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// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/kernel_loader.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_binary_flowgraph.h"
#include "vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_to_il.h"
#include "vm/dart_api_impl.h"
#include "vm/flags.h"
#include "vm/kernel_binary.h"
#include "vm/longjump.h"
#include "vm/object_store.h"
#include "vm/parser.h"
#include "vm/service_isolate.h"
#include "vm/symbols.h"
namespace dart {
namespace kernel {
#define Z (zone_)
#define I (isolate_)
#define T (builder_.type_translator_)
#define H (translation_helper_)
static const char* const kVMServiceIOLibraryUri = "dart:vmservice_io";
class SimpleExpressionConverter {
SimpleExpressionConverter(TranslationHelper* helper,
StreamingFlowGraphBuilder* builder)
: translation_helper_(*helper),
builder_(builder) {}
bool IsSimple(intptr_t kernel_offset) {
AlternativeReadingScope alt(builder_->reader_, kernel_offset);
uint8_t payload = 0;
Tag tag = builder_->ReadTag(&payload); // read tag.
switch (tag) {
case kBigIntLiteral: {
const String& literal_str =
Heap::kOld); // read index into string table.
simple_value_ = &Integer::ZoneHandle(Z, Integer::New(literal_str));
if (simple_value_->IsNull()) {
H.ReportError("Integer literal %s is out of range",
*simple_value_ = H.Canonicalize(*simple_value_);
return true;
case kStringLiteral:
simple_value_ = &H.DartSymbol(
builder_->ReadStringReference()); // read index into string table.
return true;
case kSpecialIntLiteral:
simple_value_ =
&Integer::ZoneHandle(Z, Integer::New(static_cast<int32_t>(payload) -
*simple_value_ = H.Canonicalize(*simple_value_);
return true;
case kNegativeIntLiteral:
simple_value_ = &Integer::ZoneHandle(
Z, Integer::New(-static_cast<int64_t>(builder_->ReadUInt()),
Heap::kOld)); // read value.
*simple_value_ = H.Canonicalize(*simple_value_);
return true;
case kPositiveIntLiteral:
simple_value_ = &Integer::ZoneHandle(
Z, Integer::New(static_cast<int64_t>(builder_->ReadUInt()),
Heap::kOld)); // read value.
*simple_value_ = H.Canonicalize(*simple_value_);
return true;
case kDoubleLiteral:
simple_value_ = &Double::ZoneHandle(
Z, Double::New(H.DartString(builder_->ReadStringReference()),
Heap::kOld)); // read string reference.
*simple_value_ = H.Canonicalize(*simple_value_);
return true;
case kTrueLiteral:
simple_value_ = &Bool::Handle(Z, Bool::Get(true).raw());
return true;
case kFalseLiteral:
simple_value_ = &Bool::Handle(Z, Bool::Get(false).raw());
return true;
case kNullLiteral:
simple_value_ = &Instance::ZoneHandle(Z, Instance::null());
return true;
return false;
const Instance& SimpleValue() { return *simple_value_; }
Zone* zone() const { return zone_; }
TranslationHelper& translation_helper_;
Zone* zone_;
Instance* simple_value_;
StreamingFlowGraphBuilder* builder_;
RawArray* KernelLoader::MakeFunctionsArray() {
const intptr_t len = functions_.length();
const Array& res = Array::Handle(zone_, Array::New(len, Heap::kOld));
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
res.SetAt(i, *functions_[i]);
return res.raw();
RawLibrary* BuildingTranslationHelper::LookupLibraryByKernelLibrary(
NameIndex library) {
return loader_->LookupLibrary(library).raw();
RawClass* BuildingTranslationHelper::LookupClassByKernelClass(NameIndex klass) {
return loader_->LookupClass(klass).raw();
LibraryIndex::LibraryIndex(const TypedData& kernel_data)
: reader_(kernel_data) {
intptr_t data_size = reader_.size();
procedure_count_ = reader_.ReadUInt32At(data_size - 4);
procedure_index_offset_ = data_size - 4 - (procedure_count_ + 1) * 4;
class_count_ = reader_.ReadUInt32At(procedure_index_offset_ - 4);
class_index_offset_ = procedure_index_offset_ - 4 - (class_count_ + 1) * 4;
ClassIndex::ClassIndex(const uint8_t* buffer,
intptr_t buffer_size,
intptr_t class_offset,
intptr_t class_size)
: reader_(buffer, buffer_size) {
Init(class_offset, class_size);
ClassIndex::ClassIndex(const TypedData& library_kernel_data,
intptr_t class_offset,
intptr_t class_size)
: reader_(library_kernel_data) {
Init(class_offset, class_size);
void ClassIndex::Init(intptr_t class_offset, intptr_t class_size) {
procedure_count_ = reader_.ReadUInt32At(class_offset + class_size - 4);
procedure_index_offset_ =
class_offset + class_size - 4 - (procedure_count_ + 1) * 4;
KernelLoader::KernelLoader(Program* program)
: program_(program),
library_kernel_offset_(-1), // Set to the correct value in LoadLibrary
correction_offset_(-1), // Set to the correct value in LoadLibrary
translation_helper_(this, thread_),
[kernel] Add kernel2kernel constant evaluation, binary format as well as vm support The introduced "constants" transformation can evaluate constant expressions. The original use-sites of constant expressions are replaced by a new [ConstantExpression] node, which points to a subclass of a new [Constant] class hierarchy. Constant [Field]s and [VariableDeclarations]s will be removed, since all use-sites are re-written. The [Constant] class hierarchy is, similarly to the [DartType] class hierarchy, not part of the AST tree (also has no parent pointer). The constants form a DAG (directed acyclic graph). There is no canonicalization requirement of the [Constant] objects referenced by the AST (via [ConstantExpression]). Although it is beneficial to canonicalize them during construction, since it reduces time spent in operator==/hashCode. This CL furthermore adds support for a constant table in the binary format. Similarly to [String]s, we canonicalize the constants before writing the table to the binary. The constant table entries in the binary are written in a post-order way, to ensure easy construction on the backend side. The text format will be augmented with a "constants { ... }" section at the end, which lists the constants in the same order as in the binary format. The transformation can be used by those backends who choose to do so. It is not enabled by default atm. It should therefore not affect analyzer, fasta or other components. Change-Id: I57cd9624fedcf537ab6870db76246149647bed21 Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/14382 Commit-Queue: Martin Kustermann <kustermann@google.com> Reviewed-by: Kevin Millikin <kmillikin@google.com>
2017-11-16 11:08:02 +00:00
potential_natives_(GrowableObjectArray::Handle(Z)) {
[kernel] Allow VM to load concatenated dill file The kernel format has been designed so that one can concatenate several dill files into one file and then load it. For instance the dart function BinaryBuilder.readProgram supports this. Currently a dill file contains one or more programs. In the VM each of these programs are called either program or subprogram. Technically a dill "program" isn't necessarily a program at all (e.g. it could be missing a library). This naming snafu should probably be cleaned up at some point, but that's for another CL. When loading a dill file via BinaryBuilder.readProgram what happens is this: - Each program in the dill file ends in 4 bytes that indicates the size of the program. - Reading the input from the end one can then read the size, skip back that amount of bytes, if we have more data (i.e. there's another program), read another size and so on, and continue until we have accounted for all bytes in the input. - We then read each program from the start, and basically overwrite any library, class, procedure etc. we find. The first main reference found is the one used though. (Saying that we overwrite is not completely true, but when the library is a non-external library that's basically what happens). This CL introduces (some) support on the C++ side for the same thing. So far the C++ side could only handle single-program-dills, and trying to load anything else would probably crash the VM. The support added is this: - Assume the SDK (i.e. vm_platform.dill) is not a concatenated file (error out if it is). - For user provided input, loop over each contained program one-by-one, for each individual one behave as normal. - The way LibraryLoad is implemented (i.e. it skips if the library is already loaded) this means that it currently would behave differently than the dart version (i.e. the first one is used, not the last one). For now it is assumed that that's not a problem. - There is a possibly snafu if the same script is included several times. This could probably mostly be remedied by not creating scripts up front, but only as needed. By the "keep only one" (and fixing the above point, probably by simply loading in the opposite order, i.e. last program in the binary first) the (theoretical) problem would probably do away. Note that we will have separate string tables, canonical name tables etc per "sub program" and that there might be some duplication. The implementation was tested as indicated below, but introduces no tests. $ cat test_lib1.dart import "test_lib2.dart" as lib2; String lib1field = "lib #1 field!!"; main() { foo(); lib2.foo(); print("From lib2: ${lib2.lib2field}"); } foo() { print("Hello, Foo, from test_lib1!"); var x = 42; print(x); } $ cat test_lib2.dart String lib2field = "Lib #2 field!!!!"; foo() { print("Hello, Foo, from test_lib2!"); var y = 34; print(y); } $ out/ReleaseX64/dart pkg/front_end/tool/_fasta/compile.dart --packages=.packages --platform=out/ReleaseX64/vm_platform.dill test_lib1.dart $ ls -lha test_lib1.dart.dill [...] 4.2M Oct 26 14:42 test_lib1.dart.dill $ dart pkg/kernel/bin/split.dart test_lib1.dart.dill Wrote test_lib1.dart.dill.part1.dill Wrote test_lib1.dart.dill.part2.dill $ ls -lha test_lib1.dart.dill.part{1,2}.dill [...] 811 Oct 26 14:42 test_lib1.dart.dill.part1.dill [...] 582 Oct 26 14:42 test_lib1.dart.dill.part2.dill $ cat test_lib1.dart.dill.part1.dill test_lib1.dart.dill.part2.dill > test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill $ ls -lha test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill [...] 1.4K Oct 26 14:44 test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill $ out/ReleaseX64/dart --kernel-binaries=out/ReleaseX64 --packages=.packages test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill Hello, Foo, from test_lib1! 42 Hello, Foo, from test_lib2! 34 From lib2: Lib #2 field!!!! Change-Id: I233a033aa3042b202dd4708908a5be3089474588 Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/16820 Commit-Queue: Jens Johansen <jensj@google.com> Reviewed-by: Dmitry Stefantsov <dmitryas@google.com>
2017-10-27 12:01:48 +00:00
if (!program->is_single_program()) {
"Trying to load a concatenated dill file at a time where that is "
"not allowed");
T.active_class_ = &active_class_;
T.finalize_ = false;
[kernel] Allow VM to load concatenated dill file The kernel format has been designed so that one can concatenate several dill files into one file and then load it. For instance the dart function BinaryBuilder.readProgram supports this. Currently a dill file contains one or more programs. In the VM each of these programs are called either program or subprogram. Technically a dill "program" isn't necessarily a program at all (e.g. it could be missing a library). This naming snafu should probably be cleaned up at some point, but that's for another CL. When loading a dill file via BinaryBuilder.readProgram what happens is this: - Each program in the dill file ends in 4 bytes that indicates the size of the program. - Reading the input from the end one can then read the size, skip back that amount of bytes, if we have more data (i.e. there's another program), read another size and so on, and continue until we have accounted for all bytes in the input. - We then read each program from the start, and basically overwrite any library, class, procedure etc. we find. The first main reference found is the one used though. (Saying that we overwrite is not completely true, but when the library is a non-external library that's basically what happens). This CL introduces (some) support on the C++ side for the same thing. So far the C++ side could only handle single-program-dills, and trying to load anything else would probably crash the VM. The support added is this: - Assume the SDK (i.e. vm_platform.dill) is not a concatenated file (error out if it is). - For user provided input, loop over each contained program one-by-one, for each individual one behave as normal. - The way LibraryLoad is implemented (i.e. it skips if the library is already loaded) this means that it currently would behave differently than the dart version (i.e. the first one is used, not the last one). For now it is assumed that that's not a problem. - There is a possibly snafu if the same script is included several times. This could probably mostly be remedied by not creating scripts up front, but only as needed. By the "keep only one" (and fixing the above point, probably by simply loading in the opposite order, i.e. last program in the binary first) the (theoretical) problem would probably do away. Note that we will have separate string tables, canonical name tables etc per "sub program" and that there might be some duplication. The implementation was tested as indicated below, but introduces no tests. $ cat test_lib1.dart import "test_lib2.dart" as lib2; String lib1field = "lib #1 field!!"; main() { foo(); lib2.foo(); print("From lib2: ${lib2.lib2field}"); } foo() { print("Hello, Foo, from test_lib1!"); var x = 42; print(x); } $ cat test_lib2.dart String lib2field = "Lib #2 field!!!!"; foo() { print("Hello, Foo, from test_lib2!"); var y = 34; print(y); } $ out/ReleaseX64/dart pkg/front_end/tool/_fasta/compile.dart --packages=.packages --platform=out/ReleaseX64/vm_platform.dill test_lib1.dart $ ls -lha test_lib1.dart.dill [...] 4.2M Oct 26 14:42 test_lib1.dart.dill $ dart pkg/kernel/bin/split.dart test_lib1.dart.dill Wrote test_lib1.dart.dill.part1.dill Wrote test_lib1.dart.dill.part2.dill $ ls -lha test_lib1.dart.dill.part{1,2}.dill [...] 811 Oct 26 14:42 test_lib1.dart.dill.part1.dill [...] 582 Oct 26 14:42 test_lib1.dart.dill.part2.dill $ cat test_lib1.dart.dill.part1.dill test_lib1.dart.dill.part2.dill > test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill $ ls -lha test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill [...] 1.4K Oct 26 14:44 test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill $ out/ReleaseX64/dart --kernel-binaries=out/ReleaseX64 --packages=.packages test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill Hello, Foo, from test_lib1! 42 Hello, Foo, from test_lib2! 34 From lib2: Lib #2 field!!!! Change-Id: I233a033aa3042b202dd4708908a5be3089474588 Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/16820 Commit-Queue: Jens Johansen <jensj@google.com> Reviewed-by: Dmitry Stefantsov <dmitryas@google.com>
2017-10-27 12:01:48 +00:00
Object& KernelLoader::LoadEntireProgram(Program* program) {
if (program->is_single_program()) {
KernelLoader loader(program);
return loader.LoadProgram();
} else {
kernel::Reader reader(program->kernel_data(), program->kernel_data_size());
GrowableArray<intptr_t> subprogram_file_starts;
index_programs(&reader, &subprogram_file_starts);
Thread* thread = Thread::Current();
Zone* zone = thread->zone();
Library& library = Library::Handle(zone);
// Create "fake programs" for each sub-program.
