Merge pull request #601 from dart-lang/doc-optional-features

Docs for no-implicit-casts and no-implicit-dynamic
This commit is contained in:
John Messerly 2016-07-13 12:01:18 -07:00 committed by GitHub
commit 3986e84d9a

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@ -416,6 +416,107 @@ code where a field definition in a subclass shadows the field
allocated. Users should prefer explicit getters and setters in such
cases. See [issue 52](
## Optional Features
### Disable implicit casts (experimental)
This is an optional feature of strong mode. It disables implicit down casts. For example:
main() {
num n = 0.5;
int x = n; // error: invalid assignment
int y = n as int; // ok at compile time, might fail when run
Casts from `dynamic` must be explicit as well:
main() {
dynamic d = 'hi';
int x = d; // error: invalid assignment
int y = d as int; // ok at compile time, might fail when run
This option is experimental and may be changed or removed in the future. Feedback is appreciated! Contact us at our [mailing list](!forum/dev-compiler).
Try it out in your project by editing .analysis_options:
implicit-casts: False
Or pass `--no-implicit-casts` to Dart Analyzer:
dartanalyzer --strong --no-implicit-casts my_app.dart
### Disable implicit dynamic (experimental)
This is an optional feature of analyzer, intended primarily for use with strong mode's inference.
It rejects implicit uses of `dynamic` that strong mode inference fails to fill in with a concrete type,
ensuring that all types are either successfully inferred or explicitly written. For example:
main() {
var x; // error: implicit dynamic
var i = 123; // okay, inferred to be `int x`
dynamic y; // okay, declared as dynamic
This also affects: parameters, return types, fields, creating objects with generic type, generic functions/methods, and
// error: parameters and return types are implicit dynamic
f(x) => x + 42;
dynamic f(dynamic x) => x + 42; // okay
int f(int x) => x + 42; // okay
class C {
var f; // error: implicit dynamic field
dynamic f; // okay
main() {
var x = []; // error: implicit List<dynamic>
var y = [42]; // okay: List<int>
var z = <dynamic>[]; // okay: List<dynamic>
T genericFn<T>() => null;
genericFn(); // error: implicit genericFn<dynamic>
genericFn<dynamic>(); // okay
int x = genericFn(); // okay, inferred genericFn<int>
// error: implicit supertype Iterable<dynamic>
class C extends Iterable { /* ... */ }
// okay
class C extends Iterable<dynamic> { /* ... */ }
This feature is to prevent accidental use of `dynamic` in code that does not intend to use it.
This option is experimental and may be changed or removed in the future. Feedback is appreciated! Contact us at our [mailing list](!forum/dev-compiler).
Try it out in your project by editing .analysis_options:
implicit-dynamic: False
Or pass `--no-implicit-dynamic` to Dart Analyzer:
dartanalyzer --strong --no-implicit-dynamic my_app.dart
### Open Items
- Is / As restrictions: Dart's `is` and `as` checks are unsound for certain types