introduce context_locator2 scaffolding

Straight copies of existing compilation units.

Change-Id: Icfe43f4eeb6363de6e048799746ee7911a8895df
Reviewed-by: Brian Wilkerson <>
Commit-Queue: Phil Quitslund <>
This commit is contained in:
pq 2023-10-26 19:43:38 +00:00 committed by Commit Queue
parent 334cb78156
commit 95c40c924a
3 changed files with 2450 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,636 @@
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/context_locator.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/context_root.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/physical_file_system.dart'
show PhysicalResourceProvider;
import 'package:analyzer/src/analysis_options/analysis_options_provider.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/context/packages.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/context_root.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/task/options.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/util/file_paths.dart' as file_paths;
import 'package:analyzer/src/util/yaml.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/utilities/extensions/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/workspace/basic.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/workspace/blaze.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/workspace/gn.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/workspace/package_build.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/workspace/pub.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/workspace/workspace.dart';
import 'package:glob/glob.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart';
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
/// An implementation of a context locator.
class ContextLocatorImpl2 implements ContextLocator {
/// The resource provider used to access the file system.
final ResourceProvider resourceProvider;
/// Initialize a newly created context locator. If a [resourceProvider] is
/// supplied, it will be used to access the file system. Otherwise the default
/// resource provider will be used.
ContextLocatorImpl2({ResourceProvider? resourceProvider})
: resourceProvider =
resourceProvider ?? PhysicalResourceProvider.INSTANCE;
List<ContextRoot> locateRoots({
required List<String> includedPaths,
List<String>? excludedPaths,
String? optionsFile,
String? packagesFile,
}) {
// Compute the list of folders and files that are to be included.
List<Folder> includedFolders = <Folder>[];
List<File> includedFiles = <File>[];
_resourcesFromPaths(includedPaths, includedFolders, includedFiles);
// Compute the list of folders and files that are to be excluded.
List<Folder> excludedFolders = <Folder>[];
List<File> excludedFiles = <File>[];
excludedPaths ?? const <String>[], excludedFolders, excludedFiles);
// Use the excluded folders and files to filter the included folders and
// files.
includedFolders = includedFolders
.where((Folder includedFolder) =>
!_containedInAny(excludedFolders, includedFolder))
includedFiles = includedFiles
.where((File includedFile) =>
!_containedInAny(excludedFolders, includedFile) &&
// We now have a list of all of the files and folders that need to be
// analyzed. For each, walk the directory structure and figure out where to
// create context roots.
File? defaultOptionsFile;
if (optionsFile != null) {
defaultOptionsFile = resourceProvider.getFile(optionsFile);
if (!defaultOptionsFile.exists) {
defaultOptionsFile = null;
File? defaultPackagesFile;
if (packagesFile != null) {
defaultPackagesFile = resourceProvider.getFile(packagesFile);
if (!defaultPackagesFile.exists) {
defaultPackagesFile = null;
var roots = <ContextRootImpl>[];
for (Folder folder in includedFolders) {
var location = _contextRootLocation(
defaultOptionsFile: defaultOptionsFile,
defaultPackagesFile: defaultPackagesFile,
defaultRootFolder: () => folder,
ContextRootImpl? root;
for (var existingRoot in roots) {
if (existingRoot.root.isOrContains(folder.path) &&
_matchRootWithLocation(existingRoot, location)) {
root = existingRoot;
root ??= _createContextRoot(
rootFolder: folder,
workspace: location.workspace,
optionsFile: location.optionsFile,
packagesFile: location.packagesFile,
if (!root.isAnalyzed(folder.path)) {
_createContextRootsIn(roots, {}, folder, excludedFolders, root,
root.excludedGlobs, defaultOptionsFile, defaultPackagesFile);
for (File file in includedFiles) {
Folder parent = file.parent;
var location = _contextRootLocation(
defaultOptionsFile: defaultOptionsFile,
defaultPackagesFile: defaultPackagesFile,
defaultRootFolder: () => _fileSystemRoot(parent),
ContextRootImpl? root;
for (var existingRoot in roots) {
if (existingRoot.root.isOrContains(file.path) &&
_matchRootWithLocation(existingRoot, location)) {
root = existingRoot;
root ??= _createContextRoot(
rootFolder: location.rootFolder,
workspace: location.workspace,
optionsFile: location.optionsFile,
packagesFile: location.packagesFile,
if (!root.isAnalyzed(file.path)) {
return roots;
/// Return `true` if the given [resource] is contained in one or more of the
/// given [folders].
bool _containedInAny(Iterable<Folder> folders, Resource resource) =>
folders.any((Folder folder) => folder.contains(resource.path));
/// Return the location of a context root for a file in the [parent].
