Field promotion: make the core promotability algorithm sharable; fix bugs

In the following code, it's not safe for the field `C._f` to undergo
type promotion, because a variable with static type `C` might have
type `D` at runtime, in which case `C._f` will get dispatched to
`noSuchMethod`, which is not guaranteed to return a stable result.

    class C {
      final int? _f;
    class D implements C {
      noSuchMethod(_) => ...;
    foo(C c) {
      if (c._f != null) {
        print(c._f + 1); // UNSAFE!

Therefore, in order to determine which fields are promotable, the
implementations need to analyze enough of the class hierarchy to
figure out which field accesses might get dispatched to

Currently, the CFE does this by following its usual algorithm for
generating `noSuchMethod` forwarders before trying to determine which
fields are promotable. The analyzer, on the other hand, doesn't have
an algorithm for generating `noSuchMethod` forwarders (since it
doesn't implement execution semantics); so instead it has its own
logic to figure out when a `noSuchMethod` forwarder is needed for a
field, and disable promotion for that field.

But there's a chicken-and-egg problem in the CFE: the CFE needs to
determine which fields are promotable before doing top-level inference
(since the initializers of top-level fields might make use of field
promotion, affecting their inferred types--see #50522). But it doesn't
decide where `noSuchMethod` forwarders are needed until after
top-level inference (because the same phase that generates
`noSuchMethod` forwarders also generates forwarders that do runtime
covariant type-checking, and so it has to run after all top level
types have been inferred).

To fix the chicken-and-egg problem, I plan to rework the CFE so that
it uses the same algorithm as the analyzer to determine which fields
are promotable. This CL makes a first step towards that goal, by
reworking the analyzer's field promotability algorithm into a form
where it can be shared with the CFE, and moving it to
`package:_fe_analyzer_shared`.  Since this required a fairly
substantial rewrite, I went ahead and fixed #52938 in the process.

Fixes #52938.

