Initial checkin.

git-svn-id: 260f80e4-7a28-3924-810f-c04153c831b5
This commit is contained in: 2011-10-05 05:34:19 +00:00
parent 4c0f559d23
commit 6b6b28e065
22 changed files with 4598 additions and 0 deletions

tools/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import optparse
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import utils
HOST_OS = utils.GuessOS()
HOST_CPUS = utils.GuessCpus()
armcompilerlocation = '/opt/codesourcery/arm-2009q1'
def BuildOptions():
result = optparse.OptionParser()
result.add_option("-m", "--mode",
help='Build variants (comma-separated).',
result.add_option("-v", "--verbose",
help='Verbose output.',
default=False, action="store_true")
help='Target architectures (comma-separated).',
help='The number of parallel jobs to run.',
help='Path containing on Windows',
default='C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\\Common7\\IDE')
return result
def ProcessOptions(options):
if options.arch == 'all':
options.arch = 'ia32,x64,simarm'
if options.mode == 'all':
options.mode = 'debug,release'
options.mode = options.mode.split(',')
options.arch = options.arch.split(',')
for mode in options.mode:
if not mode in ['debug', 'release']:
print "Unknown mode %s" % mode
return False
for arch in options.arch:
if not arch in ['ia32', 'x64', 'simarm', 'arm', 'dartc']:
print "Unknown arch %s" % arch
return False
return True
def setTools(arch):
if arch == 'arm':
toolsOverride = {
"CC" : armcompilerlocation + "/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc",
"CXX" : armcompilerlocation + "/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-g++",
"AR" : armcompilerlocation + "/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-ar",
"LINK": armcompilerlocation + "/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-g++",
"NM" : armcompilerlocation + "/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-nm",
return toolsOverride
def Execute(args):
print "#" + ' '.join(args)
process = subprocess.Popen(args)
if process.returncode != 0:
raise Error(args[0] + " failed")
def CurrentDirectoryBaseName():
"""Returns the name of the current directory"""
return os.path.relpath(os.curdir, start=os.pardir)
def Main():
# Parse the options.
parser = BuildOptions()
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if not ProcessOptions(options):
return 1
# Determine which targets to build. By default we build the "all" target.
if len(args) == 0:
if HOST_OS == 'macos':
target = 'All'
target = 'all'
target = args[0]
# Build the targets for each requested configuration.
for mode in options.mode:
for arch in options.arch:
build_config = utils.GetBuildConf(mode, arch)
if HOST_OS == 'macos':
project_file = 'dart.xcodeproj'
if os.path.exists('dart-%s.gyp' % CurrentDirectoryBaseName()):
project_file = 'dart-%s.xcodeproj' % CurrentDirectoryBaseName()
args = ['xcodebuild',
'SYMROOT=%s' % os.path.abspath('xcodebuild')
elif HOST_OS == 'win32':
project_file = 'dart.sln'
if os.path.exists('dart-%s.gyp' % CurrentDirectoryBaseName()):
project_file = 'dart-%s.sln' % CurrentDirectoryBaseName()
args = [options.devenv + os.sep + '',
make = 'make'
if HOST_OS == 'freebsd':
make = 'gmake'
# work around lack of flock
os.environ['LINK'] = '$(CXX)'
args = [make,
'BUILDTYPE=' + build_config,
if options.verbose:
args += ['V=1']
args += [target]
toolsOverride = setTools(arch)
if toolsOverride:
for k, v in toolsOverride.iteritems():
args.append( k + "=" + v)
print k + " = " + v
print ' '.join(args)
process = subprocess.Popen(args)
if process.returncode != 0:
return 1
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':

View file

@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
# Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
# This python script compiles a set of java files and puts them all into a
# single .jar file.
import os
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
from optparse import OptionParser
# Filters out all arguments until the next '--' argument
# occurs.
def ListArgCallback(option, opt_str, value, parser):
if value is None:
value = []
for arg in parser.rargs:
if arg[:2].startswith('--'):
del parser.rargs[:len(value)]
setattr(parser.values, option.dest, value)
# Compiles all the java source files in srcDir.
def javaCompile(javac, srcDirectories, srcList, classpath,
classOutputDir, buildConfig, javacArgs,
# Check & prepare directories.
for srcDir in srcDirectories:
if not os.path.exists(srcDir):
sys.stderr.write('source directory not found: ' + srcDir + '\n')
return False
if os.path.exists(classOutputDir):
# Find all java files and write them in a temp file.
(tempFileDescriptor, javaFilesTempFileName) = tempfile.mkstemp()
javaFilesTempFile = os.fdopen(tempFileDescriptor, "w")
if srcDirectories:
def findJavaFiles(arg, dirName, names):
for fileName in names:
(base, ext) = os.path.splitext(fileName)
if ext == '.java':
javaFilesTempFile.write(os.path.join(dirName, fileName) + '\n')
for srcDir in srcDirectories:
os.path.walk(srcDir, findJavaFiles, None)
if srcList:
f = open(srcList, 'r')
for line in f:
# Prepare javac command.
command = [javac]
# Use a large enough heap to be able to compile all of the classes in one
# big compilation step.
if buildConfig == 'Debug':
if srcDirectories:
if classpath:
if srcDirectories or srcList:
command.append('@' + javaFilesTempFileName)
command = command + javacArgs
abs_sources = [os.path.abspath(source) for source in sources]
command = [' '.join(command)] + abs_sources
# Compile.
sys.stdout.write(' \\\n '.join(command) + '\n')
if os.system(' '.join(command)):
sys.stderr.write('java compilation failed\n')
return False
return True
def copyProperties(propertyFiles, classOutputDir):
for file in propertyFiles:
if not os.path.isfile(file):
sys.stderr.write('property file not found: ' + file + '\n')
return False
if not os.path.exists(classOutputDir):
sys.stderr.write('classes dir not found: ' + classOutputDir + '\n')
return False
if propertyFiles == []:
return True
command = ['cp'] + propertyFiles + [classOutputDir]
commandStr = ' '.join(command)
sys.stdout.write(commandStr + '\n')
if os.system(commandStr):
sys.stderr.write('property file copy failed\n')
return False
return True
def createJar(classOutputDir, jarFileName):
if not os.path.exists(classOutputDir):
sys.stderr.write('classes dir not found: ' + classOutputDir + '\n')
return False
command = ['jar', 'cf', jarFileName, '-C', classOutputDir, '.']
commandStr = ' '.join(command)
sys.stdout.write(commandStr + '\n')
if os.system(commandStr):
sys.stderr.write('jar creation failed\n')
return False
return True
def main(args):
# Parse input.
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("--javac", default="javac",
action="store", type="string",
help="location of javac command")
parser.add_option("--sourceDir", dest="sourceDirs", default=[],
action="callback", callback=ListArgCallback,
help="specify a list of directories to look for " +
".java files to compile")
parser.add_option("--sources", dest="sources", default=[],
action="callback", callback=ListArgCallback,
help="specify a list of source files to compile")
parser.add_option("--sourceList", dest="sourceList",
action="store", type="string",
help="specify the file that contains the list of Java source files")
parser.add_option("--classpath", dest="classpath", default=[],
action="append", type="string",
help="specify referenced jar files")
action="store", type="string",
help="location of intermediate .class files")
action="store", type="string",
help="name of the output jar file")
action="store", type="string", default='Release',
help="Debug or Release")
parser.add_option("--javacArgs", dest="javacArgs", default=[],
action="callback", callback=ListArgCallback,
help="remaining args are passed directly to javac")
parser.add_option("--propertyFiles", dest="propertyFiles", default=[],
action="callback", callback=ListArgCallback,
help="specify a list of property files to copy")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if not options.classesDir:
sys.stderr.write('--classesDir not specified\n')
return -1
if not options.jarFileName:
sys.stderr.write('--jarFileName not specified\n')
return -1
if len(options.sourceDirs) > 0 and options.sourceList:
sys.stderr.write("--sourceDir and --sourceList cannot be both specified");
return -1
# Compile and put into .jar file.
if not javaCompile(options.javac, options.sourceDirs,
options.sourceList, options.classpath,
options.classesDir, options.buildConfig,
options.javacArgs, options.sources):
return -1
if not copyProperties(options.propertyFiles, options.classesDir):
return -1
if not createJar(options.classesDir, options.jarFileName):
return -1
return 0
except Exception, inst:
sys.stderr.write(' exception\n')
return -1
if __name__ == '__main__':

tools/dartc Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import utils
# Figure out the full path to the real dashc from the cwd.
scriptPath = os.path.dirname(__file__)
buildRoot = utils.GetBuildRoot(utils.GuessOS())
dashcPath = os.path.join(scriptPath, "../compiler", buildRoot,
args = [dashcPath] + sys.argv[1:]

