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// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* HTTP status codes.
interface HttpStatus {
static final int CONTINUE = 100;
static final int SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS = 101;
static final int OK = 200;
static final int CREATED = 201;
static final int ACCEPTED = 202;
static final int NO_CONTENT = 204;
static final int RESET_CONTENT = 205;
static final int PARTIAL_CONTENT = 206;
static final int MULTIPLE_CHOICES = 300;
static final int MOVED_PERMANENTLY = 301;
static final int FOUND = 302;
static final int MOVED_TEMPORARILY = 302; // Common alias for FOUND.
static final int SEE_OTHER = 303;
static final int NOT_MODIFIED = 304;
static final int USE_PROXY = 305;
static final int TEMPORARY_REDIRECT = 307;
static final int BAD_REQUEST = 400;
static final int UNAUTHORIZED = 401;
static final int PAYMENT_REQUIRED = 402;
static final int FORBIDDEN = 403;
static final int NOT_FOUND = 404;
static final int METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED = 405;
static final int NOT_ACCEPTABLE = 406;
static final int REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 408;
static final int CONFLICT = 409;
static final int GONE = 410;
static final int LENGTH_REQUIRED = 411;
static final int PRECONDITION_FAILED = 412;
static final int REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE = 413;
static final int REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG = 414;
static final int UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE = 415;
static final int EXPECTATION_FAILED = 417;
static final int INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR = 500;
static final int NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 501;
static final int BAD_GATEWAY = 502;
static final int SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE = 503;
static final int GATEWAY_TIMEOUT = 504;
static final int HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED = 505;
// Client generated status code.
static final int NETWORK_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_ERROR = 599;
* HTTP server.
interface HttpServer default _HttpServer {
* Start listening for HTTP requests on the specified [host] and
* [port]. For each HTTP request the handler set through [onRequest]
* will be invoked. If a [port] of 0 is specified the server will
* choose an ephemeral port. The optional argument [backlog] can be
* used to specify the listen backlog for the underlying OS listen
* setup.
void listen(String host, int port, [int backlog]);
* Attach the HTTP server to an existing ServerSocket. If the HttpServer is
* closed, the HttpServer will just detach itself, and not close
* [serverSocket].
void listenOn(ServerSocket serverSocket);
* Adds a request handler to the list of request handlers. The
* function [matcher] is called with the request and must return
* [:true:] if the [handler] should handle the request. The first
* handler for which [matcher] returns [:true:] will be handed the
* request.
addRequestHandler(bool matcher(HttpRequest request),
void handler(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response));
* Sets the default request handler. This request handler will be
* called if none of the request handlers registered by
* [addRequestHandler] matches the current request. If no default
* request handler is set the server will just respond with status
* code [:NOT_FOUND:] (404).
void set defaultRequestHandler(
void handler(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response));
* Stop server listening.
void close();
* Returns the port that the server is listening on. This can be
* used to get the actual port used when a value of 0 for [port] is
* specified in the [listen] call.
int get port();
* Sets the error handler that is called when a connection error occurs.
void set onError(void callback(e));
* Access to the HTTP headers for requests and responses. In some
* situations the headers will be imutable and the mutating methods
* will then throw exceptions.
* For all operation on HTTP headers the header name is
* case-insensitive.