intptr_t subprogram_count = subprogram_file_starts.length() - 1;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < subprogram_count; ++i) {
intptr_t subprogram_start = subprogram_file_starts.At(i);
intptr_t subprogram_end = subprogram_file_starts.At(i + 1);
reader.set_raw_buffer(program->kernel_data() + subprogram_start);
reader.set_size(subprogram_end - subprogram_start);
Program* subprogram = Program::ReadFrom(&reader, false);
KernelLoader loader(subprogram);
Object& load_result = loader.LoadProgram(false);
if (load_result.IsError()) return load_result;
if (library.IsNull() && load_result.IsLibrary()) {
library ^= load_result.raw();
delete subprogram;
if (!ClassFinalizer::ProcessPendingClasses()) {
[kernel] Allow VM to load concatenated dill file The kernel format has been designed so that one can concatenate several dill files into one file and then load it. For instance the dart function BinaryBuilder.readProgram supports this. Currently a dill file contains one or more programs. In the VM each of these programs are called either program or subprogram. Technically a dill "program" isn't necessarily a program at all (e.g. it could be missing a library). This naming snafu should probably be cleaned up at some point, but that's for another CL. When loading a dill file via BinaryBuilder.readProgram what happens is this: - Each program in the dill file ends in 4 bytes that indicates the size of the program. - Reading the input from the end one can then read the size, skip back that amount of bytes, if we have more data (i.e. there's another program), read another size and so on, and continue until we have accounted for all bytes in the input. - We then read each program from the start, and basically overwrite any library, class, procedure etc. we find. The first main reference found is the one used though. (Saying that we overwrite is not completely true, but when the library is a non-external library that's basically what happens). This CL introduces (some) support on the C++ side for the same thing. So far the C++ side could only handle single-program-dills, and trying to load anything else would probably crash the VM. The support added is this: - Assume the SDK (i.e. vm_platform.dill) is not a concatenated file (error out if it is). - For user provided input, loop over each contained program one-by-one, for each individual one behave as normal. - The way LibraryLoad is implemented (i.e. it skips if the library is already loaded) this means that it currently would behave differently than the dart version (i.e. the first one is used, not the last one). For now it is assumed that that's not a problem. - There is a possibly snafu if the same script is included several times. This could probably mostly be remedied by not creating scripts up front, but only as needed. By the "keep only one" (and fixing the above point, probably by simply loading in the opposite order, i.e. last program in the binary first) the (theoretical) problem would probably do away. Note that we will have separate string tables, canonical name tables etc per "sub program" and that there might be some duplication. The implementation was tested as indicated below, but introduces no tests. $ cat test_lib1.dart import "test_lib2.dart" as lib2; String lib1field = "lib #1 field!!"; main() { foo(); lib2.foo(); print("From lib2: ${lib2.lib2field}"); } foo() { print("Hello, Foo, from test_lib1!"); var x = 42; print(x); } $ cat test_lib2.dart String lib2field = "Lib #2 field!!!!"; foo() { print("Hello, Foo, from test_lib2!"); var y = 34; print(y); } $ out/ReleaseX64/dart pkg/front_end/tool/_fasta/compile.dart --packages=.packages --platform=out/ReleaseX64/vm_platform.dill test_lib1.dart $ ls -lha test_lib1.dart.dill [...] 4.2M Oct 26 14:42 test_lib1.dart.dill $ dart pkg/kernel/bin/split.dart test_lib1.dart.dill Wrote test_lib1.dart.dill.part1.dill Wrote test_lib1.dart.dill.part2.dill $ ls -lha test_lib1.dart.dill.part{1,2}.dill [...] 811 Oct 26 14:42 test_lib1.dart.dill.part1.dill [...] 582 Oct 26 14:42 test_lib1.dart.dill.part2.dill $ cat test_lib1.dart.dill.part1.dill test_lib1.dart.dill.part2.dill > test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill $ ls -lha test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill [...] 1.4K Oct 26 14:44 test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill $ out/ReleaseX64/dart --kernel-binaries=out/ReleaseX64 --packages=.packages test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill Hello, Foo, from test_lib1! 42 Hello, Foo, from test_lib2! 34 From lib2: Lib #2 field!!!! Change-Id: I233a033aa3042b202dd4708908a5be3089474588 Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/16820 Commit-Queue: Jens Johansen <jensj@google.com> Reviewed-by: Dmitry Stefantsov <dmitryas@google.com>
2017-10-27 12:01:48 +00:00
// Class finalization failed -> sticky error would be set.
Error& error = Error::Handle(zone);
error = thread->sticky_error();
return error;
return library;
void KernelLoader::index_programs(
kernel::Reader* reader,
GrowableArray<intptr_t>* subprogram_file_starts) {
// Dill files can be concatenated (e.g. cat a.dill b.dill > c.dill), so we
// need to first index the (possibly combined) file.
// First entry becomes last entry.
// Last entry is for ease of calculating size of last subprogram.
reader->set_offset(reader->size() - 4);
while (reader->offset() > 0) {
intptr_t size = reader->ReadUInt32();
intptr_t start = reader->offset() - size;
if (start < 0) {
FATAL("Invalid kernel binary: Indicated size is invalid.");
reader->set_offset(start - 4);
void KernelLoader::initialize_fields() {
const intptr_t source_table_size = builder_.SourceTableSize();
const Array& scripts =
Array::Handle(Z, Array::New(source_table_size, Heap::kOld));
patch_classes_ = Array::New(source_table_size, Heap::kOld);
// Copy the Kernel string offsets out of the binary and into the VM's heap.
[kernel] Allow VM to load concatenated dill file The kernel format has been designed so that one can concatenate several dill files into one file and then load it. For instance the dart function BinaryBuilder.readProgram supports this. Currently a dill file contains one or more programs. In the VM each of these programs are called either program or subprogram. Technically a dill "program" isn't necessarily a program at all (e.g. it could be missing a library). This naming snafu should probably be cleaned up at some point, but that's for another CL. When loading a dill file via BinaryBuilder.readProgram what happens is this: - Each program in the dill file ends in 4 bytes that indicates the size of the program. - Reading the input from the end one can then read the size, skip back that amount of bytes, if we have more data (i.e. there's another program), read another size and so on, and continue until we have accounted for all bytes in the input. - We then read each program from the start, and basically overwrite any library, class, procedure etc. we find. The first main reference found is the one used though. (Saying that we overwrite is not completely true, but when the library is a non-external library that's basically what happens). This CL introduces (some) support on the C++ side for the same thing. So far the C++ side could only handle single-program-dills, and trying to load anything else would probably crash the VM. The support added is this: - Assume the SDK (i.e. vm_platform.dill) is not a concatenated file (error out if it is). - For user provided input, loop over each contained program one-by-one, for each individual one behave as normal. - The way LibraryLoad is implemented (i.e. it skips if the library is already loaded) this means that it currently would behave differently than the dart version (i.e. the first one is used, not the last one). For now it is assumed that that's not a problem. - There is a possibly snafu if the same script is included several times. This could probably mostly be remedied by not creating scripts up front, but only as needed. By the "keep only one" (and fixing the above point, probably by simply loading in the opposite order, i.e. last program in the binary first) the (theoretical) problem would probably do away. Note that we will have separate string tables, canonical name tables etc per "sub program" and that there might be some duplication. The implementation was tested as indicated below, but introduces no tests. $ cat test_lib1.dart import "test_lib2.dart" as lib2; String lib1field = "lib #1 field!!"; main() { foo(); lib2.foo(); print("From lib2: ${lib2.lib2field}"); } foo() { print("Hello, Foo, from test_lib1!"); var x = 42; print(x); } $ cat test_lib2.dart String lib2field = "Lib #2 field!!!!"; foo() { print("Hello, Foo, from test_lib2!"); var y = 34; print(y); } $ out/ReleaseX64/dart pkg/front_end/tool/_fasta/compile.dart --packages=.packages --platform=out/ReleaseX64/vm_platform.dill test_lib1.dart $ ls -lha test_lib1.dart.dill [...] 4.2M Oct 26 14:42 test_lib1.dart.dill $ dart pkg/kernel/bin/split.dart test_lib1.dart.dill Wrote test_lib1.dart.dill.part1.dill Wrote test_lib1.dart.dill.part2.dill $ ls -lha test_lib1.dart.dill.part{1,2}.dill [...] 811 Oct 26 14:42 test_lib1.dart.dill.part1.dill [...] 582 Oct 26 14:42 test_lib1.dart.dill.part2.dill $ cat test_lib1.dart.dill.part1.dill test_lib1.dart.dill.part2.dill > test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill $ ls -lha test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill [...] 1.4K Oct 26 14:44 test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill $ out/ReleaseX64/dart --kernel-binaries=out/ReleaseX64 --packages=.packages test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill Hello, Foo, from test_lib1! 42 Hello, Foo, from test_lib2! 34 From lib2: Lib #2 field!!!! Change-Id: I233a033aa3042b202dd4708908a5be3089474588 Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/16820 Commit-Queue: Jens Johansen <jensj@google.com> Reviewed-by: Dmitry Stefantsov <dmitryas@google.com>
2017-10-27 12:01:48 +00:00
ASSERT(program_->string_table_offset() >= 0);
Reader reader(program_->kernel_data(), program_->kernel_data_size());
intptr_t count = reader.ReadUInt() + 1;
TypedData& offsets = TypedData::Handle(
Z, TypedData::New(kTypedDataUint32ArrayCid, count, Heap::kOld));
offsets.SetUint32(0, 0);
intptr_t end_offset = 0;
for (intptr_t i = 1; i < count; ++i) {
end_offset = reader.ReadUInt();
offsets.SetUint32(i << 2, end_offset);
// Copy the string data out of the binary and into the VM's heap.
TypedData& data = TypedData::Handle(
Z, TypedData::New(kTypedDataUint8ArrayCid, end_offset, Heap::kOld));
reader.CopyDataToVMHeap(data, reader.offset(), end_offset);
// Copy the canonical names into the VM's heap. Encode them as unsigned, so
// the parent indexes are adjusted when extracted.
[kernel] Allow VM to load concatenated dill file The kernel format has been designed so that one can concatenate several dill files into one file and then load it. For instance the dart function BinaryBuilder.readProgram supports this. Currently a dill file contains one or more programs. In the VM each of these programs are called either program or subprogram. Technically a dill "program" isn't necessarily a program at all (e.g. it could be missing a library). This naming snafu should probably be cleaned up at some point, but that's for another CL. When loading a dill file via BinaryBuilder.readProgram what happens is this: - Each program in the dill file ends in 4 bytes that indicates the size of the program. - Reading the input from the end one can then read the size, skip back that amount of bytes, if we have more data (i.e. there's another program), read another size and so on, and continue until we have accounted for all bytes in the input. - We then read each program from the start, and basically overwrite any library, class, procedure etc. we find. The first main reference found is the one used though. (Saying that we overwrite is not completely true, but when the library is a non-external library that's basically what happens). This CL introduces (some) support on the C++ side for the same thing. So far the C++ side could only handle single-program-dills, and trying to load anything else would probably crash the VM. The support added is this: - Assume the SDK (i.e. vm_platform.dill) is not a concatenated file (error out if it is). - For user provided input, loop over each contained program one-by-one, for each individual one behave as normal. - The way LibraryLoad is implemented (i.e. it skips if the library is already loaded) this means that it currently would behave differently than the dart version (i.e. the first one is used, not the last one). For now it is assumed that that's not a problem. - There is a possibly snafu if the same script is included several times. This could probably mostly be remedied by not creating scripts up front, but only as needed. By the "keep only one" (and fixing the above point, probably by simply loading in the opposite order, i.e. last program in the binary first) the (theoretical) problem would probably do away. Note that we will have separate string tables, canonical name tables etc per "sub program" and that there might be some duplication. The implementation was tested as indicated below, but introduces no tests. $ cat test_lib1.dart import "test_lib2.dart" as lib2; String lib1field = "lib #1 field!!"; main() { foo(); lib2.foo(); print("From lib2: ${lib2.lib2field}"); } foo() { print("Hello, Foo, from test_lib1!"); var x = 42; print(x); } $ cat test_lib2.dart String lib2field = "Lib #2 field!!!!"; foo() { print("Hello, Foo, from test_lib2!"); var y = 34; print(y); } $ out/ReleaseX64/dart pkg/front_end/tool/_fasta/compile.dart --packages=.packages --platform=out/ReleaseX64/vm_platform.dill test_lib1.dart $ ls -lha test_lib1.dart.dill [...] 4.2M Oct 26 14:42 test_lib1.dart.dill $ dart pkg/kernel/bin/split.dart test_lib1.dart.dill Wrote test_lib1.dart.dill.part1.dill Wrote test_lib1.dart.dill.part2.dill $ ls -lha test_lib1.dart.dill.part{1,2}.dill [...] 811 Oct 26 14:42 test_lib1.dart.dill.part1.dill [...] 582 Oct 26 14:42 test_lib1.dart.dill.part2.dill $ cat test_lib1.dart.dill.part1.dill test_lib1.dart.dill.part2.dill > test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill $ ls -lha test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill [...] 1.4K Oct 26 14:44 test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill $ out/ReleaseX64/dart --kernel-binaries=out/ReleaseX64 --packages=.packages test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill Hello, Foo, from test_lib1! 42 Hello, Foo, from test_lib2! 34 From lib2: Lib #2 field!!!! Change-Id: I233a033aa3042b202dd4708908a5be3089474588 Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/16820 Commit-Queue: Jens Johansen <jensj@google.com> Reviewed-by: Dmitry Stefantsov <dmitryas@google.com>
2017-10-27 12:01:48 +00:00
count = reader.ReadUInt() * 2;
TypedData& names = TypedData::Handle(
Z, TypedData::New(kTypedDataUint32ArrayCid, count, Heap::kOld));
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
names.SetUint32(i << 2, reader.ReadUInt());
// Metadata mappings immediately follow names table.
const intptr_t metadata_mappings_start = reader.offset();
// Copy metadata payloads into the VM's heap
// TODO(alexmarkov): add more info to program index instead of guessing
// the end of metadata payloads by offsets of the libraries.