tools/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import os
import sys
import platform
def NormJoin(path1, path2):
return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(path1, path2))
def GetProjectGypFile(project_name):
project_file = os.path.join(project_name, 'dart-%s.gyp' % project_name)
if not os.path.exists(project_file):
sys.stderr.write('%s does not exist\n' % project_file)
project_file = os.path.join(project_name, 'dart.gyp')
return project_file
dart_src = NormJoin(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), os.pardir)
project_src = sys.argv[1]
gyp_pylib = os.path.join(dart_src, 'third_party', 'gyp', 'pylib')
if __name__ == '__main__':
# If this script is invoked with the -fmake option, we assume that
# it is being run automatically via a project Makefile. That can be
# problematic (because GYP is really bad at setting up the paths
# correctly), so we try to run "gclient runhooks" instead.
if '-fmake' in sys.argv:
sys.exit(os.execvp("gclient", ["gclient", "runhooks"]))
except OSError:
# Sometimes gclient is not on the PATH. Let the user know that
# he must run "gclient runhooks" manually.
sys.stderr.write('Error: GYP files are out of date.\n')
sys.stderr.write('\n\n*** Please run "gclient runhooks" ***\n\n\n')
# Add gyp to the imports and if needed get it from the third_party location
# inside the standalone dart gclient checkout.
import gyp
except ImportError, e:
import gyp
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Make our own location absolute as it is stored in Makefiles.
sys.argv[0] = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])
# Add any extra arguments. Needed by compiler/dart.gyp to build v8.
args = sys.argv[2:]
args += ['--depth', project_src]
args += ['-I', './tools/gyp/common.gypi']
if platform.system() == 'Linux':
# We need to fiddle with toplevel-dir to work around a GYP bug
# that breaks building v8 from compiler/dart.gyp.
args += ['--toplevel-dir', os.curdir]
args += ['--generator-output', project_src]
# On at least the Mac, the toplevel-dir should be where the
# sources are. Otherwise, Xcode won't show sources correctly.
args += ['--toplevel-dir', project_src]
# Change into the dart directory as we want the project to be rooted here.
# Also, GYP is very sensitive to exacly from where it is being run.
args += [GetProjectGypFile(project_src)]
# Generate the projects.

tools/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
# Gets or updates our local build of Dartium. This is used for testing Dart
# apps, without the need to build Dartium locally
import os
import sys
import platform
import errno
import tempfile
import shutil
import subprocess
def NormJoin(path1, path2):
return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(path1, path2))
# Change into the dart directory as we want the project to be rooted here.
dart_src = NormJoin(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), os.pardir)
GSUTIL_DIR = 'third_party/gsutil/20110627'
GSUTIL = GSUTIL_DIR + '/gsutil'
DARTIUM_DIR = 'client/tests/dartium'
sys.path.append(GSUTIL_DIR + '/boto')
import boto
def execute_command(*cmd):
"""Execute a command in a subprocess."""
pipe = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
output, error = pipe.communicate()
if pipe.returncode != 0:
raise Exception('Execution of "%s" failed: %s' % (cmd, str(output)))
return output
def execute_command_visible(*cmd):
"""Execute a command in a subprocess, but show stdout/stderr."""
result =, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr,
if result != 0:
raise Exception('Execution of "%s" failed' % cmd)
def gsutil(*cmd):
return execute_command(GSUTIL, *cmd)
def gsutil_visible(*cmd):
execute_command_visible(GSUTIL, *cmd)
def has_boto_config():
"""Returns true if boto config exists."""
config_paths = boto.pyami.config.BotoConfigLocations
if 'AWS_CREDENTIAL_FILE' in os.environ:
for config_path in config_paths:
if os.path.exists(config_path):
return True
return False
def in_runhooks():
'''True if this script was called by "gclient runhooks" or "gclient sync"'''
return 'runhooks' in sys.argv
def ensure_config():
# If ~/.boto doesn't exist, tell the user to run "gsutil config"
if not has_boto_config():
print >>sys.stderr, '''
* WARNING: Can't download Dartium binaries! These are required to test client.
* You need to do a one-time configuration step to access Google Storage.
* Please run this command and follow the instructions:
* %s config
* NOTE: When prompted you can leave "project-id" blank. Just hit enter.
''' % GSUTIL
def main():
system = platform.system()
if system == 'Darwin':
osname = 'mac'
elif system == 'Linux':
osname = 'lucid64'
print >>sys.stderr, ('WARNING: platform "%s" does not support'
'DumpRenderTree for tests') % system
return 1
# Query the last known good build
latest = gsutil('ls', 'gs://dashium-archive/latest/dashium-%s-full-*.zip' %
# Check if we need to update the file
if os.path.exists(VERSION):
v = open(VERSION, 'r').read()
if v == latest:
if not in_runhooks():
print 'Dartium is up to date.\nVersion: ' + latest
return 0 # up to date
if os.path.exists(DARTIUM_DIR):
print 'Removing old dartium tree %s' % DARTIUM_DIR
# download the zip file to a temporary path, and unzip to the target location
temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
temp_zip = temp_dir + '/'
# It's nice to show download progress
gsutil_visible('cp', latest, temp_zip)
execute_command('unzip', temp_zip, '-d', temp_dir)
unzipped_dir = temp_dir + '/' + os.path.basename(latest)[:-4] # remove .zip
shutil.move(unzipped_dir, DARTIUM_DIR)
# create the version stamp
v = open(VERSION, 'w')
print 'Successfully downloaded to %s' % DARTIUM_DIR
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':

tools/gyp/all.gypi Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
# Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
# A set of variables needed to build some of the Chrome based subparts of the
# Dart project (e.g. V8). This is in no way a complete list of variables being
# defined by Chrome, but just the minimally needed subset.
'variables': {
'library': 'static_library',
'component': 'static_library',
'host_arch': 'ia32',
'target_arch': 'ia32',
'v8_location': '<(DEPTH)/third_party/v8',
'conditions': [
[ 'OS=="linux"', {
'target_defaults': {
'ldflags': [ '-pthread', ],
'includes': [

tools/gyp/common.gypi Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
# Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
# A set of variables needed to build some of the Chrome based subparts of the
# Dash project (e.g. V8). This is in no way a complete list of variables being
# defined by Chrome, but just the minimally needed subset.
'variables': {
'library': 'static_library',
'component': 'static_library',
'host_arch': 'ia32',
'target_arch': 'ia32',
'v8_location': '<(DEPTH)/../third_party/v8',
'conditions': [
[ 'OS=="linux"', {
'target_defaults': {
'ldflags': [ '-pthread', ],
'includes': [

View file

@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
# Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
'variables': {
'common_gcc_warning_flags': [
'-Wextra', # Also known as -W.
# TODO(v8-team): Fix V8 build.
# Default value. This may be overridden in a containing project gyp.
'target_arch%': 'ia32',
'conditions': [
[ 'OS=="linux"', { 'includes': [ 'configurations_make.gypi', ], } ],
[ 'OS=="mac"', { 'includes': [ 'configurations_xcode.gypi', ], } ],
[ 'OS=="win"', { 'includes': [ 'configurations_msvs.gypi', ], } ],
'target_defaults': {
'default_configuration': 'Debug_ia32',
'configurations': {
'Dart_Base': {
'abstract': 1,
'Dart_ia32_Base': {
'abstract': 1,
'Dart_x64_Base': {
'abstract': 1,
'Dart_simarm_Base': {
'abstract': 1,
'defines': [
'Dart_arm_Base': {
'abstract': 1,
'defines': [
'Dart_Debug': {
'abstract': 1,
'Dart_Release': {
'abstract': 1,
'defines': [
'Debug_ia32': {
'inherit_from': ['Dart_Base', 'Dart_ia32_Base', 'Dart_Debug'],
'Release_ia32': {
'inherit_from': ['Dart_Base', 'Dart_ia32_Base', 'Dart_Release'],
'Debug_x64': {
'inherit_from': ['Dart_Base', 'Dart_x64_Base', 'Dart_Debug'],
'Release_x64': {
'inherit_from': ['Dart_Base', 'Dart_x64_Base', 'Dart_Release'],
'Debug_simarm': {
# Should not inherit from Dart_Debug because Dart_simarm_Base defines
# the optimization level to be -O3, as the simulator runs too slow
# otherwise.
'inherit_from': ['Dart_Base', 'Dart_simarm_Base'],
'defines': [
'Release_simarm': {
# Should not inherit from Dart_Release (see Debug_simarm).
'inherit_from': ['Dart_Base', 'Dart_simarm_Base'],
'defines': [
'Debug_arm': {
'inherit_from': ['Dart_Base', 'Dart_arm_Base', 'Dart_Debug'],
'Release_arm': {
'inherit_from': ['Dart_Base', 'Dart_arm_Base', 'Dart_Release'],
'Debug_dartc': {
# If we build any native code (e.g. V8), then we should just use the
# release version.
'inherit_from': ['Release_ia32'],
'Release_dartc': {
'inherit_from': ['Release_ia32'],
# These targets assume that target_arch is passed in explicitly
# by the containing project (e.g., chromium).
'Debug': {
'inherit_from': ['Debug_<(target_arch)']
'Release': {
'inherit_from': ['Release_<(target_arch)']

