Load the transformer isolate code from pub's asset directory.

This renames "resources" to "asset" in the SDK, to better match the suggested
package layout guidelines.

R=dgrove@google.com, rnystrom@google.com

Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org//200323008

git-svn-id: https://dart.googlecode.com/svn/branches/bleeding_edge/dart@33786 260f80e4-7a28-3924-810f-c04153c831b5
This commit is contained in:
nweiz@google.com 2014-03-17 23:20:16 +00:00
parent d443d761ea
commit 1cfd291f65
5 changed files with 408 additions and 398 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Note: this explicitly avoids using a library tag because pub will add
// additional imports at the top of the file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:mirrors';
import '<<URL_BASE>>/packages/source_maps/span.dart';
import '<<URL_BASE>>/packages/stack_trace/stack_trace.dart';
import '<<URL_BASE>>/packages/barback/barback.dart';
// TODO(nweiz): don't import from "src" once issue 14966 is fixed.
import '<<URL_BASE>>/packages/barback/src/internal_asset.dart';
/// Sets up the initial communication with the host isolate.
void main(_, SendPort replyTo) {
var port = new ReceivePort();
port.first.then((wrappedMessage) {
_respond(wrappedMessage, (message) {
var library = Uri.parse(message['library']);
var configuration = JSON.decode(message['configuration']);
var mode = new BarbackMode(message['mode']);
return initialize(library, configuration, mode).
/// Loads all the transformers and groups defined in [uri].
/// Loads the library, finds any Transformer or TransformerGroup subclasses in
/// it, instantiates them with [configuration] and [mode], and returns them.
Iterable initialize(Uri uri, Map configuration, BarbackMode mode) {
var mirrors = currentMirrorSystem();
var transformerClass = reflectClass(Transformer);
var groupClass = reflectClass(TransformerGroup);
// TODO(nweiz): if no valid transformers are found, throw an error message
// describing candidates and why they were rejected.
return mirrors.libraries[uri].declarations.values.map((declaration) {
if (declaration is! ClassMirror) return null;
var classMirror = declaration;
if (classMirror.isPrivate) return null;
if (classMirror.isAbstract) return null;
if (!classIsA(classMirror, transformerClass) &&
!classIsA(classMirror, groupClass)) {
return null;
var constructor = getConstructor(classMirror, 'asPlugin');
if (constructor == null) return null;
if (constructor.parameters.isEmpty) {
if (configuration.isNotEmpty) return null;
return classMirror.newInstance(const Symbol('asPlugin'), []).reflectee;
if (constructor.parameters.length != 1) return null;
return classMirror.newInstance(const Symbol('asPlugin'),
[new BarbackSettings(configuration, mode)]).reflectee;
}).where((classMirror) => classMirror != null);
/// A wrapper for a [Transform] that's in the host isolate.
/// This retrieves inputs from and sends outputs and logs to the host isolate.
class ForeignTransform implements Transform {
/// The port with which we communicate with the host isolate.
/// This port and all messages sent across it are specific to this transform.
final SendPort _port;
final Asset primaryInput;
TransformLogger get logger => _logger;
TransformLogger _logger;
/// Creates a transform from a serializable map sent from the host isolate.
ForeignTransform(Map transform)
: _port = transform['port'],
primaryInput = deserializeAsset(transform['primaryInput']) {
_logger = new TransformLogger((assetId, level, message, span) {
_call(_port, {
'type': 'log',
'level': level.name,
'message': message,
'assetId': assetId == null ? null : _serializeId(assetId),
'span': span == null ? null : _serializeSpan(span)
Future<Asset> getInput(AssetId id) {
return _call(_port, {
'type': 'getInput',
'id': _serializeId(id)
Future<String> readInputAsString(AssetId id, {Encoding encoding}) {
if (encoding == null) encoding = UTF8;
return getInput(id).then((input) => input.readAsString(encoding: encoding));
Stream<List<int>> readInput(AssetId id) =>
_futureStream(getInput(id).then((input) => input.read()));
void addOutput(Asset output) {
_call(_port, {
'type': 'addOutput',
'output': serializeAsset(output)
/// Returns the mirror for the root Object type.
