[dart2js] separate main and deferred units in programInfo tree structures

Change-Id: Ia1a6ba772fa6384ef23ab5d814a0228c7d5613bc
Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/c/sdk/+/252870
Commit-Queue: Islina Shan <islinashan@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Mark Zhou <markzipan@google.com>
This commit is contained in:
IslinaS 2022-08-04 00:27:26 +00:00 committed by Commit Bot
parent 7ed2d68b59
commit abd6e8eba7
2 changed files with 337 additions and 225 deletions

View file

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
library dart2js_info.bin.to_devtools_format;
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:args/command_runner.dart';
import 'package:dart2js_info/info.dart';
import 'package:dart2js_info/src/io.dart';
import 'package:dart2js_info/src/util.dart';
import 'package:dart2js_info/src/util.dart' show longName, libraryGroupName;
import 'package:vm_snapshot_analysis/program_info.dart' as vm;
import 'package:vm_snapshot_analysis/treemap.dart';
import 'usage_exception.dart';
/// Command that converts a `--dump-info` JSON output into a format ingested by Devtools.
@ -39,12 +39,12 @@ class DevtoolsFormatCommand extends Command<void> with PrintUsageException {
final AllInfo allInfo = await infoFromFile(args.rest.first);
final builder = ProgramInfoBuilder(allInfo);
vm.ProgramInfo programInfo = builder.build(allInfo);
Map<String, dynamic> treeMap = treemapFromInfo(programInfo);
var treeMapJson = jsonEncode(treeMap);
Map<String, dynamic> programInfoTree = programInfo.toJson();
// TODO: convert the programInfo tree to a treemap
if (outputPath == null) {
} else {
await File(outputPath).writeAsString(treeMapJson);
await File(outputPath).writeAsString(jsonEncode(programInfoTree));
@ -61,17 +61,34 @@ class ProgramInfoBuilder extends VMProgramInfoVisitor<vm.ProgramInfoNode> {
final List<vm.ProgramInfoNode> outputInfo = [];
/// Mapping between the filename of the outputUnit and the [vm.ProgramInfo]
/// subtree representing a program unit (main or deferred).
final Map<String, vm.ProgramInfo> outputUnits = {};
/// Mapping between the name of the library [vm.ProgramInfoNode]
/// object and its corresponding outputUnit [vm.ProgramInfo] tree.
final Map<String, vm.ProgramInfo> libraryUnits = {};
/// Mapping between the name of an [Info] object and the corresponding
/// [vm.ProgramInfoNode] object.
/// For packages and libraries, since their children can be split among
/// different outputUnits, a composite name is used instead to differentiate
/// between [vm.ProgramInfoNode] in different outputUnits.
final Map<String, vm.ProgramInfoNode> infoNodesByName = {};
/// A unique key composed of the name of an [Info] object and the
/// filename of the outputUnit.
String compositeName(String name, String outputUnitName) =>
/// Mapping between the name of a [Info] object and the corresponding
/// [vm.ProgramInfoNode] object.
Map<String, vm.ProgramInfoNode> infoNodesByName = {};
/// Mapping between the id (aka coverageId) of an [AllInfo] node and the
/// corresponding [vm.ProgramInfoNode] object.
final Map<String, vm.ProgramInfoNode> infoNodesById = {};
/// Mapping between package names and the corresponding [vm.ProgramInfoNode]
/// objects of [vm.NodeType.packageNode].
final Map<String, vm.ProgramInfoNode> packageInfoNodes = {};
/// Mapping between the composite name of a package and the corresponding
/// [vm.ProgramInfoNode] objects of [vm.NodeType.packageNode].
final Map<String, dynamic> packageInfoNodes = {};
/// Mapping between an <unnamed> [LibraryInfo] object and the name of the
/// corresponding [vm.ProgramInfoNode] object.
