Update spec of potentially constant and compile-time constant expressions.

The existing specification was underspecifying potentially constant expressions,
effectively relying on evaluation to determine whether an expression was
potentially constant.

This change specifies potentially constant recursively using only the syntax
of the expressions.

Adds short-circuting to `?:`, `??`, `||` and `&&` expressions,
so for `String x`, the expression `x != null && x.length > 0`
is compile-time constant.
The original specification requred evaluation of the latter half
even when `x` is null. We can now avoid this because we can require that the
unused expression is a potentially constant expression without having to
check if it, or any part of it, is a compile-time constant expression.

Allows `x == null` and `x != null` as compile-time constant expression
independently of the type of `x`.

Allows `e as T` as a compile-time constant expression. Types are more
important in Dart 2, so you need a way to adjust typing in some cases,
even in compile-time constant expressions.

Change-Id: I02bf0b77013c3b3ced8cd46334db378787cc2d57
Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/36220
Commit-Queue: Lasse R.H. Nielsen <lrn@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Erik Ernst <eernst@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Leaf Petersen <leafp@google.com>
This commit is contained in:
Lasse R.H. Nielsen 2018-09-26 14:17:39 +00:00 committed by commit-bot@chromium.org
parent d8c32ae010
commit 0808d29b4e

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@ -115,6 +115,13 @@
% dynamically.
% - Specify that it is an error for a superinitializer to occur anywhere else
% than at the end of an initializer list.
% - Update the potentially/compile-time constant expression definitions
% so that "potentially constant" depends only on the grammar, not the types
% of sub-expressions.
% - Make `==` recognize `null` and make `&&` and `||` short-circuit in constant
% expressions.
% - Add `as` and `is` expressions as constant expressions
% - Make `^`, `|` and `&` operations on `bool` constant operations.
% 1.15
% - Change how language specification describes control flow.
@ -2447,23 +2454,7 @@ The superinitializer that appears, explicitly or implicitly, in the initializer
Any expression that appears within the initializer list of a constant constructor must be a potentially constant expression, or a compile-time error occurs.
A {\em potentially constant expression} is an expression $e$ that would be a valid constant expression if all formal parameters of $e$'s immediately enclosing constant constructor were treated as compile-time constants that were guaranteed to evaluate to an integer, boolean or string value as required by their immediately enclosing superexpression, and where $e$ is also a valid expression if all the formal parameters are treated as non-constant variables.
Note that a parameter that is not used in a superexpression that is restricted to certain types can be a constant of any type.
For example
\CLASS{} A \{
\FINAL{} m;
\CONST{} A(this.m);
can be instantiated via \code{\CONST{} A(\CONST []);}
A {\em potentially constant expression} is an expression $e$ that could be a valid constant expression if all formal parameters of $e$'s immediately enclosing constant constructor were treated as compile-time constants of appropriate types, and where $e$ is also a valid expression if all the formal parameters are treated as non-constant variables.
The difference between a potentially constant expression and a compile-time constant expression (\ref{const}) deserves some explanation.
@ -3931,47 +3922,155 @@ The rules for identity make it impossible for a Dart programmer to observe wheth
A {\em constant expression} is an expression whose value can never change, and that can be evaluated entirely at compile time.
A {\em potentially constant expression} is an expression that structurally
matches one of the cases listed below.
A constant expression is one of the following:
\item A literal number (\ref{numbers}).
\item A literal boolean (\ref{booleans}).
\item A literal string (\ref{strings}) where every interpolated expression (\ref{stringInterpolation}) is a compile-time constant that evaluates to a numeric, string or boolean value or to the null object (\ref{null}).
A {\em constant expression} is a potentially constant expression that {\em can} be evaluated entirely at compile time.
It would be tempting to allow string interpolation where the interpolated value is any compile-time constant.
However, this would require running the \code{toString()} method for constant objects, which could contain arbitrary code.
The constant expressions are restricted to expressions that
perform only simple arithmetic operations, boolean conditions, and string and instance creation.
No user written function body is executed during constant expression evaluation,
only members of the system classes \code{int}, \code{double}, \code{bool}, \code{String} or \code{Null}.
\item A literal symbol (\ref{symbols}).
\item \NULL{} (\ref{null}).
\item A qualified reference to a static constant variable (\ref{variables}) that is not qualified by a deferred prefix.
