Incorporate mixin declarations in language specification.

Change-Id: I41e8f558fd4c3145637a7d2f09cc261815ab2161
Reviewed-by: Erik Ernst <>
Commit-Queue: Lasse R.H. Nielsen <>
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Lasse R.H. Nielsen 2019-01-25 09:30:51 +00:00 committed by
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commit 89347169c7

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@ -1753,12 +1753,10 @@ Classes may be defined by class declarations as described below, or via mixin ap
<classDefinition> ::= <metadata> \ABSTRACT{}? \CLASS{} <identifier> <typeParameters>?
\gnewline{} <superclass>? <mixins>? <interfaces>?
\gnewline{} <superclass>? <interfaces>?
\gnewline{} `{' (<metadata> <classMemberDefinition>)* `}'
\alt <metadata> \ABSTRACT{}? \CLASS{} <mixinApplicationClass>
<mixins> ::= \WITH{} <typeNotVoidList>
<typeNotVoidList> ::= <typeNotVoid> (`,' <typeNotVoid>)*
<classMemberDefinition> ::= <declaration> `;'
@ -3509,7 +3507,10 @@ It is a compile-time error to specify an \EXTENDS{} clause
for class \code{Object}.
<superclass> ::= \EXTENDS{} <typeNotVoid>
<superclass> ::= \EXTENDS{} <typeNotVoid> <mixins>?
\alt <mixins>
<mixins> ::= \WITH{} <typeNotVoidList>
%The superclass clause of a class C is processed within the enclosing scope of the static scope of C.
@ -4297,33 +4298,16 @@ if{}f the following criteria are all satisfied:
A mixin describes the difference between a class and its superclass.
A mixin is always derived from an existing class declaration.
A mixin is either derived from an existing class declaration
or introduced by a mixin declaration.
It is a compile-time error to derive a mixin from a class which explicitly declares a generative constructor.
It is a compile-time error to derive a mixin from a class which has a superclass other than \code{Object}.
Mixin application occurs when one or more mixins are mixed into a class declaration via its \WITH{} clause (\ref{mixinApplication}).
Mixin application may be used to extend a class per section \ref{classes};
alternatively, a class may be defined as a mixin application as described in the following section.
This restriction is temporary.
We expect to remove it in later versions of Dart.
The restriction on constructors simplifies the construction of mixin applications because the process of creating instances is simpler.
\subsection{Mixin Application}
A mixin may be applied to a superclass, yielding a new class.
Mixin application occurs when one or more mixins are mixed into a class declaration via its \WITH{} clause.
The mixin application may be used to extend a class per section \ref{classes};
alternatively, a class may be defined as a mixin application as described in this section.
It is a compile-time error if an element in the type list of the \WITH{} clause of a mixin application is
a type variable (\ref{generics}), a type alias that does not denote a class (\ref{typedef}),
an enumerated type (\ref{enums}),
a deferred type (\ref{staticTypes}), type \DYNAMIC{} (\ref{typeDynamic}),
or type \code{FutureOr<$T$>} for any $T$ (\ref{typeFutureOr}).
\subsection{Mixin Classes}
<mixinApplicationClass> ::= \gnewline{}
@ -4333,26 +4317,207 @@ or type \code{FutureOr<$T$>} for any $T$ (\ref{typeFutureOr}).
A mixin application of the form \code{$S$ \WITH{} $M$;} for the name $N$ defines a class $C$ with superclass $S$ and name $N$.
It is a compile-time error if an element in the type list of the \WITH{} clause of a mixin application is
a type variable (\ref{generics}),
a function type (\ref{functionTypes}),
a type alias that does not denote a class (\ref{typedef}),
an enumerated type (\ref{enums}),
a deferred type (\ref{staticTypes}),
type \DYNAMIC{} (\ref{typeDynamic}),
type \VOID{} (\ref{typeVoid}),
or type \code{FutureOr<$T$>} for any $T$ (\ref{typeFutureOr}).
If $T$ is a type in a \WITH{} clause, \IndexCustom{the mixin of}{type!mixin of}
$T$ is either the mixin derived from $T$ if $T$ denotes a class,
or the mixin introduced by $T$ if $T$ denotes a mixin declaration.