/// If the [defaultOptionsFile] is provided, it will be used, not a file
/// found relative to the [parent].
/// If the [defaultPackagesFile] is provided, it will be used, not a file
/// found relative to the [parent].
/// The root folder of the context is the parent of either the options,
/// or the packages (grand-parent for `.dart_tool/package_config.json`) file,
/// whichever is lower.
_RootLocation _contextRootLocation(
Folder parent, {
required File? defaultOptionsFile,
required File? defaultPackagesFile,
required Folder Function() defaultRootFolder,
}) {
File? optionsFile;
Folder? optionsFolderToChooseRoot;
if (defaultOptionsFile != null) {
optionsFile = defaultOptionsFile;
} else {
optionsFile = parent.findAnalysisOptionsYamlFile();
optionsFolderToChooseRoot = optionsFile?.parent;
File? packagesFile;
Folder? packagesFolderToChooseRoot;
if (defaultPackagesFile != null) {
packagesFile = defaultPackagesFile;
} else {
var foundPackages = _findPackagesFile(parent);
packagesFile = foundPackages?.file;
packagesFolderToChooseRoot = foundPackages?.parent;
var buildGnFile = _findBuildGnFile(parent);
var rootFolder = _lowest([
var workspace = _createWorkspace(
folder: parent,
packagesFile: packagesFile,
buildGnFile: buildGnFile,
if (workspace is! BasicWorkspace) {
rootFolder = _lowest([
if (rootFolder == null) {
rootFolder = defaultRootFolder();
if (workspace is BasicWorkspace) {
workspace = _createWorkspace(
folder: rootFolder,
packagesFile: packagesFile,
buildGnFile: buildGnFile,
return _RootLocation(
rootFolder: rootFolder,
workspace: workspace,
optionsFile: optionsFile,
packagesFile: packagesFile,
ContextRootImpl _createContextRoot(
List<ContextRootImpl> roots, {
required Folder rootFolder,
required Workspace workspace,
required File? optionsFile,
required File? packagesFile,
}) {
optionsFile ??= _findDefaultOptionsFile(workspace);
var root = ContextRootImpl(resourceProvider, rootFolder, workspace);
root.packagesFile = packagesFile;
root.optionsFile = optionsFile;
root.excludedGlobs = _getExcludedGlobs(root);
return root;
/// If the given [folder] should be the root of a new analysis context, then
/// create a new context root for it and add it to the list of context
/// [roots]. The [containingRoot] is the context root from an enclosing
/// directory and is used to inherit configuration information that isn't
/// overridden.
/// If either the [optionsFile] or [packagesFile] is non-`null` then the given
/// file will be used even if there is a local version of the file.
/// For each directory within the given [folder] that is neither in the list
/// of [excludedFolders] nor excluded by the [excludedGlobs], recursively
/// search for nested context roots.
void _createContextRoots(
List<ContextRoot> roots,
Set<String> visited,
Folder folder,
List<Folder> excludedFolders,
ContextRoot containingRoot,
List<LocatedGlob> excludedGlobs,
File? optionsFile,
File? packagesFile) {
// If the options and packages files are allowed to be locally specified,
// then look to see whether they are.
File? localOptionsFile;
if (optionsFile == null) {
localOptionsFile = folder.existingAnalysisOptionsYamlFile;
File? localPackagesFile;
if (packagesFile == null) {
localPackagesFile = _getPackagesFile(folder);
var buildGnFile = folder.getExistingFile(file_paths.buildGn);
// Create a context root for the given [folder] if at least one of the
// options and packages file is locally specified.
if (localPackagesFile != null ||
localOptionsFile != null ||
buildGnFile != null) {
if (optionsFile != null) {
localOptionsFile = optionsFile;
if (packagesFile != null) {
localPackagesFile = packagesFile;
var rootPackagesFile = localPackagesFile ?? containingRoot.packagesFile;
var workspace = _createWorkspace(
folder: folder,
packagesFile: rootPackagesFile,
buildGnFile: buildGnFile,
var root = ContextRootImpl(resourceProvider, folder, workspace);
root.packagesFile = rootPackagesFile;
root.optionsFile = localOptionsFile ?? containingRoot.optionsFile;
containingRoot = root;
excludedGlobs = _getExcludedGlobs(root);
root.excludedGlobs = excludedGlobs;
_createContextRootsIn(roots, visited, folder, excludedFolders,
containingRoot, excludedGlobs, optionsFile, packagesFile);
/// For each directory within the given [folder] that is neither in the list
/// of [excludedFolders] nor excluded by the [excludedGlobs], recursively
/// search for nested context roots and add them to the list of [roots].
