From 12b69ca3ba8f33c1cfe7c5c06e8afa62b30fe9ef Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "" Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2011 22:35:00 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] New named optional arguments syntax BUG=5218494 Review URL: git-svn-id: 260f80e4-7a28-3924-810f-c04153c831b5 --- .../src/interface/AbstractWorker.dart | 4 +- .../src/interface/BeforeLoadEvent.dart | 2 +- .../generated/src/interface/CSSMediaRule.dart | 4 +- .../src/interface/CSSPrimitiveValue.dart | 6 +- .../generated/src/interface/CSSRuleList.dart | 2 +- .../src/interface/CSSStyleDeclaration.dart | 16 +++--- .../src/interface/CSSStyleSheet.dart | 8 +-- .../generated/src/interface/CSSValueList.dart | 2 +- .../src/interface/CanvasGradient.dart | 2 +- .../interface/CanvasRenderingContext2D.dart | 20 +++---- .../src/interface/CharacterData.dart | 10 ++-- .../src/interface/ClientRectList.dart | 2 +- .../generated/src/interface/Clipboard.dart | 2 +- .../generated/src/interface/CloseEvent.dart | 2 +- .../src/interface/CompositionEvent.dart | 2 +- .../dom/generated/src/interface/Console.dart | 2 +- .../generated/src/interface/CustomEvent.dart | 2 +- .../src/interface/DOMApplicationCache.dart | 4 +- .../generated/src/interface/DOMFormData.dart | 2 +- .../src/interface/DOMImplementation.dart | 10 ++-- .../src/interface/DOMMimeTypeArray.dart | 4 +- .../generated/src/interface/DOMParser.dart | 2 +- .../generated/src/interface/DOMPlugin.dart | 4 +- .../src/interface/DOMPluginArray.dart | 6 +- .../generated/src/interface/DOMSelection.dart | 18 +++--- .../generated/src/interface/DOMWindow.dart | 38 ++++++------- .../src/interface/DataTransferItem.dart | 2 +- .../src/interface/DataTransferItems.dart | 2 +- .../dom/generated/src/interface/DataView.dart | 24 ++++---- .../dom/generated/src/interface/Database.dart | 6 +- .../generated/src/interface/DatabaseSync.dart | 2 +- .../src/interface/DeviceMotionEvent.dart | 2 +- .../src/interface/DeviceOrientationEvent.dart | 2 +- .../src/interface/DirectoryEntry.dart | 6 +- .../src/interface/DirectoryReader.dart | 2 +- .../dom/generated/src/interface/Document.dart | 56 +++++++++---------- .../dom/generated/src/interface/Element.dart | 38 ++++++------- client/dom/generated/src/interface/Entry.dart | 10 ++-- .../generated/src/interface/ErrorEvent.dart | 2 +- client/dom/generated/src/interface/Event.dart | 2 +- .../generated/src/interface/EventSource.dart | 4 +- .../generated/src/interface/EventTarget.dart | 4 +- .../generated/src/interface/FileEntry.dart | 4 +- .../generated/src/interface/FileReader.dart | 2 +- .../src/interface/FileReaderSync.dart | 2 +- .../generated/src/interface/Float32Array.dart | 2 +- .../generated/src/interface/Float64Array.dart | 2 +- .../generated/src/interface/Geolocation.dart | 4 +- .../src/interface/HTMLAllCollection.dart | 2 +- .../src/interface/HTMLCanvasElement.dart | 4 +- .../src/interface/HTMLCollection.dart | 2 +- .../generated/src/interface/HTMLDocument.dart | 4 +- .../generated/src/interface/HTMLElement.dart | 6 +- .../src/interface/HTMLInputElement.dart | 6 +- .../src/interface/HTMLMediaElement.dart | 2 +- .../src/interface/HTMLOptionsCollection.dart | 2 +- .../src/interface/HTMLSelectElement.dart | 6 +- .../src/interface/HTMLTableElement.dart | 4 +- .../src/interface/HTMLTableRowElement.dart | 4 +- .../interface/HTMLTableSectionElement.dart | 4 +- .../src/interface/HTMLTextAreaElement.dart | 2 +- .../src/interface/HashChangeEvent.dart | 2 +- .../dom/generated/src/interface/History.dart | 6 +- .../generated/src/interface/IDBCursor.dart | 2 +- .../generated/src/interface/IDBDatabase.dart | 4 +- .../dom/generated/src/interface/IDBIndex.dart | 4 +- .../generated/src/interface/IDBKeyRange.dart | 6 +- .../src/interface/IDBObjectStore.dart | 6 +- .../generated/src/interface/IDBRequest.dart | 4 +- .../src/interface/IDBTransaction.dart | 4 +- .../generated/src/interface/Int16Array.dart | 2 +- .../generated/src/interface/Int32Array.dart | 2 +- .../generated/src/interface/Int8Array.dart | 2 +- .../src/interface/KeyboardEvent.dart | 4 +- .../dom/generated/src/interface/Location.dart | 4 +- .../generated/src/interface/MediaList.dart | 6 +- .../src/interface/MediaQueryList.dart | 4 +- .../src/interface/MediaQueryListListener.dart | 2 +- .../generated/src/interface/MediaStream.dart | 4 +- .../generated/src/interface/MessageEvent.dart | 2 +- .../generated/src/interface/MouseEvent.dart | 2 +- .../src/interface/MutationEvent.dart | 2 +- .../generated/src/interface/NamedNodeMap.dart | 14 ++--- client/dom/generated/src/interface/Node.dart | 22 ++++---- .../generated/src/interface/NodeFilter.dart | 2 +- .../dom/generated/src/interface/NodeList.dart | 2 +- .../generated/src/interface/Notification.dart | 4 +- .../src/interface/OESVertexArrayObject.dart | 6 +- .../src/interface/OverflowEvent.dart | 2 +- .../src/interface/PageTransitionEvent.dart | 2 +- .../src/interface/PopStateEvent.dart | 2 +- .../src/interface/ProgressEvent.dart | 2 +- client/dom/generated/src/interface/Range.dart | 34 +++++------ .../generated/src/interface/StorageEvent.dart | 2 +- .../generated/src/interface/StorageInfo.dart | 4 +- .../generated/src/interface/StyleMedia.dart | 2 +- .../src/interface/StyleSheetList.dart | 2 +- client/dom/generated/src/interface/Text.dart | 4 +- .../generated/src/interface/TextEvent.dart | 2 +- .../generated/src/interface/TouchEvent.dart | 2 +- .../dom/generated/src/interface/UIEvent.dart | 2 +- .../generated/src/interface/Uint16Array.dart | 2 +- .../generated/src/interface/Uint32Array.dart | 2 +- .../generated/src/interface/Uint8Array.dart | 2 +- .../src/interface/WebGLRenderingContext.dart | 4 +- .../src/interface/WebKitAnimationEvent.dart | 2 +- .../src/interface/WebKitBlobBuilder.dart | 4 +- .../src/interface/WebKitCSSKeyframesRule.dart | 6 +- .../src/interface/WebKitCSSMatrix.dart | 16 +++--- .../src/interface/WebKitTransitionEvent.dart | 2 +- .../generated/src/interface/WebSocket.dart | 6 +- .../generated/src/interface/WheelEvent.dart | 2 +- .../dom/generated/src/interface/Worker.dart | 2 +- .../src/interface/WorkerContext.dart | 8 +-- .../src/interface/XMLHttpRequest.dart | 8 +-- .../src/interface/XMLHttpRequestUpload.dart | 4 +- .../src/interface/XMLSerializer.dart | 2 +- .../src/interface/XPathEvaluator.dart | 6 +- .../src/interface/XPathExpression.dart | 2 +- .../src/interface/XPathNSResolver.dart | 2 +- .../generated/src/interface/XPathResult.dart | 2 +- ..._AbstractWorkerWrappingImplementation.dart | 4 +- ...BeforeLoadEventWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- .../_CSSMediaRuleWrappingImplementation.dart | 4 +- ...SPrimitiveValueWrappingImplementation.dart | 6 +- .../_CSSRuleListWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- ...tyleDeclarationWrappingImplementation.dart | 16 +++--- .../_CSSStyleSheetWrappingImplementation.dart | 8 +-- .../_CSSValueListWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- ..._CanvasGradientWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- ...deringContext2DWrappingImplementation.dart | 20 +++---- .../_CharacterDataWrappingImplementation.dart | 10 ++-- ..._ClientRectListWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- .../_ClipboardWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- .../_CloseEventWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- ...ompositionEventWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- .../_ConsoleWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- .../_CustomEventWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- ...pplicationCacheWrappingImplementation.dart | 4 +- .../_DOMFormDataWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- ...MImplementationWrappingImplementation.dart | 10 ++-- ...OMMimeTypeArrayWrappingImplementation.dart | 4 +- .../_DOMParserWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- ..._DOMPluginArrayWrappingImplementation.dart | 6 +- .../_DOMPluginWrappingImplementation.dart | 4 +- .../_DOMSelectionWrappingImplementation.dart | 18 +++--- .../_DOMWindowWrappingImplementation.dart | 38 ++++++------- ...ataTransferItemWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- ...taTransferItemsWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- .../_DataViewWrappingImplementation.dart | 24 ++++---- .../_DatabaseSyncWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- .../_DatabaseWrappingImplementation.dart | 6 +- ...viceMotionEventWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- ...rientationEventWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- ..._DirectoryEntryWrappingImplementation.dart | 6 +- ...DirectoryReaderWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- .../_DocumentWrappingImplementation.dart | 56 +++++++++---------- .../_ElementWrappingImplementation.dart | 38 ++++++------- .../_EntryWrappingImplementation.dart | 10 ++-- .../_ErrorEventWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- .../_EventSourceWrappingImplementation.dart | 4 +- .../_EventTargetWrappingImplementation.dart | 4 +- .../_EventWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- .../_FileEntryWrappingImplementation.dart | 4 +- ..._FileReaderSyncWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- .../_FileReaderWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- .../_Float32ArrayWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- .../_Float64ArrayWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- .../_GeolocationWrappingImplementation.dart | 4 +- ...MLAllCollectionWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- ...MLCanvasElementWrappingImplementation.dart | 4 +- ..._HTMLCollectionWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- .../_HTMLDocumentWrappingImplementation.dart | 4 +- .../_HTMLElementWrappingImplementation.dart | 6 +- ...TMLInputElementWrappingImplementation.dart | 6 +- ...TMLMediaElementWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- ...tionsCollectionWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- ...MLSelectElementWrappingImplementation.dart | 6 +- ...TMLTableElementWrappingImplementation.dart | 4 +- ...TableRowElementWrappingImplementation.dart | 4 +- ...eSectionElementWrappingImplementation.dart | 4 +- ...TextAreaElementWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- ...HashChangeEventWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- .../_HistoryWrappingImplementation.dart | 6 +- .../_IDBCursorWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- .../_IDBDatabaseWrappingImplementation.dart | 4 +- .../_IDBIndexWrappingImplementation.dart | 4 +- .../_IDBKeyRangeWrappingImplementation.dart | 6 +- ..._IDBObjectStoreWrappingImplementation.dart | 6 +- .../_IDBRequestWrappingImplementation.dart | 4 +- ..._IDBTransactionWrappingImplementation.dart | 4 +- .../_Int16ArrayWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- .../_Int32ArrayWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- .../_Int8ArrayWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- .../_KeyboardEventWrappingImplementation.dart | 4 +- .../_LocationWrappingImplementation.dart | 4 +- .../_MediaListWrappingImplementation.dart | 6 +- ...eryListListenerWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- ..._MediaQueryListWrappingImplementation.dart | 4 +- .../_MediaStreamWrappingImplementation.dart | 4 +- .../_MessageEventWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- .../_MouseEventWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- .../_MutationEventWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- .../_NamedNodeMapWrappingImplementation.dart | 14 ++--- .../_NodeFilterWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- .../_NodeListWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- .../wrapping/_NodeWrappingImplementation.dart | 22 ++++---- .../_NotificationWrappingImplementation.dart | 4 +- ...rtexArrayObjectWrappingImplementation.dart | 6 +- .../_OverflowEventWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- ...TransitionEventWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- .../_PopStateEventWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- .../_ProgressEventWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- .../_RangeWrappingImplementation.dart | 34 +++++------ .../_StorageEventWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- .../_StorageInfoWrappingImplementation.dart | 4 +- .../_StyleMediaWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- ..._StyleSheetListWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- .../_TextEventWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- .../wrapping/_TextWrappingImplementation.dart | 4 +- .../_TouchEventWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- .../_UIEventWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- .../_Uint16ArrayWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- .../_Uint32ArrayWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- .../_Uint8ArrayWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- ...enderingContextWrappingImplementation.dart | 4 +- ...tAnimationEventWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- ...bKitBlobBuilderWrappingImplementation.dart | 4 +- ...SSKeyframesRuleWrappingImplementation.dart | 6 +- ...WebKitCSSMatrixWrappingImplementation.dart | 16 +++--- ...TransitionEventWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- .../_WebSocketWrappingImplementation.dart | 6 +- .../_WheelEventWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- .../_WorkerContextWrappingImplementation.dart | 8 +-- .../_WorkerWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- ...tpRequestUploadWrappingImplementation.dart | 4 +- ..._XMLHttpRequestWrappingImplementation.dart | 8 +-- .../_XMLSerializerWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- ..._XPathEvaluatorWrappingImplementation.dart | 6 +- ...XPathExpressionWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- ...XPathNSResolverWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- .../_XPathResultWrappingImplementation.dart | 2 +- client/dom/scripts/ | 26 ++++++++- 243 files changed, 697 insertions(+), 677 deletions(-) diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/AbstractWorker.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/AbstractWorker.dart index 38fd99f9eaf..cdfaf6228fa 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/AbstractWorker.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/AbstractWorker.dart @@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ interface AbstractWorker extends EventTarget { void set onerror(EventListener value); - void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null); + void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture]); bool dispatchEvent(Event evt); - void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null); + void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/BeforeLoadEvent.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/BeforeLoadEvent.dart index c116c87eec6..6c4e3770573 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/BeforeLoadEvent.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/BeforeLoadEvent.dart @@ -8,5 +8,5 @@ interface BeforeLoadEvent extends Event { String get url(); - void initBeforeLoadEvent(String type = null, bool canBubble = null, bool cancelable = null, String url = null); + void initBeforeLoadEvent([String type, bool canBubble, bool cancelable, String url]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/CSSMediaRule.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/CSSMediaRule.dart index 74f0c59e73d..756d1f38913 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/CSSMediaRule.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/CSSMediaRule.dart @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ interface CSSMediaRule extends CSSRule { MediaList get media(); - void deleteRule(int index = null); + void deleteRule([int index]); - int insertRule(String rule = null, int index = null); + int insertRule([String rule, int index]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/CSSPrimitiveValue.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/CSSPrimitiveValue.dart index 3a8d6f21dcb..f20614f87cc 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/CSSPrimitiveValue.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/CSSPrimitiveValue.dart @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ interface CSSPrimitiveValue extends CSSValue { Counter getCounterValue(); - num getFloatValue(int unitType = null); + num getFloatValue([int unitType]); RGBColor getRGBColorValue(); @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ interface CSSPrimitiveValue extends CSSValue { String getStringValue(); - void setFloatValue(int unitType = null, num floatValue = null); + void setFloatValue([int unitType, num floatValue]); - void setStringValue(int stringType = null, String stringValue = null); + void setStringValue([int stringType, String stringValue]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/CSSRuleList.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/CSSRuleList.dart index 5077dcc92de..8a0a7605ea0 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/CSSRuleList.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/CSSRuleList.dart @@ -8,5 +8,5 @@ interface CSSRuleList { int get length(); - CSSRule item(int index = null); + CSSRule item([int index]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/CSSStyleDeclaration.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/CSSStyleDeclaration.dart index 2094460b83d..4c3b5eada2f 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/CSSStyleDeclaration.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/CSSStyleDeclaration.dart @@ -14,19 +14,19 @@ interface CSSStyleDeclaration { CSSRule get parentRule(); - CSSValue getPropertyCSSValue(String propertyName = null); + CSSValue getPropertyCSSValue([String propertyName]); - String getPropertyPriority(String propertyName = null); + String getPropertyPriority([String propertyName]); - String getPropertyShorthand(String propertyName = null); + String getPropertyShorthand([String propertyName]); - String getPropertyValue(String propertyName = null); + String getPropertyValue([String propertyName]); - bool isPropertyImplicit(String propertyName = null); + bool isPropertyImplicit([String propertyName]); - String item(int index = null); + String item([int index]); - String removeProperty(String propertyName = null); + String removeProperty([String propertyName]); - void setProperty(String propertyName = null, String value = null, String priority = null); + void setProperty([String propertyName, String value, String priority]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/CSSStyleSheet.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/CSSStyleSheet.dart index 21ef014ce19..42689c42b7f 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/CSSStyleSheet.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/CSSStyleSheet.dart @@ -12,11 +12,11 @@ interface CSSStyleSheet extends StyleSheet { CSSRuleList get rules(); - int addRule(String selector = null, String style = null, int index = null); + int addRule([String selector, String style, int index]); - void deleteRule(int index = null); + void deleteRule([int index]); - int insertRule(String rule = null, int index = null); + int insertRule([String rule, int index]); - void removeRule(int index = null); + void removeRule([int index]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/CSSValueList.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/CSSValueList.dart index 9b87fae819e..610488f8569 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/CSSValueList.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/CSSValueList.dart @@ -8,5 +8,5 @@ interface CSSValueList extends CSSValue { int get length(); - CSSValue item(int index = null); + CSSValue item([int index]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/CanvasGradient.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/CanvasGradient.dart index 0d3072d2da9..aa5d09d27bd 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/CanvasGradient.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/CanvasGradient.dart @@ -6,5 +6,5 @@ interface CanvasGradient { - void addColorStop(num offset = null, String color = null); + void addColorStop([num offset, String color]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/CanvasRenderingContext2D.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/CanvasRenderingContext2D.dart index eaa63a523fb..daf1fef692e 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/CanvasRenderingContext2D.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/CanvasRenderingContext2D.dart @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ interface CanvasRenderingContext2D extends CanvasRenderingContext { void closePath(); - ImageData createImageData(var imagedata_OR_sw, num sh = null); + ImageData createImageData(var imagedata_OR_sw, [num sh]); CanvasGradient createLinearGradient(num x0, num y0, num x1, num y1); @@ -82,15 +82,15 @@ interface CanvasRenderingContext2D extends CanvasRenderingContext { CanvasGradient createRadialGradient(num x0, num y0, num r0, num x1, num y1, num r1); - void drawImage(var canvas_OR_image, num sx_OR_x, num sy_OR_y, num sw_OR_width = null, num height_OR_sh = null, num dx = null, num dy = null, num dw = null, num dh = null); + void drawImage(var canvas_OR_image, num sx_OR_x, num sy_OR_y, [num sw_OR_width, num height_OR_sh, num dx, num dy, num dw, num dh]); - void drawImageFromRect(HTMLImageElement image, num sx = null, num sy = null, num sw = null, num sh = null, num dx = null, num dy = null, num dw = null, num dh = null, String compositeOperation = null); + void drawImageFromRect(HTMLImageElement image, [num sx, num sy, num sw, num sh, num dx, num dy, num dw, num dh, String compositeOperation]); void fill(); void fillRect(num x, num y, num width, num height); - void fillText(String text, num x, num y, num maxWidth = null); + void fillText(String text, num x, num y, [num maxWidth]); ImageData getImageData(num sx, num sy, num sw, num sh); @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ interface CanvasRenderingContext2D extends CanvasRenderingContext { void moveTo(num x, num y); - void putImageData(ImageData imagedata, num dx, num dy, num dirtyX = null, num dirtyY = null, num dirtyWidth = null, num dirtyHeight = null); + void putImageData(ImageData imagedata, num dx, num dy, [num dirtyX, num dirtyY, num dirtyWidth, num dirtyHeight]); void quadraticCurveTo(num cpx, num cpy, num x, num y); @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ interface CanvasRenderingContext2D extends CanvasRenderingContext { void setCompositeOperation(String compositeOperation); - void setFillColor(var c_OR_color_OR_grayLevel_OR_r, num alpha_OR_g_OR_m = null, num b_OR_y = null, num a_OR_k = null, num a = null); + void setFillColor(var c_OR_color_OR_grayLevel_OR_r, [num alpha_OR_g_OR_m, num b_OR_y, num a_OR_k, num a]); void setFillStyle(var color_OR_gradient_OR_pattern); @@ -132,9 +132,9 @@ interface CanvasRenderingContext2D extends CanvasRenderingContext { void setMiterLimit(num limit); - void setShadow(num width, num height, num blur, var c_OR_color_OR_grayLevel_OR_r = null, num alpha_OR_g_OR_m = null, num b_OR_y = null, num a_OR_k = null, num a = null); + void setShadow(num width, num height, num blur, [var c_OR_color_OR_grayLevel_OR_r, num alpha_OR_g_OR_m, num b_OR_y, num a_OR_k, num a]); - void setStrokeColor(var c_OR_color_OR_grayLevel_OR_r, num alpha_OR_g_OR_m = null, num b_OR_y = null, num a_OR_k = null, num a = null); + void setStrokeColor(var c_OR_color_OR_grayLevel_OR_r, [num alpha_OR_g_OR_m, num b_OR_y, num a_OR_k, num a]); void setStrokeStyle(var color_OR_gradient_OR_pattern); @@ -142,9 +142,9 @@ interface CanvasRenderingContext2D extends CanvasRenderingContext { void stroke(); - void strokeRect(num x, num y, num width, num height, num lineWidth = null); + void strokeRect(num x, num y, num width, num height, [num lineWidth]); - void strokeText(String text, num x, num y, num maxWidth = null); + void strokeText(String text, num x, num y, [num maxWidth]); void transform(num m11, num m12, num m21, num m22, num dx, num dy); diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/CharacterData.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/CharacterData.dart index 019c8dda154..ada1645ce93 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/CharacterData.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/CharacterData.dart @@ -12,13 +12,13 @@ interface CharacterData extends Node { int get length(); - void appendData(String data = null); + void appendData([String data]); - void deleteData(int offset = null, int length = null); + void deleteData([int offset, int length]); - void insertData(int offset = null, String data = null); + void insertData([int offset, String data]); - void replaceData(int offset = null, int length = null, String data = null); + void replaceData([int offset, int length, String data]); - String substringData(int offset = null, int length = null); + String substringData([int offset, int length]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/ClientRectList.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/ClientRectList.dart index ced9a841289..ae10d71ce11 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/ClientRectList.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/ClientRectList.dart @@ -8,5 +8,5 @@ interface ClientRectList { int get length(); - ClientRect item(int index = null); + ClientRect item([int index]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Clipboard.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Clipboard.dart index ee44f4d4c4d..7a1db260a86 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Clipboard.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Clipboard.dart @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ interface Clipboard { DataTransferItems get items(); - void clearData(String type = null); + void clearData([String type]); void getData(String type); diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/CloseEvent.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/CloseEvent.dart index d7cf7b71e88..703e4310c9c 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/CloseEvent.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/CloseEvent.dart @@ -12,5 +12,5 @@ interface CloseEvent extends Event { bool get wasClean(); - void initCloseEvent(String typeArg = null, bool canBubbleArg = null, bool cancelableArg = null, bool wasCleanArg = null, int codeArg = null, String reasonArg = null); + void initCloseEvent([String typeArg, bool canBubbleArg, bool cancelableArg, bool wasCleanArg, int codeArg, String reasonArg]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/CompositionEvent.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/CompositionEvent.dart index e1fad3479e4..f7ffc1cec85 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/CompositionEvent.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/CompositionEvent.dart @@ -8,5 +8,5 @@ interface CompositionEvent extends UIEvent { String get data(); - void initCompositionEvent(String typeArg = null, bool canBubbleArg = null, bool cancelableArg = null, DOMWindow viewArg = null, String dataArg = null); + void initCompositionEvent([String typeArg, bool canBubbleArg, bool cancelableArg, DOMWindow viewArg, String dataArg]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Console.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Console.dart index 0afdb58ca7d..37bebe81bc8 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Console.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Console.dart @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ interface Console { void markTimeline(); - void time(String title = null); + void time([String title]); void timeEnd(String title); diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/CustomEvent.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/CustomEvent.dart index b1586285777..6b9ac1496c8 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/CustomEvent.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/CustomEvent.dart @@ -8,5 +8,5 @@ interface CustomEvent extends Event { Object get detail(); - void initCustomEvent(String typeArg = null, bool canBubbleArg = null, bool cancelableArg = null, Object detailArg = null); + void initCustomEvent([String typeArg, bool canBubbleArg, bool cancelableArg, Object detailArg]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DOMApplicationCache.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DOMApplicationCache.dart index 599d9b0743e..f8a7b0cf40e 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DOMApplicationCache.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DOMApplicationCache.dart @@ -40,11 +40,11 @@ interface ApplicationCache extends EventTarget { int get status(); - void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null); + void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture]); bool dispatchEvent(Event evt); - void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null); + void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture]); void swapCache(); diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DOMFormData.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DOMFormData.dart index 759244aed9d..63088a299d2 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DOMFormData.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DOMFormData.dart @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ interface FormData { - void append(String name = null, String value = null); + void append([String name, String value]); } interface DOMFormData extends FormData { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DOMImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DOMImplementation.dart index b24de1cafc1..ed75e8a11e4 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DOMImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DOMImplementation.dart @@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ interface DOMImplementation { - CSSStyleSheet createCSSStyleSheet(String title = null, String media = null); + CSSStyleSheet createCSSStyleSheet([String title, String media]); - Document createDocument(String namespaceURI = null, String qualifiedName = null, DocumentType doctype = null); + Document createDocument([String namespaceURI, String qualifiedName, DocumentType doctype]); - DocumentType createDocumentType(String qualifiedName = null, String publicId = null, String systemId = null); + DocumentType createDocumentType([String qualifiedName, String publicId, String systemId]); - HTMLDocument createHTMLDocument(String title = null); + HTMLDocument createHTMLDocument([String title]); - bool hasFeature(String feature = null, String version = null); + bool hasFeature([String feature, String version]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DOMMimeTypeArray.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DOMMimeTypeArray.dart index 23b1664b87b..4b4e4557f90 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DOMMimeTypeArray.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DOMMimeTypeArray.dart @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ interface DOMMimeTypeArray { int get length(); - DOMMimeType item(int index = null); + DOMMimeType item([int index]); - DOMMimeType namedItem(String name = null); + DOMMimeType namedItem([String name]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DOMParser.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DOMParser.dart index 3337e0902f5..6175c127037 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DOMParser.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DOMParser.dart @@ -6,5 +6,5 @@ interface DOMParser { - Document parseFromString(String str = null, String contentType = null); + Document parseFromString([String str, String contentType]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DOMPlugin.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DOMPlugin.dart index f7c599d94f6..4224596d27a 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DOMPlugin.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DOMPlugin.dart @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ interface DOMPlugin { String get name(); - DOMMimeType item(int index = null); + DOMMimeType item([int index]); - DOMMimeType namedItem(String name = null); + DOMMimeType namedItem([String name]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DOMPluginArray.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DOMPluginArray.dart index 3fac00c233c..67a46168ab5 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DOMPluginArray.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DOMPluginArray.dart @@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ interface DOMPluginArray { int get length(); - DOMPlugin item(int index = null); + DOMPlugin item([int index]); - DOMPlugin namedItem(String name = null); + DOMPlugin namedItem([String name]); - void refresh(bool reload = null); + void refresh([bool reload]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DOMSelection.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DOMSelection.dart index b4e395bc377..ac3e65dfdbb 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DOMSelection.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DOMSelection.dart @@ -28,33 +28,33 @@ interface Selection { String get type(); - void addRange(Range range = null); + void addRange([Range range]); - void collapse(Node node = null, int index = null); + void collapse([Node node, int index]); void collapseToEnd(); void collapseToStart(); - bool containsNode(Node node = null, bool allowPartial = null); + bool containsNode([Node node, bool allowPartial]); void deleteFromDocument(); void empty(); - void extend(Node node = null, int offset = null); + void extend([Node node, int offset]); - Range getRangeAt(int index = null); + Range getRangeAt([int index]); - void modify(String alter = null, String direction = null, String granularity = null); + void modify([String alter, String direction, String granularity]); void removeAllRanges(); - void selectAllChildren(Node node = null); + void selectAllChildren([Node node]); - void setBaseAndExtent(Node baseNode = null, int baseOffset = null, Node extentNode = null, int extentOffset = null); + void setBaseAndExtent([Node baseNode, int baseOffset, Node extentNode, int extentOffset]); - void setPosition(Node node = null, int offset = null); + void setPosition([Node node, int offset]); } interface DOMSelection extends Selection { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DOMWindow.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DOMWindow.dart index edce9f72190..e46eeb3a7a4 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DOMWindow.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DOMWindow.dart @@ -462,29 +462,29 @@ interface Window extends EventTarget { DOMWindow get window(); - void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null); + void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture]); - void alert(String message = null); + void alert([String message]); - String atob(String string = null); + String atob([String string]); void blur(); - String btoa(String string = null); + String btoa([String string]); void captureEvents(); - void clearInterval(int handle = null); + void clearInterval([int handle]); - void clearTimeout(int handle = null); + void clearTimeout([int handle]); void close(); - bool confirm(String message = null); + bool confirm([String message]); FileReader createFileReader(); - WebKitCSSMatrix createWebKitCSSMatrix(String cssValue = null); + WebKitCSSMatrix createWebKitCSSMatrix([String cssValue]); WebKitPoint createWebKitPoint(num x, num y); @@ -492,11 +492,11 @@ interface Window extends EventTarget { bool dispatchEvent(Event evt); - bool find(String string = null, bool caseSensitive = null, bool backwards = null, bool wrap = null, bool wholeWord = null, bool searchInFrames = null, bool showDialog = null); + bool find([String string, bool caseSensitive, bool backwards, bool wrap, bool wholeWord, bool searchInFrames, bool showDialog]); void focus(); - CSSStyleDeclaration getComputedStyle(Element element = null, String pseudoElement = null); + CSSStyleDeclaration getComputedStyle([Element element, String pseudoElement]); DOMSelection getSelection(); @@ -506,17 +506,17 @@ interface Window extends EventTarget { void moveTo(num x, num y); - DOMWindow open(String url, String name, String options = null); + DOMWindow open(String url, String name, [String options]); - void postMessage(String message, var messagePort_OR_targetOrigin, String targetOrigin = null); + void postMessage(String message, var messagePort_OR_targetOrigin, [String targetOrigin]); void print(); - String prompt(String message = null, String defaultValue = null); + String prompt([String message, String defaultValue]); void releaseEvents(); - void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null); + void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture]); void resizeBy(num x, num y); @@ -530,19 +530,19 @@ interface Window extends EventTarget { int setInterval(TimeoutHandler handler, int timeout); - int setTimeout(TimeoutHandler handler = null, int timeout = null); + int setTimeout([TimeoutHandler handler, int timeout]); - Object showModalDialog(String url, Object dialogArgs = null, String featureArgs = null); + Object showModalDialog(String url, [Object dialogArgs, String featureArgs]); void stop(); void webkitCancelRequestAnimationFrame(int id); - WebKitPoint webkitConvertPointFromNodeToPage(Node node = null, WebKitPoint p = null); + WebKitPoint webkitConvertPointFromNodeToPage([Node node, WebKitPoint p]); - WebKitPoint webkitConvertPointFromPageToNode(Node node = null, WebKitPoint p = null); + WebKitPoint webkitConvertPointFromPageToNode([Node node, WebKitPoint p]); - int webkitRequestAnimationFrame(RequestAnimationFrameCallback callback, Element element = null); + int webkitRequestAnimationFrame(RequestAnimationFrameCallback callback, [Element element]); } interface DOMWindow extends Window { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DataTransferItem.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DataTransferItem.dart index 7cb41077ae1..1e516531ab4 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DataTransferItem.