interface HttpHeaders default _HttpHeaders {
static final ACCEPT = "Accept";
static final ACCEPT_CHARSET = "Accept-Charset";
static final ACCEPT_ENCODING = "Accept-Encoding";
static final ACCEPT_LANGUAGE = "Accept-Language";
static final ACCEPT_RANGES = "Accept-Ranges";
static final AGE = "Age";
static final ALLOW = "Allow";
static final AUTHORIZATION = "Authorization";
static final CACHE_CONTROL = "Cache-Control";
static final CONNECTION = "Connection";
static final CONTENT_ENCODING = "Content-Encoding";
static final CONTENT_LANGUAGE = "Content-Language";
static final CONTENT_LENGTH = "Content-Length";
static final CONTENT_LOCATION = "Content-Location";
static final CONTENT_MD5 = "Content-MD5";
static final CONTENT_RANGE = "Content-Range";
static final CONTENT_TYPE = "Content-Type";
static final DATE = "Date";
static final ETAG = "ETag";
static final EXPECT = "Expect";
static final EXPIRES = "Expires";
static final FROM = "From";
static final HOST = "Host";
static final IF_MATCH = "If-Match";
static final IF_MODIFIED_SINCE = "If-Modified-Since";
static final IF_NONE_MATCH = "If-None-Match";
static final IF_RANGE = "If-Range";
static final IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE = "If-Unmodified-Since";
static final LAST_MODIFIED = "Last-Modified";
static final LOCATION = "Location";
static final MAX_FORWARDS = "Max-Forwards";
static final PRAGMA = "Pragma";
static final PROXY_AUTHENTICATE = "Proxy-Authenticate";
static final PROXY_AUTHORIZATION = "Proxy-Authorization";
static final RANGE = "Range";
static final REFERER = "Referer";
static final RETRY_AFTER = "Retry-After";
static final SERVER = "Server";
static final TE = "TE";
static final TRAILER = "Trailer";
static final TRANSFER_ENCODING = "Transfer-Encoding";
static final UPGRADE = "Upgrade";
static final USER_AGENT = "User-Agent";
static final VARY = "Vary";
static final VIA = "Via";
static final WARNING = "Warning";
static final WWW_AUTHENTICATE = "WWW-Authenticate";
static final GENERAL_HEADERS = const [CACHE_CONTROL,
static final ENTITY_HEADERS = const [ALLOW,
static final REQUEST_HEADERS = const [ACCEPT,
* Returns the list of values for the header named [name]. If there
* is no headers with the provided name null will be returned.
List<String> operator[](String name);
* Convenience method for the value for a single values header. If
* there is no header with the provided name null will be
* returned. If the header has more than one value an exception is
* thrown.
String value(String name);
* Adds a header value. The header named [name] will have the value
* [value] added to its list of values. Some headers are single
* values and for these adding a value will replace the previous
* value. If the value is of type Date a HTTP date format will be
* applied. If the value is a [:List:] each element of the list will
* be added separately. For all other types the default [:toString:]
* method will be used.
void add(String name, Object value);
* Sets a header. The header named [name] will have all its values
* cleared before the value [value] is added as its value.
void set(String name, Object value);
* Removes a specific value for a header name. Some headers have
* system supplied values and for these the system supplied values
* will still be added to the collection of values for the header.
void remove(String name, Object value);
* Remove all values for the specified header name. Some headers
* have system supplied values and for these the system supplied
* values will still be added to the collection of values for the
* header.
void removeAll(String name);
* Enumerate the headers applying the function [f] to each
* header. The header names passed in [name] will be all lower
* case.
void forEach(void f(String name, List<String> values));
* Gets and sets the date. The value of this property will
* reflect the "Date" header
Date date;
* Gets and sets the expiry date. The value of this property will
* reflect the "Expires" header
Date expires;
* Gets and sets the host part of the "Host" header for the
* connection.
String host;
* Gets and sets the port part of the "Host" header for the
* connection.
int port;
* Http request delivered to the HTTP server callback.
interface HttpRequest default _HttpRequest {
* Returns the content length of the request body. If the size of
* the request body is not known in advance this -1.
int get contentLength();
* Returns the persistent connection state signaled by the client.
bool get persistentConnection();
* Returns the method for the request.
String get method();
* Returns the URI for the request.
String get uri();
* Returns the path part of the URI.
String get path();
* Returns the query string.
String get queryString();
* Returns the parsed query string.
Map<String, String> get queryParameters();
* Returns the request headers.
HttpHeaders get headers();
* Returns the input stream for the request. This is used to read
* the request data.
