Launch Leg independently of Frog.

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git-svn-id: 260f80e4-7a28-3924-810f-c04153c831b5
This commit is contained in: 2012-03-18 22:22:43 +00:00
parent a4b6cb96d1
commit 34cb21fce4
4 changed files with 150 additions and 200 deletions

View file

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
'variables': {
# These variables are used in the creation of the .vcproj file on
# These variables are used in the creation of the .vcproj file on
# Windows.
'cygwin_dir': 'third_party/cygwin',
@ -26,20 +26,6 @@
'target_name': 'frog',
'type': 'none',
'dependencies': [
'target_name': 'frogsh',
'type': 'none',
'dependencies': [
'target_name': 'create_sdk',
'type': 'none',
@ -111,6 +97,12 @@
'type': 'none',
'dependencies': [
# TODO(ahe): Remove dependencies on frog and frogsh, they are
# just here to simplify
# frog/scripts/ temporarily.

View file

@ -9,73 +9,61 @@ main() {
List<String> arguments = new Options().arguments;
Uri uri = new Uri(scheme: 'file', path: '${arguments[0]}/');
String dartVmLocation = uri.resolve(arguments[1]).path;
String productionLauncherLocation = uri.resolve(arguments[2]).path;
String developerLauncherLocation = uri.resolve(arguments[3]).path;
String productionLaunch = '#!$dartVmLocation\n';
String developerLaunch = '#!$dartVmLocation --enable_checked_mode\n';
String launcherScript = """
Uri productionLauncher = uri.resolve(arguments[2]);
Uri developerLauncher = uri.resolve(arguments[3]);
String launcherScript = buildScript(uri);
['#!$dartVmLocation --enable_checked_mode\n',
writeScript(Uri uri, List<String> chunks) {
var f = new File(uri.path);
var stream = f.openSync(FileMode.WRITE);
for (String chunk in chunks) {
// TODO(ahe): Make script executable.
// TODO(ahe): Also make a .bat file for Windows.
buildScript(Uri uri) {
return """
#import('${uri.resolve('../../frog/file_system_vm.dart').path}', prefix: 'fs');
#import('${uri.resolve('../../frog/lang.dart').path}', prefix: 'lang');
#import('${uri.resolve('../../frog/leg/frog_leg.dart').path}', prefix: 'leg');
void main() {
lang.legCompile = leg.compile;
try {
List<String> argv = (new Options()).arguments;
// Infer --out if there is none defined.
var outFileDefined = false;
for (var arg in argv) {
if (arg.startsWith('--out=')) outFileDefined = true;
if (!outFileDefined) {
argv.insertRange(0, 1, '--out=' + argv[argv.length-1] + '.js');
// TODO(dgrove) we're simulating node by placing the arguments to frogc
// starting at index 2.
argv.insertRange(0, 4, null);
argv[2] = '--leg';
argv[3] = '--libdir=${uri.resolve('../../frog/lib').path}';
// TODO(dgrove) Until we have a way of getting the executable's path, we'll
// run from '.'
var homedir = (new File('.')).fullPathSync();
if (!lang.compile(homedir, argv, new fs.VMFileSystem())) {
print('Compilation failed');
} catch (var exception, var trace) {
class Helper {
void run() {
try {
print('Internal error: \$exception');
} catch (var ignored) {
print('Internal error: error while printing exception');
try {
} finally {
List<String> argv =
argv.addAll(new Options().arguments);
} catch (var exception, var trace) {
try {
print('Internal error: \$exception');
} catch (var ignored) {
print('Internal error: error while printing exception');
try {
} finally {
exit(253); // 253 is recognized as a crash by our test scripts.
var f = new File(productionLauncherLocation);
var stream = f.openSync(FileMode.WRITE);
f = new File(developerLauncherLocation);
stream = f.openSync(FileMode.WRITE);
// TODO(ahe): Make scripts executable.
// TODO(ahe): Also make .bat files for Windows.
void main() {
new Helper().run();

