
4642 lines
158 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "include/dart_api.h"
#include "include/dart_mirrors_api.h"
#include "include/dart_native_api.h"
#include "platform/assert.h"
#include "vm/bigint_operations.h"
#include "vm/class_finalizer.h"
#include "vm/compiler.h"
#include "vm/dart.h"
#include "vm/dart_api_impl.h"
#include "vm/dart_api_message.h"
#include "vm/dart_api_state.h"
#include "vm/dart_entry.h"
#include "vm/debuginfo.h"
#include "vm/exceptions.h"
#include "vm/flags.h"
#include "vm/growable_array.h"
#include "vm/message.h"
#include "vm/message_handler.h"
#include "vm/native_entry.h"
#include "vm/object.h"
#include "vm/object_store.h"
#include "vm/port.h"
#include "vm/resolver.h"
#include "vm/reusable_handles.h"
#include "vm/service.h"
#include "vm/stack_frame.h"
#include "vm/symbols.h"
#include "vm/timer.h"
#include "vm/unicode.h"
#include "vm/verifier.h"
#include "vm/version.h"
namespace dart {
DECLARE_FLAG(bool, print_class_table);
DECLARE_FLAG(bool, verify_handles);
DEFINE_FLAG(bool, check_function_fingerprints, false,
"Check function fingerprints");
DEFINE_FLAG(bool, trace_api, false,
"Trace invocation of API calls (debug mode only)");
ThreadLocalKey Api::api_native_key_ = Thread::kUnsetThreadLocalKey;
Dart_Handle Api::true_handle_ = NULL;
Dart_Handle Api::false_handle_ = NULL;
Dart_Handle Api::null_handle_ = NULL;
const char* CanonicalFunction(const char* func) {
if (strncmp(func, "dart::", 6) == 0) {
return func + 6;
} else {
return func;
static RawInstance* GetListInstance(Isolate* isolate, const Object& obj) {
if (obj.IsInstance()) {
const Library& core_lib = Library::Handle(Library::CoreLibrary());
const Class& list_class =
const Instance& instance = Instance::Cast(obj);
const Class& obj_class = Class::Handle(isolate, obj.clazz());
Error& malformed_type_error = Error::Handle(isolate);
if (obj_class.IsSubtypeOf(TypeArguments::Handle(isolate),
&malformed_type_error)) {
ASSERT(malformed_type_error.IsNull()); // Type is a raw List.
return instance.raw();
return Instance::null();
Heap::Space SpaceForExternal(Isolate* isolate, intptr_t size) {
Heap* heap = isolate->heap();
// If 'size' would be a significant fraction of new space, then use old.
static const int kExtNewRatio = 16;
if (size > (heap->CapacityInWords(Heap::kNew) * kWordSize) / kExtNewRatio) {
return Heap::kOld;
} else {
return Heap::kNew;
Dart_Handle Api::InitNewHandle(Isolate* isolate, RawObject* raw) {
LocalHandles* local_handles = Api::TopScope(isolate)->local_handles();
ASSERT(local_handles != NULL);
LocalHandle* ref = local_handles->AllocateHandle();
return reinterpret_cast<Dart_Handle>(ref);
Dart_Handle Api::NewHandle(Isolate* isolate, RawObject* raw) {
if (raw == Object::null()) {
return Null();
if (raw == Bool::True().raw()) {
return True();
if (raw == Bool::False().raw()) {
return False();
return InitNewHandle(isolate, raw);
RawObject* Api::UnwrapHandle(Dart_Handle object) {
#if defined(DEBUG)
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ASSERT(isolate != NULL);
ApiState* state = isolate->api_state();
ASSERT(state != NULL);
ASSERT(!FLAG_verify_handles ||
state->IsValidLocalHandle(object) ||
ASSERT(FinalizablePersistentHandle::raw_offset() == 0 &&
PersistentHandle::raw_offset() == 0 &&
LocalHandle::raw_offset() == 0);
return (reinterpret_cast<LocalHandle*>(object))->raw();
#define DEFINE_UNWRAP(type) \
const type& Api::Unwrap##type##Handle(Isolate* iso, \
Dart_Handle dart_handle) { \
const Object& obj = Object::Handle(iso, Api::UnwrapHandle(dart_handle)); \
if (obj.Is##type()) { \
return type::Cast(obj); \
} \
return type::Handle(iso); \
const String& Api::UnwrapStringHandle(const ReusableObjectHandleScope& reuse,
Dart_Handle dart_handle) {
Object& ref = reuse.Handle();
ref = Api::UnwrapHandle(dart_handle);
if (ref.IsString()) {
return String::Cast(ref);
return Object::null_string();
const Instance& Api::UnwrapInstanceHandle(
const ReusableObjectHandleScope& reuse, Dart_Handle dart_handle) {
Object& ref = reuse.Handle();
ref = Api::UnwrapHandle(dart_handle);
if (ref.IsInstance()) {
return Instance::Cast(ref);
return Object::null_instance();
Dart_Handle Api::CheckIsolateState(Isolate* isolate) {
if (!isolate->AllowClassFinalization()) {
// Class finalization is blocked for the isolate. Do nothing.
return Api::Success();
if (ClassFinalizer::ProcessPendingClasses()) {
return Api::Success();
ASSERT(isolate->object_store()->sticky_error() != Object::null());
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, isolate->object_store()->sticky_error());
Dart_Isolate Api::CastIsolate(Isolate* isolate) {
return reinterpret_cast<Dart_Isolate>(isolate);
Dart_Handle Api::NewError(const char* format, ...) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
intptr_t len = OS::VSNPrint(NULL, 0, format, args);
char* buffer = isolate->current_zone()->Alloc<char>(len + 1);
va_list args2;
va_start(args2, format);
OS::VSNPrint(buffer, (len + 1), format, args2);
const String& message = String::Handle(isolate, String::New(buffer));
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, ApiError::New(message));
void Api::SetupAcquiredError(Isolate* isolate) {
ASSERT(isolate != NULL);
ApiState* state = isolate->api_state();
ASSERT(state != NULL);
Dart_Handle Api::AcquiredError(Isolate* isolate) {
ASSERT(isolate != NULL);
ApiState* state = isolate->api_state();
ASSERT(state != NULL);
PersistentHandle* acquired_error_handle = state->AcquiredError();
return reinterpret_cast<Dart_Handle>(acquired_error_handle);
Dart_Handle Api::Null() {
return null_handle_;
Dart_Handle Api::True() {
return true_handle_;
Dart_Handle Api::False() {
return false_handle_;
ApiLocalScope* Api::TopScope(Isolate* isolate) {
ASSERT(isolate != NULL);
ApiState* state = isolate->api_state();
ASSERT(state != NULL);
ApiLocalScope* scope = state->top_scope();
ASSERT(scope != NULL);
return scope;
void Api::InitOnce() {
ASSERT(api_native_key_ == Thread::kUnsetThreadLocalKey);
api_native_key_ = Thread::CreateThreadLocal();
ASSERT(api_native_key_ != Thread::kUnsetThreadLocalKey);
void Api::InitHandles() {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ASSERT(isolate != NULL);
ASSERT(isolate == Dart::vm_isolate());
ApiState* state = isolate->api_state();
ASSERT(state != NULL);
ASSERT(true_handle_ == NULL);
true_handle_ = Api::InitNewHandle(isolate, Bool::True().raw());
ASSERT(false_handle_ == NULL);
false_handle_ = Api::InitNewHandle(isolate, Bool::False().raw());
ASSERT(null_handle_ == NULL);
null_handle_ = Api::InitNewHandle(isolate, Object::null());
bool Api::StringGetPeerHelper(NativeArguments* arguments,
int arg_index,
void** peer) {
NoGCScope no_gc_scope;
RawObject* raw_obj = arguments->NativeArgAt(arg_index);
if (!raw_obj->IsHeapObject()) {
return false;
intptr_t cid = raw_obj->GetClassId();
if (cid == kExternalOneByteStringCid) {
RawExternalOneByteString* raw_string =
ExternalStringData<uint8_t>* data = raw_string->external_data_;
*peer = data->peer();
return true;
if (cid == kOneByteStringCid || cid == kTwoByteStringCid) {
Isolate* isolate = arguments->isolate();
*peer = isolate->heap()->GetPeer(raw_obj);
return (*peer != 0);
if (cid == kExternalTwoByteStringCid) {
RawExternalTwoByteString* raw_string =
ExternalStringData<uint16_t>* data = raw_string->external_data_;
*peer = data->peer();
return true;
return false;
bool Api::GetNativeReceiver(NativeArguments* arguments, intptr_t* value) {
NoGCScope no_gc_scope;
RawObject* raw_obj = arguments->NativeArg0();
if (raw_obj->IsHeapObject()) {
intptr_t cid = raw_obj->GetClassId();
if (cid > kNumPredefinedCids) {
RawTypedData* native_fields = *reinterpret_cast<RawTypedData**>(
RawObject::ToAddr(raw_obj) + sizeof(RawObject));
if (native_fields == TypedData::null()) {
*value = 0;
} else {
*value = *bit_cast<intptr_t*, uint8_t*>(native_fields->ptr()->data_);
return true;
return false;
bool Api::GetNativeBooleanArgument(NativeArguments* arguments,
int arg_index,
bool* value) {
NoGCScope no_gc_scope;
RawObject* raw_obj = arguments->NativeArgAt(arg_index);
if (raw_obj->IsHeapObject()) {
intptr_t cid = raw_obj->GetClassId();
if (cid == kBoolCid) {
*value = (raw_obj == Object::bool_true().raw());
return true;
if (cid == kNullCid) {
*value = false;
return true;
return false;
void Api::SetWeakHandleReturnValue(NativeArguments* args,
Dart_WeakPersistentHandle retval) {
PersistentHandle* PersistentHandle::Cast(Dart_PersistentHandle handle) {
return reinterpret_cast<PersistentHandle*>(handle);
FinalizablePersistentHandle* FinalizablePersistentHandle::Cast(
Dart_WeakPersistentHandle handle) {
#if defined(DEBUG)
ApiState* state = Isolate::Current()->api_state();
ASSERT(state->IsValidWeakPersistentHandle(handle) ||
uword addr = reinterpret_cast<uword>(handle);
return reinterpret_cast<FinalizablePersistentHandle*>(
addr & ~kWeakPersistentTagMask);
// --- Handles ---
DART_EXPORT bool Dart_IsError(Dart_Handle handle) {
return RawObject::IsErrorClassId(Api::ClassId(handle));
DART_EXPORT bool Dart_IsApiError(Dart_Handle object) {
return Api::ClassId(object) == kApiErrorCid;
DART_EXPORT bool Dart_IsUnhandledExceptionError(Dart_Handle object) {
return Api::ClassId(object) == kUnhandledExceptionCid;
DART_EXPORT bool Dart_IsCompilationError(Dart_Handle object) {
return Api::ClassId(object) == kLanguageErrorCid;
DART_EXPORT bool Dart_IsFatalError(Dart_Handle object) {
return Api::ClassId(object) == kUnwindErrorCid;
DART_EXPORT const char* Dart_GetError(Dart_Handle handle) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
const Object& obj = Object::Handle(isolate, Api::UnwrapHandle(handle));
if (obj.IsError()) {
const Error& error = Error::Cast(obj);
const char* str = error.ToErrorCString();
intptr_t len = strlen(str) + 1;
char* str_copy = Api::TopScope(isolate)->zone()->Alloc<char>(len);
strncpy(str_copy, str, len);
// Strip a possible trailing '\n'.
if ((len > 1) && (str_copy[len - 2] == '\n')) {
str_copy[len - 2] = '\0';
return str_copy;
} else {
return "";
DART_EXPORT bool Dart_ErrorHasException(Dart_Handle handle) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
const Object& obj = Object::Handle(isolate, Api::UnwrapHandle(handle));
return obj.IsUnhandledException();
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_ErrorGetException(Dart_Handle handle) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
const Object& obj = Object::Handle(isolate, Api::UnwrapHandle(handle));
if (obj.IsUnhandledException()) {
const UnhandledException& error = UnhandledException::Cast(obj);
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, error.exception());
} else if (obj.IsError()) {
return Api::NewError("This error is not an unhandled exception error.");
} else {
return Api::NewError("Can only get exceptions from error handles.");
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_ErrorGetStacktrace(Dart_Handle handle) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
const Object& obj = Object::Handle(isolate, Api::UnwrapHandle(handle));
if (obj.IsUnhandledException()) {
const UnhandledException& error = UnhandledException::Cast(obj);
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, error.stacktrace());
} else if (obj.IsError()) {
return Api::NewError("This error is not an unhandled exception error.");
} else {
return Api::NewError("Can only get stacktraces from error handles.");
// TODO(turnidge): This clones Api::NewError. I need to use va_copy to
// fix this but not sure if it available on all of our builds.
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_NewApiError(const char* error) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
const String& message = String::Handle(isolate, String::New(error));
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, ApiError::New(message));
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_NewUnhandledExceptionError(Dart_Handle exception) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
const Instance& obj = Api::UnwrapInstanceHandle(isolate, exception);
if (obj.IsNull()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, exception, Instance);
const Instance& stacktrace = Instance::Handle(isolate);
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, UnhandledException::New(obj, stacktrace));
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_PropagateError(Dart_Handle handle) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
const Object& obj = Object::Handle(isolate, Api::UnwrapHandle(handle));
if (!obj.IsError()) {
return Api::NewError(
"%s expects argument 'handle' to be an error handle. "
"Did you forget to check Dart_IsError first?",
if (isolate->top_exit_frame_info() == 0) {
// There are no dart frames on the stack so it would be illegal to
// propagate an error here.
return Api::NewError("No Dart frames on stack, cannot propagate error.");
// Unwind all the API scopes till the exit frame before propagating.
ApiState* state = isolate->api_state();
ASSERT(state != NULL);
const Error* error;
// We need to preserve the error object across the destruction of zones
// when the ApiScopes are unwound. By using NoGCScope, we can ensure
// that GC won't touch the raw error object before creating a valid
// handle for it in the surviving zone.
NoGCScope no_gc;
RawError* raw_error = Api::UnwrapErrorHandle(isolate, handle).raw();
error = &Error::Handle(isolate, raw_error);
return Api::NewError("Cannot reach here. Internal error.");
DART_EXPORT void _Dart_ReportErrorHandle(const char* file,
int line,
const char* handle,
const char* message) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: error handle: '%s':\n '%s'\n",
file, line, handle, message);
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_ToString(Dart_Handle object) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
const Object& obj = Object::Handle(isolate, Api::UnwrapHandle(object));
if (obj.IsString()) {
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, obj.raw());
} else if (obj.IsInstance()) {
const Instance& receiver = Instance::Cast(obj);
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, DartLibraryCalls::ToString(receiver));
} else {
// This is a VM internal object. Call the C++ method of printing.
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, String::New(obj.ToCString()));
DART_EXPORT bool Dart_IdentityEquals(Dart_Handle obj1, Dart_Handle obj2) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
NoGCScope ngc;
if (Api::UnwrapHandle(obj1) == Api::UnwrapHandle(obj2)) {
return true;
const Object& object1 = Object::Handle(isolate, Api::UnwrapHandle(obj1));
const Object& object2 = Object::Handle(isolate, Api::UnwrapHandle(obj2));
if (object1.IsInstance() && object2.IsInstance()) {
return Instance::Cast(object1).IsIdenticalTo(Instance::Cast(object2));
return false;
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_HandleFromPersistent(
Dart_PersistentHandle object) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ApiState* state = isolate->api_state();
ASSERT(state != NULL);
PersistentHandle* ref = PersistentHandle::Cast(object);
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, ref->raw());
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_HandleFromWeakPersistent(
Dart_WeakPersistentHandle object) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ApiState* state = isolate->api_state();
ASSERT(state != NULL);
FinalizablePersistentHandle* weak_ref =
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, weak_ref->raw());
DART_EXPORT Dart_PersistentHandle Dart_NewPersistentHandle(Dart_Handle object) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ApiState* state = isolate->api_state();
ASSERT(state != NULL);
const Object& old_ref = Object::Handle(isolate, Api::UnwrapHandle(object));
PersistentHandle* new_ref = state->persistent_handles().AllocateHandle();
return new_ref->apiHandle();
DART_EXPORT void Dart_SetPersistentHandle(Dart_PersistentHandle obj1,
Dart_Handle obj2) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ApiState* state = isolate->api_state();
ASSERT(state != NULL);
const Object& obj2_ref = Object::Handle(isolate, Api::UnwrapHandle(obj2));
PersistentHandle* obj1_ref = PersistentHandle::Cast(obj1);
static Dart_WeakPersistentHandle AllocateFinalizableHandle(
Isolate* isolate,
Dart_Handle object,
bool is_prologue,
void* peer,
intptr_t external_allocation_size,
Dart_WeakPersistentHandleFinalizer callback) {
ApiState* state = isolate->api_state();
ASSERT(state != NULL);
Object& ref = isolate->ObjectHandle();
ref = Api::UnwrapHandle(object);
FinalizablePersistentHandle* finalizable_ref = is_prologue ?