The potentially constant expressions and constant expressions are the following:
\item A literal boolean, \TRUE{} or \FALSE{} (\ref{booleans}), is a potentially constant and constant expression.
\item A literal number (\ref{numbers}) is a potentially constant and constant expression if it evaluates to a value of type \code{int} or \code{double}.
% A too-large integer literal does not evaluate to a value.
\item A literal string (\ref{strings}) with string interpolations (\ref{stringInterpolation} with expressions $e_1$, \ldots{}, $e_n$ is a potentially constant expression if $e_1$, \ldots{}, $e_n$ are potentially constant expressions.
The literal is further a constant expression if $e_1$, \ldots{}, $e_n$ are constant expressions evaluating to values that are instances of \code{int}, \code{double} \code{String}, \code{bool} or \code{Null}. (These requirements hold trivially if there are zero \code{interpolations} in the string).
\rationale{It would be tempting to allow string interpolation where the
interpolated value is any compile-time constant. However, this would require
running the \code{toString()} method for constant objects, which could contain
arbitrary code.}
\item A literal symbol (\ref{symbols}) is a potentially constant and constant expression.
\item The literal \NULL{} (\ref{null}) is a potentially constant and constant expression.
\item An identifier that denotes a constant variable is a potentially constant and constant expression.
\item A qualified reference to a static constant variable (\ref{variables}) that is not qualified by a deferred prefix, is a potentially constant and constant expression.
For example, if class C declares a constant variable v, C.v is a constant.
The same is true if C is accessed via a prefix p; p.C.v is a constant unless p is a deferred prefix.
For example, If class $C$ declares a constant static variable $v$, \code{$C$.$v$} is a constant.
The same is true if $C$ is accessed via a prefix $p$; \code{$p$.$C$.$v$} is a constant unless $p$ is a deferred prefix.
\item An identifier expression that denotes a constant variable.
\item A simple or qualified identifier denoting a class or type alias that is not qualified by a deferred prefix.
\item A simple or qualified identifier denoting a class, a mixin or a type alias that is not qualified by a deferred prefix, is a potentially constant and constant expression.
For example, If C is a class or typedef, C is a constant, and if C is imported with a prefix p, p.C is a constant unless p is a deferred prefix.
The constant expression always evaluate to a \code{Type} object.
For example, If $C$ is the name of a class or type alias, the expression \code{$C$} is a constant, and if $C$ is imported with a prefix $p$, \code{$p$.$C$} is a constant \code{Type} instance representing the type of $C$ unless $p$ is a deferred prefix.
\item A constant constructor invocation (\ref{const}) that is not qualified by a deferred prefix.
\item A constant list literal (\ref{lists}).
\item A constant map literal (\ref{maps}).
\item A simple or qualified identifier denoting a top-level function (\ref{functions}) or a static method (\ref{staticMethods}) that is not qualified by a deferred prefix.
\item A parenthesized expression \code{($e$)} where $e$ is a constant expression.
\item An expression of the form \code{identical($e_1$, $e_2$)} where $e_1$ and $e_2$ are constant expressions and \code{identical()} is statically bound to the predefined dart function \code{identical()} discussed above (\ref{objectIdentity}).
\item An expression of one of the forms \code{$e_1$\,==\,$e_2$} or \code{$e_1$\,!=\,$e_2$} where $e_1$ and $e_2$ are constant expressions, and either both evaluate to a numeric, string or boolean value, or at least one of $e_1$ or $e_2$ evaluates to the null object (\ref{null}).
\item An expression of one of the forms \code{!$e$}, \code{$e_1$\,\&\&\,$e_2$} or \code{$e_1$\,||\,$e_2$}, where $e$, $e_1$ and $e_2$ are constant expressions that evaluate to a boolean value.
\item An expression of one of the forms \code{\~{}$e$}, \code{$e_1$\,\^\,$e_2$}, \code{$e_1$\,\&\,$e_2$}, \code{$e_1$\,|\,$e_2$}, \code{$e_1$\,<\mbox<\,$e_2$}, \code{$e_1$\,\gtgt\,$e_2$} or \code{$e_1$\,\gtgtgt\,$e_2$}, where $e$, $e_1$ and $e_2$ are constant expressions that evaluate to an integer value or to the null object (\ref{null}).
\item An expression of the form \code{$e_1$\,+\,$e_2$} where $e_1$ and $e_2$ are constant expressions that evaluate to a numeric or string value or to the null object (\ref{null}).