@ -79,33 +96,289 @@ class ProgramInfoBuilder extends VMProgramInfoVisitor<vm.ProgramInfoNode> {
/// Collect libraries into packages and aggregate their sizes.
void makePackage(LibraryInfo libraryInfo, String outputUnitName) {
vm.ProgramInfo outputUnit = outputUnits[outputUnitName]!;
String libraryName = libraryInfo.name;
if (libraryInfo.name == '<unnamed>') {
libraryName = longName(libraryInfo, useLibraryUri: true, forId: true);
String packageName = libraryGroupName(libraryInfo) ?? libraryName;
vm.ProgramInfoNode? packageInfoNode = packageInfoNodes[packageName];
if (packageInfoNode == null) {
String compositePackageName = compositeName(packageName, outputUnitName);
vm.ProgramInfoNode newPackage = outputUnit.makeNode(
name: compositePackageName,
parent: outputUnit.root,
type: vm.NodeType.packageNode);
newPackage.size = libraryInfo.size;
packageInfoNodes[compositePackageName] = newPackage;
outputUnit.root.children[compositePackageName] = newPackage;
var packageNode = infoNodesByName[compositePackageName];
assert(packageNode == null,
"encountered package with duplicated name: $compositePackageName");
infoNodesByName[compositePackageName] = newPackage;
} else {
packageInfoNode.size = (packageInfoNode.size ?? 0) + libraryInfo.size;
void makeLibrary(LibraryInfo libraryInfo, String outputUnitName) {
vm.ProgramInfo outputUnit = outputUnits[outputUnitName]!;
String libraryName = libraryInfo.name;
if (libraryName == '<unnamed>') {
libraryName = longName(libraryInfo, useLibraryUri: true, forId: true);
unnamedLibraries[libraryInfo] = libraryName;
String packageName = libraryGroupName(libraryInfo) ?? libraryName;
String compositePackageName = compositeName(packageName, outputUnitName);
vm.ProgramInfoNode parentNode = infoNodesByName[compositePackageName]!;
String compositeLibraryName = compositeName(libraryName, outputUnitName);
vm.ProgramInfoNode newLibrary = outputUnit.makeNode(
name: compositeLibraryName,
parent: parentNode,
type: vm.NodeType.libraryNode);
newLibrary.size = libraryInfo.size;
parentNode.children[newLibrary.name] = newLibrary;
vm.ProgramInfoNode? libraryNode = infoNodesByName[compositeLibraryName];
assert(libraryNode == null,
"encountered library with duplicated name: $compositeLibraryName");
infoNodesByName[compositeLibraryName] = newLibrary;
void makeFunction(FunctionInfo functionInfo) {
Info? parent = functionInfo.parent;
String outputUnitName = functionInfo.outputUnit!.filename;
vm.ProgramInfo? outputUnit = outputUnits[outputUnitName];
if (parent != null && outputUnit != null) {
assert(parent.kind == kindFromString('library'));
vm.ProgramInfoNode parentNode;
if (parent.kind == kindFromString('library')) {
if (parent.name == "<unnamed>") {
var tempName =
compositeName(unnamedLibraries[parent]!, outputUnitName);
parentNode = infoNodesByName[tempName]!;
} else {
parentNode =
infoNodesByName[compositeName(parent.name, outputUnitName)]!;
} else {
parentNode = infoNodesByName[parent.name]!;
vm.ProgramInfoNode newFunction = outputUnit.makeNode(
name: functionInfo.name,
parent: parentNode,
type: vm.NodeType.functionNode);
newFunction.size = functionInfo.size;
parentNode.children[newFunction.name] = newFunction;
vm.ProgramInfoNode? functionNode = infoNodesByName[newFunction.name];
assert(functionNode == null,
"encountered function with duplicated name: $newFunction.name");
infoNodesByName[newFunction.name] = newFunction;
void makeClass(ClassInfo classInfo) {
Info? parent = classInfo.parent;
String outputUnitName = classInfo.outputUnit!.filename;
vm.ProgramInfo? outputUnit = outputUnits[outputUnitName];
if (parent != null && outputUnit != null) {
vm.ProgramInfoNode parentNode;
if (parent.kind == kindFromString('library')) {
if (parent.name == "<unnamed>") {
var tempName =
compositeName(unnamedLibraries[parent]!, outputUnitName);
parentNode = infoNodesByName[tempName]!;
} else {
parentNode =
infoNodesByName[compositeName(parent.name, outputUnitName)]!;
} else {
parentNode = infoNodesByName[parent.name]!;
vm.ProgramInfoNode newClass = outputUnit.makeNode(
name: classInfo.name,
parent: parentNode,
type: vm.NodeType.classNode);
newClass.size = classInfo.size;
parentNode.children[newClass.name] = newClass;
vm.ProgramInfoNode? classNode = infoNodesByName[newClass.name];
assert(classNode == null,
"encountered class with duplicated name: $newClass.name");
infoNodesByName[newClass.name] = newClass;
/// Fields are currently assigned [vm.NodeType.other].