ClassMirror get objectMirror => reflectClass(Object);
// TODO(nweiz): clean this up when issue 13248 is fixed.
MethodMirror getConstructor(ClassMirror classMirror, String constructor) {
var name = new Symbol("${MirrorSystem.getName(classMirror.simpleName)}"
var candidate = classMirror.declarations[name];
if (candidate is MethodMirror && candidate.isConstructor) return candidate;
return null;
// TODO(nweiz): get rid of this when issue 12439 is fixed.
/// Returns whether or not [mirror] is a subtype of [superclass].
/// This includes [superclass] being mixed in to or implemented by [mirror].
bool classIsA(ClassMirror mirror, ClassMirror superclass) {
if (mirror == superclass) return true;
if (mirror == objectMirror) return false;
return classIsA(mirror.superclass, superclass) ||
mirror.superinterfaces.any((int) => classIsA(int, superclass));
/// Converts [transformerOrGroup] into a serializable map.
Map _serializeTransformerOrGroup(transformerOrGroup) {
if (transformerOrGroup is Transformer) {
return _serializeTransformer(transformerOrGroup);
} else {
assert(transformerOrGroup is TransformerGroup);
return _serializeTransformerGroup(transformerOrGroup);
/// Converts [transformer] into a serializable map.
Map _serializeTransformer(Transformer transformer) {
var port = new ReceivePort();
port.listen((wrappedMessage) {
_respond(wrappedMessage, (message) {
if (message['type'] == 'isPrimary') {
return transformer.isPrimary(deserializeAsset(message['asset']));
} else {
assert(message['type'] == 'apply');
// Make sure we return null so that if the transformer's [apply] returns
// a non-serializable value it doesn't cause problems.
return transformer.apply(
new ForeignTransform(message['transform'])).then((_) => null);
return {
'type': 'Transformer',
'toString': transformer.toString(),
'port': port.sendPort
// Converts [group] into a serializable map.
Map _serializeTransformerGroup(TransformerGroup group) {
return {
'type': 'TransformerGroup',
'toString': group.toString(),
'phases': group.phases.map((phase) {
return phase.map(_serializeTransformerOrGroup).toList();
/// Converts a serializable map into an [AssetId].
AssetId _deserializeId(Map id) => new AssetId(id['package'], id['path']);
/// Converts [id] into a serializable map.
Map _serializeId(AssetId id) => {'package': id.package, 'path': id.path};
/// Converts [span] into a serializable map.
Map _serializeSpan(Span span) {
// TODO(nweiz): convert FileSpans to FileSpans.
return {
'type': 'fixed',
'sourceUrl': span.sourceUrl,
'start': _serializeLocation(span.start),
'text': span.text,
'isIdentifier': span.isIdentifier
/// Converts [location] into a serializable map.
Map _serializeLocation(Location location) {
// TODO(nweiz): convert FileLocations to FileLocations.
return {
'type': 'fixed',
'sourceUrl': location.sourceUrl,
'offset': location.offset,
'line': location.line,
'column': location.column
/// Responds to a message sent by [_call].
/// [wrappedMessage] is the raw message sent by [_call]. This unwraps it and
/// passes the contents of the message to [callback], then sends the return
/// value of [callback] back to [_call]. If [callback] returns a Future or
/// throws an error, that will also be sent.
void _respond(wrappedMessage, callback(message)) {
var replyTo = wrappedMessage['replyTo'];
new Future.sync(() => callback(wrappedMessage['message']))
.then((result) => replyTo.send({'type': 'success', 'value': result}))
.catchError((error, stackTrace) {
'type': 'error',
'error': _serializeException(error, stackTrace)
/// Wraps [message] and sends it across [port], then waits for a response which
/// should be sent using [_respond].
/// The returned Future will complete to the value or error returned by
/// [_respond].
