Implement inferTypeFromConstraints in front_end.

This is an intermediate algorithm used in type inference.  It
corresponds to the method _GenericInferrer.infer() in analyzer.,

Note: error reporting will be added in a follow-up CL.
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This commit is contained in:
Paul Berry 2017-05-04 16:32:30 -07:00
parent c376a45f91
commit 28f277a7e2
3 changed files with 215 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -20,6 +20,5 @@
<orderEntry type="sourceFolder" forTests="false" />
<orderEntry type="library" name="Dart SDK" level="application" />
<orderEntry type="library" name="Dart SDK" level="project" />
<orderEntry type="library" name="Dart Packages" level="project" />

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@ -16,11 +16,19 @@ import 'package:kernel/type_environment.dart';
class TypeConstraint {
/// The lower bound of the type being constrained. This bound must be a
/// subtype of the type being constrained.
DartType lower = const UnknownType();
DartType lower;
/// The upper bound of the type being constrained. The type being constrained
/// must be a subtype of this bound.
DartType upper = const UnknownType();
DartType upper;
: lower = const UnknownType(),
upper = const UnknownType();
TypeConstraint._(this.lower, this.upper);
TypeConstraint clone() => new TypeConstraint._(lower, upper);
String toString() =>
'${typeSchemaToString(lower)} <: <type> <: ${typeSchemaToString(upper)}';
@ -149,6 +157,104 @@ class TypeSchemaEnvironment extends TypeEnvironment {
return const DynamicType();
/// Use the given [constraints] to substitute for type variables in
/// [genericType].
/// [typeParametersToInfer] is the set of type parameters that should be
/// substituted for. [typesFromDownwardsInference] should be a list of the
/// same length, initially filled with `null`.
/// If [downwardsInferPhase] is `true`, then we are in the first pass of
/// inference, pushing context types down. This means we are allowed to push
/// down `?` to precisely represent an unknown type. Also, any types that are
/// inferred during this stage will be stored in [typesFromDownwardsInference]
/// for later use.
/// If [downwardsInferPhase] is `false`, then we are in the second pass of
/// inference, and must not conclude `?` for any type formal. In this pass,
/// values will be read from [typesFromDownwardsInference] to use as a
/// starting point for inference.
DartType inferTypeFromConstraints(
Map<TypeParameter, TypeConstraint> constraints,
DartType genericType,
List<TypeParameter> typeParametersToInfer,
List<DartType> typesFromDownwardsInference,
{bool downwardsInferPhase: false}) {
// Initialize the inferred type array.
// In the downwards phase, they all start as `?` to offer reasonable
// degradation for f-bounded type parameters.
var inferredTypes = new List<DartType>.filled(
typeParametersToInfer.length, const UnknownType());
for (int i = 0; i < typeParametersToInfer.length; i++) {
TypeParameter typeParam = typeParametersToInfer[i];
var typeParamBound = typeParam.bound;
DartType extendsConstraint;
if (!_isObjectOrDynamic(typeParamBound)) {
extendsConstraint = Substitution
.fromPairs(typeParametersToInfer, inferredTypes)
var constraint = constraints[typeParam];
if (downwardsInferPhase) {
typesFromDownwardsInference[i] = inferredTypes[i] =
_inferTypeParameterFromContext(constraint, extendsConstraint);
} else {
inferredTypes[i] = _inferTypeParameterFromAll(
typesFromDownwardsInference[i], constraint, extendsConstraint);
// If the downwards infer phase has failed, we'll catch this in the upwards
// phase later on.
if (downwardsInferPhase) {
return Substitution
.fromPairs(typeParametersToInfer, inferredTypes)
// Check the inferred types against all of the constraints.
var knownTypes = <TypeParameter, DartType>{};
for (int i = 0; i < typeParametersToInfer.length; i++) {
TypeParameter typeParam = typeParametersToInfer[i];
var constraint = constraints[typeParam];
var typeParamBound = Substitution
.fromPairs(typeParametersToInfer, inferredTypes)
var inferred = inferredTypes[i];
bool success = typeSatisfiesConstraint(inferred, constraint);
if (success && !_isObjectOrDynamic(typeParamBound)) {
// If everything else succeeded, check the `extends` constraint.
var extendsConstraint = typeParamBound;
success = isSubtypeOf(inferred, extendsConstraint);
if (!success) {
// TODO(paulberry): report error.
// Heuristic: even if we failed, keep the erroneous type.
// It should satisfy at least some of the constraints (e.g. the return
// context). If we fall back to instantiateToBounds, we'll typically get
// more errors (e.g. because `dynamic` is the most common bound).
if (isKnown(inferred)) {
knownTypes[typeParam] = inferred;
// Use instantiate to bounds to finish things off.
var result = instantiateToBounds(genericType, knownTypes: knownTypes);
// TODO(paulberry): report any errors from instantiateToBounds.
return result;
/// Given a [DartType] [type], if [type] is an uninstantiated
/// parameterized type then instantiate the parameters to their
/// bounds. See the issue for the algorithm description.
@ -401,6 +507,44 @@ class TypeSchemaEnvironment extends TypeEnvironment {
requiredParameterCount: requiredParameterCount);
DartType _inferTypeParameterFromAll(DartType typeFromContextInference,
TypeConstraint constraint, DartType extendsConstraint) {
// See if we already fixed this type from downwards inference.
// If so, then we aren't allowed to change it based on argument types.
if (isKnown(typeFromContextInference)) {
return typeFromContextInference;
if (extendsConstraint != null) {
constraint = constraint.clone();
addUpperBound(constraint, extendsConstraint);
return solveTypeConstraint(constraint, grounded: true);
DartType _inferTypeParameterFromContext(
TypeConstraint constraint, DartType extendsConstraint) {
DartType t = solveTypeConstraint(constraint);
if (!isKnown(t)) {
return t;
// If we're about to make our final choice, apply the extends clause.
// This gives us a chance to refine the choice, in case it would violate
// the `extends` clause. For example:
// Object obj = math.min/*<infer Object, error>*/(1, 2);
// If we consider the `T extends num` we conclude `<num>`, which works.
if (extendsConstraint != null) {
constraint = constraint.clone();
addUpperBound(constraint, extendsConstraint);
return solveTypeConstraint(constraint);
return t;
DartType _interfaceLeastUpperBound(InterfaceType type1, InterfaceType type2) {
// This currently does not implement a very complete least upper bound
// algorithm, but handles a couple of the very common cases that are

