Add skeleton for parsing LSP spec from Markdown/TypeScript to generate Dart data classes

- Fixes to generation from spec
- Add basic code-gen with (very incomplete) tests
- Add some basic parsing of TypeScript interfaces in the LSP spec
- Add a group to the test
- Add code for extracting TypeScript codeblocks from Markdown

Change-Id: I733756d43744d89307b77527bd083cfacf670f56
Commit-Queue: Danny Tuppeny <>
Reviewed-by: Brian Wilkerson <>
This commit is contained in:
Danny Tuppeny 2018-10-10 16:33:50 +00:00 committed by
parent bc4d2f5d1b
commit 6d9cc6fa03
7 changed files with 646 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import '../../../tool/lsp_spec/markdown.dart';
main() {
group('markdown parser', () {
test('extracts a typescript fenced block from Markdown', () {
final String input = '''
final List<String> output = extractTypeScriptBlocks(input);
expect(output, hasLength(1));
expect(output, contains('CONTENT'));
test('does not extract unknown code blocks', () {
final String input = '''
final List<String> output = extractTypeScriptBlocks(input);
expect(output, hasLength(0));
test('extracts multiple code blocks', () {
final String input = '''
final List<String> output = extractTypeScriptBlocks(input);
expect(output, hasLength(2));
expect(output, contains('CONTENT1'));
expect(output, contains('CONTENT2'));

View file

@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import '../../../tool/lsp_spec/typescript.dart';
main() {
group('typescript parser', () {
test('parses an interface', () {
final String input = '''
* Some options.
export interface SomeOptions {
* Options used by something.
options?: OptionKind[];
final List<ApiItem> output = extractTypes(input);
expect(output, hasLength(1));
expect(output[0], const TypeMatcher<Interface>());
final Interface interface = output[0];
expect(, equals('SomeOptions'));
expect(interface.comment, equals('Some options.'));
expect(interface.baseTypes, hasLength(0));
expect(interface.members, hasLength(1));
expect(interface.members[0], const TypeMatcher<Field>());
final Field field = interface.members[0];
expect(, equals('options'));
expect(field.comment, equals('''Options used by something.'''));
expect(field.allowsNull, isFalse);
expect(field.allowsUndefined, isTrue);
expect(field.types, hasLength(1));
expect(field.types[0], equals('OptionKind[]'));
test('parses an interface with multiple fields', () {
final String input = '''
export interface SomeOptions {
* Options0 used by something.
options0: any;
* Options1 used by something.
options1: any;
final List<ApiItem> output = extractTypes(input);
expect(output, hasLength(1));
expect(output[0], const TypeMatcher<Interface>());
final Interface interface = output[0];
expect(interface.members, hasLength(2));
[0, 1].forEach((i) {
expect(interface.members[i], const TypeMatcher<Field>());
final Field field = interface.members[i];
expect(, equals('options$i'));
expect(field.comment, equals('''Options$i used by something.'''));
test('flags nullable undefined values', () {
final String input = '''
export interface A {
canBeNeither: string;
canBeNull: string | null;
canBeUndefined?: string;
canBeBoth?: string | null;
final List<ApiItem> output = extractTypes(input);
final Interface interface = output[0];
expect(interface.members, hasLength(4));
interface.members.forEach((m) => expect(m, const TypeMatcher<Field>()));
final Field canBeNeither = interface.members[0],
canBeNull = interface.members[1],
canBeUndefined = interface.members[2],
canBeBoth = interface.members[3];
expect(canBeNeither.allowsNull, isFalse);
expect(canBeNeither.allowsUndefined, isFalse);
expect(canBeNull.allowsNull, isTrue);
expect(canBeNull.allowsUndefined, isFalse);
expect(canBeUndefined.allowsNull, isFalse);
expect(canBeUndefined.allowsUndefined, isTrue);
expect(canBeBoth.allowsNull, isTrue);
expect(canBeBoth.allowsUndefined, isTrue);
test('formats comments correctly', () {
final String input = '''
* Describes the what this class in lots of words that wrap onto
* multiple lines that will need re-wrapping to format nicely when
* converted into Dart.