View file

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
# Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
'variables': {
'arm_cross_libc%': '/opt/codesourcery/arm-2009q1/arm-none-linux-gnueabi/libc',
'target_defaults': {
'configurations': {
'Dart_Base': {
'cflags': [
# TODO(v8-team): Fix V8 build.
'ldflags': [
'Dart_ia32_Base': {
'cflags': [ '-m32', ],
'ldflags': [ '-m32', ],
'Dart_x64_Base': {
'cflags': [ '-m64', ],
'ldflags': [ '-m64', ],
'Dart_simarm_Base': {
'cflags': [ '-O3', '-m32', ],
'ldflags': [ '-m32', ],
'Dart_arm_Base': {
'cflags': [
'ldflags': [
'Dart_Debug': {
'cflags': [ '-O0', ],
'Dart_Release': {
'cflags': [ '-O3', ],

View file

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
# Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
'target_defaults': {
'configurations': {
'Dart_Debug': {
'msvs_settings': {
'VCCLCompilerTool': {
'Optimization': '0',
'DebugInformationFormat': '3',
'ExceptionHandling': '0',
'RuntimeTypeInfo': 'false',
'VCLinkerTool': {
'LinkIncremental': '2',
'GenerateDebugInformation': 'true',
'StackReserveSize': '2097152',
'Dart_Release': {
'msvs_settings': {
'VCCLCompilerTool': {
'Optimization': '2',
'InlineFunctionExpansion': '2',
'EnableIntrinsicFunctions': 'true',
'FavorSizeOrSpeed': '0',
'ExceptionHandling': '0',
'RuntimeTypeInfo': 'false',
'OmitFramePointers': 'true',
'StringPooling': 'true',
'VCLinkerTool': {
'LinkIncremental': '1',
'OptimizeReferences': '2',
'EnableCOMDATFolding': '2',
'StackReserveSize': '2097152',

View file

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
# Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
'target_defaults': {
'configurations': {
'Dart_Base': {
'xcode_settings': {
# To switch to the LLVM based backend change the two lines below.
'GCC_VERSION': '4.2',
'GCC_ENABLE_CPP_EXCEPTIONS': 'NO', # -fno-exceptions
'GCC_ENABLE_CPP_RTTI': 'NO', # -fno-rtti
'GCC_DEBUGGING_SYMBOLS': 'default', # -g
'GCC_GENERATE_DEBUGGING_SYMBOLS': 'YES', # Do not strip symbols
'GCC_SYMBOLS_PRIVATE_EXTERN': 'YES', # -fvisibility=hidden
'GCC_INLINES_ARE_PRIVATE_EXTERN': 'YES', # -fvisibility-inlines-hidden
'GCC_WARN_NON_VIRTUAL_DESTRUCTOR': 'YES', # -Wnon-virtual-dtor
# TODO(v8-team): Fix V8 build.
#'GCC_WARN_HIDDEN_VIRTUAL_FUNCTIONS': 'YES', # -Woverloaded-virtual
'-Wtrigraphs', # Disable Xcode default.
# Generate PIC code as Chrome is switching to this.
# When searching for header files, do not search
# subdirectories. Without this option, vm/assert.h conflicts
# with the system header assert.h. Apple also recommend
# setting this to NO.
# Attempt to remove compiler options that Xcode adds by default.
'GCC_CW_ASM_SYNTAX': 'NO', # Remove -fasm-blocks.
'Dart_ia32_Base': {
'xcode_settings': {
'ARCHS': 'i386',
'Dart_x64_Base': {
'xcode_settings': {
'ARCHS': 'x86_64',
'Dart_simarm_Base': {
'xcode_settings': {
'ARCHS': 'i386',
'Dart_Debug': {
'xcode_settings': {
'Dart_Release': {
'xcode_settings': {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
'target_defaults': {
'conditions': [
['OS!="linux"', {'sources/': [['exclude', '_linux\\.(cc|h)$']]}],
['OS!="mac"', {'sources/': [['exclude', '_macos\\.(cc|h)$']]}],
['OS!="win"', {'sources/': [['exclude', '_win\\.(cc|h)$']]}],

tools/gyp/xcode.gypi Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
# Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
'variables': {
# Mac OS X SDK and deployment target support.
# The SDK identifies the version of the system headers that will be used,
# and corresponds to the MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED compile-time macro.
# "Maximum allowed" refers to the operating system version whose APIs are
# available in the headers.
# The deployment target identifies the minimum system version that the
# built products are expected to function on. It corresponds to the
# MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED compile-time macro.
# To ensure these macros are available, #include <AvailabilityMacros.h>.
# Additional documentation on these macros is available at
# Chrome normally builds with the Mac OS X 10.5 SDK and sets the
# deployment target to 10.5. Other projects, such as O3D, may override
# these defaults.
'mac_sdk%': '10.5',
'mac_deployment_target%': '10.5',
'xcode_settings': {
# This block adds *project-wide* configuration settings to each project
# file. It's almost always wrong to put things here. Specify your
# custom xcode_settings in target_defaults to add them to targets instead.
# In an Xcode Project Info window, the "Base SDK for All Configurations"
# setting sets the SDK on a project-wide basis. In order to get the
# configured SDK to show properly in the Xcode UI, SDKROOT must be set
# here at the project level.
'SDKROOT': 'macosx<(mac_sdk)', # -isysroot
# The Xcode generator will look for an xcode_settings section at the root
# of each dict and use it to apply settings on a file-wide basis. Most
# settings should not be here, they should be in target-specific
# xcode_settings sections, or better yet, should use non-Xcode-specific
# settings in target dicts. SYMROOT is a special case, because many other
# Xcode variables depend on it, including variables such as
# PROJECT_DERIVED_FILE_DIR. When a source group corresponding to something
# like PROJECT_DERIVED_FILE_DIR is added to a project, in order for the
# files to appear (when present) in the UI as actual files and not red
# red "missing file" proxies, the correct path to PROJECT_DERIVED_FILE_DIR,
# and therefore SYMROOT, needs to be set at the project level.
'SYMROOT': '<(DEPTH)/xcodebuild',
# It is here to make it possible to run binaries with shared libraries.
# However, it may create problems if you move the shared library. Also,
# this may not be appropriate for "release release" builds.
# Perhaps we should set it to @rpath instead. See