A mixin application of the form \code{$S$ \WITH{} $M_1,\ \ldots,\ M_k$;} for the name $N$ defines a class $C$ whose superclass is the application of the mixin composition (\ref{mixinComposition}) $M_{k-1} * \ldots * M_1$ to $S$ of a name that is a fresh identifer, and whose name is $N$.
\rationale{The name of the resulting class is necessary because it is part of the names of the introduced constructors.}
Let $D$ be a mixin application class declaration of the form
\ABSTRACT? \CLASS{} $N$ = $S$ \WITH{} $M_1$, \ldots{}, $M_n$ \IMPLEMENTS{} $I_1$, \ldots, $I_k$;
In both cases above, $C$ declares the same instance members as $M$ (respectively, $M_k$),
and it does not declare any static members.
If any of the instance variables of $M$ (respectively, $M_k$) have initializers,
they are executed in the instance scope of $M$ (respectively, $M_k$)
to initialize the corresponding instance variables of $C$.
It is a compile-time error if $S$ is an enumerated type (\ref{enums}).
It is a compile-time error if any of $M_1, \ldots, M_k$ is an enumerated type (\ref{enums}).
It is a compile-time error if a well formed mixin cannot be derived from each of $M_1, \ldots, M_k$.
The effect of $D$ in library $L$ is to introduce the name $N$ into the scope of $L$, bound to the class (\ref{classes}) defined by the clause \code{$S$ \WITH{} $M_1$, \ldots{}, $M_n$} with name $N$, as described below.
If $k > 0$ then the class also implements $I_1$, \ldots{}, $I_k$.
If{}f the class declaration is prefixed by the built-in identifier \ABSTRACT{}, the class being defined is made an abstract class.
A clause of the form \code{$S$ \WITH{} $M_1$, \ldots{}, $M_n$}
with name $N$ defines a class as follows:
If there is only one mixin ($n = 1$), then \code{$S$ \WITH{} $M_1$}
defines the class yielded by the mixin application (\ref{mixinApplication})
of the mixin of $M_1$ (\ref{mixinDeclaration}) to the class denoted by
$S$ with name $N$.
If there is more than one mixin ($n > 1$), then
let $X$ be the class defined by \code{$S$ \WITH{} $M_1$, \ldots{}, $M_{n-1}$}
with name $F$, where $F$ is a fresh name, and make $X$ abstract.
Then \code{$S$ \WITH{} $M_1$, \ldots{}, $M_n$} defines the class yielded
by the mixin application of the mixin of $M_n$ to the class $X$ with name $N$.
In either case, let $K$ be a class declaration with the same constructors, superclass, interfaces and instance members as the defined class.
It is a compile-time error if the declaration of $K$ would cause a compile-time error.
% TODO(eernst): Not completely!
% We do not want super-invocations on covariant implementations
% to be compile-time errors.
It is an error, for example, if $M$ contains a member declaration $d$ which overrides a member signature $m$ in the interface of $S$, but which is not a correct override of $m$ (\ref{correctMemberOverrides}).
\subsection{Mixin Declaration}
A mixin defines zero or more \IndexCustom{mixin member declarations}{mixin!member declaration},
zero or more \IndexCustom{required superinterfaces}{mixin!required superinterface},
one \IndexCustom{combined superinterface}{mixin!combined superinterface},
and zero or more \IndexCustom{implemented interfaces}{mixin!implemented interface}.
The mixin derived from a class declaration:
\ABSTRACT? \CLASS{} $X$ \IMPLEMENTS{} $I_1$, \ldots{}, $I_k$ \{
has \code{Object} as required superinterface
and combined superinterface,
$I_1$, \ldots, $I_k$ as implemented interfaces,
and the instance members of \metavar{members} as mixin member declarations.
If $X$ is generic, so is the mixin.
A mixin declaration introduces a mixin and provides a scope
for static member declarations.
<mixinDeclaration> ::= <metadata> \MIXIN{} <identifier> <typeParameters>?
\gnewline{} (\ON{} <typeNotVoidList>)? <interfaces>?
\gnewline{} `\{' (<metadata> <classMemberDefinition>)* `\}'
It is a compile-time error to declare a constructor in a mixin-declaration.