Change-Id: I9e68f51b3ea9a967f55f15bdc445cc1c0efdabdd
Reviewed-by: Johnni Winther <>
Reviewed-by: Konstantin Shcheglov <>
Reviewed-by: Sigmund Cherem <>
Commit-Queue: Paul Berry <>
This commit is contained in:
Paul Berry 2023-07-18 18:54:26 +00:00 committed by Commit Queue
parent 6b4337ab69
commit 130d6199c3
7 changed files with 834 additions and 267 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/util/dependency_walker.dart';
/// Information about a [Class] that is necessary for computing the set of
/// private `noSuchMethod` getters the compiler will generate.
class ClassInfo<Class extends Object> {
/// The [_InterfaceNode] for the [Class].
final _InterfaceNode<Class> _interfaceNode;
/// The [_ImplementedNode] for the [Class].
final _ImplementedNode<Class> _implementedNode;
ClassInfo(this._interfaceNode, this._implementedNode);
/// This class examines all the [Class]es in a library and determines which
/// fields are promotable within that library.
/// Note: the term [Class] is used in a general sense here; it can represent any
/// class, mixin, or enum declared in the user's program.
/// A field is considered promotable if all of the following are true:
/// - It is final
/// - Its name is private
/// - The library doesn't contain any non-final fields, concrete getters, or
/// `noSuchMethod` getters with the same name.
/// These rules were chosen because they are sufficient to determine that all
/// reads of the field that complete normally will either throw an exception,
/// return a single stable object, or return objects with a single stable
/// runtime type; this ensures that type promotion is safe.
/// The reason the field must be private is because if it isn't, then at
/// runtime, a read of the field might resolve to a getter or a non-final field
/// in a subclass that's implemented in some other library, and hence the result
/// of the read won't be stable.
/// Note that as a result of the third bullet item, any private name that's
/// associated with a non-final field, concrete getter, or `noSuchMethod` getter
/// renders all fields with the same name unpromotable within the library. The
/// reason for this is that since most Dart classes can also be used as
/// interfaces (via an `implements` clause), a read that statically resolves to
/// a private final field might not actually resolve to that field at runtime;
/// it might resolve to some other field or getter with the same name. (In
/// principle it would be possible to narrow the set of possible resolution
/// targets through whole-program analysis, or by careful consideration of class
/// modifiers and public vs. private class names; however that would make the
/// analysis much more complex, and also make it difficult to explain to users
/// when to expect field promotion to work; so we've elected to simply assume
/// that all fields and getters with the same name might potentially alias to
/// one another).
/// Since all fields with the same name within the library have the same
/// promotability, this class doesn't attempt to assign a promotability boolean
/// to each field; instead it computes the set of private names for which field
/// promotion is not allowed.
/// A word about `noSuchMethod` getters: a `noSuchMethod` getter is a
/// `noSuchMethod` forwarder that implements a getter. The compiler generates
/// `noSuchMethod` forwarders when a concrete [Class] inherits a member into its
/// interface (via an `implements` clause), but it doesn't contain or inherit a
/// concrete implementation of that member. (Note that this is only legal if the
/// class contains or inherits an implementation of `noSuchMethod`). If the name
/// of the inherited member is accessible in the [Class]'s library (i.e. it's
/// either a public name or it's a private name that belongs to the [Class]'s
/// library), then the synthetic `noSuchMethod` forwarder calls `noSuchMethod`
/// and passes along the return value (casting it to the proper type). If the
/// name of the inherited member *isn't* accessible in the [Class]'s library,
/// then the synthetic `noSuchMethod` forwarder throws an exception.
/// `noSuchMethod` getters that forward to `noSuchMethod` defeat field promotion
/// for the same reason that ordinary getters do (they aren't guaranteed to
/// return a stable value). However, `noSuchMethod` getters that simply throw an
/// exception do not defeat field promotion, because the exception prevents any
/// code that relies on field promotion soundness from being reachable. Since
/// only private fields are eligible from promotion in the first place, this
/// means that it's only necessary to search the current library for
/// `noSuchMethod` getters that might defeat field promotion (because a
/// `noSuchMethod` getter in another library that's associated with a private
/// name in *this* library will always throw).
/// Note that it's possible that one class will have a final field with a given
/// private name, while another class will have a method with the same name (or