[kernel] Allow VM to load concatenated dill file The kernel format has been designed so that one can concatenate several dill files into one file and then load it. For instance the dart function BinaryBuilder.readProgram supports this. Currently a dill file contains one or more programs. In the VM each of these programs are called either program or subprogram. Technically a dill "program" isn't necessarily a program at all (e.g. it could be missing a library). This naming snafu should probably be cleaned up at some point, but that's for another CL. When loading a dill file via BinaryBuilder.readProgram what happens is this: - Each program in the dill file ends in 4 bytes that indicates the size of the program. - Reading the input from the end one can then read the size, skip back that amount of bytes, if we have more data (i.e. there's another program), read another size and so on, and continue until we have accounted for all bytes in the input. - We then read each program from the start, and basically overwrite any library, class, procedure etc. we find. The first main reference found is the one used though. (Saying that we overwrite is not completely true, but when the library is a non-external library that's basically what happens). This CL introduces (some) support on the C++ side for the same thing. So far the C++ side could only handle single-program-dills, and trying to load anything else would probably crash the VM. The support added is this: - Assume the SDK (i.e. vm_platform.dill) is not a concatenated file (error out if it is). - For user provided input, loop over each contained program one-by-one, for each individual one behave as normal. - The way LibraryLoad is implemented (i.e. it skips if the library is already loaded) this means that it currently would behave differently than the dart version (i.e. the first one is used, not the last one). For now it is assumed that that's not a problem. - There is a possibly snafu if the same script is included several times. This could probably mostly be remedied by not creating scripts up front, but only as needed. By the "keep only one" (and fixing the above point, probably by simply loading in the opposite order, i.e. last program in the binary first) the (theoretical) problem would probably do away. Note that we will have separate string tables, canonical name tables etc per "sub program" and that there might be some duplication. The implementation was tested as indicated below, but introduces no tests. $ cat test_lib1.dart import "test_lib2.dart" as lib2; String lib1field = "lib #1 field!!"; main() { foo(); lib2.foo(); print("From lib2: ${lib2.lib2field}"); } foo() { print("Hello, Foo, from test_lib1!"); var x = 42; print(x); } $ cat test_lib2.dart String lib2field = "Lib #2 field!!!!"; foo() { print("Hello, Foo, from test_lib2!"); var y = 34; print(y); } $ out/ReleaseX64/dart pkg/front_end/tool/_fasta/compile.dart --packages=.packages --platform=out/ReleaseX64/vm_platform.dill test_lib1.dart $ ls -lha test_lib1.dart.dill [...] 4.2M Oct 26 14:42 test_lib1.dart.dill $ dart pkg/kernel/bin/split.dart test_lib1.dart.dill Wrote test_lib1.dart.dill.part1.dill Wrote test_lib1.dart.dill.part2.dill $ ls -lha test_lib1.dart.dill.part{1,2}.dill [...] 811 Oct 26 14:42 test_lib1.dart.dill.part1.dill [...] 582 Oct 26 14:42 test_lib1.dart.dill.part2.dill $ cat test_lib1.dart.dill.part1.dill test_lib1.dart.dill.part2.dill > test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill $ ls -lha test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill [...] 1.4K Oct 26 14:44 test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill $ out/ReleaseX64/dart --kernel-binaries=out/ReleaseX64 --packages=.packages test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill Hello, Foo, from test_lib1! 42 Hello, Foo, from test_lib2! 34 From lib2: Lib #2 field!!!! Change-Id: I233a033aa3042b202dd4708908a5be3089474588 Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/16820 Commit-Queue: Jens Johansen <jensj@google.com> Reviewed-by: Dmitry Stefantsov <dmitryas@google.com>
2017-10-27 12:01:48 +00:00
intptr_t metadata_payloads_end = program_->source_table_offset();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < program_->library_count(); ++i) {
metadata_payloads_end =
Utils::Minimum(metadata_payloads_end, library_offset(i));
ASSERT(metadata_payloads_end >= MetadataPayloadOffset);
const intptr_t metadata_payloads_size =
metadata_payloads_end - MetadataPayloadOffset;
TypedData& metadata_payloads =
TypedData::Handle(Z, TypedData::New(kTypedDataUint8ArrayCid,
metadata_payloads_size, Heap::kOld));
reader.CopyDataToVMHeap(metadata_payloads, MetadataPayloadOffset,
// Copy metadata mappings into the VM's heap
const intptr_t metadata_mappings_size =
[kernel] Allow VM to load concatenated dill file The kernel format has been designed so that one can concatenate several dill files into one file and then load it. For instance the dart function BinaryBuilder.readProgram supports this. Currently a dill file contains one or more programs. In the VM each of these programs are called either program or subprogram. Technically a dill "program" isn't necessarily a program at all (e.g. it could be missing a library). This naming snafu should probably be cleaned up at some point, but that's for another CL. When loading a dill file via BinaryBuilder.readProgram what happens is this: - Each program in the dill file ends in 4 bytes that indicates the size of the program. - Reading the input from the end one can then read the size, skip back that amount of bytes, if we have more data (i.e. there's another program), read another size and so on, and continue until we have accounted for all bytes in the input. - We then read each program from the start, and basically overwrite any library, class, procedure etc. we find. The first main reference found is the one used though. (Saying that we overwrite is not completely true, but when the library is a non-external library that's basically what happens). This CL introduces (some) support on the C++ side for the same thing. So far the C++ side could only handle single-program-dills, and trying to load anything else would probably crash the VM. The support added is this: - Assume the SDK (i.e. vm_platform.dill) is not a concatenated file (error out if it is). - For user provided input, loop over each contained program one-by-one, for each individual one behave as normal. - The way LibraryLoad is implemented (i.e. it skips if the library is already loaded) this means that it currently would behave differently than the dart version (i.e. the first one is used, not the last one). For now it is assumed that that's not a problem. - There is a possibly snafu if the same script is included several times. This could probably mostly be remedied by not creating scripts up front, but only as needed. By the "keep only one" (and fixing the above point, probably by simply loading in the opposite order, i.e. last program in the binary first) the (theoretical) problem would probably do away. Note that we will have separate string tables, canonical name tables etc per "sub program" and that there might be some duplication. The implementation was tested as indicated below, but introduces no tests. $ cat test_lib1.dart import "test_lib2.dart" as lib2; String lib1field = "lib #1 field!!"; main() { foo(); lib2.foo(); print("From lib2: ${lib2.lib2field}"); } foo() { print("Hello, Foo, from test_lib1!"); var x = 42; print(x); } $ cat test_lib2.dart String lib2field = "Lib #2 field!!!!"; foo() { print("Hello, Foo, from test_lib2!"); var y = 34; print(y); } $ out/ReleaseX64/dart pkg/front_end/tool/_fasta/compile.dart --packages=.packages --platform=out/ReleaseX64/vm_platform.dill test_lib1.dart $ ls -lha test_lib1.dart.dill [...] 4.2M Oct 26 14:42 test_lib1.dart.dill $ dart pkg/kernel/bin/split.dart test_lib1.dart.dill Wrote test_lib1.dart.dill.part1.dill Wrote test_lib1.dart.dill.part2.dill $ ls -lha test_lib1.dart.dill.part{1,2}.dill [...] 811 Oct 26 14:42 test_lib1.dart.dill.part1.dill [...] 582 Oct 26 14:42 test_lib1.dart.dill.part2.dill $ cat test_lib1.dart.dill.part1.dill test_lib1.dart.dill.part2.dill > test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill $ ls -lha test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill [...] 1.4K Oct 26 14:44 test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill $ out/ReleaseX64/dart --kernel-binaries=out/ReleaseX64 --packages=.packages test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill Hello, Foo, from test_lib1! 42 Hello, Foo, from test_lib2! 34 From lib2: Lib #2 field!!!! Change-Id: I233a033aa3042b202dd4708908a5be3089474588 Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/16820 Commit-Queue: Jens Johansen <jensj@google.com> Reviewed-by: Dmitry Stefantsov <dmitryas@google.com>
2017-10-27 12:01:48 +00:00
program_->string_table_offset() - metadata_mappings_start;
TypedData& metadata_mappings =
TypedData::Handle(Z, TypedData::New(kTypedDataUint8ArrayCid,
metadata_mappings_size, Heap::kOld));
reader.CopyDataToVMHeap(metadata_mappings, metadata_mappings_start,
kernel_program_info_ = KernelProgramInfo::New(
offsets, data, names, metadata_payloads, metadata_mappings, scripts);
Script& script = Script::Handle(Z);
for (intptr_t index = 0; index < source_table_size; ++index) {
script = LoadScriptAt(index);
scripts.SetAt(index, script);
KernelLoader::KernelLoader(const Script& script,
const TypedData& kernel_data,
intptr_t data_program_offset)
: program_(NULL),
KernelProgramInfo::ZoneHandle(zone_, script.kernel_program_info())),
translation_helper_(this, thread_),
builder_(&translation_helper_, script, zone_, kernel_data, 0),
[kernel] Add kernel2kernel constant evaluation, binary format as well as vm support The introduced "constants" transformation can evaluate constant expressions. The original use-sites of constant expressions are replaced by a new [ConstantExpression] node, which points to a subclass of a new [Constant] class hierarchy. Constant [Field]s and [VariableDeclarations]s will be removed, since all use-sites are re-written. The [Constant] class hierarchy is, similarly to the [DartType] class hierarchy, not part of the AST tree (also has no parent pointer). The constants form a DAG (directed acyclic graph). There is no canonicalization requirement of the [Constant] objects referenced by the AST (via [ConstantExpression]). Although it is beneficial to canonicalize them during construction, since it reduces time spent in operator==/hashCode. This CL furthermore adds support for a constant table in the binary format. Similarly to [String]s, we canonicalize the constants before writing the table to the binary. The constant table entries in the binary are written in a post-order way, to ensure easy construction on the backend side. The text format will be augmented with a "constants { ... }" section at the end, which lists the constants in the same order as in the binary format. The transformation can be used by those backends who choose to do so. It is not enabled by default atm. It should therefore not affect analyzer, fasta or other components. Change-Id: I57cd9624fedcf537ab6870db76246149647bed21 Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/14382 Commit-Queue: Martin Kustermann <kustermann@google.com> Reviewed-by: Kevin Millikin <kmillikin@google.com>
2017-11-16 11:08:02 +00:00
potential_natives_(GrowableObjectArray::Handle(Z)) {
T.active_class_ = &active_class_;
T.finalize_ = false;
const Array& scripts = Array::Handle(Z, kernel_program_info_.scripts());
patch_classes_ = Array::New(scripts.Length(), Heap::kOld);
library_kernel_data_ = kernel_data.raw();
[kernel] Add kernel2kernel constant evaluation, binary format as well as vm support The introduced "constants" transformation can evaluate constant expressions. The original use-sites of constant expressions are replaced by a new [ConstantExpression] node, which points to a subclass of a new [Constant] class hierarchy. Constant [Field]s and [VariableDeclarations]s will be removed, since all use-sites are re-written. The [Constant] class hierarchy is, similarly to the [DartType] class hierarchy, not part of the AST tree (also has no parent pointer). The constants form a DAG (directed acyclic graph). There is no canonicalization requirement of the [Constant] objects referenced by the AST (via [ConstantExpression]). Although it is beneficial to canonicalize them during construction, since it reduces time spent in operator==/hashCode. This CL furthermore adds support for a constant table in the binary format. Similarly to [String]s, we canonicalize the constants before writing the table to the binary. The constant table entries in the binary are written in a post-order way, to ensure easy construction on the backend side. The text format will be augmented with a "constants { ... }" section at the end, which lists the constants in the same order as in the binary format. The transformation can be used by those backends who choose to do so. It is not enabled by default atm. It should therefore not affect analyzer, fasta or other components. Change-Id: I57cd9624fedcf537ab6870db76246149647bed21 Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/14382 Commit-Queue: Martin Kustermann <kustermann@google.com> Reviewed-by: Kevin Millikin <kmillikin@google.com>
2017-11-16 11:08:02 +00:00
const Array& KernelLoader::ReadConstantTable() {
// We use the very first library's toplevel class as an owner for an
// [ActiveClassScope]
// Though since constants cannot refer to types containing type parameter
// references, the only purpose of the class is to serve as an owner for
// signature functions (which get created for function types).
const dart::Library& owner_library = LookupLibrary(library_canonical_name(0));
const dart::Class& toplevel_class =
Class::Handle(Z, owner_library.toplevel_class());
ActiveClassScope active_class_scope(&active_class_, &toplevel_class);
StreamingDartTypeTranslator type_translator_(&builder_, true /* finalize */);
type_translator_.active_class_ = &active_class_;
ConstantHelper helper(&active_class_, &builder_, &type_translator_,
&translation_helper_, Z, skip_vmservice_library_);
return helper.ReadConstantTable();
void KernelLoader::AnnotateNativeProcedures(const Array& constant_table) {
potential_natives_ = kernel_program_info_.potential_natives();
const intptr_t length =
!potential_natives_.IsNull() ? potential_natives_.Length() : 0;
if (length > 0) {
// Obtain `dart:_internal::ExternalName.name`.
Instance& constant = Instance::Handle(Z);
String& native_name = String::Handle(Z);
// Start scanning all candidates in [potential_natives] for the annotation
// constant. If the annotation is found, flag the [Function] as native and
// attach the native name to it.
Function& function = Function::Handle(Z);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
function ^= potential_natives_.At(i);
builder_.SetOffset(function.KernelDataProgramOffset() +
ProcedureHelper procedure_helper(&builder_);
const intptr_t annotation_count = builder_.ReadListLength();
for (intptr_t j = 0; j < annotation_count; ++j) {
const intptr_t tag = builder_.PeekTag();
if (tag == kConstantExpression) {
builder_.ReadByte(); // Skip the tag.
// We have a candiate. Let's look if it's an instance of the
// ExternalName class.
const intptr_t constant_table_index = builder_.ReadUInt();
constant ^= constant_table.At(constant_table_index);
if (constant.clazz() == external_name_class_.raw()) {
// We found the annotation, let's flag the function as native and
// set the native name!
native_name ^= constant.GetField(external_name_field_);
} else {
// Clear out the list of [Function] objects which might need their native
// name to be set after reading the constant table from the kernel blob.
