Add CHANGELOG message for constructor tearoffs beta release.

Change-Id: I5f25129fdad1cb58b9f7c03797d18d1712092372
Reviewed-by: Bob Nystrom <>
This commit is contained in:
Leaf Petersen 2021-09-24 18:34:20 +00:00
parent 9fad776ac3
commit 8a9a2e4066

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@ -2,6 +2,201 @@
### Language
- **[Constructor tearoffs][]**: **BETA PREVIEW**
Previous Dart versions allowed a method on an instance to be passed as a
closure, and similarly for static methods. This is commonly referred to as
"closurizing" or "tearing off" a method. Constructors were not previously
eligible for closurization, forcing users to explicitly write wrapper
functions when using constructors as first class functions, as in the calls to
`` in the following example:
class A {
int x;
A.fromString(String s) : x = int.parse(s);
void main() {
var listOfInts = [1, 2, 3];
var listOfStrings = ["1", "2", "3"];
for(var a in => A(x))) {
for(var a in => A.fromString(x))) {
New in Dart 2.15, constructors are now allowed to be torn off. Named
constructors are closurized using their declared name (here `A.fromString`),
and unnamed closures are referred to for closurization using the keyword `new`
(here ``). The example above may now be written as:
class A {
int x;
A.fromString(String s) : x = int.parse(s);
void main() {
var listOfInts = [1, 2, 3];
var listOfStrings = ["1", "2", "3"];
for(A a in {
for(A a in {
Constructors for generic classes may be torn off as generic functions, or
instantiated at the tear off site. So in the following code, the tear off
`` used to initialize the variable `f` produces a generic function which
may be used to produce an instance of `G<T>` for any type `T` provided when
`f` is called. The tear off `G<String>.new` used to initialize the variable
`g` on the other hand produces a non-generic function which may only be used
to produce instances of type `G<String>`.
class G<T> {
T x;
void main() {
G<T> Function<T>(T x) f =;
var x = f<int>(3);
G<String> Function(String y) g = G<String>.new;
var y = g("hello");
The new constructor tearoff feature is currently in **BETA PREVIEW**. The
feature is enabled in beta releases only, and is still subject to breaking
changes. It is not fully supported by all tools and there may be known issues
with the tool support. Feedback on the feature is welcome, but it is not
recommended that production code use the feature until it has been released in
a stable version.
The new constructor tearoff feature is only available as part of the 2.15
[language version]( To use this
feature, you must set the lower bound on the sdk constraint for your package
to 2.15 or greater (if using a beta preview release, an sdk constraint of
`>=2.15.0-0` must be used).
- **[Generic type literals][Explicit instantiation]**: **BETA PREVIEW**
Previous Dart versions allowed class names to be used as type literals. So
for example,`int` may be used as an expression, producing a value of type
`Type`. Generic classes (e.g. `List`) could be referred to by name as an
expression, but no type arguments could be provided and so only the `dynamic`
instantiation could be produced directly as an expression without using
indirect methods:
// Workaround to capture generic type literals.
Type typeOf<T>() => T;
void main() {
var x = int; // The Type literal corresponding to `int`.
var y = List; // The Type literal corresponding to `List<dynamic>`.
// Use workaround to capture generic type literal.
var z = typeOf<List<int>>(); // The Type literal for `List<int>`.
New in Dart 2.15, instantiations of generic classes may now be used as Type
void main() {
var x = int; // The Type literal corresponding to `int`.
var y = List; // The Type literal corresponding to `List<dynamic>`.
var z = List<int>; // The Type literal corresponding to `List<int>`.
The new generic type literal feature is currently in **BETA PREVIEW**. The
feature is enabled in beta releases only, and is still subject to breaking
changes. It is not fully supported by all tools and there may be known issues
with the tool support. Feedback on the feature is welcome, but it is not
recommended that production code use the feature until it has been released in
a stable version.
Generic type literals are only available as part of the 2.15 [language
version]( To use this feature, you
must set the lower bound on the sdk constraint for your package to 2.15 or
greater (if using a beta preview release, an sdk constraint of
`>=2.15.0-0` must be used).
- **[Explicit generic method instantiations][Explicit instantiation]**: **BETA
Previous Dart versions allowed generic methods to be implicitly specialized
(or "instantiated") to non-generic versions when assigned to a location with a
compatible monomorphic type. Example:
// The generic identity function.
T id<T>(T x) => x;
void main() {
// Initialize `intId` with a version of `id` implicitly specialized to
// `int`.
int Function(int) intId = id;
// Initialize `stringId` with a version of `id` implicitly specialized to
// `String`.
String Function(String) stringId = id;
New in Dart 2.15, generic methods may be explicitly instantiated using the
syntax `f<T>` where `f` is the generic method to specialize and `T` is the
type argument (in general, type arguments) to be used to specialize the
method. Example:
// The generic identity function.
T id<T>(T x) => x;
void main() {
// Initialize `intId` with a version of `id` explicitly specialized to
// `int`.
var intId = id<int>;
// Initialize `stringId` with a version of `id` explicitly specialized to
// `String`.
var stringId = id<String>;
The new generic method instantation feature is currently in **BETA PREVIEW**.
The feature is enabled in beta releases only, and is still subject to breaking
changes. It is not fully supported by all tools and there may be known issues
with the tool support. Feedback on the feature is welcome, but it is not
recommended that production code use the feature until it has been released in
a stable version.
Explicit generic method instantiations are only available as part of the 2.15
[language version]( To use this
feature, you must set the lower bound on the sdk constraint for your package
to 2.15 or greater (if using a beta preview release, an sdk constraint of
`>=2.15.0-0` must be used).
[Constructor tearoffs]:
[Explicit instantiation]:
- Annotations on type parameters of classes can no longer refer to class members
without a prefix. For example, this used to be permitted: