Introduce statement continuations following the specification

The next statement to be executed is captured by a statement


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This commit is contained in:
Zhivka Gucevska 2017-07-18 13:03:32 +02:00
parent 3216bda008
commit 1288ece5c8
2 changed files with 237 additions and 436 deletions

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@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ class Interpreter {
if (mainMethod == null) return;
Statement statementBlock = mainMethod.function.body;
ExecConfiguration configuration =
new ExecConfiguration(statementBlock, new State.initial());
ExecConfiguration configuration = new ExecConfiguration(
statementBlock, new Environment.empty(), const State.initial());
@ -53,10 +53,6 @@ class Environment {
final List<Binding> bindings = <Binding>[];
final Environment parent;
Value get thisInstance => (parent != null)
? parent.thisInstance
: throw "Invalid reference to 'this' expression";
Environment.empty() : parent = null;
@ -84,19 +80,13 @@ class Environment {
lookupBinding(variable).location.value = value;
void expand(VariableDeclaration variable, Value value) {
Environment extend(VariableDeclaration variable, Value value) {
bindings.add(new Binding(variable, new Location(value)));
return new Environment(this)
..bindings.add(new Binding(variable, new Location(value)));
class InstanceEnvironment extends Environment {
final ObjectValue _thisInstance;
Value get thisInstance => _thisInstance;
InstanceEnvironment(this._thisInstance, Environment env) : super(env);
/// Evaluate expressions.
class Evaluator extends ExpressionVisitor1<Configuration, EvalConfiguration> {
Configuration eval(Expression expr, EvalConfiguration config) =>
@ -152,7 +142,6 @@ class Evaluator extends ExpressionVisitor1<Configuration, EvalConfiguration> {
StaticInvocation node, EvalConfiguration config) {
if ('print' == {
var cont = new PrintEK(config.continuation);
return new EvalConfiguration(
node.arguments.positional.first, config.environment, cont);
} else {
@ -162,7 +151,6 @@ class Evaluator extends ExpressionVisitor1<Configuration, EvalConfiguration> {
ApplicationContinuation cont =
new StaticInvocationA(, config.continuation);
return new EvalListConfiguration(args, config.environment, cont);
@ -178,14 +166,8 @@ class Evaluator extends ExpressionVisitor1<Configuration, EvalConfiguration> {
Configuration visitConstructorInvocation(
ConstructorInvocation node, EvalConfiguration config) {
ApplicationContinuation cont =
new ConstructorInvocationA(, config.continuation);
var args =
return new EvalListConfiguration(args, config.environment, cont);
ConstructorInvocation node, EvalConfiguration config) =>
defaultExpression(node, config);
Configuration visitNot(Not node, EvalConfiguration config) {
return new EvalConfiguration(
@ -221,10 +203,8 @@ class Evaluator extends ExpressionVisitor1<Configuration, EvalConfiguration> {
Configuration visitThisExpression(
ThisExpression node, EvalConfiguration config) {
return new ValuePassingConfiguration(
config.continuation, config.environment.thisInstance);
ThisExpression node, EvalConfiguration config) =>
defaultExpression(node, config);
// Evaluation of BasicLiterals.
Configuration visitStringLiteral(
@ -264,33 +244,30 @@ class Evaluator extends ExpressionVisitor1<Configuration, EvalConfiguration> {
/// Represents a state for statement execution.
class State {
final Environment environment;
final Label labels;
final ExecConfiguration statementConfiguration;
// TODO: Add switch labels.
// TODO: Add component for exception support.
final ExpressionContinuation returnContinuation;
final StatementContinuation continuation;
State(this.environment, this.labels, this.statementConfiguration,
State(this.labels, this.returnContinuation, this.continuation);
State.initial() : this(new Environment.empty(), null, null, null);
const State.initial()
: labels = null,
returnContinuation = null,
continuation = null;
State withEnvironment(Environment env) {
return new State(env, labels, statementConfiguration, returnContinuation);
State withBreak(Statement stmt, Environment env) {
Label breakLabels = new Label(stmt, env, continuation, labels);
return new State(breakLabels, returnContinuation, continuation);
State withBreak(Statement stmt) {
Label breakLabels = new Label(stmt, statementConfiguration, labels);
return new State(
environment, breakLabels, statementConfiguration, returnContinuation);
State withReturnContinuation(ExpressionContinuation returnCont) {
return new State(labels, returnCont, continuation);
State withConfiguration(Configuration config) {
return new State(environment, labels, config, returnContinuation);
State withExpressionContinuation(ExpressionContinuation cont) {
return new State(environment, labels, statementConfiguration, cont);
State withContinuation(StatementContinuation cont) {
return new State(labels, returnContinuation, cont);
Label lookupLabel(LabeledStatement s) {
@ -303,10 +280,12 @@ class State {
/// enclosing label.
class Label {
final LabeledStatement statement;
final ExecConfiguration configuration;
final Environment environment;
final StatementContinuation continuation;
final Label enclosingLabel;
Label(this.statement, this.configuration, this.enclosingLabel);
this.statement, this.environment, this.continuation, this.enclosingLabel);
Label lookupLabel(LabeledStatement s) {
if (identical(s, statement)) return this;
@ -324,7 +303,7 @@ abstract class Configuration {
Configuration step(StatementExecuter executer);
/// Represents the configuration for evaluating an [Expression].
/// Configuration for evaluating an [Expression].
class EvalConfiguration extends Configuration {
final Expression expression;
@ -340,11 +319,11 @@ class EvalConfiguration extends Configuration {
executer.eval(expression, this);
/// Represents the configuration for evaluating a list of expressions.
/// Configuration for evaluating a `List<InterpreterExpression>`.
class EvalListConfiguration extends Configuration {
final List<InterpreterExpression> expressions;
final Environment environment;
final Continuation continuation;
final ApplicationContinuation continuation;
EvalListConfiguration(this.expressions, this.environment, this.continuation);
@ -352,40 +331,29 @@ class EvalListConfiguration extends Configuration {
executer.evalList(expressions, environment, continuation);
/// Represents the configuration for execution of statement.
/// Configuration for execution of a [Statement].
class ExecConfiguration extends Configuration {
final Statement statement;
final Statement currentStatement;
final Environment environment;
final State state;
ExecConfiguration(this.statement, this.state);
ExecConfiguration(this.currentStatement, this.environment, this.state);
Configuration step(StatementExecuter executer) =>
executer.exec(statement, state);
executer.exec(currentStatement, this);
class ExitConfiguration extends ExecConfiguration {
final ExpressionContinuation returnContinuation;
/// Configuration for applying a [StatementContinuation] to an [Environment].
class ForwardConfiguration extends Configuration {
final StatementContinuation continuation;
final Environment environment;
ExitConfiguration(this.returnContinuation) : super(null, null);
ForwardConfiguration(this.continuation, this.environment);
Configuration step(StatementExecuter _) {
return returnContinuation(Value.nullInstance);
Configuration step(StatementExecuter _) => continuation?.call(environment);
class NewInstanceConfiguration extends ExecConfiguration {
final ExpressionContinuation continuation;
final ObjectValue newObject;
NewInstanceConfiguration(this.continuation, this.newObject)
: super(null, new State.initial());
Configuration step(StatementExecuter _) {
return continuation(newObject);
/// Represents the configuration for applying an [ExpressionContinuation].
/// Configuration for applying [ExpressionContinuation] to a [Value].
class ValuePassingConfiguration extends Configuration {
final ExpressionContinuation continuation;
final Value value;
@ -395,7 +363,8 @@ class ValuePassingConfiguration extends Configuration {
Configuration step(StatementExecuter _) => continuation(value);
/// Represents the configuration for applying an [ApplicationContinuation].
/// Configuration for applying an [ApplicationContinuation] to a
/// `List<InterpreterValue>`.
class ApplicationConfiguration extends Configuration {
final ApplicationContinuation continuation;
final List<InterpreterValue> values;
@ -408,6 +377,7 @@ class ApplicationConfiguration extends Configuration {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Interpreter Expressions and Values
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
abstract class InterpreterExpression {
Expression get expression;
@ -430,17 +400,6 @@ class NamedExpression extends InterpreterExpression {
InterpreterValue assignValue(Value v) => new NamedValue(name, v);
class LocalInitializerExpression extends InterpreterExpression {
final VariableDeclaration variable;
Expression get expression => variable.initializer;
InterpreterValue assignValue(Value v) =>
new LocalInitializerValue(variable, v);
class FieldInitializerExpression extends InterpreterExpression {
final Field field;
final Expression expression;
@ -467,13 +426,6 @@ class NamedValue extends InterpreterValue {
NamedValue(, this.value);
class LocalInitializerValue extends InterpreterValue {
final VariableDeclaration variable;
final Value value;
LocalInitializerValue(this.variable, this.value);
class FieldInitializerValue extends InterpreterValue {
final Field field;
final Value value;
@ -483,6 +435,84 @@ class FieldInitializerValue extends InterpreterValue {
abstract class Continuation {}
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Statement Continuations
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Represents a the continuation for the execution of the next statement of
/// the program.
/// There are various kinds of [StatementContinuation]s and their names are
/// suffixed with "SK".
abstract class StatementContinuation extends Continuation {
Configuration call(Environment env);
/// Applies the expression continuation to the provided value.
class ExitSK extends StatementContinuation {
final ExpressionContinuation continuation;
final Value value;
ExitSK(this.continuation, this.value);
Configuration call(Environment _) =>
new ValuePassingConfiguration(continuation, value);
/// Executes the next statement from a block with the corresponding environment
/// or proceeds with next statement continuation.
class BlockSK extends StatementContinuation {
final List<Statement> statements;
final Environment enclosingEnv;
final State state;
BlockSK(this.statements, this.enclosingEnv, this.state);
BlockSK.fromConfig(this.statements, ExecConfiguration conf)
: enclosingEnv = conf.environment,
state = conf.state;
Configuration call(Environment env) {
if (statements.isEmpty) {
return new ForwardConfiguration(state.continuation, enclosingEnv);
// Proceed with the execution statement when there are some remaining to
// be executed.
var cont = new BlockSK(statements.skip(1).toList(), enclosingEnv, state);
return new ExecConfiguration(
statements.first, env, state.withContinuation(cont));
class NewSK extends StatementContinuation {
final ExpressionContinuation continuation;
final Location location;
NewSK(this.continuation, this.location);
Configuration call(Environment _) =>
new ValuePassingConfiguration(continuation, location.value);
class WhileConditionSK extends StatementContinuation {
final Expression condition;
final Statement body;
final Environment enclosingEnv;
final State state;
WhileConditionSK(this.condition, this.body, this.enclosingEnv, this.state);
Configuration call(Environment _) {
// Evaluate the condition for the while loop execution.
var cont = new WhileConditionEK(condition, body, enclosingEnv, state);
return new EvalConfiguration(condition, enclosingEnv, cont);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Application Continuations
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Represents the continuation called after the evaluation of argument
/// expressions.
@ -497,14 +527,16 @@ abstract class ApplicationContinuation extends Continuation {
static Environment createEnvironment(
FunctionNode function, List<InterpreterValue> args,
[Environment parentEnv]) {
Environment newEnv = new Environment(parentEnv);
Environment newEnv = new Environment(parentEnv ?? new Environment.empty());
List<PositionalValue> positional = args.reversed
.where((InterpreterValue av) => av is PositionalValue)
// Add positional parameters.
for (int i = 0; i < positional.length; ++i) {
newEnv.expand(function.positionalParameters[i], positional[i].value);
newEnv =
newEnv.extend(function.positionalParameters[i], positional[i].value);
Map<String, Value> named = new Map.fromIterable(
@ -514,13 +546,27 @@ abstract class ApplicationContinuation extends Continuation {
// Add named parameters.
for (VariableDeclaration v in function.namedParameters) {
newEnv.expand(v, named[]);
newEnv = newEnv.extend(v, named[]);
return newEnv;
/// Represents the application continuation called after the evaluation of all
/// argument expressions for an invocation.
class ValueA extends ApplicationContinuation {
final InterpreterValue value;
final ApplicationContinuation applicationContinuation;
ValueA(this.value, this.applicationContinuation);
Configuration call(List<InterpreterValue> args) {
return new ApplicationConfiguration(applicationContinuation, args);
class StringConcatenationA extends ApplicationContinuation {
final ExpressionContinuation continuation;
@ -546,276 +592,17 @@ class StaticInvocationA extends ApplicationContinuation {
Configuration call(List<InterpreterValue> argValues) {
Environment functionEnv =
ApplicationContinuation.createEnvironment(function, argValues);
State bodyState = new State(
null, continuation, new ExitSK(continuation, Value.nullInstance));
State bodyState = new State.initial()
.withConfiguration(new ExitConfiguration(continuation))
return new ExecConfiguration(function.body, bodyState);
/// Represents the application continuation for constructor invocation applied
/// on the list of evaluated arguments.