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DataTransferItem.dart @@ -12,5 +12,5 @@ interface DataTransferItem { Blob getAsFile(); - void getAsString(StringCallback callback = null); + void getAsString([StringCallback callback]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DataTransferItems.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DataTransferItems.dart index 6e658717e50..4831d06475a 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DataTransferItems.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DataTransferItems.dart @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ interface DataTransferItems { int get length(); - void add(String data = null, String type = null); + void add([String data, String type]); void clear(); diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DataView.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DataView.dart index 424405f0e87..dfe590b19cc 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DataView.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DataView.dart @@ -6,35 +6,35 @@ interface DataView extends ArrayBufferView { - num getFloat32(int byteOffset, bool littleEndian = null); + num getFloat32(int byteOffset, [bool littleEndian]); - num getFloat64(int byteOffset, bool littleEndian = null); + num getFloat64(int byteOffset, [bool littleEndian]); - int getInt16(int byteOffset, bool littleEndian = null); + int getInt16(int byteOffset, [bool littleEndian]); - int getInt32(int byteOffset, bool littleEndian = null); + int getInt32(int byteOffset, [bool littleEndian]); Object getInt8(); - int getUint16(int byteOffset, bool littleEndian = null); + int getUint16(int byteOffset, [bool littleEndian]); - int getUint32(int byteOffset, bool littleEndian = null); + int getUint32(int byteOffset, [bool littleEndian]); Object getUint8(); - void setFloat32(int byteOffset, num value, bool littleEndian = null); + void setFloat32(int byteOffset, num value, [bool littleEndian]); - void setFloat64(int byteOffset, num value, bool littleEndian = null); + void setFloat64(int byteOffset, num value, [bool littleEndian]); - void setInt16(int byteOffset, int value, bool littleEndian = null); + void setInt16(int byteOffset, int value, [bool littleEndian]); - void setInt32(int byteOffset, int value, bool littleEndian = null); + void setInt32(int byteOffset, int value, [bool littleEndian]); void setInt8(); - void setUint16(int byteOffset, int value, bool littleEndian = null); + void setUint16(int byteOffset, int value, [bool littleEndian]); - void setUint32(int byteOffset, int value, bool littleEndian = null); + void setUint32(int byteOffset, int value, [bool littleEndian]); void setUint8(); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Database.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Database.dart index d14a8429981..0509b0739c3 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Database.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Database.dart @@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ interface Database { String get version(); - void changeVersion(String oldVersion, String newVersion, SQLTransactionCallback callback = null, SQLTransactionErrorCallback errorCallback = null, VoidCallback successCallback = null); + void changeVersion(String oldVersion, String newVersion, [SQLTransactionCallback callback, SQLTransactionErrorCallback errorCallback, VoidCallback successCallback]); - void readTransaction(SQLTransactionCallback callback, SQLTransactionErrorCallback errorCallback = null, VoidCallback successCallback = null); + void readTransaction(SQLTransactionCallback callback, [SQLTransactionErrorCallback errorCallback, VoidCallback successCallback]); - void transaction(SQLTransactionCallback callback, SQLTransactionErrorCallback errorCallback = null, VoidCallback successCallback = null); + void transaction(SQLTransactionCallback callback, [SQLTransactionErrorCallback errorCallback, VoidCallback successCallback]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DatabaseSync.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DatabaseSync.dart index bbb04101235..6c82b121ed5 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DatabaseSync.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DatabaseSync.dart @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ interface DatabaseSync { String get version(); - void changeVersion(String oldVersion, String newVersion, SQLTransactionSyncCallback callback = null); + void changeVersion(String oldVersion, String newVersion, [SQLTransactionSyncCallback callback]); void readTransaction(SQLTransactionSyncCallback callback); diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DeviceMotionEvent.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DeviceMotionEvent.dart index ef678e8ebeb..54241042e30 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DeviceMotionEvent.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DeviceMotionEvent.dart @@ -8,5 +8,5 @@ interface DeviceMotionEvent extends Event { num get interval(); - void initDeviceMotionEvent(String type = null, bool bubbles = null, bool cancelable = null); + void initDeviceMotionEvent([String type, bool bubbles, bool cancelable]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DeviceOrientationEvent.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DeviceOrientationEvent.dart index d86eadaea1a..595bd754a5c 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DeviceOrientationEvent.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DeviceOrientationEvent.dart @@ -12,5 +12,5 @@ interface DeviceOrientationEvent extends Event { num get gamma(); - void initDeviceOrientationEvent(String type = null, bool bubbles = null, bool cancelable = null, num alpha = null, num beta = null, num gamma = null); + void initDeviceOrientationEvent([String type, bool bubbles, bool cancelable, num alpha, num beta, num gamma]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DirectoryEntry.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DirectoryEntry.dart index c22abeb0d9a..770a2b61567 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DirectoryEntry.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DirectoryEntry.dart @@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ interface DirectoryEntry extends Entry { DirectoryReader createReader(); - void getDirectory(String path, WebKitFlags flags = null, EntryCallback successCallback = null, ErrorCallback errorCallback = null); + void getDirectory(String path, [WebKitFlags flags, EntryCallback successCallback, ErrorCallback errorCallback]); - void getFile(String path, WebKitFlags flags = null, EntryCallback successCallback = null, ErrorCallback errorCallback = null); + void getFile(String path, [WebKitFlags flags, EntryCallback successCallback, ErrorCallback errorCallback]); - void removeRecursively(VoidCallback successCallback = null, ErrorCallback errorCallback = null); + void removeRecursively([VoidCallback successCallback, ErrorCallback errorCallback]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DirectoryReader.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DirectoryReader.dart index da28ddbd472..4fa97a64409 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DirectoryReader.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DirectoryReader.dart @@ -6,5 +6,5 @@ interface DirectoryReader { - void readEntries(EntriesCallback successCallback, ErrorCallback errorCallback = null); + void readEntries(EntriesCallback successCallback, [ErrorCallback errorCallback]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Document.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Document.dart index 522a86746e8..1767c19f54e 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Document.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Document.dart @@ -270,69 +270,69 @@ interface Document extends Node, NodeSelector { void set xmlVersion(String value); - Node adoptNode(Node source = null); + Node adoptNode([Node source]); - Range caretRangeFromPoint(int x = null, int y = null); + Range caretRangeFromPoint([int x, int y]); - Attr createAttribute(String name = null); + Attr createAttribute([String name]); - Attr createAttributeNS(String namespaceURI = null, String qualifiedName = null); + Attr createAttributeNS([String namespaceURI, String qualifiedName]); - CDATASection createCDATASection(String data = null); + CDATASection createCDATASection([String data]); CSSStyleDeclaration createCSSStyleDeclaration(); - Comment createComment(String data = null); + Comment createComment([String data]); DocumentFragment createDocumentFragment(); - Element createElement(String tagName = null); + Element createElement([String tagName]); - Element createElementNS(String namespaceURI = null, String qualifiedName = null); + Element createElementNS([String namespaceURI, String qualifiedName]); - EntityReference createEntityReference(String name = null); + EntityReference createEntityReference([String name]); - Event createEvent(String eventType = null); + Event createEvent([String eventType]); - NodeIterator createNodeIterator(Node root = null, int whatToShow = null, NodeFilter filter = null, bool expandEntityReferences = null); + NodeIterator createNodeIterator([Node root, int whatToShow, NodeFilter filter, bool expandEntityReferences]); - ProcessingInstruction createProcessingInstruction(String target = null, String data = null); + ProcessingInstruction createProcessingInstruction([String target, String data]); Range createRange(); - Text createTextNode(String data = null); + Text createTextNode([String data]); - TreeWalker createTreeWalker(Node root = null, int whatToShow = null, NodeFilter filter = null, bool expandEntityReferences = null); + TreeWalker createTreeWalker([Node root, int whatToShow, NodeFilter filter, bool expandEntityReferences]); - Element elementFromPoint(int x = null, int y = null); + Element elementFromPoint([int x, int y]); - bool execCommand(String command = null, bool userInterface = null, String value = null); + bool execCommand([String command, bool userInterface, String value]); Object getCSSCanvasContext(String contextId, String name, int width, int height); - Element getElementById(String elementId = null); + Element getElementById([String elementId]); - NodeList getElementsByClassName(String tagname = null); + NodeList getElementsByClassName([String tagname]); - NodeList getElementsByName(String elementName = null); + NodeList getElementsByName([String elementName]); - NodeList getElementsByTagName(String tagname = null); + NodeList getElementsByTagName([String tagname]); - NodeList getElementsByTagNameNS(String namespaceURI = null, String localName = null); + NodeList getElementsByTagNameNS([String namespaceURI, String localName]); - CSSStyleDeclaration getOverrideStyle(Element element = null, String pseudoElement = null); + CSSStyleDeclaration getOverrideStyle([Element element, String pseudoElement]); - Node importNode(Node importedNode = null, bool deep = null); + Node importNode([Node importedNode, bool deep]); - bool queryCommandEnabled(String command = null); + bool queryCommandEnabled([String command]); - bool queryCommandIndeterm(String command = null); + bool queryCommandIndeterm([String command]); - bool queryCommandState(String command = null); + bool queryCommandState([String command]); - bool queryCommandSupported(String command = null); + bool queryCommandSupported([String command]); - String queryCommandValue(String command = null); + String queryCommandValue([String command]); Element querySelector(String selectors); diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Element.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Element.dart index aa01f2a30dd..6ba8efb64c5 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Element.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Element.dart @@ -230,53 +230,53 @@ interface Element extends Node, NodeSelector, ElementTraversal { void focus(); - String getAttribute(String name = null); + String getAttribute([String name]); - String getAttributeNS(String namespaceURI = null, String localName = null); + String getAttributeNS([String namespaceURI, String localName]); - Attr getAttributeNode(String name = null); + Attr getAttributeNode([String name]); - Attr getAttributeNodeNS(String namespaceURI = null, String localName = null); + Attr getAttributeNodeNS([String namespaceURI, String localName]); ClientRect getBoundingClientRect(); ClientRectList getClientRects(); - NodeList getElementsByClassName(String name = null); + NodeList getElementsByClassName([String name]); - NodeList getElementsByTagName(String name = null); + NodeList getElementsByTagName([String name]); - NodeList getElementsByTagNameNS(String namespaceURI = null, String localName = null); + NodeList getElementsByTagNameNS([String namespaceURI, String localName]); bool hasAttribute(String name); - bool hasAttributeNS(String namespaceURI = null, String localName = null); + bool hasAttributeNS([String namespaceURI, String localName]); Element querySelector(String selectors); NodeList querySelectorAll(String selectors); - void removeAttribute(String name = null); + void removeAttribute([String name]); void removeAttributeNS(String namespaceURI, String localName); - Attr removeAttributeNode(Attr oldAttr = null); + Attr removeAttributeNode([Attr oldAttr]); - void scrollByLines(int lines = null); + void scrollByLines([int lines]); - void scrollByPages(int pages = null); + void scrollByPages([int pages]); - void scrollIntoView(bool alignWithTop = null); + void scrollIntoView([bool alignWithTop]); - void scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(bool centerIfNeeded = null); + void scrollIntoViewIfNeeded([bool centerIfNeeded]); - void setAttribute(String name = null, String value = null); + void setAttribute([String name, String value]); - void setAttributeNS(String namespaceURI = null, String qualifiedName = null, String value = null); + void setAttributeNS([String namespaceURI, String qualifiedName, String value]); - Attr setAttributeNode(Attr newAttr = null); + Attr setAttributeNode([Attr newAttr]); - Attr setAttributeNodeNS(Attr newAttr = null); + Attr setAttributeNodeNS([Attr newAttr]); - bool webkitMatchesSelector(String selectors = null); + bool webkitMatchesSelector([String selectors]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Entry.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Entry.dart index 2517e443696..b3773a65f37 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Entry.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Entry.dart @@ -16,15 +16,15 @@ interface Entry { String get name(); - void copyTo(DirectoryEntry parent, String name = null, EntryCallback successCallback = null, ErrorCallback errorCallback = null); + void copyTo(DirectoryEntry parent, [String name, EntryCallback successCallback, ErrorCallback errorCallback]); - void getMetadata(MetadataCallback successCallback = null, ErrorCallback errorCallback = null); + void getMetadata([MetadataCallback successCallback, ErrorCallback errorCallback]); - void getParent(EntryCallback successCallback = null, ErrorCallback errorCallback = null); + void getParent([EntryCallback successCallback, ErrorCallback errorCallback]); - void moveTo(DirectoryEntry parent, String name = null, EntryCallback successCallback = null, ErrorCallback errorCallback = null); + void moveTo(DirectoryEntry parent, [String name, EntryCallback successCallback, ErrorCallback errorCallback]); - void remove(VoidCallback successCallback = null, ErrorCallback errorCallback = null); + void remove([VoidCallback successCallback, ErrorCallback errorCallback]); String toURL(); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/ErrorEvent.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/ErrorEvent.dart index b1749af419d..6cda8047032 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/ErrorEvent.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/ErrorEvent.dart @@ -12,5 +12,5 @@ interface ErrorEvent extends Event { String get message(); - void initErrorEvent(String typeArg = null, bool canBubbleArg = null, bool cancelableArg = null, String messageArg = null, String filenameArg = null, int linenoArg = null); + void initErrorEvent([String typeArg, bool canBubbleArg, bool cancelableArg, String messageArg, String filenameArg, int linenoArg]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Event.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Event.dart index b2b4e39813c..d06143a347d 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Event.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Event.dart @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ interface Event { String get type(); - void initEvent(String eventTypeArg = null, bool canBubbleArg = null, bool cancelableArg = null); + void initEvent([String eventTypeArg, bool canBubbleArg, bool cancelableArg]); void preventDefault(); diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/EventSource.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/EventSource.dart index 40b381bb6a6..7468ed07df9 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/EventSource.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/EventSource.dart @@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ interface EventSource extends EventTarget { int get readyState(); - void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null); + void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture]); void close(); bool dispatchEvent(Event evt); - void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null); + void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/EventTarget.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/EventTarget.dart index 4b2779d4476..7d4c0381b63 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/EventTarget.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/EventTarget.dart @@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ interface EventTarget { - void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null); + void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture]); bool dispatchEvent(Event event); - void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null); + void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture]); // void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/FileEntry.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/FileEntry.dart index 75e9f12598d..cf2e8c4c811 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/FileEntry.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/FileEntry.dart @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ interface FileEntry extends Entry { - void createWriter(FileWriterCallback successCallback, ErrorCallback errorCallback = null); + void createWriter(FileWriterCallback successCallback, [ErrorCallback errorCallback]); - void file(FileCallback successCallback, ErrorCallback errorCallback = null); + void file(FileCallback successCallback, [ErrorCallback errorCallback]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/FileReader.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/FileReader.dart index 9d8d70eb074..c30fcb14fe0 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/FileReader.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/FileReader.dart @@ -52,5 +52,5 @@ interface FileReader factory _FileReaderFactoryProvider { void readAsDataURL(Blob blob); - void readAsText(Blob blob, String encoding = null); + void readAsText(Blob blob, [String encoding]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/FileReaderSync.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/FileReaderSync.dart index fe60c6f84a8..96a94f70c06 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/FileReaderSync.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/FileReaderSync.dart @@ -12,5 +12,5 @@ interface FileReaderSync { String readAsDataURL(Blob blob); - String readAsText(Blob blob, String encoding = null); + String readAsText(Blob blob, [String encoding]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Float32Array.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Float32Array.dart index 53aac526254..34ac72e6965 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Float32Array.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Float32Array.dart @@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ interface Float32Array extends ArrayBufferView { int get length(); - Float32Array subarray(int start = null, int end = null); + Float32Array subarray([int start, int end]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Float64Array.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Float64Array.dart index a5f07cccef6..721a027466b 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Float64Array.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Float64Array.dart @@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ interface Float64Array extends ArrayBufferView { int get length(); - Float64Array subarray(int start = null, int end = null); + Float64Array subarray([int start, int end]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Geolocation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Geolocation.dart index d3fbf75f636..d9927347884 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Geolocation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Geolocation.dart @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ interface Geolocation { void clearWatch(int watchId); - void getCurrentPosition(PositionCallback successCallback, PositionErrorCallback errorCallback = null); + void getCurrentPosition(PositionCallback successCallback, [PositionErrorCallback errorCallback]); - int watchPosition(PositionCallback successCallback, PositionErrorCallback errorCallback = null); + int watchPosition(PositionCallback successCallback, [PositionErrorCallback errorCallback]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HTMLAllCollection.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HTMLAllCollection.dart index a02da28d7e0..c031328fc0f 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HTMLAllCollection.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HTMLAllCollection.dart @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ interface HTMLAllCollection { int get length(); - Node item(int index = null); + Node item([int index]); Node namedItem(String name); diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HTMLCanvasElement.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HTMLCanvasElement.dart index 9c8947df54a..6f272f24b5f 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HTMLCanvasElement.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HTMLCanvasElement.dart @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ interface HTMLCanvasElement extends HTMLElement { void set width(int value); - Object getContext(String contextId = null); + Object getContext([String contextId]); - String toDataURL(String type = null); + String toDataURL([String type]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HTMLCollection.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HTMLCollection.dart index b5be5c0704e..a671047d483 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HTMLCollection.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HTMLCollection.dart @@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ interface HTMLCollection extends List { Node item(int index); - Node namedItem(String name = null); + Node namedItem([String name]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HTMLDocument.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HTMLDocument.dart index 25f4d03b896..206cc689220 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HTMLDocument.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HTMLDocument.dart @@ -60,9 +60,9 @@ interface HTMLDocument extends Document { void releaseEvents(); - void write(String text = null); + void write([String text]); - void writeln(String text = null); + void writeln([String text]); } // Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HTMLElement.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HTMLElement.dart index 7bd561a5862..a86e29f98e9 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HTMLElement.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HTMLElement.dart @@ -72,9 +72,9 @@ interface HTMLElement extends Element { void set webkitdropzone(String value); - Element insertAdjacentElement(String where = null, Element element = null); + Element insertAdjacentElement([String where, Element element]); - void insertAdjacentHTML(String where = null, String html = null); + void insertAdjacentHTML([String where, String html]); - void insertAdjacentText(String where = null, String text = null); + void insertAdjacentText([String where, String text]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HTMLInputElement.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HTMLInputElement.dart index e43841be9e6..086fb047e8d 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HTMLInputElement.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HTMLInputElement.dart @@ -194,11 +194,11 @@ interface HTMLInputElement extends HTMLElement { void setCustomValidity(String error); - void setSelectionRange(int start = null, int end = null, String direction = null); + void setSelectionRange([int start, int end, String direction]); void setValueForUser(String value); - void stepDown(int n = null); + void stepDown([int n]); - void stepUp(int n = null); + void stepUp([int n]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HTMLMediaElement.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HTMLMediaElement.dart index a01ed8b1abb..4de0a6194b2 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HTMLMediaElement.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HTMLMediaElement.dart @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ interface HTMLMediaElement extends HTMLElement { int get webkitVideoDecodedByteCount(); - String canPlayType(String type = null); + String canPlayType([String type]); void load(); diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HTMLOptionsCollection.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HTMLOptionsCollection.dart index a7f62801b4a..d55ffed9dc6 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HTMLOptionsCollection.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HTMLOptionsCollection.dart @@ -14,5 +14,5 @@ interface HTMLOptionsCollection extends HTMLCollection { void set selectedIndex(int value); - void remove(int index = null); + void remove([int index]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HTMLSelectElement.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HTMLSelectElement.dart index 29e36b802e2..a26027c283a 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HTMLSelectElement.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HTMLSelectElement.dart @@ -56,13 +56,13 @@ interface HTMLSelectElement extends HTMLElement { bool get willValidate(); - void add(HTMLElement element = null, HTMLElement before = null); + void add([HTMLElement element, HTMLElement before]); bool checkValidity(); - Node item(int index = null); + Node item([int index]); - Node namedItem(String name = null); + Node namedItem([String name]); void remove(int index); diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HTMLTableElement.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HTMLTableElement.dart index d9bc73b11c9..f270e5c56dc 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HTMLTableElement.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HTMLTableElement.dart @@ -66,11 +66,11 @@ interface HTMLTableElement extends HTMLElement { void deleteCaption(); - void deleteRow(int index = null); + void deleteRow([int index]); void deleteTFoot(); void deleteTHead(); - HTMLElement insertRow(int index = null); + HTMLElement insertRow([int index]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HTMLTableRowElement.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HTMLTableRowElement.dart index 7c5e1bfb593..57fcb3e0993 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HTMLTableRowElement.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HTMLTableRowElement.dart @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ interface HTMLTableRowElement extends HTMLElement { void set vAlign(String value); - void deleteCell(int index = null); + void deleteCell([int index]); - HTMLElement insertCell(int index = null); + HTMLElement insertCell([int index]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HTMLTableSectionElement.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HTMLTableSectionElement.dart index 09d7b8dadb3..b6e8aec439e 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HTMLTableSectionElement.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HTMLTableSectionElement.dart @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ interface HTMLTableSectionElement extends HTMLElement { void set vAlign(String value); - void deleteRow(int index = null); + void deleteRow([int index]); - HTMLElement insertRow(int index = null); + HTMLElement insertRow([int index]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HTMLTextAreaElement.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HTMLTextAreaElement.dart index 77a692eaf23..b65e0fdba8b 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HTMLTextAreaElement.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HTMLTextAreaElement.dart @@ -90,5 +90,5 @@ interface HTMLTextAreaElement extends HTMLElement { void setCustomValidity(String error); - void setSelectionRange(int start = null, int end = null, String direction = null); + void setSelectionRange([int start, int end, String direction]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HashChangeEvent.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HashChangeEvent.dart index f0447a99521..a44bd874bb8 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HashChangeEvent.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/HashChangeEvent.dart @@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ interface HashChangeEvent extends Event { String get oldURL(); - void initHashChangeEvent(String type = null, bool canBubble = null, bool cancelable = null, String oldURL = null, String newURL = null); + void initHashChangeEvent([String type, bool canBubble, bool cancelable, String oldURL, String newURL]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/History.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/History.dart index 803fc879b3e..5c211553b86 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/History.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/History.dart @@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ interface History { void forward(); - void go(int distance = null); + void go([int distance]); - void pushState(Object data, String title, String url = null); + void pushState(Object data, String title, [String url]); - void replaceState(Object data, String title, String url = null); + void replaceState(Object data, String title, [String url]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/IDBCursor.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/IDBCursor.dart index 6fba1762066..bf01b394e3d 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/IDBCursor.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/IDBCursor.dart @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ interface IDBCursor { IDBAny get source(); - void continueFunction(IDBKey key = null); + void continueFunction([IDBKey key]); IDBRequest delete(); diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/IDBDatabase.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/IDBDatabase.dart index 2f57c154d6a..285d2c744a9 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/IDBDatabase.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/IDBDatabase.dart @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ interface IDBDatabase { String get version(); - void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null); + void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture]); void close(); @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ interface IDBDatabase { bool dispatchEvent(Event evt); - void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null); + void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture]); IDBVersionChangeRequest setVersion(String version); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/IDBIndex.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/IDBIndex.dart index 52caf490daa..241a79833e1 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/IDBIndex.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/IDBIndex.dart @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ interface IDBIndex { IDBRequest getKey(IDBKey key); - IDBRequest openCursor(IDBKeyRange range = null, int direction = null); + IDBRequest openCursor([IDBKeyRange range, int direction]); - IDBRequest openKeyCursor(IDBKeyRange range = null, int direction = null); + IDBRequest openKeyCursor([IDBKeyRange range, int direction]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/IDBKeyRange.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/IDBKeyRange.dart index 62adf3b6fe6..883414dedbc 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/IDBKeyRange.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/IDBKeyRange.dart @@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ interface IDBKeyRange { bool get upperOpen(); - IDBKeyRange bound(IDBKey lower, IDBKey upper, bool lowerOpen = null, bool upperOpen = null); + IDBKeyRange bound(IDBKey lower, IDBKey upper, [bool lowerOpen, bool upperOpen]); - IDBKeyRange lowerBound(IDBKey bound, bool open = null); + IDBKeyRange lowerBound(IDBKey bound, [bool open]); IDBKeyRange only(IDBKey value); - IDBKeyRange upperBound(IDBKey bound, bool open = null); + IDBKeyRange upperBound(IDBKey bound, [bool open]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/IDBObjectStore.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/IDBObjectStore.dart index 91135d02b7d..7f8958996fb 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/IDBObjectStore.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/IDBObjectStore.dart @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ interface IDBObjectStore { String get name(); - IDBRequest add(String value, IDBKey key = null); + IDBRequest add(String value, [IDBKey key]); IDBRequest clear(); @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ interface IDBObjectStore { IDBIndex index(String name); - IDBRequest openCursor(IDBKeyRange range = null, int direction = null); + IDBRequest openCursor([IDBKeyRange range, int direction]); - IDBRequest put(String value, IDBKey key = null); + IDBRequest put(String value, [IDBKey key]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/IDBRequest.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/IDBRequest.dart index 23f796a5965..28aeae88ea5 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/IDBRequest.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/IDBRequest.dart @@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ interface IDBRequest { String get webkitErrorMessage(); - void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null); + void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture]); bool dispatchEvent(Event evt); - void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null); + void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/IDBTransaction.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/IDBTransaction.dart index 7e158d91eea..860245d7c01 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/IDBTransaction.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/IDBTransaction.dart @@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ interface IDBTransaction { void abort(); - void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null); + void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture]); bool dispatchEvent(Event evt); IDBObjectStore objectStore(String name); - void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null); + void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Int16Array.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Int16Array.dart index 017596e6e3f..cf3ebf37cc9 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Int16Array.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Int16Array.dart @@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ interface Int16Array extends ArrayBufferView { int get length(); - Int16Array subarray(int start = null, int end = null); + Int16Array subarray([int start, int end]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Int32Array.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Int32Array.dart index d580344b123..3699add79ae 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Int32Array.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Int32Array.dart @@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ interface Int32Array extends ArrayBufferView { int get length(); - Int32Array subarray(int start = null, int end = null); + Int32Array subarray([int start, int end]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Int8Array.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Int8Array.dart index 74b5a4d6814..be5ea747dfa 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Int8Array.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Int8Array.dart @@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ interface Int8Array extends ArrayBufferView { int get length(); - Int8Array subarray(int start = null, int end = null); + Int8Array subarray([int start, int end]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/KeyboardEvent.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/KeyboardEvent.dart index d389f77cb38..01687a22658 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/KeyboardEvent.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/KeyboardEvent.dart @@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ interface KeyboardEvent extends UIEvent { bool get shiftKey(); - bool getModifierState(String keyIdentifierArg = null); + bool getModifierState([String keyIdentifierArg]); - void initKeyboardEvent(String type = null, bool canBubble = null, bool cancelable = null, DOMWindow view = null, String keyIdentifier = null, int keyLocation = null, bool ctrlKey = null, bool altKey = null, bool shiftKey = null, bool metaKey = null, bool altGraphKey = null); + void initKeyboardEvent([String type, bool canBubble, bool cancelable, DOMWindow view, String keyIdentifier, int keyLocation, bool ctrlKey, bool altKey, bool shiftKey, bool metaKey, bool altGraphKey]); } // Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Location.