Linting for status files.

This both works as a tester for correct canonicalization of status files and can
be used later to check if changes to status files follow the guide lines.

It checks that:
- Comments only exists before a section or after a test path entry.
- That there are no disjunctions in headers.
- That variables and clauses are correctly ordered in section headers.
- That paths are alphabetically ordered in sections.
- That sections are lexicographically ordered with respect to negation.

Change-Id: I0f5e2cc16f20bb48ee53a9a55a22aaab710e32ff
Reviewed-by: Bob Nystrom <>
Commit-Queue: Morten Krogh-jespersen <>
This commit is contained in:
Morten Krogh-Jespersen 2017-11-09 01:48:03 +00:00 committed by
parent a322a35429
commit 14ae756623
5 changed files with 494 additions and 0 deletions

View file

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
# Generated by pub on 2017-07-24 16:32:37.651832.

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@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:status_file/canonical_status_file.dart';
import 'package:status_file/status_file.dart' as status_file;
import 'package:status_file/status_file_linter.dart';
void main(List<String> arguments) {
var parser = new ArgParser();
negatable: false,
defaultsTo: false,
help: "Warn if a status header expression contains '||'.");
var results = parser.parse(arguments);
if ( != 1) {
print("Usage: dart status_file/bin/lint.dart <path>");
var path =;
bool result = true;
if (new File(path).existsSync()) {
result =
lintFile(path, checkForDisjunctions: results['check-for-disjunctions']);
} else if (new Directory(path).existsSync()) {
var allResults = new Directory(path).listSync(recursive: true).map((entry) {
if (!entry.path.endsWith(".status")) {
return true;
return lintFile(entry.path,
checkForDisjunctions: results['check-for-disjunctions']);
return allResults.every((result) => result);
if (!result) {
bool lintFile(String path, {bool checkForDisjunctions = false}) {
try {
var statusFile = new;
var lintingErrors =
lint(statusFile, checkForDisjunctions: checkForDisjunctions);
if (lintingErrors.isEmpty) {
return true;
var errors = lintingErrors.toList();
errors.sort((a, b) => a.lineNumber.compareTo((b.lineNumber)));
} on status_file.SyntaxError catch (error) {
stderr.writeln("Could not parse $path:\n$error");
return false;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:status_file/canonical_status_file.dart';
class LintingError {
final int lineNumber;
final String message;
LintingError(this.lineNumber, this.message);
String toString() {
return "Error at line $lineNumber: $message";
/// Main function to check a status file for linting errors.
List<LintingError> lint(StatusFile file, {checkForDisjunctions = false}) {
var errors = <LintingError>[];
for (var section in file.sections) {
if (checkForDisjunctions) {
return errors;
/// Checks for invalid comment lines in a section.
/// We do not allow the following:
/// [ ... ]
/// vm/test: Skip # description
/// # Some comment <-- invalid
/// ...
/// This function checks for such invalid comments.
Iterable<LintingError> lintCommentLinesInSection(StatusSection section) {
if (section.lineNumber == -1) {
// This is the default section, which also has the dart copyright notice.
// Allow comment entries in the beginning of the file, until the first
// status entry.
var seenStatusEntry = false;
var lintingErrors = <LintingError>[];
for (var entry in section.entries) {
seenStatusEntry = seenStatusEntry || entry is StatusEntry;
if (seenStatusEntry && entry is CommentEntry) {
lintingErrors.add(new LintingError(
entry.lineNumber, "Comment is on a line by itself."));