/// Note: we might want to create a separate [vm.NodeType.fieldNode] to
/// differentiate fields from other miscellaneous nodes for constructing
/// the call graph.
void makeField(FieldInfo fieldInfo) {
Info? parent = fieldInfo.parent;
String outputUnitName = fieldInfo.outputUnit!.filename;
vm.ProgramInfo? outputUnit = outputUnits[outputUnitName];
if (parent != null && outputUnit != null) {
vm.ProgramInfoNode parentNode;
if (parent.kind == kindFromString('library')) {
if (parent.name == "<unnamed>") {
var tempName =
compositeName(unnamedLibraries[parent]!, outputUnitName);
parentNode = infoNodesByName[tempName]!;
} else {
parentNode =
infoNodesByName[compositeName(parent.name, outputUnitName)]!;
} else {
parentNode = infoNodesByName[parent.name]!;
vm.ProgramInfoNode newField = outputUnit.makeNode(
name: fieldInfo.name, parent: parentNode, type: vm.NodeType.other);
newField.size = fieldInfo.size;
parentNode.children[newField.name] = newField;
vm.ProgramInfoNode? fieldNode = infoNodesByName[newField.name];
assert(fieldNode == null,
"encountered field with duplicated name: $newField.name");
infoNodesByName[newField.name] = newField;
void makeConstant(ConstantInfo constantInfo) {
String? constantName = constantInfo.code.first.text ??
String outputUnitName = constantInfo.outputUnit!.filename;
vm.ProgramInfo? outputUnit = outputUnits[outputUnitName];
vm.ProgramInfoNode newConstant = outputUnit!.makeNode(
name: constantName, parent: outputUnit.root, type: vm.NodeType.other);
newConstant.size = constantInfo.size;
outputUnit.root.children[newConstant.name] = newConstant;
vm.ProgramInfoNode? constantNode = infoNodesByName[newConstant.name];
assert(constantNode == null,
"encountered constant with duplicated name: $newConstant.name");
infoNodesByName[newConstant.name] = newConstant;
void makeTypedef(TypedefInfo typedefInfo) {
String outputUnitName = typedefInfo.outputUnit!.filename;
vm.ProgramInfo? outputUnit = outputUnits[outputUnitName];
vm.ProgramInfoNode newTypedef = outputUnit!.makeNode(
name: typedefInfo.name,
parent: outputUnit.root,
type: vm.NodeType.other);
newTypedef.size = typedefInfo.size;
vm.ProgramInfoNode? typedefNode = infoNodesByName[newTypedef.name];
assert(typedefNode == null,
"encountered constant with duplicated name: $newTypedef.name");
void makeClassType(ClassTypeInfo classTypeInfo) {
Info? parent = classTypeInfo.parent;
String outputUnitName = classTypeInfo.outputUnit!.filename;
vm.ProgramInfo? outputUnit = outputUnits[outputUnitName];
if (parent != null && outputUnit != null) {
assert(parent.kind == kindFromString('library'));
vm.ProgramInfoNode parentNode;
if (parent.name == "<unnamed>") {
var tempName = compositeName(unnamedLibraries[parent]!, outputUnitName);
parentNode = infoNodesByName[tempName]!;
} else {
parentNode =
infoNodesByName[compositeName(parent.name, outputUnitName)]!;
vm.ProgramInfoNode newClassType = outputUnit.makeNode(
name: classTypeInfo.name,
parent: parentNode,
type: vm.NodeType.other);
newClassType.size = classTypeInfo.size;
vm.ProgramInfoNode? classTypeNode = infoNodesByName[newClassType.name];
assert(classTypeNode == null,
"encountered classType with duplicated name: $newClassType.name");
infoNodesByName[newClassType.name] = newClassType;
void makeClosure(ClosureInfo closureInfo) {
Info? parent = closureInfo.parent;
String outputUnitName = closureInfo.outputUnit!.filename;
vm.ProgramInfo? outputUnit = outputUnits[outputUnitName];
if (parent != null && outputUnit != null) {
vm.ProgramInfoNode parentNode;
if (parent.kind == kindFromString('library')) {
if (parent.name == "<unnamed>") {
var tempName =
compositeName(unnamedLibraries[parent]!, outputUnitName);
parentNode = infoNodesByName[tempName]!;
} else {
parentNode =
infoNodesByName[compositeName(parent.name, outputUnitName)]!;
} else {
parentNode = infoNodesByName[parent.name]!;
vm.ProgramInfoNode newClosure = outputUnit.makeNode(
name: closureInfo.name,
parent: parentNode,
// ProgramInfo trees consider closures and functions to both be of the functionNode type.