class ConstructorInvocationA extends ApplicationContinuation {
final Constructor constructor;
final ExpressionContinuation continuation;
ConstructorInvocationA(this.constructor, this.continuation);
Configuration call(List<InterpreterValue> argValues) {
Environment ctrEnv = ApplicationContinuation.createEnvironment(
constructor.function, argValues);
var class_ = new Class(constructor.enclosingClass.reference);
var newObject =
new ObjectValue(class_, new List<Value>(class_.instanceSize));
return new ObjectInitializationConfiguration(
new InstanceEnvironment(newObject, ctrEnv),
new NewInstanceConfiguration(continuation, newObject));
/// Represents the application continuation for redirecting constructor
/// invocation applied on the list of evaluated arguments.
class RedirectingConstructorA extends ApplicationContinuation {
final Constructor constructor;
final Environment environment;
final ExecConfiguration configuration;
this.constructor, this.environment, this.configuration);
Configuration call(List<InterpreterValue> argValues) {
Value object = environment.thisInstance;
Environment ctrEnv = ApplicationContinuation.createEnvironment(
new InstanceEnvironment(object, new Environment.empty()));
return new ObjectInitializationConfiguration(
constructor, ctrEnv, configuration);
/// Represents the application continuation for super constructor
/// invocation applied on the list of evaluated arguments.
class SuperConstructorA extends ApplicationContinuation {
final Constructor constructor;
final Environment environment;
final ExecConfiguration configuration;
SuperConstructorA(this.constructor, this.environment, this.configuration);
Configuration call(List<InterpreterValue> argValues) {
Value object = environment.thisInstance;
Environment superEnv = ApplicationContinuation.createEnvironment(
new InstanceEnvironment(object, new Environment.empty()));
return new ObjectInitializationConfiguration(
constructor, superEnv, configuration);
/// Represents the configuration for execution of initializer and
/// constructor body statements for initialization of a newly allocated object.
class ObjectInitializationConfiguration extends Configuration {
final Constructor constructor;
final Environment environment;
final ExecConfiguration configuration;
this.constructor, this.environment, this.configuration);
Configuration step(StatementExecuter _) {
if (constructor.initializers.isNotEmpty &&
constructor.initializers.last is RedirectingInitializer) {
// Constructor is redirecting.
Initializer initializer = constructor.initializers.first;
if (initializer is RedirectingInitializer) {
var app = new RedirectingConstructorA(, environment, configuration);
var args = _createArgumentExpressionList(
return new EvalListConfiguration(args, environment, app);
// Redirecting initializer is not the only initializer.
for (Initializer i in constructor.initializers.reversed.skip(1)) {
assert(i is LocalInitializer);
var class_ = new Class(constructor.enclosingClass.reference);
var initEnv = new Environment(environment);
var cont = new InitializerEK(
class_, initEnv, constructor.initializers, configuration);
return new EvalConfiguration(
(initializer as LocalInitializer).variable.initializer,
// Set head of configurations to be executed to configuration for current
// constructor body.
var state = new State.initial()
var bodyConfig = new ExecConfiguration(constructor.function.body, state);
// Initialize fields in immediately enclosing class.
var cont = new InstanceFieldsA(constructor, environment, bodyConfig);
var fieldExpressions = _createInstanceInitializers(constructor);
return new EvalListConfiguration(
fieldExpressions, new Environment.empty(), cont);
/// Creates a list of expressions for instance field initializers in
/// immediately enclosing class.
static List<InterpreterExpression> _createInstanceInitializers(
Constructor ctr) {
Class currentClass = new Class(ctr.enclosingClass.reference);
List<InterpreterExpression> es = <InterpreterExpression>[];
for (int i = currentClass.superclass?.instanceSize ?? 0;
i < currentClass.instanceSize;
i++) {
Field current = currentClass.instanceFields[i];
if (current.initializer != null) {
es.add(new FieldInitializerExpression(current, current.initializer));
return es;
/// Represents the application continuation applied on the list of evaluated
/// field initializer expressions.
