Add kernel generation to the compiler/perf script

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Sigmund Cherem 2016-10-21 10:02:13 -07:00
parent 2bcd189f2d
commit 02a14cd937

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@ -9,6 +9,10 @@ import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:compiler/compiler_new.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/apiimpl.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/compiler.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/kernel/task.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/elements/elements.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/common.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/diagnostics/diagnostic_listener.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/diagnostics/messages.dart'
@ -51,20 +55,36 @@ main(List<String> args) async {
await setup(entryUri);
if (bench == 'scan') {
Set<SourceFile> files = await scanReachableFiles(entryUri);
// TODO(sigmund): consider replacing the warmup with instrumented snapshots.
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) scanFiles(files);
} else if (bench == 'parse') {
Set<SourceFile> files = await scanReachableFiles(entryUri);
// TODO(sigmund): consider replacing the warmup with instrumented snapshots.
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) parseFiles(files);
} else {
print('unsupported bench-id: $bench. Please specify "scan" or "parse"');
var handlers = {
'scan': () async {
Set<SourceFile> files = await scanReachableFiles(entryUri);
// TODO(sigmund): replace the warmup with instrumented snapshots.
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) scanFiles(files);
'parse': () async {
Set<SourceFile> files = await scanReachableFiles(entryUri);
// TODO(sigmund): replace the warmup with instrumented snapshots.
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) parseFiles(files);
'kernel_gen_e2e': () async {
// TODO(sigmund): remove. This is used to compute the input size, we
// should extract input size from frontend instead.
await scanReachableFiles(entryUri);
// TODO(sigmund): replace this warmup. Note that for very large programs,
// the GC pressure on the VM seems to make this worse with time (maybe we
// are leaking memory?). That's why we run it twice and not 10 times.
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) await generateKernel(entryUri);
var handler = handlers[bench];
if (handler == null) {
// TODO(sigmund): implement the remaining benchmarks.
print('unsupported bench-id: $bench. Please specify one of the following: '
'${handler.keys.join(", ")}');
await handler();
report("total", totalTimer.elapsedMicroseconds);
@ -317,3 +337,68 @@ class _ParserOptions implements ParserOptions {
const _ParserOptions();
bool get enableGenericMethodSyntax => true;
generateKernel(Uri entryUri) async {
var timer = new Stopwatch()..start();
var options = new CompilerOptions(
entryPoint: entryUri,
libraryRoot: _libraryRoot,
packagesDiscoveryProvider: findPackages,
platformConfigUri: _platformConfigUri,
useKernel: true,
verbose: false); // set to true to debug internal timings
var inputProvider = new CompilerSourceFileProvider();
var diagnosticHandler = new FormattingDiagnosticHandler(inputProvider)
..verbose = options.verbose;
var compiler = new MyCompiler(inputProvider, diagnosticHandler, options);
report("kernel_gen_e2e", timer.elapsedMicroseconds);
// We subclass compiler to skip phases and stop after creating kernel.
class MyCompiler extends CompilerImpl {
MyCompiler(CompilerInput provider, CompilerDiagnostics handler,
CompilerOptions options)
: super(provider, null, handler, options) {}
/// Performs the compilation when all libraries have been loaded.
void compileLoadedLibraries() =>
selfTask.measureSubtask("KernelCompiler.compileLoadedLibraries", () {
impactStrategy = backend.createImpactStrategy(
supportDeferredLoad: deferredLoadTask.isProgramSplit,
supportDumpInfo: options.dumpInfo,
supportSerialization: serialization.supportSerialization);
phase = Compiler.PHASE_RESOLVING;
// Note: we enqueue everything in the program so we measure generating
// kernel for the entire code, not just what's reachable from main.
libraryLoader.libraries.forEach((LibraryElement library) {
fullyEnqueueLibrary(library, enqueuer.resolution);
backend.enqueueHelpers(enqueuer.resolution, globalDependencies);
processQueue(enqueuer.resolution, mainFunction);
(reporter as CompilerDiagnosticReporter)
if (compilationFailed) {
// TODO(sigmund): more diagnostics?
print("compilation failed!");
var program = (backend as dynamic).kernelTask.program;
print('total libraries: ${program.libraries.length}');