/// a `noSuchMethod` forwarder for such a method). If this happens, then an
/// attempt to read the field might at runtime resolve to a tear-off of the
/// corresponding method. This is ok (it's not necessary to suppress promotion
/// of the field), because even though the resulting tear-offs might not be
/// stable in the sense of always being identical, they will nonetheless always
/// have the same runtime type. Hence, we can completely ignore methods when
/// computing which fields in the library are promotable.
abstract class FieldPromotability<Class extends Object> {
/// The set of field names in the library that have been determined to be
/// unsafe to promote.
final Set<String> _unpromotableFieldNames = {};
/// Map from a [Class] object to the [_ImplementedNode] that records the names
/// of concrete fields and getters declared in or inherited by the [Class].
final Map<Class, _ImplementedNode<Class>> _implementedNodes =
new Map.identity();
/// Map from a [Class] object to the [_InterfaceNode] that records the names
/// of getters in the interface for a [Class].
final Map<Class, _InterfaceNode<Class>> _interfaceNodes = new Map.identity();
/// List of information about concrete [Class]es in the library.
final List<ClassInfo<Class>> _concreteInfoList = [];
/// Records the presence of [class_] in the library. The client should call
/// this method once for each class, mixin, and enum declared in the library.
/// Returns a [ClassInfo] object describing the class. After calling this
/// method, the client should call [addField] and [addGetter] to record all
/// the non-synthetic instance fields and getters in the class.
ClassInfo<Class> addClass(Class class_, {required bool isAbstract}) {
ClassInfo<Class> classInfo = new ClassInfo<Class>(
_getInterfaceNode(class_), _getImplementedNode(class_));
if (!isAbstract) {
return classInfo;
/// Records that the [Class] described by [classInfo] contains a non-synthetic
/// instance field with the given [name].
/// [isFinal] indicates whether the field is a final field. [isAbstract]
/// indicates whether the field is abstract.
/// A return value of `true` indicates that this field *might* wind up being
/// promotable; a return value of `false` indicates that it *definitely* isn't
/// promotable.
bool addField(ClassInfo<Class> classInfo, String name,
{required bool isFinal, required bool isAbstract}) {
// Public fields are never promotable, so we may safely ignore fields with
// public names.
if (!name.startsWith('_')) {
return false;
// Record the field name for later use in computation of `noSuchMethod`
// getters.
if (!isAbstract) {
if (!isFinal) {
// The field isn't final, so it isn't promotable, nor is any other field
// in the library with the same name.
// If the field is final, it might wind up being promotable.
return isFinal;
/// Records that the [Class] described by [classInfo] contains a non-synthetic
/// instance getter with the given [name].
/// [isAbstract] indicates whether the getter is abstract.
void addGetter(ClassInfo<Class> classInfo, String name,
{required bool isAbstract}) {
// Public fields are never promotable, so we may safely ignore getters with
// public names.
if (!name.startsWith('_')) {
// Record the getter name for later use in computation of `noSuchMethod`
// getters.
if (!isAbstract) {
// The getter is concrete, so no fields with the same name are promotable.
/// Computes the set of private field names which are not safe to promote in
/// the library.
/// The client should call this method once after all [Class]es, fields, and
/// getters have been recorded using [addClass], [addField], and [addGetter].
Set<String> computeUnpromotablePrivateFieldNames() {
// The names of private non-final fields and private getters have already
// been added to [_unpromotableFieldNames] by [addField] and [addGetter]. So
// all that remains to do is figure out which field names are unpromotable
// due to the presence of `noSuchMethod` getters. To do this, we'll need to
// walk the class hierarchy and gather (a) the names of private instance
// getters in each class's interface, and (b) the names of private instance
// fields and getters in each class's implementation.
_ClassHierarchyWalker<Class> interfaceWalker =
new _ClassHierarchyWalker<Class>();
_ClassHierarchyWalker<Class> implementedWalker =
new _ClassHierarchyWalker<Class>();
// For each concrete class in the library,
for (ClassInfo<Class> info in _concreteInfoList) {
// Compute names of getters in the interface.
_InterfaceNode<Class> interfaceNode = info._interfaceNode;
Set<String> interfaceNames = interfaceNode._transitiveNames!;
// Compute names of actually implemented getters.
_ImplementedNode<Class> implementedNode = info._implementedNode;
Set<String> implementedNames = implementedNode._transitiveNames!;
// `noSuchMethod` getters will be generated for getters that are in the
// interface, but not actually implemented; consequently, fields with
// these names are not safe to promote.