class InstanceFieldsA extends ApplicationContinuation {
final Constructor constructor;
final Environment environment;
final ExecConfiguration configuration;
final Class _currentClass;
final ObjectValue _newObject;
InstanceFieldsA(this.constructor, this.environment, this.configuration)
: _currentClass = new Class(constructor.enclosingClass.reference),
_newObject = environment.thisInstance;
Configuration call(List<InterpreterValue> fieldValues) {
for (FieldInitializerValue current in fieldValues.reversed) {
_currentClass.setProperty(_newObject, current.field, current.value);
if (constructor.initializers.isEmpty) {
_initializeNullFields(_currentClass, _newObject);
return configuration;
// Produce next configuration.
if (constructor.initializers.first is SuperInitializer) {
// SuperInitializer appears last in the initializer list.
assert(constructor.initializers.length == 1);
SuperInitializer current = constructor.initializers.first;
var args = _createArgumentExpressionList(
var superApp =
new SuperConstructorA(, environment, configuration);
_initializeNullFields(_currentClass, _newObject);
return new EvalListConfiguration(args, environment, superApp);
Class class_ = new Class(constructor.enclosingClass.reference);
Environment initEnv = new Environment(environment);
var cont = new InitializerEK(
class_, initEnv, constructor.initializers, configuration);
return new EvalConfiguration(
_getExpression(constructor.initializers.first), initEnv, cont);
/// Represents the expression continuation applied on the list of evaluated
/// initializer expressions preceding a super call in the list.
class InitializerEK extends ExpressionContinuation {
final Class currentClass;
final Environment initializerEnvironment;
final List<Initializer> initializers;
final ExecConfiguration configuration;
InitializerEK(this.currentClass, this.initializerEnvironment,
this.initializers, this.configuration);
Configuration call(Value v) {
ObjectValue newObject = initializerEnvironment.thisInstance;
Initializer current = initializers.first;
if (current is FieldInitializer) {
currentClass.setProperty(newObject, current.field, v);
} else if (current is LocalInitializer) {
initializerEnvironment.expand(current.variable, v);
} else {
throw 'Assigning value $v to ${current.runtimeType}';
if (initializers.length <= 1) {
_initializeNullFields(currentClass, newObject);
return configuration;
Initializer next = initializers[1];
if (next is RedirectingInitializer) {
// RedirectingInitializer appears last in the initializer list.
assert(initializers.length == 2);
var app = new RedirectingConstructorA(, initializerEnvironment, configuration);
var args =
return new EvalListConfiguration(args, initializerEnvironment, app);
if (next is SuperInitializer) {
// SuperInitializer appears last in the initializer list.
assert(initializers.length == 2);
var args =
var superApp = new SuperConstructorA(, initializerEnvironment, configuration);
_initializeNullFields(currentClass, newObject);
return new EvalListConfiguration(args, initializerEnvironment, superApp);
var cont = new InitializerEK(currentClass, initializerEnvironment,
initializers.skip(1).toList(), configuration);
return new EvalConfiguration(
_getExpression(next), initializerEnvironment, cont);
/// Represents the application continuation called after the evaluation of all
/// argument expressions for an invocation.
class ValueA extends ApplicationContinuation {
final InterpreterValue value;
final ApplicationContinuation applicationContinuation;
ValueA(this.value, this.applicationContinuation);
Configuration call(List<InterpreterValue> args) {
return new ApplicationConfiguration(applicationContinuation, args);
return new ExecConfiguration(function.body, functionEnv, bodyState);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Expression Continuations
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Represents an expression continuation.
/// There are various kinds of [ExpressionContinuation]s and their names are
@ -827,12 +614,13 @@ abstract class ExpressionContinuation extends Continuation {
/// Represents a continuation that returns the next [ExecConfiguration]
/// to be executed.
class ExpressionEK extends ExpressionContinuation {
final ExecConfiguration configuration;
final StatementContinuation continuation;
final Environment environment;
ExpressionEK(this.continuation, this.environment);
Configuration call(Value _) {
return configuration;
return new ForwardConfiguration(continuation, environment);
@ -1026,27 +814,27 @@ class LetEK extends ExpressionContinuation {
Configuration call(Value value) {
var letEnv = new Environment(environment);
letEnv.expand(variable, value);
letEnv.extend(variable, value);
return new EvalConfiguration(letBody, letEnv, continuation);
/// Represents the continuation for the condition expression in [WhileStatement].
class WhileConditionEK extends ExpressionContinuation {
final WhileStatement node;
final Expression condition;
final Statement body;
final Environment enclosingEnv;
final State state;
WhileConditionEK(this.node, this.state);
WhileConditionEK(this.condition, this.body, this.enclosingEnv, this.state);
ExecConfiguration call(Value v) {
if (identical(v, Value.trueInstance)) {
// Add configuration for the While statement to the linked list.