potential_natives_ = GrowableObjectArray::null();
Object& KernelLoader::LoadProgram(bool process_pending_classes) {
[kernel] Add kernel2kernel constant evaluation, binary format as well as vm support The introduced "constants" transformation can evaluate constant expressions. The original use-sites of constant expressions are replaced by a new [ConstantExpression] node, which points to a subclass of a new [Constant] class hierarchy. Constant [Field]s and [VariableDeclarations]s will be removed, since all use-sites are re-written. The [Constant] class hierarchy is, similarly to the [DartType] class hierarchy, not part of the AST tree (also has no parent pointer). The constants form a DAG (directed acyclic graph). There is no canonicalization requirement of the [Constant] objects referenced by the AST (via [ConstantExpression]). Although it is beneficial to canonicalize them during construction, since it reduces time spent in operator==/hashCode. This CL furthermore adds support for a constant table in the binary format. Similarly to [String]s, we canonicalize the constants before writing the table to the binary. The constant table entries in the binary are written in a post-order way, to ensure easy construction on the backend side. The text format will be augmented with a "constants { ... }" section at the end, which lists the constants in the same order as in the binary format. The transformation can be used by those backends who choose to do so. It is not enabled by default atm. It should therefore not affect analyzer, fasta or other components. Change-Id: I57cd9624fedcf537ab6870db76246149647bed21 Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/14382 Commit-Queue: Martin Kustermann <kustermann@google.com> Reviewed-by: Kevin Millikin <kmillikin@google.com>
2017-11-16 11:08:02 +00:00
ASSERT(kernel_program_info_.constants() == Array::null());
[kernel] Allow VM to load concatenated dill file The kernel format has been designed so that one can concatenate several dill files into one file and then load it. For instance the dart function BinaryBuilder.readProgram supports this. Currently a dill file contains one or more programs. In the VM each of these programs are called either program or subprogram. Technically a dill "program" isn't necessarily a program at all (e.g. it could be missing a library). This naming snafu should probably be cleaned up at some point, but that's for another CL. When loading a dill file via BinaryBuilder.readProgram what happens is this: - Each program in the dill file ends in 4 bytes that indicates the size of the program. - Reading the input from the end one can then read the size, skip back that amount of bytes, if we have more data (i.e. there's another program), read another size and so on, and continue until we have accounted for all bytes in the input. - We then read each program from the start, and basically overwrite any library, class, procedure etc. we find. The first main reference found is the one used though. (Saying that we overwrite is not completely true, but when the library is a non-external library that's basically what happens). This CL introduces (some) support on the C++ side for the same thing. So far the C++ side could only handle single-program-dills, and trying to load anything else would probably crash the VM. The support added is this: - Assume the SDK (i.e. vm_platform.dill) is not a concatenated file (error out if it is). - For user provided input, loop over each contained program one-by-one, for each individual one behave as normal. - The way LibraryLoad is implemented (i.e. it skips if the library is already loaded) this means that it currently would behave differently than the dart version (i.e. the first one is used, not the last one). For now it is assumed that that's not a problem. - There is a possibly snafu if the same script is included several times. This could probably mostly be remedied by not creating scripts up front, but only as needed. By the "keep only one" (and fixing the above point, probably by simply loading in the opposite order, i.e. last program in the binary first) the (theoretical) problem would probably do away. Note that we will have separate string tables, canonical name tables etc per "sub program" and that there might be some duplication. The implementation was tested as indicated below, but introduces no tests. $ cat test_lib1.dart import "test_lib2.dart" as lib2; String lib1field = "lib #1 field!!"; main() { foo(); lib2.foo(); print("From lib2: ${lib2.lib2field}"); } foo() { print("Hello, Foo, from test_lib1!"); var x = 42; print(x); } $ cat test_lib2.dart String lib2field = "Lib #2 field!!!!"; foo() { print("Hello, Foo, from test_lib2!"); var y = 34; print(y); } $ out/ReleaseX64/dart pkg/front_end/tool/_fasta/compile.dart --packages=.packages --platform=out/ReleaseX64/vm_platform.dill test_lib1.dart $ ls -lha test_lib1.dart.dill [...] 4.2M Oct 26 14:42 test_lib1.dart.dill $ dart pkg/kernel/bin/split.dart test_lib1.dart.dill Wrote test_lib1.dart.dill.part1.dill Wrote test_lib1.dart.dill.part2.dill $ ls -lha test_lib1.dart.dill.part{1,2}.dill [...] 811 Oct 26 14:42 test_lib1.dart.dill.part1.dill [...] 582 Oct 26 14:42 test_lib1.dart.dill.part2.dill $ cat test_lib1.dart.dill.part1.dill test_lib1.dart.dill.part2.dill > test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill $ ls -lha test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill [...] 1.4K Oct 26 14:44 test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill $ out/ReleaseX64/dart --kernel-binaries=out/ReleaseX64 --packages=.packages test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill Hello, Foo, from test_lib1! 42 Hello, Foo, from test_lib2! 34 From lib2: Lib #2 field!!!! Change-Id: I233a033aa3042b202dd4708908a5be3089474588 Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/16820 Commit-Queue: Jens Johansen <jensj@google.com> Reviewed-by: Dmitry Stefantsov <dmitryas@google.com>
2017-10-27 12:01:48 +00:00
if (!program_->is_single_program()) {
"Trying to load a concatenated dill file at a time where that is "
"not allowed");
LongJumpScope jump;
if (setjmp(*jump.Set()) == 0) {
[kernel] Add kernel2kernel constant evaluation, binary format as well as vm support The introduced "constants" transformation can evaluate constant expressions. The original use-sites of constant expressions are replaced by a new [ConstantExpression] node, which points to a subclass of a new [Constant] class hierarchy. Constant [Field]s and [VariableDeclarations]s will be removed, since all use-sites are re-written. The [Constant] class hierarchy is, similarly to the [DartType] class hierarchy, not part of the AST tree (also has no parent pointer). The constants form a DAG (directed acyclic graph). There is no canonicalization requirement of the [Constant] objects referenced by the AST (via [ConstantExpression]). Although it is beneficial to canonicalize them during construction, since it reduces time spent in operator==/hashCode. This CL furthermore adds support for a constant table in the binary format. Similarly to [String]s, we canonicalize the constants before writing the table to the binary. The constant table entries in the binary are written in a post-order way, to ensure easy construction on the backend side. The text format will be augmented with a "constants { ... }" section at the end, which lists the constants in the same order as in the binary format. The transformation can be used by those backends who choose to do so. It is not enabled by default atm. It should therefore not affect analyzer, fasta or other components. Change-Id: I57cd9624fedcf537ab6870db76246149647bed21 Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/14382 Commit-Queue: Martin Kustermann <kustermann@google.com> Reviewed-by: Kevin Millikin <kmillikin@google.com>
2017-11-16 11:08:02 +00:00
const intptr_t length = program_->library_count();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
[kernel] Add kernel2kernel constant evaluation, binary format as well as vm support The introduced "constants" transformation can evaluate constant expressions. The original use-sites of constant expressions are replaced by a new [ConstantExpression] node, which points to a subclass of a new [Constant] class hierarchy. Constant [Field]s and [VariableDeclarations]s will be removed, since all use-sites are re-written. The [Constant] class hierarchy is, similarly to the [DartType] class hierarchy, not part of the AST tree (also has no parent pointer). The constants form a DAG (directed acyclic graph). There is no canonicalization requirement of the [Constant] objects referenced by the AST (via [ConstantExpression]). Although it is beneficial to canonicalize them during construction, since it reduces time spent in operator==/hashCode. This CL furthermore adds support for a constant table in the binary format. Similarly to [String]s, we canonicalize the constants before writing the table to the binary. The constant table entries in the binary are written in a post-order way, to ensure easy construction on the backend side. The text format will be augmented with a "constants { ... }" section at the end, which lists the constants in the same order as in the binary format. The transformation can be used by those backends who choose to do so. It is not enabled by default atm. It should therefore not affect analyzer, fasta or other components. Change-Id: I57cd9624fedcf537ab6870db76246149647bed21 Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/14382 Commit-Queue: Martin Kustermann <kustermann@google.com> Reviewed-by: Kevin Millikin <kmillikin@google.com>
2017-11-16 11:08:02 +00:00
if (process_pending_classes) {
if (!ClassFinalizer::ProcessPendingClasses()) {
// Class finalization failed -> sticky error would be set.
Error& error = Error::Handle(Z);
error = H.thread()->sticky_error();
return error;
[kernel] Add kernel2kernel constant evaluation, binary format as well as vm support The introduced "constants" transformation can evaluate constant expressions. The original use-sites of constant expressions are replaced by a new [ConstantExpression] node, which points to a subclass of a new [Constant] class hierarchy. Constant [Field]s and [VariableDeclarations]s will be removed, since all use-sites are re-written. The [Constant] class hierarchy is, similarly to the [DartType] class hierarchy, not part of the AST tree (also has no parent pointer). The constants form a DAG (directed acyclic graph). There is no canonicalization requirement of the [Constant] objects referenced by the AST (via [ConstantExpression]). Although it is beneficial to canonicalize them during construction, since it reduces time spent in operator==/hashCode. This CL furthermore adds support for a constant table in the binary format. Similarly to [String]s, we canonicalize the constants before writing the table to the binary. The constant table entries in the binary are written in a post-order way, to ensure easy construction on the backend side. The text format will be augmented with a "constants { ... }" section at the end, which lists the constants in the same order as in the binary format. The transformation can be used by those backends who choose to do so. It is not enabled by default atm. It should therefore not affect analyzer, fasta or other components. Change-Id: I57cd9624fedcf537ab6870db76246149647bed21 Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/14382 Commit-Queue: Martin Kustermann <kustermann@google.com> Reviewed-by: Kevin Millikin <kmillikin@google.com>
2017-11-16 11:08:02 +00:00
[kernel] Add kernel2kernel constant evaluation, binary format as well as vm support The introduced "constants" transformation can evaluate constant expressions. The original use-sites of constant expressions are replaced by a new [ConstantExpression] node, which points to a subclass of a new [Constant] class hierarchy. Constant [Field]s and [VariableDeclarations]s will be removed, since all use-sites are re-written. The [Constant] class hierarchy is, similarly to the [DartType] class hierarchy, not part of the AST tree (also has no parent pointer). The constants form a DAG (directed acyclic graph). There is no canonicalization requirement of the [Constant] objects referenced by the AST (via [ConstantExpression]). Although it is beneficial to canonicalize them during construction, since it reduces time spent in operator==/hashCode. This CL furthermore adds support for a constant table in the binary format. Similarly to [String]s, we canonicalize the constants before writing the table to the binary. The constant table entries in the binary are written in a post-order way, to ensure easy construction on the backend side. The text format will be augmented with a "constants { ... }" section at the end, which lists the constants in the same order as in the binary format. The transformation can be used by those backends who choose to do so. It is not enabled by default atm. It should therefore not affect analyzer, fasta or other components. Change-Id: I57cd9624fedcf537ab6870db76246149647bed21 Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/14382 Commit-Queue: Martin Kustermann <kustermann@google.com> Reviewed-by: Kevin Millikin <kmillikin@google.com>
2017-11-16 11:08:02 +00:00
// All classes were successfully loaded, so let's:
// a) load & canonicalize the constant table
const Array& constants = ReadConstantTable();
// b) set the native names for native functions which have been created
// so far (the rest will be directly set during LoadProcedure)
ASSERT(kernel_program_info_.constants() == Array::null());
// c) update all scripts with the constants array
[kernel] Allow VM to load concatenated dill file The kernel format has been designed so that one can concatenate several dill files into one file and then load it. For instance the dart function BinaryBuilder.readProgram supports this. Currently a dill file contains one or more programs. In the VM each of these programs are called either program or subprogram. Technically a dill "program" isn't necessarily a program at all (e.g. it could be missing a library). This naming snafu should probably be cleaned up at some point, but that's for another CL. When loading a dill file via BinaryBuilder.readProgram what happens is this: - Each program in the dill file ends in 4 bytes that indicates the size of the program. - Reading the input from the end one can then read the size, skip back that amount of bytes, if we have more data (i.e. there's another program), read another size and so on, and continue until we have accounted for all bytes in the input. - We then read each program from the start, and basically overwrite any library, class, procedure etc. we find. The first main reference found is the one used though. (Saying that we overwrite is not completely true, but when the library is a non-external library that's basically what happens). This CL introduces (some) support on the C++ side for the same thing. So far the C++ side could only handle single-program-dills, and trying to load anything else would probably crash the VM. The support added is this: - Assume the SDK (i.e. vm_platform.dill) is not a concatenated file (error out if it is). - For user provided input, loop over each contained program one-by-one, for each individual one behave as normal. - The way LibraryLoad is implemented (i.e. it skips if the library is already loaded) this means that it currently would behave differently than the dart version (i.e. the first one is used, not the last one). For now it is assumed that that's not a problem. - There is a possibly snafu if the same script is included several times. This could probably mostly be remedied by not creating scripts up front, but only as needed. By the "keep only one" (and fixing the above point, probably by simply loading in the opposite order, i.e. last program in the binary first) the (theoretical) problem would probably do away. Note that we will have separate string tables, canonical name tables etc per "sub program" and that there might be some duplication. The implementation was tested as indicated below, but introduces no tests. $ cat test_lib1.dart import "test_lib2.dart" as lib2; String lib1field = "lib #1 field!!"; main() { foo(); lib2.foo(); print("From lib2: ${lib2.lib2field}"); } foo() { print("Hello, Foo, from test_lib1!"); var x = 42; print(x); } $ cat test_lib2.dart String lib2field = "Lib #2 field!!!!"; foo() { print("Hello, Foo, from test_lib2!"); var y = 34; print(y); } $ out/ReleaseX64/dart pkg/front_end/tool/_fasta/compile.dart --packages=.packages --platform=out/ReleaseX64/vm_platform.dill test_lib1.dart $ ls -lha test_lib1.dart.dill [...] 4.2M Oct 26 14:42 test_lib1.dart.dill $ dart pkg/kernel/bin/split.dart test_lib1.dart.dill Wrote test_lib1.dart.dill.part1.dill Wrote test_lib1.dart.dill.part2.dill $ ls -lha test_lib1.dart.dill.part{1,2}.dill [...] 811 Oct 26 14:42 test_lib1.dart.dill.part1.dill [...] 582 Oct 26 14:42 test_lib1.dart.dill.part2.dill $ cat test_lib1.dart.dill.part1.dill test_lib1.dart.dill.part2.dill > test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill $ ls -lha test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill [...] 1.4K Oct 26 14:44 test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill $ out/ReleaseX64/dart --kernel-binaries=out/ReleaseX64 --packages=.packages test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill Hello, Foo, from test_lib1! 42 Hello, Foo, from test_lib2! 34 From lib2: Lib #2 field!!!! Change-Id: I233a033aa3042b202dd4708908a5be3089474588 Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/16820 Commit-Queue: Jens Johansen <jensj@google.com> Reviewed-by: Dmitry Stefantsov <dmitryas@google.com>
2017-10-27 12:01:48 +00:00
[kernel] Add kernel2kernel constant evaluation, binary format as well as vm support The introduced "constants" transformation can evaluate constant expressions. The original use-sites of constant expressions are replaced by a new [ConstantExpression] node, which points to a subclass of a new [Constant] class hierarchy. Constant [Field]s and [VariableDeclarations]s will be removed, since all use-sites are re-written. The [Constant] class hierarchy is, similarly to the [DartType] class hierarchy, not part of the AST tree (also has no parent pointer). The constants form a DAG (directed acyclic graph). There is no canonicalization requirement of the [Constant] objects referenced by the AST (via [ConstantExpression]). Although it is beneficial to canonicalize them during construction, since it reduces time spent in operator==/hashCode. This CL furthermore adds support for a constant table in the binary format. Similarly to [String]s, we canonicalize the constants before writing the table to the binary. The constant table entries in the binary are written in a post-order way, to ensure easy construction on the backend side. The text format will be augmented with a "constants { ... }" section at the end, which lists the constants in the same order as in the binary format. The transformation can be used by those backends who choose to do so. It is not enabled by default atm. It should therefore not affect analyzer, fasta or other components. Change-Id: I57cd9624fedcf537ab6870db76246149647bed21 Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/14382 Commit-Queue: Martin Kustermann <kustermann@google.com> Reviewed-by: Kevin Millikin <kmillikin@google.com>
2017-11-16 11:08:02 +00:00
NameIndex main = program_->main_method();
if (main == -1) {
return Library::Handle(Z);
[kernel] Add kernel2kernel constant evaluation, binary format as well as vm support The introduced "constants" transformation can evaluate constant expressions. The original use-sites of constant expressions are replaced by a new [ConstantExpression] node, which points to a subclass of a new [Constant] class hierarchy. Constant [Field]s and [VariableDeclarations]s will be removed, since all use-sites are re-written. The [Constant] class hierarchy is, similarly to the [DartType] class hierarchy, not part of the AST tree (also has no parent pointer). The constants form a DAG (directed acyclic graph). There is no canonicalization requirement of the [Constant] objects referenced by the AST (via [ConstantExpression]). Although it is beneficial to canonicalize them during construction, since it reduces time spent in operator==/hashCode. This CL furthermore adds support for a constant table in the binary format. Similarly to [String]s, we canonicalize the constants before writing the table to the binary. The constant table entries in the binary are written in a post-order way, to ensure easy construction on the backend side. The text format will be augmented with a "constants { ... }" section at the end, which lists the constants in the same order as in the binary format. The transformation can be used by those backends who choose to do so. It is not enabled by default atm. It should therefore not affect analyzer, fasta or other components. Change-Id: I57cd9624fedcf537ab6870db76246149647bed21 Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/14382 Commit-Queue: Martin Kustermann <kustermann@google.com> Reviewed-by: Kevin Millikin <kmillikin@google.com>
2017-11-16 11:08:02 +00:00
NameIndex main_library = H.EnclosingName(main);
Library& library = LookupLibrary(main_library);
return library;
// Either class finalization failed or we caught a compile error.
// In both cases sticky error would be set.