for (String name in interfaceNames) {
if (!implementedNames.contains(name)) {
return _unpromotableFieldNames;
/// Returns an iterable of the direct superclasses of [class_]. If
/// [ignoreImplements] is `true`, then superclasses reached through an
/// `implements` clause are ignored.
/// This is used to gather the transitive closure of fields and getters
/// present in a class's interface and implementation. Therefore, it does not
/// matter whether the client uses a fully sugared model of mixins (in which
/// `class C extends B with M1, M2 {}` is represented as a single class with
/// direct superclasses `B`, `M1`, and `M2`) or a fully desugared model (in
/// which `class C extends B with M1, M2` represents a class `C` with
/// superclass `B&M1&M2`, which in turn has supertypes `B&M1` and `M2`, etc.)
Iterable<Class> getSuperclasses(Class class_,
{required bool ignoreImplements});
/// Gets or creates the [_ImplementedNode] for [class_].
_ImplementedNode<Class> _getImplementedNode(Class class_) =>
_implementedNodes[class_] ??= new _ImplementedNode<Class>(this, class_);
/// Gets or creates the [_InterfaceNode] for [class_].
_InterfaceNode<Class> _getInterfaceNode(Class class_) =>
_interfaceNodes[class_] ??= new _InterfaceNode<Class>(this, class_);
/// Dependency walker that traverses the graph of a class's type hierarchy,
/// gathering the transitive closure of field and getter names.
/// This is based on the [DependencyWalker] class, which implements Tarjan's
/// strongly connected component's algorithm in order to efficiently handle
/// cycles in the class hierarchy (which the analyzer tolerates).
class _ClassHierarchyWalker<Class extends Object>
extends DependencyWalker<_Node<Class>> {
void evaluate(_Node<Class> v) => evaluateScc([v]);
void evaluateScc(List<_Node<Class>> scc) {
// Gather the names directly declared in all the classes in this strongly
// connected component, plus all the names in the transitive closure of the
// strongly connected components this component depends on.
Set<String> transitiveNames = <String>{};
for (_Node<Class> node in scc) {
for (_Node<Class> dependency in Node.getDependencies(node)) {
Set<String>? namesFromDependency = dependency._transitiveNames;
if (namesFromDependency != null) {
// Store this list of names in all the nodes of this strongly connected
// component.
for (_Node<Class> node in scc) {
node._transitiveNames = transitiveNames;
/// Data structure tracking the set of private fields and getters a [Class]
/// concretely implements.
/// This data structure extends [_Node] so that we can efficiently walk the
/// superclass chain (without having to worry about circularities) in order to
/// include getters concretely implemented in superclasses and mixins.
class _ImplementedNode<Class extends Object> extends _Node<Class> {
_ImplementedNode(super.fieldPromotability, super.element);
List<_Node<Class>> computeDependencies() {
// We need to gather field and getter names from the transitive closure of
// superclasses, following `with` and `extends` edges but not `implements`
// edges. So the set of dependencies of this node is the set of immediate
// superclasses, ignoring `implements`.
List<_Node<Class>> dependencies = [];
for (Class supertype in _fieldPromotability.getSuperclasses(_class,
ignoreImplements: true)) {
return dependencies;
/// Data structure tracking the set of getters in a [Class]'s interface.
/// This data structure extends [_Node] so that we can efficiently walk the
/// class hierarchy (without having to worry about circularities) in order to
/// include getters defined in superclasses, mixins, and interfaces.
class _InterfaceNode<Class extends Object> extends _Node<Class> {
_InterfaceNode(super.fieldPromotability, super.element);
List<_Node<Class>> computeDependencies() {
// We need to gather field and getter names from the transitive closure of
// superclasses, following `with`, `extends`, `implements`, and `on` edges.
// So the set of dependencies of this node is the set of immediate
// superclasses, including `implements`.
List<_Node<Class>> dependencies = [];
for (Class supertype in _fieldPromotability.getSuperclasses(_class,
ignoreImplements: false)) {
return dependencies;
/// A node in either the graph of a class's type hierarchy, recording the
/// information necessary for computing the set of private `noSuchMethod`
/// getters the compiler will generate.
abstract class _Node<Class extends Object> extends Node<_Node<Class>> {
/// A reference back to the [FieldPromotability] object.
final FieldPromotability<Class> _fieldPromotability;
/// The [Class] represented by this node.
final Class _class;
/// The names of getters declared by [_class] directly.
final Set<String> _directNames = {};
/// The names of getters declared by [_class] and its superinterfaces.
/// Populated when [_ClassHierarchyWalker] encounters a strongly connected
/// component.
Set<String>? _transitiveNames;
_Node(this._fieldPromotability, this._class);
bool get isEvaluated => _transitiveNames != null;