return lintingErrors;
return section.entries.where((entry) => entry is CommentEntry).map((entry) =>
new LintingError(entry.lineNumber, "Comment is on a line by itself."));
/// Checks for disjunctions in headers. Disjunctions should be separated out.
/// Example:
/// [ $mode == debug || $mode == release ]
/// should not be allowed. The clauses should be refactored into own sections:
/// [ $mode == debug ]
/// ...
/// [ $mode == release ]
/// ...
/// Removing disjunctions will turn some sections into two or more sections with
/// the same status entries, but these will be much easier to process with our
/// tools.
Iterable<LintingError> lintDisjunctionsInHeader(StatusSection section) {
if (section.condition.toString().contains("||")) {
return [
new LintingError(
"Expression contains '||'. Please split the expression into multiple "
"separate sections.")
return [];
/// Checks for correct ordering of test entries in sections. They should be
/// ordered alphabetically.
Iterable<LintingError> lintAlphabeticalOrderingOfPaths(StatusSection section) {
var entries = section.entries.where((entry) => entry is StatusEntry).toList();
var sortedList = entries.toList()..sort((a, b) => a.path.compareTo(b.path));
var witness = _findNotEqualWitness<StatusEntry>(sortedList, entries);
if (witness != null) {
return [
new LintingError(
"Test paths are not alphabetically ordered in section. "
"${witness.first.path} should come before ${witness.second.path}.")
return [];
/// Checks that each section expression have been normalized.
Iterable<LintingError> lintNormalizedSection(StatusSection section) {
if (section.condition == null) return const [];
var normalized = section.condition.normalize().toString();
if (section.condition.toString() != normalized) {
return [
new LintingError(
section.lineNumber, "Condition expression should be '$normalized'.")
return const [];
/// Checks for incorrect ordering of section headers. Section headers should be
/// alphabetically ordered, except, when negation is used, it should be
/// lexicographically close to the none-negated one, but still come after.
/// [ $compiler == dart2js ] < [ $strong ]
/// [ $mode == debug ] < [ $mode != debug ]
/// [ $strong ] < [ ! $strong ]
/// A larger example could be the following:
/// [ $mode != debug ]
/// [ !strong ]
/// [ $mode == debug ]
/// [ strong ]
/// [ $compiler == dart2js ]
/// which should should become:
/// [ $compiler == dart2js ]
/// [ $mode == debug ]
/// [ $mode != debug ]
/// [ strong ]
/// [ !strong ]
Iterable<LintingError> checkSectionHeaderOrdering(
List<StatusSection> sections) {
var unsorted = sections.where((section) => section.lineNumber != -1).toList();
var sorted = unsorted.toList()
..sort((a, b) => a.condition.compareTo(b.condition));
var witness = _findNotEqualWitness<StatusSection>(sorted, unsorted);
if (witness != null) {
return [
new LintingError(
"Section expressions are not correctly ordered in file. "
"${witness.first.condition} on line ${witness.first.lineNumber} "
"should come before ${witness.second.condition} at line "
return [];
ListNotEqualWitness<T> _findNotEqualWitness<T>(List<T> first, List<T> second) {
if (first.isEmpty && second.isEmpty) {
return null;
for (var i = 0; i < math.max(first.length, second.length); i++) {
if (i >= second.length) {
return new ListNotEqualWitness(first[i], null);
} else if (i >= first.length) {
return new ListNotEqualWitness(null, second[i]);
} else if (first[i] != second[i]) {
return new ListNotEqualWitness(first[i], second[i]);
return null;
class ListNotEqualWitness<T> {
final T first;
final T second;
ListNotEqualWitness(this.first, this.second);