Error& error = Error::Handle(Z);
error = thread_->sticky_error();
return error;
[kernel] Allow VM to load concatenated dill file The kernel format has been designed so that one can concatenate several dill files into one file and then load it. For instance the dart function BinaryBuilder.readProgram supports this. Currently a dill file contains one or more programs. In the VM each of these programs are called either program or subprogram. Technically a dill "program" isn't necessarily a program at all (e.g. it could be missing a library). This naming snafu should probably be cleaned up at some point, but that's for another CL. When loading a dill file via BinaryBuilder.readProgram what happens is this: - Each program in the dill file ends in 4 bytes that indicates the size of the program. - Reading the input from the end one can then read the size, skip back that amount of bytes, if we have more data (i.e. there's another program), read another size and so on, and continue until we have accounted for all bytes in the input. - We then read each program from the start, and basically overwrite any library, class, procedure etc. we find. The first main reference found is the one used though. (Saying that we overwrite is not completely true, but when the library is a non-external library that's basically what happens). This CL introduces (some) support on the C++ side for the same thing. So far the C++ side could only handle single-program-dills, and trying to load anything else would probably crash the VM. The support added is this: - Assume the SDK (i.e. vm_platform.dill) is not a concatenated file (error out if it is). - For user provided input, loop over each contained program one-by-one, for each individual one behave as normal. - The way LibraryLoad is implemented (i.e. it skips if the library is already loaded) this means that it currently would behave differently than the dart version (i.e. the first one is used, not the last one). For now it is assumed that that's not a problem. - There is a possibly snafu if the same script is included several times. This could probably mostly be remedied by not creating scripts up front, but only as needed. By the "keep only one" (and fixing the above point, probably by simply loading in the opposite order, i.e. last program in the binary first) the (theoretical) problem would probably do away. Note that we will have separate string tables, canonical name tables etc per "sub program" and that there might be some duplication. The implementation was tested as indicated below, but introduces no tests. $ cat test_lib1.dart import "test_lib2.dart" as lib2; String lib1field = "lib #1 field!!"; main() { foo(); lib2.foo(); print("From lib2: ${lib2.lib2field}"); } foo() { print("Hello, Foo, from test_lib1!"); var x = 42; print(x); } $ cat test_lib2.dart String lib2field = "Lib #2 field!!!!"; foo() { print("Hello, Foo, from test_lib2!"); var y = 34; print(y); } $ out/ReleaseX64/dart pkg/front_end/tool/_fasta/compile.dart --packages=.packages --platform=out/ReleaseX64/vm_platform.dill test_lib1.dart $ ls -lha test_lib1.dart.dill [...] 4.2M Oct 26 14:42 test_lib1.dart.dill $ dart pkg/kernel/bin/split.dart test_lib1.dart.dill Wrote test_lib1.dart.dill.part1.dill Wrote test_lib1.dart.dill.part2.dill $ ls -lha test_lib1.dart.dill.part{1,2}.dill [...] 811 Oct 26 14:42 test_lib1.dart.dill.part1.dill [...] 582 Oct 26 14:42 test_lib1.dart.dill.part2.dill $ cat test_lib1.dart.dill.part1.dill test_lib1.dart.dill.part2.dill > test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill $ ls -lha test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill [...] 1.4K Oct 26 14:44 test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill $ out/ReleaseX64/dart --kernel-binaries=out/ReleaseX64 --packages=.packages test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill Hello, Foo, from test_lib1! 42 Hello, Foo, from test_lib2! 34 From lib2: Lib #2 field!!!! Change-Id: I233a033aa3042b202dd4708908a5be3089474588 Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/16820 Commit-Queue: Jens Johansen <jensj@google.com> Reviewed-by: Dmitry Stefantsov <dmitryas@google.com>
2017-10-27 12:01:48 +00:00
void KernelLoader::FindModifiedLibraries(Program* program,
Isolate* isolate,
BitVector* modified_libs,
bool force_reload) {
LongJumpScope jump;
[kernel] Allow VM to load concatenated dill file The kernel format has been designed so that one can concatenate several dill files into one file and then load it. For instance the dart function BinaryBuilder.readProgram supports this. Currently a dill file contains one or more programs. In the VM each of these programs are called either program or subprogram. Technically a dill "program" isn't necessarily a program at all (e.g. it could be missing a library). This naming snafu should probably be cleaned up at some point, but that's for another CL. When loading a dill file via BinaryBuilder.readProgram what happens is this: - Each program in the dill file ends in 4 bytes that indicates the size of the program. - Reading the input from the end one can then read the size, skip back that amount of bytes, if we have more data (i.e. there's another program), read another size and so on, and continue until we have accounted for all bytes in the input. - We then read each program from the start, and basically overwrite any library, class, procedure etc. we find. The first main reference found is the one used though. (Saying that we overwrite is not completely true, but when the library is a non-external library that's basically what happens). This CL introduces (some) support on the C++ side for the same thing. So far the C++ side could only handle single-program-dills, and trying to load anything else would probably crash the VM. The support added is this: - Assume the SDK (i.e. vm_platform.dill) is not a concatenated file (error out if it is). - For user provided input, loop over each contained program one-by-one, for each individual one behave as normal. - The way LibraryLoad is implemented (i.e. it skips if the library is already loaded) this means that it currently would behave differently than the dart version (i.e. the first one is used, not the last one). For now it is assumed that that's not a problem. - There is a possibly snafu if the same script is included several times. This could probably mostly be remedied by not creating scripts up front, but only as needed. By the "keep only one" (and fixing the above point, probably by simply loading in the opposite order, i.e. last program in the binary first) the (theoretical) problem would probably do away. Note that we will have separate string tables, canonical name tables etc per "sub program" and that there might be some duplication. The implementation was tested as indicated below, but introduces no tests. $ cat test_lib1.dart import "test_lib2.dart" as lib2; String lib1field = "lib #1 field!!"; main() { foo(); lib2.foo(); print("From lib2: ${lib2.lib2field}"); } foo() { print("Hello, Foo, from test_lib1!"); var x = 42; print(x); } $ cat test_lib2.dart String lib2field = "Lib #2 field!!!!"; foo() { print("Hello, Foo, from test_lib2!"); var y = 34; print(y); } $ out/ReleaseX64/dart pkg/front_end/tool/_fasta/compile.dart --packages=.packages --platform=out/ReleaseX64/vm_platform.dill test_lib1.dart $ ls -lha test_lib1.dart.dill [...] 4.2M Oct 26 14:42 test_lib1.dart.dill $ dart pkg/kernel/bin/split.dart test_lib1.dart.dill Wrote test_lib1.dart.dill.part1.dill Wrote test_lib1.dart.dill.part2.dill $ ls -lha test_lib1.dart.dill.part{1,2}.dill [...] 811 Oct 26 14:42 test_lib1.dart.dill.part1.dill [...] 582 Oct 26 14:42 test_lib1.dart.dill.part2.dill $ cat test_lib1.dart.dill.part1.dill test_lib1.dart.dill.part2.dill > test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill $ ls -lha test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill [...] 1.4K Oct 26 14:44 test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill $ out/ReleaseX64/dart --kernel-binaries=out/ReleaseX64 --packages=.packages test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill Hello, Foo, from test_lib1! 42 Hello, Foo, from test_lib2! 34 From lib2: Lib #2 field!!!! Change-Id: I233a033aa3042b202dd4708908a5be3089474588 Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/16820 Commit-Queue: Jens Johansen <jensj@google.com> Reviewed-by: Dmitry Stefantsov <dmitryas@google.com>
2017-10-27 12:01:48 +00:00
Zone* zone = Thread::Current()->zone();
if (setjmp(*jump.Set()) == 0) {
if (force_reload) {
// If a reload is being forced we mark all libraries as having
// been modified.
const GrowableObjectArray& libs =
intptr_t num_libs = libs.Length();
[kernel] Allow VM to load concatenated dill file The kernel format has been designed so that one can concatenate several dill files into one file and then load it. For instance the dart function BinaryBuilder.readProgram supports this. Currently a dill file contains one or more programs. In the VM each of these programs are called either program or subprogram. Technically a dill "program" isn't necessarily a program at all (e.g. it could be missing a library). This naming snafu should probably be cleaned up at some point, but that's for another CL. When loading a dill file via BinaryBuilder.readProgram what happens is this: - Each program in the dill file ends in 4 bytes that indicates the size of the program. - Reading the input from the end one can then read the size, skip back that amount of bytes, if we have more data (i.e. there's another program), read another size and so on, and continue until we have accounted for all bytes in the input. - We then read each program from the start, and basically overwrite any library, class, procedure etc. we find. The first main reference found is the one used though. (Saying that we overwrite is not completely true, but when the library is a non-external library that's basically what happens). This CL introduces (some) support on the C++ side for the same thing. So far the C++ side could only handle single-program-dills, and trying to load anything else would probably crash the VM. The support added is this: - Assume the SDK (i.e. vm_platform.dill) is not a concatenated file (error out if it is). - For user provided input, loop over each contained program one-by-one, for each individual one behave as normal. - The way LibraryLoad is implemented (i.e. it skips if the library is already loaded) this means that it currently would behave differently than the dart version (i.e. the first one is used, not the last one). For now it is assumed that that's not a problem. - There is a possibly snafu if the same script is included several times. This could probably mostly be remedied by not creating scripts up front, but only as needed. By the "keep only one" (and fixing the above point, probably by simply loading in the opposite order, i.e. last program in the binary first) the (theoretical) problem would probably do away. Note that we will have separate string tables, canonical name tables etc per "sub program" and that there might be some duplication. The implementation was tested as indicated below, but introduces no tests. $ cat test_lib1.dart import "test_lib2.dart" as lib2; String lib1field = "lib #1 field!!"; main() { foo(); lib2.foo(); print("From lib2: ${lib2.lib2field}"); } foo() { print("Hello, Foo, from test_lib1!"); var x = 42; print(x); } $ cat test_lib2.dart String lib2field = "Lib #2 field!!!!"; foo() { print("Hello, Foo, from test_lib2!"); var y = 34; print(y); } $ out/ReleaseX64/dart pkg/front_end/tool/_fasta/compile.dart --packages=.packages --platform=out/ReleaseX64/vm_platform.dill test_lib1.dart $ ls -lha test_lib1.dart.dill [...] 4.2M Oct 26 14:42 test_lib1.dart.dill $ dart pkg/kernel/bin/split.dart test_lib1.dart.dill Wrote test_lib1.dart.dill.part1.dill Wrote test_lib1.dart.dill.part2.dill $ ls -lha test_lib1.dart.dill.part{1,2}.dill [...] 811 Oct 26 14:42 test_lib1.dart.dill.part1.dill [...] 582 Oct 26 14:42 test_lib1.dart.dill.part2.dill $ cat test_lib1.dart.dill.part1.dill test_lib1.dart.dill.part2.dill > test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill $ ls -lha test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill [...] 1.4K Oct 26 14:44 test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill $ out/ReleaseX64/dart --kernel-binaries=out/ReleaseX64 --packages=.packages test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill Hello, Foo, from test_lib1! 42 Hello, Foo, from test_lib2! 34 From lib2: Lib #2 field!!!! Change-Id: I233a033aa3042b202dd4708908a5be3089474588 Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/16820 Commit-Queue: Jens Johansen <jensj@google.com> Reviewed-by: Dmitry Stefantsov <dmitryas@google.com>
2017-10-27 12:01:48 +00:00
Library& lib = dart::Library::Handle(zone);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_libs; i++) {
lib ^= libs.At(i);
if (!lib.is_dart_scheme()) {
[kernel] Allow VM to load concatenated dill file The kernel format has been designed so that one can concatenate several dill files into one file and then load it. For instance the dart function BinaryBuilder.readProgram supports this. Currently a dill file contains one or more programs. In the VM each of these programs are called either program or subprogram. Technically a dill "program" isn't necessarily a program at all (e.g. it could be missing a library). This naming snafu should probably be cleaned up at some point, but that's for another CL. When loading a dill file via BinaryBuilder.readProgram what happens is this: - Each program in the dill file ends in 4 bytes that indicates the size of the program. - Reading the input from the end one can then read the size, skip back that amount of bytes, if we have more data (i.e. there's another program), read another size and so on, and continue until we have accounted for all bytes in the input. - We then read each program from the start, and basically overwrite any library, class, procedure etc. we find. The first main reference found is the one used though. (Saying that we overwrite is not completely true, but when the library is a non-external library that's basically what happens). This CL introduces (some) support on the C++ side for the same thing. So far the C++ side could only handle single-program-dills, and trying to load anything else would probably crash the VM. The support added is this: - Assume the SDK (i.e. vm_platform.dill) is not a concatenated file (error out if it is). - For user provided input, loop over each contained program one-by-one, for each individual one behave as normal. - The way LibraryLoad is implemented (i.e. it skips if the library is already loaded) this means that it currently would behave differently than the dart version (i.e. the first one is used, not the last one). For now it is assumed that that's not a problem. - There is a possibly snafu if the same script is included several times. This could probably mostly be remedied by not creating scripts up front, but only as needed. By the "keep only one" (and fixing the above point, probably by simply loading in the opposite order, i.e. last program in the binary first) the (theoretical) problem would probably do away. Note that we will have separate string tables, canonical name tables etc per "sub program" and that there might be some duplication. The implementation was tested as indicated below, but introduces no tests. $ cat test_lib1.dart import "test_lib2.dart" as lib2; String lib1field = "lib #1 field!!"; main() { foo(); lib2.foo(); print("From lib2: ${lib2.lib2field}"); } foo() { print("Hello, Foo, from test_lib1!"); var x = 42; print(x); } $ cat test_lib2.dart String lib2field = "Lib #2 field!!!!"; foo() { print("Hello, Foo, from test_lib2!"); var y = 34; print(y); } $ out/ReleaseX64/dart pkg/front_end/tool/_fasta/compile.dart --packages=.packages --platform=out/ReleaseX64/vm_platform.dill test_lib1.dart $ ls -lha test_lib1.dart.dill [...] 4.2M Oct 26 14:42 test_lib1.dart.dill $ dart pkg/kernel/bin/split.dart test_lib1.dart.dill Wrote test_lib1.dart.dill.part1.dill Wrote test_lib1.dart.dill.part2.dill $ ls -lha test_lib1.dart.dill.part{1,2}.dill [...] 811 Oct 26 14:42 test_lib1.dart.dill.part1.dill [...] 582 Oct 26 14:42 test_lib1.dart.dill.part2.dill $ cat test_lib1.dart.dill.part1.dill test_lib1.dart.dill.part2.dill > test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill $ ls -lha test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill [...] 1.4K Oct 26 14:44 test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill $ out/ReleaseX64/dart --kernel-binaries=out/ReleaseX64 --packages=.packages test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill Hello, Foo, from test_lib1! 42 Hello, Foo, from test_lib2! 34 From lib2: Lib #2 field!!!! Change-Id: I233a033aa3042b202dd4708908a5be3089474588 Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/16820 Commit-Queue: Jens Johansen <jensj@google.com> Reviewed-by: Dmitry Stefantsov <dmitryas@google.com>
2017-10-27 12:01:48 +00:00
// Now go through all the libraries that are present in the incremental
// kernel files, these will constitute the modified libraries.