\item An expression of one of the forms \code{-$e$}, \code{$e_1$\,-\,$e_2$}, \code{$e_1$\,*\,$e_2$}, \code{$e_1$\,/\,$e_2$,} \code{$e_1$\,\~{}/\,$e_2$}, \code{$e_1$\,>\,$e_2$}, \code{$e_1$\,<\,$e_2$}, \code{$e_1$\,>=\,$e_2$}, \code{$e_1$\,<=\,$e_2$} or \code{$e_1$\,\%\,$e_2$}, where $e$, $e_1$ and $e_2$ are constant expressions that evaluate to a numeric value or to the null object (\ref{null}).
\item An expression of the form \code{$e_1$\,?\,$e_2$\,:\,$e3$} where $e_1$, $e_2$ and $e_3$ are constant expressions and $e_1$ evaluates to a boolean value.
\item An expression of the form \code{$e_1$\,??\,$e_2$} where $e_1$ and $e_2$ are constant expressions.
\item An expression of the form \code{$e$.length} where $e$ is a constant expression that evaluates to a string value.
\item A simple or qualified identifier denoting a top-level function (\ref{functions}) or a static method (\ref{staticMethods}) that is not qualified by a deferred prefix, is a potentially constant and constant expression.
\item An identifier expression denoting a parameter of a constant constructor (\ref{constantConstructors}} that occurs in the initializer list of the constructor, is a potentially constant expression.
\item A constant constructor invocation (\ref{const}), \code{\CONST{} $C$<$T_1$, \ldots{} , $T_k$>(\metavar{arguments})} or \code{\CONST{} $C$.$id$<$T_1$, \ldots{} , $T_k$>.$id$(\metavar{arguments})}, or either expression without the leading \CONST{} that occurs in a constant context, is a potentially constant expression if $T_1$, \ldots{}, $T_k$ are compile-time constant type expressions, and the actual argument expressions in \metavar{arguments} are constant expressions. It is further a constant expression if the invocation evaluates to a value. It is a compile-time error if a constant constructor invocation is not a constant expression.
\item A constant list literal (\ref{lists}), \code{\CONST{} <$X$>[$e_1$, \ldots{}, $e_n$]}, or \code{<$X$>[$e_1$, \ldots{}, $e_n$]} that occurs in a constant context, is a potentially constant expression if $X$ is a compile-time constant type expression, and $e_1$, \ldots{} , $e_n$ are constant expressions. It is further a constant expression if the list literal evaluates to a value.
\item A constant map literal, \code{\CONST{} <$K$,$V$>\{$k_1$: $v_1$, \ldots{}, $k_n$: $v_n$\}} is a potentially constant expression if
\item $K$ and $V$ are compile-time constant type expressions,
\item $k_1$, \ldots{}, $k_n$ are constant expressions evaluating to values that are either \code{int} or \code{String} instances, created using a symbol literal or a const invocation of the \code{Symbol} constructor, or instances of classes that that do not override the \code{==} operator inherited from \code{Object}, and
\item $v_1$, \ldots{}, $v_n$ are constant expressions.
It is further a constant expression if the map literal evaluates to a value.
%Should we also require the key instances to not override hashCode? Because Symbols do.
\item A parenthesized expression \code{($e$)} is a potentially constant expression if $e$ is a potentially constant expression. It is further a constant expression if $e$ is a constant expression.
\item An expression of the form \code{identical($e_1$, $e_2$)} is a potentially constant expression if $e_1$ and $e_2$ are potentially constant expressions and \code{identical} is statically bound to the predefined dart function \code{identical()} discussed above (\ref{objectIdentity}). It is further a constant expression if $e_1$ and $e_2$ are constant expressions.
\item An expression of the form \code{$e_1$ != $e_2$} is equivalent to \code{!($e_1$ == $e_2$)} in every way, including whether it is potentially constant or compile-time constant.
\item An expression of the form \code{$e_1$ == $e_2$} is potentially constant if $e_1$ and $e_2$ are both potentially constant expressions. It is further compile-time constant if both $e_1$ and $e_2$ are compile-time constants and either $e_1$ evaluates to a value that is an instance of \code{int}, \code{double}, \code{String}, \code{bool} or \code{Null}, or if $e_2$ evaluates to the null object (\ref{null}).
%TODO: Consider adding enum instances here.