type: vm.NodeType.functionNode);
newClosure.size = closureInfo.size;
parentNode.children[newClosure.name] = newClosure;
vm.ProgramInfoNode? closureNode = infoNodesByName[newClosure.name];
assert(closureNode == null,
"encountered closure with duplicated name: $newClosure.name");
infoNodesByName[newClosure.name] = newClosure;
vm.ProgramInfoNode visitAll(AllInfo info) {
vm.ProgramInfoNode visitAll(AllInfo info, String outputUnitName) {
for (var package in info.packages) {
visitPackage(package, outputUnitName);
for (var library in info.libraries) {
visitLibrary(library, outputUnitName);
return program.root;
return outputUnits[outputUnitName]!.root;
vm.ProgramInfoNode visitOutput(OutputUnitInfo info) {
vm.ProgramInfo? outputUnit = outputUnits[info.filename];
assert(outputUnit == null, "encountered outputUnit with duplicated name");
var newUnit = vm.ProgramInfo();
outputUnits[info.filename] = newUnit;
outputUnits[info.filename]!.root.size = info.size;
return outputUnits[info.filename]!.root;
vm.ProgramInfoNode visitProgram(ProgramInfo info) {
throw Exception('Not supported for devtools format.');
program.root.size = info.size;
return program.root;
vm.ProgramInfoNode visitPackage(PackageInfo info) {
return infoNodesByName[info.name]!;
vm.ProgramInfoNode visitPackage(PackageInfo info, String outputUnitName) {
for (var library in info.libraries) {
visitLibrary(library, outputUnitName);
return infoNodesByName[compositeName(info.name, outputUnitName)]!;
vm.ProgramInfoNode visitLibrary(LibraryInfo info) {
vm.ProgramInfoNode visitLibrary(LibraryInfo info, String outputUnitName) {
@ -116,8 +389,9 @@ class ProgramInfoBuilder extends VMProgramInfoVisitor<vm.ProgramInfoNode> {
return infoNodesByName[info.name] ??
return infoNodesByName[compositeName(info.name, outputUnitName)] ??
compositeName(unnamedLibraries[info]!, outputUnitName)]!;
@ -157,7 +431,8 @@ class ProgramInfoBuilder extends VMProgramInfoVisitor<vm.ProgramInfoNode> {
vm.ProgramInfoNode visitConstant(ConstantInfo info) {
return infoNodesByName[info.code.first.text!]!;
return infoNodesByName[info.code.first.text] ??
@ -165,191 +440,18 @@ class ProgramInfoBuilder extends VMProgramInfoVisitor<vm.ProgramInfoNode> {
return infoNodesByName[info.name]!;
vm.ProgramInfoNode visitOutput(OutputUnitInfo info) {
throw Exception("For deferred loading.");
vm.ProgramInfo build(AllInfo info) {
for (var outputUnitName in outputUnits.keys) {
for (var library in info.libraries) {
makePackage(library, outputUnitName);
makeLibrary(library, outputUnitName);
for (var outputUnitName in outputUnits.keys) {
visitAll(info, outputUnitName);
program.root.children[outputUnitName] = outputUnits[outputUnitName]!.root;
return program;
/// Collect libraries into packages and aggregate their sizes.