state->prologue_weak_persistent_handles().AllocateHandle() :
finalizable_ref->SetExternalSize(external_allocation_size, isolate);
if (is_prologue) {
return finalizable_ref->apiPrologueHandle();
} else {
return finalizable_ref->apiHandle();
DART_EXPORT Dart_WeakPersistentHandle Dart_NewWeakPersistentHandle(
Dart_Handle object,
void* peer,
intptr_t external_allocation_size,
Dart_WeakPersistentHandleFinalizer callback) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
return AllocateFinalizableHandle(isolate,
DART_EXPORT Dart_WeakPersistentHandle Dart_NewPrologueWeakPersistentHandle(
Dart_Handle object,
void* peer,
intptr_t external_allocation_size,
Dart_WeakPersistentHandleFinalizer callback) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
return AllocateFinalizableHandle(isolate,
DART_EXPORT void Dart_DeletePersistentHandle(Dart_PersistentHandle object) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ApiState* state = isolate->api_state();
ASSERT(state != NULL);
PersistentHandle* ref = PersistentHandle::Cast(object);
if (!state->IsProtectedHandle(ref)) {
DART_EXPORT void Dart_DeleteWeakPersistentHandle(
Dart_Isolate current_isolate,
Dart_WeakPersistentHandle object) {
Isolate* isolate = reinterpret_cast<Isolate*>(current_isolate);
ASSERT(isolate == Isolate::Current());
ApiState* state = isolate->api_state();
ASSERT(state != NULL);
if (FinalizablePersistentHandle::IsPrologueWeakPersistentHandle(object)) {
FinalizablePersistentHandle* weak_ref =
} else {
FinalizablePersistentHandle* weak_ref =
DART_EXPORT bool Dart_IsPrologueWeakPersistentHandle(
Dart_WeakPersistentHandle object) {
#if defined(DEBUG)
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ApiState* state = isolate->api_state();
ASSERT(state != NULL);
ASSERT(state->IsValidPrologueWeakPersistentHandle(object) ==
return FinalizablePersistentHandle::IsPrologueWeakPersistentHandle(object);
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_NewWeakReferenceSet(
Dart_WeakPersistentHandle* keys,
intptr_t num_keys,
Dart_WeakPersistentHandle* values,
intptr_t num_values) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ApiState* state = isolate->api_state();
ASSERT(state != NULL);
if (keys == NULL) {
if (num_keys <= 0) {
return Api::NewError(
"%s expects argument 'num_keys' to be greater than 0.",
if (values == NULL) {
if (num_values <= 0) {
return Api::NewError(
"%s expects argument 'num_values' to be greater than 0.",
WeakReferenceSet* reference_set = new WeakReferenceSet(keys, num_keys,
values, num_values);
return Api::Success();
// --- Garbage Collection Callbacks --
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_SetGcCallbacks(
Dart_GcPrologueCallback prologue_callback,
Dart_GcEpilogueCallback epilogue_callback) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
if (prologue_callback != NULL) {
if (isolate->gc_prologue_callback() != NULL) {
return Api::NewError(
"%s permits only one gc prologue callback to be registered, please "
"remove the existing callback and then add this callback",
} else {
if (isolate->gc_prologue_callback() == NULL) {
return Api::NewError(
"%s expects 'prologue_callback' to be present in the callback set.",
if (epilogue_callback != NULL) {
if (isolate->gc_epilogue_callback() != NULL) {
return Api::NewError(
"%s permits only one gc epilogue callback to be registered, please "
"remove the existing callback and then add this callback",
} else {
if (isolate->gc_epilogue_callback() == NULL) {
return Api::NewError(
"%s expects 'epilogue_callback' to be present in the callback set.",
return Api::Success();
// --- Initialization and Globals ---
DART_EXPORT const char* Dart_VersionString() {
return Version::String();
DART_EXPORT bool Dart_Initialize(
Dart_IsolateCreateCallback create,
Dart_IsolateInterruptCallback interrupt,
Dart_IsolateUnhandledExceptionCallback unhandled,
Dart_IsolateShutdownCallback shutdown,
Dart_FileOpenCallback file_open,
Dart_FileReadCallback file_read,
Dart_FileWriteCallback file_write,
Dart_FileCloseCallback file_close,
Dart_EntropySource entropy_source,
Dart_ServiceIsolateCreateCalback service_create) {
const char* err_msg = Dart::InitOnce(create, interrupt, unhandled, shutdown,
file_open, file_read, file_write,
file_close, entropy_source,
if (err_msg != NULL) {
OS::PrintErr("Dart_Initialize: %s\n", err_msg);
return false;
return true;
DART_EXPORT bool Dart_Cleanup() {
const char* err_msg = Dart::Cleanup();
if (err_msg != NULL) {
OS::PrintErr("Dart_Cleanup: %s\n", err_msg);
return false;
return true;
DART_EXPORT bool Dart_SetVMFlags(int argc, const char** argv) {
return Flags::ProcessCommandLineFlags(argc, argv);
DART_EXPORT bool Dart_IsVMFlagSet(const char* flag_name) {
if (Flags::Lookup(flag_name) != NULL) {
return true;
return false;
// --- Isolates ---
static char* BuildIsolateName(const char* script_uri,
const char* main) {
if (script_uri == NULL) {
// Just use the main as the name.
if (main == NULL) {
return strdup("isolate");
} else {
return strdup(main);
// Skip past any slashes and backslashes in the script uri.
const char* last_slash = strrchr(script_uri, '/');
if (last_slash != NULL) {
script_uri = last_slash + 1;
const char* last_backslash = strrchr(script_uri, '\\');
if (last_backslash != NULL) {
script_uri = last_backslash + 1;
if (main == NULL) {
main = "main";
char* chars = NULL;
intptr_t len = OS::SNPrint(NULL, 0, "%s$%s", script_uri, main) + 1;
chars = reinterpret_cast<char*>(malloc(len));
OS::SNPrint(chars, len, "%s$%s", script_uri, main);
return chars;
DART_EXPORT Dart_Isolate Dart_CreateIsolate(const char* script_uri,
const char* main,
Give isolates names to be used during debugging. Implement --trace_isolates. ------------- Sample output of --trace_isolates for the CrossIsolateMessageTest: [+] Starting isolate: isolate: CrossIsolateMessageTest.dart/main-7112 [+] Starting isolate: isolate: CrossIsolateMessageTest.dart/CrossIsolate1.main-7114 [+] Starting isolate: isolate: CrossIsolateMessageTest.dart/CrossIsolate2.main-7115 [>] Posting message: source: CrossIsolateMessageTest.dart/main-7112 reply_port: 7117 dest: CrossIsolateMessageTest.dart/CrossIsolate2.main-7115 dest_port: 7115 [>] Posting message: source: CrossIsolateMessageTest.dart/CrossIsolate2.main-7115 reply_port: 7118 dest: CrossIsolateMessageTest.dart/main-7112 dest_port: 7117 [>] Posting message: source: CrossIsolateMessageTest.dart/main-7112 reply_port: 7119 dest: CrossIsolateMessageTest.dart/CrossIsolate1.main-7114 dest_port: 7114 [>] Posting message: source: CrossIsolateMessageTest.dart/CrossIsolate1.main-7114 reply_port: 7120 dest: CrossIsolateMessageTest.dart/main-7112 dest_port: 7119 [>] Posting message: source: CrossIsolateMessageTest.dart/main-7112 reply_port: 0 dest: CrossIsolateMessageTest.dart/CrossIsolate1.main-7114 dest_port: 7120 [>] Posting message: source: CrossIsolateMessageTest.dart/CrossIsolate1.main-7114 reply_port: 0 dest: CrossIsolateMessageTest.dart/CrossIsolate2.main-7115 dest_port: 7118 [>] Posting message: source: CrossIsolateMessageTest.dart/CrossIsolate2.main-7115 reply_port: 0 dest: CrossIsolateMessageTest.dart/main-7112 dest_port: 7116 [>] Posting message: source: CrossIsolateMessageTest.dart/main-7112 reply_port: 0 dest: CrossIsolateMessageTest.dart/main-7112 dest_port: 7113 [-] Stopping isolate: isolate: CrossIsolateMessageTest.dart/CrossIsolate2.main-7115 [-] Stopping isolate: isolate: CrossIsolateMessageTest.dart/CrossIsolate1.main-7114 [-] Stopping isolate: isolate: CrossIsolateMessageTest.dart/main-7112 Review URL: https://chromiumcodereview.appspot.com//9242035 git-svn-id: https://dart.googlecode.com/svn/branches/bleeding_edge/dart@3416 260f80e4-7a28-3924-810f-c04153c831b5
2012-01-18 21:46:27 +00:00
const uint8_t* snapshot,
void* callback_data,
char** error) {
char* isolate_name = BuildIsolateName(script_uri, main);
Isolate* isolate = Dart::CreateIsolate(isolate_name);
StackZone zone(isolate);
const Error& error_obj =
Dart::InitializeIsolate(snapshot, callback_data));
if (error_obj.IsNull()) {
if (FLAG_check_function_fingerprints) {
START_TIMER(isolate, time_total_runtime);
return reinterpret_cast<Dart_Isolate>(isolate);
*error = strdup(error_obj.ToErrorCString());
return reinterpret_cast<Dart_Isolate>(NULL);
DART_EXPORT void Dart_ShutdownIsolate() {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
StackZone zone(isolate);
HandleScope handle_scope(isolate);
STOP_TIMER(isolate, time_total_runtime);
DART_EXPORT Dart_Isolate Dart_CurrentIsolate() {
return Api::CastIsolate(Isolate::Current());
DART_EXPORT void* Dart_CurrentIsolateData() {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
return isolate->init_callback_data();
DART_EXPORT void* Dart_IsolateData(Dart_Isolate isolate) {
if (isolate == NULL) {
FATAL1("%s expects argument 'isolate' to be non-null.", CURRENT_FUNC);
// TODO(16615): Validate isolate parameter.
Isolate* iso = reinterpret_cast<Isolate*>(isolate);
return iso->init_callback_data();
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_DebugName() {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, String::New(isolate->name()));
DART_EXPORT void Dart_EnterIsolate(Dart_Isolate isolate) {
// TODO(16615): Validate isolate parameter.
Isolate* iso = reinterpret_cast<Isolate*>(isolate);
DART_EXPORT void Dart_ExitIsolate() {
static uint8_t* ApiReallocate(uint8_t* ptr,
intptr_t old_size,
intptr_t new_size) {
return Api::TopScope(Isolate::Current())->zone()->Realloc<uint8_t>(
ptr, old_size, new_size);
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_CreateSnapshot(uint8_t** buffer,
intptr_t* size) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
TIMERSCOPE(isolate, time_creating_snapshot);
if (buffer == NULL) {
if (size == NULL) {
Dart_Handle state = Api::CheckIsolateState(isolate);
if (::Dart_IsError(state)) {
return state;
// Since this is only a snapshot the root library should not be set.
FullSnapshotWriter writer(buffer, ApiReallocate);
*size = writer.BytesWritten();
return Api::Success();
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_CreateScriptSnapshot(uint8_t** buffer,
intptr_t* size) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
TIMERSCOPE(isolate, time_creating_snapshot);
if (buffer == NULL) {
if (size == NULL) {
Dart_Handle state = Api::CheckIsolateState(isolate);
if (::Dart_IsError(state)) {
return state;
Library& library =
Library::Handle(isolate, isolate->object_store()->root_library());
if (library.IsNull()) {
Api::NewError("%s expects the isolate to have a script loaded in it.",
ScriptSnapshotWriter writer(buffer, ApiReallocate);
*size = writer.BytesWritten();
return Api::Success();
DART_EXPORT void Dart_InterruptIsolate(Dart_Isolate isolate) {
if (isolate == NULL) {
FATAL1("%s expects argument 'isolate' to be non-null.", CURRENT_FUNC);
// TODO(16615): Validate isolate parameter.
Isolate* iso = reinterpret_cast<Isolate*>(isolate);
DART_EXPORT bool Dart_IsolateMakeRunnable(Dart_Isolate isolate) {
if (isolate == NULL) {
FATAL1("%s expects argument 'isolate' to be non-null.", CURRENT_FUNC);
// TODO(16615): Validate isolate parameter.
Isolate* iso = reinterpret_cast<Isolate*>(isolate);
return iso->MakeRunnable();
// --- Messages and Ports ---
DART_EXPORT void Dart_SetMessageNotifyCallback(
Dart_MessageNotifyCallback message_notify_callback) {
Allow embedders to provide custom message delivery for an isolate. ============== Added Dart_SetPostMessageCallback and Dart_SetClosePortCallback. These allow the embedder to provide custom message/port behavior for their application. The vm provides standard implementations that work with the standard run loop. Added Dart_HandleMessage, which processes one message on the current isolate. Embedders can use this to write their own message processing loops. Rewrote code to use this internally. Added Isolate::StandardRunLoop() to share code between Dart_RunLoop and lib/isolate.cc Changed the interface to PortMap::PostMessage. PostMessage is now agnostic to message delivery mechanism. Note that PortMap is now out of the "ReceiveMessage" business entirely. Moved MessageQueue and friends out to message_queue.cc/h. Moved the monitor from the Isolate into the MessageQueue. No need for outsiders to mess. Added MessageQueue::Wait. Moved monitor locking from PortMap into MessageQueue itself, which was easier for me to reason about. Wrote some tests. Removed PortMessage::Handle. The code turned into Dart_HandleMessage. Regularized the nomenclature around ports. Type is now always Dart_Port instead of intptr_t. Variables end in _port instead of _id. Use the term "dest" instead of "target" or "send". Added a family of new tests to port_test. Added EXPECT_NE to the test framework. Review URL: http://codereview.chromium.org//8297004 git-svn-id: https://dart.googlecode.com/svn/branches/bleeding_edge/dart@516 260f80e4-7a28-3924-810f-c04153c831b5
2011-10-18 17:54:07 +00:00
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
Allow embedders to provide custom message delivery for an isolate. ============== Added Dart_SetPostMessageCallback and Dart_SetClosePortCallback. These allow the embedder to provide custom message/port behavior for their application. The vm provides standard implementations that work with the standard run loop. Added Dart_HandleMessage, which processes one message on the current isolate. Embedders can use this to write their own message processing loops. Rewrote code to use this internally. Added Isolate::StandardRunLoop() to share code between Dart_RunLoop and lib/isolate.cc Changed the interface to PortMap::PostMessage. PostMessage is now agnostic to message delivery mechanism. Note that PortMap is now out of the "ReceiveMessage" business entirely. Moved MessageQueue and friends out to message_queue.cc/h. Moved the monitor from the Isolate into the MessageQueue. No need for outsiders to mess. Added MessageQueue::Wait. Moved monitor locking from PortMap into MessageQueue itself, which was easier for me to reason about. Wrote some tests. Removed PortMessage::Handle. The code turned into Dart_HandleMessage. Regularized the nomenclature around ports. Type is now always Dart_Port instead of intptr_t. Variables end in _port instead of _id. Use the term "dest" instead of "target" or "send". Added a family of new tests to port_test. Added EXPECT_NE to the test framework. Review URL: http://codereview.chromium.org//8297004 git-svn-id: https://dart.googlecode.com/svn/branches/bleeding_edge/dart@516 260f80e4-7a28-3924-810f-c04153c831b5
2011-10-18 17:54:07 +00:00
struct RunLoopData {
Monitor* monitor;
bool done;
static void RunLoopDone(uword param) {
RunLoopData* data = reinterpret_cast<RunLoopData*>(param);
ASSERT(data->monitor != NULL);
MonitorLocker ml(data->monitor);
data->done = true;
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_RunLoop() {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
Monitor monitor;
MonitorLocker ml(&monitor);
SwitchIsolateScope switch_scope(NULL);
RunLoopData data;
data.monitor = &monitor;
data.done = false;
NULL, RunLoopDone, reinterpret_cast<uword>(&data));
while (!data.done) {
if (isolate->object_store()->sticky_error() != Object::null()) {
Dart_Handle error = Api::NewHandle(isolate,
return error;
if (FLAG_print_class_table) {
return Api::Success();
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_HandleMessage() {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
if (!isolate->message_handler()->HandleNextMessage()) {
Dart_Handle error = Api::NewHandle(isolate,
return error;
return Api::Success();
Allow embedders to provide custom message delivery for an isolate. ============== Added Dart_SetPostMessageCallback and Dart_SetClosePortCallback. These allow the embedder to provide custom message/port behavior for their application. The vm provides standard implementations that work with the standard run loop. Added Dart_HandleMessage, which processes one message on the current isolate. Embedders can use this to write their own message processing loops. Rewrote code to use this internally. Added Isolate::StandardRunLoop() to share code between Dart_RunLoop and lib/isolate.cc Changed the interface to PortMap::PostMessage. PostMessage is now agnostic to message delivery mechanism. Note that PortMap is now out of the "ReceiveMessage" business entirely. Moved MessageQueue and friends out to message_queue.cc/h. Moved the monitor from the Isolate into the MessageQueue. No need for outsiders to mess. Added MessageQueue::Wait. Moved monitor locking from PortMap into MessageQueue itself, which was easier for me to reason about. Wrote some tests. Removed PortMessage::Handle. The code turned into Dart_HandleMessage. Regularized the nomenclature around ports. Type is now always Dart_Port instead of intptr_t. Variables end in _port instead of _id. Use the term "dest" instead of "target" or "send". Added a family of new tests to port_test. Added EXPECT_NE to the test framework. Review URL: http://codereview.chromium.org//8297004 git-svn-id: https://dart.googlecode.com/svn/branches/bleeding_edge/dart@516 260f80e4-7a28-3924-810f-c04153c831b5
2011-10-18 17:54:07 +00:00
DART_EXPORT bool Dart_HandleServiceMessages() {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
// TODO(turnidge): The return value here should indicate whether an
// OOB message should cause the program to resume. Implement.