View file

@ -2,12 +2,16 @@
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#import('../lang.dart', prefix: 'frog');
#import('api.dart', prefix: 'api');
#import('io/io.dart', prefix: 'io');
#import('../../frog/leg/api.dart', prefix: 'api');
#import('../../frog/leg/io/io.dart', prefix: 'io');
String relativize(Uri base, Uri uri) {
if (base.scheme == 'file' &&
@ -39,53 +43,89 @@ String relativize(Uri base, Uri uri) {
return uri.toString();
bool compile(frog.World world) {
final throwOnError = frog.options.throwOnErrors;
final showWarnings = frog.options.showWarnings;
// final compiler = new WorldCompiler(world, throwOnError);
void compile(List<String> argv) {
Uri cwd = new Uri(scheme: 'file', path: io.getCurrentDirectory());
Uri uri = cwd.resolve(frog.options.dartScript);
String frogLibDir = frog.options.libDir;
if (!frogLibDir.endsWith("/")) frogLibDir = "$frogLibDir/";
Uri frogLib = new Uri(scheme: 'file', path: frogLibDir);
Uri libraryRoot = frogLib.resolve('../leg/lib/');
Map<String, frog.SourceFile> sourceFiles = <frog.SourceFile>{};
bool throwOnError = false;
bool showWarnings = true;
bool verbose = false;
Uri libraryRoot = cwd;
Uri out = cwd.resolve('out.js');
List<String> arguments = <String>[];
for (String argument in argv) {
if ('--throw-on-error' == argument) {
throwOnError = true;
} else if ('--suppress-warnings' == argument) {
showWarnings = false;
} else if ('--verbose' == argument) {
verbose = true;
} else if (argument.startsWith('--library-root=')) {
String path = argument.substring(argument.indexOf('=') + 1);
if (!path.endsWith("/")) path = "$path/";
libraryRoot = cwd.resolve(path);
} else if (argument.startsWith('--out=')) {
String path = argument.substring(argument.indexOf('=') + 1);
out = cwd.resolve(path);
} else if (argument.startsWith('-')) {
throw new AbortLeg('unknown option $argument');
} else {
if (arguments.isEmpty()) {
throw new AbortLeg('no files to compile');
if (arguments.length > 1) {
var extra = arguments.getRange(1, arguments.length - 1);
throw new AbortLeg('extra arguments: $extra');
Map<String, SourceFile> sourceFiles = <SourceFile>{};
int dartBytesRead = 0;
Future<String> provider(Uri uri) {
if (uri.scheme != 'file') {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(uri);
String source = world.files.readAll(uri.path);
world.dartBytesRead += source.length;
String source = readAll(uri.path);
dartBytesRead += source.length;
sourceFiles[uri.toString()] =
new frog.SourceFile(relativize(cwd, uri), source);
new SourceFile(relativize(cwd, uri), source);
Completer<String> completer = new Completer<String>();
return completer.future;
void info(var message) {
if (verbose) print('${green("info:")} $message');
void handler(Uri uri, int begin, int end, String message, bool fatal) {
if (uri === null && !fatal) {'[leg] $message');
if (uri === null) {
} else if (fatal || showWarnings) {
frog.SourceFile file = sourceFiles[uri.toString()];
SourceFile file = sourceFiles[uri.toString()];
print(file.getLocationMessage(message, begin, end, true));
if (fatal && throwOnError) throw new AbortLeg(message);
Uri uri = cwd.resolve(arguments[0]);
info('compiling $uri');
// TODO(ahe): We expect the future to be complete and call value
// directly. In effect, we don't support truly asynchronous API.
String code = api.compile(uri, libraryRoot, provider, handler).value;
if (code === null) return false;
world.legCode = code;
world.jsBytesWritten = code.length;
return true;
if (code === null) throw new AbortLeg('compilation failed');
writeString(out, code);
int jsBytesWritten = code.length;
info('compiled $dartBytesRead bytes Dart -> $jsBytesWritten bytes JS '
+ 'in ${relativize(cwd, out)}');
class AbortLeg {
@ -93,3 +133,21 @@ class AbortLeg {
toString() => 'Aborted due to --throw-on-error: $message';
void writeString(Uri uri, String text) {
if (uri.scheme != 'file') {
throw new AbortLeg('unhandled scheme ${uri.scheme}');
var file = new File(uri.path).openSync(FileMode.WRITE);
String readAll(String filename) {
var file = (new File(filename)).openSync();
var length = file.lengthSync();
var buffer = new List<int>(length);
var bytes = file.readListSync(buffer, 0, length);
return new String.fromCharCodes(new Utf8Decoder(buffer).decodeRest());