void makePackage(LibraryInfo libraryInfo) {
String packageName = libraryGroupName(libraryInfo) ?? libraryInfo.name;
vm.ProgramInfoNode? packageInfoNode = packageInfoNodes[packageName];
if (packageInfoNode == null) {
vm.ProgramInfoNode newPackage = program.makeNode(
name: packageName,
parent: program.root,
type: vm.NodeType.packageNode);
newPackage.size = libraryInfo.size;
packageInfoNodes[packageName] = newPackage;
program.root.children[packageName] = newPackage;
var packageNode = infoNodesByName[newPackage.name];
assert(packageNode == null, "encountered package with duplicated name");
infoNodesByName[newPackage.name] = newPackage;
} else {
packageInfoNode.size = (packageInfoNode.size ?? 0) + libraryInfo.size;
void makeLibrary(LibraryInfo libraryInfo) {
String packageName = libraryGroupName(libraryInfo) ?? libraryInfo.name;
vm.ProgramInfoNode parentNode = infoNodesByName[packageName]!;
String libraryName = libraryInfo.name;
if (libraryName == '<unnamed>') {
libraryName = longName(libraryInfo, useLibraryUri: true, forId: true);
unnamedLibraries[libraryInfo] = libraryName;
vm.ProgramInfoNode newLibrary = program.makeNode(
name: libraryName, parent: parentNode, type: vm.NodeType.libraryNode);
newLibrary.size = libraryInfo.size;
parentNode.children[newLibrary.name] = newLibrary;
vm.ProgramInfoNode? libraryNode = infoNodesByName[newLibrary.name];
assert(libraryNode == null, "encountered library with duplicated name");
infoNodesByName[newLibrary.name] = newLibrary;
void makeFunction(FunctionInfo functionInfo) {
Info? parent = functionInfo.parent;
if (parent != null) {
vm.ProgramInfoNode parentNode;
if (parent.name == "<unnamed>" &&
parent.kind == kindFromString('library')) {
parentNode = infoNodesByName[unnamedLibraries[parent]]!;
} else {
parentNode = infoNodesByName[parent.name]!;
vm.ProgramInfoNode newFunction = program.makeNode(
name: functionInfo.name,
parent: parentNode,
type: vm.NodeType.functionNode);
newFunction.size = functionInfo.size;
parentNode.children[newFunction.name] = newFunction;
vm.ProgramInfoNode? functionNode = infoNodesByName[newFunction.name];
assert(functionNode == null, "encountered function with duplicated name");
infoNodesByName[newFunction.name] = newFunction;
void makeClass(ClassInfo classInfo) {
Info? parent = classInfo.parent;
if (parent != null) {
vm.ProgramInfoNode parentNode;
if (parent.name == "<unnamed>" &&
parent.kind == kindFromString('library')) {
parentNode = infoNodesByName[unnamedLibraries[parent]]!;
} else {
parentNode = infoNodesByName[parent.name]!;
vm.ProgramInfoNode newClass = program.makeNode(
name: classInfo.name,
parent: parentNode,
type: vm.NodeType.classNode);
newClass.size = classInfo.size;
parentNode.children[newClass.name] = newClass;
vm.ProgramInfoNode? classNode = infoNodesByName[newClass.name];
assert(classNode == null, "encountered class with duplicated name");
infoNodesByName[newClass.name] = newClass;
/// Fields are currently assigned [vm.NodeType.other].
/// Note: we might want to create a separate [vm.NodeType.fieldNode] to
/// differentiate fields from other miscellaneous nodes for constructing
/// the call graph.