Future _call(SendPort port, message) {
var receivePort = new ReceivePort();
'message': message,
'replyTo': receivePort.sendPort
return receivePort.first.then((response) {
if (response['type'] == 'success') return response['value'];
assert(response['type'] == 'error');
var exception = _deserializeException(response['error']);
return new Future.error(exception, exception.stackTrace);
/// An exception that was originally raised in another isolate.
/// Exception objects can't cross isolate boundaries in general, so this class
/// wraps as much information as can be consistently serialized.
class CrossIsolateException implements Exception {
/// The name of the type of exception thrown.
/// This is the return value of [error.runtimeType.toString()]. Keep in mind
/// that objects in different libraries may have the same type name.
final String type;
/// The exception's message, or its [toString] if it didn't expose a `message`
/// property.
final String message;
/// The exception's stack chain, or `null` if no stack chain was available.
final Chain stackTrace;
/// Loads a [CrossIsolateException] from a serialized representation.
/// [error] should be the result of [CrossIsolateException.serialize].
CrossIsolateException.deserialize(Map error)
: type = error['type'],
message = error['message'],
stackTrace = error['stack'] == null ? null :
new Chain.parse(error['stack']);
/// Serializes [error] to an object that can safely be passed across isolate
/// boundaries.
static Map serialize(error, [StackTrace stack]) {
if (stack == null && error is Error) stack = error.stackTrace;
return {
'type': error.runtimeType.toString(),
'message': getErrorMessage(error),
'stack': stack == null ? null : new Chain.forTrace(stack).toString()
String toString() => "$message\n$stackTrace";
/// An [AssetNotFoundException] that was originally raised in another isolate.
class _CrossIsolateAssetNotFoundException extends CrossIsolateException
implements AssetNotFoundException {
final AssetId id;
String get message => "Could not find asset $id.";
/// Loads a [_CrossIsolateAssetNotFoundException] from a serialized
/// representation.
/// [error] should be the result of
/// [_CrossIsolateAssetNotFoundException.serialize].
_CrossIsolateAssetNotFoundException.deserialize(Map error)
: id = new AssetId(error['package'], error['path']),
/// Serializes [error] to an object that can safely be passed across isolate
/// boundaries.
static Map serialize(AssetNotFoundException error, [StackTrace stack]) {
var map = CrossIsolateException.serialize(error);
map['package'] = error.id.package;
map['path'] = error.id.path;
return map;
/// Serializes [error] to an object that can safely be passed across isolate
/// boundaries.
/// This handles [AssetNotFoundException]s specially, ensuring that their
/// metadata is preserved.
Map _serializeException(error, [StackTrace stack]) {
if (error is AssetNotFoundException) {
return _CrossIsolateAssetNotFoundException.serialize(error, stack);
} else {
return CrossIsolateException.serialize(error, stack);
/// Loads an exception from a serialized representation.
/// This handles [AssetNotFoundException]s specially, ensuring that their
/// metadata is preserved.
CrossIsolateException _deserializeException(Map error) {
if (error['type'] == 'AssetNotFoundException') {
return new _CrossIsolateAssetNotFoundException.deserialize(error);
} else {
return new CrossIsolateException.deserialize(error);
/// A regular expression to match the exception prefix that some exceptions'
/// [Object.toString] values contain.
final _exceptionPrefix = new RegExp(r'^([A-Z][a-zA-Z]*)?(Exception|Error): ');
/// Get a string description of an exception.
/// Many exceptions include the exception class name at the beginning of their
/// [toString], so we remove that if it exists.
String getErrorMessage(error) =>
error.toString().replaceFirst(_exceptionPrefix, '');
/// Returns a buffered stream that will emit the same values as the stream
/// returned by [future] once [future] completes. If [future] completes to an
/// error, the return value will emit that error and then close.