ExecConfiguration config = new ExecConfiguration(node, state);
// Configuration for the body of the loop.
return new ExecConfiguration(node.body, state.withConfiguration(config));
Configuration call(Value v) {
if (identical(v, Value.falseInstance)) {
return new ForwardConfiguration(state.continuation, enclosingEnv);
return state.statementConfiguration;
var cont = new WhileConditionSK(condition, body, enclosingEnv, state);
return new ExecConfiguration(
body, enclosingEnv, state.withContinuation(cont));
@ -1054,19 +842,20 @@ class WhileConditionEK extends ExpressionContinuation {
class IfConditionEK extends ExpressionContinuation {
final Statement then;
final Statement otherwise;
final Environment environment;
final State state;
IfConditionEK(this.then, this.otherwise, this.state);
IfConditionEK(this.then, this.otherwise, this.environment, this.state);
ExecConfiguration call(Value v) {
Configuration call(Value v) {
if (identical(v, Value.trueInstance)) {"if-then\n");
return new ExecConfiguration(then, state);
return new ExecConfiguration(then, environment, state);
} else if (otherwise != null) {"if-otherwise\n");
return new ExecConfiguration(otherwise, state);
return new ExecConfiguration(otherwise, environment, state);
return state.statementConfiguration;
return new ForwardConfiguration(state.continuation, environment);
@ -1075,27 +864,28 @@ class IfConditionEK extends ExpressionContinuation {
class VariableInitializerEK extends ExpressionContinuation {
final VariableDeclaration variable;
final Environment environment;
final ExecConfiguration nextConfiguration;
final StatementContinuation continuation;
this.variable, this.environment, this.nextConfiguration);
VariableInitializerEK(this.variable, this.environment, this.continuation);
ExecConfiguration call(Value v) {
environment.expand(variable, v);
return nextConfiguration;
Configuration call(Value v) {
return new ForwardConfiguration(
continuation, environment.extend(variable, v));
/// Executes statements.
/// Execution of a statement completes in one of the following ways:
/// - it completes normally, in which case the execution proceeds to applying
/// the next continuation
/// - it breaks with a label, in which case the corresponding continuation is
/// returned and applied
/// - it returns with or without value, TBD
/// - it throws, TBD
class StatementExecuter extends StatementVisitor1<Configuration, State> {
/// - It completes normally, in which case the execution proceeds to applying
/// the next continuation.
/// - It breaks with a label, in which case the corresponding continuation is
/// returned and applied.
/// - It returns with or without value, in which case the return continuation is
/// returned and applied accordingly.
/// - It throws, in which case the handler is returned and applied accordingly.
class StatementExecuter
extends StatementVisitor1<Configuration, ExecConfiguration> {
Evaluator evaluator = new Evaluator();
void trampolinedExecution(Configuration configuration) {
@ -1104,98 +894,104 @@ class StatementExecuter extends StatementVisitor1<Configuration, State> {
Configuration exec(Statement statement, State state) =>
statement.accept1(this, state);
Configuration exec(Statement statement, ExecConfiguration conf) =>
statement.accept1(this, conf);
Configuration eval(Expression expression, EvalConfiguration config) =>
evaluator.eval(expression, config);
Configuration evalList(
List<InterpreterExpression> es, Environment env, Continuation cont) =>
evaluator.evalList(es, env, cont);
Configuration defaultStatement(Statement node, State state) {
Configuration defaultStatement(Statement node, ExecConfiguration conf) {
throw notImplemented(
m: "Execution is not implemented for statement:\n$node ");
Configuration visitInvalidStatement(InvalidStatement node, State state) {
Configuration visitInvalidStatement(
InvalidStatement node, ExecConfiguration conf) {
throw "Invalid statement at ${node.location}";
Configuration visitExpressionStatement(
ExpressionStatement node, State state) {
var cont = new ExpressionEK(state.statementConfiguration);
return new EvalConfiguration(node.expression, state.environment, cont);
ExpressionStatement node, ExecConfiguration conf) {
var cont = new ExpressionEK(conf.state.continuation, conf.environment);
return new EvalConfiguration(node.expression, conf.environment, cont);
Configuration visitBlock(Block node, State state) {
Configuration visitBlock(Block node, ExecConfiguration conf) {
if (node.statements.isEmpty) {
