Integration of i2b into dartLangSpec.tex

Needs some iterations of sanity checks, but has the expected shape
for it all at this point.

Change-Id: Idd96efa95d65ad6bd202b694c9d1f297cf04a8b6
Reviewed-by: Leaf Petersen <>
This commit is contained in:
Erik Ernst 2018-12-12 08:48:26 +00:00
parent 1c1a5a99ed
commit 67217f4ef8

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@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
@ -4960,6 +4961,436 @@ of expressions whose type proceeds beyond the given finite unfolding.
\subsection{Instantiation to Bound}
This section describes how to compute type arguments
that are omitted from a type,
or from an invocation of a generic function.
Note that type inference is assumed to have taken place already
so type arguments are not considered to be omitted if they are inferred.
This means that instantiation to bound is a backup mechanism,
which will be used when no information is available for inference.
Consider the situation where a term $t$ of the form \synt{qualified}
(\commentary{which is syntactically the same as \synt{typeName}})
denotes a generic type declaration,
and it is used as a type or as an expression in the enclosing program.
This implies that type arguments are accepted, but not provided.%
We use the phrase
\Index{raw type} respectively \Index{raw type expression}
to identify such terms.
In the following we only mention raw types,
because everything said about raw types
is applicable to raw type expressions in the obvious manner.
A raw type cannot denote a higher-kinded type
(Dart does not support such types),
so we can unambiguously define them to denote
the result of applying the generic type
to a list of implicitly provided actual type arguments.
Instantiation to bound is a mechanism that does just that.%
In the typical case where only covariance is encountered,
instantiation to bound will yield a \emph{supertype} of
all the regular-bounded types that can be expressed.
This allows developers to consider a raw type as a type
which is used to specify that
``the actual type arguments do not matter''$\!$.%
For example, assuming the declaration
\code{\CLASS{} C<X extends num> \{\ldots\}},
instantiation to bound on \code{C} yields \code{C<num>},
and this means that \code{C x;} can be used to declare a variable \code{x}
whose value can be a \code{C<$T$>} for \emph{all possible} values of $T$.%
Conversely, consider the situation where
a generic type alias denotes a function type,
and it has one type parameter which is contravariant.
Instantiation to bound on that type alias will then yield a \emph{subtype} of
all the regular-bounded types that can be expressed
by varying that type argument.
This allows developers to consider such a type alias used as a raw type
as a function type which allows the function to be passed to clients
``where it does not matter which values
for the type argument the client expects''$\!$.%
E.g., with
\code{\TYPEDEF{} F<X> = \FUNCTION(X);}
instantiation to bound on \code{F} yields \code{F<dynamic>},
and this means that \code{F f;} can be used to declare a variable \code{f}
whose value will be a function that can be passed to clients expecting
an \code{F<$T$>} for \emph{all possible} values of $T$.
\subsubsection{Auxiliary Concepts for Instantiation to Bound}
Before we specify instantiation to bound we need to define two auxiliary concepts.
Let $T$ be a raw type.
A type $S$ then
\IndexCustom{raw-depends on}{raw-depends on!type}
$T$ if one or more of the following conditions hold:
$S$ is of the form \synt{typeName}, and $S$ is $T$.
Note that this case is not applicable
if $S$ is a subterm of a term of the form
\syntax{$S$ <typeArguments>},
that is,
if $S$ receives any type arguments.
Also note that $S$ cannot be a type variable,
because then `$S$ is $T$' cannot hold.
See the discussion below and the reference to~\ref{subtypeRules}
for more details about why this is so.%
$S$ is of the form \syntax{<typeName> <typeArguments>},
and one of the type arguments raw-depends on $T$.
$S$ is of the form \syntax{<typeName> <typeArguments>?}\ where
\synt{typeName} denotes a type alias $F$,
and the body of $F$ raw-depends on $T$.