tools/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
"""Tool for automating creation of a Dart bundle."""
import optparse
import os
from os import path
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import utils
class BundleMaker(object):
"""Main class for building a Dart bundle."""
def __init__(self, top_dir=None, dest=None, verbose=False, skip_build=False):
self._top_dir = top_dir
self._dest = dest
self._verbose = verbose
self._skip_build = skip_build
self._os = utils.GuessOS()
self._release_build_root = utils.GetBuildRoot(self._os, mode='release',
self._debug_build_root = utils.GetBuildRoot(self._os, mode='debug',
self._dartc_build_root = utils.GetBuildRoot(self._os, mode='release',
def BuildOptions():
"""Make an option parser with the options supported by this tool.
A newly created OptionParser.
op = optparse.OptionParser('usage: %prog [options]')
op.add_option('-d', '--dest')
op.add_option('-v', '--verbose', default=False, action='store_true')
op.add_option('--skip-build', default=False, action='store_true')
return op
def CheckOptions(op, top_dir, cmd_line_args):
"""Check the command line arguments.
op: An OptionParser (see BuildOptions).
top_dir: The top-level source directory.
cmd_line_args: The command line arguments.
A dict with the analyzed options and other values. The dict
includes these keys:
dest: The destition directory for storing the bundle.
verbose: Whether the tool should be verbose.
top_dir: Same as top_dir argument.
skip_build: Whether the tool should skip the build steps.
(options, args) = op.parse_args(args=cmd_line_args)
if args:
# Terminate program.
op.error('extra arguments on command line')
dest = options.dest
if not dest:
dest = path.normpath(path.join(top_dir, 'new_bundle'))
print 'Bundle is saved to %r' % dest
if not path.exists(dest):
elif not path.isdir(dest):
# Terminate program.
op.error('%s: is not a directory' % dest)
return {
'dest': dest,
'verbose': options.verbose,
'top_dir': top_dir,
'skip_build': options.skip_build,
def _PrintConfiguration(self):
for member in [m for m in dir(self) if not m.startswith('_')]:
value = getattr(self, member)
if not callable(value):
print '%s = %r' % (member, value)
def _GetTool(self, name):
return self._GetLocation('tools', name)
def _GetLocation(self, *arguments):
location = path.join(self._top_dir, *arguments)
if not path.exists(location):
raise utils.Error('%s: does not exist' % location)
return location
def _InvokeTool(self, project, name, *arguments):
location = self._GetLocation(project)
tool = path.relpath(self._GetTool(name), location)
command_array = [tool]
for argument in arguments:
stdout = subprocess.PIPE
if self._verbose:
print 'Invoking', ' '.join(command_array)
print 'in', location
stdout = None # In verbose mode we want to see the output from the tool.
proc = subprocess.Popen(command_array,
stdout = proc.communicate()[0]
exit_code = proc.wait()
if exit_code != 0:
raise utils.Error('%s returned %s' % (name, exit_code))
elif self._verbose:
print name, 'returned', exit_code
def _GetReleaseOutput(self, project, name):
return self._GetLocation(project, self._release_build_root, name)
def _GetDebugOutput(self, project, name):
return self._GetLocation(project, self._debug_build_root, name)
def _GetDartcOutput(self, project, name):
return self._GetLocation(project, self._dartc_build_root, name)
def _GetNativeDest(self, mode, name):
return path.join('native', self._os, utils.GetBuildConf(mode, 'ia32'), name)
def _EnsureExists(self, artifact):
if not path.exists(artifact):
raise utils.Error('%s: does not exist' % artifact)
def _BuildArtifacts(self):
if not self._skip_build:
self._InvokeTool('runtime', '', '--arch=ia32',
self._InvokeTool('compiler', '', '--arch=dartc', '--mode=release')
self._InvokeTool('language', '', '--arch=ia32', '--mode=release')
release_vm = self._GetReleaseOutput('runtime', 'dart_bin')
release_vm_dest = self._GetNativeDest('release', 'dart_bin')
debug_vm = self._GetDebugOutput('runtime', 'dart_bin')
debug_vm_dest = self._GetNativeDest('debug', 'dart_bin')
dartc_bundle = self._GetDartcOutput('compiler', 'compiler')
return (
(self._GetLocation('bundle', 'bin', 'dart'), 'dart', False),
(release_vm, release_vm_dest, True),
(debug_vm, debug_vm_dest, True),
(dartc_bundle, 'compiler', False),
(self._GetLocation('bundle', 'samples'), 'samples', False),
(self._GetLocation('bundle', 'README'), 'README.txt', False),
(self._GetReleaseOutput('language', 'guide'), 'guide', False),
def _CopyCorelib(self):
def ReadSources(sources, *paths):
p = path.join(*paths)
return [self._GetLocation(p, s) for s in sources if s.endswith('.dart')]
gypi = self._GetLocation('corelib', 'src', 'corelib_sources.gypi')
sources = []
with open(gypi, 'r') as f:
text =
sources.extend(ReadSources(eval(text)['sources'], 'corelib', 'src'))
gypi = self._GetLocation('runtime', 'lib', 'lib_sources.gypi')
with open(gypi, 'r') as f:
text =
sources.extend(ReadSources(eval(text)['sources'], 'runtime', 'lib'))
dest = path.join(self._dest, 'lib', 'core')
if not path.exists(dest):
for source in sources:
if self._verbose:
print 'Copying', source, 'to', dest
shutil.copy2(source, dest)
def MakeBundle(self):
"""Build and install all the components of a bundle.
0 if the bundle was created successfully.
if self._verbose:
for artifact, reldest, strip in self._BuildArtifacts():
dest = path.join(self._dest, reldest)
if not path.exists(path.dirname(dest)):
if self._verbose:
print 'Copying', artifact, 'to', dest
if path.isdir(artifact):
assert not strip
if path.exists(dest):
shutil.copytree(artifact, dest)
if strip:
os.system('strip -o %s %s' % (dest, artifact))
shutil.copy2(artifact, dest)
os.system('chmod -R a+rX %s' % self._dest)
return 0
def main():
top_dir = path.normpath(path.join(path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), os.pardir))
cmd_line_args = sys.argv[1:]
op = BundleMaker.BuildOptions()
options = BundleMaker.CheckOptions(op, top_dir, cmd_line_args)
except utils.Error:
return 1
if __name__ == '__main__':

tools/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
"""Unit tests for"""
import os
from os import path
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import unittest
import make_bundle
class BundleMakerTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""Unit test class for BundleMaker."""
def setUp(self):
self._tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
self._top_dir = path.normpath(path.join(path.dirname(sys.argv[0]),
self._dest = path.join(self._tempdir, 'new_bundle')
def tearDown(self):
def testBuildOptions(self):
op = make_bundle.BundleMaker.BuildOptions()
def testCheckOptions(self):
op = make_bundle.BundleMaker.BuildOptions()
options = make_bundle.BundleMaker.CheckOptions(op, self._top_dir,
['--dest', self._dest])
self.assertEquals(self._dest, options['dest'])
self.assertEquals(self._top_dir, options['top_dir'])
options = make_bundle.BundleMaker.CheckOptions(op, self._top_dir,
['--dest', self._dest, '-v'])
self.assertEquals(self._dest, options['dest'])
self.assertEquals(self._top_dir, options['top_dir'])
def _RunCommand(self, *args):
proc = subprocess.Popen(args,
stdout = proc.communicate()[0]
self.assertEqual(0, proc.wait(), msg='%s\n%s' % (' '.join(args), stdout))
def testMakeBundle(self):
maker = make_bundle.BundleMaker(dest=self._dest, top_dir=self._top_dir)
self.assertEquals(0, maker.MakeBundle())
commands = [
'./dart samples/hello.dart',
'./dart samples/deltablue.dart',
'./dart samples/mandelbrot.dart',
'./dart samples/towers.dart',
for command in commands:
args = command.split(' ')
if __name__ == '__main__':

tools/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
# Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
# A quick check over a subset the tests in the runtime, compiler
# and client directories.
# Currently builds and checks:
# runtime - release mode
# compiler - debug mode (non-optimized)
# client - chromium debug mode
function usage {
echo "usage: $0 [ --help ] [ --optimize ] [ --dartium ] "
echo "Runs a quick set of tests on runtime, client, and compiler dirs"
echo " --optimize: Also run dartc/release tests optimize"
echo " --dartium : Also run dartium/debug tests"
# Compile the vm/runtime
# $1 directory to build in
# $2 arch
# $3 mode
function doBuild {
cd $1
../tools/ --arch $2 --mode $3
if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
echo "Build of $1 failed"
exit 1
cd ..
# Execute a set of tests
# $1 directory to test in
# $2 arch
# $3 mode
# Returns the output from the subcommand
function doTest {
cd $1
../tools/ --arch $2 --mode $3
cd ..
if [ ${RESULT} != 0 ] ; then
return ${RESULT}
# Main
while [ ! -z "$1" ] ; do
case $1 in
exit 1
echo "Unrecognized argument: $1"
exit 1
if [ ! -d compiler -o ! -d runtime -o ! -d tests ] ; then
echo "This doesn't look like the dart source tree."
echo "Change your directory to the dart trunk source"
exit 1
echo "--- Building runtime ---"
doBuild runtime ia32 release
echo "--- Building compiler ---"
doBuild compiler dartc debug
if [ ${DO_OPTIMIZE} == 1 ] ; then
# echo "Syncing compiler debug build to release"
# rsync -a out/Debug_dartc out/Release_dartc
doBuild compiler dartc release
# TODO(zundel): Potential shortcut: don't rebuild all of dartc again.
# Tried using rsync, but it doesn't work - client rebuilds anyway
# Build in client dir
echo "--- Building client ---"
doBuild client dartc debug
echo "=== Runtime tests === "
doTest runtime ia32 release
echo "=== Compiler tests ==="
echo " Debug mode"
doTest compiler dartc debug
if [ ${DO_OPTIMIZE} == 1 ] ; then
echo " Release mode (--optimize)"
doTest compiler dartc release
if [ ${RESULT} != 0 ] ; then
echo "=== Client tests ==="
echo " Chromium"
doTest client chromium debug
if [ ${DO_DARTIUM} == 1 ] ; then
echo " Dartium"
doTest client dartium release
if [ ${RESULT} != 0 ] ; then
# Print summary of results
if [ ${RUNTIME_RESULT} != 0 ] ; then
echo "*** Runtime tests failed"
if [ ${COMPILER_RESULT} != 0 ] ; then
echo "*** Compiler tests failed"
if [ ${CLIENT_RESULT} != 0 ] ; then
echo "*** Client tests failed"
if [ ${TESTS_FAILED} == 0 ] ; then
echo "All presubmit tests passed!"