return state.statementConfiguration;
return new ForwardConfiguration(
conf.state.continuation, conf.environment);
State blockState =
state.withEnvironment(new Environment(state.environment));
ExecConfiguration configuration = state.statementConfiguration;
for (Statement s in node.statements.reversed) {
configuration =
new ExecConfiguration(s, blockState.withConfiguration(configuration));
return configuration;
var env = new Environment(conf.environment);
var cont = new BlockSK.fromConfig(node.statements.skip(1).toList(), conf);
return new ExecConfiguration(
node.statements.first, env, conf.state.withContinuation(cont));
Configuration visitEmptyStatement(EmptyStatement node, State state) {
return state.statementConfiguration;
Configuration visitEmptyStatement(
EmptyStatement node, ExecConfiguration conf) {
return new ForwardConfiguration(conf.state.continuation, conf.environment);
Configuration visitIfStatement(IfStatement node, State state) {
var cont = new IfConditionEK(node.then, node.otherwise, state);
Configuration visitIfStatement(IfStatement node, ExecConfiguration conf) {
var cont = new IfConditionEK(
node.then, node.otherwise, conf.environment, conf.state);
return new EvalConfiguration(node.condition, state.environment, cont);
return new EvalConfiguration(node.condition, conf.environment, cont);
Configuration visitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatement node, State state) {
return new ExecConfiguration(node.body, state.withBreak(node));
Configuration visitLabeledStatement(
LabeledStatement node, ExecConfiguration conf) {
return new ExecConfiguration(node.body, conf.environment,
conf.state.withBreak(node, conf.environment));
Configuration visitBreakStatement(BreakStatement node, State state) {
return state.lookupLabel(;
Configuration visitBreakStatement(
BreakStatement node, ExecConfiguration conf) {
Label l = conf.state.lookupLabel(;
return new ForwardConfiguration(l.continuation, l.environment);
Configuration visitWhileStatement(WhileStatement node, State state) {
var cont = new WhileConditionEK(node, state);
Configuration visitWhileStatement(
WhileStatement node, ExecConfiguration conf) {
var cont = new WhileConditionEK(
node.condition, node.body, conf.environment, conf.state);
return new EvalConfiguration(node.condition, state.environment, cont);
return new EvalConfiguration(node.condition, conf.environment, cont);
Configuration visitDoStatement(DoStatement node, State state) {
WhileStatement whileStatement =
new WhileStatement(node.condition, node.body);
ExecConfiguration configuration =
new ExecConfiguration(whileStatement, state);
Configuration visitDoStatement(DoStatement node, ExecConfiguration conf) {
var cont = new WhileConditionSK(
node.condition, node.body, conf.environment, conf.state);
return new ExecConfiguration(
node.body, state.withConfiguration(configuration));
node.body, conf.environment, conf.state.withContinuation(cont));
Configuration visitReturnStatement(ReturnStatement node, State state) {
assert(state.returnContinuation != null);
Configuration visitReturnStatement(
ReturnStatement node, ExecConfiguration conf) {
assert(conf.state.returnContinuation != null);'return\n');
if (node.expression == null) {
return new ValuePassingConfiguration(
state.returnContinuation, Value.nullInstance);
conf.state.returnContinuation, Value.nullInstance);
return new EvalConfiguration(
node.expression, state.environment, state.returnContinuation);
node.expression, conf.environment, conf.state.returnContinuation);
Configuration visitVariableDeclaration(
VariableDeclaration node, State state) {
VariableDeclaration node, ExecConfiguration conf) {
if (node.initializer != null) {
var cont = new VariableInitializerEK(
node, state.environment, state.statementConfiguration);
return new EvalConfiguration(node.initializer, state.environment, cont);
node, conf.environment, conf.state.continuation);
return new EvalConfiguration(node.initializer, conf.environment, cont);
state.environment.expand(node, Value.nullInstance);
return state.statementConfiguration;
return new ForwardConfiguration(conf.state.continuation,
conf.environment.extend(node, Value.nullInstance));

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@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
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# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the file.
/constructor_test: Crash
/object_fields_test: Crash
/object_initializers_test: Crash
/object_super_test: Crash