* Blank lines should remain in-tact, as should:
* - Indented
* - Things
export interface A {
a: a;
final List<ApiItem> output = extractTypes(input);
final Interface interface = output[0];
expect(interface.comment, equals('''
Describes the what this class in lots of words that wrap onto multiple lines that will need re-wrapping to format nicely when converted into Dart.
Blank lines should remain in-tact, as should:
- Indented
- Things'''));
test('parses a type alias', () {
final String input = '''
export type DocumentSelector = DocumentFilter[];
final List<ApiItem> output = extractTypes(input);
expect(output, hasLength(1));
expect(output[0], const TypeMatcher<TypeAlias>());
final TypeAlias typeAlias = output[0];
expect(, equals('DocumentSelector'));
expect(typeAlias.baseType, equals('DocumentFilter[]'));
test('parses a namespace of constants', () {
final String input = '''
export namespace ResourceOperationKind {
* Supports creating new files and folders.
export const Create: ResourceOperationKind = 'create';
* Supports renaming existing files and folders.
export const Rename: ResourceOperationKind = 'rename';
* Supports deleting existing files and folders.
export const Delete: ResourceOperationKind = 'delete';
final List<ApiItem> output = extractTypes(input);
expect(output, hasLength(1));
expect(output[0], const TypeMatcher<Namespace>());
final Namespace namespace = output[0];
expect(namespace.members, hasLength(3));
namespace.members.forEach((m) => expect(m, const TypeMatcher<Const>()));
final Const create = namespace.members[0],
rename = namespace.members[1],
delete = namespace.members[2];
expect(, equals('Create'));
expect(create.type, equals('ResourceOperationKind'));
create.comment, equals('Supports creating new files and folders.'));
expect(, equals('Rename'));
expect(rename.type, equals('ResourceOperationKind'));
equals('Supports renaming existing files and folders.'));
expect(, equals('Delete'));
expect(delete.type, equals('ResourceOperationKind'));
equals('Supports deleting existing files and folders.'));

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@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import '../../../tool/lsp_spec/codegen_dart.dart';
import '../../../tool/lsp_spec/typescript.dart';
main() {
group('typescript converts to dart', () {
void convertAndCompare(String input, String expectedOutput) {
final String output = generateDartForTypes(extractTypes(input));
expect(output.trim(), equals(expectedOutput.trim()));
// TODO(dantup): These types are missing constructors, toJson, fromJson, etc.
test('for an interface', () {
final String input = '''
* Some options.
export interface SomeOptions {
* Options used by something.
options?: OptionKind[];
final String expectedOutput = '''
/// Some options.
class SomeOptions {
/// Options used by something.
List<OptionKind> options;
convertAndCompare(input, expectedOutput);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'typescript.dart';
String generateDartForTypes(List<ApiItem> types) {
final buffer = new IndentableStringBuffer();
types.forEach((t) => _writeType(buffer, t));
return buffer.toString();
String _mapType(String type) {
if (type.endsWith('[]')) {
return 'List<${_mapType(type.substring(0, type.length - 2))}>';
const types = <String, String>{
'boolean': 'bool',
'string': 'String',
'number': 'num',
'any': 'Object',
return types[type] ?? type;
Iterable<String> _wrapLines(List<String> lines, int maxLength) sync* {
lines = => l.trimRight()).toList();
for (var line in lines) {
while (true) {
if (line.length <= maxLength) {
yield line;
} else {
int lastSpace = line.lastIndexOf(' ', maxLength);
// If there was no valid place to wrap, yield the whole string.
if (lastSpace == -1) {
yield line;
} else {
yield line.substring(0, lastSpace);
line = line.substring(lastSpace + 1);
void _writeConst(IndentableStringBuffer buffer, Const cons) {
_writeDocComment(buffer, cons.comment);
buffer.writeIndentedLn('static const ${} = ${cons.value};');
void _writeDocComment(IndentableStringBuffer buffer, String comment) {
comment = comment?.trim();
if (comment == null || comment.length == 0) {
Iterable<String> lines = comment.split('\n');
// Wrap at 80 - 4 ('/// ') - indent characters.
