// local function, closure, or late variable initializer which might need to
/// be queried later.
/// The span between the call to [beginNode] and [endNode] should cover any
/// statements and expressions that might be crossed by a backwards jump. So
/// for instance, in a "for" loop, the condition, updaters, and body should be
/// covered, but the initializers should not. Similarly, in a switch
/// statement, the body of the switch statement should be covered, but the
/// switch expression should not.
void beginNode() {
_stack.add(new AssignedVariablesNodeInfo());
/// This method should be called during pre-traversal, to indicate that the
/// declaration of a variable has been found.
/// It is not required for the declaration to be seen prior to its use (this
/// is to allow for error recovery in the analyzer).
void declare(Variable variable) {
int variableKey = promotionKeyStore.keyForVariable(variable);
/// This method may be called during pre-traversal, to mark the end of a
/// loop statement, switch statement, try statement, loop collection element,
/// local function, closure, or late variable initializer which might need to
/// be queried later.
/// [isClosureOrLateVariableInitializer] should be true if the node is a local
/// function or closure, or a late variable initializer.
/// In contrast to [endNode], this method doesn't store the data gathered for
/// the node for later use; instead it returns it to the caller. At a later
/// time, the caller should pass the returned data to [storeNodeInfo].
/// See [beginNode] for more details.
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo deferNode(
{bool isClosureOrLateVariableInitializer: false}) {
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo info = _stack.removeLast();
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo last = _stack.last;
if (isClosureOrLateVariableInitializer) {
// If we have already deferred this info, something has gone horribly wrong.
return info;
/// This method may be called during pre-traversal, to discard the effects of
/// the most recent unmatched call to [beginNode].
/// This is necessary because try/catch/finally needs to be desugared into
/// a try/catch nested inside a try/finally, however the pre-traversal phase
/// of the front end happens during parsing, so when a `try` is encountered,
/// it is not known whether it will need to be desugared into two nested
/// `try`s. To cope with this, the front end may call [beginNode] twice upon
/// seeing the two `try`s, and later if it turns out that no desugaring was
/// needed, use [discardNode] to discard the effects of one of the [beginNode]
/// calls.
void discardNode() {
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo discarded = _stack.removeLast();
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo last = _stack.last;
/// This method should be called during pre-traversal, to mark the end of a
/// loop statement, switch statement, try statement, loop collection element,
/// local function, closure, or late variable initializer which might need to
/// be queried later.
/// [isClosureOrLateVariableInitializer] should be true if the node is a local
/// function or closure, or a late variable initializer.
/// This is equivalent to a call to [deferNode] followed immediately by a call
/// to [storeInfo].
/// See [beginNode] for more details.
void endNode(Node node, {bool isClosureOrLateVariableInitializer: false}) {
/// Call this after visiting the code to be analyzed, to check invariants.
void finish() {
assert(() {
_deferredInfos.isEmpty, "Deferred infos not stored: $_deferredInfos");
assert(_stack.length == 1, "Unexpected stack: $_stack");
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo last = _stack.last;
Set<int> undeclaredReads = last.read.difference(last.declared);
'Variables read from but not declared: $undeclaredReads');
Set<int> undeclaredWrites = last.written.difference(last.declared);
'Variables written to but not declared: $undeclaredWrites');
Set<int> undeclaredCaptures = last.captured.difference(last.declared);
'Variables captured but not declared: $undeclaredCaptures');
return true;
_isFinished = true;
/// Queries the information stored for the given [node].
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo getInfoForNode(Node node) {
return _info[node] ??
(throw new StateError('No information for $node (${node.hashCode}) in '
'{${_info.keys.map((k) => '$k (${k.hashCode})').join(',')}}'));
/// Call this method between calls to [beginNode] and [endNode]/[deferNode],
/// if it is necessary to temporarily process some code outside the current
/// node. Returns a data structure that should be passed to [pushNode].
/// This is used by the front end when building for-elements in lists, maps,
/// and sets; their initializers are partially built after building their
/// loop conditions but before completely building their bodies.
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo popNode() {
return _stack.removeLast();
/// Call this method to un-do the effect of [popNode].
void pushNode(AssignedVariablesNodeInfo node) {
void read(Variable variable) {
int variableKey = promotionKeyStore.keyForVariable(variable);
/// Call this method to register that the node [from] for which information
/// has been stored is replaced by the node [to].
// TODO(johnniwinther): Remove this when unified collections are encoded as
// general elements in the front-end.
void reassignInfo(Node from, Node to) {
assert(!_info.containsKey(to), "Node $to already has info: ${_info[to]}");
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo? info = _info.remove(from);
info != null,
'No information for $from (${from.hashCode}) in '
'{${_info.keys.map((k) => '$k (${k.hashCode})').join(',')}}');
_info[to] = info!;
/// This method may be called at any time between a call to [deferNode] and
/// the call to [finish], to store assigned variable info for the node.
void storeInfo(Node node, AssignedVariablesNodeInfo info) {
// Caller should not try to store the same piece of info more than once.
_info[node] = info;
String toString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
return sb.toString();
/// This method should be called during pre-traversal, to mark a write to a
/// variable.
void write(Variable variable) {
int variableKey = promotionKeyStore.keyForVariable(variable);
void _printOn(StringBuffer sb) {
/// Extension of [AssignedVariables] intended for use in tests. This class
/// exposes the results of the analysis so that they can be tested directly.
/// Not intended to be used by clients of flow analysis.
class AssignedVariablesForTesting<Node extends Object, Variable extends Object>
extends AssignedVariables<Node, Variable> {
Set<int> get capturedAnywhere => anywhere.captured;
Set<int> get declaredAtTopLevel => _stack.first.declared;
Set<int> get readAnywhere => anywhere.read;
Set<int> get readCapturedAnywhere => anywhere.readCaptured;
Set<int> get writtenAnywhere => anywhere.written;
Set<int> capturedInNode(Node node) => getInfoForNode(node).captured;
Set<int> declaredInNode(Node node) => getInfoForNode(node).declared;
bool isTracked(Node node) => _info.containsKey(node);
int keyForVariable(Variable variable) =>
Set<int> readCapturedInNode(Node node) => getInfoForNode(node).readCaptured;
Set<int> readInNode(Node node) => getInfoForNode(node).read;
String toString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
return sb.toString();
Variable variableForKey(int key) => promotionKeyStore.variableForKey(key)!;
Set<int> writtenInNode(Node node) => getInfoForNode(node).written;
/// Information tracked by [AssignedVariables] for a single node.
class AssignedVariablesNodeInfo {
/// The set of local variables that are potentially read in the node.
final Set<int> read = {};
/// The set of local variables that are potentially written in the node.
final Set<int> written = {};
/// The set of local variables for which a potential read is captured by a
/// local function or closure inside the node.
final Set<int> readCaptured = {};
/// The set of local variables for which a potential write is captured by a
/// local function or closure inside the node.
final Set<int> captured = {};
/// The set of local variables that are declared in the node.
final Set<int> declared = {};
String toString() =>
'AssignedVariablesNodeInfo(written=$written, captured=$captured, '

