Triage client/dom test failures on FireFox

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git-svn-id: 260f80e4-7a28-3924-810f-c04153c831b5
This commit is contained in: 2012-04-06 21:48:24 +00:00
parent b3452e74fb
commit a494748f31

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@ -15,6 +15,13 @@ html/html_tests: Pass, Fail # Issue 1946.
[ $compiler == none && $runtime == drt && $system == windows]
dom/AudioContextTest: Skip
[ $compiler == none && $runtime == drt && $mode == debug ]
# TODO(vsm): Triage Dartium failures.
dom/CSSTest: Skip
dom/DOMIsolatesTest: Skip
dom/NativeGCTest: Skip
dom/TypedArrays1Test: Skip
[ $compiler == frog && ($runtime == drt || $runtime == ie || $runtime == safari || $runtime == ff || $runtime == chrome || $runtime == opera) ]
dom/WindowNSMETest: Fail # Issue 1837, frog puts top-level members in the global JS namespace.
@ -29,11 +36,37 @@ dom/ImplementationTest: Fail
dom/HistoryTest: Fail
html/html_tests: Pass, Fail # "Measurement measurement is async but before" See issue 1946.
[ $runtime == ff || $runtime == safari || $runtime == ie ]
[ $runtime == safari || $runtime == ie ]
html/html_tests: Fail
# TODO(vsm): Triage DOM failures on other browsers.
dom/*: Skip
[ $runtime == ff ]
dom/AudioContextTest: Fail # FF only has Audio element
dom/CSSTest: Fail # No analogue to WebKitCSSMatrix
dom/CallbacksTest: Fail # (webkit|moz|ms)RequestAnimationFrame
dom/CanvasTest: Fail # No setFillColor() method. Use fillstyle attribute instead.
dom/CanvasUsingHtmlTest: Fail # No setFillColor() method. Use fillstyle attribute instead.
dom/DartObjectLocalStorageTest: Fail # sessionStorage NS_ERROR_DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR
dom/ExceptionsTest: Fail # Uses webkitotifications, no analogue in moz
# _toDartException fails to translate TypeError for call to x.set$onfocus(null)
dom/HiddenDom1Test: Fail
# _toDartException fails to translate TypeError for call to x.appendChild$_(y)
dom/HiddenDom2Test: Fail
dom/IndexedDB1Test: Fail # Need window.mozIndexedDB instead of window.webkitIndexedDB
dom/InstanceOfTest: Fail # FF context.createImageData returns Uint8ClampedArray, not ImageData.
# setup code fails. prepare. (DOM callback has errors) Caught [object Event]
dom/InnerFrameTest: Fail
# Interfaces not implemented: SVGTests, SVGLangSpace, SVGExternalResourcesRequired, SVGStylable
dom/SVG3Test: Fail
# document.getElementsByTagName('body') returns an HTMLCollection, not a NodeList.
# TODO: Make both implement List<Node>, make implementation return List<Node>, not _NodeListJs.
dom/TypingTest: Fail
dom/WebSocketTest: Pass, Fail # FF 10 is uses MozWebSocket, FF 11 uses WebSocket.
# Exception... "Access to restricted URI denied" code: "1012" nsresult: "0x805303f4
dom/XHRTest: Fail
[ $runtime == ie ]
html/TypedArrays1Test: Skip # ie9 does not have typed arrays.
html/TypedArrays2Test: Skip