return false;
Add a mid-sized integration test for the Dart Embedding Api which demonstrates how to create a custom isolate abstraction. In this test, we use an event queue to share a single thread among our custom isolates. Add a callback which allows embedders to see when a port is created. Not sure if I should keep this or not. New apis: Dart_CreatePort() -- allocates a port id and adds a port->isolate mapping. Dart_IsolateHasActivePorts() -- does the current isolate have open ports? (this name a bit awkward...) Bail out of PortMap::ClosePorts() early if there are no open ports. This suppresses calls to the close_port_callback when there are no open ports. Use DART_CHECK_VALID to provide better error output when the test lib has errors. ------------------------- Sample output of the test: -- (isolate=0x815600) Constructing isolate -- Enter: CustomIsolateImpl_start -- -- Adding port (7111) -> isolate (0x830800) -- -- Adding StartEvent to queue -- -- Exit: CustomIsolateImpl_start -- -- Adding port (7112) -> isolate (0x815600) -- -- Posting message dest(7111) reply(0) -- -- Adding MessageEvent to queue -- -- Starting event loop -- >> StartEvent with isolate(0x830800)-- -- (isolate=0x830800) Running isolateMain $$ MessageEvent with dest port 7111-- -- (isolate=0x830800) Received: 42 -- Posting message dest(7112) reply(0) -- -- Adding MessageEvent to queue -- $$ MessageEvent with dest port 7112-- -- Closing port (7112) -- -- Adding ShutdownEvent to queue -- -- (isolate=0x815600) Received: 43 << ShutdownEvent with isolate(0x815600)-- -- Finished event loop -- Review URL: http://codereview.chromium.org//8588040 git-svn-id: https://dart.googlecode.com/svn/branches/bleeding_edge/dart@1906 260f80e4-7a28-3924-810f-c04153c831b5
2011-11-29 21:55:13 +00:00
DART_EXPORT bool Dart_HasLivePorts() {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
return isolate->message_handler()->HasLivePorts();
Add a mid-sized integration test for the Dart Embedding Api which demonstrates how to create a custom isolate abstraction. In this test, we use an event queue to share a single thread among our custom isolates. Add a callback which allows embedders to see when a port is created. Not sure if I should keep this or not. New apis: Dart_CreatePort() -- allocates a port id and adds a port->isolate mapping. Dart_IsolateHasActivePorts() -- does the current isolate have open ports? (this name a bit awkward...) Bail out of PortMap::ClosePorts() early if there are no open ports. This suppresses calls to the close_port_callback when there are no open ports. Use DART_CHECK_VALID to provide better error output when the test lib has errors. ------------------------- Sample output of the test: -- (isolate=0x815600) Constructing isolate -- Enter: CustomIsolateImpl_start -- -- Adding port (7111) -> isolate (0x830800) -- -- Adding StartEvent to queue -- -- Exit: CustomIsolateImpl_start -- -- Adding port (7112) -> isolate (0x815600) -- -- Posting message dest(7111) reply(0) -- -- Adding MessageEvent to queue -- -- Starting event loop -- >> StartEvent with isolate(0x830800)-- -- (isolate=0x830800) Running isolateMain $$ MessageEvent with dest port 7111-- -- (isolate=0x830800) Received: 42 -- Posting message dest(7112) reply(0) -- -- Adding MessageEvent to queue -- $$ MessageEvent with dest port 7112-- -- Closing port (7112) -- -- Adding ShutdownEvent to queue -- -- (isolate=0x815600) Received: 43 << ShutdownEvent with isolate(0x815600)-- -- Finished event loop -- Review URL: http://codereview.chromium.org//8588040 git-svn-id: https://dart.googlecode.com/svn/branches/bleeding_edge/dart@1906 260f80e4-7a28-3924-810f-c04153c831b5
2011-11-29 21:55:13 +00:00
static uint8_t* allocator(uint8_t* ptr, intptr_t old_size, intptr_t new_size) {
void* new_ptr = realloc(reinterpret_cast<void*>(ptr), new_size);
return reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(new_ptr);
Add a mid-sized integration test for the Dart Embedding Api which demonstrates how to create a custom isolate abstraction. In this test, we use an event queue to share a single thread among our custom isolates. Add a callback which allows embedders to see when a port is created. Not sure if I should keep this or not. New apis: Dart_CreatePort() -- allocates a port id and adds a port->isolate mapping. Dart_IsolateHasActivePorts() -- does the current isolate have open ports? (this name a bit awkward...) Bail out of PortMap::ClosePorts() early if there are no open ports. This suppresses calls to the close_port_callback when there are no open ports. Use DART_CHECK_VALID to provide better error output when the test lib has errors. ------------------------- Sample output of the test: -- (isolate=0x815600) Constructing isolate -- Enter: CustomIsolateImpl_start -- -- Adding port (7111) -> isolate (0x830800) -- -- Adding StartEvent to queue -- -- Exit: CustomIsolateImpl_start -- -- Adding port (7112) -> isolate (0x815600) -- -- Posting message dest(7111) reply(0) -- -- Adding MessageEvent to queue -- -- Starting event loop -- >> StartEvent with isolate(0x830800)-- -- (isolate=0x830800) Running isolateMain $$ MessageEvent with dest port 7111-- -- (isolate=0x830800) Received: 42 -- Posting message dest(7112) reply(0) -- -- Adding MessageEvent to queue -- $$ MessageEvent with dest port 7112-- -- Closing port (7112) -- -- Adding ShutdownEvent to queue -- -- (isolate=0x815600) Received: 43 << ShutdownEvent with isolate(0x815600)-- -- Finished event loop -- Review URL: http://codereview.chromium.org//8588040 git-svn-id: https://dart.googlecode.com/svn/branches/bleeding_edge/dart@1906 260f80e4-7a28-3924-810f-c04153c831b5
2011-11-29 21:55:13 +00:00
DART_EXPORT bool Dart_Post(Dart_Port port_id, Dart_Handle handle) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
const Object& object = Object::Handle(isolate, Api::UnwrapHandle(handle));
uint8_t* data = NULL;
MessageWriter writer(&data, &allocator);
intptr_t len = writer.BytesWritten();
return PortMap::PostMessage(new Message(
port_id, data, len, Message::kNormalPriority));
Add a mid-sized integration test for the Dart Embedding Api which demonstrates how to create a custom isolate abstraction. In this test, we use an event queue to share a single thread among our custom isolates. Add a callback which allows embedders to see when a port is created. Not sure if I should keep this or not. New apis: Dart_CreatePort() -- allocates a port id and adds a port->isolate mapping. Dart_IsolateHasActivePorts() -- does the current isolate have open ports? (this name a bit awkward...) Bail out of PortMap::ClosePorts() early if there are no open ports. This suppresses calls to the close_port_callback when there are no open ports. Use DART_CHECK_VALID to provide better error output when the test lib has errors. ------------------------- Sample output of the test: -- (isolate=0x815600) Constructing isolate -- Enter: CustomIsolateImpl_start -- -- Adding port (7111) -> isolate (0x830800) -- -- Adding StartEvent to queue -- -- Exit: CustomIsolateImpl_start -- -- Adding port (7112) -> isolate (0x815600) -- -- Posting message dest(7111) reply(0) -- -- Adding MessageEvent to queue -- -- Starting event loop -- >> StartEvent with isolate(0x830800)-- -- (isolate=0x830800) Running isolateMain $$ MessageEvent with dest port 7111-- -- (isolate=0x830800) Received: 42 -- Posting message dest(7112) reply(0) -- -- Adding MessageEvent to queue -- $$ MessageEvent with dest port 7112-- -- Closing port (7112) -- -- Adding ShutdownEvent to queue -- -- (isolate=0x815600) Received: 43 << ShutdownEvent with isolate(0x815600)-- -- Finished event loop -- Review URL: http://codereview.chromium.org//8588040 git-svn-id: https://dart.googlecode.com/svn/branches/bleeding_edge/dart@1906 260f80e4-7a28-3924-810f-c04153c831b5
2011-11-29 21:55:13 +00:00
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_NewSendPort(Dart_Port port_id) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, DartLibraryCalls::NewSendPort(port_id));
Add a mid-sized integration test for the Dart Embedding Api which demonstrates how to create a custom isolate abstraction. In this test, we use an event queue to share a single thread among our custom isolates. Add a callback which allows embedders to see when a port is created. Not sure if I should keep this or not. New apis: Dart_CreatePort() -- allocates a port id and adds a port->isolate mapping. Dart_IsolateHasActivePorts() -- does the current isolate have open ports? (this name a bit awkward...) Bail out of PortMap::ClosePorts() early if there are no open ports. This suppresses calls to the close_port_callback when there are no open ports. Use DART_CHECK_VALID to provide better error output when the test lib has errors. ------------------------- Sample output of the test: -- (isolate=0x815600) Constructing isolate -- Enter: CustomIsolateImpl_start -- -- Adding port (7111) -> isolate (0x830800) -- -- Adding StartEvent to queue -- -- Exit: CustomIsolateImpl_start -- -- Adding port (7112) -> isolate (0x815600) -- -- Posting message dest(7111) reply(0) -- -- Adding MessageEvent to queue -- -- Starting event loop -- >> StartEvent with isolate(0x830800)-- -- (isolate=0x830800) Running isolateMain $$ MessageEvent with dest port 7111-- -- (isolate=0x830800) Received: 42 -- Posting message dest(7112) reply(0) -- -- Adding MessageEvent to queue -- $$ MessageEvent with dest port 7112-- -- Closing port (7112) -- -- Adding ShutdownEvent to queue -- -- (isolate=0x815600) Received: 43 << ShutdownEvent with isolate(0x815600)-- -- Finished event loop -- Review URL: http://codereview.chromium.org//8588040 git-svn-id: https://dart.googlecode.com/svn/branches/bleeding_edge/dart@1906 260f80e4-7a28-3924-810f-c04153c831b5
2011-11-29 21:55:13 +00:00
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_GetReceivePort(Dart_Port port_id) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
Library& isolate_lib = Library::Handle(isolate, Library::IsolateLibrary());
isolates refactor: this change introduces 'dart:isolate' as a library. This is a big global change, so let me explain in more detail. This refactoring CL does the following: - moves all the dart code for isolates in a common library (lib/isolate) - changes frog to understand 'dart:isolate' imoprts by loading the code from the location above. - changes the vm to undernstand 'dart:isolate' imports by creating a separate library that is part of the bootstrap. This follows the same code-structure that Todd suggested in his CL introducing the mirror library - changes dartc to use the shared isolate library as the source of truth for type checking. I left around some of the internal js code in dartc so that the backend continues to work for apps that don't use isolates. - changes all tests that use isolates to import the library explicitly (this is a large bulk of the files in this CL) - changes test status for tests we can't fix in this repo (e.g. co19) - splits the isolate library code to make it possible to preserve some tests without exposing internal types (e.g. tests about serialization/deserialization) - changes the create_sdk script to copy the isolate library to the sdk - includes the isolate library in dartdoc I'll wait for at least one lgtm from each area (dartc, vm, frog, sdk) There is one important pending thing this CL doesn't do: - update test_runner.dart: This should be updated next time we upload the new binaries to tool/testing/bin - dartium specific changes: Vijay, is there anything I need to do for dartium? Review URL: https://chromiumcodereview.appspot.com//9422019 git-svn-id: https://dart.googlecode.com/svn/branches/bleeding_edge/dart@4647 260f80e4-7a28-3924-810f-c04153c831b5
2012-02-27 22:50:44 +00:00
const String& class_name = String::Handle(
isolate, isolate_lib.PrivateName(Symbols::_RawReceivePortImpl()));
// TODO(asiva): Symbols should contain private keys.
const String& function_name =
Add a mid-sized integration test for the Dart Embedding Api which demonstrates how to create a custom isolate abstraction. In this test, we use an event queue to share a single thread among our custom isolates. Add a callback which allows embedders to see when a port is created. Not sure if I should keep this or not. New apis: Dart_CreatePort() -- allocates a port id and adds a port->isolate mapping. Dart_IsolateHasActivePorts() -- does the current isolate have open ports? (this name a bit awkward...) Bail out of PortMap::ClosePorts() early if there are no open ports. This suppresses calls to the close_port_callback when there are no open ports. Use DART_CHECK_VALID to provide better error output when the test lib has errors. ------------------------- Sample output of the test: -- (isolate=0x815600) Constructing isolate -- Enter: CustomIsolateImpl_start -- -- Adding port (7111) -> isolate (0x830800) -- -- Adding StartEvent to queue -- -- Exit: CustomIsolateImpl_start -- -- Adding port (7112) -> isolate (0x815600) -- -- Posting message dest(7111) reply(0) -- -- Adding MessageEvent to queue -- -- Starting event loop -- >> StartEvent with isolate(0x830800)-- -- (isolate=0x830800) Running isolateMain $$ MessageEvent with dest port 7111-- -- (isolate=0x830800) Received: 42 -- Posting message dest(7112) reply(0) -- -- Adding MessageEvent to queue -- $$ MessageEvent with dest port 7112-- -- Closing port (7112) -- -- Adding ShutdownEvent to queue -- -- (isolate=0x815600) Received: 43 << ShutdownEvent with isolate(0x815600)-- -- Finished event loop -- Review URL: http://codereview.chromium.org//8588040 git-svn-id: https://dart.googlecode.com/svn/branches/bleeding_edge/dart@1906 260f80e4-7a28-3924-810f-c04153c831b5
2011-11-29 21:55:13 +00:00
const int kNumArguments = 1;
const Function& function = Function::Handle(
isolates refactor: this change introduces 'dart:isolate' as a library. This is a big global change, so let me explain in more detail. This refactoring CL does the following: - moves all the dart code for isolates in a common library (lib/isolate) - changes frog to understand 'dart:isolate' imoprts by loading the code from the location above. - changes the vm to undernstand 'dart:isolate' imports by creating a separate library that is part of the bootstrap. This follows the same code-structure that Todd suggested in his CL introducing the mirror library - changes dartc to use the shared isolate library as the source of truth for type checking. I left around some of the internal js code in dartc so that the backend continues to work for apps that don't use isolates. - changes all tests that use isolates to import the library explicitly (this is a large bulk of the files in this CL) - changes test status for tests we can't fix in this repo (e.g. co19) - splits the isolate library code to make it possible to preserve some tests without exposing internal types (e.g. tests about serialization/deserialization) - changes the create_sdk script to copy the isolate library to the sdk - includes the isolate library in dartdoc I'll wait for at least one lgtm from each area (dartc, vm, frog, sdk) There is one important pending thing this CL doesn't do: - update test_runner.dart: This should be updated next time we upload the new binaries to tool/testing/bin - dartium specific changes: Vijay, is there anything I need to do for dartium? Review URL: https://chromiumcodereview.appspot.com//9422019 git-svn-id: https://dart.googlecode.com/svn/branches/bleeding_edge/dart@4647 260f80e4-7a28-3924-810f-c04153c831b5
2012-02-27 22:50:44 +00:00
Add a mid-sized integration test for the Dart Embedding Api which demonstrates how to create a custom isolate abstraction. In this test, we use an event queue to share a single thread among our custom isolates. Add a callback which allows embedders to see when a port is created. Not sure if I should keep this or not. New apis: Dart_CreatePort() -- allocates a port id and adds a port->isolate mapping. Dart_IsolateHasActivePorts() -- does the current isolate have open ports? (this name a bit awkward...) Bail out of PortMap::ClosePorts() early if there are no open ports. This suppresses calls to the close_port_callback when there are no open ports. Use DART_CHECK_VALID to provide better error output when the test lib has errors. ------------------------- Sample output of the test: -- (isolate=0x815600) Constructing isolate -- Enter: CustomIsolateImpl_start -- -- Adding port (7111) -> isolate (0x830800) -- -- Adding StartEvent to queue -- -- Exit: CustomIsolateImpl_start -- -- Adding port (7112) -> isolate (0x815600) -- -- Posting message dest(7111) reply(0) -- -- Adding MessageEvent to queue -- -- Starting event loop -- >> StartEvent with isolate(0x830800)-- -- (isolate=0x830800) Running isolateMain $$ MessageEvent with dest port 7111-- -- (isolate=0x830800) Received: 42 -- Posting message dest(7112) reply(0) -- -- Adding MessageEvent to queue -- $$ MessageEvent with dest port 7112-- -- Closing port (7112) -- -- Adding ShutdownEvent to queue -- -- (isolate=0x815600) Received: 43 << ShutdownEvent with isolate(0x815600)-- -- Finished event loop -- Review URL: http://codereview.chromium.org//8588040 git-svn-id: https://dart.googlecode.com/svn/branches/bleeding_edge/dart@1906 260f80e4-7a28-3924-810f-c04153c831b5
2011-11-29 21:55:13 +00:00
Add a mid-sized integration test for the Dart Embedding Api which demonstrates how to create a custom isolate abstraction. In this test, we use an event queue to share a single thread among our custom isolates. Add a callback which allows embedders to see when a port is created. Not sure if I should keep this or not. New apis: Dart_CreatePort() -- allocates a port id and adds a port->isolate mapping. Dart_IsolateHasActivePorts() -- does the current isolate have open ports? (this name a bit awkward...) Bail out of PortMap::ClosePorts() early if there are no open ports. This suppresses calls to the close_port_callback when there are no open ports. Use DART_CHECK_VALID to provide better error output when the test lib has errors. ------------------------- Sample output of the test: -- (isolate=0x815600) Constructing isolate -- Enter: CustomIsolateImpl_start -- -- Adding port (7111) -> isolate (0x830800) -- -- Adding StartEvent to queue -- -- Exit: CustomIsolateImpl_start -- -- Adding port (7112) -> isolate (0x815600) -- -- Posting message dest(7111) reply(0) -- -- Adding MessageEvent to queue -- -- Starting event loop -- >> StartEvent with isolate(0x830800)-- -- (isolate=0x830800) Running isolateMain $$ MessageEvent with dest port 7111-- -- (isolate=0x830800) Received: 42 -- Posting message dest(7112) reply(0) -- -- Adding MessageEvent to queue -- $$ MessageEvent with dest port 7112-- -- Closing port (7112) -- -- Adding ShutdownEvent to queue -- -- (isolate=0x815600) Received: 43 << ShutdownEvent with isolate(0x815600)-- -- Finished event loop -- Review URL: http://codereview.chromium.org//8588040 git-svn-id: https://dart.googlecode.com/svn/branches/bleeding_edge/dart@1906 260f80e4-7a28-3924-810f-c04153c831b5
2011-11-29 21:55:13 +00:00
const Array& args = Array::Handle(isolate, Array::New(kNumArguments));
args.SetAt(0, Integer::Handle(isolate, Integer::New(port_id)));
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, DartEntry::InvokeFunction(function, args));
Add a mid-sized integration test for the Dart Embedding Api which demonstrates how to create a custom isolate abstraction. In this test, we use an event queue to share a single thread among our custom isolates. Add a callback which allows embedders to see when a port is created. Not sure if I should keep this or not. New apis: Dart_CreatePort() -- allocates a port id and adds a port->isolate mapping. Dart_IsolateHasActivePorts() -- does the current isolate have open ports? (this name a bit awkward...) Bail out of PortMap::ClosePorts() early if there are no open ports. This suppresses calls to the close_port_callback when there are no open ports. Use DART_CHECK_VALID to provide better error output when the test lib has errors. ------------------------- Sample output of the test: -- (isolate=0x815600) Constructing isolate -- Enter: CustomIsolateImpl_start -- -- Adding port (7111) -> isolate (0x830800) -- -- Adding StartEvent to queue -- -- Exit: CustomIsolateImpl_start -- -- Adding port (7112) -> isolate (0x815600) -- -- Posting message dest(7111) reply(0) -- -- Adding MessageEvent to queue -- -- Starting event loop -- >> StartEvent with isolate(0x830800)-- -- (isolate=0x830800) Running isolateMain $$ MessageEvent with dest port 7111-- -- (isolate=0x830800) Received: 42 -- Posting message dest(7112) reply(0) -- -- Adding MessageEvent to queue -- $$ MessageEvent with dest port 7112-- -- Closing port (7112) -- -- Adding ShutdownEvent to queue -- -- (isolate=0x815600) Received: 43 << ShutdownEvent with isolate(0x815600)-- -- Finished event loop -- Review URL: http://codereview.chromium.org//8588040 git-svn-id: https://dart.googlecode.com/svn/branches/bleeding_edge/dart@1906 260f80e4-7a28-3924-810f-c04153c831b5
2011-11-29 21:55:13 +00:00
DART_EXPORT Dart_Port Dart_GetMainPortId() {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
Add a mid-sized integration test for the Dart Embedding Api which demonstrates how to create a custom isolate abstraction. In this test, we use an event queue to share a single thread among our custom isolates. Add a callback which allows embedders to see when a port is created. Not sure if I should keep this or not. New apis: Dart_CreatePort() -- allocates a port id and adds a port->isolate mapping. Dart_IsolateHasActivePorts() -- does the current isolate have open ports? (this name a bit awkward...) Bail out of PortMap::ClosePorts() early if there are no open ports. This suppresses calls to the close_port_callback when there are no open ports. Use DART_CHECK_VALID to provide better error output when the test lib has errors. ------------------------- Sample output of the test: -- (isolate=0x815600) Constructing isolate -- Enter: CustomIsolateImpl_start -- -- Adding port (7111) -> isolate (0x830800) -- -- Adding StartEvent to queue -- -- Exit: CustomIsolateImpl_start -- -- Adding port (7112) -> isolate (0x815600) -- -- Posting message dest(7111) reply(0) -- -- Adding MessageEvent to queue -- -- Starting event loop -- >> StartEvent with isolate(0x830800)-- -- (isolate=0x830800) Running isolateMain $$ MessageEvent with dest port 7111-- -- (isolate=0x830800) Received: 42 -- Posting message dest(7112) reply(0) -- -- Adding MessageEvent to queue -- $$ MessageEvent with dest port 7112-- -- Closing port (7112) -- -- Adding ShutdownEvent to queue -- -- (isolate=0x815600) Received: 43 << ShutdownEvent with isolate(0x815600)-- -- Finished event loop -- Review URL: http://codereview.chromium.org//8588040 git-svn-id: https://dart.googlecode.com/svn/branches/bleeding_edge/dart@1906 260f80e4-7a28-3924-810f-c04153c831b5
2011-11-29 21:55:13 +00:00
return isolate->main_port();
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_PostMessage(Dart_Handle send_port,
Dart_Handle object) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
Instance& port_instance = Instance::Handle();
port_instance ^= Api::UnwrapHandle(send_port);
if (!DartLibraryCalls::IsSendPort(port_instance)) {
return Api::NewError("send_port is not a SendPort.");
const Object& idObj = Object::Handle(
Integer& id = Integer::Handle();
id ^= idObj.raw();
Dart_Port port = static_cast<Dart_Port>(id.AsInt64Value());
uint8_t* data = NULL;
MessageWriter writer(&data, &allocator);
Object& msg_object = Object::Handle(Api::UnwrapHandle(object));
intptr_t len = writer.BytesWritten();
bool r = PortMap::PostMessage(
new Message(port, data, len, Message::kNormalPriority));
if (r) {
return Api::Success();
return Api::NewError("Dart_PostMessage failed.");
// --- Scopes ----
DART_EXPORT void Dart_EnterScope() {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ApiState* state = isolate->api_state();
ASSERT(state != NULL);
ApiLocalScope* new_scope = state->reusable_scope();
if (new_scope == NULL) {
new_scope = new ApiLocalScope(state->top_scope(),
ASSERT(new_scope != NULL);
} else {
state->set_top_scope(new_scope); // New scope is now the top scope.