$S$ is of the form
\syntax{<type>? \FUNCTION{} <typeParameters>? <parameterTypeList>} and
\syntax{<type>?}\ raw-depends on $T$,
or a bound in \syntax{<typeParameters>?}\ raw-depends on $T$,
or a type in \synt{parameterTypeList} raw-depends on $T$.
like $S$ and $T$ are understood to denote types,
and they are considered to be equal (as in `$S$ is $T$')
in the same sense as in the section about subtype rules
In particular,
even though two identical pieces of syntax may denote two distinct types,
and two different pieces of syntax may denote the same type,
the property of interest here is whether they denote the same type
and not whether they are spelled identically.
The intuition behind the situation where a type raw-depends on another type is
that we need to compute any missing type arguments for the latter
in order to be able to tell what the former means.
In the rule about type aliases, $F$ may or may not be generic,
and type arguments may or may not be present.
However, there is no need to consider the result of substituting
actual type arguments for formal type parameters in the body of $F$
(or even the correctness of passing those type arguments to $F$),
because we only need to inspect
all types of the form \synt{typeName} in its body,
and they are not affected by such a substitution.
In other words, raw-dependency is a relation
which is simple and cheap to compute.
Let $G$ be a generic class or a generic type alias
with $k$ formal type parameter declarations
containing formal type parameters \List{X}{1}{k} and bounds \List{B}{1}{k}.
For any $j \in 1 .. k$,
we say that the formal type parameter $X_j$ has a \Index{simple bound}
when one of the following requirements is satisfied:
\item $B_j$ is omitted.
\item $B_j$ is included, but does not contain any of \List{X}{1}{k}.
If $B_j$ raw-depends on a raw type $T$
then every type parameter of $T$ must have a simple bound.
The notion of a simple bound must be interpreted inductively rather than
coinductively, i.e., if a bound $B_j$ of a generic class or
generic type alias $G$ is reached during an investigation of whether
$B_j$ is a simple bound, the answer is no.
For example, with
\code{\CLASS{} C<X \EXTENDS{} C> \{\}},
the type parameter \code{X} does not have a simple bound:
A raw \code{C} is used as a bound for \code{X},
so \code{C} must have simple bounds,
but one of the bounds of \code{C} is the bound of \code{X},
and that bound is \code{C}, so \code{C} must have simple bounds:
That was a cycle, so the answer is ``no'',
\code{C} does not have simple bounds.%
Let $G$ be a generic class or a generic type alias.
We say that $G$
\IndexCustom{has simple bounds}{type!generic, has simple bounds}
if{}f every type parameter of $G$ has simple bounds.
We can now specify in which sense instantiation to bound requires
the involved types to be "simple enough".
We impose the following constraint on all type parameter bounds,
because all type parameters may be subject to instantiation to bound.%
It is a compile-time error
if a formal type parameter bound $B$ contains a raw type $T$,
unless $T$ has simple bounds.
So type arguments on bounds can only be omitted
if they themselves have simple bounds.
In particular,
\code{\CLASS{} C<X \EXTENDS{} C> \{\}}
is a compile-time error,
because the bound \code{C} is raw,
and the formal type parameter \code{X}
that corresponds to the omitted type argument
does not have a simple bound.%
Let $T$ be a type of the form \synt{typeName}
which denotes a generic class or a generic type alias
(\commentary{so $T$ is raw}).
Then $T$ is equivalent to the parameterized type which is
the result obtained by applying instantiation to bound to $T$.
It is a compile-time error if the instantiation to bound fails.
This rule is applicable for all occurrences of raw types,
e.g., when it occurs as a type annotation of a variable or a parameter,
as a return type of a function,
as a type which is tested in a type test,
as the type in an \synt{onPart},
\subsubsection{The Instantiation to Bound Algorithm}
We now specify how the
\Index{instantiation to bound}
algorithm proceeds.
Let $T$ be a raw type.
Let \List{X}{1}{k} be the formal type parameters in the declaration of $G$,
and let \List{B}{1}{k} be their bounds.
