dart2js cps: Rewrite iterator/moveNext/current into JS array accesses.

For example, the code (assuming 'list' is a native list):

  for (var x in list) {


  var i = 0, x = null, $length = list.length, v0;
  while (true) {
    if (i < list.length) {
      x = list[i];
      i = i + 1;
      v0 = true;
    } else {
      x = null;
      v0 = false;
    if (!v0)
      return null;
    if ($length !== list.length)

This is clearly in need of redundant join elimination, which is an
optimization that I plan to land separately.

After redundant join elimination it becomes:

  var i = 0, x = null, $length = list.length;
  while (i < list.length) {
    x = list[i];
    i = i + 1;
    if ($length !== list.length)
  x = null;

There is still room for improvement regarding redundant assignemnts
to 'x'. They occur because x is a MutableVariable. Rewriting these
into "SSA variables" (continuation parameters) is another optimization
we may want to implement.


Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org//1229563005.
This commit is contained in:
Asger Feldthaus 2015-07-10 15:22:00 +02:00
parent 22ce26bffa
commit 9a7d77604b
3 changed files with 223 additions and 25 deletions

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@ -60,10 +60,15 @@ class CpsFragment {
CpsFragment([this.sourceInformation, this.context]);
/// Asserts that the fragment is closed and returns the IR that was built.
bool get isOpen => root == null || context != null;
bool get isClosed => !isOpen;
bool get isEmpty => root == null;
/// Asserts that the fragment is non-empty and closed and returns the IR that
/// was built.
Expression get result {
assert(context == null);
assert(root != null);
return root;
@ -99,6 +104,8 @@ class CpsFragment {
Primitive makeZero() => makeConstant(new IntConstantValue(0));
Primitive makeOne() => makeConstant(new IntConstantValue(1));
Primitive makeNull() => makeConstant(new NullConstantValue());
Primitive makeTrue() => makeConstant(new TrueConstantValue());
Primitive makeFalse() => makeConstant(new FalseConstantValue());
/// Invoke a built-in operator.
Primitive applyBuiltin(BuiltinOperator op, List<Primitive> args) {
@ -263,4 +270,23 @@ class CpsFragment {
other.context = null;
other.root = null;
/// Reads the value of the given mutable variable.
Primitive getMutable(MutableVariable variable) {
return letPrim(new GetMutableVariable(variable));
/// Sets the value of the given mutable variable.
void setMutable(MutableVariable variable, Primitive value) {
SetMutableVariable setter = new SetMutableVariable(variable, value);
context = setter;
/// Declare a new mutable variable.
void letMutable(MutableVariable variable, Primitive initialValue) {
LetMutable let = new LetMutable(variable, initialValue);
context = let;

