
318 lines
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Raw Normal View History

// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Script to automatically update revisions in the DEPS file.
// Anyone can run this, and is welcome to.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:cli_util/cli_logging.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:pool/pool.dart' as pool;
/// The following set of packages should be individually reviewed.
/// Generally, they are from repos that are not Dart team owned, and we want to
/// ensure that we consistently review all changes from those repos.
const Set<String> individuallyReviewedPackages = {
void main(List<String> args) async {
// Validate we're running from the repo root.
if (!File('README.dart-sdk').existsSync() || !File('DEPS').existsSync()) {
stderr.writeln('Please run this script from the root of the SDK repo.');
final gclient = GClientHelper();
final deps = await gclient.getPackageDependencies();
print('${deps.length} package dependencies found.');
// Remove pinned deps.
final pinnedDeps = calculatePinnedDeps();
deps.removeWhere((dep) => pinnedDeps.contains(dep.name));
print('Not attempting to move forward the revisions for: '
'${pinnedDeps.toList().join(', ')}.');
deps.sort((a, b) => a.name.compareTo(b.name));
final gitPool = pool.Pool(10);
final revDepsToCommits = Map.fromEntries(
(await Future.wait(
deps.map((dep) {
return gitPool.withResource(() async {
final git = GitHelper(dep.relativePath);
await git.fetch();
var commit = await git.findLatestUnsyncedCommit();
return MapEntry(dep, commit);
.where((entry) {
final commit = entry.value;
return commit.isNotEmpty;
if (revDepsToCommits.isEmpty) {
print('No new revisions.');
final separateReviewDeps = revDepsToCommits.keys
.where((dep) => individuallyReviewedPackages.contains(dep.name))
.removeWhere((dep, _) => individuallyReviewedPackages.contains(dep.name));
final depsToRevNames = revDepsToCommits.keys.map((e) => e.name).join(', ');
print('Move moving forward revisions for: $depsToRevNames.');
if (separateReviewDeps.isNotEmpty) {
print('(additional, individually reviewed updates are also available for: '
'${separateReviewDeps.map((dep) => dep.name).join(', ')})');
print('Commit message:');
print('[deps] rev $depsToRevNames');
print('Revisions updated by `dart tools/rev_sdk_deps.dart`.');
for (var entry in revDepsToCommits.entries) {
final dep = entry.key;
final commit = entry.value;
final git = GitHelper(dep.relativePath);
var gitLog = await git.calculateUnsyncedCommits();
var currentHash = await gclient.getHash(dep);
// Construct the github diff URL.
print('${dep.name} (${dep.getGithubDiffUrl(currentHash, commit)}):');
// Print out the new commits.
print(gitLog.split('\n').map((l) => ' $l').join('\n').trimRight());
// Update the DEPS file.
await gclient.setHash(dep, commit);
if (separateReviewDeps.isNotEmpty) {
final boldText = Ansi(true)
.emphasized('Note: updates are also available for additional packages');
print('$boldText; these require individual review.\nPlease ensure that the '
'review for these changes is thorough. To roll them:');
for (var dep in separateReviewDeps) {
print('${dep.name} from ${dep.url}:');
print(' dart tools/manage_deps.dart bump third_party/pkg/${dep.name}');
// By convention, pinned deps are deps with an eol comment.
Set<String> calculatePinnedDeps() {
final packageRevision = RegExp(r'"(\w+)_rev":');
// "markdown_rev": "e3f4bd28c9...cfeccd83ee", # b/236358256
var depsFile = File('DEPS');
return depsFile
.where((line) => packageRevision.hasMatch(line) && line.contains('", #'))
.map((line) => packageRevision.firstMatch(line)!.group(1)!)