Stream _futureStream(Future<Stream> future) {
var controller = new StreamController(sync: true);
future.then((stream) {
onError: controller.addError,
onDone: controller.close);
}).catchError((e, stackTrace) {
controller.addError(e, stackTrace);
return controller.stream;
Stream callbackStream(Stream callback()) {
var subscription;
var controller;
controller = new StreamController(onListen: () {
subscription = callback().listen(controller.add,
onError: controller.addError,
onDone: controller.close);
onCancel: () => subscription.cancel(),
onPause: () => subscription.pause(),
onResume: () => subscription.resume(),
sync: true);
return controller.stream;

View file

@ -11,408 +11,19 @@ import 'dart:isolate';
import 'package:barback/barback.dart';
// TODO(nweiz): don't import from "src" once issue 14966 is fixed.
import 'package:barback/src/internal_asset.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:source_maps/source_maps.dart';
import 'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart';
import '../barback.dart';
import '../dart.dart' as dart;
import '../io.dart';
import '../log.dart' as log;
import '../utils.dart';
import 'build_environment.dart';
import 'excluding_transformer.dart';
import 'server.dart';
/// A Dart script to run in an isolate.
/// This script serializes one or more transformers defined in a Dart library
/// and marshals calls to and from them with the host isolate.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:mirrors';
import '<<URL_BASE>>/packages/source_maps/span.dart';
import '<<URL_BASE>>/packages/stack_trace/stack_trace.dart';
import '<<URL_BASE>>/packages/barback/barback.dart';
// TODO(nweiz): don't import from "src" once issue 14966 is fixed.
import '<<URL_BASE>>/packages/barback/src/internal_asset.dart';
/// Sets up the initial communication with the host isolate.
void main(_, SendPort replyTo) {
var port = new ReceivePort();
port.first.then((wrappedMessage) {
_respond(wrappedMessage, (message) {
var library = Uri.parse(message['library']);
var configuration = JSON.decode(message['configuration']);
var mode = new BarbackMode(message['mode']);
return initialize(library, configuration, mode).
/// Loads all the transformers and groups defined in [uri].
/// Loads the library, finds any Transformer or TransformerGroup subclasses in
/// it, instantiates them with [configuration] and [mode], and returns them.
Iterable initialize(Uri uri, Map configuration, BarbackMode mode) {
var mirrors = currentMirrorSystem();
var transformerClass = reflectClass(Transformer);
var groupClass = reflectClass(TransformerGroup);
// TODO(nweiz): if no valid transformers are found, throw an error message
// describing candidates and why they were rejected.
return mirrors.libraries[uri].declarations.values.map((declaration) {
if (declaration is! ClassMirror) return null;
var classMirror = declaration;
if (classMirror.isPrivate) return null;
if (classMirror.isAbstract) return null;
if (!classIsA(classMirror, transformerClass) &&
!classIsA(classMirror, groupClass)) {
return null;
var constructor = getConstructor(classMirror, 'asPlugin');
if (constructor == null) return null;
if (constructor.parameters.isEmpty) {
if (configuration.isNotEmpty) return null;
return classMirror.newInstance(const Symbol('asPlugin'), []).reflectee;
if (constructor.parameters.length != 1) return null;
return classMirror.newInstance(const Symbol('asPlugin'),
[new BarbackSettings(configuration, mode)]).reflectee;
}).where((classMirror) => classMirror != null);
/// A wrapper for a [Transform] that's in the host isolate.
/// This retrieves inputs from and sends outputs and logs to the host isolate.
class ForeignTransform implements Transform {
/// The port with which we communicate with the host isolate.
/// This port and all messages sent across it are specific to this transform.
final SendPort _port;
final Asset primaryInput;
TransformLogger get logger => _logger;
TransformLogger _logger;
/// Creates a transform from a serializable map sent from the host isolate.