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Location.dart index 09436f590ee..7a3486cde75 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Location.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Location.dart @@ -40,11 +40,11 @@ interface Location { void set search(String value); - void assign(String url = null); + void assign([String url]); String getParameter(String name); void reload(); - void replace(String url = null); + void replace([String url]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/MediaList.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/MediaList.dart index 43b1bb561f1..5e5df0bab71 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/MediaList.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/MediaList.dart @@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ interface MediaList extends List { void set mediaText(String value); - void appendMedium(String newMedium = null); + void appendMedium([String newMedium]); - void deleteMedium(String oldMedium = null); + void deleteMedium([String oldMedium]); - String item(int index = null); + String item([int index]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/MediaQueryList.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/MediaQueryList.dart index 3f123a1c97c..2c58c08b639 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/MediaQueryList.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/MediaQueryList.dart @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ interface MediaQueryList { String get media(); - void addListener(MediaQueryListListener listener = null); + void addListener([MediaQueryListListener listener]); - void removeListener(MediaQueryListListener listener = null); + void removeListener([MediaQueryListListener listener]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/MediaQueryListListener.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/MediaQueryListListener.dart index 7aaa1d22729..43355c0844d 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/MediaQueryListListener.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/MediaQueryListListener.dart @@ -6,5 +6,5 @@ interface MediaQueryListListener { - void queryChanged(MediaQueryList list = null); + void queryChanged([MediaQueryList list]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/MediaStream.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/MediaStream.dart index b8f78bb36ba..c7a2e3e18fe 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/MediaStream.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/MediaStream.dart @@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ interface MediaStream { MediaStreamTrackList get tracks(); - void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null); + void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture]); bool dispatchEvent(Event event); - void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null); + void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/MessageEvent.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/MessageEvent.dart index 0dcd4a3fab0..259f181a113 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/MessageEvent.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/MessageEvent.dart @@ -16,5 +16,5 @@ interface MessageEvent extends Event { DOMWindow get source(); - void initMessageEvent(String typeArg = null, bool canBubbleArg = null, bool cancelableArg = null, String dataArg = null, String originArg = null, String lastEventIdArg = null, DOMWindow sourceArg = null, MessagePort messagePort = null); + void initMessageEvent([String typeArg, bool canBubbleArg, bool cancelableArg, String dataArg, String originArg, String lastEventIdArg, DOMWindow sourceArg, MessagePort messagePort]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/MouseEvent.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/MouseEvent.dart index 928fc20c863..6b4bab0b550 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/MouseEvent.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/MouseEvent.dart @@ -38,5 +38,5 @@ interface MouseEvent extends UIEvent { int get y(); - void initMouseEvent(String type = null, bool canBubble = null, bool cancelable = null, DOMWindow view = null, int detail = null, int screenX = null, int screenY = null, int clientX = null, int clientY = null, bool ctrlKey = null, bool altKey = null, bool shiftKey = null, bool metaKey = null, int button = null, EventTarget relatedTarget = null); + void initMouseEvent([String type, bool canBubble, bool cancelable, DOMWindow view, int detail, int screenX, int screenY, int clientX, int clientY, bool ctrlKey, bool altKey, bool shiftKey, bool metaKey, int button, EventTarget relatedTarget]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/MutationEvent.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/MutationEvent.dart index 16143dcedc4..8da676ee7ea 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/MutationEvent.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/MutationEvent.dart @@ -22,5 +22,5 @@ interface MutationEvent extends Event { Node get relatedNode(); - void initMutationEvent(String type = null, bool canBubble = null, bool cancelable = null, Node relatedNode = null, String prevValue = null, String newValue = null, String attrName = null, int attrChange = null); + void initMutationEvent([String type, bool canBubble, bool cancelable, Node relatedNode, String prevValue, String newValue, String attrName, int attrChange]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/NamedNodeMap.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/NamedNodeMap.dart index 58c9a8550cb..ba98c622227 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/NamedNodeMap.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/NamedNodeMap.dart @@ -8,17 +8,17 @@ interface NamedNodeMap extends List { int get length(); - Node getNamedItem(String name = null); + Node getNamedItem([String name]); - Node getNamedItemNS(String namespaceURI = null, String localName = null); + Node getNamedItemNS([String namespaceURI, String localName]); - Node item(int index = null); + Node item([int index]); - Node removeNamedItem(String name = null); + Node removeNamedItem([String name]); - Node removeNamedItemNS(String namespaceURI = null, String localName = null); + Node removeNamedItemNS([String namespaceURI, String localName]); - Node setNamedItem(Node node = null); + Node setNamedItem([Node node]); - Node setNamedItemNS(Node node = null); + Node setNamedItemNS([Node node]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Node.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Node.dart index 530583cf709..c16122ef09c 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Node.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Node.dart @@ -82,15 +82,15 @@ interface Node extends EventTarget { void set textContent(String value); - void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null); + void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture]); Node appendChild(Node newChild); - Node cloneNode(bool deep = null); + Node cloneNode([bool deep]); - int compareDocumentPosition(Node other = null); + int compareDocumentPosition([Node other]); - bool contains(Node other = null); + bool contains([Node other]); bool dispatchEvent(Event event); @@ -100,23 +100,23 @@ interface Node extends EventTarget { Node insertBefore(Node newChild, Node refChild); - bool isDefaultNamespace(String namespaceURI = null); + bool isDefaultNamespace([String namespaceURI]); - bool isEqualNode(Node other = null); + bool isEqualNode([Node other]); - bool isSameNode(Node other = null); + bool isSameNode([Node other]); - bool isSupported(String feature = null, String version = null); + bool isSupported([String feature, String version]); - String lookupNamespaceURI(String prefix = null); + String lookupNamespaceURI([String prefix]); - String lookupPrefix(String namespaceURI = null); + String lookupPrefix([String namespaceURI]); void normalize(); Node removeChild(Node oldChild); - void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null); + void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture]); Node replaceChild(Node newChild, Node oldChild); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/NodeFilter.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/NodeFilter.dart index 688089d4cdb..92d3ffbb788 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/NodeFilter.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/NodeFilter.dart @@ -38,5 +38,5 @@ interface NodeFilter { static final int SHOW_TEXT = 0x00000004; - int acceptNode(Node n = null); + int acceptNode([Node n]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/NodeList.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/NodeList.dart index ab4a6154ea1..cbd5704eb5a 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/NodeList.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/NodeList.dart @@ -8,5 +8,5 @@ interface NodeList extends List { int get length(); - Node item(int index = null); + Node item([int index]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Notification.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Notification.dart index e5606b680a8..06f367498c2 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Notification.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Notification.dart @@ -30,13 +30,13 @@ interface Notification extends EventTarget { void set replaceId(String value); - void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null); + void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture]); void cancel(); bool dispatchEvent(Event evt); - void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null); + void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture]); void show(); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/OESVertexArrayObject.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/OESVertexArrayObject.dart index 89a3aacb797..d64fa6793a7 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/OESVertexArrayObject.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/OESVertexArrayObject.dart @@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ interface OESVertexArrayObject { static final int VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING_OES = 0x85B5; - void bindVertexArrayOES(WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES arrayObject = null); + void bindVertexArrayOES([WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES arrayObject]); WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES createVertexArrayOES(); - void deleteVertexArrayOES(WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES arrayObject = null); + void deleteVertexArrayOES([WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES arrayObject]); - bool isVertexArrayOES(WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES arrayObject = null); + bool isVertexArrayOES([WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES arrayObject]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/OverflowEvent.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/OverflowEvent.dart index 344ff7d759e..c77befd04a2 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/OverflowEvent.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/OverflowEvent.dart @@ -18,5 +18,5 @@ interface OverflowEvent extends Event { bool get verticalOverflow(); - void initOverflowEvent(int orient = null, bool horizontalOverflow = null, bool verticalOverflow = null); + void initOverflowEvent([int orient, bool horizontalOverflow, bool verticalOverflow]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/PageTransitionEvent.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/PageTransitionEvent.dart index 5f55ca70573..0309392ad2c 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/PageTransitionEvent.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/PageTransitionEvent.dart @@ -8,5 +8,5 @@ interface PageTransitionEvent extends Event { bool get persisted(); - void initPageTransitionEvent(String typeArg = null, bool canBubbleArg = null, bool cancelableArg = null, bool persisted = null); + void initPageTransitionEvent([String typeArg, bool canBubbleArg, bool cancelableArg, bool persisted]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/PopStateEvent.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/PopStateEvent.dart index 61bd0abdebb..c40c282483a 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/PopStateEvent.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/PopStateEvent.dart @@ -8,5 +8,5 @@ interface PopStateEvent extends Event { Object get state(); - void initPopStateEvent(String typeArg = null, bool canBubbleArg = null, bool cancelableArg = null, Object stateArg = null); + void initPopStateEvent([String typeArg, bool canBubbleArg, bool cancelableArg, Object stateArg]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/ProgressEvent.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/ProgressEvent.dart index 66ee8ce9ccd..7a6e0e05462 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/ProgressEvent.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/ProgressEvent.dart @@ -12,5 +12,5 @@ interface ProgressEvent extends Event { int get total(); - void initProgressEvent(String typeArg = null, bool canBubbleArg = null, bool cancelableArg = null, bool lengthComputableArg = null, int loadedArg = null, int totalArg = null); + void initProgressEvent([String typeArg, bool canBubbleArg, bool cancelableArg, bool lengthComputableArg, int loadedArg, int totalArg]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Range.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Range.dart index 60e15d84454..e1913c32be4 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Range.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Range.dart @@ -40,47 +40,47 @@ interface Range { Range cloneRange(); - void collapse(bool toStart = null); + void collapse([bool toStart]); int compareBoundaryPoints(); - int compareNode(Node refNode = null); + int compareNode([Node refNode]); - int comparePoint(Node refNode = null, int offset = null); + int comparePoint([Node refNode, int offset]); - DocumentFragment createContextualFragment(String html = null); + DocumentFragment createContextualFragment([String html]); void deleteContents(); void detach(); - void expand(String unit = null); + void expand([String unit]); DocumentFragment extractContents(); - void insertNode(Node newNode = null); + void insertNode([Node newNode]); - bool intersectsNode(Node refNode = null); + bool intersectsNode([Node refNode]); - bool isPointInRange(Node refNode = null, int offset = null); + bool isPointInRange([Node refNode, int offset]); - void selectNode(Node refNode = null); + void selectNode([Node refNode]); - void selectNodeContents(Node refNode = null); + void selectNodeContents([Node refNode]); - void setEnd(Node refNode = null, int offset = null); + void setEnd([Node refNode, int offset]); - void setEndAfter(Node refNode = null); + void setEndAfter([Node refNode]); - void setEndBefore(Node refNode = null); + void setEndBefore([Node refNode]); - void setStart(Node refNode = null, int offset = null); + void setStart([Node refNode, int offset]); - void setStartAfter(Node refNode = null); + void setStartAfter([Node refNode]); - void setStartBefore(Node refNode = null); + void setStartBefore([Node refNode]); - void surroundContents(Node newParent = null); + void surroundContents([Node newParent]); String toString(); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/StorageEvent.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/StorageEvent.dart index 98695e29943..40287887502 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/StorageEvent.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/StorageEvent.dart @@ -16,5 +16,5 @@ interface StorageEvent extends Event { String get url(); - void initStorageEvent(String typeArg = null, bool canBubbleArg = null, bool cancelableArg = null, String keyArg = null, String oldValueArg = null, String newValueArg = null, String urlArg = null, Storage storageAreaArg = null); + void initStorageEvent([String typeArg, bool canBubbleArg, bool cancelableArg, String keyArg, String oldValueArg, String newValueArg, String urlArg, Storage storageAreaArg]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/StorageInfo.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/StorageInfo.dart index 088ae1c6c9e..bacab6f63f9 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/StorageInfo.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/StorageInfo.dart @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ interface StorageInfo { static final int TEMPORARY = 0; - void queryUsageAndQuota(int storageType, StorageInfoUsageCallback usageCallback = null, StorageInfoErrorCallback errorCallback = null); + void queryUsageAndQuota(int storageType, [StorageInfoUsageCallback usageCallback, StorageInfoErrorCallback errorCallback]); - void requestQuota(int storageType, int newQuotaInBytes, StorageInfoQuotaCallback quotaCallback = null, StorageInfoErrorCallback errorCallback = null); + void requestQuota(int storageType, int newQuotaInBytes, [StorageInfoQuotaCallback quotaCallback, StorageInfoErrorCallback errorCallback]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/StyleMedia.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/StyleMedia.dart index 973a6303c92..957b8b6a967 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/StyleMedia.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/StyleMedia.dart @@ -8,5 +8,5 @@ interface StyleMedia { String get type(); - bool matchMedium(String mediaquery = null); + bool matchMedium([String mediaquery]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/StyleSheetList.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/StyleSheetList.dart index efab8c1a9c7..3782c98626d 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/StyleSheetList.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/StyleSheetList.dart @@ -8,5 +8,5 @@ interface StyleSheetList extends List { int get length(); - StyleSheet item(int index = null); + StyleSheet item([int index]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Text.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Text.dart index 5638a2cec6a..62620702b8f 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Text.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Text.dart @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ interface Text extends CharacterData { String get wholeText(); - Text replaceWholeText(String content = null); + Text replaceWholeText([String content]); - Text splitText(int offset = null); + Text splitText([int offset]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/TextEvent.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/TextEvent.dart index 75fc3879500..d219159df9d 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/TextEvent.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/TextEvent.dart @@ -8,5 +8,5 @@ interface TextEvent extends UIEvent { String get data(); - void initTextEvent(String typeArg = null, bool canBubbleArg = null, bool cancelableArg = null, DOMWindow viewArg = null, String dataArg = null); + void initTextEvent([String typeArg, bool canBubbleArg, bool cancelableArg, DOMWindow viewArg, String dataArg]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/TouchEvent.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/TouchEvent.dart index 1b7c55c1c33..ec2465742c1 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/TouchEvent.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/TouchEvent.dart @@ -20,5 +20,5 @@ interface TouchEvent extends UIEvent { TouchList get touches(); - void initTouchEvent(TouchList touches = null, TouchList targetTouches = null, TouchList changedTouches = null, String type = null, DOMWindow view = null, int screenX = null, int screenY = null, int clientX = null, int clientY = null, bool ctrlKey = null, bool altKey = null, bool shiftKey = null, bool metaKey = null); + void initTouchEvent([TouchList touches, TouchList targetTouches, TouchList changedTouches, String type, DOMWindow view, int screenX, int screenY, int clientX, int clientY, bool ctrlKey, bool altKey, bool shiftKey, bool metaKey]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/UIEvent.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/UIEvent.dart index baee3b50c7a..3252c997a42 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/UIEvent.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/UIEvent.dart @@ -24,5 +24,5 @@ interface UIEvent extends Event { int get which(); - void initUIEvent(String type = null, bool canBubble = null, bool cancelable = null, DOMWindow view = null, int detail = null); + void initUIEvent([String type, bool canBubble, bool cancelable, DOMWindow view, int detail]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Uint16Array.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Uint16Array.dart index e1a09d55b82..5c65ec538b1 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Uint16Array.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Uint16Array.dart @@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ interface Uint16Array extends ArrayBufferView { int get length(); - Uint16Array subarray(int start = null, int end = null); + Uint16Array subarray([int start, int end]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Uint32Array.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Uint32Array.dart index 16624662583..9f2bbff887c 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Uint32Array.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Uint32Array.dart @@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ interface Uint32Array extends ArrayBufferView { int get length(); - Uint32Array subarray(int start = null, int end = null); + Uint32Array subarray([int start, int end]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Uint8Array.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Uint8Array.dart index 312f04871b0..143e9130b2f 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Uint8Array.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Uint8Array.dart @@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ interface Uint8Array extends ArrayBufferView { int get length(); - Uint8Array subarray(int start = null, int end = null); + Uint8Array subarray([int start, int end]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/WebGLRenderingContext.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/WebGLRenderingContext.dart index 54081e70bd9..5645c5eb0aa 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/WebGLRenderingContext.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/WebGLRenderingContext.dart @@ -802,13 +802,13 @@ interface WebGLRenderingContext extends CanvasRenderingContext { void stencilOpSeparate(int face, int fail, int zfail, int zpass); - void texImage2D(int target, int level, int internalformat, int format_OR_width, int height_OR_type, var border_OR_canvas_OR_image_OR_pixels, int format = null, int type = null, ArrayBufferView pixels = null); + void texImage2D(int target, int level, int internalformat, int format_OR_width, int height_OR_type, var border_OR_canvas_OR_image_OR_pixels, [int format, int type, ArrayBufferView pixels]); void texParameterf(int target, int pname, num param); void texParameteri(int target, int pname, int param); - void texSubImage2D(int target, int level, int xoffset, int yoffset, int format_OR_width, int height_OR_type, var canvas_OR_format_OR_image_OR_pixels, int type = null, ArrayBufferView pixels = null); + void texSubImage2D(int target, int level, int xoffset, int yoffset, int format_OR_width, int height_OR_type, var canvas_OR_format_OR_image_OR_pixels, [int type, ArrayBufferView pixels]); void uniform1f(WebGLUniformLocation location, num x); diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/WebKitAnimationEvent.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/WebKitAnimationEvent.dart index 9fb55b4f69c..1a4390b3e43 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/WebKitAnimationEvent.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/WebKitAnimationEvent.dart @@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ interface WebKitAnimationEvent extends Event { num get elapsedTime(); - void initWebKitAnimationEvent(String typeArg = null, bool canBubbleArg = null, bool cancelableArg = null, String animationNameArg = null, num elapsedTimeArg = null); + void initWebKitAnimationEvent([String typeArg, bool canBubbleArg, bool cancelableArg, String animationNameArg, num elapsedTimeArg]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/WebKitBlobBuilder.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/WebKitBlobBuilder.dart index 795faf3969b..266f3555d4b 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/WebKitBlobBuilder.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/WebKitBlobBuilder.dart @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ interface WebKitBlobBuilder { - void append(var blob_OR_value, String endings = null); + void append(var blob_OR_value, [String endings]); - Blob getBlob(String contentType = null); + Blob getBlob([String contentType]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/WebKitCSSKeyframesRule.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/WebKitCSSKeyframesRule.dart index 43d1a12fe5c..ae7b21bc26f 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/WebKitCSSKeyframesRule.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/WebKitCSSKeyframesRule.dart @@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ interface WebKitCSSKeyframesRule extends CSSRule { void set name(String value); - void deleteRule(String key = null); + void deleteRule([String key]); - WebKitCSSKeyframeRule findRule(String key = null); + WebKitCSSKeyframeRule findRule([String key]); - void insertRule(String rule = null); + void insertRule([String rule]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/WebKitCSSMatrix.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/WebKitCSSMatrix.dart index ea0bbace59c..da347a124f1 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/WebKitCSSMatrix.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/WebKitCSSMatrix.dart @@ -98,21 +98,21 @@ interface WebKitCSSMatrix factory _WebKitCSSMatrixFactoryProvider { WebKitCSSMatrix inverse(); - WebKitCSSMatrix multiply(WebKitCSSMatrix secondMatrix = null); + WebKitCSSMatrix multiply([WebKitCSSMatrix secondMatrix]); - WebKitCSSMatrix rotate(num rotX = null, num rotY = null, num rotZ = null); + WebKitCSSMatrix rotate([num rotX, num rotY, num rotZ]); - WebKitCSSMatrix rotateAxisAngle(num x = null, num y = null, num z = null, num angle = null); + WebKitCSSMatrix rotateAxisAngle([num x, num y, num z, num angle]); - WebKitCSSMatrix scale(num scaleX = null, num scaleY = null, num scaleZ = null); + WebKitCSSMatrix scale([num scaleX, num scaleY, num scaleZ]); - void setMatrixValue(String string = null); + void setMatrixValue([String string]); - WebKitCSSMatrix skewX(num angle = null); + WebKitCSSMatrix skewX([num angle]); - WebKitCSSMatrix skewY(num angle = null); + WebKitCSSMatrix skewY([num angle]); String toString(); - WebKitCSSMatrix translate(num x = null, num y = null, num z = null); + WebKitCSSMatrix translate([num x, num y, num z]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/WebKitTransitionEvent.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/WebKitTransitionEvent.dart index f2f08f98ca1..22732791a8b 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/WebKitTransitionEvent.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/WebKitTransitionEvent.dart @@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ interface WebKitTransitionEvent extends Event { String get propertyName(); - void initWebKitTransitionEvent(String typeArg = null, bool canBubbleArg = null, bool cancelableArg = null, String propertyNameArg = null, num elapsedTimeArg = null); + void initWebKitTransitionEvent([String typeArg, bool canBubbleArg, bool cancelableArg, String propertyNameArg, num elapsedTimeArg]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/WebSocket.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/WebSocket.dart index 5accda51e22..4ea83075106 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/WebSocket.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/WebSocket.dart @@ -42,13 +42,13 @@ interface WebSocket extends EventTarget { int get readyState(); - void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null); + void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture]); - void close(int code = null, String reason = null); + void close([int code, String reason]); bool dispatchEvent(Event evt); - void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null); + void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture]); bool send(String data); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/WheelEvent.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/WheelEvent.dart index 9a3bebedc84..26b18ea0ae8 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/WheelEvent.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/WheelEvent.dart @@ -36,5 +36,5 @@ interface WheelEvent extends UIEvent { int get y(); - void initWheelEvent(int wheelDeltaX = null, int wheelDeltaY = null, DOMWindow view = null, int screenX = null, int screenY = null, int clientX = null, int clientY = null, bool ctrlKey = null, bool altKey = null, bool shiftKey = null, bool metaKey = null); + void initWheelEvent([int wheelDeltaX, int wheelDeltaY, DOMWindow view, int screenX, int screenY, int clientX, int clientY, bool ctrlKey, bool altKey, bool shiftKey, bool metaKey]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Worker.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Worker.dart index 260c1d21308..d6daa9887a9 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Worker.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/Worker.dart @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ interface Worker extends AbstractWorker { void set onmessage(EventListener value); - void postMessage(String message, MessagePort messagePort = null); + void postMessage(String message, [MessagePort messagePort]); void terminate(); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/WorkerContext.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/WorkerContext.dart index f6fc3ed7766..86baf8d8d3a 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/WorkerContext.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/WorkerContext.dart @@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ interface WorkerGlobalScope { DOMURL get webkitURL(); - void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null); + void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture]); - void clearInterval(int handle = null); + void clearInterval([int handle]); - void clearTimeout(int handle = null); + void clearTimeout([int handle]); void close(); @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ interface WorkerGlobalScope { void importScripts(); - void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null); + void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture]); int setInterval(TimeoutHandler handler, int timeout); diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/XMLHttpRequest.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/XMLHttpRequest.dart index c7b7b44841c..31121af7b65 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/XMLHttpRequest.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/XMLHttpRequest.dart @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ interface XMLHttpRequest extends EventTarget factory _XMLHttpRequestFactoryProvi void abort(); - void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null); + void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture]); bool dispatchEvent(Event evt); @@ -79,13 +79,13 @@ interface XMLHttpRequest extends EventTarget factory _XMLHttpRequestFactoryProvi String getResponseHeader(String header); - void open(String method, String url, bool async, String user = null, String password = null); + void open(String method, String url, bool async, [String user, String password]); void overrideMimeType(String override); - void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null); + void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture]); - void send(var data = null); + void send([var data]); void setRequestHeader(String header, String value); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/XMLHttpRequestUpload.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/XMLHttpRequestUpload.dart index 1239e0d5ee0..236118eeb6d 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/XMLHttpRequestUpload.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/XMLHttpRequestUpload.dart @@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ interface XMLHttpRequestUpload extends EventTarget { void set onprogress(EventListener value); - void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null); + void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture]); bool dispatchEvent(Event evt); - void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null); + void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/XMLSerializer.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/XMLSerializer.dart index 3587a4a6362..7fc888d20b4 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/XMLSerializer.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/XMLSerializer.dart @@ -6,5 +6,5 @@ interface XMLSerializer { - String serializeToString(Node node = null); + String serializeToString([Node node]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/XPathEvaluator.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/XPathEvaluator.dart index b0c76e258e7..ddb93ae7dd4 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/XPathEvaluator.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/XPathEvaluator.dart @@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ interface XPathEvaluator { - XPathExpression createExpression(String expression = null, XPathNSResolver resolver = null); + XPathExpression createExpression([String expression, XPathNSResolver resolver]); - XPathNSResolver createNSResolver(Node nodeResolver = null); + XPathNSResolver createNSResolver([Node nodeResolver]); - XPathResult evaluate(String expression = null, Node contextNode = null, XPathNSResolver resolver = null, int type = null, XPathResult inResult = null); + XPathResult evaluate([String expression, Node contextNode, XPathNSResolver resolver, int type, XPathResult inResult]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/XPathExpression.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/XPathExpression.dart index 68008582a52..52505ecae04 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/XPathExpression.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/XPathExpression.dart @@ -6,5 +6,5 @@ interface XPathExpression { - XPathResult evaluate(Node contextNode = null, int type = null, XPathResult inResult = null); + XPathResult evaluate([Node contextNode, int type, XPathResult inResult]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/XPathNSResolver.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/XPathNSResolver.dart index 8896b970653..7d3b06543ee 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/XPathNSResolver.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/XPathNSResolver.dart @@ -6,5 +6,5 @@ interface XPathNSResolver { - String lookupNamespaceURI(String prefix = null); + String lookupNamespaceURI([String prefix]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/XPathResult.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/XPathResult.dart index 863d357bac8..f69fe193880 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/XPathResult.