View file

@ -607,6 +607,30 @@ class TransformingVisitor extends RecursiveVisitor {
/// Inserts [insertedCode] before [node].
/// [node] will end up in the hole of [insertedCode], and [insertedCode]
/// will become rooted where [node] was.
void insertBefore(Expression node, CpsFragment insertedCode) {
if (insertedCode.isEmpty) return; // Nothing to do.
InteriorNode parent = node.parent;
InteriorNode context = insertedCode.context;
parent.body = insertedCode.root;
insertedCode.root.parent = parent;
// We want to recompute the types for [insertedCode] without
// traversing the entire subtree of [node]. Temporarily close the
// term with a dummy node while recomputing types.
context.body = new Unreachable();
new ParentVisitor().visit(insertedCode.root);
context.body = node;
node.parent = context;
/// Make a constant primitive for [constant] and set its entry in [values].
Constant makeConstantPrimitive(ConstantValue constant) {
Constant primitive = new Constant(constant);
@ -999,7 +1023,161 @@ class TransformingVisitor extends RecursiveVisitor {
return true;
// TODO(asgerf): Rewrite 'iterator', 'add', 'removeLast', ...
case 'iterator':
if (!node.selector.isGetter) return false;
Primitive iterator = cont.parameters.single;
Continuation iteratorCont = cont;
// Check that all uses of the iterator are 'moveNext' and 'current'.
Selector moveNextSelector = new Selector.call('moveNext', null, 0);
Selector currentSelector = new Selector.getter('current', null);
for (Reference ref = iterator.firstRef; ref != null; ref = ref.next) {
if (ref.parent is! InvokeMethod) return false;
InvokeMethod use = ref.parent;
if (ref != use.receiver) return false;
if (use.selector != moveNextSelector &&
use.selector != currentSelector) {
return false;
// Rewrite the iterator variable to 'current' and 'index' variables.
Primitive originalLength = new GetLength(list);
originalLength.hint = new OriginalLengthEntity();
MutableVariable index = new MutableVariable(new LoopIndexEntity());
MutableVariable current = new MutableVariable(new LoopItemEntity());
// Rewrite all uses of the iterator.
while (iterator.firstRef != null) {
InvokeMethod use = iterator.firstRef.parent;
Continuation useCont = use.continuation.definition;
if (use.selector == currentSelector) {
// Rewrite iterator.current to a use of the 'current' variable.
Parameter result = useCont.parameters.single;
if (result.hint != null) {
// If 'current' was originally moved into a named variable, use
// that variable name for the mutable variable.
current.hint = result.hint;
LetPrim let =
makeLetPrimInvoke(new GetMutableVariable(current), useCont);
replaceSubtree(use, let);
} else {
assert (use.selector == moveNextSelector);
// Rewrite iterator.moveNext() to:
// if (index < list.length) {
// current = null;
// continuation(false);
// } else {
// current = list[index];
// index = index + 1;
// continuation(true);
// }
// (The above does not show concurrent modification checks)
// [cps] contains the code we insert instead of moveNext().
CpsFragment cps = new CpsFragment(node.sourceInformation);
// We must check for concurrent modification when calling moveNext.
// When moveNext is used as a loop condition, the check prevents
// `index < list.length` from becoming the loop condition, and we
// get code like this:
// while (true) {
// if (originalLength !== list.length) throw;
// if (index < list.length) {
// ...
// } else {
// ...
// break;
// }
// }
// For loops, we therefore check for concurrent modification before
// invoking the recursive continuation, so the loop becomes:
// if (originalLength !== list.length) throw;
// while (index < list.length) {
// ...
// if (originalLength !== list.length) throw;
// }
// The check before the loop can often be eliminated because it
// follows immediately after the 'iterator' call.
InteriorNode parent = getEffectiveParent(use);
if (!isFixedLength) {
if (parent is Continuation && parent.isRecursive) {
// Check for concurrent modification before every invocation
// of the continuation.
// TODO(asgerf): Do this in a continuation so multiple
// continues can share the same code.
for (Reference ref = parent.firstRef;
ref != null;
ref = ref.next) {
Expression invocationCaller = ref.parent;
if (getEffectiveParent(invocationCaller) == iteratorCont) {
// No need to check for concurrent modification immediately
// after the call to 'iterator'.
CpsFragment check = makeConcurrentModificationCheck(
list, originalLength, sourceInfo);
insertBefore(invocationCaller, check);
} else {
list, originalLength, sourceInfo));
// Check if there are more elements.
Primitive hasMore = cps.applyBuiltin(
[cps.getMutable(index), cps.letPrim(new GetLength(list))]);
// Return false if there are no more.
CpsFragment falseBranch = cps.ifFalse(hasMore);
..setMutable(current, falseBranch.makeNull())
..invokeContinuation(useCont, [falseBranch.makeFalse()]);
// Return true if there are more element.
cps.letPrim(new GetIndex(list, cps.getMutable(index))));
cps.setMutable(index, cps.applyBuiltin(
[cps.getMutable(index), cps.makeOne()]));
cps.invokeContinuation(useCont, [cps.makeTrue()]);
// Replace the moveNext() call. It will be visited later.
replaceSubtree(use, cps.result);
// Rewrite the iterator call to initializers for 'index' and 'current'.
CpsFragment cps = new CpsFragment();
cps.letMutable(index, cps.makeZero());
cps.letMutable(current, cps.makeNull());
// Insert this fragment before the continuation body and replace the
// iterator call with a call to the continuation without arguments.
// For scoping reasons, the variables must be bound inside the
// continuation, not at the invocation-site.
insertBefore(iteratorCont.body, cps);
InvokeContinuation invoke = new InvokeContinuation(iteratorCont, []);
replaceSubtree(node, invoke);
// TODO(asgerf): A procedure for rewriting mutables into parameters
// might enable further optimizations after this.
return true;
// TODO(asgerf): Rewrite 'add', 'removeLast', ...
return false;
@ -1021,29 +1199,17 @@ class TransformingVisitor extends RecursiveVisitor {
return null;
/// True if any side effect immediately before [current] can safely be
/// postponed until immediately before [target].
/// An expression `e` can be moved right before [target] if
/// `canPostponeSideEffects(e.body, target)` is true and no reference
/// falls out of scope.
/// A more sophisticated analysis would track side-effect dependencies
/// between `e` and the expressions between `e` and the target.
bool canPostponeSideEffects(Expression current, Expression target) {
Expression exp = current;
while (exp != target) {
if (exp is LetPrim && exp.primitive.isSafeForReordering) {
LetPrim let = exp;
exp = let.body;
} else if (exp is LetCont) {
LetCont let = exp;
exp = let.body;
/// Returns the first parent of [node] that is not a pure expression.
InteriorNode getEffectiveParent(Expression node) {
while (true) {
Node parent = node.parent;
if (parent is LetCont ||
parent is LetPrim && parent.primitive.isSafeForReordering) {
node = parent;
} else {
return false;
return parent;
return true;
/// Rewrites an invocation of a torn-off method into a method call directly
@ -1114,7 +1280,7 @@ class TransformingVisitor extends RecursiveVisitor {
if (!isPure && tearOff.hasMultipleUses) return false;
// If the getter call is impure, we risk reordering side effects.
if (!isPure && !canPostponeSideEffects(getterCont.body, node)) {
if (!isPure && getEffectiveParent(node) != getterCont) {
return false;
@ -2111,6 +2277,11 @@ class LoopIndexEntity extends Entity {
String get name => 'i';
/// Suggested name for the current element of a list being iterated.
class LoopItemEntity extends Entity {
String get name => 'current';
/// Suggested name for the original length of a list, for use in checks
/// for concurrent modification.
class OriginalLengthEntity extends Entity {

View file

@ -181,6 +181,7 @@ class CpsFunctionCompiler implements FunctionCompiler {
applyCpsPass(new RedundantPhiEliminator());
TypePropagator typePropagator = new TypePropagator(compiler);
dumpTypedIR(cpsNode, typePropagator);