DART_EXPORT void Dart_ExitScope() {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ApiState* state = isolate->api_state();
ApiLocalScope* scope = state->top_scope();
ApiLocalScope* reusable_scope = state->reusable_scope();
state->set_top_scope(scope->previous()); // Reset top scope to previous.
if (reusable_scope == NULL) {
scope->Reset(isolate); // Reset the old scope which we just exited.
} else {
ASSERT(reusable_scope != scope);
delete scope;
DART_EXPORT uint8_t* Dart_ScopeAllocate(intptr_t size) {
Zone* zone;
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
if (isolate != NULL) {
ApiState* state = isolate->api_state();
if (state == NULL) return NULL;
ApiLocalScope* scope = state->top_scope();
zone = scope->zone();
} else {
ApiNativeScope* scope = ApiNativeScope::Current();
if (scope == NULL) return NULL;
zone = scope->zone();
return reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(zone->AllocUnsafe(size));
// --- Objects ----
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_Null() {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
return Api::Null();
DART_EXPORT bool Dart_IsNull(Dart_Handle object) {
return Api::UnwrapHandle(object) == Object::null();
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_ObjectEquals(Dart_Handle obj1, Dart_Handle obj2,
bool* value) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
const Instance& expected =
Instance::CheckedHandle(isolate, Api::UnwrapHandle(obj1));
const Instance& actual =
Instance::CheckedHandle(isolate, Api::UnwrapHandle(obj2));
const Object& result =
Object::Handle(isolate, DartLibraryCalls::Equals(expected, actual));
if (result.IsBool()) {
*value = Bool::Cast(result).value();
return Api::Success();
} else if (result.IsError()) {
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, result.raw());
} else {
return Api::NewError("Expected boolean result from ==");
// TODO(iposva): This call actually implements IsInstanceOfClass.
// Do we also need a real Dart_IsInstanceOf, which should take an instance
// rather than an object?
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_ObjectIsType(Dart_Handle object,
Dart_Handle type,
bool* value) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
const Type& type_obj = Api::UnwrapTypeHandle(isolate, type);
if (type_obj.IsNull()) {
*value = false;
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, type, Type);
if (object == Api::Null()) {
*value = false;
return Api::Success();
const Instance& instance = Api::UnwrapInstanceHandle(isolate, object);
if (instance.IsNull()) {
*value = false;
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, object, Instance);
// Finalize all classes.
Dart_Handle state = Api::CheckIsolateState(isolate);
if (::Dart_IsError(state)) {
*value = false;
return state;
Error& malformed_type_error = Error::Handle(isolate);
*value = instance.IsInstanceOf(type_obj,
ASSERT(malformed_type_error.IsNull()); // Type was created from a class.
return Api::Success();
DART_EXPORT bool Dart_IsInstance(Dart_Handle object) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
Object& ref = isolate->ObjectHandle();
ref = Api::UnwrapHandle(object);
return ref.IsInstance();
DART_EXPORT bool Dart_IsNumber(Dart_Handle object) {
return RawObject::IsNumberClassId(Api::ClassId(object));
DART_EXPORT bool Dart_IsInteger(Dart_Handle object) {
return RawObject::IsIntegerClassId(Api::ClassId(object));
DART_EXPORT bool Dart_IsDouble(Dart_Handle object) {
return Api::ClassId(object) == kDoubleCid;
DART_EXPORT bool Dart_IsBoolean(Dart_Handle object) {
return Api::ClassId(object) == kBoolCid;
DART_EXPORT bool Dart_IsString(Dart_Handle object) {
return RawObject::IsStringClassId(Api::ClassId(object));
DART_EXPORT bool Dart_IsStringLatin1(Dart_Handle object) {
return RawObject::IsOneByteStringClassId(Api::ClassId(object));
DART_EXPORT bool Dart_IsExternalString(Dart_Handle object) {
return RawObject::IsExternalStringClassId(Api::ClassId(object));
DART_EXPORT bool Dart_IsList(Dart_Handle object) {
if (RawObject::IsBuiltinListClassId(Api::ClassId(object))) {
return true;
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
const Object& obj = Object::Handle(isolate, Api::UnwrapHandle(object));
return GetListInstance(isolate, obj) != Instance::null();
DART_EXPORT bool Dart_IsLibrary(Dart_Handle object) {
return Api::ClassId(object) == kLibraryCid;
DART_EXPORT bool Dart_IsType(Dart_Handle handle) {
return Api::ClassId(handle) == kTypeCid;
DART_EXPORT bool Dart_IsFunction(Dart_Handle handle) {
return Api::ClassId(handle) == kFunctionCid;
DART_EXPORT bool Dart_IsVariable(Dart_Handle handle) {
return Api::ClassId(handle) == kFieldCid;
DART_EXPORT bool Dart_IsTypeVariable(Dart_Handle handle) {
return Api::ClassId(handle) == kTypeParameterCid;
DART_EXPORT bool Dart_IsClosure(Dart_Handle object) {
// We can't use a fast class index check here because there are many
// different signature classes for closures.
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ReusableObjectHandleScope reused_obj_handle(isolate);
const Instance& closure_obj =
Api::UnwrapInstanceHandle(reused_obj_handle, object);
return (!closure_obj.IsNull() && closure_obj.IsClosure());
// --- Instances ----
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_InstanceGetType(Dart_Handle instance) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
const Object& obj = Object::Handle(isolate, Api::UnwrapHandle(instance));
if (obj.IsNull()) {
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, isolate->object_store()->null_type());
if (!obj.IsInstance()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, instance, Instance);
const Type& type = Type::Handle(Instance::Cast(obj).GetType());
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, type.Canonicalize());
// --- Numbers, Integers and Doubles ----
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_IntegerFitsIntoInt64(Dart_Handle integer,
bool* fits) {
// Fast path for Smis and Mints.
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
intptr_t class_id = Api::ClassId(integer);
if (class_id == kSmiCid || class_id == kMintCid) {
*fits = true;
return Api::Success();
// Slow path for Mints and Bigints.
const Integer& int_obj = Api::UnwrapIntegerHandle(isolate, integer);
if (int_obj.IsNull()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, integer, Integer);
*fits = false;
return Api::Success();
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_IntegerFitsIntoUint64(Dart_Handle integer,
bool* fits) {
// Fast path for Smis.
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
if (Api::IsSmi(integer)) {
*fits = (Api::SmiValue(integer) >= 0);
return Api::Success();
// Slow path for Mints and Bigints.
const Integer& int_obj = Api::UnwrapIntegerHandle(isolate, integer);
if (int_obj.IsNull()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, integer, Integer);
if (int_obj.IsMint()) {
*fits = !int_obj.IsNegative();
} else {
*fits = BigintOperations::FitsIntoUint64(Bigint::Cast(int_obj));
return Api::Success();
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_NewInteger(int64_t value) {
// Fast path for Smis.
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
if (Smi::IsValid64(value)) {
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, Smi::New(static_cast<intptr_t>(value)));
// Slow path for Mints and Bigints.
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, Integer::New(value));
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_NewIntegerFromHexCString(const char* str) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
const String& str_obj = String::Handle(isolate, String::New(str));
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, Integer::New(str_obj));
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_IntegerToInt64(Dart_Handle integer,
int64_t* value) {
// Fast path for Smis.
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
if (Api::IsSmi(integer)) {
*value = Api::SmiValue(integer);
return Api::Success();
// Slow path for Mints and Bigints.
const Integer& int_obj = Api::UnwrapIntegerHandle(isolate, integer);
if (int_obj.IsNull()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, integer, Integer);
if (int_obj.IsMint()) {
*value = int_obj.AsInt64Value();
return Api::Success();
} else {
const Bigint& bigint = Bigint::Cast(int_obj);
if (BigintOperations::FitsIntoInt64(bigint)) {
*value = BigintOperations::ToInt64(bigint);
return Api::Success();
return Api::NewError("%s: Integer %s cannot be represented as an int64_t.",
CURRENT_FUNC, int_obj.ToCString());
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_IntegerToUint64(Dart_Handle integer,
uint64_t* value) {
// Fast path for Smis.
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
if (Api::IsSmi(integer)) {
intptr_t smi_value = Api::SmiValue(integer);
if (smi_value >= 0) {
*value = smi_value;
return Api::Success();
// Slow path for Mints and Bigints.
const Integer& int_obj = Api::UnwrapIntegerHandle(isolate, integer);
if (int_obj.IsNull()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, integer, Integer);
if (int_obj.IsMint() && !int_obj.IsNegative()) {
*value = int_obj.AsInt64Value();
return Api::Success();
} else {
const Bigint& bigint = Bigint::Cast(int_obj);
if (BigintOperations::FitsIntoUint64(bigint)) {
*value = BigintOperations::ToUint64(bigint);
return Api::Success();
return Api::NewError("%s: Integer %s cannot be represented as a uint64_t.",
CURRENT_FUNC, int_obj.ToCString());
static uword BigintAllocate(intptr_t size) {
return Api::TopScope(Isolate::Current())->zone()->AllocUnsafe(size);
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_IntegerToHexCString(Dart_Handle integer,
const char** value) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
const Integer& int_obj = Api::UnwrapIntegerHandle(isolate, integer);
if (int_obj.IsNull()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, integer, Integer);
if (int_obj.IsSmi() || int_obj.IsMint()) {
const Bigint& bigint = Bigint::Handle(isolate,
*value = BigintOperations::ToHexCString(bigint, BigintAllocate);
} else {
*value = BigintOperations::ToHexCString(Bigint::Cast(int_obj),
return Api::Success();
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_NewDouble(double value) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, Double::New(value));
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_DoubleValue(Dart_Handle double_obj,
double* value) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
const Double& obj = Api::UnwrapDoubleHandle(isolate, double_obj);
if (obj.IsNull()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, double_obj, Double);
*value = obj.value();
return Api::Success();
// --- Booleans ----
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_True() {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
return Api::True();
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_False() {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
return Api::False();
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_NewBoolean(bool value) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
return value ? Api::True() : Api::False();
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_BooleanValue(Dart_Handle boolean_obj,
bool* value) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
const Bool& obj = Api::UnwrapBoolHandle(isolate, boolean_obj);
if (obj.IsNull()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, boolean_obj, Bool);
*value = obj.value();
return Api::Success();
// --- Strings ---
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_StringLength(Dart_Handle str, intptr_t* len) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ReusableObjectHandleScope reused_obj_handle(isolate);
const String& str_obj = Api::UnwrapStringHandle(reused_obj_handle, str);
if (str_obj.IsNull()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, str, String);
*len = str_obj.Length();
return Api::Success();
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_NewStringFromCString(const char* str) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
if (str == NULL) {
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, String::New(str));
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_NewStringFromUTF8(const uint8_t* utf8_array,
intptr_t length) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
if (utf8_array == NULL && length != 0) {
CHECK_LENGTH(length, String::kMaxElements);
if (!Utf8::IsValid(utf8_array, length)) {
return Api::NewError("%s expects argument 'str' to be valid UTF-8.",
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, String::FromUTF8(utf8_array, length));
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_NewStringFromUTF16(const uint16_t* utf16_array,
intptr_t length) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
if (utf16_array == NULL && length != 0) {
CHECK_LENGTH(length, String::kMaxElements);
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, String::FromUTF16(utf16_array, length));
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_NewStringFromUTF32(const int32_t* utf32_array,
intptr_t length) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
if (utf32_array == NULL && length != 0) {
CHECK_LENGTH(length, String::kMaxElements);
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, String::FromUTF32(utf32_array, length));
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_NewExternalLatin1String(
const uint8_t* latin1_array,
intptr_t length,
void* peer,
Dart_PeerFinalizer cback) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
if (latin1_array == NULL && length != 0) {
CHECK_LENGTH(length, String::kMaxElements);
return Api::NewHandle(isolate,
SpaceForExternal(isolate, length)));
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_NewExternalUTF16String(const uint16_t* utf16_array,
intptr_t length,
void* peer,
Dart_PeerFinalizer cback) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
if (utf16_array == NULL && length != 0) {
CHECK_LENGTH(length, String::kMaxElements);
intptr_t bytes = length * sizeof(*utf16_array);
return Api::NewHandle(isolate,
SpaceForExternal(isolate, bytes)));
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_StringToCString(Dart_Handle object,
const char** cstr) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
if (cstr == NULL) {
const String& str_obj = Api::UnwrapStringHandle(isolate, object);
if (str_obj.IsNull()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, object, String);
intptr_t string_length = Utf8::Length(str_obj);
char* res = Api::TopScope(isolate)->zone()->Alloc<char>(string_length + 1);
if (res == NULL) {
return Api::NewError("Unable to allocate memory");
const char* string_value = str_obj.ToCString();
memmove(res, string_value, string_length + 1);
ASSERT(res[string_length] == '\0');
*cstr = res;
return Api::Success();
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_StringToUTF8(Dart_Handle str,
uint8_t** utf8_array,
intptr_t* length) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
if (utf8_array == NULL) {
if (length == NULL) {
const String& str_obj = Api::UnwrapStringHandle(isolate, str);
if (str_obj.IsNull()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, str, String);
intptr_t str_len = Utf8::Length(str_obj);
*utf8_array = Api::TopScope(isolate)->zone()->Alloc<uint8_t>(str_len);
if (*utf8_array == NULL) {
return Api::NewError("Unable to allocate memory");
str_obj.ToUTF8(*utf8_array, str_len);
*length = str_len;
return Api::Success();
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_StringToLatin1(Dart_Handle str,
uint8_t* latin1_array,
intptr_t* length) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
if (latin1_array == NULL) {
if (length == NULL) {
const String& str_obj = Api::UnwrapStringHandle(isolate, str);
if (str_obj.IsNull() || !str_obj.IsOneByteString()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, str, String);
intptr_t str_len = str_obj.Length();
intptr_t copy_len = (str_len > *length) ? *length : str_len;
// We have already asserted that the string object is a Latin-1 string
// so we can copy the characters over using a simple loop.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < copy_len; i++) {
latin1_array[i] = str_obj.CharAt(i);
*length = copy_len;
return Api::Success();
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_StringToUTF16(Dart_Handle str,
uint16_t* utf16_array,
intptr_t* length) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
const String& str_obj = Api::UnwrapStringHandle(isolate, str);
if (str_obj.IsNull()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, str, String);
intptr_t str_len = str_obj.Length();
intptr_t copy_len = (str_len > *length) ? *length : str_len;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < copy_len; i++) {
utf16_array[i] = static_cast<uint16_t>(str_obj.CharAt(i));
*length = copy_len;
return Api::Success();
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_StringStorageSize(Dart_Handle str,
intptr_t* size) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ReusableObjectHandleScope reused_obj_handle(isolate);
const String& str_obj = Api::UnwrapStringHandle(reused_obj_handle, str);
if (str_obj.IsNull()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, str, String);
if (size == NULL) {
*size = (str_obj.Length() * str_obj.CharSize());
return Api::Success();
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_MakeExternalString(Dart_Handle str,
void* array,
intptr_t length,
void* peer,
Dart_PeerFinalizer cback) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
const String& str_obj = Api::UnwrapStringHandle(isolate, str);
if (str_obj.IsExternal()) {
return str; // String is already an external string.
if (str_obj.IsNull()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, str, String);
if (array == NULL) {
intptr_t str_size = (str_obj.Length() * str_obj.CharSize());
if ((length < str_size) || (length > String::kMaxElements)) {
return Api::NewError("Dart_MakeExternalString "
"expects argument length to be in the range"
"[%" Pd "..%" Pd "].",
str_size, String::kMaxElements);
if (str_obj.InVMHeap()) {
// Since the string object is read only we do not externalize
// the string but instead copy the contents of the string into the
// specified buffer add the specified peer/cback as a Peer object
// to this string. The Api::StringGetPeerHelper function picks up
// the peer from the Peer table.
