Clean up some warnings and deprecated calls.

Review URL:

git-svn-id: 260f80e4-7a28-3924-810f-c04153c831b5
This commit is contained in: 2013-02-15 01:10:07 +00:00
parent e2ef36a751
commit 10f7ad94ae
11 changed files with 54 additions and 64 deletions

View file

@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ Future<List<String>> run(List<String> args,
environment: environment);
}).then((result) {
if (!result.success) throw new Exception(
'Git error. Command: git ${Strings.join(args, " ")}\n'
'${Strings.join(result.stderr, "\n")}');
'Git error. Command: git ${args.join(" ")}\n'
return result.stdout;

View file

@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ class GitSource extends Source {
if (!description.isEmpty) {
var plural = description.length > 1;
var keys = Strings.join(description.keys, ', ');
var keys = description.keys.join(', ');
throw new FormatException("Invalid key${plural ? 's' : ''}: $keys.");

View file

@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ Future<List<String>> listDir(dir,
// aren't guaranteed to be called in a certain order. So far, they seem to.
if (done) {
log.fine("Listed directory ${dir.path}:\n"
"${Strings.join(contents, '\n')}");
@ -681,7 +681,7 @@ Future _doProcess(Function fn, String executable, List<String> args, workingDir,
Future timeout(Future input, int milliseconds, String description) {
bool completed = false;
var completer = new Completer();
var timer = new Timer(new Duration(milliseconds: milliseconds), () {
var timer = new Timer(new Duration(milliseconds: milliseconds), (_) {
completed = true;
completer.completeError(new TimeoutException(
'Timed out while $description.'));
@ -770,8 +770,8 @@ Future<bool> _extractTarGzWindows(Stream<List<int>> stream,
}).then((result) {
if (result.exitCode != 0) {
throw 'Could not un-gzip (exit code ${result.exitCode}). Error:\n'
'${Strings.join(result.stdout, "\n")}\n'
'${Strings.join(result.stderr, "\n")}';
// Find the tar file we just created since we don't know its name.
return listDir(tempDir);
@ -791,8 +791,8 @@ Future<bool> _extractTarGzWindows(Stream<List<int>> stream,
}).then((result) {
if (result.exitCode != 0) {
throw 'Could not un-tar (exit code ${result.exitCode}). Error:\n'
'${Strings.join(result.stdout, "\n")}\n'
'${Strings.join(result.stderr, "\n")}';
return true;

View file

@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ Future ioAsync(String startMessage, Future operation,
/// Logs the spawning of an [executable] process with [arguments] at [IO]
/// level.
void process(String executable, List<String> arguments) {
io("Spawning $executable ${Strings.join(arguments, ' ')}");
io("Spawning $executable ${arguments.join(' ')}");
/// Logs the results of running [executable].

View file

@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ Credentials _loadCredentials(SystemCache cache) {
if (_credentials != null) return _credentials;
var path = _credentialsFile(cache);
if (!fileExists(path)) return;
if (!fileExists(path)) return null;
var credentials = new Credentials.fromJson(readTextFile(path));
if (credentials.isExpired && !credentials.canRefresh) {

View file

@ -158,7 +158,8 @@ Future defer(callback()) {
/// Returns a [Future] that completes in [milliseconds].
Future sleep(int milliseconds) {
var completer = new Completer();
new Timer(new Duration(milliseconds: milliseconds), completer.complete);
new Timer(new Duration(milliseconds: milliseconds),
(_) => completer.complete());
return completer.future;
@ -326,10 +327,10 @@ String mapToQuery(Map<String, String> map) {
value = (value == null || value.isEmpty) ? null : encodeUriComponent(value);
pairs.add([key, value]);
return Strings.join( {
return {
if (pair[1] == null) return pair[0];
return "${pair[0]}=${pair[1]}";
}), "&");
/// Add all key/value pairs from [source] to [destination], overwriting any

View file

@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ abstract class Validator {
if (!errors.isEmpty) {
log.error("Missing requirements:");
for (var error in errors) {
log.error("* ${Strings.join(error.split('\n'), '\n ')}");
log.error("* ${error.split('\n').join('\n ')}");
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ abstract class Validator {
if (!warnings.isEmpty) {
for (var warning in warnings) {
log.warning("* ${Strings.join(warning.split('\n'), '\n ')}");
log.warning("* ${warning.split('\n').join('\n ')}");

View file

@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ class CommandLineConfiguration extends Configuration {
String _indent(String str) {
// TODO(nweiz): Use this simpler code once issue 2980 is fixed.
// return str.replaceAll(new RegExp("^", multiLine: true), " ");
return Strings.join(str.split("\n").map((line) => " $line"), "\n");
return str.split("\n").map((line) => " $line").join("\n");