tools/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,506 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
Runs a Dart unit test in different configurations: dartium, chromium, ia32, x64,
arm, simarm, and dartc. Example: --arch=dartium --mode=release --test=Test.dart
import optparse
import os
from os.path import join, abspath, dirname, basename, relpath
import platform
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import utils
OS_GUESS = utils.GuessOS()
<title> Test %(title)s </title>
.unittest-table { font-family:monospace; border:1px; }
.unittest-pass { background: #6b3;}
.unittest-fail { background: #d55;}
.unittest-error { background: #a11;}
<h1> Running %(title)s </h1>
<script type="text/javascript" src="%(controller_script)s"></script>
<script type="%(script_type)s" src="%(source_script)s"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// If 'startedDartTest' is not set, that means that the test did not have
// a chance to load. This will happen when a load error occurs in the VM.
// Give the machine time to start up.
setTimeout(function() {
if (window.layoutTestController
&& !window.layoutTestController.startedDartTest) {
}, 3000);
#TODO(sigmund): remove when prefixes are working
mainTrampoline() {
pass() {
document.body.innerHTML = 'PASS';
window.postMessage('unittest-suite-done', '*');
fail(e, trace) {
document.body.innerHTML = 'FAIL: $e, $trace';
window.postMessage('unittest-suite-done', '*');
// All tests are registered as async tests on the UnitTestSuite.
// If the test uses the [:TestRunner:] we will a callback to wait for the
// done callback.
// Otherwise we will call [:testSuite.done():] immediately after the test
// finished.
main() {
bool needsToWait = false;
bool mainIsFinished = false;
TestRunner.waitForDoneCallback = () { needsToWait = true; };
TestRunner.doneCallback = () {
if (mainIsFinished) {
} else {
needsToWait = false;
try {
if (!needsToWait) pass();
mainIsFinished = true;
} catch(var e, var trace) {
fail(e, trace);
# Patterns for matching test options in .dart files.
VM_OPTIONS_PATTERN = re.compile(r"// VMOptions=(.*)")
DART_OPTIONS_PATTERN = re.compile(r"// DartOptions=(.*)")
# Pattern for checking if the test is a web test.
DOM_IMPORT_PATTERN = re.compile(r"^#import.*(dart:dom|html.dart)'\);",
# Pattern for matching the output of a browser test.
BROWSER_OUTPUT_PASS_PATTERN = re.compile(r"^Content-Type: text/plain\nPASS$",
# Pattern for checking if the test is a library in itself.
LIBRARY_DEFINITION_PATTERN = re.compile(r"^#library(.*);",
class Error(Exception):
def IsWebTest(test, source):
def IsLibraryDefinition(test, source):
class Architecture(object):
def __init__(self, root_path, arch, mode, test):
self.root_path = root_path;
self.arch = arch;
self.mode = mode;
self.test = test;
self.build_root = utils.GetBuildRoot(OS_GUESS, self.mode, self.arch)
source = file(test).read()
self.vm_options = utils.ParseTestOptions(VM_OPTIONS_PATTERN,
if not self.vm_options: self.vm_options = []
self.dart_options = utils.ParseTestOptions(DART_OPTIONS_PATTERN,
self.is_web_test = IsWebTest(test, source)
self.temp_dir = None
def HasFatalTypeErrors(self):
return False
def GetTestFrameworkPath(self):
return join(self.root_path, 'tests', 'isolate', 'src',
class BrowserArchitecture(Architecture):
def __init__(self, root_path, arch, mode, test):
super(BrowserArchitecture, self).__init__(root_path, arch, mode, test)
self.temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp();
if not self.is_web_test: self.GenerateWebTestScript()
def GetTestScriptFile(self):
"""Returns the name of the .dart file to compile."""
if self.is_web_test: return abspath(self.test)
return join(self.temp_dir, 'test.dart')
def GetHtmlContents(self):
script_type = self.GetScriptType()
controller_path = join(self.root_path,
'client', 'testing', 'unittest', 'test_controller.js')
return HTML_CONTENTS % { 'title' : self.test,
'controller_script': controller_path,
'script_type' : script_type,
'source_script' : self.GetScriptPath() }
def GetHtmlPath(self):
# Resources for web tests are relative to the 'html' file. We
# output the 'html' file in the 'out' directory instead of the temporary
# directory because we can easily go the the resources in 'client' through
# 'out'.
if self.is_web_test:
html_path = join(self.root_path, 'client', self.build_root)
if not os.path.exists(html_path): os.makedirs(html_path)
return html_path
return self.temp_dir
def GetTestContents(self):
unittest_path = join(self.root_path,
'client', 'testing', 'unittest', 'unittest.dart')
if self.arch == 'chromium':
dom_path = join(self.root_path,
'client', 'testing', 'unittest', 'dom_for_unittest.dart')
dom_path = join('dart:dom')
test_framework_path = self.GetTestFrameworkPath()
test_name = basename(self.test)
test_path = abspath(self.test)
inputs = { 'unittest': unittest_path,
'test': test_path,
'dom_library': dom_path,
'test_framework': test_framework_path }
return DART_CONTENTS % inputs
def GenerateWebTestScript(self):
if IsLibraryDefinition(self.test, file(self.test).read()):
library_file = abspath(self.test)
library_file = 'test_as_library.dart'
test_as_library = DART_TEST_AS_LIBRARY % { 'test': abspath(self.test) }
test_as_library_file = join(self.temp_dir, library_file)
f = open(test_as_library_file, 'w')
trampoline_contents = DART_MAIN_TRAMPOLINE % { 'library': library_file }
trampoline_file = join(self.temp_dir, 'main_trampoline.dart')
f = open(trampoline_file, 'w')
app_output_file = self.GetTestScriptFile()
f = open(app_output_file, 'w')
def GetRunCommand(self, fatal_static_type_errors = False):
# For some reason, DRT needs to be called via an absolute path
drt_location = join(self.root_path,
'client', 'tests', 'dartium', 'DumpRenderTree')
# On Mac DumpRenderTree is a .app folder
if platform.system() == 'Darwin':
drt_location += '.app/Contents/MacOS/DumpRenderTree'
drt_flags = [ '--no-timeout' ]
dart_flags = '--dart-flags=--enable_asserts --enable_type_checks '
dart_flags += ' '.join(self.vm_options)
if self.arch == 'chromium' and self.mode == 'release':
dart_flags += ' --optimize '
html_output_file = join(self.GetHtmlPath(), self.GetHtmlName())
f = open(html_output_file, 'w')
return [drt_location] + drt_flags
def HasFailed(self, output):
return not
def RunTest(self, verbose):
retcode = self.Compile()
if retcode != 0: return 1
command = self.GetRunCommand()
status, output, err = ExecutePipedCommand(command, verbose)
if not self.HasFailed(output):
return 0
# TODO(sigmund): print better error message, including how to run test
# locally, and translate error traces using source map info.
print "(FAIL) test page:\033[31m " + command[2] + " \033[0m"
if verbose:
print 'Additional info: '
print output
print err
return 1
def Cleanup(self):
self.temp_dir = None
class ChromiumArchitecture(BrowserArchitecture):
def __init__(self, root_path, arch, mode, test):
super(ChromiumArchitecture, self).__init__(root_path, arch, mode, test)
def GetScriptType(self):
return 'text/javascript'
def GetScriptPath(self):
""" Returns the name of the output .js file to create """
path = self.GetTestScriptFile()
return abspath(os.path.join(self.temp_dir,
os.path.basename(path) + '.js'))
def GetHtmlName(self):
return relpath(self.test, self.root_path).replace(os.sep, '_') + '.html'
def GetCompileCommand(self, fatal_static_type_errors=False):
""" Returns cmdline as an array to invoke the compiler on this test"""
# We need an absolute path because the compilation will run
# in a temporary directory.
dartc = abspath(join(utils.GetBuildRoot(OS_GUESS, self.mode, 'dartc'),
if utils.IsWindows(): dartc += '.exe'
cmd = [dartc, '--work', self.temp_dir]
cmd += self.vm_options
cmd += ['--out', self.GetScriptPath()]
if fatal_static_type_errors:
return cmd
def Compile(self):
return ExecuteCommand(self.GetCompileCommand())
class DartiumArchitecture(BrowserArchitecture):
def __init__(self, root_path, arch, mode, test):
super(DartiumArchitecture, self).__init__(root_path, arch, mode, test)
def GetScriptType(self):
return 'application/dart'
def GetScriptPath(self):
return 'file:///' + self.GetTestScriptFile()
def GetHtmlName(self):
path = relpath(self.test, self.root_path).replace(os.sep, '_')
return path + '.dartium.html'
def GetCompileCommand(self, fatal_static_type_errors=False):
return None
def Compile(self):
return 0
class StandaloneArchitecture(Architecture):
def __init__(self, root_path, arch, mode, test):
super(StandaloneArchitecture, self).__init__(root_path, arch, mode, test)
def GetCompileCommand(self, fatal_static_type_errors=False):
return None
def GetRunCommand(self, fatal_static_type_errors=False):
dart = self.GetExecutable()
test_name = basename(self.test)
test_path = abspath(self.test)
command = [dart] + self.vm_options
(classname, extension) = os.path.splitext(test_name)
if self.dart_options:
command += self.dart_options
elif (extension == '.dart'):
if fatal_static_type_errors:
command += self.GetFatalTypeErrorsFlags()
if '_' in classname:
(classname, sep, tag) = classname.rpartition('_')
command += [test_path]
command += ['--', test_path]
return command
def GetFatalTypeErrorsFlags(self):
return []
def RunTest(self, verbose):
command = self.GetRunCommand()
return ExecuteCommand(command, verbose)
def Cleanup(self):
# Long term, we should do the running machinery that is currently in
class DartcArchitecture(StandaloneArchitecture):
def __init__(self, root_path, arch, mode, test):
super(DartcArchitecture, self).__init__(root_path, arch, mode, test)
def GetExecutable(self):
return abspath(join(self.build_root, 'compiler', 'bin', 'dartc_test'))
def GetFatalTypeErrorsFlags(self):
return ['--fatal-type-errors']
def HasFatalTypeErrors(self):
return True
def GetRunCommand(self, fatal_static_type_errors=False):
cmd = super(DartcArchitecture, self).GetRunCommand(
return cmd
class RuntimeArchitecture(StandaloneArchitecture):
def __init__(self, root_path, arch, mode, test):
super(RuntimeArchitecture, self).__init__(root_path, arch, mode, test)
def GetExecutable(self):
return abspath(join(self.build_root, 'dart_bin'))
def ExecutePipedCommand(cmd, verbose):
"""Execute a command in a subprocess.
if verbose: print 'Executing: ' + ' '.join(cmd)
pipe = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
(output, err) = pipe.communicate()
if pipe.returncode != 0 and verbose:
print 'Execution failed: ' + output + '\n' + err
print output
print err
return pipe.returncode, output, err
def ExecuteCommand(cmd, verbose = False):
"""Execute a command in a subprocess.
if verbose: print 'Executing: ' + ' '.join(cmd)
def AreOptionsValid(options):
if not options.arch in ['ia32', 'x64', 'arm', 'simarm', 'dartc', 'dartium',
print 'Unknown arch %s' % options.arch
return None
return options.test
def Flags():
result = optparse.OptionParser()
result.add_option("-v", "--verbose",
help="Print messages",
result.add_option("-t", "--test",
help="App or Dart file containing the test",
help="The architecture to run tests for",
result.add_option("-m", "--mode",
help="The test modes in which to run",
result.set_usage(" --arch ARCH --mode MODE -t TEST")
return result
def GetArchitecture(arch, mode, test):
root_path = abspath(join(dirname(sys.argv[0]), '..'))
if arch == 'chromium':
return ChromiumArchitecture(root_path, arch, mode, test)
elif arch == 'dartium':
return DartiumArchitecture(root_path, arch, mode, test)
elif arch in ['ia32', 'x64', 'simarm', 'arm']:
return RuntimeArchitecture(root_path, arch, mode, test)
elif arch == 'dartc':
return DartcArchitecture(root_path, arch, mode, test)
def Main():
parser = Flags()
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if not AreOptionsValid(options):
return 1
return GetArchitecture(options.arch, options.mode,
if __name__ == '__main__':