[kernel] Allow VM to load concatenated dill file The kernel format has been designed so that one can concatenate several dill files into one file and then load it. For instance the dart function BinaryBuilder.readProgram supports this. Currently a dill file contains one or more programs. In the VM each of these programs are called either program or subprogram. Technically a dill "program" isn't necessarily a program at all (e.g. it could be missing a library). This naming snafu should probably be cleaned up at some point, but that's for another CL. When loading a dill file via BinaryBuilder.readProgram what happens is this: - Each program in the dill file ends in 4 bytes that indicates the size of the program. - Reading the input from the end one can then read the size, skip back that amount of bytes, if we have more data (i.e. there's another program), read another size and so on, and continue until we have accounted for all bytes in the input. - We then read each program from the start, and basically overwrite any library, class, procedure etc. we find. The first main reference found is the one used though. (Saying that we overwrite is not completely true, but when the library is a non-external library that's basically what happens). This CL introduces (some) support on the C++ side for the same thing. So far the C++ side could only handle single-program-dills, and trying to load anything else would probably crash the VM. The support added is this: - Assume the SDK (i.e. vm_platform.dill) is not a concatenated file (error out if it is). - For user provided input, loop over each contained program one-by-one, for each individual one behave as normal. - The way LibraryLoad is implemented (i.e. it skips if the library is already loaded) this means that it currently would behave differently than the dart version (i.e. the first one is used, not the last one). For now it is assumed that that's not a problem. - There is a possibly snafu if the same script is included several times. This could probably mostly be remedied by not creating scripts up front, but only as needed. By the "keep only one" (and fixing the above point, probably by simply loading in the opposite order, i.e. last program in the binary first) the (theoretical) problem would probably do away. Note that we will have separate string tables, canonical name tables etc per "sub program" and that there might be some duplication. The implementation was tested as indicated below, but introduces no tests. $ cat test_lib1.dart import "test_lib2.dart" as lib2; String lib1field = "lib #1 field!!"; main() { foo(); lib2.foo(); print("From lib2: ${lib2.lib2field}"); } foo() { print("Hello, Foo, from test_lib1!"); var x = 42; print(x); } $ cat test_lib2.dart String lib2field = "Lib #2 field!!!!"; foo() { print("Hello, Foo, from test_lib2!"); var y = 34; print(y); } $ out/ReleaseX64/dart pkg/front_end/tool/_fasta/compile.dart --packages=.packages --platform=out/ReleaseX64/vm_platform.dill test_lib1.dart $ ls -lha test_lib1.dart.dill [...] 4.2M Oct 26 14:42 test_lib1.dart.dill $ dart pkg/kernel/bin/split.dart test_lib1.dart.dill Wrote test_lib1.dart.dill.part1.dill Wrote test_lib1.dart.dill.part2.dill $ ls -lha test_lib1.dart.dill.part{1,2}.dill [...] 811 Oct 26 14:42 test_lib1.dart.dill.part1.dill [...] 582 Oct 26 14:42 test_lib1.dart.dill.part2.dill $ cat test_lib1.dart.dill.part1.dill test_lib1.dart.dill.part2.dill > test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill $ ls -lha test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill [...] 1.4K Oct 26 14:44 test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill $ out/ReleaseX64/dart --kernel-binaries=out/ReleaseX64 --packages=.packages test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill Hello, Foo, from test_lib1! 42 Hello, Foo, from test_lib2! 34 From lib2: Lib #2 field!!!! Change-Id: I233a033aa3042b202dd4708908a5be3089474588 Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/16820 Commit-Queue: Jens Johansen <jensj@google.com> Reviewed-by: Dmitry Stefantsov <dmitryas@google.com>
2017-10-27 12:01:48 +00:00
if (program->is_single_program()) {
KernelLoader loader(program);
return loader.walk_incremental_kernel(modified_libs);
} else {
kernel::Reader reader(program->kernel_data(),
GrowableArray<intptr_t> subprogram_file_starts;
index_programs(&reader, &subprogram_file_starts);
// Create "fake programs" for each sub-program.
intptr_t subprogram_count = subprogram_file_starts.length() - 1;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < subprogram_count; ++i) {
intptr_t subprogram_start = subprogram_file_starts.At(i);
intptr_t subprogram_end = subprogram_file_starts.At(i + 1);
reader.set_raw_buffer(program->kernel_data() + subprogram_start);
reader.set_size(subprogram_end - subprogram_start);
Program* subprogram = Program::ReadFrom(&reader, false);
KernelLoader loader(subprogram);
delete subprogram;
[kernel] Allow VM to load concatenated dill file The kernel format has been designed so that one can concatenate several dill files into one file and then load it. For instance the dart function BinaryBuilder.readProgram supports this. Currently a dill file contains one or more programs. In the VM each of these programs are called either program or subprogram. Technically a dill "program" isn't necessarily a program at all (e.g. it could be missing a library). This naming snafu should probably be cleaned up at some point, but that's for another CL. When loading a dill file via BinaryBuilder.readProgram what happens is this: - Each program in the dill file ends in 4 bytes that indicates the size of the program. - Reading the input from the end one can then read the size, skip back that amount of bytes, if we have more data (i.e. there's another program), read another size and so on, and continue until we have accounted for all bytes in the input. - We then read each program from the start, and basically overwrite any library, class, procedure etc. we find. The first main reference found is the one used though. (Saying that we overwrite is not completely true, but when the library is a non-external library that's basically what happens). This CL introduces (some) support on the C++ side for the same thing. So far the C++ side could only handle single-program-dills, and trying to load anything else would probably crash the VM. The support added is this: - Assume the SDK (i.e. vm_platform.dill) is not a concatenated file (error out if it is). - For user provided input, loop over each contained program one-by-one, for each individual one behave as normal. - The way LibraryLoad is implemented (i.e. it skips if the library is already loaded) this means that it currently would behave differently than the dart version (i.e. the first one is used, not the last one). For now it is assumed that that's not a problem. - There is a possibly snafu if the same script is included several times. This could probably mostly be remedied by not creating scripts up front, but only as needed. By the "keep only one" (and fixing the above point, probably by simply loading in the opposite order, i.e. last program in the binary first) the (theoretical) problem would probably do away. Note that we will have separate string tables, canonical name tables etc per "sub program" and that there might be some duplication. The implementation was tested as indicated below, but introduces no tests. $ cat test_lib1.dart import "test_lib2.dart" as lib2; String lib1field = "lib #1 field!!"; main() { foo(); lib2.foo(); print("From lib2: ${lib2.lib2field}"); } foo() { print("Hello, Foo, from test_lib1!"); var x = 42; print(x); } $ cat test_lib2.dart String lib2field = "Lib #2 field!!!!"; foo() { print("Hello, Foo, from test_lib2!"); var y = 34; print(y); } $ out/ReleaseX64/dart pkg/front_end/tool/_fasta/compile.dart --packages=.packages --platform=out/ReleaseX64/vm_platform.dill test_lib1.dart $ ls -lha test_lib1.dart.dill [...] 4.2M Oct 26 14:42 test_lib1.dart.dill $ dart pkg/kernel/bin/split.dart test_lib1.dart.dill Wrote test_lib1.dart.dill.part1.dill Wrote test_lib1.dart.dill.part2.dill $ ls -lha test_lib1.dart.dill.part{1,2}.dill [...] 811 Oct 26 14:42 test_lib1.dart.dill.part1.dill [...] 582 Oct 26 14:42 test_lib1.dart.dill.part2.dill $ cat test_lib1.dart.dill.part1.dill test_lib1.dart.dill.part2.dill > test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill $ ls -lha test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill [...] 1.4K Oct 26 14:44 test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill $ out/ReleaseX64/dart --kernel-binaries=out/ReleaseX64 --packages=.packages test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill Hello, Foo, from test_lib1! 42 Hello, Foo, from test_lib2! 34 From lib2: Lib #2 field!!!! Change-Id: I233a033aa3042b202dd4708908a5be3089474588 Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/16820 Commit-Queue: Jens Johansen <jensj@google.com> Reviewed-by: Dmitry Stefantsov <dmitryas@google.com>
2017-10-27 12:01:48 +00:00
void KernelLoader::walk_incremental_kernel(BitVector* modified_libs) {
intptr_t length = program_->library_count();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
intptr_t kernel_offset = library_offset(i);
LibraryHelper library_helper(&builder_);
dart::Library& lib = LookupLibrary(library_helper.canonical_name_);
if (!lib.IsNull() && !lib.is_dart_scheme()) {
// This is a library that already exists so mark it as being modified.
void KernelLoader::LoadLibrary(intptr_t index) {
[kernel] Allow VM to load concatenated dill file The kernel format has been designed so that one can concatenate several dill files into one file and then load it. For instance the dart function BinaryBuilder.readProgram supports this. Currently a dill file contains one or more programs. In the VM each of these programs are called either program or subprogram. Technically a dill "program" isn't necessarily a program at all (e.g. it could be missing a library). This naming snafu should probably be cleaned up at some point, but that's for another CL. When loading a dill file via BinaryBuilder.readProgram what happens is this: - Each program in the dill file ends in 4 bytes that indicates the size of the program. - Reading the input from the end one can then read the size, skip back that amount of bytes, if we have more data (i.e. there's another program), read another size and so on, and continue until we have accounted for all bytes in the input. - We then read each program from the start, and basically overwrite any library, class, procedure etc. we find. The first main reference found is the one used though. (Saying that we overwrite is not completely true, but when the library is a non-external library that's basically what happens). This CL introduces (some) support on the C++ side for the same thing. So far the C++ side could only handle single-program-dills, and trying to load anything else would probably crash the VM. The support added is this: - Assume the SDK (i.e. vm_platform.dill) is not a concatenated file (error out if it is). - For user provided input, loop over each contained program one-by-one, for each individual one behave as normal. - The way LibraryLoad is implemented (i.e. it skips if the library is already loaded) this means that it currently would behave differently than the dart version (i.e. the first one is used, not the last one). For now it is assumed that that's not a problem. - There is a possibly snafu if the same script is included several times. This could probably mostly be remedied by not creating scripts up front, but only as needed. By the "keep only one" (and fixing the above point, probably by simply loading in the opposite order, i.e. last program in the binary first) the (theoretical) problem would probably do away. Note that we will have separate string tables, canonical name tables etc per "sub program" and that there might be some duplication. The implementation was tested as indicated below, but introduces no tests. $ cat test_lib1.dart import "test_lib2.dart" as lib2; String lib1field = "lib #1 field!!"; main() { foo(); lib2.foo(); print("From lib2: ${lib2.lib2field}"); } foo() { print("Hello, Foo, from test_lib1!"); var x = 42; print(x); } $ cat test_lib2.dart String lib2field = "Lib #2 field!!!!"; foo() { print("Hello, Foo, from test_lib2!"); var y = 34; print(y); } $ out/ReleaseX64/dart pkg/front_end/tool/_fasta/compile.dart --packages=.packages --platform=out/ReleaseX64/vm_platform.dill test_lib1.dart $ ls -lha test_lib1.dart.dill [...] 4.2M Oct 26 14:42 test_lib1.dart.dill $ dart pkg/kernel/bin/split.dart test_lib1.dart.dill Wrote test_lib1.dart.dill.part1.dill Wrote test_lib1.dart.dill.part2.dill $ ls -lha test_lib1.dart.dill.part{1,2}.dill [...] 811 Oct 26 14:42 test_lib1.dart.dill.part1.dill [...] 582 Oct 26 14:42 test_lib1.dart.dill.part2.dill $ cat test_lib1.dart.dill.part1.dill test_lib1.dart.dill.part2.dill > test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill $ ls -lha test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill [...] 1.4K Oct 26 14:44 test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill $ out/ReleaseX64/dart --kernel-binaries=out/ReleaseX64 --packages=.packages test_lib1.dart.dill.concat.dill Hello, Foo, from test_lib1! 42 Hello, Foo, from test_lib2! 34 From lib2: Lib #2 field!!!! Change-Id: I233a033aa3042b202dd4708908a5be3089474588 Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/16820 Commit-Queue: Jens Johansen <jensj@google.com> Reviewed-by: Dmitry Stefantsov <dmitryas@google.com>
2017-10-27 12:01:48 +00:00
if (!program_->is_single_program()) {
"Trying to load a concatenated dill file at a time where that is "
"not allowed");
// Read library index.
library_kernel_offset_ = library_offset(index);
correction_offset_ = library_kernel_offset_;
intptr_t library_end = library_offset(index + 1);
intptr_t library_size = library_end - library_kernel_offset_;
// NOTE: Since |builder_| is used to load the overall kernel program,
// it's reader's offset is an offset into the overall kernel program.
// Hence, when setting the kernel offsets of field and functions, one
// has to subtract the library's kernel offset from the reader's
// offset.
LibraryHelper library_helper(&builder_);
if (!is_service_isolate_ && !FLAG_precompiled_mode) {
StringIndex lib_name_index =
if (H.StringEquals(lib_name_index, kVMServiceIOLibraryUri)) {
// We are not the service isolate and we are not generating an AOT
// snapshot so we skip loading 'dart:vmservice_io'.
[kernel] Add kernel2kernel constant evaluation, binary format as well as vm support The introduced "constants" transformation can evaluate constant expressions. The original use-sites of constant expressions are replaced by a new [ConstantExpression] node, which points to a subclass of a new [Constant] class hierarchy. Constant [Field]s and [VariableDeclarations]s will be removed, since all use-sites are re-written. The [Constant] class hierarchy is, similarly to the [DartType] class hierarchy, not part of the AST tree (also has no parent pointer). The constants form a DAG (directed acyclic graph). There is no canonicalization requirement of the [Constant] objects referenced by the AST (via [ConstantExpression]). Although it is beneficial to canonicalize them during construction, since it reduces time spent in operator==/hashCode. This CL furthermore adds support for a constant table in the binary format. Similarly to [String]s, we canonicalize the constants before writing the table to the binary. The constant table entries in the binary are written in a post-order way, to ensure easy construction on the backend side. The text format will be augmented with a "constants { ... }" section at the end, which lists the constants in the same order as in the binary format. The transformation can be used by those backends who choose to do so. It is not enabled by default atm. It should therefore not affect analyzer, fasta or other components. Change-Id: I57cd9624fedcf537ab6870db76246149647bed21 Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/14382 Commit-Queue: Martin Kustermann <kustermann@google.com> Reviewed-by: Kevin Millikin <kmillikin@google.com>
2017-11-16 11:08:02 +00:00
skip_vmservice_library_ = library_helper.canonical_name_;
Library& library = LookupLibrary(library_helper.canonical_name_);
[kernel] Add kernel2kernel constant evaluation, binary format as well as vm support The introduced "constants" transformation can evaluate constant expressions. The original use-sites of constant expressions are replaced by a new [ConstantExpression] node, which points to a subclass of a new [Constant] class hierarchy. Constant [Field]s and [VariableDeclarations]s will be removed, since all use-sites are re-written. The [Constant] class hierarchy is, similarly to the [DartType] class hierarchy, not part of the AST tree (also has no parent pointer). The constants form a DAG (directed acyclic graph). There is no canonicalization requirement of the [Constant] objects referenced by the AST (via [ConstantExpression]). Although it is beneficial to canonicalize them during construction, since it reduces time spent in operator==/hashCode. This CL furthermore adds support for a constant table in the binary format. Similarly to [String]s, we canonicalize the constants before writing the table to the binary. The constant table entries in the binary are written in a post-order way, to ensure easy construction on the backend side. The text format will be augmented with a "constants { ... }" section at the end, which lists the constants in the same order as in the binary format. The transformation can be used by those backends who choose to do so. It is not enabled by default atm. It should therefore not affect analyzer, fasta or other components. Change-Id: I57cd9624fedcf537ab6870db76246149647bed21 Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/14382 Commit-Queue: Martin Kustermann <kustermann@google.com> Reviewed-by: Kevin Millikin <kmillikin@google.com>
2017-11-16 11:08:02 +00:00
// The Kernel library is external implies that it is already loaded.