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/XPathResult.dart @@ -42,5 +42,5 @@ interface XPathResult { Node iterateNext(); - Node snapshotItem(int index = null); + Node snapshotItem([int index]); } diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_AbstractWorkerWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_AbstractWorkerWrappingImplementation.dart index 43addfb020a..96dfcbe523b 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_AbstractWorkerWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_AbstractWorkerWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ class _AbstractWorkerWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Ab void set onerror(EventListener value) { _set__AbstractWorker_onerror(this, value); } static void _set__AbstractWorker_onerror(var _this, EventListener value) native; - void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null) { + void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture = null]) { if (useCapture === null) { _addEventListener(this, type, listener); return; @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class _AbstractWorkerWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Ab } static bool _dispatchEvent(receiver, evt) native; - void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null) { + void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture = null]) { if (useCapture === null) { _removeEventListener(this, type, listener); return; diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_BeforeLoadEventWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_BeforeLoadEventWrappingImplementation.dart index 9a87ce328fc..9f2130096a6 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_BeforeLoadEventWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_BeforeLoadEventWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class _BeforeLoadEventWrappingImplementation extends _EventWrappingImplementatio String get url() { return _get__BeforeLoadEvent_url(this); } static String _get__BeforeLoadEvent_url(var _this) native; - void initBeforeLoadEvent(String type = null, bool canBubble = null, bool cancelable = null, String url = null) { + void initBeforeLoadEvent([String type = null, bool canBubble = null, bool cancelable = null, String url = null]) { if (type === null) { if (canBubble === null) { if (cancelable === null) { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_CSSMediaRuleWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_CSSMediaRuleWrappingImplementation.dart index 6b5f938871e..c637aa3b888 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_CSSMediaRuleWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_CSSMediaRuleWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ class _CSSMediaRuleWrappingImplementation extends _CSSRuleWrappingImplementation MediaList get media() { return _get__CSSMediaRule_media(this); } static MediaList _get__CSSMediaRule_media(var _this) native; - void deleteRule(int index = null) { + void deleteRule([int index = null]) { if (index === null) { _deleteRule(this); return; @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ class _CSSMediaRuleWrappingImplementation extends _CSSRuleWrappingImplementation static void _deleteRule(receiver) native; static void _deleteRule_2(receiver, index) native; - int insertRule(String rule = null, int index = null) { + int insertRule([String rule = null, int index = null]) { if (rule === null) { if (index === null) { return _insertRule(this); diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_CSSPrimitiveValueWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_CSSPrimitiveValueWrappingImplementation.dart index a50f0119d5e..d0b90882dc1 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_CSSPrimitiveValueWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_CSSPrimitiveValueWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ class _CSSPrimitiveValueWrappingImplementation extends _CSSValueWrappingImplemen } static Counter _getCounterValue(receiver) native; - num getFloatValue(int unitType = null) { + num getFloatValue([int unitType = null]) { if (unitType === null) { return _getFloatValue(this); } else { @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ class _CSSPrimitiveValueWrappingImplementation extends _CSSValueWrappingImplemen } static String _getStringValue(receiver) native; - void setFloatValue(int unitType = null, num floatValue = null) { + void setFloatValue([int unitType = null, num floatValue = null]) { if (unitType === null) { if (floatValue === null) { _setFloatValue(this); @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ class _CSSPrimitiveValueWrappingImplementation extends _CSSValueWrappingImplemen static void _setFloatValue_2(receiver, unitType) native; static void _setFloatValue_3(receiver, unitType, floatValue) native; - void setStringValue(int stringType = null, String stringValue = null) { + void setStringValue([int stringType = null, String stringValue = null]) { if (stringType === null) { if (stringValue === null) { _setStringValue(this); diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_CSSRuleListWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_CSSRuleListWrappingImplementation.dart index 92dfd85dcab..bfd86960e3d 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_CSSRuleListWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_CSSRuleListWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class _CSSRuleListWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements CSSRu int get length() { return _get__CSSRuleList_length(this); } static int _get__CSSRuleList_length(var _this) native; - CSSRule item(int index = null) { + CSSRule item([int index = null]) { if (index === null) { return _item(this); } else { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_CSSStyleDeclarationWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_CSSStyleDeclarationWrappingImplementation.dart index e558527928e..25d25109a6f 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_CSSStyleDeclarationWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_CSSStyleDeclarationWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ class _CSSStyleDeclarationWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implemen CSSRule get parentRule() { return _get__CSSStyleDeclaration_parentRule(this); } static CSSRule _get__CSSStyleDeclaration_parentRule(var _this) native; - CSSValue getPropertyCSSValue(String propertyName = null) { + CSSValue getPropertyCSSValue([String propertyName = null]) { if (propertyName === null) { return _getPropertyCSSValue(this); } else { @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ class _CSSStyleDeclarationWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implemen static CSSValue _getPropertyCSSValue(receiver) native; static CSSValue _getPropertyCSSValue_2(receiver, propertyName) native; - String getPropertyPriority(String propertyName = null) { + String getPropertyPriority([String propertyName = null]) { if (propertyName === null) { return _getPropertyPriority(this); } else { @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ class _CSSStyleDeclarationWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implemen static String _getPropertyPriority(receiver) native; static String _getPropertyPriority_2(receiver, propertyName) native; - String getPropertyShorthand(String propertyName = null) { + String getPropertyShorthand([String propertyName = null]) { if (propertyName === null) { return _getPropertyShorthand(this); } else { @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ class _CSSStyleDeclarationWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implemen static String _getPropertyShorthand(receiver) native; static String _getPropertyShorthand_2(receiver, propertyName) native; - String getPropertyValue(String propertyName = null) { + String getPropertyValue([String propertyName = null]) { if (propertyName === null) { return _getPropertyValue(this); } else { @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ class _CSSStyleDeclarationWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implemen static String _getPropertyValue(receiver) native; static String _getPropertyValue_2(receiver, propertyName) native; - bool isPropertyImplicit(String propertyName = null) { + bool isPropertyImplicit([String propertyName = null]) { if (propertyName === null) { return _isPropertyImplicit(this); } else { @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ class _CSSStyleDeclarationWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implemen static bool _isPropertyImplicit(receiver) native; static bool _isPropertyImplicit_2(receiver, propertyName) native; - String item(int index = null) { + String item([int index = null]) { if (index === null) { return _item(this); } else { @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ class _CSSStyleDeclarationWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implemen static String _item(receiver) native; static String _item_2(receiver, index) native; - String removeProperty(String propertyName = null) { + String removeProperty([String propertyName = null]) { if (propertyName === null) { return _removeProperty(this); } else { @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ class _CSSStyleDeclarationWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implemen static String _removeProperty(receiver) native; static String _removeProperty_2(receiver, propertyName) native; - void setProperty(String propertyName = null, String value = null, String priority = null) { + void setProperty([String propertyName = null, String value = null, String priority = null]) { if (propertyName === null) { if (value === null) { if (priority === null) { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_CSSStyleSheetWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_CSSStyleSheetWrappingImplementation.dart index 2a7c148b9ef..64df1c0ab9c 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_CSSStyleSheetWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_CSSStyleSheetWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ class _CSSStyleSheetWrappingImplementation extends _StyleSheetWrappingImplementa CSSRuleList get rules() { return _get__CSSStyleSheet_rules(this); } static CSSRuleList _get__CSSStyleSheet_rules(var _this) native; - int addRule(String selector = null, String style = null, int index = null) { + int addRule([String selector = null, String style = null, int index = null]) { if (selector === null) { if (style === null) { if (index === null) { @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class _CSSStyleSheetWrappingImplementation extends _StyleSheetWrappingImplementa static int _addRule_3(receiver, selector, style) native; static int _addRule_4(receiver, selector, style, index) native; - void deleteRule(int index = null) { + void deleteRule([int index = null]) { if (index === null) { _deleteRule(this); return; @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ class _CSSStyleSheetWrappingImplementation extends _StyleSheetWrappingImplementa static void _deleteRule(receiver) native; static void _deleteRule_2(receiver, index) native; - int insertRule(String rule = null, int index = null) { + int insertRule([String rule = null, int index = null]) { if (rule === null) { if (index === null) { return _insertRule(this); @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ class _CSSStyleSheetWrappingImplementation extends _StyleSheetWrappingImplementa static int _insertRule_2(receiver, rule) native; static int _insertRule_3(receiver, rule, index) native; - void removeRule(int index = null) { + void removeRule([int index = null]) { if (index === null) { _removeRule(this); return; diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_CSSValueListWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_CSSValueListWrappingImplementation.dart index 730bb51055e..1bb3679b4bc 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_CSSValueListWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_CSSValueListWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class _CSSValueListWrappingImplementation extends _CSSValueWrappingImplementatio int get length() { return _get__CSSValueList_length(this); } static int _get__CSSValueList_length(var _this) native; - CSSValue item(int index = null) { + CSSValue item([int index = null]) { if (index === null) { return _item(this); } else { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_CanvasGradientWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_CanvasGradientWrappingImplementation.dart index 40d2a2fa048..11f54eb468e 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_CanvasGradientWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_CanvasGradientWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ class _CanvasGradientWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Ca return new _CanvasGradientWrappingImplementation(); } - void addColorStop(num offset = null, String color = null) { + void addColorStop([num offset = null, String color = null]) { if (offset === null) { if (color === null) { _addColorStop(this); diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_CanvasRenderingContext2DWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_CanvasRenderingContext2DWrappingImplementation.dart index de51d4c490e..7c46f6f6f89 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_CanvasRenderingContext2DWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_CanvasRenderingContext2DWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ class _CanvasRenderingContext2DWrappingImplementation extends _CanvasRenderingCo } static void _closePath(receiver) native; - ImageData createImageData(var imagedata_OR_sw, num sh = null) { + ImageData createImageData(var imagedata_OR_sw, [num sh = null]) { if (imagedata_OR_sw is ImageData) { if (sh === null) { return _createImageData(this, imagedata_OR_sw); @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ class _CanvasRenderingContext2DWrappingImplementation extends _CanvasRenderingCo } static CanvasGradient _createRadialGradient(receiver, x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1) native; - void drawImage(var canvas_OR_image, num sx_OR_x, num sy_OR_y, num sw_OR_width = null, num height_OR_sh = null, num dx = null, num dy = null, num dw = null, num dh = null) { + void drawImage(var canvas_OR_image, num sx_OR_x, num sy_OR_y, [num sw_OR_width = null, num height_OR_sh = null, num dx = null, num dy = null, num dw = null, num dh = null]) { if (canvas_OR_image is HTMLImageElement) { if (sw_OR_width === null) { if (height_OR_sh === null) { @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ class _CanvasRenderingContext2DWrappingImplementation extends _CanvasRenderingCo static void _drawImage_5(receiver, canvas_OR_image, sx_OR_x, sy_OR_y, sw_OR_width, height_OR_sh) native; static void _drawImage_6(receiver, canvas_OR_image, sx_OR_x, sy_OR_y, sw_OR_width, height_OR_sh, dx, dy, dw, dh) native; - void drawImageFromRect(HTMLImageElement image, num sx = null, num sy = null, num sw = null, num sh = null, num dx = null, num dy = null, num dw = null, num dh = null, String compositeOperation = null) { + void drawImageFromRect(HTMLImageElement image, [num sx = null, num sy = null, num sw = null, num sh = null, num dx = null, num dy = null, num dw = null, num dh = null, String compositeOperation = null]) { if (sx === null) { if (sy === null) { if (sw === null) { @@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ class _CanvasRenderingContext2DWrappingImplementation extends _CanvasRenderingCo } static void _fillRect(receiver, x, y, width, height) native; - void fillText(String text, num x, num y, num maxWidth = null) { + void fillText(String text, num x, num y, [num maxWidth = null]) { if (maxWidth === null) { _fillText(this, text, x, y); return; @@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ class _CanvasRenderingContext2DWrappingImplementation extends _CanvasRenderingCo } static void _moveTo(receiver, x, y) native; - void putImageData(ImageData imagedata, num dx, num dy, num dirtyX = null, num dirtyY = null, num dirtyWidth = null, num dirtyHeight = null) { + void putImageData(ImageData imagedata, num dx, num dy, [num dirtyX = null, num dirtyY = null, num dirtyWidth = null, num dirtyHeight = null]) { if (dirtyX === null) { if (dirtyY === null) { if (dirtyWidth === null) { @@ -497,7 +497,7 @@ class _CanvasRenderingContext2DWrappingImplementation extends _CanvasRenderingCo } static void _setCompositeOperation(receiver, compositeOperation) native; - void setFillColor(var c_OR_color_OR_grayLevel_OR_r, num alpha_OR_g_OR_m = null, num b_OR_y = null, num a_OR_k = null, num a = null) { + void setFillColor(var c_OR_color_OR_grayLevel_OR_r, [num alpha_OR_g_OR_m = null, num b_OR_y = null, num a_OR_k = null, num a = null]) { if (c_OR_color_OR_grayLevel_OR_r is String) { if (alpha_OR_g_OR_m === null) { if (b_OR_y === null) { @@ -603,7 +603,7 @@ class _CanvasRenderingContext2DWrappingImplementation extends _CanvasRenderingCo } static void _setMiterLimit(receiver, limit) native; - void setShadow(num width, num height, num blur, var c_OR_color_OR_grayLevel_OR_r = null, num alpha_OR_g_OR_m = null, num b_OR_y = null, num a_OR_k = null, num a = null) { + void setShadow(num width, num height, num blur, [var c_OR_color_OR_grayLevel_OR_r = null, num alpha_OR_g_OR_m = null, num b_OR_y = null, num a_OR_k = null, num a = null]) { if (c_OR_color_OR_grayLevel_OR_r === null) { if (alpha_OR_g_OR_m === null) { if (b_OR_y === null) { @@ -678,7 +678,7 @@ class _CanvasRenderingContext2DWrappingImplementation extends _CanvasRenderingCo static void _setShadow_6(receiver, width, height, blur, c_OR_color_OR_grayLevel_OR_r, alpha_OR_g_OR_m, b_OR_y, a_OR_k) native; static void _setShadow_7(receiver, width, height, blur, c_OR_color_OR_grayLevel_OR_r, alpha_OR_g_OR_m, b_OR_y, a_OR_k, a) native; - void setStrokeColor(var c_OR_color_OR_grayLevel_OR_r, num alpha_OR_g_OR_m = null, num b_OR_y = null, num a_OR_k = null, num a = null) { + void setStrokeColor(var c_OR_color_OR_grayLevel_OR_r, [num alpha_OR_g_OR_m = null, num b_OR_y = null, num a_OR_k = null, num a = null]) { if (c_OR_color_OR_grayLevel_OR_r is String) { if (alpha_OR_g_OR_m === null) { if (b_OR_y === null) { @@ -772,7 +772,7 @@ class _CanvasRenderingContext2DWrappingImplementation extends _CanvasRenderingCo } static void _stroke(receiver) native; - void strokeRect(num x, num y, num width, num height, num lineWidth = null) { + void strokeRect(num x, num y, num width, num height, [num lineWidth = null]) { if (lineWidth === null) { _strokeRect(this, x, y, width, height); return; @@ -784,7 +784,7 @@ class _CanvasRenderingContext2DWrappingImplementation extends _CanvasRenderingCo static void _strokeRect(receiver, x, y, width, height) native; static void _strokeRect_2(receiver, x, y, width, height, lineWidth) native; - void strokeText(String text, num x, num y, num maxWidth = null) { + void strokeText(String text, num x, num y, [num maxWidth = null]) { if (maxWidth === null) { _strokeText(this, text, x, y); return; diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_CharacterDataWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_CharacterDataWrappingImplementation.dart index 08998bd9a80..13ee2649da8 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_CharacterDataWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_CharacterDataWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ class _CharacterDataWrappingImplementation extends _NodeWrappingImplementation i int get length() { return _get__CharacterData_length(this); } static int _get__CharacterData_length(var _this) native; - void appendData(String data = null) { + void appendData([String data = null]) { if (data === null) { _appendData(this); return; @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class _CharacterDataWrappingImplementation extends _NodeWrappingImplementation i static void _appendData(receiver) native; static void _appendData_2(receiver, data) native; - void deleteData(int offset = null, int length = null) { + void deleteData([int offset = null, int length = null]) { if (offset === null) { if (length === null) { _deleteData(this); @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ class _CharacterDataWrappingImplementation extends _NodeWrappingImplementation i static void _deleteData_2(receiver, offset) native; static void _deleteData_3(receiver, offset, length) native; - void insertData(int offset = null, String data = null) { + void insertData([int offset = null, String data = null]) { if (offset === null) { if (data === null) { _insertData(this); @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ class _CharacterDataWrappingImplementation extends _NodeWrappingImplementation i static void _insertData_2(receiver, offset) native; static void _insertData_3(receiver, offset, data) native; - void replaceData(int offset = null, int length = null, String data = null) { + void replaceData([int offset = null, int length = null, String data = null]) { if (offset === null) { if (length === null) { if (data === null) { @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ class _CharacterDataWrappingImplementation extends _NodeWrappingImplementation i static void _replaceData_3(receiver, offset, length) native; static void _replaceData_4(receiver, offset, length, data) native; - String substringData(int offset = null, int length = null) { + String substringData([int offset = null, int length = null]) { if (offset === null) { if (length === null) { return _substringData(this); diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_ClientRectListWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_ClientRectListWrappingImplementation.dart index bb473f5accd..1f487a702b3 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_ClientRectListWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_ClientRectListWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class _ClientRectListWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Cl int get length() { return _get__ClientRectList_length(this); } static int _get__ClientRectList_length(var _this) native; - ClientRect item(int index = null) { + ClientRect item([int index = null]) { if (index === null) { return _item(this); } else { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_ClipboardWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_ClipboardWrappingImplementation.dart index 8cc1d484d03..ea57732fd8a 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_ClipboardWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_ClipboardWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ class _ClipboardWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Clipboa DataTransferItems get items() { return _get__Clipboard_items(this); } static DataTransferItems _get__Clipboard_items(var _this) native; - void clearData(String type = null) { + void clearData([String type = null]) { if (type === null) { _clearData(this); return; diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_CloseEventWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_CloseEventWrappingImplementation.dart index d5902681a17..eb91d7e8024 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_CloseEventWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_CloseEventWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ class _CloseEventWrappingImplementation extends _EventWrappingImplementation imp bool get wasClean() { return _get__CloseEvent_wasClean(this); } static bool _get__CloseEvent_wasClean(var _this) native; - void initCloseEvent(String typeArg = null, bool canBubbleArg = null, bool cancelableArg = null, bool wasCleanArg = null, int codeArg = null, String reasonArg = null) { + void initCloseEvent([String typeArg = null, bool canBubbleArg = null, bool cancelableArg = null, bool wasCleanArg = null, int codeArg = null, String reasonArg = null]) { if (typeArg === null) { if (canBubbleArg === null) { if (cancelableArg === null) { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_CompositionEventWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_CompositionEventWrappingImplementation.dart index ffbb49143f9..510e8b87f49 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_CompositionEventWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_CompositionEventWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class _CompositionEventWrappingImplementation extends _UIEventWrappingImplementa String get data() { return _get__CompositionEvent_data(this); } static String _get__CompositionEvent_data(var _this) native; - void initCompositionEvent(String typeArg = null, bool canBubbleArg = null, bool cancelableArg = null, DOMWindow viewArg = null, String dataArg = null) { + void initCompositionEvent([String typeArg = null, bool canBubbleArg = null, bool cancelableArg = null, DOMWindow viewArg = null, String dataArg = null]) { if (typeArg === null) { if (canBubbleArg === null) { if (cancelableArg === null) { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_ConsoleWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_ConsoleWrappingImplementation.dart index bdfabb81031..a9dab5cf9ff 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_ConsoleWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_ConsoleWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ class _ConsoleWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Console { } static void _markTimeline(receiver) native; - void time(String title = null) { + void time([String title = null]) { if (title === null) { _time(this); return; diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_CustomEventWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_CustomEventWrappingImplementation.dart index b104cdfc957..fb4d337c7e3 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_CustomEventWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_CustomEventWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class _CustomEventWrappingImplementation extends _EventWrappingImplementation im Object get detail() { return _get__CustomEvent_detail(this); } static Object _get__CustomEvent_detail(var _this) native; - void initCustomEvent(String typeArg = null, bool canBubbleArg = null, bool cancelableArg = null, Object detailArg = null) { + void initCustomEvent([String typeArg = null, bool canBubbleArg = null, bool cancelableArg = null, Object detailArg = null]) { if (typeArg === null) { if (canBubbleArg === null) { if (cancelableArg === null) { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DOMApplicationCacheWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DOMApplicationCacheWrappingImplementation.dart index ca44a987513..ce57503460a 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DOMApplicationCacheWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DOMApplicationCacheWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ class _DOMApplicationCacheWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implemen int get status() { return _get__DOMApplicationCache_status(this); } static int _get__DOMApplicationCache_status(var _this) native; - void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null) { + void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture = null]) { if (useCapture === null) { _addEventListener(this, type, listener); return; @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ class _DOMApplicationCacheWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implemen } static bool _dispatchEvent(receiver, evt) native; - void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null) { + void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture = null]) { if (useCapture === null) { _removeEventListener(this, type, listener); return; diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DOMFormDataWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DOMFormDataWrappingImplementation.dart index 21d9656a6e7..2d8ab0ba987 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DOMFormDataWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DOMFormDataWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ class _DOMFormDataWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements DOMFo return new _DOMFormDataWrappingImplementation(); } - void append(String name = null, String value = null) { + void append([String name = null, String value = null]) { if (name === null) { if (value === null) { _append(this); diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DOMImplementationWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DOMImplementationWrappingImplementation.dart index e06b423088c..fdde8edd59d 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DOMImplementationWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DOMImplementationWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ class _DOMImplementationWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements return new _DOMImplementationWrappingImplementation(); } - CSSStyleSheet createCSSStyleSheet(String title = null, String media = null) { + CSSStyleSheet createCSSStyleSheet([String title = null, String media = null]) { if (title === null) { if (media === null) { return _createCSSStyleSheet(this); @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ class _DOMImplementationWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements static CSSStyleSheet _createCSSStyleSheet_2(receiver, title) native; static CSSStyleSheet _createCSSStyleSheet_3(receiver, title, media) native; - Document createDocument(String namespaceURI = null, String qualifiedName = null, DocumentType doctype = null) { + Document createDocument([String namespaceURI = null, String qualifiedName = null, DocumentType doctype = null]) { if (namespaceURI === null) { if (qualifiedName === null) { if (doctype === null) { @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ class _DOMImplementationWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements static Document _createDocument_3(receiver, namespaceURI, qualifiedName) native; static Document _createDocument_4(receiver, namespaceURI, qualifiedName, doctype) native; - DocumentType createDocumentType(String qualifiedName = null, String publicId = null, String systemId = null) { + DocumentType createDocumentType([String qualifiedName = null, String publicId = null, String systemId = null]) { if (qualifiedName === null) { if (publicId === null) { if (systemId === null) { @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ class _DOMImplementationWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements static DocumentType _createDocumentType_3(receiver, qualifiedName, publicId) native; static DocumentType _createDocumentType_4(receiver, qualifiedName, publicId, systemId) native; - HTMLDocument createHTMLDocument(String title = null) { + HTMLDocument createHTMLDocument([String title = null]) { if (title === null) { return _createHTMLDocument(this); } else { @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ class _DOMImplementationWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements static HTMLDocument _createHTMLDocument(receiver) native; static HTMLDocument _createHTMLDocument_2(receiver, title) native; - bool hasFeature(String feature = null, String version = null) { + bool hasFeature([String feature = null, String version = null]) { if (feature === null) { if (version === null) { return _hasFeature(this); diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DOMMimeTypeArrayWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DOMMimeTypeArrayWrappingImplementation.dart index 1ee685068b7..872b0329236 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DOMMimeTypeArrayWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DOMMimeTypeArrayWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class _DOMMimeTypeArrayWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements int get length() { return _get__DOMMimeTypeArray_length(this); } static int _get__DOMMimeTypeArray_length(var _this) native; - DOMMimeType item(int index = null) { + DOMMimeType item([int index = null]) { if (index === null) { return _item(this); } else { @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class _DOMMimeTypeArrayWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements static DOMMimeType _item(receiver) native; static DOMMimeType _item_2(receiver, index) native; - DOMMimeType namedItem(String name = null) { + DOMMimeType namedItem([String name = null]) { if (name === null) { return _namedItem(this); } else { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DOMParserWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DOMParserWrappingImplementation.dart index 15e3f2ba399..158a85f16e9 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DOMParserWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DOMParserWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ class _DOMParserWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements DOMPars return new _DOMParserWrappingImplementation(); } - Document parseFromString(String str = null, String contentType = null) { + Document parseFromString([String str = null, String contentType = null]) { if (str === null) { if (contentType === null) { return _parseFromString(this); diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DOMPluginArrayWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DOMPluginArrayWrappingImplementation.dart index 1269f5b7787..ad2c041c1e9 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DOMPluginArrayWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DOMPluginArrayWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class _DOMPluginArrayWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements DO int get length() { return _get__DOMPluginArray_length(this); } static int _get__DOMPluginArray_length(var _this) native; - DOMPlugin item(int index = null) { + DOMPlugin item([int index = null]) { if (index === null) { return _item(this); } else { @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class _DOMPluginArrayWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements DO static DOMPlugin _item(receiver) native; static DOMPlugin _item_2(receiver, index) native; - DOMPlugin namedItem(String name = null) { + DOMPlugin namedItem([String name = null]) { if (name === null) { return _namedItem(this); } else { @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class _DOMPluginArrayWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements DO static DOMPlugin _namedItem(receiver) native; static DOMPlugin _namedItem_2(receiver, name) native; - void refresh(bool reload = null) { + void refresh([bool reload = null]) { if (reload === null) { _refresh(this); return; diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DOMPluginWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DOMPluginWrappingImplementation.dart index 5cab846b656..0bd6fc8cb6c 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DOMPluginWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DOMPluginWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ class _DOMPluginWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements DOMPlug String get name() { return _get__DOMPlugin_name(this); } static String _get__DOMPlugin_name(var _this) native; - DOMMimeType item(int index = null) { + DOMMimeType item([int index = null]) { if (index === null) { return _item(this); } else { @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ class _DOMPluginWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements DOMPlug static DOMMimeType _item(receiver) native; static DOMMimeType _item_2(receiver, index) native; - DOMMimeType namedItem(String name = null) { + DOMMimeType namedItem([String name = null]) { if (name === null) { return _namedItem(this); } else { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DOMSelectionWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DOMSelectionWrappingImplementation.dart index 0f01087af84..ae37f5343e0 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DOMSelectionWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DOMSelectionWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ class _DOMSelectionWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements DOMS String get type() { return _get__DOMSelection_type(this); } static String _get__DOMSelection_type(var _this) native; - void addRange(Range range = null) { + void addRange([Range range = null]) { if (range === null) { _addRange(this); return; @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ class _DOMSelectionWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements DOMS static void _addRange(receiver) native; static void _addRange_2(receiver, range) native; - void collapse(Node node = null, int index = null) { + void collapse([Node node = null, int index = null]) { if (node === null) { if (index === null) { _collapse(this); @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ class _DOMSelectionWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements DOMS } static void _collapseToStart(receiver) native; - bool containsNode(Node node = null, bool allowPartial = null) { + bool containsNode([Node node = null, bool allowPartial = null]) { if (node === null) { if (allowPartial === null) { return _containsNode(this); @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ class _DOMSelectionWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements DOMS } static void _empty(receiver) native; - void extend(Node node = null, int offset = null) { + void extend([Node node = null, int offset = null]) { if (node === null) { if (offset === null) { _extend(this); @@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ class _DOMSelectionWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements DOMS static void _extend_2(receiver, node) native; static void _extend_3(receiver, node, offset) native; - Range getRangeAt(int index = null) { + Range getRangeAt([int index = null]) { if (index === null) { return _getRangeAt(this); } else { @@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ class _DOMSelectionWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements DOMS static Range _getRangeAt(receiver) native; static Range _getRangeAt_2(receiver, index) native; - void modify(String alter = null, String direction = null, String granularity = null) { + void modify([String alter = null, String direction = null, String granularity = null]) { if (alter === null) { if (direction === null) { if (granularity === null) { @@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ class _DOMSelectionWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements DOMS } static void _removeAllRanges(receiver) native; - void selectAllChildren(Node node = null) { + void selectAllChildren([Node node = null]) { if (node === null) { _selectAllChildren(this); return; @@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ class _DOMSelectionWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements DOMS static void _selectAllChildren(receiver) native; static void _selectAllChildren_2(receiver, node) native; - void setBaseAndExtent(Node baseNode = null, int baseOffset = null, Node extentNode = null, int extentOffset = null) { + void setBaseAndExtent([Node baseNode = null, int baseOffset = null, Node extentNode = null, int extentOffset = null]) { if (baseNode === null) { if (baseOffset === null) { if (extentNode === null) { @@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ class _DOMSelectionWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements DOMS static void _setBaseAndExtent_4(receiver, baseNode, baseOffset, extentNode) native; static void _setBaseAndExtent_5(receiver, baseNode, baseOffset, extentNode, extentOffset) native; - void setPosition(Node node = null, int offset = null) { + void setPosition([Node node = null, int offset = null]) { if (node === null) { if (offset === null) { _setPosition(this); diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DOMWindowWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DOMWindowWrappingImplementation.dart index 0b7a6ccf748..3606f06ad99 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DOMWindowWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DOMWindowWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -695,7 +695,7 @@ class _DOMWindowWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements DOMWind DOMWindow get window() { return _get__DOMWindow_window(this); } static DOMWindow _get__DOMWindow_window(var _this) native; - void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null) { + void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture = null]) { if (useCapture === null) { _addEventListener(this, type, listener); return; @@ -707,7 +707,7 @@ class _DOMWindowWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements DOMWind static void _addEventListener(receiver, type, listener) native; static void _addEventListener_2(receiver, type, listener, useCapture) native; - void alert(String message = null) { + void alert([String message = null]) { if (message === null) { _alert(this); return; @@ -719,7 +719,7 @@ class _DOMWindowWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements DOMWind static void _alert(receiver) native; static void _alert_2(receiver, message) native; - String atob(String string = null) { + String atob([String string = null]) { if (string === null) { return _atob(this); } else { @@ -735,7 +735,7 @@ class _DOMWindowWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements DOMWind } static void _blur(receiver) native; - String btoa(String string = null) { + String btoa([String string = null]) { if (string === null) { return _btoa(this); } else { @@ -751,7 +751,7 @@ class _DOMWindowWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements DOMWind } static void _captureEvents(receiver) native; - void clearInterval(int handle = null) { + void clearInterval([int handle = null]) { if (handle === null) { _clearInterval(this); return; @@ -763,7 +763,7 @@ class _DOMWindowWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements DOMWind static void _clearInterval(receiver) native; static void _clearInterval_2(receiver, handle) native; - void clearTimeout(int handle = null) { + void clearTimeout([int handle = null]) { if (handle === null) { _clearTimeout(this); return; @@ -781,7 +781,7 @@ class _DOMWindowWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements DOMWind } static void _close(receiver) native; - bool confirm(String message = null) { + bool confirm([String message = null]) { if (message === null) { return _confirm(this); } else { @@ -796,7 +796,7 @@ class _DOMWindowWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements DOMWind } static FileReader _createFileReader(receiver) native; - WebKitCSSMatrix createWebKitCSSMatrix(String cssValue = null) { + WebKitCSSMatrix createWebKitCSSMatrix([String cssValue = null]) { if (cssValue === null) { return _createWebKitCSSMatrix(this); } else { @@ -821,7 +821,7 @@ class _DOMWindowWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements DOMWind } static bool _dispatchEvent(receiver, evt) native; - bool find(String string = null, bool caseSensitive = null, bool backwards = null, bool wrap = null, bool wholeWord = null, bool searchInFrames = null, bool showDialog = null) { + bool find([String string = null, bool caseSensitive = null, bool backwards = null, bool wrap = null, bool wholeWord = null, bool searchInFrames = null, bool showDialog = null]) { if (string === null) { if (caseSensitive === null) { if (backwards === null) { @@ -910,7 +910,7 @@ class _DOMWindowWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements DOMWind } static void _focus(receiver) native; - CSSStyleDeclaration getComputedStyle(Element element = null, String pseudoElement = null) { + CSSStyleDeclaration getComputedStyle([Element element = null, String pseudoElement = null]) { if (element === null) { if (pseudoElement === null) { return _getComputedStyle(this); @@ -950,7 +950,7 @@ class _DOMWindowWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements DOMWind } static void _moveTo(receiver, x, y) native; - DOMWindow open(String url, String name, String options = null) { + DOMWindow open(String url, String name, [String options = null]) { if (options === null) { return _open(this, url, name); } else { @@ -960,7 +960,7 @@ class _DOMWindowWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements DOMWind static DOMWindow _open(receiver, url, name) native; static DOMWindow _open_2(receiver, url, name, options) native; - void postMessage(String message, var messagePort_OR_targetOrigin, String targetOrigin = null) { + void postMessage(String message, var messagePort_OR_targetOrigin, [String targetOrigin = null]) { if (messagePort_OR_targetOrigin is String) { if (targetOrigin === null) { _postMessage(this, message, messagePort_OR_targetOrigin); @@ -983,7 +983,7 @@ class _DOMWindowWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements DOMWind } static void _print(receiver) native; - String prompt(String message = null, String defaultValue = null) { + String prompt([String message = null, String defaultValue = null]) { if (message === null) { if (defaultValue === null) { return _prompt(this); @@ -1007,7 +1007,7 @@ class _DOMWindowWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements DOMWind } static void _releaseEvents(receiver) native; - void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null) { + void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture = null]) { if (useCapture === null) { _removeEventListener(this, type, listener); return; @@ -1054,7 +1054,7 @@ class _DOMWindowWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements DOMWind } static int _setInterval(receiver, handler, timeout) native; - int setTimeout(TimeoutHandler handler = null, int timeout = null) { + int setTimeout([TimeoutHandler handler = null, int timeout = null]) { if (handler === null) { if (timeout === null) { return _setTimeout(this); @@ -1072,7 +1072,7 @@ class _DOMWindowWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements DOMWind static int _setTimeout_2(receiver, handler) native; static int _setTimeout_3(receiver, handler, timeout) native; - Object showModalDialog(String url, Object dialogArgs = null, String featureArgs = null) { + Object showModalDialog(String url, [Object dialogArgs = null, String featureArgs = null]) { if (dialogArgs === null) { if (featureArgs === null) { return _showModalDialog(this, url); @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ class _DOMWindowWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements DOMWind } static void _webkitCancelRequestAnimationFrame(receiver, id) native; - WebKitPoint webkitConvertPointFromNodeToPage(Node node = null, WebKitPoint p = null) { + WebKitPoint webkitConvertPointFromNodeToPage([Node node = null, WebKitPoint p = null]) { if (node === null) { if (p === null) { return _webkitConvertPointFromNodeToPage(this); @@ -1120,7 +1120,7 @@ class _DOMWindowWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements DOMWind static WebKitPoint _webkitConvertPointFromNodeToPage_2(receiver, node) native; static WebKitPoint _webkitConvertPointFromNodeToPage_3(receiver, node, p) native; - WebKitPoint webkitConvertPointFromPageToNode(Node node = null, WebKitPoint p = null) { + WebKitPoint webkitConvertPointFromPageToNode([Node node = null, WebKitPoint p = null]) { if (node === null) { if (p === null) { return _webkitConvertPointFromPageToNode(this); @@ -1138,7 +1138,7 @@ class _DOMWindowWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements DOMWind static WebKitPoint _webkitConvertPointFromPageToNode_2(receiver, node) native; static WebKitPoint _webkitConvertPointFromPageToNode_3(receiver, node, p) native; - int webkitRequestAnimationFrame(RequestAnimationFrameCallback callback, Element element = null) { + int webkitRequestAnimationFrame(RequestAnimationFrameCallback callback, [Element element = null]) { if (element === null) { return _webkitRequestAnimationFrame(this, callback); } else { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DataTransferItemWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DataTransferItemWrappingImplementation.dart index 825a22c2339..c151993ac5f 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DataTransferItemWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DataTransferItemWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class _DataTransferItemWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements } static Blob _getAsFile(receiver) native; - void getAsString(StringCallback callback = null) { + void getAsString([StringCallback callback = null]) { if (callback === null) { _getAsString(this); return; diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DataTransferItemsWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DataTransferItemsWrappingImplementation.dart index 6aa0dd7d8fa..f45ee340876 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DataTransferItemsWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DataTransferItemsWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class _DataTransferItemsWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements int get length() { return _get__DataTransferItems_length(this); } static int _get__DataTransferItems_length(var _this) native; - void add(String data = null, String type = null) { + void add([String data = null, String type = null]) { if (data === null) { if (type === null) { _add(this); diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DataViewWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DataViewWrappingImplementation.dart index eb46240dc4f..0ce264faf44 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DataViewWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DataViewWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ class _DataViewWrappingImplementation extends _ArrayBufferViewWrappingImplementa return new _DataViewWrappingImplementation(); } - num getFloat32(int byteOffset, bool littleEndian = null) { + num getFloat32(int byteOffset, [bool littleEndian = null]) { if (littleEndian === null) { return _getFloat32(this, byteOffset); } else { @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ class _DataViewWrappingImplementation extends _ArrayBufferViewWrappingImplementa static num _getFloat32(receiver, byteOffset) native; static num _getFloat32_2(receiver, byteOffset, littleEndian) native; - num getFloat64(int byteOffset, bool littleEndian = null) { + num getFloat64(int byteOffset, [bool littleEndian = null]) { if (littleEndian === null) { return _getFloat64(this, byteOffset); } else { @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ class _DataViewWrappingImplementation extends _ArrayBufferViewWrappingImplementa static num _getFloat64(receiver, byteOffset) native; static num _getFloat64_2(receiver, byteOffset, littleEndian) native; - int getInt16(int byteOffset, bool littleEndian = null) { + int getInt16(int byteOffset, [bool littleEndian = null]) { if (littleEndian === null) { return _getInt16(this, byteOffset); } else { @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class _DataViewWrappingImplementation extends _ArrayBufferViewWrappingImplementa static int _getInt16(receiver, byteOffset) native; static int _getInt16_2(receiver, byteOffset, littleEndian) native; - int getInt32(int byteOffset, bool littleEndian = null) { + int getInt32(int byteOffset, [bool littleEndian = null]) { if (littleEndian === null) { return _getInt32(this, byteOffset); } else { @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ class _DataViewWrappingImplementation extends _ArrayBufferViewWrappingImplementa } static Object _getInt8(receiver) native; - int getUint16(int byteOffset, bool littleEndian = null) { + int getUint16(int byteOffset, [bool littleEndian = null]) { if (littleEndian === null) { return _getUint16(this, byteOffset); } else { @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ class _DataViewWrappingImplementation extends _ArrayBufferViewWrappingImplementa static int _getUint16(receiver, byteOffset) native; static int _getUint16_2(receiver, byteOffset, littleEndian) native; - int getUint32(int byteOffset, bool littleEndian = null) { + int getUint32(int byteOffset, [bool littleEndian = null]) { if (littleEndian === null) { return _getUint32(this, byteOffset); } else { @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ class _DataViewWrappingImplementation extends _ArrayBufferViewWrappingImplementa } static Object _getUint8(receiver) native; - void setFloat32(int byteOffset, num value, bool littleEndian = null) { + void setFloat32(int byteOffset, num value, [bool littleEndian = null]) { if (littleEndian === null) { _setFloat32(this, byteOffset, value); return; @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ class _DataViewWrappingImplementation extends _ArrayBufferViewWrappingImplementa static void _setFloat32(receiver, byteOffset, value) native; static void _setFloat32_2(receiver, byteOffset, value, littleEndian) native; - void setFloat64(int byteOffset, num value, bool littleEndian = null) { + void setFloat64(int byteOffset, num value, [bool littleEndian = null]) { if (littleEndian === null) { _setFloat64(this, byteOffset, value); return; @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ class _DataViewWrappingImplementation extends _ArrayBufferViewWrappingImplementa static void _setFloat64(receiver, byteOffset, value) native; static void _setFloat64_2(receiver, byteOffset, value, littleEndian) native; - void setInt16(int byteOffset, int value, bool littleEndian = null) { + void setInt16(int byteOffset, int value, [bool littleEndian = null]) { if (littleEndian === null) { _setInt16(this, byteOffset, value); return; @@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ class _DataViewWrappingImplementation extends _ArrayBufferViewWrappingImplementa static void _setInt16(receiver, byteOffset, value) native; static void _setInt16_2(receiver, byteOffset, value, littleEndian) native; - void setInt32(int byteOffset, int value, bool littleEndian = null) { + void setInt32(int byteOffset, int value, [bool littleEndian = null]) { if (littleEndian === null) { _setInt32(this, byteOffset, value); return; @@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ class _DataViewWrappingImplementation extends _ArrayBufferViewWrappingImplementa } static void _setInt8(receiver) native; - void setUint16(int byteOffset, int value, bool littleEndian = null) { + void setUint16(int byteOffset, int value, [bool littleEndian = null]) { if (littleEndian === null) { _setUint16(this, byteOffset, value); return; @@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ class _DataViewWrappingImplementation extends _ArrayBufferViewWrappingImplementa static void _setUint16(receiver, byteOffset, value) native; static void _setUint16_2(receiver, byteOffset, value, littleEndian) native; - void setUint32(int byteOffset, int value, bool littleEndian = null) { + void setUint32(int byteOffset, int value, [bool littleEndian = null]) { if (littleEndian === null) { _setUint32(this, byteOffset, value); return; diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DatabaseSyncWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DatabaseSyncWrappingImplementation.dart index 916feb42e93..a66e7de0eba 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DatabaseSyncWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DatabaseSyncWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class _DatabaseSyncWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Data String get version() { return _get__DatabaseSync_version(this); } static String _get__DatabaseSync_version(var _this) native; - void changeVersion(String oldVersion, String newVersion, SQLTransactionSyncCallback callback = null) { + void changeVersion(String oldVersion, String newVersion, [SQLTransactionSyncCallback callback = null]) { if (callback === null) { _changeVersion(this, oldVersion, newVersion); return; diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DatabaseWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DatabaseWrappingImplementation.dart index c93719b3d08..db324c9e000 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DatabaseWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DatabaseWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class _DatabaseWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Database String get version() { return _get__Database_version(this); } static String _get__Database_version(var _this) native; - void changeVersion(String oldVersion, String newVersion, SQLTransactionCallback callback = null, SQLTransactionErrorCallback errorCallback = null, VoidCallback successCallback = null) { + void changeVersion(String oldVersion, String newVersion, [SQLTransactionCallback callback = null, SQLTransactionErrorCallback errorCallback = null, VoidCallback successCallback = null]) { if (callback === null) { if (errorCallback === null) { if (successCallback === null) { @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ class _DatabaseWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Database static void _changeVersion_3(receiver, oldVersion, newVersion, callback, errorCallback) native; static void _changeVersion_4(receiver, oldVersion, newVersion, callback, errorCallback, successCallback) native; - void readTransaction(SQLTransactionCallback callback, SQLTransactionErrorCallback errorCallback = null, VoidCallback successCallback = null) { + void readTransaction(SQLTransactionCallback callback, [SQLTransactionErrorCallback errorCallback = null, VoidCallback successCallback = null]) { if (errorCallback === null) { if (successCallback === null) { _readTransaction(this, callback); @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ class _DatabaseWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Database static void _readTransaction_2(receiver, callback, errorCallback) native; static void _readTransaction_3(receiver, callback, errorCallback, successCallback) native; - void transaction(SQLTransactionCallback callback, SQLTransactionErrorCallback errorCallback = null, VoidCallback successCallback = null) { + void transaction(SQLTransactionCallback callback, [SQLTransactionErrorCallback errorCallback = null, VoidCallback successCallback = null]) { if (errorCallback === null) { if (successCallback === null) { _transaction(this, callback); diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DeviceMotionEventWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DeviceMotionEventWrappingImplementation.dart index e14e27b2c70..bae95e52f2a 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DeviceMotionEventWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DeviceMotionEventWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class _DeviceMotionEventWrappingImplementation extends _EventWrappingImplementat num get interval() { return _get__DeviceMotionEvent_interval(this); } static num _get__DeviceMotionEvent_interval(var _this) native; - void initDeviceMotionEvent(String type = null, bool bubbles = null, bool cancelable = null) { + void initDeviceMotionEvent([String type = null, bool bubbles = null, bool cancelable = null]) { if (type === null) { if (bubbles === null) { if (cancelable === null) { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DeviceOrientationEventWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DeviceOrientationEventWrappingImplementation.dart index 45675f4c7b1..b30ee0e2006 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DeviceOrientationEventWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DeviceOrientationEventWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ class _DeviceOrientationEventWrappingImplementation extends _EventWrappingImplem num get gamma() { return _get__DeviceOrientationEvent_gamma(this); } static num _get__DeviceOrientationEvent_gamma(var _this) native; - void initDeviceOrientationEvent(String type = null, bool bubbles = null, bool cancelable = null, num alpha = null, num beta = null, num gamma = null) { + void initDeviceOrientationEvent([String type = null, bool bubbles = null, bool cancelable = null, num alpha = null, num beta = null, num gamma = null]) { if (type === null) { if (bubbles === null) { if (cancelable === null) { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DirectoryEntryWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DirectoryEntryWrappingImplementation.dart index fae02b9deb0..bddb13c5489 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DirectoryEntryWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DirectoryEntryWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ class _DirectoryEntryWrappingImplementation extends _EntryWrappingImplementation } static DirectoryReader _createReader(receiver) native; - void getDirectory(String path, WebKitFlags flags = null, EntryCallback successCallback = null, ErrorCallback errorCallback = null) { + void getDirectory(String path, [WebKitFlags flags = null, EntryCallback successCallback = null, ErrorCallback errorCallback = null]) { if (flags === null) { if (successCallback === null) { if (errorCallback === null) { @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class _DirectoryEntryWrappingImplementation extends _EntryWrappingImplementation static void _getDirectory_3(receiver, path, flags, successCallback) native; static void _getDirectory_4(receiver, path, flags, successCallback, errorCallback) native; - void getFile(String path, WebKitFlags flags = null, EntryCallback successCallback = null, ErrorCallback errorCallback = null) { + void getFile(String path, [WebKitFlags flags = null, EntryCallback successCallback = null, ErrorCallback errorCallback = null]) { if (flags === null) { if (successCallback === null) { if (errorCallback === null) { @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ class _DirectoryEntryWrappingImplementation extends _EntryWrappingImplementation static void _getFile_3(receiver, path, flags, successCallback) native; static void _getFile_4(receiver, path, flags, successCallback, errorCallback) native; - void removeRecursively(VoidCallback successCallback = null, ErrorCallback errorCallback = null) { + void removeRecursively([VoidCallback successCallback = null, ErrorCallback errorCallback = null]) { if (successCallback === null) { if (errorCallback === null) { _removeRecursively(this); diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DirectoryReaderWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DirectoryReaderWrappingImplementation.dart index c30c3808603..a9d0e7be356 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DirectoryReaderWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DirectoryReaderWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ class _DirectoryReaderWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements D return new _DirectoryReaderWrappingImplementation(); } - void readEntries(EntriesCallback successCallback, ErrorCallback errorCallback = null) { + void readEntries(EntriesCallback successCallback, [ErrorCallback errorCallback = null]) { if (errorCallback === null) { _readEntries(this, successCallback); return; diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DocumentWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DocumentWrappingImplementation.dart index 3d1b0683e21..d3bfe867823 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DocumentWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_DocumentWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ class _DocumentWrappingImplementation extends _NodeWrappingImplementation implem void set xmlVersion(String value) { _set__Document_xmlVersion(this, value); } static void _set__Document_xmlVersion(var _this, String value) native; - Node adoptNode(Node source = null) { + Node adoptNode([Node source = null]) { if (source === null) { return _adoptNode(this); } else { @@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ class _DocumentWrappingImplementation extends _NodeWrappingImplementation implem static Node _adoptNode(receiver) native; static Node _adoptNode_2(receiver, source) native; - Range caretRangeFromPoint(int x = null, int y = null) { + Range caretRangeFromPoint([int x = null, int y = null]) { if (x === null) { if (y === null) { return _caretRangeFromPoint(this); @@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ class _DocumentWrappingImplementation extends _NodeWrappingImplementation implem static Range _caretRangeFromPoint_2(receiver, x) native; static Range _caretRangeFromPoint_3(receiver, x, y) native; - Attr createAttribute(String name = null) { + Attr createAttribute([String name = null]) { if (name === null) { return _createAttribute(this); } else { @@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ class _DocumentWrappingImplementation extends _NodeWrappingImplementation implem static Attr _createAttribute(receiver) native; static Attr _createAttribute_2(receiver, name) native; - Attr createAttributeNS(String namespaceURI = null, String qualifiedName = null) { + Attr createAttributeNS([String namespaceURI = null, String qualifiedName = null]) { if (namespaceURI === null) { if (qualifiedName === null) { return _createAttributeNS(this); @@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ class _DocumentWrappingImplementation extends _NodeWrappingImplementation implem static Attr _createAttributeNS_2(receiver, namespaceURI) native; static Attr _createAttributeNS_3(receiver, namespaceURI, qualifiedName) native; - CDATASection createCDATASection(String data = null) { + CDATASection createCDATASection([String data = null]) { if (data === null) { return _createCDATASection(this); } else { @@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ class _DocumentWrappingImplementation extends _NodeWrappingImplementation implem } static CSSStyleDeclaration _createCSSStyleDeclaration(receiver) native; - Comment createComment(String data = null) { + Comment createComment([String data = null]) { if (data === null) { return _createComment(this); } else { @@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ class _DocumentWrappingImplementation extends _NodeWrappingImplementation implem } static DocumentFragment _createDocumentFragment(receiver) native; - Element createElement(String tagName = null) { + Element createElement([String tagName = null]) { if (tagName === null) { return _createElement(this); } else { @@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ class _DocumentWrappingImplementation extends _NodeWrappingImplementation implem static Element _createElement(receiver) native; static Element _createElement_2(receiver, tagName) native; - Element createElementNS(String namespaceURI = null, String qualifiedName = null) { + Element createElementNS([String namespaceURI = null, String qualifiedName = null]) { if (namespaceURI === null) { if (qualifiedName === null) { return _createElementNS(this); @@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ class _DocumentWrappingImplementation extends _NodeWrappingImplementation implem static Element _createElementNS_2(receiver, namespaceURI) native; static Element _createElementNS_3(receiver, namespaceURI, qualifiedName) native; - EntityReference createEntityReference(String name = null) { + EntityReference createEntityReference([String name = null]) { if (name === null) { return _createEntityReference(this); } else { @@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ class _DocumentWrappingImplementation extends _NodeWrappingImplementation implem static EntityReference _createEntityReference(receiver) native; static EntityReference _createEntityReference_2(receiver, name) native; - Event createEvent(String eventType = null) { + Event createEvent([String eventType = null]) { if (eventType === null) { return _createEvent(this); } else { @@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ class _DocumentWrappingImplementation extends _NodeWrappingImplementation implem static Event _createEvent(receiver) native; static Event _createEvent_2(receiver, eventType) native; - NodeIterator createNodeIterator(Node root = null, int whatToShow = null, NodeFilter filter = null, bool expandEntityReferences = null) { + NodeIterator createNodeIterator([Node root = null, int whatToShow = null, NodeFilter filter = null, bool expandEntityReferences = null]) { if (root === null) { if (whatToShow === null) { if (filter === null) { @@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ class _DocumentWrappingImplementation extends _NodeWrappingImplementation implem static NodeIterator _createNodeIterator_4(receiver, root, whatToShow, filter) native; static NodeIterator _createNodeIterator_5(receiver, root, whatToShow, filter, expandEntityReferences) native; - ProcessingInstruction createProcessingInstruction(String target = null, String data = null) { + ProcessingInstruction createProcessingInstruction([String target = null, String data = null]) { if (target === null) { if (data === null) { return _createProcessingInstruction(this); @@ -602,7 +602,7 @@ class _DocumentWrappingImplementation extends _NodeWrappingImplementation implem } static Range _createRange(receiver) native; - Text createTextNode(String data = null) { + Text createTextNode([String data = null]) { if (data === null) { return _createTextNode(this); } else { @@ -612,7 +612,7 @@ class _DocumentWrappingImplementation extends _NodeWrappingImplementation implem static Text _createTextNode(receiver) native; static Text _createTextNode_2(receiver, data) native; - TreeWalker createTreeWalker(Node root = null, int whatToShow = null, NodeFilter filter = null, bool expandEntityReferences = null) { + TreeWalker createTreeWalker([Node root = null, int whatToShow = null, NodeFilter filter = null, bool expandEntityReferences = null]) { if (root === null) { if (whatToShow === null) { if (filter === null) { @@ -650,7 +650,7 @@ class _DocumentWrappingImplementation extends _NodeWrappingImplementation implem static TreeWalker _createTreeWalker_4(receiver, root, whatToShow, filter) native; static TreeWalker _createTreeWalker_5(receiver, root, whatToShow, filter, expandEntityReferences) native; - Element elementFromPoint(int x = null, int y = null) { + Element elementFromPoint([int x = null, int y = null]) { if (x === null) { if (y === null) { return _elementFromPoint(this); @@ -668,7 +668,7 @@ class _DocumentWrappingImplementation extends _NodeWrappingImplementation implem static Element _elementFromPoint_2(receiver, x) native; static Element _elementFromPoint_3(receiver, x, y) native; - bool execCommand(String command = null, bool userInterface = null, String value = null) { + bool execCommand([String command = null, bool userInterface = null, String value = null]) { if (command === null) { if (userInterface === null) { if (value === null) { @@ -700,7 +700,7 @@ class _DocumentWrappingImplementation extends _NodeWrappingImplementation implem } static Object _getCSSCanvasContext(receiver, contextId, name, width, height) native; - Element getElementById(String elementId = null) { + Element getElementById([String elementId = null]) { if (elementId === null) { return _getElementById(this); } else { @@ -710,7 +710,7 @@ class _DocumentWrappingImplementation extends _NodeWrappingImplementation implem static Element _getElementById(receiver) native; static Element _getElementById_2(receiver, elementId) native; - NodeList getElementsByClassName(String tagname = null) { + NodeList getElementsByClassName([String tagname = null]) { if (tagname === null) { return _getElementsByClassName(this); } else { @@ -720,7 +720,7 @@ class _DocumentWrappingImplementation extends _NodeWrappingImplementation implem static NodeList _getElementsByClassName(receiver) native; static NodeList _getElementsByClassName_2(receiver, tagname) native; - NodeList getElementsByName(String elementName = null) { + NodeList getElementsByName([String elementName = null]) { if (elementName === null) { return _getElementsByName(this); } else { @@ -730,7 +730,7 @@ class _DocumentWrappingImplementation extends _NodeWrappingImplementation implem static NodeList _getElementsByName(receiver) native; static NodeList _getElementsByName_2(receiver, elementName) native; - NodeList getElementsByTagName(String tagname = null) { + NodeList getElementsByTagName([String tagname = null]) { if (tagname === null) { return _getElementsByTagName(this); } else { @@ -740,7 +740,7 @@ class _DocumentWrappingImplementation extends _NodeWrappingImplementation implem static NodeList _getElementsByTagName(receiver) native; static NodeList _getElementsByTagName_2(receiver, tagname) native; - NodeList getElementsByTagNameNS(String namespaceURI = null, String localName = null) { + NodeList getElementsByTagNameNS([String namespaceURI = null, String localName = null]) { if (namespaceURI === null) { if (localName === null) { return _getElementsByTagNameNS(this); @@ -758,7 +758,7 @@ class _DocumentWrappingImplementation extends _NodeWrappingImplementation implem static NodeList _getElementsByTagNameNS_2(receiver, namespaceURI) native; static NodeList _getElementsByTagNameNS_3(receiver, namespaceURI, localName) native; - CSSStyleDeclaration getOverrideStyle(Element element = null, String pseudoElement = null) { + CSSStyleDeclaration getOverrideStyle([Element element = null, String pseudoElement = null]) { if (element === null) { if (pseudoElement === null) { return _getOverrideStyle(this); @@ -776,7 +776,7 @@ class _DocumentWrappingImplementation extends _NodeWrappingImplementation implem static CSSStyleDeclaration _getOverrideStyle_2(receiver, element) native; static CSSStyleDeclaration _getOverrideStyle_3(receiver, element, pseudoElement) native; - Node importNode(Node importedNode = null, bool deep = null) { + Node importNode([Node importedNode = null, bool deep = null]) { if (importedNode === null) { if (deep === null) { return _importNode(this); @@ -794,7 +794,7 @@ class _DocumentWrappingImplementation extends _NodeWrappingImplementation implem static Node _importNode_2(receiver, importedNode) native; static Node _importNode_3(receiver, importedNode, deep) native; - bool queryCommandEnabled(String command = null) { + bool queryCommandEnabled([String command = null]) { if (command === null) { return _queryCommandEnabled(this); } else { @@ -804,7 +804,7 @@ class _DocumentWrappingImplementation extends _NodeWrappingImplementation implem static bool _queryCommandEnabled(receiver) native; static bool _queryCommandEnabled_2(receiver, command) native; - bool queryCommandIndeterm(String command = null) { + bool queryCommandIndeterm([String command = null]) { if (command === null) { return _queryCommandIndeterm(this); } else { @@ -814,7 +814,7 @@ class _DocumentWrappingImplementation extends _NodeWrappingImplementation implem static bool _queryCommandIndeterm(receiver) native; static bool _queryCommandIndeterm_2(receiver, command) native; - bool queryCommandState(String command = null) { + bool queryCommandState([String command = null]) { if (command === null) { return _queryCommandState(this); } else { @@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ class _DocumentWrappingImplementation extends _NodeWrappingImplementation implem static bool _queryCommandState(receiver) native; static bool _queryCommandState_2(receiver, command) native; - bool queryCommandSupported(String command = null) { + bool queryCommandSupported([String command = null]) { if (command === null) { return _queryCommandSupported(this); } else { @@ -834,7 +834,7 @@ class _DocumentWrappingImplementation extends _NodeWrappingImplementation implem static bool _queryCommandSupported(receiver) native; static bool _queryCommandSupported_2(receiver, command) native; - String queryCommandValue(String command = null) { + String queryCommandValue([String command = null]) { if (command === null) { return _queryCommandValue(this); } else { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_ElementWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_ElementWrappingImplementation.dart index c6bc2dc5445..81c8cb9156e 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_ElementWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_ElementWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ class _ElementWrappingImplementation extends _NodeWrappingImplementation impleme } static void _focus(receiver) native; - String getAttribute(String name = null) { + String getAttribute([String name = null]) { if (name === null) { return _getAttribute(this); } else { @@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ class _ElementWrappingImplementation extends _NodeWrappingImplementation impleme static String _getAttribute(receiver) native; static String _getAttribute_2(receiver, name) native; - String getAttributeNS(String namespaceURI = null, String localName = null) { + String getAttributeNS([String namespaceURI = null, String localName = null]) { if (namespaceURI === null) { if (localName === null) { return _getAttributeNS(this); @@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ class _ElementWrappingImplementation extends _NodeWrappingImplementation impleme static String _getAttributeNS_2(receiver, namespaceURI) native; static String _getAttributeNS_3(receiver, namespaceURI, localName) native; - Attr getAttributeNode(String name = null) { + Attr getAttributeNode([String name = null]) { if (name === null) { return _getAttributeNode(this); } else { @@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ class _ElementWrappingImplementation extends _NodeWrappingImplementation impleme static Attr _getAttributeNode(receiver) native; static Attr _getAttributeNode_2(receiver, name) native; - Attr getAttributeNodeNS(String namespaceURI = null, String localName = null) { + Attr getAttributeNodeNS([String namespaceURI = null, String localName = null]) { if (namespaceURI === null) { if (localName === null) { return _getAttributeNodeNS(this); @@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ class _ElementWrappingImplementation extends _NodeWrappingImplementation impleme } static ClientRectList _getClientRects(receiver) native; - NodeList getElementsByClassName(String name = null) { + NodeList getElementsByClassName([String name = null]) { if (name === null) { return _getElementsByClassName(this); } else { @@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ class _ElementWrappingImplementation extends _NodeWrappingImplementation impleme static NodeList _getElementsByClassName(receiver) native; static NodeList _getElementsByClassName_2(receiver, name) native; - NodeList getElementsByTagName(String name = null) { + NodeList getElementsByTagName([String name = null]) { if (name === null) { return _getElementsByTagName(this); } else { @@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ class _ElementWrappingImplementation extends _NodeWrappingImplementation impleme static NodeList _getElementsByTagName(receiver) native; static NodeList _getElementsByTagName_2(receiver, name) native; - NodeList getElementsByTagNameNS(String namespaceURI = null, String localName = null) { + NodeList getElementsByTagNameNS([String