void makeField(FieldInfo fieldInfo) {
Info? parent = fieldInfo.parent;
if (parent != null) {
vm.ProgramInfoNode parentNode;
if (parent.name == "<unnamed>" &&
parent.kind == kindFromString('library')) {
parentNode = infoNodesByName[unnamedLibraries[parent]]!;
} else {
parentNode = infoNodesByName[parent.name]!;
vm.ProgramInfoNode newField = program.makeNode(
name: fieldInfo.name, parent: parentNode, type: vm.NodeType.other);
newField.size = fieldInfo.size;
parentNode.children[newField.name] = newField;
vm.ProgramInfoNode? fieldNode = infoNodesByName[newField.name];
assert(fieldNode == null, "encountered field with duplicated name");
infoNodesByName[newField.name] = newField;
void makeConstant(ConstantInfo constantInfo) {
String constantName = constantInfo.code.first.text!;
vm.ProgramInfoNode newConstant = program.makeNode(
name: constantName, parent: program.root, type: vm.NodeType.other);
newConstant.size = constantInfo.size;
program.root.children[newConstant.name] = newConstant;
vm.ProgramInfoNode? constantNode = infoNodesByName[newConstant.name];
assert(constantNode == null, "encountered constant with duplicated name");
infoNodesByName[newConstant.name] = newConstant;
void makeTypedef(TypedefInfo typedefInfo) {
vm.ProgramInfoNode newTypedef = program.makeNode(
name: typedefInfo.name, parent: program.root, type: vm.NodeType.other);
newTypedef.size = typedefInfo.size;
infoNodesByName[newTypedef.name] = newTypedef;
void makeClassType(ClassTypeInfo classTypeInfo) {
Info? parent = classTypeInfo.parent;
if (parent != null) {
vm.ProgramInfoNode parentNode;
if (parent.name == "<unnamed>" &&
parent.kind == kindFromString('library')) {
parentNode = infoNodesByName[unnamedLibraries[parent]]!;
} else {
parentNode = infoNodesByName[parent.name]!;
vm.ProgramInfoNode newClassType = program.makeNode(
name: classTypeInfo.name,
parent: parentNode,
type: vm.NodeType.other);
newClassType.size = classTypeInfo.size;
vm.ProgramInfoNode? classTypeNode = infoNodesByName[newClassType.name];
classTypeNode == null, "encountered classType with duplicated name");
infoNodesByName[newClassType.name] = newClassType;
void makeClosure(ClosureInfo closureInfo) {
Info? parent = closureInfo.parent;
if (parent != null) {
vm.ProgramInfoNode parentNode;
if (parent.name == "<unnamed>" &&
parent.kind == kindFromString('library')) {
parentNode = infoNodesByName[unnamedLibraries[parent]]!;
} else {
parentNode = infoNodesByName[parent.name]!;
vm.ProgramInfoNode newClosure = program.makeNode(
name: closureInfo.name,
parent: parentNode,
// ProgramInfo trees consider closures and functions to both be of the functionNode type.
type: vm.NodeType.functionNode);
newClosure.size = closureInfo.size;
parentNode.children[newClosure.name] = newClosure;
vm.ProgramInfoNode? closureNode = infoNodesByName[newClosure.name];
assert(closureNode == null, "encountered closure with duplicated name");
infoNodesByName[newClosure.name] = newClosure;

View file

@ -203,14 +203,8 @@ class PackageInfo extends BasicInfo {
: super(InfoKind.package, name, outputUnit, size, null);
T accept<T>(InfoVisitor<T> visitor) {
if (visitor is VMProgramInfoVisitor<T>) {
return visitor.visitPackage(this);
} else {
throw ArgumentError(
"PackageInfo can only be visited by a VMProgramInfoVisitor");
T accept<T>(InfoVisitor<T> visitor) =>
throw Exception("PackageInfo is not supported by InfoVisitor.");
/// Info associated with a library element.
@ -620,8 +614,19 @@ abstract class InfoVisitor<T> {
/// A visitor that adds implementation for PackageInfo specifically for building
/// the VM ProgramInfo Tree from a Dart2js info tree.
abstract class VMProgramInfoVisitor<T> extends InfoVisitor<T> {
T visitPackage(PackageInfo info);
abstract class VMProgramInfoVisitor<T> {
T visitAll(AllInfo info, String outputUnit);
T visitProgram(ProgramInfo info);
T visitPackage(PackageInfo info, String outputUnit);
T visitLibrary(LibraryInfo info, String outputUnit);
T visitClass(ClassInfo info);
T visitClassType(ClassTypeInfo info);
T visitField(FieldInfo info);
T visitConstant(ConstantInfo info);
T visitFunction(FunctionInfo info);
T visitTypedef(TypedefInfo info);
T visitClosure(ClosureInfo info);
T visitOutput(OutputUnitInfo info);
/// A visitor that recursively walks each portion of the program. Because the
@ -642,6 +647,11 @@ class RecursiveInfoVisitor extends InfoVisitor<void> {
void visitProgram(ProgramInfo info) {}
void visitPackage(PackageInfo info) {
throw Exception(
"PackageInfo objects are only defined for the VM Devtools format.");
void visitLibrary(LibraryInfo info) {