tools/ Executable file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

tools/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
# Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import atexit
import fileinput
import os
import test
import platform
import re
import run
import sys
import tempfile
import test
import utils
from os.path import join, exists, basename
import utils # This is tools.utils
class Error(Exception):
class TestConfigurationError(Error):
class StandardTestCase(test.TestCase):
def __init__(self, context, path, filename, mode, arch):
super(StandardTestCase, self).__init__(context, path)
self.filename = filename
self.mode = mode
self.arch = arch
self.run_arch = run.GetArchitecture(self.arch, self.mode, self.filename)
for flag in context.flags:
def IsNegative(self):
return self.GetName().endswith("NegativeTest")
def GetLabel(self):
return "%s%s %s" % (self.mode, self.arch, '/'.join(self.path))
def GetCommand(self):
return self.run_arch.GetRunCommand();
def GetName(self):
return self.path[-1]
def GetPath(self):
return os.path.dirname(self.filename)
def GetSource(self):
return file(self.filename).read()
class MultiTestCase(StandardTestCase):
def __init__(self, context, path, filename, kind, mode, arch):
super(MultiTestCase, self).__init__(context, path, filename, mode, arch)
self.kind = kind
def GetCommand(self):
return self.run_arch.GetRunCommand(
fatal_static_type_errors=(self.kind == 'static type error'));
def IsNegative(self):
if self.kind == 'compile-time error':
return True
if self.kind == 'runtime error':
return False
if self.kind == 'static type error':
return self.run_arch.HasFatalTypeErrors()
return False
class StandardTestConfiguration(test.TestConfiguration):
LEGAL_KINDS = set(['compile-time error',
'runtime error',
'static type error',
'dynamic type error'])
def __init__(self, context, root):
super(StandardTestConfiguration, self).__init__(context, root)
def _cleanup(self, tests):
if self.context.keep_temporary_files: return
dirs = []
for t in tests:
if t.run_arch != None:
temp_dir = t.run_arch.temp_dir
if temp_dir != None: dirs.append(temp_dir)
if len(dirs) == 0: return
if not utils.Daemonize(): return
os.execlp('rm', *(['rm', '-rf'] + dirs))
def CreateTestCases(self, test_path, path, filename, mode, arch):
tags = {}
if filename.endswith(".dart"):
tags = self.SplitMultiTest(test_path, filename)
if arch in ['dartium', 'chromium']:
if tags:
return []
return [BrowserTestCase(
self.context, test_path, filename, False, mode, arch)]
tests = []
if tags:
for tag in sorted(tags):
kind, test_source = tags[tag]
if not self.Contains(path, test_path + [tag]):
test_path + [tag],
return tests
def ListTests(self, current_path, path, mode, arch):
tests = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(join(self.root, 'src')):
for f in [x for x in files if self.IsTest(x)]:
if f.endswith(".dart"):
test_path = current_path + [ f[:-5] ] # Remove .dart suffix.
elif f.endswith(".app"):
test_path = current_path + [ f[:-4] ] # Remove .app suffix.
if not self.Contains(path, test_path):
tests.extend(self.CreateTestCases(test_path, path, join(root, f),
mode, arch))
atexit.register(lambda: self._cleanup(tests))
return tests
def IsTest(self, name):
return name.endswith('Test.dart') or name.endswith("")
def GetTestStatus(self, sections, defs):
status = join(self.root, basename(self.root) + '.status')
if exists(status):
test.ReadConfigurationInto(status, sections, defs)
def SplitMultiTest(self, test_path, filename):
(name, extension) = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))
with open(filename, 'r') as s:
source =
lines = source.splitlines()
tags = {}
for line in lines:
(code, sep, info) = line.partition(' /// ')
if sep:
(tag, sep, kind) = info.partition(': ')
if tags.has_key(tag):
raise utils.Error('duplicated tag %s' % tag)
if kind not in StandardTestConfiguration.LEGAL_KINDS:
raise utils.Error('unrecognized kind %s' % kind)
tags[tag] = kind
if not tags:
return {}
tests = {}
generated_test_dir = os.path.join(self.context.workspace, 'generated_tests')
generated_test_dir = os.path.join(generated_test_dir, *test_path[:-1])
if not os.path.exists(generated_test_dir):
for tag in tags:
test_lines = []
for line in lines:
if ' /// ' in line:
if ' /// %s:' % tag in line:
test_lines.append('// %s' % line)
test_filename = os.path.join(generated_test_dir,
'%s_%s%s' % (name, tag, extension))
with open(test_filename, 'w') as test_file:
for line in test_lines:
print >> test_file, line
tests[tag] = (tags[tag], test_filename)
test_filename = os.path.join(generated_test_dir,
'%s%s' % (name, extension))
with open(test_filename, 'w') as test_file:
for line in lines:
if ' /// ' not in line:
print >> test_file, line
print >> test_file, '//', line
tests['none'] = ('', test_filename)
return tests
class BrowserTestCase(StandardTestCase):
def __init__(self, context, path, filename,
fatal_static_type_errors, mode, arch):
super(BrowserTestCase, self).__init__(context, path, filename, mode, arch)
self.fatal_static_type_errors = fatal_static_type_errors
def Run(self):
command = self.run_arch.GetCompileCommand(self.fatal_static_type_errors)
if command != None:
# We change the directory where dartc will be launched because
# it is not predictable on the location of the compiled file. In
# case the test is a web test, we make sure the app file is not
# in a subdirectory.
cwd = None
if self.run_arch.is_web_test: cwd = self.run_arch.temp_dir
command = command[:1] + self.context.flags + command[1:]
test_output = self.RunCommand(command, cwd=cwd)
# If errors were found, fail fast and show compile errors:
if test_output.output.exit_code != 0:
if not self.context.keep_temporary_files:
return test_output
command = self.run_arch.GetRunCommand();
test_output = self.RunCommand(command)
# The return value of DumpRenderedTree does not indicate test failing, but
# the output does.
if self.run_arch.HasFailed(test_output.output.stdout):
test_output.output.exit_code = 1
# TODO(ngeoffray): We run out of space on the build bots for these tests if
# the temp directories are not removed right after running the test.
if not self.context.keep_temporary_files:
return test_output
class BrowserTestConfiguration(StandardTestConfiguration):
def __init__(self, context, root, fatal_static_type_errors=False):
super(BrowserTestConfiguration, self).__init__(context, root)
self.fatal_static_type_errors = fatal_static_type_errors
def ListTests(self, current_path, path, mode, arch):
tests = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.root):
for f in [x for x in files if self.IsTest(x)]:
relative = os.path.relpath(root, self.root).split(os.path.sep)
test_path = current_path + relative + [os.path.splitext(f)[0]]
if not self.Contains(path, test_path):
join(root, f),
atexit.register(lambda: self._cleanup(tests))
return tests
def IsTest(self, name):
return name.endswith('_tests.dart')
class CompilationTestCase(test.TestCase):
""" Run the dartc compiler on a given top level dart file """
def __init__(self, path, context, filename, mode, arch):
super(CompilationTestCase, self).__init__(context, path)
self.filename = filename
self.mode = mode
self.arch = arch
self.run_arch = run.GetArchitecture(self.arch, self.mode,
self.temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='dartc-output-')
def IsNegative(self):
return False
def GetLabel(self):
return "%s/%s %s" % (self.mode, self.arch, '/'.join(self.path))
def GetCommand(self):
cmd = self.context.GetDartC(self.mode, self.arch);
cmd += self.context.flags
cmd += ['-check-only',
'-out', self.temp_dir,
return cmd
def GetName(self):
return self.path[-1]
class CompilationTestConfiguration(test.TestConfiguration):
""" Configuration that searches specific directories for apps to compile
Expects a status file named dartc.status
def __init__(self, context, root):
super(CompilationTestConfiguration, self).__init__(context, root)
def ListTests(self, current_path, path, mode, arch):
tests = []
client_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.root, '..', '..'))
for src_dir in self.SourceDirs():
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(client_path, src_dir)):
ignore_dirs = [d for d in dirs if d.startswith('.')]
for d in ignore_dirs:
for f in files:
filename = [os.path.basename(client_path)]
filename.extend(root[len(client_path) + 1:].split(os.path.sep))
filename.append(f) # Remove .lib or .app suffix.
test_path = current_path + filename
test_dart_file = os.path.join(root, f)
if ((not self.Contains(path, test_path))
or (not self.IsTest(test_dart_file))):
atexit.register(lambda: self._cleanup(tests))
return tests
def SourceDirs(self):
""" Returns a list of directories to scan for files to compile """
raise TestConfigurationError(
"Subclasses must implement SourceDirs()")
def IsTest(self, name):
if (not name.endswith('.dart')):
return False
if (os.path.exists(name)):
# TODO(dgrove): can we end reading the input early?
for line in fileinput.input(name):
if (re.match('#', line)):
return True
return False
return False
def GetTestStatus(self, sections, defs):
status = os.path.join(self.root, 'dartc.status')
if os.path.exists(status):
test.ReadConfigurationInto(status, sections, defs)
def _cleanup(self, tests):
if not utils.Daemonize(): return
os.execlp('rm', *(['rm', '-rf'] + [t.temp_dir for t in tests]))
def GetConfiguration(context, root):
return CompilationTestConfiguration(context, root)