\item An expression of the form \code{!$e_1$} is potentially constant if $e_1$ is potentially constant. It is further compile-time constant if $e_1$ is a constant expression that evaluates to a value of type \code{bool}.
\item An expression of the form \code{$e_1$ \&\& $e_2$} is potentially constant if $e_1$ and $e_2$ are both potentially constant expressions. It is further compile-time constant if $e_1$ is a compile time constant expression and either
\item $e_1$ evaluates to \FALSE{}, or
\item $e_1$ evaluates to \TRUE{} and $e_2$ is a constant expression that evaluates to a value of type \code{bool}.
\item An expression of the form \code{$e_1$ || $e_2$} is potentially constant if $e_1$ and $e_2$ are both potentially constant expressions. It is further compile-time constant if $e_1$ is a compile time constant expression and either
\item $e_1$ evaluates to \TRUE{}, or
\item $e_1$ evaluates to \FALSE{} and $e_2$ is a constant expression that evaluates to a value of type \code{bool}.
\item An expression of the form \code{~$e_1$} is a potentially constant expression if $e_1$ is a potentially constant expression. It is further a constant expression if $e_1$ is a constant expression that evaluates to a value of type \code{int}.
\item An expression of one of the forms \code{$e_1$ \& $e_2$}, \code{$e_1$ | $e_2$}, or \code{$e_1$ \^{} $e_2$} is potentially constant if $e_1$ and $e_2$ are both potentially constant expressions. It is further compile-time constant if both $e_1$ and $e_2$ are compile time constant expressions that both evaluate to values that are both instances of \code{int}, or that are both instances of \code{bool}.
% The bool case is new in 2.1.
\item An expression of one of the forms \code{$e_1$ ~/ $e_2$}, \code{$e_1$ >> $e_2$}, \code{$e_1$ >>> $e_2$}, or \code{$e_1$ << $e_2$} is potentially constant if $e_1$ and $e_2$ are both potentially constant expressions. It is further compile-time constant if both $e_1$ and $e_2$ are compile-time constant that evaluate to values that are instances of \code{int}.
\item An expression of the form \code{$e_1$ + $e_2$} is a potentially constant expression if $e_1$ and $e_2$ are both potentially constant expressions. It is further a constant expression if both $e_1$ and $e_2$ are constant expressions and either both evaluate to values that are instances of \code{int} or \code{double}, or both evaluate to values of type \code{String}.
\item An expression of the form \code{-$e_1$} is a potentially constant expression if $e_1$ is a potentially constant expression. It is further a constant expression if $e_1$ is a constant expression that evaluates to a value that is an instance of \code{int} or \code{double}.
\item An expression of the form \code{$e_1$ - $e_2$}, \code{$e_1$ * $e_2$}, \code{$e_1$ / $e_2$}, \code{$e_1$ \% $e_2$}, \code{$e_1$ < $e_2$}, \code{$e_1$ <= $e_2$}, \code{$e_1$ > $e_2$}, or \code{$e_1$ >= $e_2$} is potentially constant if $e_1$ and $e_2$ are both potentially constant expressions. It is further compile-time constant if both $e_1$ and $e_2$ are compile-time constant that evaluate to values that are instances of \code{int} or \code{double}.
\item An expression of the form \code{$e_1$ ? $e_2$ : $e_3$} is potentially constant if $e_1$, $e_2$, and $e_3$ are all potentially constant expressions. It is compile-time constant if $e_1$ is a compile time constant expression and either
\item $e_1$ evaluates to \TRUE{} and $e_2$ is a constant expression, or
\item $e_1$ evaluates to \FALSE{} and $e_3$ is a constant expression.
\item An expression of the form \code{$e_1$ ?? $e_2$} is potentially constant if $e_1$ and $e_2$ are both potentially constant expressions. It is further compile-time constant if $e_1$ is compile-time constant and either
\item $e_1$ evaluates to a non-\NULL{} value, or
\item $e_1$ evaluates to \NULL{} and $e_2$ is a constant expression.
\item An expression of the form \code{$e$.length} is potentially constant if $e$ is a potentially constant expression. It is further compile-time constant if $e$ is a constant expression that evaluates to a \code{String}.
% New in 2.1.
\item An expression of the form \code{$e$ as $T$} is potentially constant if $e$ is a potentially constant expression and $T$ is a compile-time constant type expression, and it is further compile-time constant if $e$ is compile-time constant. (It is a compile-time error to evaluate the constant expression if the cast operation would throw, that is, if the value the $e$ evaluates to is not \NULL{} and not of type $T$).