lines = _wrapLines(lines, 80 - 4 - buffer.totalIndent);
lines.forEach((l) => buffer.writeIndentedLn('/// ${l.trim()}'));
void _writeField(IndentableStringBuffer buffer, Field field) {
_writeDocComment(buffer, field.comment);
if (field.types.length == 1) {
} else {
buffer.writeIndented('Either<${', ')}>');
buffer.writeln(' ${};');
void _writeInterface(IndentableStringBuffer buffer, Interface interface) {
_writeDocComment(buffer, interface.comment);
..writeln('class ${} {')
// TODO(dantup): Generate constructors (inc. type checks for unions)
interface.members.forEach((m) => _writeMember(buffer, m));
// TODO(dantup): Generate toJson()
// TODO(dantup): Generate fromJson()
void _writeMember(IndentableStringBuffer buffer, Member member) {
if (member is Field) {
_writeField(buffer, member);
} else if (member is Const) {
_writeConst(buffer, member);
} else {
throw 'Unknown type';
void _writeNamespace(IndentableStringBuffer buffer, Namespace namespace) {
_writeDocComment(buffer, namespace.comment);
..writeln('abstract class ${} {')
namespace.members.forEach((m) => _writeMember(buffer, m));
void _writeType(IndentableStringBuffer buffer, ApiItem type) {
if (type is Interface) {
_writeInterface(buffer, type);
} else if (type is TypeAlias) {
_writeTypeAlias(buffer, type);
} else if (type is Namespace) {
_writeNamespace(buffer, type);
} else {
throw 'Unknown type';
void _writeTypeAlias(IndentableStringBuffer buffer, TypeAlias typeAlias) {
print('Skipping type alias ${}');
class IndentableStringBuffer extends StringBuffer {
int _indentLevel = 0;
int _indentSpaces = 2;
int get totalIndent => _indentLevel * _indentSpaces;
String get _indentString => ' ' * totalIndent;
void indent() => _indentLevel++;
void outdent() => _indentLevel--;
void writeIndented(Object obj) {
void writeIndentedLn(Object obj) {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'codegen_dart.dart';
import 'markdown.dart';
import 'typescript.dart';
main() async {
final String script = Platform.script.toFilePath();
// 3x parent = file -> lsp_spec -> tool -> analysis_server.
final String packageFolder = new File(script).parent.parent.parent.path;
final String outFolder = path.join(packageFolder, 'lib', 'lsp_protocol');
new Directory(outFolder).createSync();
final String spec = await fetchSpec();
final List<ApiItem> types =
extractTypeScriptBlocks(spec).map(extractTypes).expand((l) => l).toList();
final String output = generateDartForTypes(types);
// TODO(dantup): Add file header to output file before we start committing it.
new File(path.join(outFolder, 'protocol_generated.dart'))
final Uri specUri = Uri.parse(
Future<String> fetchSpec() async {
final resp = await http.get(specUri);
return resp.body;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
final _typeScriptBlockPattern =
new RegExp(r'\B```typescript([\S\s]*?)\n```', multiLine: true);
/// Extracts fenced code blocks that are explicitly marked as TypeScript from a
/// markdown document.
List<String> extractTypeScriptBlocks(String text) {
return _typeScriptBlockPattern
.map((m) =>

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@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO(dantup): Regex seemed like a good choice when parsing the first few...
// maybe it's not so great now. We should parse this properly if it turns out
// there are issues with what we have here.
const String _blockBody = r'\s*([\s\S]*?)\s*\n\s*';
const String _comment = r'(?:\/\*\*((?:[\S\s](?!\*\/))+?)\s\*\/)?\s*';
List<ApiItem> extractTypes(String code) {
return ApiItem.extractFrom(code);
String _cleanComment(String comment) {
if (comment == null) {
return null;
final _commentLinePrefixes = new RegExp(r'\n\s*\* ?', multiLine: true);
final _nonConcurrentNewlines = new RegExp(r'\n(?![\n\s])', multiLine: true);
final _newLinesThatRequireReinserting =
new RegExp(r'\n (\w)', multiLine: true);
// Remove any Windows newlines from the source.
comment = comment.replaceAll('\r', '');
// Remove the * prefixes.
comment = comment.replaceAll(_commentLinePrefixes, '\n');
// Remove and newlines that look like wrapped text.
