Remove utils/tests/archive

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git-svn-id: 260f80e4-7a28-3924-810f-c04153c831b5
This commit is contained in: 2014-04-07 17:57:33 +00:00
parent 01ac0b3dc9
commit 946e787de7
3 changed files with 0 additions and 242 deletions

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@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library reader_test;
import 'dart:io';
import '../../../pkg/unittest/lib/unittest.dart'
import '../../archive/archive.dart';
final String dataPath = "utils/tests/archive/data";
main() {
test('reading a .tar.gz file', () {
var asyncDone = expectAsync0(() {});
var reader = new ArchiveReader();
reader.format.tar = true;
reader.filter.gzip = true;
var future = reader.openFilename("$dataPath/test-archive.tar.gz")
.then((input) {
var log = <String>[];
input.onEntry = (entry) => guardAsync(() {
log.add("Entry: ${entry.pathname}");
var stream = new StringInputStream(entry.openInputStream());
stream.onData = () => log.add("Contents: ${}");
stream.onClosed = () => log.add("Closed: ${entry.pathname}");
input.onError = registerException;
input.onClosed = () => guardAsync(() {
expect(log, orderedEquals([
"Entry: filename1",
"Contents: contents 1",
"Closed: filename1",
"Entry: filename2",
"Contents: contents 2",
"Closed: filename2",
"Entry: filename3",
"Contents: contents 3",
"Closed: filename3",
}, asyncDone);
expect(future, completes);
test('reading a .tar.gz file with readAll', () {
var reader = new ArchiveReader();
reader.format.tar = true;
reader.filter.gzip = true;
var future = reader.openFilename("$dataPath/test-archive.tar.gz")
.then((input) => input.readAll())
.then((entries) {
entries = entries
.map((entry) => [entry.pathname, entry.contents.trim()])
expect(entries[0], orderedEquals(["filename1", "contents 1"]));
expect(entries[1], orderedEquals(["filename2", "contents 2"]));
expect(entries[2], orderedEquals(["filename3", "contents 3"]));
expect(future, completes);
test('reading an in-memory .tar.gz', () {
var asyncDone = expectAsync0(() {});
var reader = new ArchiveReader();
reader.format.tar = true;
reader.filter.gzip = true;
var future = new File("$dataPath/test-archive.tar.gz").readAsBytes()
.then((bytes) => reader.openData(bytes))
.then((input) {
var log = <String>[];
input.onEntry = (entry) => guardAsync(() {
log.add("Entry: ${entry.pathname}");
var stream = new StringInputStream(entry.openInputStream());
stream.onData = () => log.add("Contents: ${}");
stream.onClosed = () => log.add("Closed: ${entry.pathname}");
input.onError = registerException;
input.onClosed = () => guardAsync(() {
expect(log, orderedEquals([
"Entry: filename1",
"Contents: contents 1",
"Closed: filename1",
"Entry: filename2",
"Contents: contents 2",
"Closed: filename2",
"Entry: filename3",
"Contents: contents 3",
"Closed: filename3",
}, asyncDone);
expect(future, completes);
test("closing entries before they're read", () {
var asyncDone = expectAsync0(() {});
var reader = new ArchiveReader();
reader.format.tar = true;
reader.filter.gzip = true;
var future = reader.openFilename("$dataPath/test-archive.tar.gz")
.then((input) {
var log = <String>[];
input.onEntry = (entry) => guardAsync(() {
log.add("Entry: ${entry.pathname}");
var underlyingStream = entry.openInputStream();
var stream = new StringInputStream(underlyingStream);
stream.onData = () => log.add("Contents: ${}");
stream.onClosed = () => log.add("Closed: ${entry.pathname}");
input.onError = registerException;
input.onClosed = () => guardAsync(() {
expect(log, orderedEquals([
"Entry: filename1",
"Closed: filename1",
"Entry: filename2",
"Closed: filename2",
"Entry: filename3",
"Closed: filename3",
}, asyncDone);
expect(future, completes);
test("closing an archive stream before it's finished", () {
var asyncDone = expectAsync0(() {});
var reader = new ArchiveReader();
reader.format.tar = true;
reader.filter.gzip = true;
var future = reader.openFilename("$dataPath/test-archive.tar.gz")
.then((input) {
var count = 0;
var log = <String>[];
input.onEntry = (entry) => guardAsync(() {
count += 1;
log.add("Entry: ${entry.pathname}");
var underlyingStream = entry.openInputStream();
var stream = new StringInputStream(underlyingStream);
stream.onData = () => log.add("Contents: ${}");
stream.onClosed = () => log.add("Closed: ${entry.pathname}");
if (count == 2) {
input.onError = registerException;
input.onClosed = () {
expect(log, orderedEquals([
"Entry: filename1",
"Contents: contents 1",
"Closed: filename1",
"Entry: filename2",
"Closed: filename2",
expect(future, completes);
test("opening a non-existent archive", () {
var reader = new ArchiveReader();
reader.format.tar = true;
reader.filter.gzip = true;
throwsA((e) => e is ArchiveException));

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@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library utils_test;
import '../../../pkg/unittest/lib/unittest.dart';
import '../../archive/utils.dart';
main() {
// TODO(nweiz): re-enable this once issue 4378 is fixed.
group('attachFinalizer', () {
test('calls the finalizer eventually once the object is collected', () {
var finalized = null;
void finalizer(String data) {
finalized = data;
while (finalized == null) {
var list = [1, 2, 3];
attachFinalizer(list, finalizer, 'finally finalized!');
expect(finalized, equals('finally finalized!'));
test("doesn't call the finalizer while the object is in scope", () {
var finalized = null;
void finalizer(String data) {
finalized = data;
var list = [1, 2, 3];
attachFinalizer(list, finalizer, 'finally finalized!');
expect(finalized, isNull);