A mixin declaration with no \code{\ON{}} clause is equivalent
to one with the clause \code{\ON{} Object}.
Let $M$ be a \MIXIN{} declaration of the form
\MIXIN{} $N$<\TypeParametersStd> \ON{} \List{T}{1}{n} \IMPLEMENTS{} \List{I}{1}{k} \{
It is a compile-time error if any of the types $T_1$ through $T_n$
or $I_1$ through $I_k$ is
a type variable (\ref{generics}),
a function type (\ref{functionTypes}),
a type alias not denoting a class (\ref{typedef}),
an enumerated type (\ref{enums}),
a deferred type (\ref{staticTypes}),
type \DYNAMIC{} (\ref{typeDynamic}),
type \VOID{} (\ref{typeVoid}),
or type \code{FutureOr<$T$>} for any $T$ (\ref{typeFutureOr}).
Let $M_S$ be the interface declared by the class declaration
abstract \CLASS{} $M_{super}$<$P_1$, \ldots{}, $P_m$> implements $T_1$, $\dots{}$, $T_n$ \{\}
where $M_{super}$ is a fresh name.
It is a compile-time error for the mixin declaration if the $M_S$
class declaration would cause a compile-time error,
that is, if any member is declared by more than one declared superinterface,
and there is not a most specific signature for that member among the super
The interface $M_S$ is called the
\Index{superinvocation interface} of the mixin declaration $M$.
If the mixin declaration $M$ has only one declared superinterface, $T_1$,
then the superinvocation interface $M_{super}$ has exactly the same members
as the interface $T_1$.}
Let $M_I$ be the interface that would be defined by the class declaration
\ABSTRACT{} \CLASS{} $N$<\TypeParametersStd> \IMPLEMENTS{} \List{T}{1}{n}, \List{I}{1}{k} \{
where $\metavar{members}'$ are the member declarations of
the mixin declaration $M$ except that all superinvocations are treated
as if \SUPER{} was a valid expression with static type $M_S$.
It is a compile-time error for the mixin $M$ if this $N$ class
declaration would cause a compile-time error, \commentary{that is, if the
required superinterfaces, the implemented interfaces and the declarations do not
define a consistent interface, if any member declaration contains a
compile-time error other than a super-invocation, or if a super-invocation
is not valid against the interface $M_S$}.
The interface introduced by the mixin declaration $M$ has the same member
signatures and superinterfaces as $M_I$.
The mixin declaration $M$ introduces a mixin
with the \NoIndex{required superinterface}s $T_1$, \ldots{}, $T_n$,
the \NoIndex{combined superinterface} $M_S$,
\NoIndex{implemented interface}s $I_1$, \ldots{}, $I_k$
and the instance members declared in $M$ as \Index{mixin member declarations}.
\subsection{Mixin Application}
A mixin may be applied to a superclass, yielding a new class.
Let $S$ be a class,
$M$ be a mixin with \NoIndex{required superinterface}s $T_1$, \ldots, $T_n$,
\NoIndex{combined superinterface} $M_S$,
\NoIndex{implemented interfaces} $I_1$, \ldots{}, $I_k$ and
\metavar{members} as \NoIndex{mixin member declarations},
and let $N$ be a name.
It is a compile-time error to apply $M$ to $S$ if $S$ does not implement,
directly or indirectly, all of $T_1$, \ldots, $T_n$.
It is a compile-time error if any of \metavar{members} contains a
super-invocation of a member $m$ \commentary{(for example \code{},
\code{super + 2}, or \code{super[1] = 2})}, and $S$ does not have a concrete
implementation of $m$ which is a valid override of the member $m$ in
the interface $M_S$. \rationale{We treat super-invocations in mixins as
interface invocations on the combined superinterface, so we require the
superclass of a mixin application to have valid implementations of those
interface members that are actually super-invoked.}
The mixin application of $M$ to $S$ with name $N$ introduces a new
class, $C$, with name $N$, superclass $S$,
implemented interface $I_1$, \ldots{}, $I_k$
and \metavar{members} as instance members.
The class $C$ has no static members.