View file

@ -580,7 +580,7 @@ void schedulePub({List args, Pattern output, Pattern error,
failures.addAll( => '| $line'));
throw new ExpectException(Strings.join(failures, '\n'));
throw new ExpectException(failures.join('\n'));
return null;
@ -743,7 +743,7 @@ void _validateOutput(List<String> failures, String pipe, Pattern expected,
void _validateOutputRegex(List<String> failures, String pipe,
RegExp expected, List<String> actual) {
var actualText = Strings.join(actual, '\n');
var actualText = actual.join('\n');
if (actualText.contains(expected)) return;
if (actual.length == 0) {
@ -952,8 +952,7 @@ class FileDescriptor extends Descriptor {
/// Loads the contents of the file.
ByteStream load(List<String> path) {
if (!path.isEmpty) {
var joinedPath = Strings.join(path, '/');
throw "Can't load $joinedPath from within $name: not a directory.";
throw "Can't load ${path.join('/')} from within $name: not a directory.";
return new ByteStream.fromBytes(contents);
@ -1019,7 +1018,7 @@ class DirectoryDescriptor extends Descriptor {
throw "Directory $name doesn't contain ${Strings.join(path, '/')}.";
throw "Directory $name doesn't contain ${path.join('/')}.";
@ -1103,7 +1102,7 @@ class GitRepoDescriptor extends DirectoryDescriptor {
Future<String> _runGit(List<String> args, Directory workingDir) {
Future<List<String>> _runGit(List<String> args, Directory workingDir) {
// Explicitly specify the committer information. Git needs this to commit
// and we don't want to rely on the buildbots having this already set up.
var environment = {
@ -1151,8 +1150,7 @@ class TarFileDescriptor extends Descriptor {
/// Loads the contents of this tar file.
ByteStream load(List<String> path) {
if (!path.isEmpty) {
var joinedPath = Strings.join(path, '/');
throw "Can't load $joinedPath from within $name: not a directory.";
throw "Can't load ${path.join('/')} from within $name: not a directory.";
var controller = new StreamController<List<int>>();
@ -1186,8 +1184,8 @@ class NothingDescriptor extends Descriptor {
if (path.isEmpty) {
throw "Can't load the contents of $name: it doesn't exist.";
} else {
throw "Can't load ${Strings.join(path, '/')} from within $name: $name "
"doesn't exist.";
throw "Can't load ${path.join('/')} from within $name: $name doesn't "

View file

@ -133,9 +133,9 @@ main() {
integration('has "authors" instead of "author"', () {
var package = package("test_pkg", "1.0.0");
package["authors"] = [package.remove("author")];
dir(appPath, [pubspec(package)]).scheduleCreate();
var pkg = package("test_pkg", "1.0.0");
pkg["authors"] = [pkg.remove("author")];
dir(appPath, [pubspec(pkg)]).scheduleCreate();
@ -206,67 +206,67 @@ main() {
integration('is missing the "homepage" field', () {
var package = package("test_pkg", "1.0.0");
dir(appPath, [pubspec(package)]).scheduleCreate();
var pkg = package("test_pkg", "1.0.0");
dir(appPath, [pubspec(pkg)]).scheduleCreate();
integration('is missing the "description" field', () {
var package = package("test_pkg", "1.0.0");
dir(appPath, [pubspec(package)]).scheduleCreate();
var pkg = package("test_pkg", "1.0.0");
dir(appPath, [pubspec(pkg)]).scheduleCreate();
integration('is missing the "author" field', () {
var package = package("test_pkg", "1.0.0");
dir(appPath, [pubspec(package)]).scheduleCreate();
var pkg = package("test_pkg", "1.0.0");
dir(appPath, [pubspec(pkg)]).scheduleCreate();
integration('has a single author without an email', () {
var package = package("test_pkg", "1.0.0");
package["author"] = "Nathan Weizenbaum";
dir(appPath, [pubspec(package)]).scheduleCreate();
var pkg = package("test_pkg", "1.0.0");
pkg["author"] = "Nathan Weizenbaum";
dir(appPath, [pubspec(pkg)]).scheduleCreate();
integration('has one of several authors without an email', () {
var package = package("test_pkg", "1.0.0");
package["authors"] = [
var pkg = package("test_pkg", "1.0.0");
pkg["authors"] = [
"Bob Nystrom <>",
"Nathan Weizenbaum",
"John Messerly <>"
dir(appPath, [pubspec(package)]).scheduleCreate();
dir(appPath, [pubspec(pkg)]).scheduleCreate();
integration('has a single author without a name', () {
var package = package("test_pkg", "1.0.0");
package["author"] = "<>";
dir(appPath, [pubspec(package)]).scheduleCreate();
var pkg = package("test_pkg", "1.0.0");
pkg["author"] = "<>";
dir(appPath, [pubspec(pkg)]).scheduleCreate();
integration('has one of several authors without a name', () {
var package = package("test_pkg", "1.0.0");
package["authors"] = [
var pkg = package("test_pkg", "1.0.0");
pkg["authors"] = [
"Bob Nystrom <>",
"John Messerly <>"
dir(appPath, [pubspec(package)]).scheduleCreate();
dir(appPath, [pubspec(pkg)]).scheduleCreate();

View file

@ -465,11 +465,11 @@ class MockSource extends Source {
: _packages = <String, Map<Version, Package>>{};
Future<List<Version>> getVersions(String name, String description) {
return fakeAsync(() => _packages[description].keys.toList());
return defer(() => _packages[description].keys.toList());
Future<Pubspec> describe(PackageId id) {
return fakeAsync(() {
return defer(() {
return _packages[][id.version].pubspec;
@ -526,15 +526,6 @@ class MockVersionlessSource extends Source {
Future fakeAsync(callback()) {
var completer = new Completer(); {
return completer.future;
Pair<String, Source> parseSource(String name) {
var match = new RegExp(r"(.*) from (.*)").firstMatch(name);
if (match == null) return new Pair<String, Source>(name, source1);