InputStream get inputStream();
* HTTP response to be send back to the client.
interface HttpResponse default _HttpResponse {
* Gets and sets the content length of the response. If the size of
* the response is not known in advance set the content length to
* -1 - which is also the default if not set.
int contentLength;
* Gets and sets the status code. Any integer value is accepted, but
* for the official HTTP status codes use the fields from
* [HttpStatus].
int statusCode;
* Gets and sets the reason phrase. If no reason phrase is explicitly
* set a default reason phrase is provided.
String reasonPhrase;
* Gets and sets the persistent connection state. The initial value
* of this property is the persistent connection state from the
* request.
bool persistentConnection;
* Returns the response headers.
HttpHeaders get headers();
* Returns the output stream for the response. This is used to write
* the response data. When all response data has been written close
* the stream to indicate the end of the response.
* When this is accessed for the first time the response header is
* send. Calling any methods that will change the header after
* having retrieved the output stream will throw an exception.
OutputStream get outputStream();
Initial web socket server implementation This implements the web socket protocol as a request handler for the HTTP server. The HTTP server have been updated with the ability of getting the socket when a HTTP upgrade request is processed. This way the web socket implementation is not builtin to the HTTP server. The API on the server is: interface WebSocketConnection { void set onMessage(void callback(Object message)); void set onClosed(void callback(int status, String reason)); void set onError(void callback(e)); send(Object message); close([int status, String reason]); } This API currently does not have any streaming but collects the entire message before invoking the onMessage callback. The current browser web socket API (http://dev.w3.org/html5/websockets/) works the same way. The underlying web socket protocol can have unbounded messages so long term this probably have to change. But for now the only likely client for a web socket server is a browser. Currently this is missing tests. The implementation has been tested by running the WebSocketTest.dart script and connecting using a browser. This testing have been done using Chrome 19 and Firefox 11. I will be adding tests in separate change lists. The SHA-1 and base 64 code (initially written by ajohnsen@google.com) can be removed when these algorithms is available in the dart:crypto. R=ager@google.com, ajohnsen@google.com, vsm@google.com, jacobr@google.com BUG=dart:2001 TEST=none Review URL: https://chromiumcodereview.appspot.com//10205012 git-svn-id: https://dart.googlecode.com/svn/branches/bleeding_edge/dart@6998 260f80e4-7a28-3924-810f-c04153c831b5
2012-04-26 10:15:30 +00:00
* Detach the underlying socket from the HTTP server. When the
* socket is detached the HTTP server will no longer perform any
* operations on it.
* This is normally used when a HTTP upgrade request is received
Initial web socket server implementation This implements the web socket protocol as a request handler for the HTTP server. The HTTP server have been updated with the ability of getting the socket when a HTTP upgrade request is processed. This way the web socket implementation is not builtin to the HTTP server. The API on the server is: interface WebSocketConnection { void set onMessage(void callback(Object message)); void set onClosed(void callback(int status, String reason)); void set onError(void callback(e)); send(Object message); close([int status, String reason]); } This API currently does not have any streaming but collects the entire message before invoking the onMessage callback. The current browser web socket API (http://dev.w3.org/html5/websockets/) works the same way. The underlying web socket protocol can have unbounded messages so long term this probably have to change. But for now the only likely client for a web socket server is a browser. Currently this is missing tests. The implementation has been tested by running the WebSocketTest.dart script and connecting using a browser. This testing have been done using Chrome 19 and Firefox 11. I will be adding tests in separate change lists. The SHA-1 and base 64 code (initially written by ajohnsen@google.com) can be removed when these algorithms is available in the dart:crypto. R=ager@google.com, ajohnsen@google.com, vsm@google.com, jacobr@google.com BUG=dart:2001 TEST=none Review URL: https://chromiumcodereview.appspot.com//10205012 git-svn-id: https://dart.googlecode.com/svn/branches/bleeding_edge/dart@6998 260f80e4-7a28-3924-810f-c04153c831b5
2012-04-26 10:15:30 +00:00
* and the communication should continue with a different protocol.