If $S$ declares any generative constructors, then the application
introduces generative constructors on $C$ as follows:
Let $L_C$ be the library containing the mixin application.
\commentary{That is, the library containing the clause \code{$S$ \WITH{} $M$}
or the clause \code{$S_0$ \WITH{} $M_1$, \ldots,\ $M_k$, $M$}.}
or the clause \code{$S_0$ \WITH{} $M_1$, \ldots,\ $M_k$, $M$} giving rise
to the mixin application.}
Let $N_C$ be the name of the mixin application class $C$,
let $S$ be the superclass of $C$, and let $S_N$ be the name of $S$.
Let $S_N$ be the name of $S$.
For each generative constructor of the form \code{$S_q$($T_{1}$ $a_{1}$, $\ldots$, $T_{k}$ $a_{k}$)} of $S$ that is accessible to $L_C$, $C$ has an implicitly declared constructor of the form
@ -4362,10 +4527,10 @@ $C_q$($T_{1}$ $a_{1}$, \ldots, $T_{k}$ $a_{k}$): $\SUPER_q$($a_{1}$, $\ldots$, $
where $C_q$ is obtained from $S_q$ by replacing occurrences of $S_N$,
which denote the superclass, by $N_C$, and $\SUPER_q$ is obtained from $S_q$ by
which denote the superclass, by $N$, and $\SUPER_q$ is obtained from $S_q$ by
replacing occurrences of $S_N$ which denote the superclass by \SUPER{}.
If $S_q$ is a generative const constructor, and $M$ does not declare any
fields, $C_q$ is also a const constructor.
If $S_q$ is a generative const constructor, and $C$ does not declare any
instance variables, $C_q$ is also a const constructor.
For each generative constructor of the form \code{$S_q$($T_{1}$ $a_{1}$, \ldots , $T_{k}$ $a_{k}$, [$T_{k+1}$ $a_{k+1}$ = $d_1$, \ldots , $T_{k+p}$ $a_{k+p}$ = $d_p$])} of $S$ that is accessible to $L_C$, $C$ has an implicitly declared constructor of the form
@ -4377,13 +4542,13 @@ $C_q$($T_{1}$ $a_{1}$, \ldots , $T_{k}$ $a_{k}$, [$T_{k+1}$ $a_{k+1}$ = $d'_{1}$
where $C_q$ is obtained from $S_q$ by replacing occurrences of $S_N$,
which denote the superclass, by $N_C$,
which denote the superclass, by $N$,
$\SUPER_q$ is obtained from $S_q$ by replacing occurrences of $S_N$
which denote the superclass by \SUPER{},
and $d'_i$, $i \in 1..p$, is a constant expression evaluating
to the same value as $d_i$.
If $S_q$ is a generative const constructor, and $M$ does not declare any
fields, $C_q$ is also a const constructor.
If $S_q$ is a generative const constructor, and $MC$ does not declare any
instance variables, $C_q$ is also a const constructor.
For each generative constructor of the form \code{$S_q$($T_{1}$ $a_{1}$, \ldots , $T_{k}$ $a_{k}$, \{$T_{k+1}$ $a_{k+1}$ = $d_1$, \ldots , $T_{k+n}$ $a_{k+n}$ = $d_n$\})} of $S$ that is accessible to $L_C$, $C$ has an implicitly declared constructor of the form
@ -4395,106 +4560,13 @@ $C_q$($T_{1}$ $a_{1}$, \ldots , $T_{k}$ $a_{k}$, \{$T_{k+1}$ $a_{k+1}$ = $d'_1$,
where $C_q$ is obtained from $S_q$ by replacing occurrences of $S_N$
which denote the superclass by $N_C$,
which denote the superclass by $N$,
$\SUPER_q$ is obtained from $S_q$ by replacing occurrences of $S_N$
which denote the superclass by \SUPER{},
and $d'_i$, $i \in 1..n$, is a constant expression evaluating to the same value as $d_i$.
If $S_q$ is a generative const constructor, and $M$ does not declare any
fields, $C_q$ is also a const constructor.
If the mixin application class declares interfaces, the resulting class also implements those interfaces.
It is a compile-time error if $S$ is an enumerated type (\ref{enums}).