% New in 2.1.
\item An expression of the form \code{$e$ is $T$} is potentially constant if $e$ is a potentially constant expression and $T$ is a compile-time constant type expression, and it is further compile-time constant if $e$ is compile-time constant.
% New in 2.1.
An expression of the form \code{$e$ is! $T$} is equivalent to \code{!($e$ is $T$)} in every way,
including whether it's potentially constant or compile-time constant.
% null in all the expressions
% New in 2.1.
A compile-time constant type expression is one of:
\item An simple or qualified identifier denoting a type declaration (a type alias, class or mixin declaration) that is not qualified by a deferred prefix,
optionally followed by type arguments on the form \code{<$T_1$, \dots{} , $T_n$>} where $T_1$, \ldots{}, $T_n$ are compile-time constant type expressions.
\item A type of the form \code{FutureOr<$T$>} where $T$ is a compile-time constant type expression.
\item A function type \code{$R$ Function<\metavar{typeParameters}>(\metavar{argumentTypes})$} (where $R$ and \code{<\metavar{typeParameters}>} may be omitted) and where $R$, \metavar{typeParameters} and \metavar{argumentTypes} (if present) contain only compile-time constant type expressions.
\item The type \VOID{}.
\item The type \DYNAMIC{}.
% Being potentially constant is entirely structural, not type based,
% but the program still has to satisfy strong-mode typing.
% Compile-time constant expressions (like "const Foo(42)") always evaluate to the
% same value, with at most one value per source location.
% Potentially constant expressions that are not compile-time constant only
% allow simple operations on basic types (num, String, bool, Null). These can
% be computed statically without running user code.
% A validly typed potentially constant expression can still fail when evaluated.
% If that happens in a const invociation, it's a compile-time error.
It is a compile-time error if an expression is required to be a constant expression but its evaluation would throw an exception.
@ -4452,7 +4551,7 @@ a valid declaration name or a valid library name in a Dart program.
A symbol literal \code{\#\id} where \id{} is an identifier
that does not begin with an underscore ('\code{\_}'),
evaluates to an instance of \code{Symbol} representing the identifier \id.
All occurences of \code{\#\id} evaluate to the same instance
All occurrences of \code{\#\id} evaluate to the same instance
\commentary{(symbol instances are canonicalized)},
and no other symbol literals evaluate to that \code{Symbol} instance
or to a \code{Symbol} instance that is equal
@ -4462,7 +4561,7 @@ or to a \code{Symbol} instance that is equal
A symbol literal \code{\#$\id.\id_2\ldots\id_n$}
where $\id{} \ldots \id_n$ are identifiers,
evaluates to an instance of \code{Symbol} representing that particular sequence of identifiers.
All occurences of \code{\#$\id.\id_2\ldots\id_n$} with the same sequence of identifiers
All occurrences of \code{\#$\id.\id_2\ldots\id_n$} with the same sequence of identifiers
evaluate to the same instance,
and no other symbol literals evaluate to that \code{Symbol} instance
or to a \code{Symbol} instance that is \code{==} to that instance.
@ -4472,14 +4571,14 @@ if some of its identifiers begin with an underscore.}
A symbol literal \code{\#\metavar{operator}} evaluates to an instance of \code{Symbol}
representing that particular operator name.
All occurences of \code{\#\metavar{operator}} evaluate to the same instance,
All occurrences of \code{\#\metavar{operator}} evaluate to the same instance,
and no other symbol literals evaluate to that \code{Symbol} instance
or to a \code{Symbol} instance that is \code{==} to that instance.
A symbol literal \code{\#\_\id}, evaluates to an instance of \code{Symbol}
representing the private identifier \code{\_\id} of the containing library.
All occurences of \code{\#\_\id} {\em in the same library} evaluate to the same instance,
All occurrences of \code{\#\_\id} {\em in the same library} evaluate to the same instance,
and no other symbol literals evaluate to that \code{Symbol} instance
or to a \code{Symbol} instance that is \code{==} to that instance.
@ -5249,7 +5348,7 @@ or if $T$ is a parameterized type which is not a class.
It is a compile-time error if $T$ is a deferred type
For instance, $T$ can not be a type variable.
In particular, $T$ must not be a type variable.