intptr_t copy_len = str_obj.Length();
if (str_obj.IsOneByteString()) {
ASSERT(length >= copy_len);
uint8_t* latin1_array = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(array);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < copy_len; i++) {
latin1_array[i] = static_cast<uint8_t>(str_obj.CharAt(i));
OneByteString::SetPeer(str_obj, peer, cback);
} else {
ASSERT(length >= (copy_len * str_obj.CharSize()));
uint16_t* utf16_array = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(array);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < copy_len; i++) {
utf16_array[i] = static_cast<uint16_t>(str_obj.CharAt(i));
TwoByteString::SetPeer(str_obj, peer, cback);
return str;
return Api::NewHandle(isolate,
str_obj.MakeExternal(array, length, peer, cback));
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_StringGetProperties(Dart_Handle object,
intptr_t* char_size,
intptr_t* str_len,
void** peer) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ReusableObjectHandleScope reused_obj_handle(isolate);
const String& str = Api::UnwrapStringHandle(reused_obj_handle, object);
if (str.IsNull()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, object, String);
if (str.IsExternal()) {
*peer = str.GetPeer();
ASSERT(*peer != NULL);
} else {
NoGCScope no_gc_scope;
*peer = isolate->heap()->GetPeer(str.raw());
*char_size = str.CharSize();
*str_len = str.Length();
return Api::Success();
// --- Lists ---
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_NewList(intptr_t length) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
CHECK_LENGTH(length, Array::kMaxElements);
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, Array::New(length));
#define GET_LIST_LENGTH(isolate, type, obj, len) \
type& array = type::Handle(isolate); \
array ^= obj.raw(); \
*len = array.Length(); \
return Api::Success(); \
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_ListLength(Dart_Handle list, intptr_t* len) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
const Object& obj = Object::Handle(isolate, Api::UnwrapHandle(list));
if (obj.IsError()) {
// Pass through errors.
return list;
if (obj.IsTypedData()) {
GET_LIST_LENGTH(isolate, TypedData, obj, len);
if (obj.IsArray()) {
GET_LIST_LENGTH(isolate, Array, obj, len);
if (obj.IsGrowableObjectArray()) {
GET_LIST_LENGTH(isolate, GrowableObjectArray, obj, len);
if (obj.IsExternalTypedData()) {
GET_LIST_LENGTH(isolate, ExternalTypedData, obj, len);
// Now check and handle a dart object that implements the List interface.
const Instance& instance =
Instance::Handle(isolate, GetListInstance(isolate, obj));
if (instance.IsNull()) {
return Api::NewError("Object does not implement the List interface");
const String& name = String::Handle(Field::GetterName(Symbols::Length()));
const int kNumArgs = 1;
ArgumentsDescriptor args_desc(
const Function& function =
Function::Handle(isolate, Resolver::ResolveDynamic(instance,
if (function.IsNull()) {
return Api::NewError("List object does not have a 'length' field.");
const Array& args = Array::Handle(isolate, Array::New(kNumArgs));
args.SetAt(0, instance); // Set up the receiver as the first argument.
const Object& retval =
Object::Handle(isolate, DartEntry::InvokeFunction(function, args));
if (retval.IsSmi()) {
*len = Smi::Cast(retval).Value();
return Api::Success();
} else if (retval.IsMint() || retval.IsBigint()) {
if (retval.IsMint()) {
int64_t mint_value = Mint::Cast(retval).value();
if (mint_value >= kIntptrMin && mint_value <= kIntptrMax) {
*len = static_cast<intptr_t>(mint_value);
} else {
// Check for a non-canonical Mint range value.
const Bigint& bigint = Bigint::Handle();
if (BigintOperations::FitsIntoInt64(bigint)) {
int64_t bigint_value = bigint.AsInt64Value();
if (bigint_value >= kIntptrMin && bigint_value <= kIntptrMax) {
*len = static_cast<intptr_t>(bigint_value);
return Api::NewError("Length of List object is greater than the "
"maximum value that 'len' parameter can hold");
} else if (retval.IsError()) {
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, retval.raw());
} else {
return Api::NewError("Length of List object is not an integer");
#define GET_LIST_ELEMENT(isolate, type, obj, index) \
const type& array_obj = type::Cast(obj); \
if ((index >= 0) && (index < array_obj.Length())) { \
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, array_obj.At(index)); \
} \
return Api::NewError("Invalid index passed in to access list element"); \
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_ListGetAt(Dart_Handle list, intptr_t index) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
const Object& obj = Object::Handle(isolate, Api::UnwrapHandle(list));
if (obj.IsArray()) {
GET_LIST_ELEMENT(isolate, Array, obj, index);
} else if (obj.IsGrowableObjectArray()) {
GET_LIST_ELEMENT(isolate, GrowableObjectArray, obj, index);
} else if (obj.IsError()) {
return list;
} else {
// Check and handle a dart object that implements the List interface.
const Instance& instance =
Instance::Handle(isolate, GetListInstance(isolate, obj));
if (!instance.IsNull()) {
const int kNumArgs = 2;
ArgumentsDescriptor args_desc(
const Function& function = Function::Handle(
Resolver::ResolveDynamic(instance, Symbols::IndexToken(), args_desc));
if (!function.IsNull()) {
const Array& args = Array::Handle(isolate, Array::New(kNumArgs));
const Integer& indexobj = Integer::Handle(isolate, Integer::New(index));
args.SetAt(0, instance);
args.SetAt(1, indexobj);
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, DartEntry::InvokeFunction(function,
return Api::NewError("Object does not implement the 'List' interface");
#define SET_LIST_ELEMENT(isolate, type, obj, index, value) \
const type& array = type::Cast(obj); \
const Object& value_obj = Object::Handle(isolate, Api::UnwrapHandle(value)); \
if (!value_obj.IsNull() && !value_obj.IsInstance()) { \
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, value, Instance); \
} \
if ((index >= 0) && (index < array.Length())) { \
array.SetAt(index, value_obj); \
return Api::Success(); \
} \
return Api::NewError("Invalid index passed in to set list element"); \
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_ListSetAt(Dart_Handle list,
intptr_t index,
Dart_Handle value) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
const Object& obj = Object::Handle(isolate, Api::UnwrapHandle(list));
// If the list is immutable we call into Dart for the indexed setter to
// get the unsupported operation exception as the result.
if (obj.IsArray() && !Array::Cast(obj).IsImmutable()) {
SET_LIST_ELEMENT(isolate, Array, obj, index, value);
} else if (obj.IsGrowableObjectArray()) {
SET_LIST_ELEMENT(isolate, GrowableObjectArray, obj, index, value);
} else if (obj.IsError()) {
return list;
} else {
// Check and handle a dart object that implements the List interface.
const Instance& instance =
Instance::Handle(isolate, GetListInstance(isolate, obj));
if (!instance.IsNull()) {
const intptr_t kNumArgs = 3;
ArgumentsDescriptor args_desc(
const Function& function = Function::Handle(
if (!function.IsNull()) {
const Integer& index_obj =
Integer::Handle(isolate, Integer::New(index));
const Object& value_obj =
Object::Handle(isolate, Api::UnwrapHandle(value));
if (!value_obj.IsNull() && !value_obj.IsInstance()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, value, Instance);
const Array& args = Array::Handle(isolate, Array::New(kNumArgs));
args.SetAt(0, instance);
args.SetAt(1, index_obj);
args.SetAt(2, value_obj);
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, DartEntry::InvokeFunction(function,
return Api::NewError("Object does not implement the 'List' interface");
static RawObject* ResolveConstructor(const char* current_func,
const Class& cls,
const String& class_name,
const String& dotted_name,
int num_args);
static RawObject* ThrowArgumentError(const char* exception_message) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
// Lookup the class ArgumentError in dart:core.
const String& lib_url = String::Handle(String::New("dart:core"));
const String& class_name = String::Handle(String::New("ArgumentError"));
const Library& lib =
Library::Handle(isolate, Library::LookupLibrary(lib_url));
if (lib.IsNull()) {
const String& message = String::Handle(
String::NewFormatted("%s: library '%s' not found.",
CURRENT_FUNC, lib_url.ToCString()));
return ApiError::New(message);
const Class& cls = Class::Handle(
isolate, lib.LookupClassAllowPrivate(class_name));
Object& result = Object::Handle(isolate);
String& dot_name = String::Handle(String::New("."));
String& constr_name = String::Handle(String::Concat(class_name, dot_name));
result = ResolveConstructor(CURRENT_FUNC, cls, class_name, constr_name, 1);
if (result.IsError()) return result.raw();
Function& constructor = Function::Handle(isolate);
constructor ^= result.raw();
if (!constructor.IsConstructor()) {
const String& message = String::Handle(
String::NewFormatted("%s: class '%s' is not a constructor.",
CURRENT_FUNC, class_name.ToCString()));
return ApiError::New(message);
Instance& exception = Instance::Handle(isolate);
exception = Instance::New(cls);
const Array& args = Array::Handle(isolate, Array::New(3));
args.SetAt(0, exception);
Smi::Handle(isolate, Smi::New(Function::kCtorPhaseAll)));
args.SetAt(2, String::Handle(String::New(exception_message)));
result = DartEntry::InvokeFunction(constructor, args);
if (result.IsError()) return result.raw();
if (isolate->top_exit_frame_info() == 0) {
// There are no dart frames on the stack so it would be illegal to
// throw an exception here.
const String& message = String::Handle(
String::New("No Dart frames on stack, cannot throw exception"));
return ApiError::New(message);
// Unwind all the API scopes till the exit frame before throwing an
// exception.
ApiState* state = isolate->api_state();
ASSERT(state != NULL);
const Instance* saved_exception;
NoGCScope no_gc;
RawInstance* raw_exception = exception.raw();
saved_exception = &Instance::Handle(raw_exception);
const String& message = String::Handle(
String::New("Exception was not thrown, internal error"));
return ApiError::New(message);
// TODO(sgjesse): value should always be smaller then 0xff. Add error handling.
#define GET_LIST_ELEMENT_AS_BYTES(isolate, type, obj, native_array, offset, \
length) \
const type& array = type::Cast(obj); \
if (Utils::RangeCheck(offset, length, array.Length())) { \
Object& element = Object::Handle(isolate); \
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { \
element = array.At(offset + i); \
if (!element.IsInteger()) { \
return Api::NewHandle( \
isolate, ThrowArgumentError("List contains non-int elements")); \
} \
const Integer& integer = Integer::Cast(element); \
native_array[i] = static_cast<uint8_t>(integer.AsInt64Value() & 0xff); \
ASSERT(integer.AsInt64Value() <= 0xff); \
} \
return Api::Success(); \
} \
return Api::NewError("Invalid length passed in to access array elements"); \
static Dart_Handle CopyBytes(const TypedData& array,
intptr_t offset,
uint8_t* native_array,
intptr_t length) {
ASSERT(array.ElementSizeInBytes() == 1);
NoGCScope no_gc;
return Api::Success();
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_ListGetAsBytes(Dart_Handle list,
intptr_t offset,
uint8_t* native_array,
intptr_t length) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
const Object& obj = Object::Handle(isolate, Api::UnwrapHandle(list));
if (obj.IsTypedData()) {
const TypedData& array = TypedData::Cast(obj);
if (array.ElementSizeInBytes() == 1) {
if (!Utils::RangeCheck(offset, length, array.Length())) {
return Api::NewError(
"Invalid length passed in to access list elements");
return CopyBytes(array, offset, native_array, length);
if (RawObject::IsTypedDataViewClassId(obj.GetClassId())) {
const Instance& view = Instance::Cast(obj);
if (TypedDataView::ElementSizeInBytes(view) == 1) {
intptr_t view_length = Smi::Value(TypedDataView::Length(view));
if (!Utils::RangeCheck(offset, length, view_length)) {
return Api::NewError(
"Invalid length passed in to access list elements");
const Instance& data = Instance::Handle(TypedDataView::Data(view));
if (data.IsTypedData()) {
const TypedData& array = TypedData::Cast(data);
if (array.ElementSizeInBytes() == 1) {
intptr_t data_offset =
Smi::Value(TypedDataView::OffsetInBytes(view)) + offset;
// Range check already performed on the view object.
ASSERT(Utils::RangeCheck(data_offset, length, array.Length()));
return CopyBytes(array, data_offset, native_array, length);
if (obj.IsArray()) {
if (obj.IsGrowableObjectArray()) {
if (obj.IsError()) {
return list;
// Check and handle a dart object that implements the List interface.
const Instance& instance =
Instance::Handle(isolate, GetListInstance(isolate, obj));
if (!instance.IsNull()) {
const int kNumArgs = 2;
ArgumentsDescriptor args_desc(
const Function& function = Function::Handle(
Resolver::ResolveDynamic(instance, Symbols::IndexToken(), args_desc));
if (!function.IsNull()) {
Object& result = Object::Handle(isolate);
Integer& intobj = Integer::Handle(isolate);
const Array& args = Array::Handle(isolate, Array::New(kNumArgs));
args.SetAt(0, instance); // Set up the receiver as the first argument.
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
intobj = Integer::New(offset + i);
args.SetAt(1, intobj);
result = DartEntry::InvokeFunction(function, args);
if (result.IsError()) {
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, result.raw());
if (!result.IsInteger()) {
return Api::NewError("%s expects the argument 'list' to be "
"a List of int", CURRENT_FUNC);
const Integer& integer_result = Integer::Cast(result);
ASSERT(integer_result.AsInt64Value() <= 0xff);
// TODO(hpayer): value should always be smaller then 0xff. Add error
// handling.
native_array[i] =
static_cast<uint8_t>(integer_result.AsInt64Value() & 0xff);
return Api::Success();
return Api::NewError("Object does not implement the 'List' interface");
#define SET_LIST_ELEMENT_AS_BYTES(isolate, type, obj, native_array, offset, \
length) \
const type& array = type::Cast(obj); \
Integer& integer = Integer::Handle(isolate); \
if (Utils::RangeCheck(offset, length, array.Length())) { \
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { \
integer = Integer::New(native_array[i]); \
array.SetAt(offset + i, integer); \
} \
return Api::Success(); \
} \
return Api::NewError("Invalid length passed in to set array elements"); \
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_ListSetAsBytes(Dart_Handle list,
intptr_t offset,
uint8_t* native_array,
intptr_t length) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
const Object& obj = Object::Handle(isolate, Api::UnwrapHandle(list));
if (obj.IsTypedData()) {
const TypedData& array = TypedData::Cast(obj);
if (array.ElementSizeInBytes() == 1) {
if (Utils::RangeCheck(offset, length, array.Length())) {
NoGCScope no_gc;
return Api::Success();
return Api::NewError("Invalid length passed in to access list elements");
if (obj.IsArray() && !Array::Cast(obj).IsImmutable()) {
// If the list is immutable we call into Dart for the indexed setter to
// get the unsupported operation exception as the result.
if (obj.IsGrowableObjectArray()) {
if (obj.IsError()) {
return list;
// Check and handle a dart object that implements the List interface.
const Instance& instance =
Instance::Handle(isolate, GetListInstance(isolate, obj));
if (!instance.IsNull()) {
const int kNumArgs = 3;
ArgumentsDescriptor args_desc(
const Function& function = Function::Handle(
if (!function.IsNull()) {
Integer& indexobj = Integer::Handle(isolate);
Integer& valueobj = Integer::Handle(isolate);
const Array& args = Array::Handle(isolate, Array::New(kNumArgs));
args.SetAt(0, instance); // Set up the receiver as the first argument.
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
indexobj = Integer::New(offset + i);
valueobj = Integer::New(native_array[i]);
args.SetAt(1, indexobj);
args.SetAt(2, valueobj);
const Object& result = Object::Handle(
isolate, DartEntry::InvokeFunction(function, args));
if (result.IsError()) {
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, result.raw());
return Api::Success();
return Api::NewError("Object does not implement the 'List' interface");
// --- Typed Data ---
// Helper method to get the type of a TypedData object.
static Dart_TypedData_Type GetType(intptr_t class_id) {
Dart_TypedData_Type type;
switch (class_id) {
case kByteDataViewCid :
type = Dart_TypedData_kByteData;
case kTypedDataInt8ArrayCid :
case kTypedDataInt8ArrayViewCid :
case kExternalTypedDataInt8ArrayCid :
type = Dart_TypedData_kInt8;
case kTypedDataUint8ArrayCid :
case kTypedDataUint8ArrayViewCid :
case kExternalTypedDataUint8ArrayCid :
type = Dart_TypedData_kUint8;
case kTypedDataUint8ClampedArrayCid :
case kTypedDataUint8ClampedArrayViewCid :
case kExternalTypedDataUint8ClampedArrayCid :
type = Dart_TypedData_kUint8Clamped;
case kTypedDataInt16ArrayCid :
case kTypedDataInt16ArrayViewCid :
case kExternalTypedDataInt16ArrayCid :
type = Dart_TypedData_kInt16;
case kTypedDataUint16ArrayCid :
case kTypedDataUint16ArrayViewCid :
case kExternalTypedDataUint16ArrayCid :
type = Dart_TypedData_kUint16;
case kTypedDataInt32ArrayCid :
case kTypedDataInt32ArrayViewCid :
case kExternalTypedDataInt32ArrayCid :
type = Dart_TypedData_kInt32;
case kTypedDataUint32ArrayCid :
case kTypedDataUint32ArrayViewCid :
case kExternalTypedDataUint32ArrayCid :
type = Dart_TypedData_kUint32;
case kTypedDataInt64ArrayCid :
case kTypedDataInt64ArrayViewCid :
case kExternalTypedDataInt64ArrayCid :
type = Dart_TypedData_kInt64;
case kTypedDataUint64ArrayCid :
case kTypedDataUint64ArrayViewCid :
case kExternalTypedDataUint64ArrayCid :
type = Dart_TypedData_kUint64;
case kTypedDataFloat32ArrayCid :
case kTypedDataFloat32ArrayViewCid :
case kExternalTypedDataFloat32ArrayCid :
type = Dart_TypedData_kFloat32;
case kTypedDataFloat64ArrayCid :
case kTypedDataFloat64ArrayViewCid :
case kExternalTypedDataFloat64ArrayCid :
type = Dart_TypedData_kFloat64;
case kTypedDataFloat32x4ArrayCid :
case kTypedDataFloat32x4ArrayViewCid :
case kExternalTypedDataFloat32x4ArrayCid :
type = Dart_TypedData_kFloat32x4;
type = Dart_TypedData_kInvalid;
return type;
DART_EXPORT Dart_TypedData_Type Dart_GetTypeOfTypedData(Dart_Handle object) {
intptr_t class_id = Api::ClassId(object);
if (RawObject::IsTypedDataClassId(class_id) ||
RawObject::IsTypedDataViewClassId(class_id)) {
return GetType(class_id);
return Dart_TypedData_kInvalid;
DART_EXPORT Dart_TypedData_Type Dart_GetTypeOfExternalTypedData(
Dart_Handle object) {
intptr_t class_id = Api::ClassId(object);
if (RawObject::IsExternalTypedDataClassId(class_id) ||
RawObject::IsTypedDataViewClassId(class_id)) {
return GetType(class_id);
return Dart_TypedData_kInvalid;
static RawObject* GetByteDataConstructor(Isolate* isolate,
const String& constructor_name,
intptr_t num_args) {
const Library& lib =
const Class& cls = Class::Handle(
isolate, lib.LookupClassAllowPrivate(Symbols::ByteData()));
return ResolveConstructor(CURRENT_FUNC,
static Dart_Handle NewByteData(Isolate* isolate, intptr_t length) {
CHECK_LENGTH(length, TypedData::MaxElements(kTypedDataInt8ArrayCid));
Object& result = Object::Handle(isolate);
result = GetByteDataConstructor(isolate, Symbols::ByteDataDot(), 1);
const Function& factory = Function::Cast(result);
// Create the argument list.