ASSERT(!library_helper.IsExternal() || library.Loaded());
if (library.Loaded()) return;
library_kernel_data_ =
TypedData::New(kTypedDataUint8ArrayCid, library_size, Heap::kOld);
library_kernel_offset_, library_size);
LibraryIndex library_index(library_kernel_data_);
intptr_t class_count = library_index.class_count();
intptr_t procedure_count = library_index.procedure_count();
// The bootstrapper will take care of creating the native wrapper classes, but
// we will add the synthetic constructors to them here.
if (library.name() ==
Symbols::Symbol(Symbols::kDartNativeWrappersLibNameId).raw()) {
loading_native_wrappers_library_ = true;
} else {
loading_native_wrappers_library_ = false;
StringIndex import_uri_index =
const Script& script = Script::Handle(
Z, ScriptAt(library_helper.source_uri_index_, import_uri_index));
// Setup toplevel class (which contains library fields/procedures).
Class& toplevel_class =
Class::Handle(Z, Class::New(library, Symbols::TopLevel(), script,
const GrowableObjectArray& classes =
GrowableObjectArray::Handle(Z, I->object_store()->pending_classes());
// Everything up til the classes are skipped implicitly, and library_helper
// is no longer used.
// Load all classes.
intptr_t next_class_offset = library_index.ClassOffset(0);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < class_count; ++i) {
next_class_offset = library_index.ClassOffset(i + 1);
classes.Add(LoadClass(library, toplevel_class, next_class_offset),
ActiveClassScope active_class_scope(&active_class_, &toplevel_class);
// Load toplevel fields.
intptr_t field_count = builder_.ReadListLength(); // read list length.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < field_count; ++i) {
intptr_t field_offset = builder_.ReaderOffset() - correction_offset_;
ActiveMemberScope active_member_scope(&active_class_, NULL);
FieldHelper field_helper(&builder_);
const String& name = builder_.ReadNameAsFieldName();
const Object& script_class =
ClassForScriptAt(toplevel_class, field_helper.source_uri_index_);
// In the VM all const fields are implicitly final whereas in Kernel they
// are not final because they are not explicitly declared that way.
const bool is_final = field_helper.IsConst() || field_helper.IsFinal();
Field& field = Field::Handle(
Field::NewTopLevel(name, is_final, field_helper.IsConst(), script_class,
field_helper.position_, field_helper.end_position_));
const AbstractType& type = T.BuildType(); // read type.
intptr_t field_initializer_offset = builder_.ReaderOffset();
field.set_has_initializer(builder_.PeekTag() == kSomething);
// GenerateFieldAccessors reads (some of) the initializer.
AlternativeReadingScope alt(builder_.reader_, field_initializer_offset);
GenerateFieldAccessors(toplevel_class, field, &field_helper);
if (FLAG_enable_mirrors && field_helper.annotation_count_ > 0) {
library.AddFieldMetadata(field, TokenPosition::kNoSource, field_offset);
library.AddObject(field, name);
// Load toplevel procedures.
intptr_t next_procedure_offset = library_index.ProcedureOffset(0);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < procedure_count; ++i) {
next_procedure_offset = library_index.ProcedureOffset(i + 1);
LoadProcedure(library, toplevel_class, false, next_procedure_offset);
classes.Add(toplevel_class, Heap::kOld);
if (!library.Loaded()) library.SetLoaded();
void KernelLoader::LoadLibraryImportsAndExports(Library* library) {
GrowableObjectArray& show_list = GrowableObjectArray::Handle(Z);
GrowableObjectArray& hide_list = GrowableObjectArray::Handle(Z);
Array& show_names = Array::Handle(Z);
Array& hide_names = Array::Handle(Z);
Namespace& ns = Namespace::Handle(Z);
LibraryPrefix& library_prefix = LibraryPrefix::Handle(Z);
const intptr_t deps_count = builder_.ReadListLength();
for (intptr_t dep = 0; dep < deps_count; ++dep) {
LibraryDependencyHelper dependency_helper(&builder_);
// Ignore the dependency if the target library is invalid.
// The error will be caught during compilation.
if (dependency_helper.target_library_canonical_name_ < 0) {
const intptr_t combinator_count = builder_.ReadListLength();
for (intptr_t c = 0; c < combinator_count; ++c) {
// Prepare show and hide lists.
show_list = GrowableObjectArray::New(Heap::kOld);
hide_list = GrowableObjectArray::New(Heap::kOld);
const intptr_t combinator_count = builder_.ReadListLength();
for (intptr_t c = 0; c < combinator_count; ++c) {
uint8_t flags = builder_.ReadFlags();
intptr_t name_count = builder_.ReadListLength();
for (intptr_t n = 0; n < name_count; ++n) {
String& show_hide_name = H.DartSymbol(builder_.ReadStringReference());
if (flags & LibraryDependencyHelper::Show) {
show_list.Add(show_hide_name, Heap::kOld);
} else {
hide_list.Add(show_hide_name, Heap::kOld);
if (show_list.Length() > 0) {
show_names = Array::MakeFixedLength(show_list);
} else {
show_names = Array::null();
if (hide_list.Length() > 0) {
hide_names = Array::MakeFixedLength(hide_list);
} else {
hide_names = Array::null();
Library& target_library =
if (!FLAG_enable_mirrors &&
target_library.url() == Symbols::DartMirrors().raw()) {
H.ReportError("import of dart:mirrors with --enable-mirrors=false");
String& prefix = H.DartSymbol(dependency_helper.name_index_);
ns = Namespace::New(target_library, show_names, hide_names);
if (dependency_helper.flags_ & LibraryDependencyHelper::Export) {
} else {
if (prefix.IsNull() || prefix.Length() == 0) {
} else {
library_prefix = library->LookupLocalLibraryPrefix(prefix);
if (!library_prefix.IsNull()) {
} else {
library_prefix = LibraryPrefix::New(
prefix, ns,
dependency_helper.flags_ & LibraryDependencyHelper::Deferred,
library->AddObject(library_prefix, prefix);
void KernelLoader::LoadPreliminaryClass(ClassHelper* class_helper,
intptr_t type_parameter_count) {
const Class* klass = active_class_.klass;
// Note: This assumes that ClassHelper is exactly at the position where
// the length of the type parameters have been read, and that the order in
// the binary is as follows: [...], kTypeParameters, kSuperClass, kMixinType,
// kImplementedClasses, [...].
// Set type parameters.
&active_class_, *klass, type_parameter_count, Function::Handle(Z));
// Set super type. Some classes (e.g., Object) do not have one.
Tag type_tag = builder_.ReadTag(); // read super class type (part 1).
if (type_tag == kSomething) {
AbstractType& super_type =
T.BuildTypeWithoutFinalization(); // read super class type (part 2).
if (super_type.IsMalformed()) H.ReportError("Malformed super type");
// Build implemented interface types
intptr_t interface_count = builder_.ReadListLength();
const Array& interfaces =
Array::Handle(Z, Array::New(interface_count, Heap::kOld));
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < interface_count; i++) {
const AbstractType& type =
T.BuildTypeWithoutFinalization(); // read ith type.
if (type.IsMalformed()) H.ReportError("Malformed interface type.");
interfaces.SetAt(i, type);
if (class_helper->is_abstract_) klass->set_is_abstract();
Class& KernelLoader::LoadClass(const Library& library,
const Class& toplevel_class,
intptr_t class_end) {
intptr_t class_offset = builder_.ReaderOffset();
ClassIndex class_index(program_->kernel_data(), program_->kernel_data_size(),
class_offset, class_end - class_offset);
ClassHelper class_helper(&builder_);
Class& klass = LookupClass(class_helper.canonical_name_);
klass.set_kernel_offset(class_offset - correction_offset_);
// The class needs to have a script because all the functions in the class
// will inherit it. The predicate Function::IsOptimizable uses the absence of
// a script to detect test functions that should not be optimized.
if (klass.script() == Script::null()) {
const Script& script =
Script::Handle(Z, ScriptAt(class_helper.source_uri_index_));
if (klass.token_pos() == TokenPosition::kNoSource) {
intptr_t type_parameter_counts =
builder_.ReadListLength(); // read type_parameters list length.
ActiveClassScope active_class_scope(&active_class_, &klass);
if (!klass.is_cycle_free()) {
LoadPreliminaryClass(&class_helper, type_parameter_counts);
} else {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < type_parameter_counts; ++i) {
builder_.SkipStringReference(); // read ith name index.
builder_.SkipDartType(); // read ith bound.
if (FLAG_enable_mirrors && class_helper.annotation_count_ > 0) {
library.AddClassMetadata(klass, toplevel_class, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
class_offset - correction_offset_);
if (loading_native_wrappers_library_) {
FinishClassLoading(klass, library, toplevel_class, class_offset,
class_index, &class_helper);
return klass;
void KernelLoader::FinishClassLoading(const Class& klass,
const Library& library,
const Class& toplevel_class,
intptr_t class_offset,
const ClassIndex& class_index,
ClassHelper* class_helper) {
ActiveClassScope active_class_scope(&active_class_, &klass);
if (library.raw() == Library::InternalLibrary() &&
klass.Name() == Symbols::ClassID().raw()) {
// If this is a dart:internal.ClassID class ignore field declarations
// contained in the Kernel file and instead inject our own const
// fields.
} else {
int field_count = builder_.ReadListLength(); // read list length.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < field_count; ++i) {
intptr_t field_offset = builder_.ReaderOffset() - correction_offset_;
ActiveMemberScope active_member(&active_class_, NULL);
FieldHelper field_helper(&builder_);
const String& name = builder_.ReadNameAsFieldName();
const AbstractType& type =
T.BuildTypeWithoutFinalization(); // read type.
const Object& script_class =
ClassForScriptAt(klass, field_helper.source_uri_index_);
const bool is_reflectable =
field_helper.position_.IsReal() &&
!(library.is_dart_scheme() && library.IsPrivate(name));
// In the VM all const fields are implicitly final whereas in Kernel they
// are not final because they are not explicitly declared that way.
const bool is_final = field_helper.IsConst() || field_helper.IsFinal();
Field& field = Field::Handle(
Field::New(name, field_helper.IsStatic(), is_final,
field_helper.IsConst(), is_reflectable, script_class, type,
field_helper.position_, field_helper.end_position_));
intptr_t field_initializer_offset = builder_.ReaderOffset();
field.set_has_initializer(builder_.PeekTag() == kSomething);
// GenerateFieldAccessors reads (some of) the initializer.
AlternativeReadingScope alt(builder_.reader_, field_initializer_offset);
GenerateFieldAccessors(klass, field, &field_helper);
if (FLAG_enable_mirrors && field_helper.annotation_count_ > 0) {
library.AddFieldMetadata(field, TokenPosition::kNoSource, field_offset);
int constructor_count = builder_.ReadListLength(); // read list length.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < constructor_count; ++i) {
intptr_t constructor_offset = builder_.ReaderOffset() - correction_offset_;
ActiveMemberScope active_member_scope(&active_class_, NULL);
ConstructorHelper constructor_helper(&builder_);
const String& name =
Function& function = Function::ZoneHandle(
Z, Function::New(name, RawFunction::kConstructor,
false, // is_static
false, // is_abstract
false, // is_native
klass, constructor_helper.position_));
FunctionNodeHelper function_node_helper(&builder_);
builder_.SetupFunctionParameters(&active_class_, klass, function,
true, // is_method
false, // is_closure
if (FLAG_enable_mirrors && constructor_helper.annotation_count_ > 0) {
library.AddFunctionMetadata(function, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
// Everything up til the procedures are skipped implicitly, and class_helper
// is no longer used.
intptr_t procedure_count = class_index.procedure_count();
// Procedure offsets within a class index are whole program offsets and not
// relative to the library of the class. Hence, we need a correction to get
// the currect procedure offset within the current data.
intptr_t correction = correction_offset_ - library_kernel_offset_;
intptr_t next_procedure_offset = class_index.ProcedureOffset(0) + correction;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < procedure_count; ++i) {
next_procedure_offset = class_index.ProcedureOffset(i + 1) + correction;
LoadProcedure(library, klass, true, next_procedure_offset);
void KernelLoader::FinishLoading(const Class& klass) {
ASSERT(klass.kernel_offset() > 0);
Zone* zone = Thread::Current()->zone();
const Script& script = Script::Handle(zone, klass.script());
const Library& library = Library::Handle(zone, klass.library());
const Class& toplevel_class = Class::Handle(zone, library.toplevel_class());
const TypedData& library_kernel_data =
TypedData::Handle(zone, library.kernel_data());
const intptr_t library_kernel_offset = library.kernel_offset();
ASSERT(library_kernel_offset > 0);
const intptr_t class_offset = klass.kernel_offset();
KernelLoader kernel_loader(script, library_kernel_data,
LibraryIndex library_index(library_kernel_data);
ClassIndex class_index(
library_kernel_data, class_offset,
// Class offsets in library index are whole program offsets.