View file

@ -2,43 +2,24 @@
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO(jimhug): This should be an interface to work better with tools.
* Represents a file of source code.
class SourceFile implements Comparable {
// TODO(terry): This filename for in memory buffer. May need to rework if
// filename is used for more than informational.
static String IN_MEMORY_FILE = '<buffer>';
class SourceFile {
/** The name of the file. */
final String filename;
/** The text content of the file. */
String _text;
* The order of the source file in a given library. This is used while we're
* writing code for a library. A single source file can be used
// TODO(jmesserly): I don't like having properties that are only valid
// sometimes. An alternative would be to store it in a Map that's used by
// WorldGenerator while it's emitting code. This seems simpler.
int orderInLibrary;
final String text;
List<int> _lineStarts;
SourceFile(this.filename, this._text);
String get text() => _text;
set text(String newText) {
if (newText != _text) {
_text = newText;
_lineStarts = null;
orderInLibrary = null;
SourceFile(this.filename, this.text);
List<int> get lineStarts() {
if (_lineStarts == null) {
@ -73,7 +54,7 @@ class SourceFile implements Comparable {
* in the file.
String getLocationMessage(String message, int start,
[int end, bool includeText=false]) {
[int end, bool includeText=false, bool useColors = true]) {
var line = getLine(start);
var column = getColumn(line, start);
@ -90,11 +71,11 @@ class SourceFile implements Comparable {
int toColumn = Math.min(column + (end-start), textLine.length);
if (options.useColors) {
if (useColors) {
buf.add(textLine.substring(0, column));
buf.add(textLine.substring(column, toColumn));
} else {
@ -105,82 +86,13 @@ class SourceFile implements Comparable {
buf.add(' ');
if (options.useColors) buf.add(_RED_COLOR);
if (useColors) buf.add(RED_COLOR);
for (; i < toColumn; i++) {
if (options.useColors) buf.add(_NO_COLOR);
if (useColors) buf.add(NO_COLOR);
return buf.toString();
/** Compares two source files. */
int compareTo(SourceFile other) {
if (orderInLibrary != null && other.orderInLibrary != null) {
return orderInLibrary - other.orderInLibrary;
} else {
return filename.compareTo(other.filename);
* A range of characters in a [SourceFile]. Used to represent the source
* positions of [Token]s and [Node]s for error reporting or other tooling
* work.
// TODO(jmesserly): Rename to Span - but first write cool refactoring tool
class SourceSpan implements Comparable {
/** The [SourceFile] that contains this span. */
final SourceFile file;
/** The character position of the start of this span. */
final int start;
/** The character position of the end of this span. */
final int end;
SourceSpan(this.file, this.start, this.end);
/** Returns the source text corresponding to this [Span]. */
String get text() {
return file.text.substring(start, end);
toMessageString(String message) {
return file.getLocationMessage(message, start, end: end, includeText: true);
int get line() {
return file.getLine(start);
int get column() {
return file.getColumn(line, start);
int get endLine() {
return file.getLine(end);
int get endColumn() {
return file.getColumn(endLine, end);
String get locationText() {
var line = file.getLine(start);
var column = file.getColumn(line, start);
return '${file.filename}:${line + 1}:${column + 1}';
/** Compares two source spans by file and position. Handles nulls. */
int compareTo(SourceSpan other) {
if (file == other.file) {
int d = start - other.start;
return d == 0 ? (end - other.end) : d;
return file.compareTo(other.file);