const Array& args = Array::Handle(isolate, Array::New(2));
// Factories get type arguments.
args.SetAt(0, TypeArguments::Handle(isolate));
args.SetAt(1, Smi::Handle(isolate, Smi::New(length)));
// Invoke the constructor and return the new object.
result = DartEntry::InvokeFunction(factory, args);
ASSERT(result.IsInstance() || result.IsNull() || result.IsError());
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, result.raw());
static Dart_Handle NewTypedData(Isolate* isolate,
intptr_t cid,
intptr_t length) {
CHECK_LENGTH(length, TypedData::MaxElements(cid));
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, TypedData::New(cid, length));
static Dart_Handle NewExternalTypedData(
Isolate* isolate, intptr_t cid, void* data, intptr_t length) {
CHECK_LENGTH(length, ExternalTypedData::MaxElements(cid));
intptr_t bytes = length * ExternalTypedData::ElementSizeInBytes(cid);
const ExternalTypedData& result = ExternalTypedData::Handle(
SpaceForExternal(isolate, bytes)));
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, result.raw());
static Dart_Handle NewExternalByteData(
Isolate* isolate, void* data, intptr_t length) {
Dart_Handle ext_data = NewExternalTypedData(
isolate, kExternalTypedDataUint8ArrayCid, data, length);
if (::Dart_IsError(ext_data)) {
return ext_data;
Object& result = Object::Handle(isolate);
result = GetByteDataConstructor(isolate, Symbols::ByteDataDotview(), 3);
const Function& factory = Function::Cast(result);
// Create the argument list.
const intptr_t num_args = 3;
const Array& args = Array::Handle(isolate, Array::New(num_args + 1));
// Factories get type arguments.
args.SetAt(0, TypeArguments::Handle(isolate));
const ExternalTypedData& array =
Api::UnwrapExternalTypedDataHandle(isolate, ext_data);
args.SetAt(1, array);
Smi& smi = Smi::Handle(isolate);
smi = Smi::New(0);
args.SetAt(2, smi);
smi = Smi::New(length);
args.SetAt(3, smi);
// Invoke the constructor and return the new object.
result = DartEntry::InvokeFunction(factory, args);
ASSERT(result.IsNull() || result.IsInstance() || result.IsError());
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, result.raw());
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_NewTypedData(Dart_TypedData_Type type,
intptr_t length) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
switch (type) {
case Dart_TypedData_kByteData :
return NewByteData(isolate, length);
case Dart_TypedData_kInt8 :
return NewTypedData(isolate, kTypedDataInt8ArrayCid, length);
case Dart_TypedData_kUint8 :
return NewTypedData(isolate, kTypedDataUint8ArrayCid, length);
case Dart_TypedData_kUint8Clamped :
return NewTypedData(isolate, kTypedDataUint8ClampedArrayCid, length);
case Dart_TypedData_kInt16 :
return NewTypedData(isolate, kTypedDataInt16ArrayCid, length);
case Dart_TypedData_kUint16 :
return NewTypedData(isolate, kTypedDataUint16ArrayCid, length);
case Dart_TypedData_kInt32 :
return NewTypedData(isolate, kTypedDataInt32ArrayCid, length);
case Dart_TypedData_kUint32 :
return NewTypedData(isolate, kTypedDataUint32ArrayCid, length);
case Dart_TypedData_kInt64 :
return NewTypedData(isolate, kTypedDataInt64ArrayCid, length);
case Dart_TypedData_kUint64 :
return NewTypedData(isolate, kTypedDataUint64ArrayCid, length);
case Dart_TypedData_kFloat32 :
return NewTypedData(isolate, kTypedDataFloat32ArrayCid, length);
case Dart_TypedData_kFloat64 :
return NewTypedData(isolate, kTypedDataFloat64ArrayCid, length);
case Dart_TypedData_kFloat32x4:
return NewTypedData(isolate, kTypedDataFloat32x4ArrayCid, length);
return Api::NewError("%s expects argument 'type' to be of 'TypedData'",
return Api::Null();
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_NewExternalTypedData(
Dart_TypedData_Type type,
void* data,
intptr_t length) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
if (data == NULL && length != 0) {
switch (type) {
case Dart_TypedData_kByteData:
return NewExternalByteData(isolate, data, length);
case Dart_TypedData_kInt8:
return NewExternalTypedData(isolate,
case Dart_TypedData_kUint8:
return NewExternalTypedData(isolate,
case Dart_TypedData_kUint8Clamped:
return NewExternalTypedData(isolate,
case Dart_TypedData_kInt16:
return NewExternalTypedData(isolate,
case Dart_TypedData_kUint16:
return NewExternalTypedData(isolate,
case Dart_TypedData_kInt32:
return NewExternalTypedData(isolate,
case Dart_TypedData_kUint32:
return NewExternalTypedData(isolate,
case Dart_TypedData_kInt64:
return NewExternalTypedData(isolate,
case Dart_TypedData_kUint64:
return NewExternalTypedData(isolate,
case Dart_TypedData_kFloat32:
return NewExternalTypedData(isolate,
case Dart_TypedData_kFloat64:
return NewExternalTypedData(isolate,
case Dart_TypedData_kFloat32x4:
return NewExternalTypedData(isolate,
return Api::NewError("%s expects argument 'type' to be of"
" 'external TypedData'", CURRENT_FUNC);
return Api::Null();
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_TypedDataAcquireData(Dart_Handle object,
Dart_TypedData_Type* type,
void** data,
intptr_t* len) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
intptr_t class_id = Api::ClassId(object);
if (!RawObject::IsExternalTypedDataClassId(class_id) &&
!RawObject::IsTypedDataViewClassId(class_id) &&
!RawObject::IsTypedDataClassId(class_id)) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, object, 'TypedData');
if (type == NULL) {
if (data == NULL) {
if (len == NULL) {
// Get the type of typed data object.
*type = GetType(class_id);
// If it is an external typed data object just return the data field.
if (RawObject::IsExternalTypedDataClassId(class_id)) {
const ExternalTypedData& obj =
Api::UnwrapExternalTypedDataHandle(isolate, object);
*len = obj.Length();
*data = obj.DataAddr(0);
} else if (RawObject::IsTypedDataClassId(class_id)) {
// Regular typed data object, set up some GC and API callback guards.
const TypedData& obj = Api::UnwrapTypedDataHandle(isolate, object);
*len = obj.Length();
*data = obj.DataAddr(0);
} else {
const Instance& view_obj = Api::UnwrapInstanceHandle(isolate, object);
Smi& val = Smi::Handle();
val ^= TypedDataView::Length(view_obj);
*len = val.Value();
val ^= TypedDataView::OffsetInBytes(view_obj);
intptr_t offset_in_bytes = val.Value();
const Instance& obj = Instance::Handle(TypedDataView::Data(view_obj));
if (TypedData::IsTypedData(obj)) {
const TypedData& data_obj = TypedData::Cast(obj);
*data = data_obj.DataAddr(offset_in_bytes);
} else {
const ExternalTypedData& data_obj = ExternalTypedData::Cast(obj);
*data = data_obj.DataAddr(offset_in_bytes);
return Api::Success();
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_TypedDataReleaseData(Dart_Handle object) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
intptr_t class_id = Api::ClassId(object);
if (!RawObject::IsExternalTypedDataClassId(class_id) &&
!RawObject::IsTypedDataViewClassId(class_id) &&
!RawObject::IsTypedDataClassId(class_id)) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, object, 'TypedData');
if (!RawObject::IsExternalTypedDataClassId(class_id)) {
return Api::Success();
// --- Invoking Constructors, Methods, and Field accessors ---
static RawObject* ResolveConstructor(const char* current_func,
const Class& cls,
const String& class_name,
const String& constr_name,
int num_args) {
// The constructor must be present in the interface.
const Function& constructor =
if (constructor.IsNull() ||
(!constructor.IsConstructor() && !constructor.IsFactory())) {
const String& lookup_class_name = String::Handle(cls.Name());
if (!class_name.Equals(lookup_class_name)) {
// When the class name used to build the constructor name is
// different than the name of the class in which we are doing
// the lookup, it can be confusing to the user to figure out
// what's going on. Be a little more explicit for these error
// messages.
const String& message = String::Handle(
"%s: could not find factory '%s' in class '%s'.",
return ApiError::New(message);
} else {
const String& message = String::Handle(
String::NewFormatted("%s: could not find constructor '%s'.",
current_func, constr_name.ToCString()));
return ApiError::New(message);
int extra_args = (constructor.IsConstructor() ? 2 : 1);
String& error_message = String::Handle();
if (!constructor.AreValidArgumentCounts(num_args + extra_args,
&error_message)) {
const String& message = String::Handle(
String::NewFormatted("%s: wrong argument count for "
"constructor '%s': %s.",
return ApiError::New(message);
return constructor.raw();
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_New(Dart_Handle type,
Dart_Handle constructor_name,
int number_of_arguments,
Dart_Handle* arguments) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
Object& result = Object::Handle(isolate);
if (number_of_arguments < 0) {
return Api::NewError(
"%s expects argument 'number_of_arguments' to be non-negative.",
// Get the class to instantiate.
Object& unchecked_type = Object::Handle(Api::UnwrapHandle(type));
if (unchecked_type.IsNull() || !unchecked_type.IsType()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, type, Type);
Type& type_obj = Type::Handle();
type_obj ^= unchecked_type.raw();
Class& cls = Class::Handle(isolate, type_obj.type_class());
TypeArguments& type_arguments =
TypeArguments::Handle(isolate, type_obj.arguments());
const String& base_constructor_name = String::Handle(isolate, cls.Name());
// And get the name of the constructor to invoke.
String& dot_name = String::Handle(isolate);
result = Api::UnwrapHandle(constructor_name);
if (result.IsNull()) {
dot_name = Symbols::Dot().raw();
} else if (result.IsString()) {
dot_name = String::Concat(Symbols::Dot(), String::Cast(result));
} else {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, constructor_name, String);
Dart_Handle state = Api::CheckIsolateState(isolate);
if (::Dart_IsError(state)) {
return state;
// Resolve the constructor.
String& constr_name =
String::Handle(String::Concat(base_constructor_name, dot_name));
result = ResolveConstructor("Dart_New",
if (result.IsError()) {
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, result.raw());
Function& constructor = Function::Handle(isolate);
constructor ^= result.raw();
Instance& new_object = Instance::Handle(isolate);
if (constructor.IsRedirectingFactory()) {
ClassFinalizer::ResolveRedirectingFactory(cls, constructor);
Type& redirect_type = Type::Handle(constructor.RedirectionType());
constructor = constructor.RedirectionTarget();
if (constructor.IsNull()) {
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, redirect_type.error());
if (!redirect_type.IsInstantiated()) {
// The type arguments of the redirection type are instantiated from the
// type arguments of the type argument.
Error& bound_error = Error::Handle();
redirect_type ^= redirect_type.InstantiateFrom(type_arguments,
if (!bound_error.IsNull()) {
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, bound_error.raw());
redirect_type ^= redirect_type.Canonicalize();
type_obj = redirect_type.raw();
type_arguments = redirect_type.arguments();
cls = type_obj.type_class();
if (constructor.IsConstructor()) {
// Create the new object.
new_object = Instance::New(cls);
// Create the argument list.
intptr_t arg_index = 0;
int extra_args = (constructor.IsConstructor() ? 2 : 1);
const Array& args =
Array::Handle(isolate, Array::New(number_of_arguments + extra_args));
if (constructor.IsConstructor()) {
// Constructors get the uninitialized object and a constructor phase.
if (!type_arguments.IsNull()) {
// The type arguments will be null if the class has no type parameters, in
// which case the following call would fail because there is no slot
// reserved in the object for the type vector.
args.SetAt(arg_index++, new_object);
Smi::Handle(isolate, Smi::New(Function::kCtorPhaseAll)));
} else {
// Factories get type arguments.
args.SetAt(arg_index++, type_arguments);
Object& argument = Object::Handle(isolate);
for (int i = 0; i < number_of_arguments; i++) {
argument = Api::UnwrapHandle(arguments[i]);
if (!argument.IsNull() && !argument.IsInstance()) {
if (argument.IsError()) {
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, argument.raw());
} else {
return Api::NewError(
"%s expects arguments[%d] to be an Instance handle.",
args.SetAt(arg_index++, argument);
// Invoke the constructor and return the new object.
result = DartEntry::InvokeFunction(constructor, args);
if (result.IsError()) {
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, result.raw());
if (constructor.IsConstructor()) {
} else {
ASSERT(result.IsNull() || result.IsInstance());
new_object ^= result.raw();
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, new_object.raw());
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_Allocate(Dart_Handle type) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
const Type& type_obj = Api::UnwrapTypeHandle(isolate, type);
// Get the class to instantiate.
if (type_obj.IsNull()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, type, Type);
Class& cls = isolate->ClassHandle();
cls = type_obj.type_class();
if (!cls.is_fields_marked_nullable()) {
// Mark all fields as nullable.
Class& iterate_cls = Class::Handle(isolate, cls.raw());
Field& field = Field::Handle(isolate);
Array& fields = Array::Handle(isolate);
while (!iterate_cls.IsNull()) {
fields = iterate_cls.fields();
iterate_cls = iterate_cls.SuperClass();
for (int field_num = 0; field_num < fields.Length(); field_num++) {
field ^= fields.At(field_num);
if (field.is_static()) {
Error& error = isolate->ErrorHandle();
error = cls.EnsureIsFinalized(isolate);
if (!error.IsNull()) {
// An error occurred, return error object.
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, error.raw());
// Allocate an object for the given class.
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, Instance::New(cls));
static Dart_Handle SetupArguments(Isolate* isolate,
int num_args,
Dart_Handle* arguments,
int extra_args,
Array* args) {
// Check for malformed arguments in the arguments list.
*args = Array::New(num_args + extra_args);
Object& arg = Object::Handle(isolate);
for (int i = 0; i < num_args; i++) {
arg = Api::UnwrapHandle(arguments[i]);
if (!arg.IsNull() && !arg.IsInstance()) {
*args = Array::null();
if (arg.IsError()) {
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, arg.raw());
} else {
return Api::NewError(
"%s expects arguments[%d] to be an Instance handle.",
"Dart_Invoke", i);
args->SetAt((i + extra_args), arg);
return Api::Success();
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_InvokeConstructor(Dart_Handle object,
Dart_Handle name,
int number_of_arguments,
Dart_Handle* arguments) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
if (number_of_arguments < 0) {
return Api::NewError(
"%s expects argument 'number_of_arguments' to be non-negative.",
const String& constructor_name = Api::UnwrapStringHandle(isolate, name);
if (constructor_name.IsNull()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, name, String);
const Instance& instance = Api::UnwrapInstanceHandle(isolate, object);
if (instance.IsNull()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, object, Instance);
// Since we have allocated an object it would mean that all classes
// are finalized and hence it is not necessary to call
// Api::CheckIsolateState.
// TODO(asiva): How do we ensure that a constructor is not called more than
// once for the same object.
// Construct name of the constructor to invoke.
const Type& type_obj = Type::Handle(isolate, instance.GetType());
const Class& cls = Class::Handle(isolate, type_obj.type_class());
const String& class_name = String::Handle(isolate, cls.Name());
const Array& strings = Array::Handle(Array::New(3));
strings.SetAt(0, class_name);
strings.SetAt(1, Symbols::Dot());
strings.SetAt(2, constructor_name);
const String& dot_name = String::Handle(isolate, String::ConcatAll(strings));
const TypeArguments& type_arguments =
TypeArguments::Handle(isolate, type_obj.arguments());
const Function& constructor =
Function::Handle(isolate, cls.LookupFunctionAllowPrivate(dot_name));
const int extra_args = 2;
if (!constructor.IsNull() &&
constructor.IsConstructor() &&
constructor.AreValidArgumentCounts(number_of_arguments + extra_args,
NULL)) {
// Create the argument list.
// Constructors get the uninitialized object and a constructor phase.
if (!type_arguments.IsNull()) {
// The type arguments will be null if the class has no type
// parameters, in which case the following call would fail
// because there is no slot reserved in the object for the
// type vector.
Dart_Handle result;
Array& args = Array::Handle(isolate);
result = SetupArguments(isolate,
if (!::Dart_IsError(result)) {
args.SetAt(0, instance);
args.SetAt(1, Smi::Handle(isolate, Smi::New(Function::kCtorPhaseAll)));
const Object& retval = Object::Handle(
DartEntry::InvokeFunction(constructor, args));
if (retval.IsError()) {
result = Api::NewHandle(isolate, retval.raw());
} else {
result = Api::NewHandle(isolate, instance.raw());
return result;
return Api::NewError(
"%s expects argument 'name' to be a valid constructor.",
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_Invoke(Dart_Handle target,
Dart_Handle name,
int number_of_arguments,
Dart_Handle* arguments) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
// TODO(turnidge): This is a bit simplistic. It overcounts when
// other operations (gc, compilation) are active.
TIMERSCOPE(isolate, time_dart_execution);
const String& function_name = Api::UnwrapStringHandle(isolate, name);
if (function_name.IsNull()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, name, String);
if (number_of_arguments < 0) {
return Api::NewError(
"%s expects argument 'number_of_arguments' to be non-negative.",
const Object& obj = Object::Handle(isolate, Api::UnwrapHandle(target));
if (obj.IsError()) {
return target;
Dart_Handle result;
Array& args = Array::Handle(isolate);
if (obj.IsType()) {
// Finalize all classes.