For each $i \in 1 .. k$,
let $S_i$ denote the result of instantiation to bound on $B_i$;
in the case where the $i$th bound is omitted, let $S_i$ be \DYNAMIC.
If $B_i$ for some $i$ is raw (in general: if it raw-depends on some type $U$)
then all its (respectively $U$'s) omitted type arguments have simple bounds.
This limits the complexity of instantiation to bound for $B_i$,
and in particular it cannot involve a dependency cycle
where we need the result from instantiation to bound for $G$
in order to compute the instantiation to bound for $G$.%
Let $U_{i,0}$ be $S_i$, for all $i \in 1 .. k$.
This is the "current value" of the bound for type variable $i$, at step 0;
in general we will consider the current step, $m$, and use data for that step,
e.g., the bound $U_{i,m}$, to compute the data for step $m + 1$.%
{ %% Scope for definitions of relations used during i2b
Let \Depends{} be a relation among the type variables
\List{X}{1}{k} such that
$X_p \Depends X_q$ iff $X_q$ occurs in $U_{p,m}$.
So each type variable is related to, that is, depends on,
every type variable in its bound, which might include itself.%
Let \TransitivelyDepends{} be the transitive
(\commentary{but not reflexive})
closure of \Depends.
For each $m$, let $U_{i,m+1}$, for $i \in 1 .. k$,
be determined by the following iterative process, where $V_m$ denotes
\code{$G$<$U_{1,m},\ \ldots,\ U_{k,m}$>}:
If there exists a $j \in 1 .. k$ such that
$X_j \TransitivelyDepends X_j$
(\commentary{that is, if the dependency graph has a cycle})
let \List{M}{1}{p} be the strongly connected components (SCCs)
with respect to \Depends{}.
That is, the maximal subsets of \List{X}{1}{k}
where every pair of variables in each subset
are related in both directions by \TransitivelyDepends;
note that the SCCs are pairwise disjoint;
also, they are uniquely defined up to reordering,
and the order does not matter for this algorithm.%
Let $M$ be the union of \List{M}{1}{p}
(\commentary{that is, all variables that participate in a dependency cycle}).
Let $i \in 1 .. k$.
If $X_i$ does not belong to $M$ then $U_{i,m+1}$ is $U_{i,m}$.
Otherwise there exists a $q$ such that $X_i \in M_q$;
$U_{i,m+1}$ is then obtained from $U_{i,m}$
by substituting \DYNAMIC{} for every occurrence of a variable in $M_q$
that is in a position in $V_m$ which is not contravariant,
and substituting \code{Null} for every occurrence of a variable in $M_q$
which is in a contravariant position in $V_m$.
Otherwise (\commentary{when there are no dependency cycles}),
let $j$ be the lowest number such that $X_j$ occurs in $U_{p,m}$ for some $p$
and $X_j \not\rightarrow_m X_q$ for all $q$ in $1 .. k$
that is, the bound of $X_j$ does not contain any type variables,
but $X_j$ occurs in the bound of some other type variable%
Then, for all $i \in 1 .. k$,
$U_{i,m+1}$ is obtained from $U_{i,m}$
by substituting $U_{j,m}$ for every occurrence of $X_j$
that is in a position in $V_m$ which is not contravariant,
and substituting \code{Null} for every occurrence of $X_j$
which is in a contravariant position in $V_m$.
Otherwise (\commentary{when there are no dependencies at all}),
terminate with the result \code{<$U_{1,m},\ \ldots,\ U_{k,m}$>}.
This process will always terminate, because the total number of
occurrences of type variables from $\{\,\List{X}{1}{k}\,\}$ in
the current bounds is strictly decreasing with each step, and we terminate
when that number reaches zero.
It may seem somewhat arbitrary to treat unused and invariant parameters
in the same way as covariant parameters,
in particular because invariant parameters fail to satisfy the expectation that
a raw type denotes a supertype of all the expressible regular-bounded types.