View file

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ dependencies:
# best practice for packages is to specify their compatible version ranges.
# See also
checks: any
test: any

View file

@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/field_promotability.dart';
import 'package:checks/checks.dart';
import 'package:test/scaffolding.dart';
main() {
test('final private field is promotable', () {
var f = Field('_f', isFinal: true);
var c = Class(fields: [f]);
test('final public field is not promotable', () {
var f = Field('f', isFinal: true);
var c = Class(fields: [f]);
// Note that the set returned by `` is just the
// set of *private* field names that are unpromotable, so even though `f`
// is not promotable, the returned set is empty.
test('non-final private field is not promotable', () {
var f = Field('_f');
var c = Class(fields: [f]);
group('concrete getter renders a private field non-promotable:', () {
test('in a concrete class', () {
var c = Class(fields: [Field('_f', isFinal: true)]);
var d = Class(getters: [Getter('_f')]);
check(_TestFieldPromotability().run([c, d])).unorderedEquals({'_f'});
test('in an abstract class', () {
var c = Class(fields: [Field('_f', isFinal: true)]);
var d = Class(isAbstract: true, getters: [Getter('_f')]);
check(_TestFieldPromotability().run([c, d])).unorderedEquals({'_f'});
test('abstract getter does not render a private field non-promotable', () {
var f = Field('_f', isFinal: true);
var c = Class(fields: [f]);
var d = Class(isAbstract: true, getters: [Getter('_f', isAbstract: true)]);
check(_TestFieldPromotability().run([c, d])).unorderedEquals({});
test('public concrete getter is ignored', () {
// Since public fields are never promotable, there's no need for the
// algorithm to keep track of public concrete getters.
var f = Field('f', isFinal: true);
var c = Class(fields: [f]);
var d = Class(getters: [Getter('f')]);
// Therefore the set returned by `` is empty.
check(_TestFieldPromotability().run([c, d])).unorderedEquals({});
group('unimplemented getter renders a field non-promotable:', () {
test('induced by getter', () {
var f = Field('_f', isFinal: true);
var c = Class(fields: [f]);
var d =
Class(isAbstract: true, getters: [Getter('_f', isAbstract: true)]);
var e = Class(implements: [d]);
check(_TestFieldPromotability().run([c, d, e])).unorderedEquals({'_f'});
test('induced by field', () {
var f = Field('_f', isFinal: true);
var c = Class(fields: [f]);
var d = Class(isAbstract: true, fields: [Field('_f', isFinal: true)]);
var e = Class(implements: [d]);
check(_TestFieldPromotability().run([c, d, e])).unorderedEquals({'_f'});
test('unimplemented getter in an abstract class is ok', () {
var f = Field('_f', isFinal: true);
var c = Class(fields: [f]);
var d = Class(isAbstract: true, getters: [Getter('_f', isAbstract: true)]);
var e = Class(isAbstract: true, implements: [d]);
check(_TestFieldPromotability().run([c, d, e])).unorderedEquals({});
test('unimplemented abstract field renders a field non-promotable:', () {
var f = Field('_f', isFinal: true);
var c = Class(fields: [f]);
var d = Class(
isAbstract: true,
fields: [Field('_f', isAbstract: true, isFinal: true)]);
var e = Class(extendsOrMixesIn: [d]);
check(_TestFieldPromotability().run([c, d, e])).unorderedEquals({'_f'});
test('implementations are inherited transitively', () {
// `e` inherits `f` from `c` via `d`, so no `noSuchMethod` forwarder is
// needed, and therefore promotion is allowed.
var f = Field('_f', isFinal: true);
var c = Class(fields: [f]);
var d = Class(extendsOrMixesIn: [c]);
var e = Class(extendsOrMixesIn: [d], implements: [c]);
check(_TestFieldPromotability().run([c, d, e])).unorderedEquals({});
test('interfaces are inherited transitively', () {
// `e` inherits the interface for `f` from `c` via `d`, so a `noSuchMethod`
// forwarder is needed, and therefore promotion is not allowed.
var f = Field('_f', isFinal: true);
var c = Class(fields: [f]);
var d = Class(isAbstract: true, implements: [c]);
var e = Class(implements: [d]);
check(_TestFieldPromotability().run([c, d, e])).unorderedEquals({'_f'});
test('class hierarchy circularities are handled', () {
// Since it's a compile error to have a circularity in the class hierarchy,
// all we need to check is that the algorithm terminates; we don't check the
// result.
var c = Class(extendsOrMixesIn: []);
var d = Class(extendsOrMixesIn: [c]);
var e = Class(extendsOrMixesIn: [d]);
_TestFieldPromotability().run([c, d, e]);
class Class {
final List<Class> extendsOrMixesIn;
final List<Class> implements;
final bool isAbstract;
final List<Field> fields;
final List<Getter> getters;
{this.extendsOrMixesIn = const [],
this.implements = const [],
this.isAbstract = false,
this.fields = const [],
this.getters = const []});
class Field {
final String name;
final bool isFinal;
final bool isAbstract;
late final bool isPossiblyPromotable;
Field(, {this.isFinal = false, this.isAbstract = false});
class Getter {
final String name;
final bool isAbstract;
Getter(, {this.isAbstract = false});
class _TestFieldPromotability extends FieldPromotability<Class> {
Iterable<Class> getSuperclasses(Class class_,
{required bool ignoreImplements}) {
if (ignoreImplements) {
return class_.extendsOrMixesIn;
} else {
return [...class_.extendsOrMixesIn, ...class_.implements];
Set<String> run(Iterable<Class> classes) {
// Iterate through all the classes, enums, and mixins in the library,
// recording the non-synthetic instance fields and getters of each.
for (var class_ in classes) {
var classInfo = addClass(class_, isAbstract: class_.isAbstract);
for (var field in class_.fields) {
field.isPossiblyPromotable = addField(classInfo,,
isFinal: field.isFinal, isAbstract: field.isAbstract);
for (var getter in class_.getters) {
addGetter(classInfo,, isAbstract: getter.isAbstract);
// Compute the set of field names that are not promotable.
return computeUnpromotablePrivateFieldNames();