/// If either the [optionsFile] or [packagesFile] is non-`null` then the given
/// file will be used even if there is a local version of the file.
void _createContextRootsIn(
List<ContextRoot> roots,
Set<String> visited,
Folder folder,
List<Folder> excludedFolders,
ContextRoot containingRoot,
List<LocatedGlob> excludedGlobs,
File? optionsFile,
File? packagesFile) {
bool isExcluded(Folder folder) {
if (excludedFolders.contains(folder) ||
folder.shortName.startsWith('.')) {
return true;
// TODO(scheglov) Why not take it from `containingRoot`?
for (var pattern in excludedGlobs) {
if (pattern.matches(folder.path)) {
return true;
return false;
// Stop infinite recursion via links.
try {
var canonicalFolderPath = folder.resolveSymbolicLinksSync().path;
if (!visited.add(canonicalFolderPath)) {
} on FileSystemException {
// Check each of the subdirectories to see whether a context root needs to
// be added for it.
try {
for (Resource child in folder.getChildren()) {
if (child is Folder) {
if (excludedFolders.contains(child)) {
} else if (!isExcluded(child)) {
_createContextRoots(roots, visited, child, excludedFolders,
containingRoot, excludedGlobs, optionsFile, packagesFile);
} on FileSystemException {
// The directory either doesn't exist or cannot be read. Either way, there
// are no subdirectories that need to be added.
Workspace _createWorkspace({
required Folder folder,
required File? packagesFile,
required File? buildGnFile,
}) {
if (buildGnFile != null) {
var workspace = GnWorkspace.find(buildGnFile);
if (workspace != null) {
return workspace;
Packages packages;
if (packagesFile != null) {
packages = parsePackageConfigJsonFile(resourceProvider, packagesFile);
} else {
packages = Packages.empty;
var rootPath = folder.path;
Workspace? workspace;
workspace = BlazeWorkspace.find(resourceProvider, rootPath,
lookForBuildFileSubstitutes: false);
workspace = _mostSpecificWorkspace(workspace,
PackageBuildWorkspace.find(resourceProvider, packages, rootPath));
workspace = _mostSpecificWorkspace(
workspace, PubWorkspace.find(resourceProvider, packages, rootPath));
workspace ??= BasicWorkspace.find(resourceProvider, packages, rootPath);
return workspace;
File? _findBuildGnFile(Folder folder) {
for (var current in folder.withAncestors) {
var file = current.getExistingFile(file_paths.buildGn);
if (file != null) {
return file;
return null;
File? _findDefaultOptionsFile(Workspace workspace) {
// TODO(scheglov) Create SourceFactory once.
var sourceFactory = workspace.createSourceFactory(null, null);
String? uriStr;
if (workspace is WorkspaceWithDefaultAnalysisOptions) {
uriStr = WorkspaceWithDefaultAnalysisOptions.uri;
} else {
uriStr = 'package:flutter/analysis_options_user.yaml';
var path = sourceFactory.forUri(uriStr)?.fullName;
if (path != null) {
var file = resourceProvider.getFile(path);
if (file.exists) {
return file;
return null;
/// Return the packages file to be used to analyze files in the given
/// [folder], or `null` if there is no packages file in the given folder or
/// any parent folder.
_PackagesFile? _findPackagesFile(Folder folder) {
for (var current in folder.withAncestors) {
var file = _getPackagesFile(current);
if (file != null) {
return _PackagesFile(current, file);
return null;
/// Return a list containing the glob patterns used to exclude files from the
/// given context [root]. The patterns are extracted from the analysis options
/// file associated with the context root. The list will be empty if there are
/// no exclusion patterns in the options file, or if there is no options file
/// associated with the context root.