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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// This data structure assigns a unique integer identifier to everything that
/// might undergo promotion in the user's code (local variables and properties).
/// An integer identifier is also assigned to `this` (even though `this` is not
/// promotable), because promotable properties can be reached using `this` as a
/// starting point.
class PromotionKeyStore<Variable extends Object> {
/// Special promotion key to represent `this`.
late final int thisPromotionKey = _makeNewKey(null);
final Map<Variable, int> _variableKeys = new Map<Variable, int>.identity();
final List<Variable?> _keyToVariable = [];
/// List of maps indicating the set of properties of each promotable entity
/// being tracked by flow analysis. The list is indexed by the promotion key
/// of the target, and the map is indexed by the property name.
/// Null list elements are considered equivalent to an empty map (this allows
/// us so save memory due to the fact that most entries will not be accessed).
final List<Map<String, int>?> _properties = [];
int getProperty(int targetKey, String propertyName) =>
(_properties[targetKey] ??= {})[propertyName] ??= _makeNewKey(null);
int keyForVariable(Variable variable) =>
_variableKeys[variable] ??= _makeNewKey(variable);
Variable? variableForKey(int variableKey) => _keyToVariable[variableKey];
int _makeNewKey(Variable? variable) {
int key = _keyToVariable.length;
return key;