We could easily have made every instantiation to bound an error
when applied to a type where invariance occurs anywhere during the run of the algorithm.
However, there are a number of cases where this choice produces a usable type,
and we decided that it is not helpful to outlaw such cases.%
\CLASS{} B<Y \EXTENDS{} num, Z \EXTENDS{} Inv<Y>{}> \{\}
B b; // \comment{The raw B means} B<num, Inv<num>{}>.
For example, the value of \code{b} can have dynamic type
However, the type arguments have to be chosen carefully,
or the result will not be a subtype of \code{B}.
For instance, \code{b} cannot have dynamic type
\code{B<int, Inv<int>{}>},
because \code{Inv<int>} is not a subtype of \code{Inv<num>}.%
A raw type $T$ is a compile-time error if instantiation to bound on $T$
yields a type which is not well-bounded
This kind of error can occur, as demonstrated by the following example:%
\CLASS{} C<X \EXTENDS{} C<X>{}> \{\}
F f; // \comment{Compile-time error.}
With these declarations,
the raw \code{F} which is used as a type annotation is a compile-time error:
The algorithm yields \code{F<C<\DYNAMIC{}>{}>},
and that is neither a regular-bounded nor a super-bounded type.
The resulting type can be specified explicitly as
That type exists,
we just cannot express it by passing a type argument to \code{F},
so we make it an error rather than allowing it implicitly.%
The core reason why it makes sense to make such a raw type an error
is that there is no subtype relationship
between the relevant parameterized types.%
For instance, \code{F<T1>} and \code{F<T2>} are unrelated,
even when \SubtypeNE{\code{T1}}{\code{T2}} or vice versa.
In fact, there is no type \code{T} whatsoever
such that a variable with declared type \code{F<T>}
could be assigned to a variable of type
So the raw \code{F}, if permitted,
would not be ``a supertype of \code{F<T>} for all possible \code{T}'',
it would be a type which is unrelated to \code{F<T>}
for \emph{every single} \code{T} that satisfies the bound of \code{F}.
This is so useless that we made it an error.%
When instantiation to bound is applied to a type, it proceeds recursively:
For a parameterized type \code{$G$<\List{T}{1}{k}>}
it is applied to \List{T}{1}{k}.
For a function type
and a function type
it is applied to \List{T}{0}{n+k}.
This means that instantiation to bound has no effect on
a type that does not contain any raw types.
Conversely, instantiation to bound acts on types which are syntactic subterms,
also when they are deeply nested.%
@ -5260,7 +5691,7 @@ including whether it's potentially constant or constant.
A constant type expression is one of:
\item An simple or qualified identifier denoting a type declaration (a type alias, class or mixin declaration) that is not qualified by a deferred prefix,
optionally followed by type arguments on the form
optionally followed by type arguments of the form
\code{<$T_1$,\ \ldots,\ $T_n$>}
where $T_1$, \ldots{}, $T_n$ are constant type expressions.
\item A type of the form \code{FutureOr<$T$>} where $T$ is a constant type expression.
@ -12357,7 +12788,7 @@ and the subtype relationship is always determined in the same way.
@ -12389,8 +12820,8 @@ In this section we use the following meta-variables:
\paragraph{Subtype Rules}
\subsubsection{Subtype Rules}
We define several rules about subtyping in this section.
@ -12535,7 +12966,7 @@ that is, in the premises as well as in the conclusion, simultaneously.
\paragraph{Being a subtype}
\subsubsection{Being a subtype}
@ -12645,7 +13076,7 @@ where $C$ denotes a generic class.
\paragraph{Informal Subtype Rule Descriptions}
\subsubsection{Informal Subtype Rule Descriptions}
@ -12809,7 +13240,7 @@ include the application of a rule where the environment is used.
\paragraph{Additional Subtyping Concepts}
\subsubsection{Additional Subtyping Concepts}