View file

@ -1,265 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/util/dependency_walker.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary2/library_builder.dart';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
/// This class computes which fields are promotable in a library.
class FieldPromotability {
final LibraryBuilder _libraryBuilder;
/// Fields that might be promotable, if not marked unpromotable later.
final List<FieldElementImpl> _potentiallyPromotableFields = [];
/// The set of field names that are not safe to promote.
/// 1. There is a non-final field with this name.
/// 2. There is a concrete getter with this name.
/// 3. Has a `noSuchMethod` forwarder.
final Set<String> _unpromotableFieldNames = {};
/// Getters actually implemented by the key element.
final Map<InterfaceElement, _ImplementedNode> _implementedNodes =
/// Getters in the interface of the key element.
final Map<InterfaceElement, _InterfaceNode> _interfaceNodes = Map.identity();
/// Information about concrete [InterfaceElement]s.
final List<_InterfaceElementInfo> _concreteInfoList = [];
void perform() {
for (var unitElement in _libraryBuilder.element.units) {
for (var class_ in unitElement.classes) {
_addInterfaceElement(class_, isAbstract: class_.isAbstract);
for (var enum_ in unitElement.enums) {
_addInterfaceElement(enum_, isAbstract: false);
for (var mixin_ in unitElement.mixins) {
_addInterfaceElement(mixin_, isAbstract: true);
var interfaceWalker = _Walker();
var implementedWalker = _Walker();
for (var info in _concreteInfoList) {
// Compute names of getters in the interface.
var interfaceNode = info._interfaceNode;
var interfaceNames = interfaceNode._transitiveNames!;
// Compute names of actually implemented getters.
var implementedNode = info._implementedNode;
var implementedNames = implementedNode._transitiveNames!;
// noSuchMethod forwarders will be generated for getters that are
// in the interface, but not actually implemented; consequently,
// fields with these names are not safe to promote.
for (var name in interfaceNames) {
if (!implementedNames.contains(name)) {
for (var field in _potentiallyPromotableFields) {
if (!_unpromotableFieldNames.contains( {
field.isPromotable = true;
void _addInterfaceElement(
InterfaceElement element, {
required bool isAbstract,
}) {
var interfaceInfo = _InterfaceElementInfo(this, element,
_getInterfaceNode(element), _getImplementedNode(element));
if (!isAbstract) {
/// Gets or creates the [_ImplementedNode] for [element].
_ImplementedNode _getImplementedNode(InterfaceElement element) =>
_implementedNodes[element] ??= _ImplementedNode(this, element);
/// If the [element] is not in the [_libraryBuilder], returns `null`.
/// Otherwise, invokes [_getImplementedNode].
_ImplementedNode? _getImplementedNodeOrNull(InterfaceElement element) {
if (element.library == _libraryBuilder.element) {
return _getImplementedNode(element);
return null;
/// Gets or creates the [_InterfaceNode] for [element].
_InterfaceNode _getInterfaceNode(InterfaceElement element) =>
_interfaceNodes[element] ??= _InterfaceNode(this, element);
/// If the [element] is not in the [_libraryBuilder], returns `null`.
/// Otherwise, invokes [_getInterfaceNode].
_InterfaceNode? _getInterfaceNodeOrNull(InterfaceElement element) {
if (element.library == _libraryBuilder.element) {
return _getInterfaceNode(element);
return null;
/// Data structure tracking the set of getters a class concretely implements.
/// This data structure extends [_Node] so that we can efficiently walk the
/// superclass chain (without having to worry about circularities) in order to
/// include getters concretely implemented in superclasses and mixins.
class _ImplementedNode extends _Node {
_ImplementedNode(super.fieldPromotability, super.element);
List<_Node> computeDependencies() {
return [_element.supertype, ..._element.mixins]
.map((type) => type.element)
/// Information about an [InterfaceElement].
class _InterfaceElementInfo {
final FieldPromotability _fieldPromotability;
final InterfaceElement _element;
final _InterfaceNode _interfaceNode;
final _ImplementedNode _implementedNode;
) {
for (var field in _element.fields) {
field as FieldElementImpl;
for (var accessor in _element.accessors) {
void _addFieldElement(FieldElementImpl element) {
if (element.isStatic || element.isSynthetic) {
var name =;
if (!name.startsWith('_')) {
if (element.isFinal) {
} else {
void _addPropertyAccessorElement(PropertyAccessorElement element) {
if (!element.isGetter || element.isStatic || element.isSynthetic) {
var name =;
if (!name.startsWith('_')) {
if (!element.isAbstract) {
/// Data structure tracking the set of getters in a class's interface.
/// This data structure extends [_Node] so that we can efficiently walk the
/// class hierarchy (without having to worry about circularities) in order to
/// include getters defined in superclasses, mixins, and interfaces.
class _InterfaceNode extends _Node {
_InterfaceNode(super.fieldPromotability, super.element);
List<_Node> computeDependencies() {
var directInterfaces = [
return directInterfaces
.map((type) => type.element)
/// Dependency walker node allowing us to efficiently walk the class hierarchy
/// and accumulate getter names.
abstract class _Node extends Node<_Node> {
/// A reference back to the [FieldPromotability] object.
final FieldPromotability _fieldPromotability;
/// The element represented by this node.
final InterfaceElement _element;
/// The names of getters declared by [_element] directly.
final Set<String> _directNames = {};
/// The names of getters declared by [_element] and its superinterfaces.
Set<String>? _transitiveNames;
_Node(this._fieldPromotability, this._element);
bool get isEvaluated => _transitiveNames != null;
class _Walker extends DependencyWalker<_Node> {
void evaluate(_Node v) => evaluateScc([v]);
void evaluateScc(List<_Node> scc) {
var transitiveNames = <String>{};
for (var node in scc) {
for (var dependency in Node.getDependencies(node)) {
var namesFromDependency = dependency._transitiveNames;
if (namesFromDependency != null) {
for (var node in scc) {
node._transitiveNames = transitiveNames;