ForeignTransform(Map transform)
: _port = transform['port'],
primaryInput = deserializeAsset(transform['primaryInput']) {
_logger = new TransformLogger((assetId, level, message, span) {
_call(_port, {
'type': 'log',
'level': level.name,
'message': message,
'assetId': assetId == null ? null : _serializeId(assetId),
'span': span == null ? null : _serializeSpan(span)
Future<Asset> getInput(AssetId id) {
return _call(_port, {
'type': 'getInput',
'id': _serializeId(id)
Future<String> readInputAsString(AssetId id, {Encoding encoding}) {
if (encoding == null) encoding = UTF8;
return getInput(id).then((input) => input.readAsString(encoding: encoding));
Stream<List<int>> readInput(AssetId id) =>
_futureStream(getInput(id).then((input) => input.read()));
void addOutput(Asset output) {
_call(_port, {
'type': 'addOutput',
'output': serializeAsset(output)
/// Returns the mirror for the root Object type.
ClassMirror get objectMirror => reflectClass(Object);
// TODO(nweiz): clean this up when issue 13248 is fixed.
MethodMirror getConstructor(ClassMirror classMirror, String constructor) {
var name = new Symbol("\${MirrorSystem.getName(classMirror.simpleName)}"
var candidate = classMirror.declarations[name];
if (candidate is MethodMirror && candidate.isConstructor) return candidate;
return null;
// TODO(nweiz): get rid of this when issue 12439 is fixed.
/// Returns whether or not [mirror] is a subtype of [superclass].
/// This includes [superclass] being mixed in to or implemented by [mirror].
bool classIsA(ClassMirror mirror, ClassMirror superclass) {
if (mirror == superclass) return true;
if (mirror == objectMirror) return false;
return classIsA(mirror.superclass, superclass) ||
mirror.superinterfaces.any((int) => classIsA(int, superclass));
/// Converts [transformerOrGroup] into a serializable map.
Map _serializeTransformerOrGroup(transformerOrGroup) {
if (transformerOrGroup is Transformer) {
return _serializeTransformer(transformerOrGroup);
} else {
assert(transformerOrGroup is TransformerGroup);
return _serializeTransformerGroup(transformerOrGroup);
/// Converts [transformer] into a serializable map.
Map _serializeTransformer(Transformer transformer) {
var port = new ReceivePort();
port.listen((wrappedMessage) {
_respond(wrappedMessage, (message) {
if (message['type'] == 'isPrimary') {
return transformer.isPrimary(deserializeAsset(message['asset']));
} else {
assert(message['type'] == 'apply');
// Make sure we return null so that if the transformer's [apply] returns
// a non-serializable value it doesn't cause problems.
return transformer.apply(
new ForeignTransform(message['transform'])).then((_) => null);
return {
'type': 'Transformer',
'toString': transformer.toString(),
'port': port.sendPort
// Converts [group] into a serializable map.
Map _serializeTransformerGroup(TransformerGroup group) {
return {
'type': 'TransformerGroup',
'toString': group.toString(),
'phases': group.phases.map((phase) {
return phase.map(_serializeTransformerOrGroup).toList();
/// Converts a serializable map into an [AssetId].
AssetId _deserializeId(Map id) => new AssetId(id['package'], id['path']);
/// Converts [id] into a serializable map.
Map _serializeId(AssetId id) => {'package': id.package, 'path': id.path};
/// Converts [span] into a serializable map.
Map _serializeSpan(Span span) {
// TODO(nweiz): convert FileSpans to FileSpans.
return {
'type': 'fixed',
'sourceUrl': span.sourceUrl,
'start': _serializeLocation(span.start),
'text': span.text,
'isIdentifier': span.isIdentifier
/// Converts [location] into a serializable map.
Map _serializeLocation(Location location) {
// TODO(nweiz): convert FileLocations to FileLocations.
return {
'type': 'fixed',
'sourceUrl': location.sourceUrl,
'offset': location.offset,
'line': location.line,
'column': location.column
/// Responds to a message sent by [_call].
/// [wrappedMessage] is the raw message sent by [_call]. This unwraps it and
/// passes the contents of the message to [callback], then sends the return
/// value of [callback] back to [_call]. If [callback] returns a Future or
/// throws an error, that will also be sent.
void _respond(wrappedMessage, callback(message)) {
var replyTo = wrappedMessage['replyTo'];
new Future.sync(() => callback(wrappedMessage['message']))
.then((result) => replyTo.send({'type': 'success', 'value': result}))
.catchError((error, stackTrace) {
'type': 'error',
'error': _serializeException(error, stackTrace)
/// Wraps [message] and sends it across [port], then waits for a response which
/// should be sent using [_respond].