// Hence, we need to add |library_kernel_offset| to
// |class_offset| to lookup the entry for the class in the library
// index.
library_index.SizeOfClassAtOffset(class_offset + library_kernel_offset));
ClassHelper class_helper(&kernel_loader.builder_);
kernel_loader.FinishClassLoading(klass, library, toplevel_class, class_offset,
class_index, &class_helper);
void KernelLoader::LoadProcedure(const Library& library,
const Class& owner,
bool in_class,
intptr_t procedure_end) {
intptr_t procedure_offset = builder_.ReaderOffset() - correction_offset_;
ProcedureHelper procedure_helper(&builder_);
const String& name = H.DartProcedureName(procedure_helper.canonical_name_);
bool is_method = in_class && !procedure_helper.IsStatic();
bool is_abstract = procedure_helper.IsAbstract();
bool is_external = procedure_helper.IsExternal();
String* native_name = NULL;
intptr_t annotation_count;
[kernel] Add kernel2kernel constant evaluation, binary format as well as vm support The introduced "constants" transformation can evaluate constant expressions. The original use-sites of constant expressions are replaced by a new [ConstantExpression] node, which points to a subclass of a new [Constant] class hierarchy. Constant [Field]s and [VariableDeclarations]s will be removed, since all use-sites are re-written. The [Constant] class hierarchy is, similarly to the [DartType] class hierarchy, not part of the AST tree (also has no parent pointer). The constants form a DAG (directed acyclic graph). There is no canonicalization requirement of the [Constant] objects referenced by the AST (via [ConstantExpression]). Although it is beneficial to canonicalize them during construction, since it reduces time spent in operator==/hashCode. This CL furthermore adds support for a constant table in the binary format. Similarly to [String]s, we canonicalize the constants before writing the table to the binary. The constant table entries in the binary are written in a post-order way, to ensure easy construction on the backend side. The text format will be augmented with a "constants { ... }" section at the end, which lists the constants in the same order as in the binary format. The transformation can be used by those backends who choose to do so. It is not enabled by default atm. It should therefore not affect analyzer, fasta or other components. Change-Id: I57cd9624fedcf537ab6870db76246149647bed21 Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/14382 Commit-Queue: Martin Kustermann <kustermann@google.com> Reviewed-by: Kevin Millikin <kmillikin@google.com>
2017-11-16 11:08:02 +00:00
bool is_potential_native = false;
if (is_external) {
// Maybe it has a native implementation, which is not external as far as
// the VM is concerned because it does have an implementation. Check for
// an ExternalName annotation and extract the string from it.
annotation_count = builder_.ReadListLength(); // read list length.
for (int i = 0; i < annotation_count; ++i) {
[kernel] Add kernel2kernel constant evaluation, binary format as well as vm support The introduced "constants" transformation can evaluate constant expressions. The original use-sites of constant expressions are replaced by a new [ConstantExpression] node, which points to a subclass of a new [Constant] class hierarchy. Constant [Field]s and [VariableDeclarations]s will be removed, since all use-sites are re-written. The [Constant] class hierarchy is, similarly to the [DartType] class hierarchy, not part of the AST tree (also has no parent pointer). The constants form a DAG (directed acyclic graph). There is no canonicalization requirement of the [Constant] objects referenced by the AST (via [ConstantExpression]). Although it is beneficial to canonicalize them during construction, since it reduces time spent in operator==/hashCode. This CL furthermore adds support for a constant table in the binary format. Similarly to [String]s, we canonicalize the constants before writing the table to the binary. The constant table entries in the binary are written in a post-order way, to ensure easy construction on the backend side. The text format will be augmented with a "constants { ... }" section at the end, which lists the constants in the same order as in the binary format. The transformation can be used by those backends who choose to do so. It is not enabled by default atm. It should therefore not affect analyzer, fasta or other components. Change-Id: I57cd9624fedcf537ab6870db76246149647bed21 Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/14382 Commit-Queue: Martin Kustermann <kustermann@google.com> Reviewed-by: Kevin Millikin <kmillikin@google.com>
2017-11-16 11:08:02 +00:00
const intptr_t tag = builder_.PeekTag();
if (tag == kConstructorInvocation || tag == kConstConstructorInvocation) {
NameIndex annotation_class = H.EnclosingName(
builder_.ReadCanonicalNameReference()); // read target reference,
StringIndex class_name_index = H.CanonicalNameString(annotation_class);
// Just compare by name, do not generate the annotation class.
if (!H.StringEquals(class_name_index, "ExternalName")) {
StringIndex library_name_index =
if (!H.StringEquals(library_name_index, "dart:_internal")) {
is_external = false;
// Read arguments:
intptr_t total_arguments = builder_.ReadUInt(); // read argument count.
builder_.SkipListOfDartTypes(); // read list of types.
intptr_t positional_arguments = builder_.ReadListLength();
ASSERT(total_arguments == 1 && positional_arguments == 1);
Tag tag = builder_.ReadTag();
ASSERT(tag == kStringLiteral);
native_name = &H.DartSymbol(
builder_.ReadStringReference()); // read index into string table.
// List of named.
intptr_t list_length = builder_.ReadListLength(); // read list length.
ASSERT(list_length == 0);
// Skip remaining annotations
for (++i; i < annotation_count; ++i) {
builder_.SkipExpression(); // read ith annotation.
} else if (tag == kConstantExpression) {
if (kernel_program_info_.constants() == Array::null()) {
// We can only read in the constant table once all classes have been
// finalized (otherwise we can't create instances of the classes!).
// We therefore delay the scanning for `ExternalName {name: ... }`
// constants in the annotation list to later.
is_potential_native = true;
} else {
builder_.ReadByte(); // Skip the tag.
// Obtain `dart:_internal::ExternalName.name`.
const Array& constant_table =
// We have a candiate. Let's look if it's an instance of the
// ExternalName class.
const intptr_t constant_table_index = builder_.ReadUInt();
const Object& constant =
if (constant.clazz() == external_name_class_.raw()) {
const Instance& instance =
// We found the annotation, let's flag the function as native and
// set the native name!
native_name = &String::Handle(
// Skip remaining annotations
for (++i; i < annotation_count; ++i) {
builder_.SkipExpression(); // read ith annotation.
} else {
} else {
annotation_count = procedure_helper.annotation_count_;
const Object& script_class =
ClassForScriptAt(owner, procedure_helper.source_uri_index_);
Function& function = Function::ZoneHandle(
Z, Function::New(name, GetFunctionType(procedure_helper.kind_),
!is_method, // is_static
false, // is_const
is_abstract, is_external,
native_name != NULL, // is_native
script_class, procedure_helper.position_));
ActiveMemberScope active_member(&active_class_, &function);
Tag function_node_tag = builder_.ReadTag();
ASSERT(function_node_tag == kSomething);
FunctionNodeHelper function_node_helper(&builder_);
function.set_is_debuggable(function_node_helper.dart_async_marker_ ==
switch (function_node_helper.dart_async_marker_) {
case FunctionNodeHelper::kSyncStar:
case FunctionNodeHelper::kAsync:
case FunctionNodeHelper::kAsyncStar:
// no special modifier
ASSERT(function_node_helper.async_marker_ == FunctionNodeHelper::kSync);
if (native_name != NULL) {
[kernel] Add kernel2kernel constant evaluation, binary format as well as vm support The introduced "constants" transformation can evaluate constant expressions. The original use-sites of constant expressions are replaced by a new [ConstantExpression] node, which points to a subclass of a new [Constant] class hierarchy. Constant [Field]s and [VariableDeclarations]s will be removed, since all use-sites are re-written. The [Constant] class hierarchy is, similarly to the [DartType] class hierarchy, not part of the AST tree (also has no parent pointer). The constants form a DAG (directed acyclic graph). There is no canonicalization requirement of the [Constant] objects referenced by the AST (via [ConstantExpression]). Although it is beneficial to canonicalize them during construction, since it reduces time spent in operator==/hashCode. This CL furthermore adds support for a constant table in the binary format. Similarly to [String]s, we canonicalize the constants before writing the table to the binary. The constant table entries in the binary are written in a post-order way, to ensure easy construction on the backend side. The text format will be augmented with a "constants { ... }" section at the end, which lists the constants in the same order as in the binary format. The transformation can be used by those backends who choose to do so. It is not enabled by default atm. It should therefore not affect analyzer, fasta or other components. Change-Id: I57cd9624fedcf537ab6870db76246149647bed21 Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/14382 Commit-Queue: Martin Kustermann <kustermann@google.com> Reviewed-by: Kevin Millikin <kmillikin@google.com>
2017-11-16 11:08:02 +00:00
if (is_potential_native) {
builder_.SetupFunctionParameters(&active_class_, owner, function, is_method,
false, // is_closure
// Everything else is skipped implicitly, and procedure_helper and
// function_node_helper are no longer used.
if (!in_class) {
library.AddObject(function, name);
Z, library.LookupObjectAllowPrivate(
if (FLAG_enable_mirrors && annotation_count > 0) {
library.AddFunctionMetadata(function, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
const Object& KernelLoader::ClassForScriptAt(const Class& klass,
intptr_t source_uri_index) {
const Script& correct_script = Script::Handle(Z, ScriptAt(source_uri_index));
if (klass.script() != correct_script.raw()) {
// Use cache for patch classes. This works best for in-order usages.
PatchClass& patch_class = PatchClass::ZoneHandle(Z);
patch_class ^= patch_classes_.At(source_uri_index);
if (patch_class.IsNull() || patch_class.origin_class() != klass.raw()) {
patch_class = PatchClass::New(klass, correct_script);
patch_classes_.SetAt(source_uri_index, patch_class);
return patch_class;
return klass;
RawScript* KernelLoader::LoadScriptAt(intptr_t index) {
const String& uri_string = builder_.SourceTableUriFor(index);
const Script& script =
Script::Handle(Z, Script::New(uri_string, builder_.GetSourceFor(index),
const TypedData& line_starts =
TypedData::Handle(Z, builder_.GetLineStartsFor(index));
return script.raw();
RawScript* KernelLoader::ScriptAt(intptr_t index, StringIndex import_uri) {
if (import_uri != -1) {
const Script& script =
Script::Handle(Z, kernel_program_info_.ScriptAt(index));
script.set_url(H.DartString(import_uri, Heap::kOld));
return script.raw();
return kernel_program_info_.ScriptAt(index);
void KernelLoader::GenerateFieldAccessors(const Class& klass,
const Field& field,
FieldHelper* field_helper) {
Tag tag = builder_.PeekTag();
if (field_helper->IsStatic() && tag == kNothing) {
// Static fields without an initializer are implicitly initialized to null.
// We do not need a getter.
field.SetStaticValue(Instance::Handle(Z), true);
if (tag == kSomething) {
SimpleExpressionConverter converter(&H, &builder_);
const bool has_simple_initializer =
converter.IsSimple(builder_.ReaderOffset() + 1); // ignore the tag.
if (field_helper->IsStatic()) {
// Static fields with initializers either have the static value set to the
// initializer value if it is simple enough or else set to an
// uninitialized sentinel.
if (has_simple_initializer) {
// We do not need a getter.
field.SetStaticValue(converter.SimpleValue(), true);
// We do need a getter that evaluates the initializer if necessary.
field.SetStaticValue(Object::sentinel(), true);
} else if (has_simple_initializer) {
// Note: optimizer relies on DoubleInitialized bit in its field-unboxing
[VM, Compiler] Deduplicate JIT and AOT call specializing passes and rename them. Originally these passes were a single confusingly named flow_graph_optimizer pass, they later were completely split by duplicating flow_graph_optimizer twice as jit_optimizer.cc and aot_optimizer.cc and tweaking them in few places. Duplication has been done in anticipation that these passes will diverge considerably, however simple diffing reveals that in 2 years they have not actually diverged much at all. Diffing also reveals numerous bugs and inconsistencies between jit_optimizer and aot_optimizer. It does not make sense to keep these files duplicated so this change merges them back together - extracting most of their common behaviour into CallSpecializer base class. The separation is not entirely clean - for simplicity we introduce the knowledge about precompiled_mode into CallSpecializer base class. You can look for FLAG_precompiled_mode and FLAG_use_field_guards in the call_specializer.cc to see where base class has to be aware about both AOT and JIT mode. This change also renames XyzOptimizer to XyzCallSpecializer because the main optimization these classes were doing was specialization of calls based on type feedback or inferred types. Bug: https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/30575 Change-Id: I0b062c4b7549d08b1bee9303d92a3fb549f54e21 Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/3640 Reviewed-by: Ryan Macnak <rmacnak@google.com> Reviewed-by: Alexander Markov <alexmarkov@google.com> Reviewed-by: Zach Anderson <zra@google.com>
2017-09-07 15:54:04 +00:00
// heuristics. See JitCallSpecializer::VisitStoreInstanceField for more
// details.
if (!converter.SimpleValue().IsNull() &&
converter.SimpleValue().IsDouble()) {
const String& getter_name = H.DartGetterName(field_helper->canonical_name_);
const Object& script_class =
ClassForScriptAt(klass, field_helper->source_uri_index_);
Function& getter = Function::ZoneHandle(
field_helper->IsStatic() ? RawFunction::kImplicitStaticFinalGetter
: RawFunction::kImplicitGetter,
// The functions created by the parser have is_const for static fields
// that are const (not just final) and they have is_const for
// non-static
// fields that are final.
field_helper->IsStatic() ? field_helper->IsConst()
: field_helper->IsFinal(),
false, // is_abstract
false, // is_external
false, // is_native
script_class, field_helper->position_));
getter.set_result_type(AbstractType::Handle(Z, field.type()));
SetupFieldAccessorFunction(klass, getter);
if (!field_helper->IsStatic() && !field_helper->IsFinal()) {
// Only static fields can be const.
const String& setter_name = H.DartSetterName(field_helper->canonical_name_);
Function& setter = Function::ZoneHandle(
Z, Function::New(setter_name, RawFunction::kImplicitSetter,
false, // is_static
false, // is_const
false, // is_abstract
false, // is_external
false, // is_native
script_class, field_helper->position_));
SetupFieldAccessorFunction(klass, setter);
void KernelLoader::SetupFieldAccessorFunction(const Class& klass,
const Function& function) {
bool is_setter = function.IsImplicitSetterFunction();
bool is_method = !function.IsStaticFunction();
intptr_t parameter_count = (is_method ? 1 : 0) + (is_setter ? 1 : 0);
function.SetNumOptionalParameters(0, false);
Array::Handle(Z, Array::New(parameter_count, Heap::kOld)));
Array::Handle(Z, Array::New(parameter_count, Heap::kOld)));
intptr_t pos = 0;
if (is_method) {
function.SetParameterTypeAt(pos, T.ReceiverType(klass));
function.SetParameterNameAt(pos, Symbols::This());
if (is_setter) {
function.SetParameterTypeAt(pos, AbstractType::dynamic_type());
function.SetParameterNameAt(pos, Symbols::Value());
Library& KernelLoader::LookupLibrary(NameIndex library) {
Library* handle = NULL;
if (!libraries_.Lookup(library, &handle)) {
const String& url = H.DartSymbol(H.CanonicalNameString(library));
handle = &Library::Handle(Z, Library::LookupLibrary(thread_, url));
if (handle->IsNull()) {
*handle = Library::New(url);
libraries_.Insert(library, handle);
return *handle;
Class& KernelLoader::LookupClass(NameIndex klass) {
Class* handle = NULL;
if (!classes_.Lookup(klass, &handle)) {
Library& library = LookupLibrary(H.CanonicalNameParent(klass));
const String& name = H.DartClassName(klass);
handle = &Class::Handle(Z, library.LookupLocalClass(name));
if (handle->IsNull()) {
*handle = Class::New(library, name, Script::Handle(Z),
// Insert the class in the cache before calling ReadPreliminaryClass so
// we do not risk allocating the class again by calling LookupClass
// recursively from ReadPreliminaryClass for the same class.
classes_.Insert(klass, handle);
return *handle;
RawFunction::Kind KernelLoader::GetFunctionType(
ProcedureHelper::Kind procedure_kind) {
intptr_t lookuptable[] = {
RawFunction::kRegularFunction, // Procedure::kMethod
RawFunction::kGetterFunction, // Procedure::kGetter
RawFunction::kSetterFunction, // Procedure::kSetter
RawFunction::kRegularFunction, // Procedure::kOperator
RawFunction::kConstructor, // Procedure::kFactory
intptr_t kind = static_cast<int>(procedure_kind);
ASSERT(0 <= kind && kind <= ProcedureHelper::kFactory);
return static_cast<RawFunction::Kind>(lookuptable[kind]);
ParsedFunction* ParseStaticFieldInitializer(Zone* zone, const Field& field) {
Thread* thread = Thread::Current();
String& init_name = String::Handle(zone, field.name());
init_name = Symbols::FromConcat(thread, Symbols::InitPrefix(), init_name);
// Create a static initializer.
const Object& owner = Object::Handle(field.RawOwner());
const Function& initializer_fun = Function::ZoneHandle(
zone, Function::New(init_name, RawFunction::kImplicitStaticFinalGetter,
true, // is_static
false, // is_const
false, // is_abstract
false, // is_external
false, // is_native
owner, TokenPosition::kNoSource));
initializer_fun.set_result_type(AbstractType::Handle(zone, field.type()));
return new (zone) ParsedFunction(thread, initializer_fun);
} // namespace kernel
} // namespace dart
#endif // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)