View file

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/field_promotability.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/features.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/utilities.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
@ -19,7 +20,6 @@ import 'package:analyzer/src/summary2/constructor_initializer_resolver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary2/default_value_resolver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary2/element_builder.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary2/export.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary2/field_promotability.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary2/link.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary2/macro_application.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary2/metadata_resolver.dart';
@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ class LibraryBuilder {
void declare(String name, Reference reference) {
@ -998,6 +998,95 @@ class LinkingUnit {
/// This class examines all the [InterfaceElement]s in a library and determines
/// which fields are promotable within that library.
class _FieldPromotability extends FieldPromotability<InterfaceElement> {
/// The [_libraryBuilder] for the library being analyzed.
final LibraryBuilder _libraryBuilder;
/// Fields that might be promotable, if not marked unpromotable later.
final List<FieldElementImpl> _potentiallyPromotableFields = [];
Iterable<InterfaceElement> getSuperclasses(InterfaceElement class_,
{required bool ignoreImplements}) {
List<InterfaceElement> result = [];
var supertype = class_.supertype;
if (supertype != null) {
for (var m in class_.mixins) {
if (!ignoreImplements) {
for (var interface in class_.interfaces) {
if (class_ is MixinElement) {
for (var constraint in class_.superclassConstraints) {
return result;
/// Computes which fields are promotable and updates their `isPromotable`
/// properties accordingly.
void perform() {
// Iterate through all the classes, enums, and mixins in the library,
// recording the non-synthetic instance fields and getters of each.
for (var unitElement in _libraryBuilder.element.units) {
for (var class_ in unitElement.classes) {
_handleMembers(addClass(class_, isAbstract: class_.isAbstract), class_);
for (var enum_ in unitElement.enums) {
_handleMembers(addClass(enum_, isAbstract: false), enum_);
for (var mixin_ in unitElement.mixins) {
_handleMembers(addClass(mixin_, isAbstract: true), mixin_);
// Compute the set of field names that are not promotable.
var unpromotableFieldNames = computeUnpromotablePrivateFieldNames();
// Set the `isPromotable` bit for each field element that *is* promotable.
for (var field in _potentiallyPromotableFields) {
if (!unpromotableFieldNames.contains( {
field.isPromotable = true;
/// Records all the non-synthetic instance fields and getters of [class_] into
/// [classInfo].
void _handleMembers(
ClassInfo<InterfaceElement> classInfo, InterfaceElementImpl class_) {
for (var field in class_.fields) {
if (field.isStatic || field.isSynthetic) {
var isPotentiallyPromotable = addField(classInfo,,
isFinal: field.isFinal, isAbstract: field.isAbstract);
if (isPotentiallyPromotable) {
for (var accessor in class_.accessors) {
if (!accessor.isGetter || accessor.isStatic || accessor.isSynthetic) {
addGetter(classInfo,, isAbstract: accessor.isAbstract);
class _FlushElementOffsets extends GeneralizingElementVisitor<void> {
void visitElement(covariant ElementImpl element) {