DetachedSocket detachSocket();
* HTTP client factory.
interface HttpClient default _HttpClient {
static final int DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT = 80;
* Opens a HTTP connection. The returned [HttpClientConnection] is
* used to register callbacks for asynchronous events on the HTTP
* connection. The "Host" header for the request will be set to the
* value [host]:[port]. This can be overridden through the
* HttpClientRequest interface before the request is sent. NOTE if
* [host] is an IP address this will still be set in the "Host"
* header.
HttpClientConnection open(String method, String host, int port, String path);
* Opens a HTTP connection. The returned [HttpClientConnection] is
* used to register callbacks for asynchronous events on the HTTP
* connection. The "Host" header for the request will be set based
* the host and port specified in [url]. This can be overridden
* through the HttpClientRequest interface before the request is
* sent. NOTE if the host is specified as an IP address this will
* still be set in the "Host" header.
HttpClientConnection openUrl(String method, Uri url);
* Opens a HTTP connection using the GET method. See [open] for
* details. Using this method to open a HTTP connection will set the
* content length to 0.
HttpClientConnection get(String host, int port, String path);
* Opens a HTTP connection using the GET method. See [openUrl] for
* details. Using this method to open a HTTP connection will set the
* content length to 0.
HttpClientConnection getUrl(Uri url);
* Opens a HTTP connection using the POST method. See [open] for details.
HttpClientConnection post(String host, int port, String path);
* Opens a HTTP connection using the POST method. See [openUrl] for details.
HttpClientConnection postUrl(Uri url);
* Shutdown the HTTP client releasing all resources.
void shutdown();
* A [HttpClientConnection] is returned by all [HttpClient] methods
* that initiate a connection to an HTTP server. The handlers will be
* called as the connection state progresses.
* The setting of all handlers is optional. If [onRequest] is not set
* the request will be send without any additional headers and an
* empty body. If [onResponse] is not set the response will be read
* and discarded.
interface HttpClientConnection {
* Sets the handler that is called when the connection is established.
void set onRequest(void callback(HttpClientRequest request));
* Sets callback to be called when the request has been send and
* the response is ready for processing. The callback is called when
* all headers of the response are received and data is ready to be
* received.
void set onResponse(void callback(HttpClientResponse response));
* Sets the handler that gets called if an error occurs while
* connecting or processing the HTTP request.
void set onError(void callback(e));
* Detach the underlying socket from the HTTP client. When the
* socket is detached the HTTP client will no longer perform any
* operations on it.
* This is normally used when a HTTP upgrade is negotiated and the
* communication should continue with a different protocol.
DetachedSocket detachSocket();
* HTTP request for a client connection.
interface HttpClientRequest default _HttpClientRequest {
* Gets and sets the content length of the request. If the size of
* the request is not known in advance set content length to -1,
* which is also the default.
int contentLength;
* Returns the request headers.
HttpHeaders get headers();
* Returns the output stream for the request. This is used to write
* the request data. When all request data has been written close
* the stream to indicate the end of the request.
* When this is accessed for the first time the request header is
* send. Calling any methods that will change the header after
* having retrieved the output stream will throw an exception.
OutputStream get outputStream();
* HTTP response for a client connection.
interface HttpClientResponse default _HttpClientResponse {
* Returns the status code.
int get statusCode();
* Returns the reason phrase associated with the status code.
String get reasonPhrase();
* Returns the content length of the request body. If the size of
* the request body is not known in advance this -1.
int get contentLength();
* Returns the response headers.
HttpHeaders get headers();
* Returns the input stream for the response. This is used to read
* the response data.
InputStream get inputStream();
* When detaching a socket from either the [:HttpServer:] or the
* [:HttpClient:] due to a HTTP connection upgrade there might be
* unparsed data already read from the socket. This unparsed data
* together with the detached socket is returned in an instance of
* this class.
interface DetachedSocket default _DetachedSocket {
Socket get socket();
List<int> get unparsedData();
class HttpException implements Exception {
const HttpException([String this.message = ""]);
String toString() => "HttpException: $message";
final String message;