namespaceURI = null, String localName = null]) { if (namespaceURI === null) { if (localName === null) { return _getElementsByTagNameNS(this); @@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ class _ElementWrappingImplementation extends _NodeWrappingImplementation impleme } static bool _hasAttribute(receiver, name) native; - bool hasAttributeNS(String namespaceURI = null, String localName = null) { + bool hasAttributeNS([String namespaceURI = null, String localName = null]) { if (namespaceURI === null) { if (localName === null) { return _hasAttributeNS(this); @@ -490,7 +490,7 @@ class _ElementWrappingImplementation extends _NodeWrappingImplementation impleme } static NodeList _querySelectorAll(receiver, selectors) native; - void removeAttribute(String name = null) { + void removeAttribute([String name = null]) { if (name === null) { _removeAttribute(this); return; @@ -508,7 +508,7 @@ class _ElementWrappingImplementation extends _NodeWrappingImplementation impleme } static void _removeAttributeNS(receiver, namespaceURI, localName) native; - Attr removeAttributeNode(Attr oldAttr = null) { + Attr removeAttributeNode([Attr oldAttr = null]) { if (oldAttr === null) { return _removeAttributeNode(this); } else { @@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ class _ElementWrappingImplementation extends _NodeWrappingImplementation impleme static Attr _removeAttributeNode(receiver) native; static Attr _removeAttributeNode_2(receiver, oldAttr) native; - void scrollByLines(int lines = null) { + void scrollByLines([int lines = null]) { if (lines === null) { _scrollByLines(this); return; @@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ class _ElementWrappingImplementation extends _NodeWrappingImplementation impleme static void _scrollByLines(receiver) native; static void _scrollByLines_2(receiver, lines) native; - void scrollByPages(int pages = null) { + void scrollByPages([int pages = null]) { if (pages === null) { _scrollByPages(this); return; @@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ class _ElementWrappingImplementation extends _NodeWrappingImplementation impleme static void _scrollByPages(receiver) native; static void _scrollByPages_2(receiver, pages) native; - void scrollIntoView(bool alignWithTop = null) { + void scrollIntoView([bool alignWithTop = null]) { if (alignWithTop === null) { _scrollIntoView(this); return; @@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ class _ElementWrappingImplementation extends _NodeWrappingImplementation impleme static void _scrollIntoView(receiver) native; static void _scrollIntoView_2(receiver, alignWithTop) native; - void scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(bool centerIfNeeded = null) { + void scrollIntoViewIfNeeded([bool centerIfNeeded = null]) { if (centerIfNeeded === null) { _scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(this); return; @@ -566,7 +566,7 @@ class _ElementWrappingImplementation extends _NodeWrappingImplementation impleme static void _scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(receiver) native; static void _scrollIntoViewIfNeeded_2(receiver, centerIfNeeded) native; - void setAttribute(String name = null, String value = null) { + void setAttribute([String name = null, String value = null]) { if (name === null) { if (value === null) { _setAttribute(this); @@ -587,7 +587,7 @@ class _ElementWrappingImplementation extends _NodeWrappingImplementation impleme static void _setAttribute_2(receiver, name) native; static void _setAttribute_3(receiver, name, value) native; - void setAttributeNS(String namespaceURI = null, String qualifiedName = null, String value = null) { + void setAttributeNS([String namespaceURI = null, String qualifiedName = null, String value = null]) { if (namespaceURI === null) { if (qualifiedName === null) { if (value === null) { @@ -618,7 +618,7 @@ class _ElementWrappingImplementation extends _NodeWrappingImplementation impleme static void _setAttributeNS_3(receiver, namespaceURI, qualifiedName) native; static void _setAttributeNS_4(receiver, namespaceURI, qualifiedName, value) native; - Attr setAttributeNode(Attr newAttr = null) { + Attr setAttributeNode([Attr newAttr = null]) { if (newAttr === null) { return _setAttributeNode(this); } else { @@ -628,7 +628,7 @@ class _ElementWrappingImplementation extends _NodeWrappingImplementation impleme static Attr _setAttributeNode(receiver) native; static Attr _setAttributeNode_2(receiver, newAttr) native; - Attr setAttributeNodeNS(Attr newAttr = null) { + Attr setAttributeNodeNS([Attr newAttr = null]) { if (newAttr === null) { return _setAttributeNodeNS(this); } else { @@ -638,7 +638,7 @@ class _ElementWrappingImplementation extends _NodeWrappingImplementation impleme static Attr _setAttributeNodeNS(receiver) native; static Attr _setAttributeNodeNS_2(receiver, newAttr) native; - bool webkitMatchesSelector(String selectors = null) { + bool webkitMatchesSelector([String selectors = null]) { if (selectors === null) { return _webkitMatchesSelector(this); } else { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_EntryWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_EntryWrappingImplementation.dart index 5c09f0a252a..70b9694ccf4 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_EntryWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_EntryWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class _EntryWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Entry { String get name() { return _get__Entry_name(this); } static String _get__Entry_name(var _this) native; - void copyTo(DirectoryEntry parent, String name = null, EntryCallback successCallback = null, ErrorCallback errorCallback = null) { + void copyTo(DirectoryEntry parent, [String name = null, EntryCallback successCallback = null, ErrorCallback errorCallback = null]) { if (name === null) { if (successCallback === null) { if (errorCallback === null) { @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ class _EntryWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Entry { static void _copyTo_3(receiver, parent, name, successCallback) native; static void _copyTo_4(receiver, parent, name, successCallback, errorCallback) native; - void getMetadata(MetadataCallback successCallback = null, ErrorCallback errorCallback = null) { + void getMetadata([MetadataCallback successCallback = null, ErrorCallback errorCallback = null]) { if (successCallback === null) { if (errorCallback === null) { _getMetadata(this); @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ class _EntryWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Entry { static void _getMetadata_2(receiver, successCallback) native; static void _getMetadata_3(receiver, successCallback, errorCallback) native; - void getParent(EntryCallback successCallback = null, ErrorCallback errorCallback = null) { + void getParent([EntryCallback successCallback = null, ErrorCallback errorCallback = null]) { if (successCallback === null) { if (errorCallback === null) { _getParent(this); @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ class _EntryWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Entry { static void _getParent_2(receiver, successCallback) native; static void _getParent_3(receiver, successCallback, errorCallback) native; - void moveTo(DirectoryEntry parent, String name = null, EntryCallback successCallback = null, ErrorCallback errorCallback = null) { + void moveTo(DirectoryEntry parent, [String name = null, EntryCallback successCallback = null, ErrorCallback errorCallback = null]) { if (name === null) { if (successCallback === null) { if (errorCallback === null) { @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ class _EntryWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Entry { static void _moveTo_3(receiver, parent, name, successCallback) native; static void _moveTo_4(receiver, parent, name, successCallback, errorCallback) native; - void remove(VoidCallback successCallback = null, ErrorCallback errorCallback = null) { + void remove([VoidCallback successCallback = null, ErrorCallback errorCallback = null]) { if (successCallback === null) { if (errorCallback === null) { _remove(this); diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_ErrorEventWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_ErrorEventWrappingImplementation.dart index f2a3b7413ec..e81f08e9017 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_ErrorEventWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_ErrorEventWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ class _ErrorEventWrappingImplementation extends _EventWrappingImplementation imp String get message() { return _get__ErrorEvent_message(this); } static String _get__ErrorEvent_message(var _this) native; - void initErrorEvent(String typeArg = null, bool canBubbleArg = null, bool cancelableArg = null, String messageArg = null, String filenameArg = null, int linenoArg = null) { + void initErrorEvent([String typeArg = null, bool canBubbleArg = null, bool cancelableArg = null, String messageArg = null, String filenameArg = null, int linenoArg = null]) { if (typeArg === null) { if (canBubbleArg === null) { if (cancelableArg === null) { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_EventSourceWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_EventSourceWrappingImplementation.dart index 704aad71cb1..468b3a65706 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_EventSourceWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_EventSourceWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class _EventSourceWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Event int get readyState() { return _get__EventSource_readyState(this); } static int _get__EventSource_readyState(var _this) native; - void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null) { + void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture = null]) { if (useCapture === null) { _addEventListener(this, type, listener); return; @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ class _EventSourceWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Event } static bool _dispatchEvent(receiver, evt) native; - void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null) { + void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture = null]) { if (useCapture === null) { _removeEventListener(this, type, listener); return; diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_EventTargetWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_EventTargetWrappingImplementation.dart index 69a3736f0bc..19e585ecfbd 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_EventTargetWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_EventTargetWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ class _EventTargetWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Event return new _EventTargetWrappingImplementation(); } - void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null) { + void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture = null]) { if (useCapture === null) { _addEventListener(this, type, listener); return; @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ class _EventTargetWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Event } static bool _dispatchEvent(receiver, event) native; - void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null) { + void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture = null]) { if (useCapture === null) { _removeEventListener(this, type, listener); return; diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_EventWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_EventWrappingImplementation.dart index b91cf66ecc8..02ac63ac678 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_EventWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_EventWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class _EventWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Event { String get type() { return _get__Event_type(this); } static String _get__Event_type(var _this) native; - void initEvent(String eventTypeArg = null, bool canBubbleArg = null, bool cancelableArg = null) { + void initEvent([String eventTypeArg = null, bool canBubbleArg = null, bool cancelableArg = null]) { if (eventTypeArg === null) { if (canBubbleArg === null) { if (cancelableArg === null) { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_FileEntryWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_FileEntryWrappingImplementation.dart index ac1141d4f25..4ca882f844f 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_FileEntryWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_FileEntryWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ class _FileEntryWrappingImplementation extends _EntryWrappingImplementation impl return new _FileEntryWrappingImplementation(); } - void createWriter(FileWriterCallback successCallback, ErrorCallback errorCallback = null) { + void createWriter(FileWriterCallback successCallback, [ErrorCallback errorCallback = null]) { if (errorCallback === null) { _createWriter(this, successCallback); return; @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ class _FileEntryWrappingImplementation extends _EntryWrappingImplementation impl static void _createWriter(receiver, successCallback) native; static void _createWriter_2(receiver, successCallback, errorCallback) native; - void file(FileCallback successCallback, ErrorCallback errorCallback = null) { + void file(FileCallback successCallback, [ErrorCallback errorCallback = null]) { if (errorCallback === null) { _file(this, successCallback); return; diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_FileReaderSyncWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_FileReaderSyncWrappingImplementation.dart index 84edf29e772..5e5f992c9cb 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_FileReaderSyncWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_FileReaderSyncWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class _FileReaderSyncWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Fi } static String _readAsDataURL(receiver, blob) native; - String readAsText(Blob blob, String encoding = null) { + String readAsText(Blob blob, [String encoding = null]) { if (encoding === null) { return _readAsText(this, blob); } else { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_FileReaderWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_FileReaderWrappingImplementation.dart index b29f158f94e..3ec3cf7cb7c 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_FileReaderWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_FileReaderWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ class _FileReaderWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements FileRe } static void _readAsDataURL(receiver, blob) native; - void readAsText(Blob blob, String encoding = null) { + void readAsText(Blob blob, [String encoding = null]) { if (encoding === null) { _readAsText(this, blob); return; diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_Float32ArrayWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_Float32ArrayWrappingImplementation.dart index 76277e0d523..d3eb50de16c 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_Float32ArrayWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_Float32ArrayWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class _Float32ArrayWrappingImplementation extends _ArrayBufferViewWrappingImplem int get length() { return _get__Float32Array_length(this); } static int _get__Float32Array_length(var _this) native; - Float32Array subarray(int start = null, int end = null) { + Float32Array subarray([int start = null, int end = null]) { if (start === null) { if (end === null) { return _subarray(this); diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_Float64ArrayWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_Float64ArrayWrappingImplementation.dart index eeb6e1b7e63..39c319fff19 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_Float64ArrayWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_Float64ArrayWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class _Float64ArrayWrappingImplementation extends _ArrayBufferViewWrappingImplem int get length() { return _get__Float64Array_length(this); } static int _get__Float64Array_length(var _this) native; - Float64Array subarray(int start = null, int end = null) { + Float64Array subarray([int start = null, int end = null]) { if (start === null) { if (end === null) { return _subarray(this); diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_GeolocationWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_GeolocationWrappingImplementation.dart index 21a5d61574c..761db5e6ee8 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_GeolocationWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_GeolocationWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ class _GeolocationWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Geolo } static void _clearWatch(receiver, watchId) native; - void getCurrentPosition(PositionCallback successCallback, PositionErrorCallback errorCallback = null) { + void getCurrentPosition(PositionCallback successCallback, [PositionErrorCallback errorCallback = null]) { if (errorCallback === null) { _getCurrentPosition(this, successCallback); return; @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ class _GeolocationWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Geolo static void _getCurrentPosition(receiver, successCallback) native; static void _getCurrentPosition_2(receiver, successCallback, errorCallback) native; - int watchPosition(PositionCallback successCallback, PositionErrorCallback errorCallback = null) { + int watchPosition(PositionCallback successCallback, [PositionErrorCallback errorCallback = null]) { if (errorCallback === null) { return _watchPosition(this, successCallback); } else { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HTMLAllCollectionWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HTMLAllCollectionWrappingImplementation.dart index 90e9536b1e8..92dadb7d975 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HTMLAllCollectionWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HTMLAllCollectionWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class _HTMLAllCollectionWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements int get length() { return _get__HTMLAllCollection_length(this); } static int _get__HTMLAllCollection_length(var _this) native; - Node item(int index = null) { + Node item([int index = null]) { if (index === null) { return _item(this); } else { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HTMLCanvasElementWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HTMLCanvasElementWrappingImplementation.dart index e2030ff60ac..a769f9e80f9 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HTMLCanvasElementWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HTMLCanvasElementWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ class _HTMLCanvasElementWrappingImplementation extends _HTMLElementWrappingImple void set width(int value) { _set__HTMLCanvasElement_width(this, value); } static void _set__HTMLCanvasElement_width(var _this, int value) native; - Object getContext(String contextId = null) { + Object getContext([String contextId = null]) { if (contextId === null) { return _getContext(this); } else { @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ class _HTMLCanvasElementWrappingImplementation extends _HTMLElementWrappingImple static Object _getContext(receiver) native; static Object _getContext_2(receiver, contextId) native; - String toDataURL(String type = null) { + String toDataURL([String type = null]) { if (type === null) { return _toDataURL(this); } else { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HTMLCollectionWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HTMLCollectionWrappingImplementation.dart index 6c827123a45..044264207c4 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HTMLCollectionWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HTMLCollectionWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ class _HTMLCollectionWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements HT } static Node _item(receiver, index) native; - Node namedItem(String name = null) { + Node namedItem([String name = null]) { if (name === null) { return _namedItem(this); } else { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HTMLDocumentWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HTMLDocumentWrappingImplementation.dart index b2148329164..49942e3240b 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HTMLDocumentWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HTMLDocumentWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ class _HTMLDocumentWrappingImplementation extends _DocumentWrappingImplementatio } static void _releaseEvents(receiver) native; - void write(String text = null) { + void write([String text = null]) { if (text === null) { _write(this); return; @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ class _HTMLDocumentWrappingImplementation extends _DocumentWrappingImplementatio static void _write(receiver) native; static void _write_2(receiver, text) native; - void writeln(String text = null) { + void writeln([String text = null]) { if (text === null) { _writeln(this); return; diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HTMLElementWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HTMLElementWrappingImplementation.dart index e5a0779740e..4ba62c35a94 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HTMLElementWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HTMLElementWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ class _HTMLElementWrappingImplementation extends _ElementWrappingImplementation void set webkitdropzone(String value) { _set__HTMLElement_webkitdropzone(this, value); } static void _set__HTMLElement_webkitdropzone(var _this, String value) native; - Element insertAdjacentElement(String where = null, Element element = null) { + Element insertAdjacentElement([String where = null, Element element = null]) { if (where === null) { if (element === null) { return _insertAdjacentElement(this); @@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ class _HTMLElementWrappingImplementation extends _ElementWrappingImplementation static Element _insertAdjacentElement_2(receiver, where) native; static Element _insertAdjacentElement_3(receiver, where, element) native; - void insertAdjacentHTML(String where = null, String html = null) { + void insertAdjacentHTML([String where = null, String html = null]) { if (where === null) { if (html === null) { _insertAdjacentHTML(this); @@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ class _HTMLElementWrappingImplementation extends _ElementWrappingImplementation static void _insertAdjacentHTML_2(receiver, where) native; static void _insertAdjacentHTML_3(receiver, where, html) native; - void insertAdjacentText(String where = null, String text = null) { + void insertAdjacentText([String where = null, String text = null]) { if (where === null) { if (text === null) { _insertAdjacentText(this); diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HTMLInputElementWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HTMLInputElementWrappingImplementation.dart index 592a26847e9..17bcc4bb5df 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HTMLInputElementWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HTMLInputElementWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ class _HTMLInputElementWrappingImplementation extends _HTMLElementWrappingImplem } static void _setCustomValidity(receiver, error) native; - void setSelectionRange(int start = null, int end = null, String direction = null) { + void setSelectionRange([int start = null, int end = null, String direction = null]) { if (start === null) { if (end === null) { if (direction === null) { @@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ class _HTMLInputElementWrappingImplementation extends _HTMLElementWrappingImplem } static void _setValueForUser(receiver, value) native; - void stepDown(int n = null) { + void stepDown([int n = null]) { if (n === null) { _stepDown(this); return; @@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ class _HTMLInputElementWrappingImplementation extends _HTMLElementWrappingImplem static void _stepDown(receiver) native; static void _stepDown_2(receiver, n) native; - void stepUp(int n = null) { + void stepUp([int n = null]) { if (n === null) { _stepUp(this); return; diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HTMLMediaElementWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HTMLMediaElementWrappingImplementation.dart index c6995ffc1ce..e5d05339f52 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HTMLMediaElementWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HTMLMediaElementWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ class _HTMLMediaElementWrappingImplementation extends _HTMLElementWrappingImplem int get webkitVideoDecodedByteCount() { return _get__HTMLMediaElement_webkitVideoDecodedByteCount(this); } static int _get__HTMLMediaElement_webkitVideoDecodedByteCount(var _this) native; - String canPlayType(String type = null) { + String canPlayType([String type = null]) { if (type === null) { return _canPlayType(this); } else { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HTMLOptionsCollectionWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HTMLOptionsCollectionWrappingImplementation.dart index b2edcacadb4..a21ddbe7156 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HTMLOptionsCollectionWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HTMLOptionsCollectionWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ class _HTMLOptionsCollectionWrappingImplementation extends _HTMLCollectionWrappi void set selectedIndex(int value) { _set__HTMLOptionsCollection_selectedIndex(this, value); } static void _set__HTMLOptionsCollection_selectedIndex(var _this, int value) native; - void remove(int index = null) { + void remove([int index = null]) { if (index === null) { _remove(this); return; diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HTMLSelectElementWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HTMLSelectElementWrappingImplementation.dart index 6303e40a62b..596b4224749 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HTMLSelectElementWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HTMLSelectElementWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ class _HTMLSelectElementWrappingImplementation extends _HTMLElementWrappingImple bool get willValidate() { return _get__HTMLSelectElement_willValidate(this); } static bool _get__HTMLSelectElement_willValidate(var _this) native; - void add(HTMLElement element = null, HTMLElement before = null) { + void add([HTMLElement element = null, HTMLElement before = null]) { if (element === null) { if (before === null) { _add(this); @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ class _HTMLSelectElementWrappingImplementation extends _HTMLElementWrappingImple } static bool _checkValidity(receiver) native; - Node item(int index = null) { + Node item([int index = null]) { if (index === null) { return _item(this); } else { @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ class _HTMLSelectElementWrappingImplementation extends _HTMLElementWrappingImple static Node _item(receiver) native; static Node _item_2(receiver, index) native; - Node namedItem(String name = null) { + Node namedItem([String name = null]) { if (name === null) { return _namedItem(this); } else { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HTMLTableElementWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HTMLTableElementWrappingImplementation.dart index d456a3e62e6..bf603562bec 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HTMLTableElementWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HTMLTableElementWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ class _HTMLTableElementWrappingImplementation extends _HTMLElementWrappingImplem } static void _deleteCaption(receiver) native; - void deleteRow(int index = null) { + void deleteRow([int index = null]) { if (index === null) { _deleteRow(this); return; @@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ class _HTMLTableElementWrappingImplementation extends _HTMLElementWrappingImplem } static void _deleteTHead(receiver) native; - HTMLElement insertRow(int index = null) { + HTMLElement insertRow([int index = null]) { if (index === null) { return _insertRow(this); } else { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HTMLTableRowElementWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HTMLTableRowElementWrappingImplementation.dart index 23277476ec7..f5402630446 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HTMLTableRowElementWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HTMLTableRowElementWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class _HTMLTableRowElementWrappingImplementation extends _HTMLElementWrappingImp void set vAlign(String value) { _set__HTMLTableRowElement_vAlign(this, value); } static void _set__HTMLTableRowElement_vAlign(var _this, String value) native; - void deleteCell(int index = null) { + void deleteCell([int index = null]) { if (index === null) { _deleteCell(this); return; @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ class _HTMLTableRowElementWrappingImplementation extends _HTMLElementWrappingImp static void _deleteCell(receiver) native; static void _deleteCell_2(receiver, index) native; - HTMLElement insertCell(int index = null) { + HTMLElement insertCell([int index = null]) { if (index === null) { return _insertCell(this); } else { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HTMLTableSectionElementWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HTMLTableSectionElementWrappingImplementation.dart index 283f57a5ec3..99627743b07 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HTMLTableSectionElementWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HTMLTableSectionElementWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class _HTMLTableSectionElementWrappingImplementation extends _HTMLElementWrappin void set vAlign(String value) { _set__HTMLTableSectionElement_vAlign(this, value); } static void _set__HTMLTableSectionElement_vAlign(var _this, String value) native; - void deleteRow(int index = null) { + void deleteRow([int index = null]) { if (index === null) { _deleteRow(this); return; @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class _HTMLTableSectionElementWrappingImplementation extends _HTMLElementWrappin static void _deleteRow(receiver) native; static void _deleteRow_2(receiver, index) native; - HTMLElement insertRow(int index = null) { + HTMLElement insertRow([int index = null]) { if (index === null) { return _insertRow(this); } else { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HTMLTextAreaElementWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HTMLTextAreaElementWrappingImplementation.dart index 5ee4aa32927..7111c27d969 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HTMLTextAreaElementWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HTMLTextAreaElementWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ class _HTMLTextAreaElementWrappingImplementation extends _HTMLElementWrappingImp } static void _setCustomValidity(receiver, error) native; - void setSelectionRange(int start = null, int end = null, String direction = null) { + void setSelectionRange([int start = null, int end = null, String direction = null]) { if (start === null) { if (end === null) { if (direction === null) { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HashChangeEventWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HashChangeEventWrappingImplementation.dart index 8e377961a18..431c21dfc13 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HashChangeEventWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HashChangeEventWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ class _HashChangeEventWrappingImplementation extends _EventWrappingImplementatio String get oldURL() { return _get__HashChangeEvent_oldURL(this); } static String _get__HashChangeEvent_oldURL(var _this) native; - void initHashChangeEvent(String type = null, bool canBubble = null, bool cancelable = null, String oldURL = null, String newURL = null) { + void initHashChangeEvent([String type = null, bool canBubble = null, bool cancelable = null, String oldURL = null, String newURL = null]) { if (type === null) { if (canBubble === null) { if (cancelable === null) { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HistoryWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HistoryWrappingImplementation.dart index f154fcb80b5..9a380640646 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HistoryWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_HistoryWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class _HistoryWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements History { } static void _forward(receiver) native; - void go(int distance = null) { + void go([int distance = null]) { if (distance === null) { _go(this); return; @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class _HistoryWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements History { static void _go(receiver) native; static void _go_2(receiver, distance) native; - void pushState(Object data, String title, String url = null) { + void pushState(Object data, String title, [String url = null]) { if (url === null) { _pushState(this, data, title); return; @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class _HistoryWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements History { static void _pushState(receiver, data, title) native; static void _pushState_2(receiver, data, title, url) native; - void replaceState(Object data, String title, String url = null) { + void replaceState(Object data, String title, [String url = null]) { if (url === null) { _replaceState(this, data, title); return; diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_IDBCursorWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_IDBCursorWrappingImplementation.dart index c76f435998a..b9e9fa48db9 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_IDBCursorWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_IDBCursorWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ class _IDBCursorWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements IDBCurs IDBAny get source() { return _get__IDBCursor_source(this); } static IDBAny _get__IDBCursor_source(var _this) native; - void continueFunction(IDBKey key = null) { + void continueFunction([IDBKey key = null]) { if (key === null) { _continueFunction(this); return; diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_IDBDatabaseWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_IDBDatabaseWrappingImplementation.dart index e0b884f98f3..9c036b1921f 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_IDBDatabaseWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_IDBDatabaseWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class _IDBDatabaseWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements IDBDa String get version() { return _get__IDBDatabase_version(this); } static String _get__IDBDatabase_version(var _this) native; - void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null) { + void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture = null]) { if (useCapture === null) { _addEventListener(this, type, listener); return; @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ class _IDBDatabaseWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements IDBDa } static bool _dispatchEvent(receiver, evt) native; - void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null) { + void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture = null]) { if (useCapture === null) { _removeEventListener(this, type, listener); return; diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_IDBIndexWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_IDBIndexWrappingImplementation.dart index 83ad5605af6..5d529d3acf8 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_IDBIndexWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_IDBIndexWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ class _IDBIndexWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements IDBIndex } static IDBRequest _getKey(receiver, key) native; - IDBRequest openCursor(IDBKeyRange range = null, int direction = null) { + IDBRequest openCursor([IDBKeyRange range = null, int direction = null]) { if (range === null) { if (direction === null) { return _openCursor(this); @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ class _IDBIndexWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements IDBIndex static IDBRequest _openCursor_2(receiver, range) native; static IDBRequest _openCursor_3(receiver, range, direction) native; - IDBRequest openKeyCursor(IDBKeyRange range = null, int direction = null) { + IDBRequest openKeyCursor([IDBKeyRange range = null, int direction = null]) { if (range === null) { if (direction === null) { return _openKeyCursor(this); diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_IDBKeyRangeWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_IDBKeyRangeWrappingImplementation.dart index c582a005fb1..aaae031b953 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_IDBKeyRangeWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_IDBKeyRangeWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ class _IDBKeyRangeWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements IDBKe bool get upperOpen() { return _get__IDBKeyRange_upperOpen(this); } static bool _get__IDBKeyRange_upperOpen(var _this) native; - IDBKeyRange bound(IDBKey lower, IDBKey upper, bool lowerOpen = null, bool upperOpen = null) { + IDBKeyRange bound(IDBKey lower, IDBKey upper, [bool lowerOpen = null, bool upperOpen = null]) { if (lowerOpen === null) { if (upperOpen === null) { return _bound(this, lower, upper); @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class _IDBKeyRangeWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements IDBKe static IDBKeyRange _bound_2(receiver, lower, upper, lowerOpen) native; static IDBKeyRange _bound_3(receiver, lower, upper, lowerOpen, upperOpen) native; - IDBKeyRange lowerBound(IDBKey