/// The returned Future will complete to the value or error returned by
/// [_respond].
Future _call(SendPort port, message) {
var receivePort = new ReceivePort();
'message': message,
'replyTo': receivePort.sendPort
return receivePort.first.then((response) {
if (response['type'] == 'success') return response['value'];
assert(response['type'] == 'error');
var exception = _deserializeException(response['error']);
return new Future.error(exception, exception.stackTrace);
/// An exception that was originally raised in another isolate.
/// Exception objects can't cross isolate boundaries in general, so this class
/// wraps as much information as can be consistently serialized.
class CrossIsolateException implements Exception {
/// The name of the type of exception thrown.
/// This is the return value of [error.runtimeType.toString()]. Keep in mind
/// that objects in different libraries may have the same type name.
final String type;
/// The exception's message, or its [toString] if it didn't expose a `message`
/// property.
final String message;
/// The exception's stack chain, or `null` if no stack chain was available.
final Chain stackTrace;
/// Loads a [CrossIsolateException] from a serialized representation.
/// [error] should be the result of [CrossIsolateException.serialize].
CrossIsolateException.deserialize(Map error)
: type = error['type'],
message = error['message'],
stackTrace = error['stack'] == null ? null :
new Chain.parse(error['stack']);
/// Serializes [error] to an object that can safely be passed across isolate
/// boundaries.
static Map serialize(error, [StackTrace stack]) {
if (stack == null && error is Error) stack = error.stackTrace;
return {
'type': error.runtimeType.toString(),
'message': getErrorMessage(error),
'stack': stack == null ? null : new Chain.forTrace(stack).toString()
String toString() => "\$message\\n\$stackTrace";
/// An [AssetNotFoundException] that was originally raised in another isolate.
class _CrossIsolateAssetNotFoundException extends CrossIsolateException
implements AssetNotFoundException {
final TransformInfo transform;
final AssetId id;
String get message => "Could not find asset \$id.";
/// Loads a [_CrossIsolateAssetNotFoundException] from a serialized
/// representation.
/// [error] should be the result of
/// [_CrossIsolateAssetNotFoundException.serialize].
_CrossIsolateAssetNotFoundException.deserialize(Map error)
: id = new AssetId(error['package'], error['path']),
/// Serializes [error] to an object that can safely be passed across isolate
/// boundaries.
static Map serialize(AssetNotFoundException error, [StackTrace stack]) {
var map = CrossIsolateException.serialize(error);
map['package'] = error.id.package;
map['path'] = error.id.path;
return map;
/// Serializes [error] to an object that can safely be passed across isolate
/// boundaries.
/// This handles [AssetNotFoundException]s specially, ensuring that their
/// metadata is preserved.
Map _serializeException(error, [StackTrace stack]) {
if (error is AssetNotFoundException) {
return _CrossIsolateAssetNotFoundException.serialize(error, stack);
} else {
return CrossIsolateException.serialize(error, stack);
/// Loads an exception from a serialized representation.
/// This handles [AssetNotFoundException]s specially, ensuring that their
/// metadata is preserved.
CrossIsolateException _deserializeException(Map error) {
if (error['type'] == 'AssetNotFoundException') {
return new _CrossIsolateAssetNotFoundException.deserialize(error);
} else {
return new CrossIsolateException.deserialize(error);
/// A regular expression to match the exception prefix that some exceptions'
/// [Object.toString] values contain.
final _exceptionPrefix = new RegExp(r'^([A-Z][a-zA-Z]*)?(Exception|Error): ');
/// Get a string description of an exception.
/// Many exceptions include the exception class name at the beginning of their
/// [toString], so we remove that if it exists.