View file

@ -259,6 +259,75 @@ class TypeSchemaEnvironmentTest {
expect(env.getGreatestLowerBound(A, B), same(bottomType));
void test_inferTypeFromConstraints_applyBound() {
// class A<T extends num> {}
var T = new TypeParameter('T', numType);
var A = _addClass(_class('A', typeParameters: [T])).thisType;
var env = _makeEnv();
// With no constraints:
var constraints = {T: new TypeConstraint()};
// Downward inference should infer A<?>
var typesFromDownwardsInference = <DartType>[null];
constraints, A, [T], typesFromDownwardsInference,
downwardsInferPhase: true),
new InterfaceType(A.classNode, [unknownType]));
expect(typesFromDownwardsInference[0], unknownType);
// Upward inference should infer A<num>
constraints, A, [T], typesFromDownwardsInference),
new InterfaceType(A.classNode, [numType]));
// With an upper bound of Object:
var constraints = {T: _makeConstraint(upper: objectType)};
// Downward inference should infer A<num>
var typesFromDownwardsInference = <DartType>[null];
constraints, A, [T], typesFromDownwardsInference,
downwardsInferPhase: true),
new InterfaceType(A.classNode, [numType]));
expect(typesFromDownwardsInference[0], numType);
// Upward inference should infer A<num>
constraints, A, [T], typesFromDownwardsInference),
new InterfaceType(A.classNode, [numType]));
// Upward inference should still infer A<num> even if there are more
// constraints now, because num was finalized during downward inference.
constraints = {T: _makeConstraint(lower: intType, upper: intType)};
constraints, A, [T], typesFromDownwardsInference),
new InterfaceType(A.classNode, [numType]));
void test_inferTypeFromConstraints_simple() {
var env = _makeEnv();
var T = listClass.typeParameters[0];
// With an upper bound of List<?>:
var constraints = {T: _makeConstraint(upper: _list(unknownType))};
// Downwards inference should infer List<List<?>>
var typesFromDownwardsInference = <DartType>[null];
constraints, listClass.thisType, [T], typesFromDownwardsInference,
downwardsInferPhase: true),
// And it should have recorded List<?> as the type inferred for T.
expect(typesFromDownwardsInference[0], _list(unknownType));
// Upwards inference should refine that to List<List<Null>>
constraints, listClass.thisType, [T], typesFromDownwardsInference),
void test_instantiateToBounds_noTypesKnown() {
// class A {}
var A = _addClass(_class('A')).rawType;