tools/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
# Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
# This file contains a set of utilities functions used by other Python-based
# scripts.
import commands
import os
import platform
import re
import subprocess
import sys
# Try to guess the host operating system.
def GuessOS():
id = platform.system()
if id == "Linux":
return "linux"
elif id == "Darwin":
return "macos"
elif id == "Windows" or id == "Microsoft":
# On Windows Vista platform.system() can return "Microsoft" with some
# versions of Python, see for details.
return "win32"
elif id == 'FreeBSD':
return 'freebsd'
elif id == 'OpenBSD':
return 'openbsd'
elif id == 'SunOS':
return 'solaris'
return None
# Try to guess the host architecture.
def GuessArchitecture():
id = platform.machine()
if id.startswith('arm'):
return 'arm'
elif (not id) or (not re.match('(x|i[3-6])86', id) is None):
return 'ia32'
elif id == 'i86pc':
return 'ia32'
return None
# Try to guess the number of cpus on this machine.
def GuessCpus():
if os.path.exists("/proc/cpuinfo"):
return int(commands.getoutput("grep -E '^processor' /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l"))
if os.path.exists("/usr/bin/hostinfo"):
return int(commands.getoutput('/usr/bin/hostinfo | grep "processors are logically available." | awk "{ print \$1 }"'))
win_cpu_count = os.getenv("NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS")
if win_cpu_count:
return int(win_cpu_count)
return int(os.getenv("DART_NUMBER_OF_CORES", 2))
# Returns true if we're running under Windows.
def IsWindows():
return GuessOS() == 'win32'
# Reads a text file into an array of strings - one for each
# line. Strips comments in the process.
def ReadLinesFrom(name):
result = []
for line in open(name):
if '#' in line:
line = line[:line.find('#')]
line = line.strip()
if len(line) == 0:
return result
# Filters out all arguments until the next '--' argument
# occurs.
def ListArgCallback(option, opt_str, value, parser):
if value is None:
value = []
for arg in parser.rargs:
if arg[:2].startswith('--'):
del parser.rargs[:len(value)]
setattr(parser.values, option.dest, value)
# Filters out all argument until the first non '-' or the
# '--' argument occurs.
def ListDartArgCallback(option, opt_str, value, parser):
if value is None:
value = []
for arg in parser.rargs:
if arg[:2].startswith('--') or arg[0] != '-':
del parser.rargs[:len(value)]
setattr(parser.values, option.dest, value)
# Mapping table between build mode and build configuration.
'debug': 'Debug',
'release': 'Release',
# Mapping table between OS and build output location.
'win32': os.path.join(''),
'linux': os.path.join('out'),
'freebsd': os.path.join('out'),
'macos': os.path.join('xcodebuild'),
def GetBuildMode(mode):
return BUILD_MODES[mode]
def GetBuildConf(mode, arch):
return GetBuildMode(mode) + "_" + arch
# Temporary variables that we should remove once the buildbots build 'ia32'
# instead of 'dartc'.
RUN_FROM_TOP_DIR = os.path.basename(os.path.abspath(os.curdir)) == 'dart'
ARCH_GUESS = GuessArchitecture()
def GetBuildRoot(target_os, mode=None, arch=None):
if arch == 'dartc' and RUN_FROM_TOP_DIR: arch = ARCH_GUESS
if mode:
return os.path.join(BUILD_ROOT[target_os], GetBuildConf(mode, arch))
return BUILD_ROOT[target_os]
def ParseTestOptions(pattern, source, workspace):
match =
# Options should be a single line in the test case no splits.
if match:
def rewrite(path, workspace):
# Paths in test files are always specified using '/'
# as the path separator. Replace with the actual
# path separator before use.
if ('/' in path):
split_path = path.split('/')
path = os.sep.join(split_path)
path = os.path.join(workspace, path)
if not os.path.exists(path):
raise Exception(path)
return path
return [rewrite(o, workspace) for o in' ')]
return None
def ConfigureJava():
java_home = '/usr/libexec/java_home'
if os.path.exists(java_home):
proc = subprocess.Popen([java_home, '-v', '1.6+'],
(stdout, stderr) = proc.communicate()
if proc.wait() != 0:
raise ToolError('non-zero exit code from ' + java_home)
new = stdout.strip()
current = os.getenv('JAVA_HOME', default=new)
if current != new:
sys.stderr.write('Please set JAVA_HOME to %s\n' % new)
os.putenv('JAVA_HOME', new)
def Daemonize():
Create a detached background process (daemon). Returns True for
the daemon, False for the parent process.
"1.7 How do I get my program to act like a daemon?"
if os.fork() > 0:
return False
if os.fork() > 0:
return True
def Main(argv):
print "GuessOS() -> ", GuessOS()
print "GuessArchitecture() -> ", GuessArchitecture()
print "GuessCpus() -> ", GuessCpus()
print "IsWindows() -> ", IsWindows()
class Error(Exception):
class ToolError(Exception):
"""Deprecated exception, use Error instead."""
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __str__(self):
return repr(self.value)
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys

View file

@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
;;; dart-mode.el --- a Dart mode for emacs based upon CC mode.
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
;;; Commentary:
;; This is a basic Dart mode based on Martin Stjernholm's GPL'd
;; derived-mode-ex.el template. It uses cc-mode and falls back on
;; Java for basic rules.
;; Note: The interface used in this file requires CC Mode 5.30 or
;; later.
;;; Code:
(require 'cc-mode)
;; These are only required at compile time to get the sources for the
;; language constants. (The cc-fonts require and the font-lock
;; related constants could additionally be put inside an
;; (eval-after-load "font-lock" ...) but then some trickery is
;; necessary to get them compiled.)
(require 'cc-langs)
(require 'cc-fonts))
;; Make our mode known to the language constant system. Use Java
;; mode as the fallback for the constants we don't change here.
;; This needs to be done also at compile time since the language
;; constants are evaluated then.
(c-add-language 'dart-mode 'java-mode))
;; Dart has no boolean but a string and a vector type.
(c-lang-defconst c-primitive-type-kwds
dart (append '("bool" "var")
(delete "boolean"
;; Use append to not be destructive on the
;; return value below.
;; Due to the fallback to Java, we need not give
;; a language to `c-lang-const'.
(c-lang-const c-primitive-type-kwds)
;; Recognize member init lists after colons in Dart.
(c-lang-defconst c-nonlabel-token-key
dart (concat "\\s\(\\|" (c-lang-const c-nonlabel-token-key)))
;; No cpp in this language, but there's still a "#include" directive to
;; fontify. (The definitions for the extra keywords above are enough
;; to incorporate them into the fontification regexps for types and
;; keywords, so no additional font-lock patterns are required.)
(c-lang-defconst c-cpp-matchers
dart (cons
;; Use the eval form for `font-lock-keywords' to be able to use
;; the `c-preprocessor-face-name' variable that maps to a
;; suitable face depending on the (X)Emacs version.
'(eval . (list "^\\s *\\(#include\\)\\>\\(.*\\)"
(list 1 c-preprocessor-face-name)
'(2 font-lock-string-face)))
;; There are some other things in `c-cpp-matchers' besides the
;; preprocessor support, so include it.
(c-lang-const c-cpp-matchers)))
(defcustom dart-font-lock-extra-types nil
"*List of extra types (aside from the type keywords) to recognize in Dart mode.
Each list item should be a regexp matching a single identifier.")
(defconst dart-font-lock-keywords-1 (c-lang-const c-matchers-1 dart)
"Minimal highlighting for Dart mode.")
(defconst dart-font-lock-keywords-2 (c-lang-const c-matchers-2 dart)
"Fast normal highlighting for Dart mode.")
(defconst dart-font-lock-keywords-3 (c-lang-const c-matchers-3 dart)
"Accurate normal highlighting for Dart mode.")
(defvar dart-font-lock-keywords dart-font-lock-keywords-3
"Default expressions to highlight in Dart mode.")
(defvar dart-mode-syntax-table nil
"Syntax table used in dart-mode buffers.")
(or dart-mode-syntax-table
(setq dart-mode-syntax-table
(funcall (c-lang-const c-make-mode-syntax-table dart))))
(defvar dart-mode-abbrev-table nil
"Abbreviation table used in dart-mode buffers.")
(c-define-abbrev-table 'dart-mode-abbrev-table
;; Keywords that if they occur first on a line might alter the
;; syntactic context, and which therefore should trig reindentation
;; when they are completed.
'(("else" "else" c-electric-continued-statement 0)
("while" "while" c-electric-continued-statement 0)
("catch" "catch" c-electric-continued-statement 0)
("finally" "finally" c-electric-continued-statement 0)))
(defvar dart-mode-map (let ((map (c-make-inherited-keymap)))
;; Add bindings which are only useful for Dart
"Keymap used in dart-mode buffers.")
(easy-menu-define dart-menu dart-mode-map "Dart Mode Commands"
;; Can use `dart' as the language for `c-mode-menu'
;; since its definition covers any language. In
;; this case the language is used to adapt to the
;; nonexistence of a cpp pass and thus removing some
;; irrelevant menu alternatives.
(cons "Dart" (c-lang-const c-mode-menu dart)))
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.dart\\'" . dart-mode))
(defun dart-mode ()
"Major mode for editing Dart code.
This is a simple example of a separate mode derived from CC Mode to
support a language with syntax similar to C/C++/ObjC/Java/IDL/Pike.
The hook `c-mode-common-hook' is run with no args at mode
initialization, then `dart-mode-hook'.
Key bindings:
(c-initialize-cc-mode t)
(set-syntax-table dart-mode-syntax-table)
(setq major-mode 'dart-mode
mode-name "Dart"
local-abbrev-table dart-mode-abbrev-table
abbrev-mode t)
(use-local-map c-mode-map)
;; `c-init-language-vars' is a macro that is expanded at compile
;; time to a large `setq' with all the language variables and their
;; customized values for our language.
(c-init-language-vars dart-mode)
;; `c-common-init' initializes most of the components of a CC Mode
;; buffer, including setup of the mode menu, font-lock, etc.
;; There's also a lower level routine `c-basic-common-init' that
;; only makes the necessary initialization to get the syntactic
;; analysis and similar things working.
(c-common-init 'dart-mode)
(easy-menu-add dart-menu)
(run-hooks 'c-mode-common-hook)
(run-hooks 'dart-mode-hook)
(provide 'dart-mode)
;;; dart-mode.el ends here

View file

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
" Vim syntax file " Language: Dart
" Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
" for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
" BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
" Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if !exists("main_syntax")
if version < 600
syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
" we define it here so that included files can test for it
let main_syntax='dart'
syn region dartFold start="{" end="}" transparent fold
" keyword definitions
syn keyword dartConditional if else switch
syn keyword dartRepeat while for
syn keyword dartBoolean true false
syn keyword dartConstant null
syn keyword dartTypedef this super class typedef
syn keyword dartOperator new is in factory
syn match dartOperator "+\|-\|*\|[~]\=/\|%\|||\|&&\|!\|==[=]\="
syn keyword dartType void var const bool int double num
syn keyword dartStatement return
syn keyword dartStorageClass static final
syn keyword dartExceptions throw try catch finally
syn keyword dartAssert assert
syn keyword dartClassDecl extends implements interface
" TODO(antonm): check if labels on break and continue are supported.
syn keyword dartBranch break continue nextgroup=dartUserLabelRef skipwhite
syn keyword dartKeyword function get set
syn match dartUserLabelRef "\k\+" contained
syn match dartVarArg "\.\.\."
" TODO(antonm): consider conditional highlighting of corelib classes.
syn region dartLabelRegion transparent matchgroup=dartLabel start="\<case\>" matchgroup=NONE end=":"
syn keyword dartLabel default
" Comments
syn keyword dartTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX
syn region dartComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=dartTodo,dartDocLink,@Spell
syn match dartLineComment "//.*" contains=dartTodo,@Spell
syn region dartDocLink contained start=+\[+ end=+\]+
" Strings
syn region dartString start=+"+ end=+"+ contains=@Spell,dartInterpolation,dartSpecialChar
syn region dartString start=+'+ end=+'+ contains=@Spell,dartInterpolation,dartSpecialChar
syn match dartInterpolation contained "\$\(\w+\|{\w\+}\)"
syn match dartSpecialChar contained "\\\([4-9]\d\|[0-3]\d\d\|[\"\\'ntbrf]\|u\x\{4\}\)"
" Numbers
syn match dartNumber "\<\d\+\(\.\d\+\)\=\>"
" The default highlighting.
command! -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
HiLink dartVarArg Function
HiLink dartBranch Conditional
HiLink dartUserLabelRef dartUserLabel
HiLink dartLabel Label
HiLink dartUserLabel Label
HiLink dartConditional Conditional
HiLink dartRepeat Repeat
HiLink dartExceptions Exception
HiLink dartAssert Statement
HiLink dartStorageClass StorageClass
HiLink dartClassDecl dartStorageClass
HiLink dartBoolean Boolean
HiLink dartString String
HiLink dartNumber Number
HiLink dartStatement Statement
HiLink dartOperator Operator
HiLink dartComment Comment
HiLink dartLineComment Comment
HiLink dartConstant Constant
HiLink dartTypedef Typedef
HiLink dartTodo Todo
HiLink dartKeyword Keyword
HiLink dartType Type
HiLink dartInterpolation PreProc
HiLink dartDocLink SpecialComment
HiLink dartSpecialChar SpecialChar
delcommand HiLink
let b:current_syntax = "dart"
if main_syntax == 'dart'
unlet main_syntax
let b:spell_options="contained"