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@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Enum representing the different classifications of types that can be
/// returned by [TypeOperations.classifyType].
enum TypeClassification {
/// The type is `Null` or an equivalent type (e.g. `Never?`)
/// The type is a potentially nullable type, but not equivalent to `Null`
/// (e.g. `int?`, or a type variable whose bound is potentially nullable)
/// The type is a non-nullable type.
/// Operations on types, abstracted from concrete type interfaces.
/// This mixin provides default implementations for some members that won't need
/// to be overridden very frequently.
mixin TypeOperations<Type extends Object> {
/// Classifies the given type into one of the three categories defined by
/// the [TypeClassification] enum.
TypeClassification classifyType(Type type);
/// Returns the "remainder" of [from] when [what] has been removed from
/// consideration by an instance check.
Type factor(Type from, Type what);
/// Whether the possible promotion from [from] to [to] should be forced, given
/// the current [promotedTypes], and [newPromotedTypes] resulting from
/// possible demotion.
/// It is not expected that any implementation would override this except for
/// the migration engine.
bool forcePromotion(Type to, Type from, List<Type>? promotedTypes,
List<Type>? newPromotedTypes) =>
/// Determines whether the given [type] is equivalent to the `Never` type.
/// A type is equivalent to `Never` if it:
/// (a) is the `Never` type itself.
/// (b) is a type variable that extends `Never`, OR
/// (c) is a type variable that has been promoted to `Never`
bool isNever(Type type);
/// Returns `true` if [type1] and [type2] are the same type.
bool isSameType(Type type1, Type type2);
/// Return `true` if the [leftType] is a subtype of the [rightType].
bool isSubtypeOf(Type leftType, Type rightType);
/// Returns `true` if [type] is a reference to a type parameter.
bool isTypeParameterType(Type type);
/// Returns the non-null promoted version of [type].
/// Note that some types don't have a non-nullable version (e.g.
/// `FutureOr<int?>`), so [type] may be returned even if it is nullable.
Type /*!*/ promoteToNonNull(Type type);
/// Performs refinements on the [promotedTypes] chain which resulted in
/// intersecting [chain1] and [chain2].
/// It is not expected that any implementation would override this except for
/// the migration engine.
List<Type>? refinePromotedTypes(
List<Type>? chain1, List<Type>? chain2, List<Type>? promotedTypes) =>
/// Tries to promote to the first type from the second type, and returns the
/// promoted type if it succeeds, otherwise null.
Type? tryPromoteToType(Type to, Type from);

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/flow_analysis/flow_analysis.dart';
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/type_inference/assigned_variables.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
main() {