List<LocatedGlob> _getExcludedGlobs(ContextRootImpl root) {
List<LocatedGlob> patterns = [];
File? optionsFile = root.optionsFile;
if (optionsFile != null) {
try {
var doc = AnalysisOptionsProvider(
root.workspace.createSourceFactory(null, null))
var analyzerOptions = doc.valueAt(AnalyzerOptions.analyzer);
if (analyzerOptions is YamlMap) {
var excludeOptions = analyzerOptions.valueAt(AnalyzerOptions.exclude);
if (excludeOptions is YamlList) {
var pathContext = resourceProvider.pathContext;
void addGlob(List<String> components) {
var pattern = posix.joinAll(components);
Glob(pattern, context: pathContext),
for (String excludedPath in excludeOptions.whereType<String>()) {
var excludedComponents = posix.split(excludedPath);
if (excludedComponents.last == '**') {
} catch (exception) {
// If we can't read and parse the analysis options file, then there
// aren't any excluded files that need to be read.
return patterns;
/// Return the packages file in the given [folder], or `null` if the folder
/// does not contain a packages file.
File? _getPackagesFile(Folder folder) {
var file = folder
if (file.exists) {
return file;
return null;
/// Add to the given lists of [folders] and [files] all of the resources in
/// the given list of [paths] that exist and are not contained within one of
/// the folders.
void _resourcesFromPaths(
List<String> paths, List<Folder> folders, List<File> files) {
for (String path in _uniqueSortedPaths(paths)) {
Resource resource = resourceProvider.getResource(path);
if (resource is Folder) {
} else if (resource is File) {
} else {
// Internal error: unhandled kind of resource.
/// Return a list of paths that contains all of the unique elements from the
/// given list of [paths], sorted such that shorter paths are first.
List<String> _uniqueSortedPaths(List<String> paths) {
Set<String> uniquePaths = HashSet<String>.from(paths);
List<String> sortedPaths = uniquePaths.toList();
sortedPaths.sort((a, b) => a.length - b.length);
return sortedPaths;
static Folder _fileSystemRoot(Resource resource) {
for (var current = resource.parent;; current = current.parent) {
if (current.isRoot) {
return current;
/// Every element in [folders] must be a folder on the path from a file to
/// the root of the file system. As such, they are either the same folder,
/// or one is strictly above the other.
static Folder? _lowest(List<Folder?> folders) {
return folders.fold<Folder?>(null, (result, folder) {
if (result == null) {
return folder;
} else if (folder != null && result.contains(folder.path)) {
return folder;
} else {
return result;
/// Return `true` if the configuration of [existingRoot] is the same as
/// the requested configuration for the [location].
static bool _matchRootWithLocation(
ContextRootImpl existingRoot,
_RootLocation location,
) {
if (existingRoot.optionsFile != location.optionsFile) {
return false;
if (existingRoot.packagesFile != location.packagesFile) {
return false;
// BasicWorkspace has no special meaning, so can be ignored.
// Other workspaces have semantic meaning, so must match.
var workspace = location.workspace;
if (workspace is! BasicWorkspace) {
if (existingRoot.workspace.root != workspace.root) {
return false;
return true;
/// Pick a workspace with the most specific root. If the root of [first] is
/// non-null and is within the root of [second], return [second]. If any of
/// [first] and [second] is null, return the other one. If the roots aren't
/// within each other, return [first].
static Workspace? _mostSpecificWorkspace(
Workspace? first, Workspace? second) {
if (first == null) return second;
if (second == null) return first;
if (isWithin(first.root, second.root)) {
return second;
return first;
/// The packages [file] found for the [parent].
/// In case of `.packages` file, [parent] is the parent of [file].
/// In case of `.dart_tool/package_config.json` it is a grand-parent.
class _PackagesFile {
final Folder parent;
final File file;
_PackagesFile(this.parent, this.file);
class _RootLocation {
final Folder rootFolder;
final Workspace workspace;
final File? optionsFile;
final File? packagesFile;
required this.rootFolder,
required this.workspace,
required this.optionsFile,
required this.packagesFile,

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import 'analysis_context_collection_test.dart' as analysis_context_collection;
import 'byte_store_test.dart' as byte_store_test;
import 'cache_test.dart' as cache_test;
import 'context_builder_test.dart' as context_builder;
import 'context_locator2_test.dart' as context_locator2;
import 'context_locator_test.dart' as context_locator;
import 'context_root_test.dart' as context_root;
import 'crc32_test.dart' as crc32_test;
@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ main() {