View file

@ -115,6 +115,49 @@ PropertyAccess
test_class_field_abstract() async {
// Even though an abstract non-final field is just syntactic sugar for an
// abstract getter/setter pair (and thus in principle shouldn't prevent
// promotion), there's no way to implement it without introducing either a
// getter or a non-final field (either of which would prevent promotion). So
// the implementation goes ahead and prevents promotion even if there's no
// implementation yet, to reduce churn for the user.
await assertNoErrorsInCode('''
abstract class B {
abstract int? _foo;
// Suppress "unused field" warning on `B._foo`.
int? f(B b) => b._foo;
class C {
final int? _foo;
void g(C c) {
if (c._foo != null) {
var node = findNode.prefixed('c._foo;');
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
prefix: SimpleIdentifier
token: c
staticElement: self::@function::g::@parameter::c
staticType: C
period: .
identifier: SimpleIdentifier
token: _foo
staticElement: self::@class::C::@getter::_foo
staticType: int?
staticElement: self::@class::C::@getter::_foo
staticType: int?
test_class_field_invocation_prefixedIdentifier_nullability() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode('''
class C {
@ -669,6 +712,105 @@ PrefixedIdentifier
test_implemented_via_other_library() async {
// When determining the set of fields/getters in a class's implementation,
// it's necessary to traverse the whole class hierarchy, including classes
// outside the current library, because a class outside the current library
// may extend a class inside the current library. In the example below,
// `c._foo` is promotable because class E doesn't contain any `noSuchMethod`
// getters, due to the fact that it inherits an implementation of `_foo`
// from `C` via `D`.
newFile('$testPackageLibPath/other.dart', '''
import 'test.dart';
class D extends C {
await assertNoErrorsInCode('''
import 'other.dart';
class C {
final int? _foo;
class E extends D implements C {
noSuchMethod(_) => 12345;
void f(C c) {
if (c._foo != null) {
var node = findNode.prefixed('c._foo;');
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
prefix: SimpleIdentifier
token: c
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::c
staticType: C
period: .
identifier: SimpleIdentifier
token: _foo
staticElement: self::@class::C::@getter::_foo
staticType: int
staticElement: self::@class::C::@getter::_foo
staticType: int
test_interface_via_other_library() async {
// When determining the set of fields/getters in a class's interface, it's
// necessary to traverse the whole class hierarchy, including classes
// outside the current library, because a class outside the current library
// may extend or implement a class inside the current library. In the
// example below, `c._foo` is not promotable because class E contains a
// `noSuchMethod` getter for `_foo`, due to the fact that its interface
// inherits `_foo` from `C` via `D`.
newFile('$testPackageLibPath/other.dart', '''
import 'test.dart';
class D extends C {
await assertNoErrorsInCode('''
import 'other.dart';
class C {
final int? _foo;
class E implements D {
noSuchMethod(_) => 12345;
void f(C c) {
if (c._foo != null) {
var node = findNode.prefixed('c._foo;');
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
prefix: SimpleIdentifier
token: c
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::c
staticType: C
period: .
identifier: SimpleIdentifier
token: _foo
staticElement: self::@class::C::@getter::_foo
staticType: int?
staticElement: self::@class::C::@getter::_foo
staticType: int?
test_language219() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode('''
// @dart = 2.19
@ -703,6 +845,45 @@ PropertyAccess
test_mixin_on_clause() async {
// The type mentioned in a a mixin's "on" clause contributes to its
// interface. This needs to be accounted for when determining whether a
// `noSuchMethod` getter will be synthesized. In the example below,
// `c._foo` is not promotable because class D contains a `noSuchMethod`
// getter for `_foo`.
await assertNoErrorsInCode('''
mixin M on C {}
class C {
final int? _foo;
class D implements M {
noSuchMethod(_) => 12345;
void f(C c) {
if (c._foo != null) {
var node = findNode.prefixed('c._foo;');
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
prefix: SimpleIdentifier
token: c
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::c
staticType: C
period: .
identifier: SimpleIdentifier
token: _foo
staticElement: self::@class::C::@getter::_foo
staticType: int?
staticElement: self::@class::C::@getter::_foo
staticType: int?
test_super_get() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode('''
class B {

View file

@ -173,6 +173,7 @@ buffers
@ -366,6 +367,7 @@ deepest
@ -469,6 +471,7 @@ efficient
@ -514,6 +517,7 @@ estimation
@ -984,6 +988,7 @@ nnbd
@ -1288,6 +1293,7 @@ removal
@ -1528,6 +1534,7 @@ subtraction
@ -1615,6 +1622,7 @@ tokenized
@ -1629,6 +1637,7 @@ transforming