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@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/flow_analysis/flow_analysis.dart';
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/type_inference/assigned_variables.dart';
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/type_inference/promotion_key_store.dart';
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/type_inference/type_operations.dart';
import '../mini_ast.dart';
import '../mini_types.dart';
/// Creates a [Statement] that, when analyzed, will cause [callback] to be
/// passed an [SsaNodeHarness] allowing the test to examine the values of
/// variables' SSA nodes.
Statement getSsaNodes(void Function(SsaNodeHarness) callback) =>
new _GetSsaNodes(callback);
Statement implicitThis_whyNotPromoted(String staticType,
void Function(Map<Type, NonPromotionReason>) callback) =>
new _WhyNotPromoted_ImplicitThis(Type(staticType), callback);
/// Test harness for creating flow analysis tests. This class implements all
/// the [Operations] needed by flow analysis, as well as other methods needed
/// for testing.
class FlowAnalysisTestHarness extends Harness implements FlowModelHelper<Type> {
final PromotionKeyStore<Var> promotionKeyStore = PromotionKeyStore();
TypeOperations<Type> get typeOperations => this;
/// Helper class allowing tests to examine the values of variables' SSA nodes.
class SsaNodeHarness {
final FlowAnalysis<Node, Statement, Expression, Var, Type> _flow;
/// Gets the SSA node associated with [variable] at the current point in
/// control flow, or `null` if the variable has been write captured.
SsaNode<Type>? operator [](Var variable) => _flow.ssaNodeForTesting(variable);
class _GetExpressionInfo extends Expression {
final Expression target;
final void Function(ExpressionInfo<Type>?) callback;
_GetExpressionInfo(this.target, this.callback);
void preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables) {
Type visit(Harness h, Type context) {
var type = h.typeAnalyzer.analyzeExpression(target);
h.flow.forwardExpression(this, target);
return type;
class _GetSsaNodes extends Statement {
final void Function(SsaNodeHarness) callback;
void preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables) {}
void visit(Harness h) {
class _WhyNotPromoted extends Expression {
final Expression target;
final void Function(Map<Type, NonPromotionReason>) callback;
_WhyNotPromoted(this.target, this.callback);
void preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables) {
String toString() => '$target (whyNotPromoted)';
Type visit(Harness h, Type context) {
var type = h.typeAnalyzer.analyzeExpression(target);
h.flow.forwardExpression(this, target);
Type.withComparisonsAllowed(() {
return type;
class _WhyNotPromoted_ImplicitThis extends Statement {
final Type staticType;
final void Function(Map<Type, NonPromotionReason>) callback;
_WhyNotPromoted_ImplicitThis(this.staticType, this.callback);
void preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables) {}
String toString() => 'implicit this (whyNotPromoted)';
void visit(Harness h) {
Type.withComparisonsAllowed(() {
extension ExpressionExtensionForFlowAnalysisTesting on Expression {
/// Creates an [Expression] that, when analyzed, will behave the same as
/// `this`, but after visiting it, will cause [callback] to be passed the
/// [ExpressionInfo] associated with it. If the expression has no flow
/// analysis information associated with it, `null` will be passed to
/// [callback].
Expression getExpressionInfo(void Function(ExpressionInfo<Type>?) callback) =>
new _GetExpressionInfo(this, callback);
/// Creates an [Expression] that, when analyzed, will behave the same as
/// `this`, but after visiting it, will cause [callback] to be passed the
/// non-promotion info associated with it. If the expression has no
/// non-promotion info, an empty map will be passed to [callback].
Expression whyNotPromoted(
void Function(Map<Type, NonPromotionReason>) callback) =>
new _WhyNotPromoted(this, callback);

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@ -3,10 +3,12 @@
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/flow_analysis/flow_analysis.dart';
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/type_inference/assigned_variables.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import '../mini_ast.dart';
import '../mini_types.dart';
import 'flow_analysis_mini_ast.dart';
main() {
late FlowAnalysisTestHarness h;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

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@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/flow_analysis/flow_analysis.dart';
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/type_inference/assigned_variables.dart';
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/type_inference/type_operations.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/features.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/syntactic_entity.dart';

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@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/flow_analysis/flow_analysis.dart';
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/testing/id.dart' show ActualData, Id;
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/testing/id_testing.dart';
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/type_inference/assigned_variables.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/testing_data.dart';

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
library fasta.body_builder;
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/flow_analysis/flow_analysis.dart';
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/type_inference/assigned_variables.dart';
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/messages/severity.dart' show Severity;
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/parser/parser.dart'

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@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/deferred_function_literal_heuristic.dart';
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/flow_analysis/flow_analysis.dart';
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/type_inference/assigned_variables.dart';
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/testing/id.dart';
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/util/link.dart';
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart';

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@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE.md file.
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/flow_analysis/flow_analysis.dart';
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/type_inference/assigned_variables.dart';
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/type_inference/type_operations.dart';
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart';
import 'package:kernel/class_hierarchy.dart' show ClassHierarchy;
import 'package:kernel/core_types.dart' show CoreTypes;

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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE.md file.
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/flow_analysis/flow_analysis.dart';
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/type_inference/assigned_variables.dart';
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart';
import 'package:kernel/class_hierarchy.dart' show ClassHierarchy;

View file

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
import 'dart:io' show Directory, Platform;
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/flow_analysis/flow_analysis.dart';
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/type_inference/assigned_variables.dart';
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/testing/id.dart'
show ActualData, Id, IdKind;
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/testing/id_testing.dart'

View file

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/flow_analysis/flow_analysis.dart';
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/type_inference/type_operations.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type_system.dart';

View file

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/flow_analysis/flow_analysis.dart';
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/type_inference/assigned_variables.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/visitor.dart';