It is a compile-time error if $M$ (respectively, any of $M_1, \ldots, M_k$)
is an enumerated type (\ref{enums}).
It is a compile-time error if a well formed mixin cannot be derived from $M$
(respectively, from each of $M_1, \ldots, M_k$).
Note that \VOID{} is a reserved word,
which implies that the same restrictions apply for the type \VOID,
and similar restrictions are specified for other types like
\code{Null} (\ref{null}) and
\code{String} (\ref{strings}).%
Let $K$ be a class declaration with the same constructors, superclass and interfaces as $C$, and the instance members declared by $M$ (respectively $M_1, \ldots, M_k$).
It is a compile-time error if the declaration of $K$ would cause a compile-time error.
If, for example,
$M$ declares an instance member $im$ whose type is at odds with the type of a member of the same name in $S$,
this will result in a compile-time error just as if we had defined $K$ by means of an ordinary class declaration extending $S$, with a body that included $im$.
The effect of a class definition of the form \code{\CLASS{} $C$ = $M$; } or the form \code{\CLASS{} $C<T_1, \ldots,\ T_n>$ = $M$; } in library $L$ is to introduce the name $C$ into the scope of $L$, bound to the class (\ref{classes}) defined by the mixin application $M$ for the name $C$.
The name of the class is also set to $C$.
If{}f the class is prefixed by the built-in identifier \ABSTRACT{}, the class being defined is an abstract class.
Let $M_A$ be a mixin derived from a class $M$ with direct superclass $S_{static}$, e.g., as defined by the class declaration \code{class M extends S$_{static}$ \{ \ldots \}}.
Let $A$ be an application of $M_A$.
It is a compile-time error if the superclass of $A$ is not a subtype of $S_{static}$.
Let $C$ be a class declaration that includes $M_A$ in a with clause.
It is a compile-time error if $C$ does not implement, directly or indirectly, all the direct superinterfaces of $M$.
\subsection{Mixin Composition}
Dart does not directly support mixin composition, but the concept is useful when defining how the superclass of a class with a mixin clause is created.
The \Index{composition of two mixins},
\code{$M_1$<$T_1, \ldots, T_{k_{M_1}}$>} and
\code{$M_2$<$U_1, \ldots, U_{k_{M_2}}$>}, written
\code{$M_1$<$T_1, \ldots, T_{k_{M_1}}$>$ * M_2$<$U_1, \ldots, U_{k_{M_2}}$>}
defines an anonymous mixin such that for any class
\code{$S$<$V_1, \ldots, V_{k_S}$>},
the application of
\code{$M_1$<$T_1, \ldots, T_{k_{M_1}}$> $*$ $M_2$<$U_1, \ldots, U_{k_{M_2}}$>}
to \code{$S$<$V_1, \ldots, V_{k_S}$>} for the name $C$ is equivalent to
\ABSTRACT{} \CLASS{} $C<T_1, \ldots, T_{k_{M_1}}, U_1, \ldots, U_{k_{M_2}}, V_1, \ldots, V_{k_S}> = $
$Id_2<U_1, \ldots, U_{k_{M_2}}, V_1 \ldots V_{k_S}>$ \WITH{} $M_1 <T_1, \ldots, T_{k_{M_1}}>$;
where $Id_2$ denotes
\ABSTRACT{} \CLASS{} $Id_2<U_1, \ldots, U_{k_{M_2}}, V_1, \ldots, V_{k_S}> =$
$S<V_1, \ldots, V_{k_S}>$ \WITH{} $M_2<U_1, \ldots, U_{k_{M_2}}>$;
and $Id_2$ is a unique identifier that does not exist anywhere in the program.
The intermediate classes produced by mixin composition are regarded as abstract because they cannot be instantiated independently.
They are only introduced as anonymous superclasses of ordinary class declarations and mixin applications.
Consequently, no errors are raised if a mixin composition includes abstract members, or incompletely implements an interface.
Mixin composition is associative.
Note that any subset of $M_1$, $M_2$ and $S$ may or may not be generic.
For any non-generic declaration, the corresponding type parameters may be elided, and if no type parameters remain in the derived declarations $C$ and/or $Id_2$ then the those declarations need not be generic either.