class GitHelper {
final String dir;
Future<String> fetch() {
return exec(['git', 'fetch'], cwd: dir);
Future<String> findLatestUnsyncedCommit() async {
// git log ..origin/<default-branch> --format=%H -1
var result = await exec(
cwd: dir,
return result.trim();
Future<String> calculateUnsyncedCommits() async {
// git log ..origin/<default-branch> --format="%h %ad %aN %s" -1
var result = await exec(
'--format=%h %ad %aN %s',
cwd: dir,
return result.trim();
String get defaultBranchName {
var branchNames = Directory(path.join(dir, '.git', 'refs', 'heads'))
.map((f) => path.basename(f.path))
for (var name in ['main', 'master']) {
if (branchNames.contains(name)) {
return name;
[deps] rev dartdoc, http, lints, logging, tools, webdev Revisions updated by `dart tools/rev_sdk_deps.dart`. rev_sdk_deps is changed to default to `main` if no branch is found, as `origin` doesn't seem to work for impacted repos (e.g. csslib). dartdoc (https://github.com/dart-lang/dartdoc/compare/1d94484..950898f): 950898f5 Tue May 30 11:18:38 2023 -0700 Janice Collins Reintroduce remote linking file type assumption (#3425) ef552992 Tue May 30 09:49:16 2023 -0700 Sam Rawlins Refactor search ranking (#3424) http (https://github.com/dart-lang/http/compare/8a4a4a6..18a43a2): 18a43a2 Tue May 30 09:44:24 2023 -0700 Brian Quinlan Fix the failing cupertino_http tests (#949) lints (https://github.com/dart-lang/lints/compare/4236c43..edc28ed): edc28ed Tue May 30 11:56:29 2023 -0500 Parker Lougheed Add topics to the pubspec file (#122) logging (https://github.com/dart-lang/logging/compare/7ba155a..f2fe2ac): f2fe2ac Tue May 23 15:01:13 2023 -0700 Jacob MacDonald prep for release (#140) ce41605 Mon May 22 10:14:28 2023 -0700 Devon Carew blast_repo fixes (#142) tools (https://github.com/dart-lang/tools/compare/b90a7e8..d723a55): d723a55 Tue May 30 11:02:27 2023 -0700 Devon Carew Update pull_request_label.yml (#107) webdev (https://github.com/dart-lang/webdev/compare/4b69f1d..d442fa8): d442fa89 Tue May 30 14:36:53 2023 -0400 Anna Gringauze Check for new events more often in batched stream. (#2123) Change-Id: I9e8905363ee51462529341bfba268504336d90e3 Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/c/sdk/+/306314 Auto-Submit: Janice Collins <jcollins@google.com> Reviewed-by: Devon Carew <devoncarew@google.com> Commit-Queue: Devon Carew <devoncarew@google.com> Commit-Queue: Janice Collins <jcollins@google.com>
2023-05-30 21:49:31 +00:00
return 'main';
class GClientHelper {
Future<List<PackageDependency>> getPackageDependencies() async {
// gclient revinfo --output-json=<file> --ignore-dep-type=cipd
final tempDir = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync();
final outFile = File(path.join(tempDir.path, 'deps.json'));
await exec([
Map<String, dynamic> m = jsonDecode(outFile.readAsStringSync());
tempDir.deleteSync(recursive: true);
return m.entries.map((entry) {
return PackageDependency(
entry: entry.key,
url: (entry.value as Map)['url'],
rev: (entry.value as Map)['rev'],
}).where((PackageDependency deps) {
return deps.entry.startsWith('sdk/third_party/pkg/');
Future<String> getHash(PackageDependency dep) async {
// DEPOT_TOOLS_UPDATE=0 gclient getdep --var=path_rev
var depName = dep.name;
var result = await exec(
environment: {
return result.trim();
Future<String> setHash(PackageDependency dep, String hash) async {
// gclient setdep --var=args_rev=9879dsf7g9d87d9f8g7
var depName = dep.name;
return await exec(
environment: {
class PackageDependency {
final String entry;
final String url;
final String? rev;
required this.entry,
required this.url,
required this.rev,
String get name => entry.substring(entry.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
String get relativePath => entry.substring('sdk/'.length);
String getGithubDiffUrl(String fromCommit, String toCommit) {
// https://github.com/dart-lang/<repo>/compare/<old>..<new>
final from = fromCommit.substring(0, 7);
final to = toCommit.substring(0, 7);
var repo = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
if (repo.endsWith('git')) {
repo = repo.substring(0, repo.length - '.git'.length);
var org = 'dart-lang';
if (url.contains('/external/')) {
// https://dart.googlesource.com/external/github.com/google/webdriver.dart.git
final parts = url.split('/');
org = parts[parts.length - 2];
return 'https://github.com/$org/$repo/compare/$from..$to';
String toString() => '${rev?.substring(0, 8)} $relativePath';
Future<String> exec(
List<String> cmd, {
String? cwd,
Map<String, String>? environment,
}) async {
var result = await Process.run(
workingDirectory: cwd,
environment: environment,
if (result.exitCode != 0) {
var cwdLocation = cwd == null ? '' : ' ($cwd)';
print('${cmd.join(' ')}$cwdLocation');
if ((result.stdout as String).isNotEmpty) {
if ((result.stderr as String).isNotEmpty) {
return result.stdout;