bound, bool open = null) { + IDBKeyRange lowerBound(IDBKey bound, [bool open = null]) { if (open === null) { return _lowerBound(this, bound); } else { @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ class _IDBKeyRangeWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements IDBKe } static IDBKeyRange _only(receiver, value) native; - IDBKeyRange upperBound(IDBKey bound, bool open = null) { + IDBKeyRange upperBound(IDBKey bound, [bool open = null]) { if (open === null) { return _upperBound(this, bound); } else { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_IDBObjectStoreWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_IDBObjectStoreWrappingImplementation.dart index 1a0f786460e..459b3b897d0 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_IDBObjectStoreWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_IDBObjectStoreWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ class _IDBObjectStoreWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements ID String get name() { return _get__IDBObjectStore_name(this); } static String _get__IDBObjectStore_name(var _this) native; - IDBRequest add(String value, IDBKey key = null) { + IDBRequest add(String value, [IDBKey key = null]) { if (key === null) { return _add(this, value); } else { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ class _IDBObjectStoreWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements ID } static IDBIndex _index(receiver, name) native; - IDBRequest openCursor(IDBKeyRange range = null, int direction = null) { + IDBRequest openCursor([IDBKeyRange range = null, int direction = null]) { if (range === null) { if (direction === null) { return _openCursor(this); @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ class _IDBObjectStoreWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements ID static IDBRequest _openCursor_2(receiver, range) native; static IDBRequest _openCursor_3(receiver, range, direction) native; - IDBRequest put(String value, IDBKey key = null) { + IDBRequest put(String value, [IDBKey key = null]) { if (key === null) { return _put(this, value); } else { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_IDBRequestWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_IDBRequestWrappingImplementation.dart index a96a8418e0a..387f462bfd5 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_IDBRequestWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_IDBRequestWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class _IDBRequestWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements IDBReq String get webkitErrorMessage() { return _get__IDBRequest_webkitErrorMessage(this); } static String _get__IDBRequest_webkitErrorMessage(var _this) native; - void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null) { + void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture = null]) { if (useCapture === null) { _addEventListener(this, type, listener); return; @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ class _IDBRequestWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements IDBReq } static bool _dispatchEvent(receiver, evt) native; - void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null) { + void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture = null]) { if (useCapture === null) { _removeEventListener(this, type, listener); return; diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_IDBTransactionWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_IDBTransactionWrappingImplementation.dart index a8e707d2206..7105b17b543 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_IDBTransactionWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_IDBTransactionWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class _IDBTransactionWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements ID } static void _abort(receiver) native; - void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null) { + void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture = null]) { if (useCapture === null) { _addEventListener(this, type, listener); return; @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ class _IDBTransactionWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements ID } static IDBObjectStore _objectStore(receiver, name) native; - void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null) { + void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture = null]) { if (useCapture === null) { _removeEventListener(this, type, listener); return; diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_Int16ArrayWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_Int16ArrayWrappingImplementation.dart index 69331bf4f96..47307eaea12 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_Int16ArrayWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_Int16ArrayWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class _Int16ArrayWrappingImplementation extends _ArrayBufferViewWrappingImplemen int get length() { return _get__Int16Array_length(this); } static int _get__Int16Array_length(var _this) native; - Int16Array subarray(int start = null, int end = null) { + Int16Array subarray([int start = null, int end = null]) { if (start === null) { if (end === null) { return _subarray(this); diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_Int32ArrayWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_Int32ArrayWrappingImplementation.dart index 0fa7493b505..69d74b089e8 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_Int32ArrayWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_Int32ArrayWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class _Int32ArrayWrappingImplementation extends _ArrayBufferViewWrappingImplemen int get length() { return _get__Int32Array_length(this); } static int _get__Int32Array_length(var _this) native; - Int32Array subarray(int start = null, int end = null) { + Int32Array subarray([int start = null, int end = null]) { if (start === null) { if (end === null) { return _subarray(this); diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_Int8ArrayWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_Int8ArrayWrappingImplementation.dart index ad3a9faf092..4ebaf6ba68d 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_Int8ArrayWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_Int8ArrayWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class _Int8ArrayWrappingImplementation extends _ArrayBufferViewWrappingImplement int get length() { return _get__Int8Array_length(this); } static int _get__Int8Array_length(var _this) native; - Int8Array subarray(int start = null, int end = null) { + Int8Array subarray([int start = null, int end = null]) { if (start === null) { if (end === null) { return _subarray(this); diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_KeyboardEventWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_KeyboardEventWrappingImplementation.dart index bd354760fcc..6748e08aaca 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_KeyboardEventWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_KeyboardEventWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class _KeyboardEventWrappingImplementation extends _UIEventWrappingImplementatio bool get shiftKey() { return _get__KeyboardEvent_shiftKey(this); } static bool _get__KeyboardEvent_shiftKey(var _this) native; - bool getModifierState(String keyIdentifierArg = null) { + bool getModifierState([String keyIdentifierArg = null]) { if (keyIdentifierArg === null) { return _getModifierState(this); } else { @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class _KeyboardEventWrappingImplementation extends _UIEventWrappingImplementatio static bool _getModifierState(receiver) native; static bool _getModifierState_2(receiver, keyIdentifierArg) native; - void initKeyboardEvent(String type = null, bool canBubble = null, bool cancelable = null, DOMWindow view = null, String keyIdentifier = null, int keyLocation = null, bool ctrlKey = null, bool altKey = null, bool shiftKey = null, bool metaKey = null, bool altGraphKey = null) { + void initKeyboardEvent([String type = null, bool canBubble = null, bool cancelable = null, DOMWindow view = null, String keyIdentifier = null, int keyLocation = null, bool ctrlKey = null, bool altKey = null, bool shiftKey = null, bool metaKey = null, bool altGraphKey = null]) { if (type === null) { if (canBubble === null) { if (cancelable === null) { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_LocationWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_LocationWrappingImplementation.dart index 67c2b31242a..785dfc39376 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_LocationWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_LocationWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ class _LocationWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Location void set search(String value) { _set__Location_search(this, value); } static void _set__Location_search(var _this, String value) native; - void assign(String url = null) { + void assign([String url = null]) { if (url === null) { _assign(this); return; @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ class _LocationWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Location } static void _reload(receiver) native; - void replace(String url = null) { + void replace([String url = null]) { if (url === null) { _replace(this); return; diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_MediaListWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_MediaListWrappingImplementation.dart index 651b1116eda..14faaf2426a 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_MediaListWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_MediaListWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ class _MediaListWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements MediaLi return new _FixedSizeListIterator(this); } - void appendMedium(String newMedium = null) { + void appendMedium([String newMedium = null]) { if (newMedium === null) { _appendMedium(this); return; @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ class _MediaListWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements MediaLi static void _appendMedium(receiver) native; static void _appendMedium_2(receiver, newMedium) native; - void deleteMedium(String oldMedium = null) { + void deleteMedium([String oldMedium = null]) { if (oldMedium === null) { _deleteMedium(this); return; @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ class _MediaListWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements MediaLi static void _deleteMedium(receiver) native; static void _deleteMedium_2(receiver, oldMedium) native; - String item(int index = null) { + String item([int index = null]) { if (index === null) { return _item(this); } else { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_MediaQueryListListenerWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_MediaQueryListListenerWrappingImplementation.dart index 47a2d8afd5f..f6776056abf 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_MediaQueryListListenerWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_MediaQueryListListenerWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ class _MediaQueryListListenerWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase imple return new _MediaQueryListListenerWrappingImplementation(); } - void queryChanged(MediaQueryList list = null) { + void queryChanged([MediaQueryList list = null]) { if (list === null) { _queryChanged(this); return; diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_MediaQueryListWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_MediaQueryListWrappingImplementation.dart index 4647b1bd3f9..77387696adf 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_MediaQueryListWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_MediaQueryListWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ class _MediaQueryListWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Me String get media() { return _get__MediaQueryList_media(this); } static String _get__MediaQueryList_media(var _this) native; - void addListener(MediaQueryListListener listener = null) { + void addListener([MediaQueryListListener listener = null]) { if (listener === null) { _addListener(this); return; @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ class _MediaQueryListWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Me static void _addListener(receiver) native; static void _addListener_2(receiver, listener) native; - void removeListener(MediaQueryListListener listener = null) { + void removeListener([MediaQueryListListener listener = null]) { if (listener === null) { _removeListener(this); return; diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_MediaStreamWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_MediaStreamWrappingImplementation.dart index b20f2e01b59..1ae95ad92a9 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_MediaStreamWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_MediaStreamWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class _MediaStreamWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Media MediaStreamTrackList get tracks() { return _get__MediaStream_tracks(this); } static MediaStreamTrackList _get__MediaStream_tracks(var _this) native; - void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null) { + void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture = null]) { if (useCapture === null) { _addEventListener(this, type, listener); return; @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ class _MediaStreamWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Media } static bool _dispatchEvent(receiver, event) native; - void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null) { + void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture = null]) { if (useCapture === null) { _removeEventListener(this, type, listener); return; diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_MessageEventWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_MessageEventWrappingImplementation.dart index edc7891afe2..b237a2a6e26 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_MessageEventWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_MessageEventWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class _MessageEventWrappingImplementation extends _EventWrappingImplementation i DOMWindow get source() { return _get__MessageEvent_source(this); } static DOMWindow _get__MessageEvent_source(var _this) native; - void initMessageEvent(String typeArg = null, bool canBubbleArg = null, bool cancelableArg = null, String dataArg = null, String originArg = null, String lastEventIdArg = null, DOMWindow sourceArg = null, MessagePort messagePort = null) { + void initMessageEvent([String typeArg = null, bool canBubbleArg = null, bool cancelableArg = null, String dataArg = null, String originArg = null, String lastEventIdArg = null, DOMWindow sourceArg = null, MessagePort messagePort = null]) { if (typeArg === null) { if (canBubbleArg === null) { if (cancelableArg === null) { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_MouseEventWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_MouseEventWrappingImplementation.dart index 34fcd0a838e..843017aea08 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_MouseEventWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_MouseEventWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ class _MouseEventWrappingImplementation extends _UIEventWrappingImplementation i int get y() { return _get__MouseEvent_y(this); } static int _get__MouseEvent_y(var _this) native; - void initMouseEvent(String type = null, bool canBubble = null, bool cancelable = null, DOMWindow view = null, int detail = null, int screenX = null, int screenY = null, int clientX = null, int clientY = null, bool ctrlKey = null, bool altKey = null, bool shiftKey = null, bool metaKey = null, int button = null, EventTarget relatedTarget = null) { + void initMouseEvent([String type = null, bool canBubble = null, bool cancelable = null, DOMWindow view = null, int detail = null, int screenX = null, int screenY = null, int clientX = null, int clientY = null, bool ctrlKey = null, bool altKey = null, bool shiftKey = null, bool metaKey = null, int button = null, EventTarget relatedTarget = null]) { if (type === null) { if (canBubble === null) { if (cancelable === null) { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_MutationEventWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_MutationEventWrappingImplementation.dart index 21e790b9d60..3e1b8e3f8c5 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_MutationEventWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_MutationEventWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class _MutationEventWrappingImplementation extends _EventWrappingImplementation Node get relatedNode() { return _get__MutationEvent_relatedNode(this); } static Node _get__MutationEvent_relatedNode(var _this) native; - void initMutationEvent(String type = null, bool canBubble = null, bool cancelable = null, Node relatedNode = null, String prevValue = null, String newValue = null, String attrName = null, int attrChange = null) { + void initMutationEvent([String type = null, bool canBubble = null, bool cancelable = null, Node relatedNode = null, String prevValue = null, String newValue = null, String attrName = null, int attrChange = null]) { if (type === null) { if (canBubble === null) { if (cancelable === null) { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_NamedNodeMapWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_NamedNodeMapWrappingImplementation.dart index 4fa9029ccbb..67192585ee6 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_NamedNodeMapWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_NamedNodeMapWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ class _NamedNodeMapWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Name return new _FixedSizeListIterator(this); } - Node getNamedItem(String name = null) { + Node getNamedItem([String name = null]) { if (name === null) { return _getNamedItem(this); } else { @@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ class _NamedNodeMapWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Name static Node _getNamedItem(receiver) native; static Node _getNamedItem_2(receiver, name) native; - Node getNamedItemNS(String namespaceURI = null, String localName = null) { + Node getNamedItemNS([String namespaceURI = null, String localName = null]) { if (namespaceURI === null) { if (localName === null) { return _getNamedItemNS(this); @@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ class _NamedNodeMapWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Name static Node _getNamedItemNS_2(receiver, namespaceURI) native; static Node _getNamedItemNS_3(receiver, namespaceURI, localName) native; - Node item(int index = null) { + Node item([int index = null]) { if (index === null) { return _item(this); } else { @@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ class _NamedNodeMapWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Name static Node _item(receiver) native; static Node _item_2(receiver, index) native; - Node removeNamedItem(String name = null) { + Node removeNamedItem([String name = null]) { if (name === null) { return _removeNamedItem(this); } else { @@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ class _NamedNodeMapWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Name static Node _removeNamedItem(receiver) native; static Node _removeNamedItem_2(receiver, name) native; - Node removeNamedItemNS(String namespaceURI = null, String localName = null) { + Node removeNamedItemNS([String namespaceURI = null, String localName = null]) { if (namespaceURI === null) { if (localName === null) { return _removeNamedItemNS(this); @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ class _NamedNodeMapWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Name static Node _removeNamedItemNS_2(receiver, namespaceURI) native; static Node _removeNamedItemNS_3(receiver, namespaceURI, localName) native; - Node setNamedItem(Node node = null) { + Node setNamedItem([Node node = null]) { if (node === null) { return _setNamedItem(this); } else { @@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ class _NamedNodeMapWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Name static Node _setNamedItem(receiver) native; static Node _setNamedItem_2(receiver, node) native; - Node setNamedItemNS(Node node = null) { + Node setNamedItemNS([Node node = null]) { if (node === null) { return _setNamedItemNS(this); } else { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_NodeFilterWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_NodeFilterWrappingImplementation.dart index f4d5a1f13a3..c42f77d527b 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_NodeFilterWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_NodeFilterWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ class _NodeFilterWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements NodeFi return new _NodeFilterWrappingImplementation(); } - int acceptNode(Node n = null) { + int acceptNode([Node n = null]) { if (n === null) { return _acceptNode(this); } else { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_NodeListWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_NodeListWrappingImplementation.dart index 7cb4996bf10..1cc9498af0d 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_NodeListWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_NodeListWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ class _NodeListWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements NodeList return new _FixedSizeListIterator(this); } - Node item(int index = null) { + Node item([int index = null]) { if (index === null) { return _item(this); } else { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_NodeWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_NodeWrappingImplementation.dart index 74722fe4803..a03729351a9 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_NodeWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_NodeWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ class _NodeWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Node { void set textContent(String value) { _set__Node_textContent(this, value); } static void _set__Node_textContent(var _this, String value) native; - void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null) { + void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture = null]) { if (useCapture === null) { _addEventListener(this, type, listener); return; @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ class _NodeWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Node { } static Node _appendChild(receiver, newChild) native; - Node cloneNode(bool deep = null) { + Node cloneNode([bool deep = null]) { if (deep === null) { return _cloneNode(this); } else { @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ class _NodeWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Node { static Node _cloneNode(receiver) native; static Node _cloneNode_2(receiver, deep) native; - int compareDocumentPosition(Node other = null) { + int compareDocumentPosition([Node other = null]) { if (other === null) { return _compareDocumentPosition(this); } else { @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ class _NodeWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Node { static int _compareDocumentPosition(receiver) native; static int _compareDocumentPosition_2(receiver, other) native; - bool contains(Node other = null) { + bool contains([Node other = null]) { if (other === null) { return _contains(this); } else { @@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ class _NodeWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Node { } static Node _insertBefore(receiver, newChild, refChild) native; - bool isDefaultNamespace(String namespaceURI = null) { + bool isDefaultNamespace([String namespaceURI = null]) { if (namespaceURI === null) { return _isDefaultNamespace(this); } else { @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ class _NodeWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Node { static bool _isDefaultNamespace(receiver) native; static bool _isDefaultNamespace_2(receiver, namespaceURI) native; - bool isEqualNode(Node other = null) { + bool isEqualNode([Node other = null]) { if (other === null) { return _isEqualNode(this); } else { @@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ class _NodeWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Node { static bool _isEqualNode(receiver) native; static bool _isEqualNode_2(receiver, other) native; - bool isSameNode(Node other = null) { + bool isSameNode([Node other = null]) { if (other === null) { return _isSameNode(this); } else { @@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ class _NodeWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Node { static bool _isSameNode(receiver) native; static bool _isSameNode_2(receiver, other) native; - bool isSupported(String feature = null, String version = null) { + bool isSupported([String feature = null, String version = null]) { if (feature === null) { if (version === null) { return _isSupported(this); @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ class _NodeWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Node { static bool _isSupported_2(receiver, feature) native; static bool _isSupported_3(receiver, feature, version) native; - String lookupNamespaceURI(String prefix = null) { + String lookupNamespaceURI([String prefix = null]) { if (prefix === null) { return _lookupNamespaceURI(this); } else { @@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ class _NodeWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Node { static String _lookupNamespaceURI(receiver) native; static String _lookupNamespaceURI_2(receiver, prefix) native; - String lookupPrefix(String namespaceURI = null) { + String lookupPrefix([String namespaceURI = null]) { if (namespaceURI === null) { return _lookupPrefix(this); } else { @@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ class _NodeWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Node { } static Node _removeChild(receiver, oldChild) native; - void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null) { + void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture = null]) { if (useCapture === null) { _removeEventListener(this, type, listener); return; diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_NotificationWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_NotificationWrappingImplementation.dart index e1568b9eaa3..92ab726dce0 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_NotificationWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_NotificationWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class _NotificationWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Noti void set replaceId(String value) { _set__Notification_replaceId(this, value); } static void _set__Notification_replaceId(var _this, String value) native; - void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null) { + void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture = null]) { if (useCapture === null) { _addEventListener(this, type, listener); return; @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ class _NotificationWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Noti } static bool _dispatchEvent(receiver, evt) native; - void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null) { + void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture = null]) { if (useCapture === null) { _removeEventListener(this, type, listener); return; diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_OESVertexArrayObjectWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_OESVertexArrayObjectWrappingImplementation.dart index 25bb60319e3..5b16f7ba593 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_OESVertexArrayObjectWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_OESVertexArrayObjectWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ class _OESVertexArrayObjectWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase impleme return new _OESVertexArrayObjectWrappingImplementation(); } - void bindVertexArrayOES(WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES arrayObject = null) { + void bindVertexArrayOES([WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES arrayObject = null]) { if (arrayObject === null) { _bindVertexArrayOES(this); return; @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ class _OESVertexArrayObjectWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase impleme } static WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES _createVertexArrayOES(receiver) native; - void deleteVertexArrayOES(WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES arrayObject = null) { + void deleteVertexArrayOES([WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES arrayObject = null]) { if (arrayObject === null) { _deleteVertexArrayOES(this); return; @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class _OESVertexArrayObjectWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase impleme static void _deleteVertexArrayOES(receiver) native; static void _deleteVertexArrayOES_2(receiver, arrayObject) native; - bool isVertexArrayOES(WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES arrayObject = null) { + bool isVertexArrayOES([WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES arrayObject = null]) { if (arrayObject === null) { return _isVertexArrayOES(this); } else { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_OverflowEventWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_OverflowEventWrappingImplementation.dart index 34734454d15..67461b30885 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_OverflowEventWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_OverflowEventWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ class _OverflowEventWrappingImplementation extends _EventWrappingImplementation bool get verticalOverflow() { return _get__OverflowEvent_verticalOverflow(this); } static bool _get__OverflowEvent_verticalOverflow(var _this) native; - void initOverflowEvent(int orient = null, bool horizontalOverflow = null, bool verticalOverflow = null) { + void initOverflowEvent([int orient = null, bool horizontalOverflow = null, bool verticalOverflow = null]) { if (orient === null) { if (horizontalOverflow === null) { if (verticalOverflow === null) { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_PageTransitionEventWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_PageTransitionEventWrappingImplementation.dart index 0ae3617607b..ad969c424ee 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_PageTransitionEventWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_PageTransitionEventWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class _PageTransitionEventWrappingImplementation extends _EventWrappingImplement bool get persisted() { return _get__PageTransitionEvent_persisted(this); } static bool _get__PageTransitionEvent_persisted(var _this) native; - void initPageTransitionEvent(String typeArg = null, bool canBubbleArg = null, bool cancelableArg = null, bool persisted = null) { + void initPageTransitionEvent([String typeArg = null, bool canBubbleArg = null, bool cancelableArg = null, bool persisted = null]) { if (typeArg === null) { if (canBubbleArg === null) { if (cancelableArg === null) { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_PopStateEventWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_PopStateEventWrappingImplementation.dart index ecb82ff719e..fb4be9e6cfe 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_PopStateEventWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_PopStateEventWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class _PopStateEventWrappingImplementation extends _EventWrappingImplementation Object get state() { return _get__PopStateEvent_state(this); } static Object _get__PopStateEvent_state(var _this) native; - void initPopStateEvent(String typeArg = null, bool canBubbleArg = null, bool cancelableArg = null, Object stateArg = null) { + void initPopStateEvent([String typeArg = null, bool canBubbleArg = null, bool cancelableArg = null, Object stateArg = null]) { if (typeArg === null) { if (canBubbleArg === null) { if (cancelableArg === null) { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_ProgressEventWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_ProgressEventWrappingImplementation.dart index e1a53774c66..f36a7c78c81 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_ProgressEventWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_ProgressEventWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ class _ProgressEventWrappingImplementation extends _EventWrappingImplementation int get total() { return _get__ProgressEvent_total(this); } static int _get__ProgressEvent_total(var _this) native; - void initProgressEvent(String typeArg = null, bool canBubbleArg = null, bool cancelableArg = null, bool lengthComputableArg = null, int loadedArg = null, int totalArg = null) { + void initProgressEvent([String typeArg = null, bool canBubbleArg = null, bool cancelableArg = null, bool lengthComputableArg = null, int loadedArg = null, int totalArg = null]) { if (typeArg === null) { if (canBubbleArg === null) { if (cancelableArg === null) { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_RangeWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_RangeWrappingImplementation.dart index 3a1a11c61a7..174d4329c6b 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_RangeWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_RangeWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class _RangeWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Range { } static Range _cloneRange(receiver) native; - void collapse(bool toStart = null) { + void collapse([bool toStart = null]) { if (toStart === null) { _collapse(this); return; @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ class _RangeWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Range { } static int _compareBoundaryPoints(receiver) native; - int compareNode(Node refNode = null) { + int compareNode([Node refNode = null]) { if (refNode === null) { return _compareNode(this); } else { @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ class _RangeWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Range { static int _compareNode(receiver) native; static int _compareNode_2(receiver, refNode) native; - int comparePoint(Node refNode = null, int offset = null) { + int comparePoint([Node refNode = null, int offset = null]) { if (refNode === null) { if (offset === null) { return _comparePoint(this); @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ class _RangeWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Range { static int _comparePoint_2(receiver, refNode) native; static int _comparePoint_3(receiver, refNode, offset) native; - DocumentFragment createContextualFragment(String html = null) { + DocumentFragment createContextualFragment([String html = null]) { if (html === null) { return _createContextualFragment(this); } else { @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ class _RangeWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Range { } static void _detach(receiver) native; - void expand(String unit = null) { + void expand([String unit = null]) { if (unit === null) { _expand(this); return; @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ class _RangeWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Range { } static DocumentFragment _extractContents(receiver) native; - void insertNode(Node newNode = null) { + void insertNode([Node newNode = null]) { if (newNode === null) { _insertNode(this); return; @@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ class _RangeWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Range { static void _insertNode(receiver) native; static void _insertNode_2(receiver, newNode) native; - bool intersectsNode(Node refNode = null) { + bool intersectsNode([Node refNode = null]) { if (refNode === null) { return _intersectsNode(this); } else { @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ class _RangeWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Range { static bool _intersectsNode(receiver) native; static bool _intersectsNode_2(receiver, refNode) native; - bool isPointInRange(Node refNode = null, int offset = null) { + bool isPointInRange([Node refNode = null, int offset = null]) { if (refNode === null) { if (offset === null) { return _isPointInRange(this); @@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ class _RangeWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Range { static bool _isPointInRange_2(receiver, refNode) native; static bool _isPointInRange_3(receiver, refNode, offset) native; - void selectNode(Node refNode = null) { + void selectNode([Node refNode = null]) { if (refNode === null) { _selectNode(this); return; @@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ class _RangeWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Range { static void _selectNode(receiver) native; static void _selectNode_2(receiver, refNode) native; - void selectNodeContents(Node refNode = null) { + void selectNodeContents([Node refNode = null]) { if (refNode === null) { _selectNodeContents(this); return; @@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ class _RangeWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Range { static void _selectNodeContents(receiver) native; static void _selectNodeContents_2(receiver, refNode) native; - void setEnd(Node refNode = null, int offset = null) { + void setEnd([Node refNode = null, int offset = null]) { if (refNode === null) { if (offset === null) { _setEnd(this); @@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ class _RangeWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Range { static void _setEnd_2(receiver, refNode) native; static void _setEnd_3(receiver, refNode, offset) native; - void setEndAfter(Node refNode = null) { + void setEndAfter([Node refNode = null]) { if (refNode === null) { _setEndAfter(this); return; @@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ class _RangeWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Range { static