View file

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ homepage:
# sdk: '>=1.0.0 <2.0.0'
path: "^1.4.0"
args: "^0.13.7"
path: ../expect

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@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
import 'package:status_file/canonical_status_file.dart';
import 'package:status_file/status_file_linter.dart';
void main() {
StatusFile createFromString(String text) {
return new StatusFile.parse("test", text.split('\n'));
expectError(String text, String expectedError, {bool disjunctions = false}) {
var statusFile = createFromString(text);
var errors = lint(statusFile, checkForDisjunctions: disjunctions).toList();
Expect.equals(expectedError, errors.first.toString());
expectNoError(String text, {bool disjunctions = true}) {
var errors =
lint(createFromString(text), checkForDisjunctions: disjunctions).toList();
Expect.listEquals([], errors);
void testCommentLinesInSection_invalidCommentInSection() {
expectError(r"""[ $mode == debug ]
# this comment is invalid
""", "Error at line 2: Comment is on a line by itself.");
void testCommentLinesInSection_invalidCommentInSectionAfterEntries() {
expectError(r"""[ $mode == debug ]
vm/tests: Skip
# this comment is invalid
""", "Error at line 3: Comment is on a line by itself.");
void testCommentLinesInSection_okSectionEntryComment() {
expectNoError(r"""[ $mode == debug ]
vm/tests: Skip # this comment is valid
vm/tests2: Timeout # this comment is also valid
void testCommentLinesInSection_okSectionComment() {
recursive_mixin_test: Crash
# These comment lines belong to the section header. These are alright to have.
# Even having multiple lines of these should not be a problem.
[ $mode == debug ]
vm/tests: Skip
vm/tests2: Timeout # this comment is also valid
void testCheckForDisjunctions_notAllowedDisjunction() {
r"""[ $mode == debug || $mode == release ]
vm/tests: Skip # this comment is valid
"Error at line 1: Expression contains '||'. Please split the expression "
"into multiple separate sections.",
disjunctions: true);
void testCheckForDisjunctions_shouldBeAllowedInComments() {
expectNoError(r"""# This should allow || in comments
[ $mode == debug ]
vm/tests: Skip # this comment is valid
""", disjunctions: true);
void testCheckForAlphabeticalOrderingOfPaths_invalidOrdering() {
r"""[ $mode == debug ]
vm/tests: Skip # this should come after a_test
a_test: Pass
"Error at line 1: Test paths are not alphabetically ordered in "
"section. a_test should come before vm/tests.");
void testCheckForAlphabeticalOrderingOfPaths_okOrdering() {
expectNoError(r"""[ $mode == debug ]
a_test: Pass
b_test: Pass
bc_test: Pass
xyz_test: Skip
void testCheckForCorrectOrderingInSections_invalidRuntimeBeforeCompiler() {
r"""[ $runtime == ff && $compiler == dart2js]
a_test: Pass
r"Error at line 1: Condition expression should be '$compiler == dart2js "
r"&& $runtime == ff'.");
void testCheckForCorrectOrderingInSections_invalidRuntimeBeforeMode() {
r"""[ $runtime == ff && $mode == debug ]
a_test: Pass
r"Error at line 1: Condition expression should be '$mode == debug && "
r"$runtime == ff'.");
void testCheckForCorrectOrderingInSections_invalidSystemBeforeMode() {
r"""[ $system == win && $mode == debug ]
a_test: Pass
r"Error at line 1: Condition expression should be '$mode == debug && "
r"$system == win'.");
void testCheckForCorrectOrderingInSections_invalidStrongBeforeKernel() {
expectError(r"""[ !$strong && !$kernel ]
a_test: Pass
""", r"Error at line 1: Condition expression should be '!$kernel && !$strong'.");
void testCheckForCorrectOrderingInSections_invalidOrdering() {
r"""[ $compiler == dart2js && $builder_tag == strong && !$browser ]
a_test: Pass
r"Error at line 1: Condition expression should be '$builder_tag == "
r"strong && $compiler == dart2js && !$browser'.");
void testCheckForCorrectOrderingInSections_okOrdering() {
expectNoError(r"""[ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime != ff && !$browser ]
a_test: Pass
void checkLintNormalizedSection_invalidAlphabeticalOrderingVariables() {
r"""[ $runtime == ff ]
a_test: Pass
[ $compiler == dart2js ]
a_test: Pass
r"Error at line 1: Section expressions are not correctly ordered in file."
r" $compiler == dart2js on line 4 should come before $runtime == ff at "
r"line 1.");
void checkLintNormalizedSection_invalidAlphabeticalOrderingVariableArguments() {
r"""[ $runtime == ff ]
a_test: Pass
[ $runtime == chrome ]
a_test: Pass
r"Error at line 1: Section expressions are not correctly ordered in file."
r" $runtime == chrome on line 4 should come before $runtime == ff at "
r"line 1.");
void checkLintNormalizedSection_invalidOrderingWithNotEqual() {
[ $ runtime == chrome ]
a_test: Pass
[ $runtime != ff ]
a_test: Pass
[ $runtime == ff ]
a_test: Pass
r"Error at line 4: Section expressions are not correctly ordered in file."
r" $runtime == ff on line 7 should come before $runtime != ff at line 4.");
void checkLintNormalizedSection_invalidOrderingWithNegation() {
[ ! $browser ]
a_test: Pass
[ ! $checked ]
a_test: Pass
[ $checked ]
a_test: Pass
r"Error at line 4: Section expressions are not correctly ordered in file."
r" $checked on line 7 should come before !$checked at line 4.");
void checkLintNormalizedSection_correctOrdering() {
[ ! $browser ]
a_test: Pass
[ $compiler == dart2js ]
[ $compiler == dartk ]
[ $checked ]
a_test: Pass
[ !$checked ]
a_test: Pass
[ $runtime == chrome ]
a_test: Pass