Dart_Handle state = Api::CheckIsolateState(isolate);
if (::Dart_IsError(state)) {
return state;
const Class& cls = Class::Handle(isolate, Type::Cast(obj).type_class());
const Function& function = Function::Handle(
if (function.IsNull()) {
const String& cls_name = String::Handle(isolate, cls.Name());
return Api::NewError("%s: did not find static method '%s.%s'.",
// Setup args and check for malformed arguments in the arguments list.
result = SetupArguments(isolate, number_of_arguments, arguments, 0, &args);
if (!::Dart_IsError(result)) {
result = Api::NewHandle(isolate,
DartEntry::InvokeFunction(function, args));
return result;
} else if (obj.IsNull() || obj.IsInstance()) {
// Since we have allocated an object it would mean that all classes
// are finalized and hence it is not necessary to call
// Api::CheckIsolateState.
Instance& instance = Instance::Handle(isolate);
instance ^= obj.raw();
ArgumentsDescriptor args_desc(
Array::Handle(ArgumentsDescriptor::New(number_of_arguments + 1)));
const Function& function = Function::Handle(
Resolver::ResolveDynamic(instance, function_name, args_desc));
if (function.IsNull()) {
// Setup args and check for malformed arguments in the arguments list.
result = SetupArguments(isolate,
if (!::Dart_IsError(result)) {
args.SetAt(0, instance);
const Array& args_descriptor =
result = Api::NewHandle(isolate,
return result;
// Setup args and check for malformed arguments in the arguments list.
result = SetupArguments(isolate, number_of_arguments, arguments, 1, &args);
if (!::Dart_IsError(result)) {
args.SetAt(0, instance);
result = Api::NewHandle(isolate,
DartEntry::InvokeFunction(function, args));
return result;
} else if (obj.IsLibrary()) {
// Check whether class finalization is needed.
const Library& lib = Library::Cast(obj);
// Finalize all classes if needed.
Dart_Handle state = Api::CheckIsolateState(isolate);
if (::Dart_IsError(state)) {
return state;
const Function& function =
if (function.IsNull()) {
return Api::NewError("%s: did not find top-level function '%s'.",
// LookupFunctionAllowPrivate does not check argument arity, so we
// do it here.
String& error_message = String::Handle();
if (!function.AreValidArgumentCounts(number_of_arguments,
&error_message)) {
return Api::NewError("%s: wrong argument count for function '%s': %s.",
// Setup args and check for malformed arguments in the arguments list.
result = SetupArguments(isolate, number_of_arguments, arguments, 0, &args);
if (!::Dart_IsError(result)) {
result = Api::NewHandle(isolate,
DartEntry::InvokeFunction(function, args));
return result;
} else {
return Api::NewError(
"%s expects argument 'target' to be an object, type, or library.",
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_InvokeClosure(Dart_Handle closure,
int number_of_arguments,
Dart_Handle* arguments) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
const Instance& closure_obj = Api::UnwrapInstanceHandle(isolate, closure);
if (closure_obj.IsNull() || !closure_obj.IsCallable(NULL, NULL)) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, closure, Instance);
if (number_of_arguments < 0) {
return Api::NewError(
"%s expects argument 'number_of_arguments' to be non-negative.",
// Set up arguments to include the closure as the first argument.
const Array& args = Array::Handle(isolate,
Array::New(number_of_arguments + 1));
Object& obj = Object::Handle(isolate);
args.SetAt(0, closure_obj);
for (int i = 0; i < number_of_arguments; i++) {
obj = Api::UnwrapHandle(arguments[i]);
if (!obj.IsNull() && !obj.IsInstance()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, arguments[i], Instance);
args.SetAt(i + 1, obj);
// Now try to invoke the closure.
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, DartEntry::InvokeClosure(args));
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_GetField(Dart_Handle container, Dart_Handle name) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
const String& field_name = Api::UnwrapStringHandle(isolate, name);
if (field_name.IsNull()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, name, String);
// Finalize all classes.
Dart_Handle state = Api::CheckIsolateState(isolate);
if (::Dart_IsError(state)) {
return state;
Field& field = Field::Handle(isolate);
Function& getter = Function::Handle(isolate);
const Object& obj = Object::Handle(isolate, Api::UnwrapHandle(container));
if (obj.IsNull()) {
return Api::NewError("%s expects argument 'container' to be non-null.",
} else if (obj.IsType()) {
// To access a static field we may need to use the Field or the
// getter Function.
Class& cls = Class::Handle(isolate, Type::Cast(obj).type_class());
field = cls.LookupStaticField(field_name);
if (field.IsNull() || field.IsUninitialized()) {
const String& getter_name =
String::Handle(isolate, Field::GetterName(field_name));
getter = cls.LookupStaticFunctionAllowPrivate(getter_name);
if (!getter.IsNull()) {
// Invoke the getter and return the result.
return Api::NewHandle(
isolate, DartEntry::InvokeFunction(getter, Object::empty_array()));
} else if (!field.IsNull()) {
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, field.value());
} else {
return Api::NewError("%s: did not find static field '%s'.",
CURRENT_FUNC, field_name.ToCString());
} else if (obj.IsInstance()) {
// Every instance field has a getter Function. Try to find the
// getter in any superclass and use that function to access the
// field.
const Instance& instance = Instance::Cast(obj);
Class& cls = Class::Handle(isolate, instance.clazz());
String& getter_name =
String::Handle(isolate, Field::GetterName(field_name));
while (!cls.IsNull()) {
getter = cls.LookupDynamicFunctionAllowPrivate(getter_name);
if (!getter.IsNull()) {
cls = cls.SuperClass();
// Invoke the getter and return the result.
const int kNumArgs = 1;
const Array& args = Array::Handle(isolate, Array::New(kNumArgs));
args.SetAt(0, instance);
if (getter.IsNull()) {
const Array& args_descriptor =
return Api::NewHandle(isolate,
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, DartEntry::InvokeFunction(getter, args));
} else if (obj.IsLibrary()) {
// To access a top-level we may need to use the Field or the
// getter Function. The getter function may either be in the
// library or in the field's owner class, depending.
const Library& lib = Library::Cast(obj);
field = lib.LookupFieldAllowPrivate(field_name);
if (field.IsNull()) {
// No field found and no ambiguity error. Check for a getter in the lib.
const String& getter_name =
String::Handle(isolate, Field::GetterName(field_name));
getter = lib.LookupFunctionAllowPrivate(getter_name);
} else if (!field.IsNull() && field.IsUninitialized()) {
// A field was found. Check for a getter in the field's owner classs.
const Class& cls = Class::Handle(isolate, field.owner());
const String& getter_name =
String::Handle(isolate, Field::GetterName(field_name));
getter = cls.LookupStaticFunctionAllowPrivate(getter_name);
if (!getter.IsNull()) {
// Invoke the getter and return the result.
return Api::NewHandle(
isolate, DartEntry::InvokeFunction(getter, Object::empty_array()));
if (!field.IsNull()) {
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, field.value());
return Api::NewError("%s: did not find top-level variable '%s'.",
CURRENT_FUNC, field_name.ToCString());
} else if (obj.IsError()) {
return container;
} else {
return Api::NewError(
"%s expects argument 'container' to be an object, type, or library.",
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_SetField(Dart_Handle container,
Dart_Handle name,
Dart_Handle value) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
const String& field_name = Api::UnwrapStringHandle(isolate, name);
if (field_name.IsNull()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, name, String);
// Since null is allowed for value, we don't use UnwrapInstanceHandle.
const Object& value_obj = Object::Handle(isolate, Api::UnwrapHandle(value));
if (!value_obj.IsNull() && !value_obj.IsInstance()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, value, Instance);
Instance& value_instance = Instance::Handle(isolate);
value_instance ^= value_obj.raw();
// Finalize all classes.
Dart_Handle state = Api::CheckIsolateState(isolate);
if (::Dart_IsError(state)) {
return state;
Field& field = Field::Handle(isolate);
Function& setter = Function::Handle(isolate);
const Object& obj = Object::Handle(isolate, Api::UnwrapHandle(container));
if (obj.IsNull()) {
return Api::NewError("%s expects argument 'container' to be non-null.",
} else if (obj.IsType()) {
// To access a static field we may need to use the Field or the
// setter Function.
Class& cls = Class::Handle(isolate, Type::Cast(obj).type_class());
field = cls.LookupStaticField(field_name);
if (field.IsNull()) {
String& setter_name =
String::Handle(isolate, Field::SetterName(field_name));
setter = cls.LookupStaticFunctionAllowPrivate(setter_name);
if (!setter.IsNull()) {
// Invoke the setter and return the result.
const int kNumArgs = 1;
const Array& args = Array::Handle(isolate, Array::New(kNumArgs));
args.SetAt(0, value_instance);
const Object& result =
Object::Handle(isolate, DartEntry::InvokeFunction(setter, args));
if (result.IsError()) {
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, result.raw());
} else {
return Api::Success();
} else if (!field.IsNull()) {
if (field.is_final()) {
return Api::NewError("%s: cannot set final field '%s'.",
CURRENT_FUNC, field_name.ToCString());
} else {
return Api::Success();
} else {
return Api::NewError("%s: did not find static field '%s'.",
CURRENT_FUNC, field_name.ToCString());
} else if (obj.IsInstance()) {
// Every instance field has a setter Function. Try to find the
// setter in any superclass and use that function to access the
// field.
const Instance& instance = Instance::Cast(obj);
Class& cls = Class::Handle(isolate, instance.clazz());
String& setter_name =
String::Handle(isolate, Field::SetterName(field_name));
while (!cls.IsNull()) {
field = cls.LookupInstanceField(field_name);
if (!field.IsNull() && field.is_final()) {
return Api::NewError("%s: cannot set final field '%s'.",
CURRENT_FUNC, field_name.ToCString());
setter = cls.LookupDynamicFunctionAllowPrivate(setter_name);
if (!setter.IsNull()) {
cls = cls.SuperClass();
// Invoke the setter and return the result.
const int kNumArgs = 2;
const Array& args = Array::Handle(isolate, Array::New(kNumArgs));
args.SetAt(0, instance);
args.SetAt(1, value_instance);
if (setter.IsNull()) {
const Array& args_descriptor =
return Api::NewHandle(isolate,
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, DartEntry::InvokeFunction(setter, args));
} else if (obj.IsLibrary()) {
// To access a top-level we may need to use the Field or the
// setter Function. The setter function may either be in the
// library or in the field's owner class, depending.
const Library& lib = Library::Cast(obj);
field = lib.LookupFieldAllowPrivate(field_name);
if (field.IsNull()) {
const String& setter_name =
String::Handle(isolate, Field::SetterName(field_name));
setter ^= lib.LookupFunctionAllowPrivate(setter_name);
if (!setter.IsNull()) {
// Invoke the setter and return the result.
const int kNumArgs = 1;
const Array& args = Array::Handle(isolate, Array::New(kNumArgs));
args.SetAt(0, value_instance);
const Object& result =
Object::Handle(isolate, DartEntry::InvokeFunction(setter, args));
if (result.IsError()) {
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, result.raw());
return Api::Success();
if (!field.IsNull()) {
if (field.is_final()) {
return Api::NewError("%s: cannot set final top-level variable '%s'.",
CURRENT_FUNC, field_name.ToCString());
return Api::Success();
return Api::NewError("%s: did not find top-level variable '%s'.",
CURRENT_FUNC, field_name.ToCString());
} else if (obj.IsError()) {
return container;
return Api::NewError(
"%s expects argument 'container' to be an object, type, or library.",
// --- Exceptions ----
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_ThrowException(Dart_Handle exception) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
const Instance& excp = Api::UnwrapInstanceHandle(isolate, exception);
if (excp.IsNull()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, exception, Instance);
if (isolate->top_exit_frame_info() == 0) {
// There are no dart frames on the stack so it would be illegal to
// throw an exception here.
return Api::NewError("No Dart frames on stack, cannot throw exception");
// Unwind all the API scopes till the exit frame before throwing an
// exception.
ApiState* state = isolate->api_state();
ASSERT(state != NULL);
const Instance* saved_exception;
NoGCScope no_gc;
RawInstance* raw_exception =
Api::UnwrapInstanceHandle(isolate, exception).raw();
saved_exception = &Instance::Handle(raw_exception);
return Api::NewError("Exception was not thrown, internal error");
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_ReThrowException(Dart_Handle exception,
Dart_Handle stacktrace) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
const Instance& excp = Api::UnwrapInstanceHandle(isolate, exception);
if (excp.IsNull()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, exception, Instance);
const Instance& stk = Api::UnwrapInstanceHandle(isolate, stacktrace);
if (stk.IsNull()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, stacktrace, Instance);
if (isolate->top_exit_frame_info() == 0) {
// There are no dart frames on the stack so it would be illegal to
// throw an exception here.
return Api::NewError("No Dart frames on stack, cannot throw exception");
// Unwind all the API scopes till the exit frame before throwing an
// exception.
ApiState* state = isolate->api_state();
ASSERT(state != NULL);
const Instance* saved_exception;
const Instance* saved_stacktrace;
NoGCScope no_gc;
RawInstance* raw_exception =
Api::UnwrapInstanceHandle(isolate, exception).raw();
RawInstance* raw_stacktrace =
Api::UnwrapInstanceHandle(isolate, stacktrace).raw();
saved_exception = &Instance::Handle(raw_exception);
saved_stacktrace = &Instance::Handle(raw_stacktrace);
Exceptions::ReThrow(*saved_exception, *saved_stacktrace);
return Api::NewError("Exception was not re thrown, internal error");
// --- Native fields and functions ---
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_CreateNativeWrapperClass(Dart_Handle library,
Dart_Handle name,
int field_count) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
const String& cls_name = Api::UnwrapStringHandle(isolate, name);
if (cls_name.IsNull()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, name, String);
const Library& lib = Api::UnwrapLibraryHandle(isolate, library);
if (lib.IsNull()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, library, Library);
if (!Utils::IsUint(16, field_count)) {
return Api::NewError(
"Invalid field_count passed to Dart_CreateNativeWrapperClass");
String& cls_symbol = String::Handle(isolate, Symbols::New(cls_name));
const Class& cls = Class::Handle(
isolate, Class::NewNativeWrapper(lib, cls_symbol, field_count));
if (cls.IsNull()) {
return Api::NewError(
"Unable to create native wrapper class : already exists");
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, cls.RareType());
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_GetNativeInstanceFieldCount(Dart_Handle obj,
int* count) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ReusableObjectHandleScope reused_obj_handle(isolate);
const Instance& instance = Api::UnwrapInstanceHandle(reused_obj_handle, obj);
if (instance.IsNull()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, obj, Instance);
*count = instance.NumNativeFields();
return Api::Success();
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_GetNativeInstanceField(Dart_Handle obj,
int index,
intptr_t* value) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ReusableObjectHandleScope reused_obj_handle(isolate);
const Instance& instance = Api::UnwrapInstanceHandle(reused_obj_handle, obj);
if (instance.IsNull()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, obj, Instance);
if (!instance.IsValidNativeIndex(index)) {
return Api::NewError(
"%s: invalid index %d passed in to access native instance field",
*value = instance.GetNativeField(index);
return Api::Success();
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_SetNativeInstanceField(Dart_Handle obj,
int index,
intptr_t value) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ReusableObjectHandleScope reused_obj_handle(isolate);
const Instance& instance = Api::UnwrapInstanceHandle(reused_obj_handle, obj);
if (instance.IsNull()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, obj, Instance);
if (!instance.IsValidNativeIndex(index)) {
return Api::NewError(
"%s: invalid index %d passed in to set native instance field",
instance.SetNativeField(index, value);
return Api::Success();
DART_EXPORT void* Dart_GetNativeIsolateData(Dart_NativeArguments args) {
NativeArguments* arguments = reinterpret_cast<NativeArguments*>(args);
Isolate* isolate = arguments->isolate();
return isolate->init_callback_data();
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_GetNativeArgument(Dart_NativeArguments args,
int index) {
NativeArguments* arguments = reinterpret_cast<NativeArguments*>(args);
if ((index < 0) || (index >= arguments->NativeArgCount())) {
return Api::NewError(
"%s: argument 'index' out of range. Expected 0..%d but saw %d.",
CURRENT_FUNC, arguments->NativeArgCount() - 1, index);
return Api::NewHandle(arguments->isolate(), arguments->NativeArgAt(index));
DART_EXPORT int Dart_GetNativeArgumentCount(Dart_NativeArguments args) {
NativeArguments* arguments = reinterpret_cast<NativeArguments*>(args);
return arguments->NativeArgCount();
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_GetNativeFieldsOfArgument(
Dart_NativeArguments args,
int arg_index,
int num_fields,
intptr_t* field_values) {
NativeArguments* arguments = reinterpret_cast<NativeArguments*>(args);
if ((arg_index < 0) || (arg_index >= arguments->NativeArgCount())) {
return Api::NewError(
"%s: argument 'arg_index' out of range. Expected 0..%d but saw %d.",
CURRENT_FUNC, arguments->NativeArgCount() - 1, arg_index);
if (field_values == NULL) {
Isolate* isolate = arguments->isolate();
Object& obj = isolate->ObjectHandle();
obj = arguments->NativeArgAt(arg_index);
if (obj.IsNull()) {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_fields; i++) {
field_values[i] = 0;
return Api::Success();
if (!obj.IsInstance()) {
return Api::NewError("%s expects argument at index '%d' to be of"
" type Instance.", CURRENT_FUNC, arg_index);
const Instance& instance = Instance::Cast(obj);
uint16_t field_count = instance.NumNativeFields();
if (num_fields != field_count) {
return Api::NewError(
"%s: invalid 'field_values' array specified for returning field values",
instance.GetNativeFields(num_fields, field_values);
return Api::Success();
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_GetNativeReceiver(Dart_NativeArguments args,
intptr_t* value) {
NativeArguments* arguments = reinterpret_cast<NativeArguments*>(args);
Isolate* isolate = arguments->isolate();
if (value == NULL) {
if (Api::GetNativeReceiver(arguments, value)) {
return Api::Success();
return Api::NewError("%s expects receiver argument to be non-null and of"
" type Instance.", CURRENT_FUNC);
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_GetNativeStringArgument(Dart_NativeArguments args,
int arg_index,
void** peer) {
NativeArguments* arguments = reinterpret_cast<NativeArguments*>(args);
Isolate* isolate = arguments->isolate();
if (Api::StringGetPeerHelper(arguments, arg_index, peer)) {
return Api::Success();
*peer = NULL;
Object& obj = isolate->ObjectHandle();
obj = arguments->NativeArgAt(arg_index);
if (RawObject::IsStringClassId(obj.GetClassId())) {
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, obj.raw());
if (obj.IsNull()) {
return Api::Null();
return Api::NewError("%s expects argument to be of"
" type String.", CURRENT_FUNC);
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_GetNativeIntegerArgument(Dart_NativeArguments args,
int index,
int64_t* value) {
NativeArguments* arguments = reinterpret_cast<NativeArguments*>(args);
if ((index < 0) || (index >= arguments->NativeArgCount())) {
return Api::NewError(
"%s: argument 'index' out of range. Expected 0..%d but saw %d.",
CURRENT_FUNC, arguments->NativeArgCount() - 1, index);
Isolate* isolate = arguments->isolate();
Object& obj = isolate->ObjectHandle();
obj = arguments->NativeArgAt(index);
intptr_t cid = obj.GetClassId();
if (cid == kSmiCid) {
*value = Smi::Cast(obj).Value();
return Api::Success();
if (cid == kMintCid) {
*value = Mint::Cast(obj).value();
return Api::Success();
if (cid == kBigintCid) {
const Bigint& bigint = Bigint::Cast(obj);
if (BigintOperations::FitsIntoInt64(bigint)) {
*value = BigintOperations::ToInt64(bigint);
return Api::Success();
return Api::NewError(
"%s: argument %d is a big integer that does not fit in 'value'.",
return Api::NewError(
"%s: argument %d is not an Integer argument.",
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_GetNativeBooleanArgument(Dart_NativeArguments args,
int index,
bool* value) {
NativeArguments* arguments = reinterpret_cast<NativeArguments*>(args);
if ((index < 0) || (index >= arguments->NativeArgCount())) {
return Api::NewError(
"%s: argument 'index' out of range. Expected 0..%d but saw %d.",
CURRENT_FUNC, arguments->NativeArgCount() - 1, index);
if (Api::GetNativeBooleanArgument(arguments, index, value)) {
return Api::Success();
return Api::NewError("%s: argument %d is not a Boolean argument.",
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_GetNativeDoubleArgument(Dart_NativeArguments args,
int index,
double* value) {
NativeArguments* arguments = reinterpret_cast<NativeArguments*>(args);
if ((index < 0) || (index >= arguments->NativeArgCount())) {
return Api::NewError(
"%s: argument 'index' out of range. Expected 0..%d but saw %d.",
CURRENT_FUNC, arguments->NativeArgCount() - 1, index);
Isolate* isolate = arguments->isolate();
Object& obj = isolate->ObjectHandle();
obj = arguments->NativeArgAt(index);
intptr_t cid = obj.GetClassId();
if (cid == kDoubleCid) {
*value = Double::Cast(obj).value();
return Api::Success();
if (cid == kSmiCid) {
*value = Smi::Cast(obj).AsDoubleValue();
return Api::Success();
if (cid == kMintCid) {
*value = Mint::Cast(obj).AsDoubleValue();
return Api::Success();
if (cid == kBigintCid) {
*value = Bigint::Cast(obj).AsDoubleValue();
return Api::Success();
return Api::NewError(
"%s: argument %d is not a Double argument.",
DART_EXPORT void Dart_SetReturnValue(Dart_NativeArguments args,
Dart_Handle retval) {
NativeArguments* arguments = reinterpret_cast<NativeArguments*>(args);
Isolate* isolate = arguments->isolate();
if ((retval != Api::Null()) && (!Api::IsInstance(retval))) {
const Object& ret_obj = Object::Handle(Api::UnwrapHandle(retval));
FATAL1("Return value check failed: saw '%s' expected a dart Instance.",
ASSERT(retval != 0);
Api::SetReturnValue(arguments, retval);
DART_EXPORT void Dart_SetWeakHandleReturnValue(Dart_NativeArguments args,
Dart_WeakPersistentHandle rval) {
NativeArguments* arguments = reinterpret_cast<NativeArguments*>(args);
Isolate* isolate = arguments->isolate();
ASSERT(isolate->api_state() != NULL &&
(isolate->api_state()->IsValidWeakPersistentHandle(rval) ||
Api::SetWeakHandleReturnValue(arguments, rval);
// --- Environment ---
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_SetEnvironmentCallback(
Dart_EnvironmentCallback callback) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
return Api::Success();
// --- Scripts and Libraries ---
DART_EXPORT void Dart_SetBooleanReturnValue(Dart_NativeArguments args,
bool retval) {
NativeArguments* arguments = reinterpret_cast<NativeArguments*>(args);
DART_EXPORT void Dart_SetIntegerReturnValue(Dart_NativeArguments args,
int64_t retval) {
NativeArguments* arguments = reinterpret_cast<NativeArguments*>(args);
Isolate* isolate = arguments->isolate();
if (Smi::IsValid64(retval)) {
Api::SetSmiReturnValue(arguments, retval);
} else {
// Slow path for Mints and Bigints.