comment = comment.replaceAll(_nonConcurrentNewlines, ' ');
// The above will remove one of the newlines when there are two, so we need
// to re-insert newlines for any block that starts immediately after a newline.
comment = comment.replaceAllMapped(
_newLinesThatRequireReinserting, (m) => '\n\n${}');
return comment.trim();
List<String> _parseTypes(String baseTypes, String sep) {
return baseTypes?.split(sep)?.map((t) => t.trim())?.toList() ?? [];
/// Base class for Interface, Field, Constant, etc. parsed from the LSP spec.
abstract class ApiItem {
String name, comment;
ApiItem(, String comment) : comment = _cleanComment(comment);
static List<ApiItem> extractFrom(String code) {
List<ApiItem> types = [];
return types;
/// A Constant parsed from the LSP spec.
class Const extends Member {
final String type, value;
Const(String name, String comment, this.type, this.value)
: super(name, comment);
static List<Const> extractFrom(String code) {
final RegExp _constPattern = new RegExp(
_comment +
multiLine: true);
return _constPattern.allMatches(code).map((m) {
final String comment =;
final String name =;
final String type =;
final String value =;
return new Const(name, comment, type, value);
/// A Field for an Interface parsed from the LSP spec.
class Field extends Member {
final List<String> types;
final bool allowsNull, allowsUndefined;
Field(String name, String comment, this.types, this.allowsNull,
: super(name, comment);
static List<Field> extractFrom(String code) {
final RegExp _fieldPattern = new RegExp(
_comment + r'(\w+\??)\s*:\s*([\w\[\]\s|]+)\s*;',
multiLine: true);
return _fieldPattern.allMatches(code).map((m) {
final String comment =;
String name =;
final List<String> types = _parseTypes(, '|');
final bool allowsNull = types.contains('null');
if (allowsNull) {
final bool allowsUndefined = name.endsWith('?');
if (allowsUndefined) {
name = name.substring(0, name.length - 1);
return new Field(name, comment, types, allowsNull, allowsUndefined);
/// An Interface parsed from the LSP spec.
class Interface extends ApiItem {
final List<String> baseTypes;
final List<Member> members;
Interface(String name, String comment, this.baseTypes, this.members)
: super(name, comment);
static List<Interface> extractFrom(String code) {
final RegExp _interfacePattern = new RegExp(
_comment +
r'(?:export\s+)?interface\s+(\w+)(?:\s+extends\s+([\w, ]+?))?\s*\{' +
_blockBody +
multiLine: true);
return _interfacePattern.allMatches(code).map((match) {
final String comment =;
final String name =;
final List<String> baseTypes = _parseTypes(, ',');
final String body =;
final List<Member> members = Member.extractFrom(body);
return new Interface(name, comment, baseTypes, members);
/// A Field or Constant parsed from the LSP type.
abstract class Member extends ApiItem {
Member(String name, String comment) : super(name, comment);
static List<Member> extractFrom(String code) {
List<Member> members = [];
return members;
/// A Namespace parsed from the LSP spec. Usually used to hold enum-like
/// Constants.
class Namespace extends ApiItem {
final List<Member> members;
Namespace(String name, String comment, this.members) : super(name, comment);
static List<Namespace> extractFrom(String code) {
final RegExp _namespacePattern = new RegExp(
_comment + r'(?:export\s+)?namespace\s+(\w+)\s*\{' + _blockBody + '\}',
multiLine: true);
return _namespacePattern.allMatches(code).map((match) {
final String comment =;
final String name =;
final String body =;
final List<Member> members = Member.extractFrom(body);
return new Namespace(name, comment, members);
/// A type alias parsed from the LSP spec.
class TypeAlias extends ApiItem {
final String baseType;
TypeAlias(name, comment, this.baseType) : super(name, comment);
static List<TypeAlias> extractFrom(String code) {
final RegExp _typeAliasPattern = new RegExp(
_comment + r'type\s+([\w]+)\s+=\s+([\w\[\]]+)\s*;',
multiLine: true);
return _typeAliasPattern.allMatches(code).map((match) {
final String comment =;
final String name =;
final String baseType =;
return new TypeAlias(name, comment, baseType);