String getErrorMessage(error) =>
error.toString().replaceFirst(_exceptionPrefix, '');
/// Returns a buffered stream that will emit the same values as the stream
/// returned by [future] once [future] completes. If [future] completes to an
/// error, the return value will emit that error and then close.
Stream _futureStream(Future<Stream> future) {
var controller = new StreamController(sync: true);
future.then((stream) {
onError: controller.addError,
onDone: controller.close);
}).catchError((e, stackTrace) {
controller.addError(e, stackTrace);
return controller.stream;
Stream callbackStream(Stream callback()) {
var subscription;
var controller;
controller = new StreamController(onListen: () {
subscription = callback().listen(controller.add,
onError: controller.addError,
onDone: controller.close);
onCancel: () => subscription.cancel(),
onPause: () => subscription.pause(),
onResume: () => subscription.resume(),
sync: true);
return controller.stream;
/// Load and return all transformers and groups from the library identified by
/// [id].
Future<Set> loadTransformers(BuildEnvironment environment,
@ -424,7 +35,8 @@ Future<Set> loadTransformers(BuildEnvironment environment,
var baseUrl = transformerServer.url;
var uri = '$baseUrl/packages/${id.package}/$path';
var code = 'import "$uri";\n' +
_TRANSFORMER_ISOLATE.replaceAll('<<URL_BASE>>', baseUrl);
readAsset(p.join("dart", "transformer_isolate.dart"))
.replaceAll('<<URL_BASE>>', baseUrl);
log.fine("Loading transformers from $assetId");
var port = new ReceivePort();

View file

@ -398,16 +398,19 @@ void createPackageSymlink(String name, String target, String symlink,
bool get runningFromSdk => Platform.script.path.endsWith('.snapshot');
/// Resolves [target] relative to the path to pub's `resource` directory.
String resourcePath(String target) {
String assetPath(String target) {
if (runningFromSdk) {
return path.join(
sdk.rootDirectory, 'lib', '_internal', 'pub', 'resource', target);
sdk.rootDirectory, 'lib', '_internal', 'pub', 'asset', target);
} else {
return path.join(
path.dirname(libraryPath('pub.io')), '..', '..', 'resource', target);
path.dirname(libraryPath('pub.io')), '..', '..', 'asset', target);
/// Reads a text file from pub's `resource` directory.
String readAsset(String target) => readTextFile(assetPath(target));
/// Returns the path to the root of the Dart repository. This will throw a
/// [StateError] if it's called when running pub from the SDK.
String get repoRoot {
@ -722,7 +725,7 @@ Future<bool> extractTarGz(Stream<List<int>> stream, String destination) {
String get pathTo7zip {
if (runningFromSdk) return resourcePath(path.join('7zip', '7za.exe'));
if (runningFromSdk) return assetPath(path.join('7zip', '7za.exe'));
return path.join(repoRoot, 'third_party', '7zip', '7za.exe');

View file

@ -27,3 +27,4 @@ lib/web_gl/dart2js/web_gl_dart2js: CompileTimeError # Issue 16524
lib/web_gl/dartium/web_gl_dartium: CompileTimeError # Issue 16524
lib/web_sql/dart2js/web_sql_dart2js: CompileTimeError # Issue 16524
lib/web_sql/dartium/web_sql_dartium: CompileTimeError # Issue 16524
lib/_internal/pub/asset/*: Skip # Issue 17506

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@ -230,10 +230,14 @@ def Main(argv):
for jarFile in jarFiles:
copyfile(jarFile, join(DARTANALYZER_DEST, os.path.basename(jarFile)))
RESOURCE = join(SDK_tmp, 'lib', '_internal', 'pub', 'asset')
copytree(join(HOME, 'sdk', 'lib', '_internal', 'pub', 'asset'),
# Copy in 7zip for Windows.
if HOST_OS == 'win32':
RESOURCE = join(SDK_tmp, 'lib', '_internal', 'pub', 'resource')
copytree(join(HOME, 'third_party', '7zip'),
join(RESOURCE, '7zip'),