Api::SetIntegerReturnValue(arguments, retval);
DART_EXPORT void Dart_SetDoubleReturnValue(Dart_NativeArguments args,
double retval) {
NativeArguments* arguments = reinterpret_cast<NativeArguments*>(args);
Isolate* isolate = arguments->isolate();
Api::SetDoubleReturnValue(arguments, retval);
// --- Scripts and Libraries ---
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_SetLibraryTagHandler(
Dart_LibraryTagHandler handler) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
return Api::Success();
// NOTE: Need to pass 'result' as a parameter here in order to avoid
// warning: variable 'result' might be clobbered by 'longjmp' or 'vfork'
// which shows up because of the use of setjmp.
static void CompileSource(Isolate* isolate,
const Library& lib,
const Script& script,
Dart_Handle* result) {
bool update_lib_status = (script.kind() == RawScript::kScriptTag ||
script.kind() == RawScript::kLibraryTag);
if (update_lib_status) {
ASSERT(isolate != NULL);
const Error& error = Error::Handle(isolate, Compiler::Compile(lib, script));
if (error.IsNull()) {
*result = Api::NewHandle(isolate, lib.raw());
if (update_lib_status) {
} else {
*result = Api::NewHandle(isolate, error.raw());
if (update_lib_status) {
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_LoadScript(Dart_Handle url,
Dart_Handle source,
intptr_t line_offset,
intptr_t col_offset) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
TIMERSCOPE(isolate, time_script_loading);
const String& url_str = Api::UnwrapStringHandle(isolate, url);
if (url_str.IsNull()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, url, String);
const String& source_str = Api::UnwrapStringHandle(isolate, source);
if (source_str.IsNull()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, source, String);
Library& library =
Library::Handle(isolate, isolate->object_store()->root_library());
if (!library.IsNull()) {
const String& library_url = String::Handle(isolate, library.url());
return Api::NewError("%s: A script has already been loaded from '%s'.",
CURRENT_FUNC, library_url.ToCString());
if (line_offset < 0) {
return Api::NewError("%s: argument 'line_offset' must be positive number",
if (col_offset < 0) {
return Api::NewError("%s: argument 'col_offset' must be positive number",
NoHeapGrowthControlScope no_growth_control;
library = Library::New(url_str);
const Script& script = Script::Handle(
isolate, Script::New(url_str, source_str, RawScript::kScriptTag));
script.SetLocationOffset(line_offset, col_offset);
Dart_Handle result;
CompileSource(isolate, library, script, &result);
return result;
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_LoadScriptFromSnapshot(const uint8_t* buffer,
intptr_t buffer_len) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
TIMERSCOPE(isolate, time_script_loading);
if (buffer == NULL) {
NoHeapGrowthControlScope no_growth_control;
const Snapshot* snapshot = Snapshot::SetupFromBuffer(buffer);
if (!snapshot->IsScriptSnapshot()) {
return Api::NewError("%s expects parameter 'buffer' to be a script type"
" snapshot.", CURRENT_FUNC);
if (snapshot->length() != buffer_len) {
return Api::NewError("%s: 'buffer_len' of %" Pd " is not equal to %" Pd64
" which is the expected length in the snapshot.",
CURRENT_FUNC, buffer_len, snapshot->length());
Library& library =
Library::Handle(isolate, isolate->object_store()->root_library());
if (!library.IsNull()) {
const String& library_url = String::Handle(isolate, library.url());
return Api::NewError("%s: A script has already been loaded from '%s'.",
CURRENT_FUNC, library_url.ToCString());
SnapshotReader reader(snapshot->content(),
const Object& tmp = Object::Handle(isolate, reader.ReadObject());
if (!tmp.IsLibrary()) {
return Api::NewError("%s: Unable to deserialize snapshot correctly.",
library ^= tmp.raw();
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, library.raw());
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_RootLibrary() {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, isolate->object_store()->root_library());
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_GetClass(Dart_Handle library,
Dart_Handle class_name) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
const Library& lib = Api::UnwrapLibraryHandle(isolate, library);
if (lib.IsNull()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, library, Library);
const String& cls_name = Api::UnwrapStringHandle(isolate, class_name);
if (cls_name.IsNull()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, class_name, String);
const Class& cls = Class::Handle(
isolate, lib.LookupClassAllowPrivate(cls_name));
if (cls.IsNull()) {
// TODO(turnidge): Return null or error in this case?
const String& lib_name = String::Handle(isolate, lib.name());
return Api::NewError("Class '%s' not found in library '%s'.",
cls_name.ToCString(), lib_name.ToCString());
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, cls.RareType());
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_GetType(Dart_Handle library,
Dart_Handle class_name,
intptr_t number_of_type_arguments,
Dart_Handle* type_arguments) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
// Validate the input arguments.
const Library& lib = Api::UnwrapLibraryHandle(isolate, library);
if (lib.IsNull()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, library, Library);
const String& name_str = Api::UnwrapStringHandle(isolate, class_name);
if (name_str.IsNull()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, class_name, String);
// Ensure all classes are finalized.
Dart_Handle state = Api::CheckIsolateState(isolate);
if (::Dart_IsError(state)) {
return state;
const Class& cls =
Class::Handle(isolate, lib.LookupClassAllowPrivate(name_str));
if (cls.IsNull()) {
const String& lib_name = String::Handle(isolate, lib.name());
return Api::NewError("Type '%s' not found in library '%s'.",
name_str.ToCString(), lib_name.ToCString());
if (cls.NumTypeArguments() == 0) {
if (number_of_type_arguments != 0) {
return Api::NewError("Invalid number of type arguments specified, "
"got %" Pd " expected 0", number_of_type_arguments);
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, Type::NewNonParameterizedType(cls));
intptr_t num_expected_type_arguments = cls.NumTypeParameters();
TypeArguments& type_args_obj = TypeArguments::Handle();
if (number_of_type_arguments > 0) {
if (type_arguments == NULL) {
if (num_expected_type_arguments != number_of_type_arguments) {
return Api::NewError("Invalid number of type arguments specified, "
"got %" Pd " expected %" Pd,
const Array& array = Api::UnwrapArrayHandle(isolate, *type_arguments);
if (array.IsNull()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, *type_arguments, Array);
if (array.Length() != num_expected_type_arguments) {
return Api::NewError("Invalid type arguments specified, expected an "
"array of len %" Pd " but got an array of len %" Pd,
// Set up the type arguments array.
type_args_obj ^= TypeArguments::New(num_expected_type_arguments);
AbstractType& type_arg = AbstractType::Handle();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < number_of_type_arguments; i++) {
type_arg ^= array.At(i);
type_args_obj.SetTypeAt(i, type_arg);
// Construct the type object, canonicalize it and return.
Type& instantiated_type = Type::Handle(
Type::New(cls, type_args_obj, Scanner::kNoSourcePos));
instantiated_type ^= ClassFinalizer::FinalizeType(
cls, instantiated_type, ClassFinalizer::kCanonicalize);
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, instantiated_type.raw());
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_LibraryUrl(Dart_Handle library) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
const Library& lib = Api::UnwrapLibraryHandle(isolate, library);
if (lib.IsNull()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, library, Library);
const String& url = String::Handle(isolate, lib.url());
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, url.raw());
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_LookupLibrary(Dart_Handle url) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
const String& url_str = Api::UnwrapStringHandle(isolate, url);
if (url_str.IsNull()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, url, String);
const Library& library =
Library::Handle(isolate, Library::LookupLibrary(url_str));
if (library.IsNull()) {
return Api::NewError("%s: library '%s' not found.",
CURRENT_FUNC, url_str.ToCString());
} else {
return Api::NewHandle(isolate, library.raw());
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_LoadLibrary(Dart_Handle url,
Dart_Handle source) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
TIMERSCOPE(isolate, time_script_loading);
const String& url_str = Api::UnwrapStringHandle(isolate, url);
if (url_str.IsNull()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, url, String);
const String& source_str = Api::UnwrapStringHandle(isolate, source);
if (source_str.IsNull()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, source, String);
NoHeapGrowthControlScope no_growth_control;
Library& library = Library::Handle(isolate, Library::LookupLibrary(url_str));
if (library.IsNull()) {
library = Library::New(url_str);
} else if (!library.LoadNotStarted()) {
// The source for this library has either been loaded or is in the
// process of loading. Return an error.
return Api::NewError("%s: library '%s' has already been loaded.",
CURRENT_FUNC, url_str.ToCString());
const Script& script = Script::Handle(
isolate, Script::New(url_str, source_str, RawScript::kLibraryTag));
Dart_Handle result;
CompileSource(isolate, library, script, &result);
// Propagate the error out right now.
if (::Dart_IsError(result)) {
return result;
// If this is the dart:builtin library, register it with the VM.
if (url_str.Equals("dart:builtin")) {
Dart_Handle state = Api::CheckIsolateState(isolate);
if (::Dart_IsError(state)) {
return state;
return result;
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_LibraryImportLibrary(Dart_Handle library,
Dart_Handle import,
Dart_Handle prefix) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
const Library& library_vm = Api::UnwrapLibraryHandle(isolate, library);
if (library_vm.IsNull()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, library, Library);
const Library& import_vm = Api::UnwrapLibraryHandle(isolate, import);
if (import_vm.IsNull()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, import, Library);
const Object& prefix_object =
Object::Handle(isolate, Api::UnwrapHandle(prefix));
const String& prefix_vm = prefix_object.IsNull()
? Symbols::Empty()
: String::Cast(prefix_object);
if (prefix_vm.IsNull()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, prefix, String);
const String& prefix_symbol =
String::Handle(isolate, Symbols::New(prefix_vm));
const Namespace& import_ns = Namespace::Handle(
Namespace::New(import_vm, Object::null_array(), Object::null_array()));
if (prefix_vm.Length() == 0) {
} else {
LibraryPrefix& library_prefix = LibraryPrefix::Handle();
library_prefix = library_vm.LookupLocalLibraryPrefix(prefix_symbol);
if (!library_prefix.IsNull()) {
} else {
library_prefix = LibraryPrefix::New(prefix_symbol, import_ns);
library_vm.AddObject(library_prefix, prefix_symbol);
return Api::Success();
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_LoadSource(Dart_Handle library,
Dart_Handle url,
Dart_Handle source) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
TIMERSCOPE(isolate, time_script_loading);
const Library& lib = Api::UnwrapLibraryHandle(isolate, library);
if (lib.IsNull()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, library, Library);
const String& url_str = Api::UnwrapStringHandle(isolate, url);
if (url_str.IsNull()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, url, String);
const String& source_str = Api::UnwrapStringHandle(isolate, source);
if (source_str.IsNull()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, source, String);
NoHeapGrowthControlScope no_growth_control;
const Script& script = Script::Handle(
isolate, Script::New(url_str, source_str, RawScript::kSourceTag));
Dart_Handle result;
CompileSource(isolate, lib, script, &result);
return result;
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_LibraryLoadPatch(Dart_Handle library,
Dart_Handle url,
Dart_Handle patch_source) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
TIMERSCOPE(isolate, time_script_loading);
const Library& lib = Api::UnwrapLibraryHandle(isolate, library);
if (lib.IsNull()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, library, Library);
const String& url_str = Api::UnwrapStringHandle(isolate, url);
if (url_str.IsNull()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, url, String);
const String& source_str = Api::UnwrapStringHandle(isolate, patch_source);
if (source_str.IsNull()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, patch_source, String);
NoHeapGrowthControlScope no_growth_control;
const Script& script = Script::Handle(
isolate, Script::New(url_str, source_str, RawScript::kPatchTag));
Dart_Handle result;
CompileSource(isolate, lib, script, &result);
return result;
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_SetNativeResolver(
Dart_Handle library,
Dart_NativeEntryResolver resolver) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
const Library& lib = Api::UnwrapLibraryHandle(isolate, library);
if (lib.IsNull()) {
RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, library, Library);
return Api::Success();
// --- Peer support ---
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_GetPeer(Dart_Handle object, void** peer) {
if (peer == NULL) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
Object& obj = isolate->ObjectHandle();
obj = Api::UnwrapHandle(object);
if (obj.IsNull() || obj.IsNumber() || obj.IsBool()) {
const char* msg =
"%s: argument 'object' cannot be a subtype of Null, num, or bool";
return Api::NewError(msg, CURRENT_FUNC);
NoGCScope no_gc;
RawObject* raw_obj = obj.raw();
*peer = isolate->heap()->GetPeer(raw_obj);
return Api::Success();
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_SetPeer(Dart_Handle object, void* peer) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
Object& obj = isolate->ObjectHandle();
obj = Api::UnwrapHandle(object);
if (obj.IsNull() || obj.IsNumber() || obj.IsBool()) {
const char* msg =
"%s: argument 'object' cannot be a subtype of Null, num, or bool";
return Api::NewError(msg, CURRENT_FUNC);
NoGCScope no_gc;
RawObject* raw_obj = obj.raw();
isolate->heap()->SetPeer(raw_obj, peer);
return Api::Success();
// --- Service support ---
DART_EXPORT Dart_Isolate Dart_GetServiceIsolate(void* callback_data) {
return Api::CastIsolate(Service::GetServiceIsolate(callback_data));
DART_EXPORT bool Dart_IsServiceRunning() {
return Service::IsRunning();
DART_EXPORT void Dart_RegisterIsolateServiceRequestCallback(
const char* name,
Dart_ServiceRequestCallback callback,
void* user_data) {
Service::RegisterIsolateEmbedderCallback(name, callback, user_data);
DART_EXPORT void Dart_RegisterRootServiceRequestCallback(
const char* name,
Dart_ServiceRequestCallback callback,
void* user_data) {
Service::RegisterRootEmbedderCallback(name, callback, user_data);
} // namespace dart