void _setEndAfter(receiver) native; static void _setEndAfter_2(receiver, refNode) native; - void setEndBefore(Node refNode = null) { + void setEndBefore([Node refNode = null]) { if (refNode === null) { _setEndBefore(this); return; @@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ class _RangeWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Range { static void _setEndBefore(receiver) native; static void _setEndBefore_2(receiver, refNode) native; - void setStart(Node refNode = null, int offset = null) { + void setStart([Node refNode = null, int offset = null]) { if (refNode === null) { if (offset === null) { _setStart(this); @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ class _RangeWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Range { static void _setStart_2(receiver, refNode) native; static void _setStart_3(receiver, refNode, offset) native; - void setStartAfter(Node refNode = null) { + void setStartAfter([Node refNode = null]) { if (refNode === null) { _setStartAfter(this); return; @@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ class _RangeWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Range { static void _setStartAfter(receiver) native; static void _setStartAfter_2(receiver, refNode) native; - void setStartBefore(Node refNode = null) { + void setStartBefore([Node refNode = null]) { if (refNode === null) { _setStartBefore(this); return; @@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ class _RangeWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Range { static void _setStartBefore(receiver) native; static void _setStartBefore_2(receiver, refNode) native; - void surroundContents(Node newParent = null) { + void surroundContents([Node newParent = null]) { if (newParent === null) { _surroundContents(this); return; diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_StorageEventWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_StorageEventWrappingImplementation.dart index 64bff0b0fa3..e89958accd6 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_StorageEventWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_StorageEventWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class _StorageEventWrappingImplementation extends _EventWrappingImplementation i String get url() { return _get__StorageEvent_url(this); } static String _get__StorageEvent_url(var _this) native; - void initStorageEvent(String typeArg = null, bool canBubbleArg = null, bool cancelableArg = null, String keyArg = null, String oldValueArg = null, String newValueArg = null, String urlArg = null, Storage storageAreaArg = null) { + void initStorageEvent([String typeArg = null, bool canBubbleArg = null, bool cancelableArg = null, String keyArg = null, String oldValueArg = null, String newValueArg = null, String urlArg = null, Storage storageAreaArg = null]) { if (typeArg === null) { if (canBubbleArg === null) { if (cancelableArg === null) { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_StorageInfoWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_StorageInfoWrappingImplementation.dart index 8bc1e50611f..ea6f39ba484 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_StorageInfoWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_StorageInfoWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ class _StorageInfoWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Stora return new _StorageInfoWrappingImplementation(); } - void queryUsageAndQuota(int storageType, StorageInfoUsageCallback usageCallback = null, StorageInfoErrorCallback errorCallback = null) { + void queryUsageAndQuota(int storageType, [StorageInfoUsageCallback usageCallback = null, StorageInfoErrorCallback errorCallback = null]) { if (usageCallback === null) { if (errorCallback === null) { _queryUsageAndQuota(this, storageType); @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class _StorageInfoWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Stora static void _queryUsageAndQuota_2(receiver, storageType, usageCallback) native; static void _queryUsageAndQuota_3(receiver, storageType, usageCallback, errorCallback) native; - void requestQuota(int storageType, int newQuotaInBytes, StorageInfoQuotaCallback quotaCallback = null, StorageInfoErrorCallback errorCallback = null) { + void requestQuota(int storageType, int newQuotaInBytes, [StorageInfoQuotaCallback quotaCallback = null, StorageInfoErrorCallback errorCallback = null]) { if (quotaCallback === null) { if (errorCallback === null) { _requestQuota(this, storageType, newQuotaInBytes); diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_StyleMediaWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_StyleMediaWrappingImplementation.dart index 5439b89c69a..b367297b71b 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_StyleMediaWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_StyleMediaWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class _StyleMediaWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements StyleM String get type() { return _get__StyleMedia_type(this); } static String _get__StyleMedia_type(var _this) native; - bool matchMedium(String mediaquery = null) { + bool matchMedium([String mediaquery = null]) { if (mediaquery === null) { return _matchMedium(this); } else { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_StyleSheetListWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_StyleSheetListWrappingImplementation.dart index 15e6ce518cd..ed6d0509df0 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_StyleSheetListWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_StyleSheetListWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ class _StyleSheetListWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements St return new _FixedSizeListIterator(this); } - StyleSheet item(int index = null) { + StyleSheet item([int index = null]) { if (index === null) { return _item(this); } else { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_TextEventWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_TextEventWrappingImplementation.dart index e6a84bca2ce..4bfb1fba206 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_TextEventWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_TextEventWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class _TextEventWrappingImplementation extends _UIEventWrappingImplementation im String get data() { return _get__TextEvent_data(this); } static String _get__TextEvent_data(var _this) native; - void initTextEvent(String typeArg = null, bool canBubbleArg = null, bool cancelableArg = null, DOMWindow viewArg = null, String dataArg = null) { + void initTextEvent([String typeArg = null, bool canBubbleArg = null, bool cancelableArg = null, DOMWindow viewArg = null, String dataArg = null]) { if (typeArg === null) { if (canBubbleArg === null) { if (cancelableArg === null) { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_TextWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_TextWrappingImplementation.dart index 088f1a28adb..16410eb4f1a 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_TextWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_TextWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class _TextWrappingImplementation extends _CharacterDataWrappingImplementation i String get wholeText() { return _get__Text_wholeText(this); } static String _get__Text_wholeText(var _this) native; - Text replaceWholeText(String content = null) { + Text replaceWholeText([String content = null]) { if (content === null) { return _replaceWholeText(this); } else { @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class _TextWrappingImplementation extends _CharacterDataWrappingImplementation i static Text _replaceWholeText(receiver) native; static Text _replaceWholeText_2(receiver, content) native; - Text splitText(int offset = null) { + Text splitText([int offset = null]) { if (offset === null) { return _splitText(this); } else { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_TouchEventWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_TouchEventWrappingImplementation.dart index 33c39e10fdd..0ce562673ed 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_TouchEventWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_TouchEventWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class _TouchEventWrappingImplementation extends _UIEventWrappingImplementation i TouchList get touches() { return _get__TouchEvent_touches(this); } static TouchList _get__TouchEvent_touches(var _this) native; - void initTouchEvent(TouchList touches = null, TouchList targetTouches = null, TouchList changedTouches = null, String type = null, DOMWindow view = null, int screenX = null, int screenY = null, int clientX = null, int clientY = null, bool ctrlKey = null, bool altKey = null, bool shiftKey = null, bool metaKey = null) { + void initTouchEvent([TouchList touches = null, TouchList targetTouches = null, TouchList changedTouches = null, String type = null, DOMWindow view = null, int screenX = null, int screenY = null, int clientX = null, int clientY = null, bool ctrlKey = null, bool altKey = null, bool shiftKey = null, bool metaKey = null]) { if (touches === null) { if (targetTouches === null) { if (changedTouches === null) { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_UIEventWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_UIEventWrappingImplementation.dart index 14228bbb672..3d33e3e28bf 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_UIEventWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_UIEventWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class _UIEventWrappingImplementation extends _EventWrappingImplementation implem int get which() { return _get__UIEvent_which(this); } static int _get__UIEvent_which(var _this) native; - void initUIEvent(String type = null, bool canBubble = null, bool cancelable = null, DOMWindow view = null, int detail = null) { + void initUIEvent([String type = null, bool canBubble = null, bool cancelable = null, DOMWindow view = null, int detail = null]) { if (type === null) { if (canBubble === null) { if (cancelable === null) { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_Uint16ArrayWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_Uint16ArrayWrappingImplementation.dart index 2cf88358b89..e9379de6b73 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_Uint16ArrayWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_Uint16ArrayWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class _Uint16ArrayWrappingImplementation extends _ArrayBufferViewWrappingImpleme int get length() { return _get__Uint16Array_length(this); } static int _get__Uint16Array_length(var _this) native; - Uint16Array subarray(int start = null, int end = null) { + Uint16Array subarray([int start = null, int end = null]) { if (start === null) { if (end === null) { return _subarray(this); diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_Uint32ArrayWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_Uint32ArrayWrappingImplementation.dart index 11dba6d6afe..15b2ecff1fd 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_Uint32ArrayWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_Uint32ArrayWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class _Uint32ArrayWrappingImplementation extends _ArrayBufferViewWrappingImpleme int get length() { return _get__Uint32Array_length(this); } static int _get__Uint32Array_length(var _this) native; - Uint32Array subarray(int start = null, int end = null) { + Uint32Array subarray([int start = null, int end = null]) { if (start === null) { if (end === null) { return _subarray(this); diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_Uint8ArrayWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_Uint8ArrayWrappingImplementation.dart index 22dc00f4945..85b19d35a8b 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_Uint8ArrayWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_Uint8ArrayWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class _Uint8ArrayWrappingImplementation extends _ArrayBufferViewWrappingImplemen int get length() { return _get__Uint8Array_length(this); } static int _get__Uint8Array_length(var _this) native; - Uint8Array subarray(int start = null, int end = null) { + Uint8Array subarray([int start = null, int end = null]) { if (start === null) { if (end === null) { return _subarray(this); diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_WebGLRenderingContextWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_WebGLRenderingContextWrappingImplementation.dart index 804087f8564..e3884531435 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_WebGLRenderingContextWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_WebGLRenderingContextWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -610,7 +610,7 @@ class _WebGLRenderingContextWrappingImplementation extends _CanvasRenderingConte } static void _stencilOpSeparate(receiver, face, fail, zfail, zpass) native; - void texImage2D(int target, int level, int internalformat, int format_OR_width, int height_OR_type, var border_OR_canvas_OR_image_OR_pixels, int format = null, int type = null, ArrayBufferView pixels = null) { + void texImage2D(int target, int level, int internalformat, int format_OR_width, int height_OR_type, var border_OR_canvas_OR_image_OR_pixels, [int format = null, int type = null, ArrayBufferView pixels = null]) { if (border_OR_canvas_OR_image_OR_pixels is ImageData) { if (format === null) { if (type === null) { @@ -667,7 +667,7 @@ class _WebGLRenderingContextWrappingImplementation extends _CanvasRenderingConte } static void _texParameteri(receiver, target, pname, param) native; - void texSubImage2D(int target, int level, int xoffset, int yoffset, int format_OR_width, int height_OR_type, var canvas_OR_format_OR_image_OR_pixels, int type = null, ArrayBufferView pixels = null) { + void texSubImage2D(int target, int level, int xoffset, int yoffset, int format_OR_width, int height_OR_type, var canvas_OR_format_OR_image_OR_pixels, [int type = null, ArrayBufferView pixels = null]) { if (canvas_OR_format_OR_image_OR_pixels is ImageData) { if (type === null) { if (pixels === null) { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_WebKitAnimationEventWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_WebKitAnimationEventWrappingImplementation.dart index 90c49e6f942..2624f8f936d 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_WebKitAnimationEventWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_WebKitAnimationEventWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ class _WebKitAnimationEventWrappingImplementation extends _EventWrappingImplemen num get elapsedTime() { return _get__WebKitAnimationEvent_elapsedTime(this); } static num _get__WebKitAnimationEvent_elapsedTime(var _this) native; - void initWebKitAnimationEvent(String typeArg = null, bool canBubbleArg = null, bool cancelableArg = null, String animationNameArg = null, num elapsedTimeArg = null) { + void initWebKitAnimationEvent([String typeArg = null, bool canBubbleArg = null, bool cancelableArg = null, String animationNameArg = null, num elapsedTimeArg = null]) { if (typeArg === null) { if (canBubbleArg === null) { if (cancelableArg === null) { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_WebKitBlobBuilderWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_WebKitBlobBuilderWrappingImplementation.dart index 387adb4e970..01d44bfd0ef 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_WebKitBlobBuilderWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_WebKitBlobBuilderWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ class _WebKitBlobBuilderWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements return new _WebKitBlobBuilderWrappingImplementation(); } - void append(var blob_OR_value, String endings = null) { + void append(var blob_OR_value, [String endings = null]) { if (blob_OR_value is Blob) { if (endings === null) { _append(this, blob_OR_value); @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class _WebKitBlobBuilderWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements static void _append_2(receiver, blob_OR_value) native; static void _append_3(receiver, blob_OR_value, endings) native; - Blob getBlob(String contentType = null) { + Blob getBlob([String contentType = null]) { if (contentType === null) { return _getBlob(this); } else { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_WebKitCSSKeyframesRuleWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_WebKitCSSKeyframesRuleWrappingImplementation.dart index 250a60c4978..ae1c474ad65 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_WebKitCSSKeyframesRuleWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_WebKitCSSKeyframesRuleWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ class _WebKitCSSKeyframesRuleWrappingImplementation extends _CSSRuleWrappingImpl void set name(String value) { _set__WebKitCSSKeyframesRule_name(this, value); } static void _set__WebKitCSSKeyframesRule_name(var _this, String value) native; - void deleteRule(String key = null) { + void deleteRule([String key = null]) { if (key === null) { _deleteRule(this); return; @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class _WebKitCSSKeyframesRuleWrappingImplementation extends _CSSRuleWrappingImpl static void _deleteRule(receiver) native; static void _deleteRule_2(receiver, key) native; - WebKitCSSKeyframeRule findRule(String key = null) { + WebKitCSSKeyframeRule findRule([String key = null]) { if (key === null) { return _findRule(this); } else { @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class _WebKitCSSKeyframesRuleWrappingImplementation extends _CSSRuleWrappingImpl static WebKitCSSKeyframeRule _findRule(receiver) native; static WebKitCSSKeyframeRule _findRule_2(receiver, key) native; - void insertRule(String rule = null) { + void insertRule([String rule = null]) { if (rule === null) { _insertRule(this); return; diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_WebKitCSSMatrixWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_WebKitCSSMatrixWrappingImplementation.dart index c4b00fe6d9a..663a42715ac 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_WebKitCSSMatrixWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_WebKitCSSMatrixWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ class _WebKitCSSMatrixWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements W } static WebKitCSSMatrix _inverse(receiver) native; - WebKitCSSMatrix multiply(WebKitCSSMatrix secondMatrix = null) { + WebKitCSSMatrix multiply([WebKitCSSMatrix secondMatrix = null]) { if (secondMatrix === null) { return _multiply(this); } else { @@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ class _WebKitCSSMatrixWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements W static WebKitCSSMatrix _multiply(receiver) native; static WebKitCSSMatrix _multiply_2(receiver, secondMatrix) native; - WebKitCSSMatrix rotate(num rotX = null, num rotY = null, num rotZ = null) { + WebKitCSSMatrix rotate([num rotX = null, num rotY = null, num rotZ = null]) { if (rotX === null) { if (rotY === null) { if (rotZ === null) { @@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ class _WebKitCSSMatrixWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements W static WebKitCSSMatrix _rotate_3(receiver, rotX, rotY) native; static WebKitCSSMatrix _rotate_4(receiver, rotX, rotY, rotZ) native; - WebKitCSSMatrix rotateAxisAngle(num x = null, num y = null, num z = null, num angle = null) { + WebKitCSSMatrix rotateAxisAngle([num x = null, num y = null, num z = null, num angle = null]) { if (x === null) { if (y === null) { if (z === null) { @@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ class _WebKitCSSMatrixWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements W static WebKitCSSMatrix _rotateAxisAngle_4(receiver, x, y, z) native; static WebKitCSSMatrix _rotateAxisAngle_5(receiver, x, y, z, angle) native; - WebKitCSSMatrix scale(num scaleX = null, num scaleY = null, num scaleZ = null) { + WebKitCSSMatrix scale([num scaleX = null, num scaleY = null, num scaleZ = null]) { if (scaleX === null) { if (scaleY === null) { if (scaleZ === null) { @@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ class _WebKitCSSMatrixWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements W static WebKitCSSMatrix _scale_3(receiver, scaleX, scaleY) native; static WebKitCSSMatrix _scale_4(receiver, scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ) native; - void setMatrixValue(String string = null) { + void setMatrixValue([String string = null]) { if (string === null) { _setMatrixValue(this); return; @@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ class _WebKitCSSMatrixWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements W static void _setMatrixValue(receiver) native; static void _setMatrixValue_2(receiver, string) native; - WebKitCSSMatrix skewX(num angle = null) { + WebKitCSSMatrix skewX([num angle = null]) { if (angle === null) { return _skewX(this); } else { @@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ class _WebKitCSSMatrixWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements W static WebKitCSSMatrix _skewX(receiver) native; static WebKitCSSMatrix _skewX_2(receiver, angle) native; - WebKitCSSMatrix skewY(num angle = null) { + WebKitCSSMatrix skewY([num angle = null]) { if (angle === null) { return _skewY(this); } else { @@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ class _WebKitCSSMatrixWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements W } static String _toString(receiver) native; - WebKitCSSMatrix translate(num x = null, num y = null, num z = null) { + WebKitCSSMatrix translate([num x = null, num y = null, num z = null]) { if (x === null) { if (y === null) { if (z === null) { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_WebKitTransitionEventWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_WebKitTransitionEventWrappingImplementation.dart index 878f79120e6..98e8d1f6ceb 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_WebKitTransitionEventWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_WebKitTransitionEventWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ class _WebKitTransitionEventWrappingImplementation extends _EventWrappingImpleme String get propertyName() { return _get__WebKitTransitionEvent_propertyName(this); } static String _get__WebKitTransitionEvent_propertyName(var _this) native; - void initWebKitTransitionEvent(String typeArg = null, bool canBubbleArg = null, bool cancelableArg = null, String propertyNameArg = null, num elapsedTimeArg = null) { + void initWebKitTransitionEvent([String typeArg = null, bool canBubbleArg = null, bool cancelableArg = null, String propertyNameArg = null, num elapsedTimeArg = null]) { if (typeArg === null) { if (canBubbleArg === null) { if (cancelableArg === null) { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_WebSocketWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_WebSocketWrappingImplementation.dart index 8f568c853c9..aa6d6bac7ab 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_WebSocketWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_WebSocketWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ class _WebSocketWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements WebSock int get readyState() { return _get__WebSocket_readyState(this); } static int _get__WebSocket_readyState(var _this) native; - void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null) { + void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture = null]) { if (useCapture === null) { _addEventListener(this, type, listener); return; @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ class _WebSocketWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements WebSock static void _addEventListener(receiver, type, listener) native; static void _addEventListener_2(receiver, type, listener, useCapture) native; - void close(int code = null, String reason = null) { + void close([int code = null, String reason = null]) { if (code === null) { if (reason === null) { _close(this); @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ class _WebSocketWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements WebSock } static bool _dispatchEvent(receiver, evt) native; - void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null) { + void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture = null]) { if (useCapture === null) { _removeEventListener(this, type, listener); return; diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_WheelEventWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_WheelEventWrappingImplementation.dart index fbb0434209d..96eac0430a9 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_WheelEventWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_WheelEventWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ class _WheelEventWrappingImplementation extends _UIEventWrappingImplementation i int get y() { return _get__WheelEvent_y(this); } static int _get__WheelEvent_y(var _this) native; - void initWheelEvent(int wheelDeltaX = null, int wheelDeltaY = null, DOMWindow view = null, int screenX = null, int screenY = null, int clientX = null, int clientY = null, bool ctrlKey = null, bool altKey = null, bool shiftKey = null, bool metaKey = null) { + void initWheelEvent([int wheelDeltaX = null, int wheelDeltaY = null, DOMWindow view = null, int screenX = null, int screenY = null, int clientX = null, int clientY = null, bool ctrlKey = null, bool altKey = null, bool shiftKey = null, bool metaKey = null]) { if (wheelDeltaX === null) { if (wheelDeltaY === null) { if (view === null) { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_WorkerContextWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_WorkerContextWrappingImplementation.dart index 7da05a376b3..98a0ff3fcd0 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_WorkerContextWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_WorkerContextWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class _WorkerContextWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Wor DOMURL get webkitURL() { return _get__WorkerContext_webkitURL(this); } static DOMURL _get__WorkerContext_webkitURL(var _this) native; - void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null) { + void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture = null]) { if (useCapture === null) { _addEventListener(this, type, listener); return; @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class _WorkerContextWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Wor static void _addEventListener(receiver, type, listener) native; static void _addEventListener_2(receiver, type, listener, useCapture) native; - void clearInterval(int handle = null) { + void clearInterval([int handle = null]) { if (handle === null) { _clearInterval(this); return; @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ class _WorkerContextWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Wor static void _clearInterval(receiver) native; static void _clearInterval_2(receiver, handle) native; - void clearTimeout(int handle = null) { + void clearTimeout([int handle = null]) { if (handle === null) { _clearTimeout(this); return; @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ class _WorkerContextWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements Wor } static void _importScripts(receiver) native; - void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null) { + void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture = null]) { if (useCapture === null) { _removeEventListener(this, type, listener); return; diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_WorkerWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_WorkerWrappingImplementation.dart index 96b9f49e714..f182de2a992 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_WorkerWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_WorkerWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ class _WorkerWrappingImplementation extends _AbstractWorkerWrappingImplementatio void set onmessage(EventListener value) { _set__Worker_onmessage(this, value); } static void _set__Worker_onmessage(var _this, EventListener value) native; - void postMessage(String message, MessagePort messagePort = null) { + void postMessage(String message, [MessagePort messagePort = null]) { if (messagePort === null) { _postMessage(this, message); return; diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_XMLHttpRequestUploadWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_XMLHttpRequestUploadWrappingImplementation.dart index f335c84d58f..4ecac2c43ca 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_XMLHttpRequestUploadWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_XMLHttpRequestUploadWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class _XMLHttpRequestUploadWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase impleme void set onprogress(EventListener value) { _set__XMLHttpRequestUpload_onprogress(this, value); } static void _set__XMLHttpRequestUpload_onprogress(var _this, EventListener value) native; - void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null) { + void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture = null]) { if (useCapture === null) { _addEventListener(this, type, listener); return; @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ class _XMLHttpRequestUploadWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase impleme } static bool _dispatchEvent(receiver, evt) native; - void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null) { + void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture = null]) { if (useCapture === null) { _removeEventListener(this, type, listener); return; diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_XMLHttpRequestWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_XMLHttpRequestWrappingImplementation.dart index 15a7ffa72a9..bc1d52ef145 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_XMLHttpRequestWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_XMLHttpRequestWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ class _XMLHttpRequestWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements XM } static void _abort(receiver) native; - void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null) { + void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture = null]) { if (useCapture === null) { _addEventListener(this, type, listener); return; @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ class _XMLHttpRequestWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements XM } static String _getResponseHeader(receiver, header) native; - void open(String method, String url, bool async, String user = null, String password = null) { + void open(String method, String url, bool async, [String user = null, String password = null]) { if (user === null) { if (password === null) { _open(this, method, url, async); @@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ class _XMLHttpRequestWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements XM } static void _overrideMimeType(receiver, override) native; - void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = null) { + void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture = null]) { if (useCapture === null) { _removeEventListener(this, type, listener); return; @@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ class _XMLHttpRequestWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements XM static void _removeEventListener(receiver, type, listener) native; static void _removeEventListener_2(receiver, type, listener, useCapture) native; - void send(var data = null) { + void send([var data = null]) { if (data === null) { _send(this); return; diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_XMLSerializerWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_XMLSerializerWrappingImplementation.dart index 1fce02d2a40..a4c5459400d 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_XMLSerializerWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_XMLSerializerWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ class _XMLSerializerWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements XML return new _XMLSerializerWrappingImplementation(); } - String serializeToString(Node node = null) { + String serializeToString([Node node = null]) { if (node === null) { return _serializeToString(this); } else { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_XPathEvaluatorWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_XPathEvaluatorWrappingImplementation.dart index d2b9ad3a495..cf7c2194087 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_XPathEvaluatorWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_XPathEvaluatorWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ class _XPathEvaluatorWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements XP return new _XPathEvaluatorWrappingImplementation(); } - XPathExpression createExpression(String expression = null, XPathNSResolver resolver = null) { + XPathExpression createExpression([String expression = null, XPathNSResolver resolver = null]) { if (expression === null) { if (resolver === null) { return _createExpression(this); @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ class _XPathEvaluatorWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements XP static XPathExpression _createExpression_2(receiver, expression) native; static XPathExpression _createExpression_3(receiver, expression, resolver) native; - XPathNSResolver createNSResolver(Node nodeResolver = null) { + XPathNSResolver createNSResolver([Node nodeResolver = null]) { if (nodeResolver === null) { return _createNSResolver(this); } else { @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ class _XPathEvaluatorWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements XP static XPathNSResolver _createNSResolver(receiver) native; static XPathNSResolver _createNSResolver_2(receiver, nodeResolver) native; - XPathResult evaluate(String expression = null, Node contextNode = null, XPathNSResolver resolver = null, int type = null, XPathResult inResult = null) { + XPathResult evaluate([String expression = null, Node contextNode = null, XPathNSResolver resolver = null, int type = null, XPathResult inResult = null]) { if (expression === null) { if (contextNode === null) { if (resolver === null) { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_XPathExpressionWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_XPathExpressionWrappingImplementation.dart index 7c92ba450cc..6dc38afad3f 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_XPathExpressionWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_XPathExpressionWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ class _XPathExpressionWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements X return new _XPathExpressionWrappingImplementation(); } - XPathResult evaluate(Node contextNode = null, int type = null, XPathResult inResult = null) { + XPathResult evaluate([Node contextNode = null, int type = null, XPathResult inResult = null]) { if (contextNode === null) { if (type === null) { if (inResult === null) { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_XPathNSResolverWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_XPathNSResolverWrappingImplementation.dart index e71d912509c..a8de6f664b4 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_XPathNSResolverWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_XPathNSResolverWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ class _XPathNSResolverWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements X return new _XPathNSResolverWrappingImplementation(); } - String lookupNamespaceURI(String prefix = null) { + String lookupNamespaceURI([String prefix = null]) { if (prefix === null) { return _lookupNamespaceURI(this); } else { diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_XPathResultWrappingImplementation.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_XPathResultWrappingImplementation.dart index 55208cbd5aa..9c0ac31ae9e 100644 --- a/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_XPathResultWrappingImplementation.dart +++ b/client/dom/generated/src/wrapping/_XPathResultWrappingImplementation.dart @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class _XPathResultWrappingImplementation extends DOMWrapperBase implements XPath } static Node _iterateNext(receiver) native; - Node snapshotItem(int index = null) { + Node snapshotItem([int index = null]) { if (index === null) { return _snapshotItem(this); } else { diff --git a/client/dom/scripts/ b/client/dom/scripts/ index 8741daa1ee6..4025563c800 100755 --- a/client/dom/scripts/ +++ b/client/dom/scripts/ @@ -557,6 +557,25 @@ class DartGenerator(object): else: return '%s %s' % (type, name) + def FormatArgs(args, is_interface): + required = [] + optional = [] + for (name, type, default) in args: + if default: + if is_interface: + optional.append((name, type, None)) + else: + optional.append((name, type, default)) + else: + if optional: + raise Exception('Optional arguments cannot precede required ones: ' + + str(args)) + required.append((name, type, None)) + argtexts = map(FormatArg, required) + if optional: + argtexts.append('[' + ', '.join(map(FormatArg, optional)) + ']') + return ', '.join(argtexts) + args = map(lambda *args: DartArg(args), *(op.arguments for op in operations)) @@ -567,7 +586,8 @@ class DartGenerator(object): info.js_name = operations[0].ext_attrs.get('ImplementationFunction', info.declared_name) info.type_name = operations[0] # TODO: widen. - info.arg_declarations = map(FormatArg, args) + info.arg_interface_declaration = FormatArgs(args, True) + info.arg_implementation_declaration = FormatArgs(args, False) info.arg_infos = args return info @@ -1049,7 +1069,7 @@ class DartInterfaceGenerator(object): ' $TYPE $NAME($ARGS);\n', TYPE=info.type_name,, - ARGS=', '.join(info.arg_declarations)) + ARGS=info.arg_interface_declaration) # Given a sorted sequence of type identifiers, return an appropriate type @@ -1319,7 +1339,7 @@ class WrappingInterfaceGenerator(object): ' }\n', TYPE=info.type_name,, - ARGS=', '.join(info.arg_declarations)) + ARGS=info.arg_implementation_declaration) # Process in order of ascending number of arguments to ensure missing # optional arguments are processed early.