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# Compiling Dart to WebAssembly
WebAssembly (commonly abbreviated to Wasm) is a
_"binary instruction format for a stack-based virtual machine"_.
Although Wasm was originally designed for running native code on the web,
Wasm has since evolved into a general technology for running
compiled code across multiple platforms.
The Dart team is currently investigating support for compiling Dart to Wasm,
in conjunction with support [in Flutter](https://flutter.dev/wasm).
**Note:** This feature is under active development,
and is currently considered experimental.
The tracking issue is [#32894](https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/32894).
## Running dart2wasm
You don't need to build the Dart SDK to run dart2wasm, as long as you have a Dart SDK installed and have the [Dart SDK repository checked out](https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/wiki/Building#getting-the-source). NB: the SDK must be checked out using depot tools and not just cloned from this repo.
To compile a Dart file to Wasm, in a checkout of the Dart SDK repository, run:
`dart --enable-asserts pkg/dart2wasm/bin/dart2wasm.dart` *options* *infile*`.dart` *outfile*`.wasm`
where *options* include:
| Option | Default | Description |
| --------------------------------------- | ------- | ----------- |
| `--dart-sdk=`*path* | relative to script | The location of the `sdk` directory inside the Dart SDK, containing the core library sources.
| `--platform=`*path* | none | The location of the platform `dill` file containing the compiled core libraries.
| `--depfile=`*path* | none | Write a Ninja depfile listing the input sources for the compilation.
| `--`[`no-`]`export-all` | no | Export all functions; otherwise, just export `main`.
| `--`[`no-`]`import-shared-memory` | no | Import a shared memory buffer. If this is on, `--shared-memory-max-pages` must also be specified.
| `--`[`no-`]`inlining` | yes | Enable function inlining.
| `--inlining-limit` *size* | 0 | Always inline functions no larger than this number of AST nodes, if inlining is enabled.
| `--`[`no-`]`name-section` | yes | Emit Name Section with function names.
| `--`[`no-`]`omit-type-checks` | no | Omit runtime type checks, such as covariance checks and downcasts.
| `--`[`no-`]`polymorphic-specialization` | no | Do virtual calls by switching on the class ID instead of using `call_indirect`.
| `--`[`no-`]`print-kernel` | no | Print IR for each function before compiling it.
| `--`[`no-`]`print-wasm` | no | Print Wasm instructions of each compiled function.
| `--`[`no-`]`enable-asserts` | no | Enable assertions at runtime.
| `--`[`no-`]`constant-branch-pruning` | yes | Avoid emitting code for dead branches of conditionals based on constants.
| `--shared-memory-max-pages` *pagecount* | | Max size of the imported memory buffer. If `--shared-import-memory` is specified, this must also be specified.
| `--watch` *offset* | | Print stack trace leading to the byte at offset *offset* in the `.wasm` output file. Can be specified multiple times.
Dart2Wasm will output a `wasm` file, containing Dart compiled to Wasm, as well as an `mjs` file containing the runtime. The result can be run with:
`d8 --experimental-wasm-gc --experimental-wasm-stack-switching --experimental-wasm-type-reflection pkg/dart2wasm/bin/run_wasm.js -- `*outfile*`.wasm` /abs/path/to/`*outfile*`.mjs
Where `d8` is the [V8 developer shell](https://v8.dev/docs/d8).
## Imports and exports
To import a function, declare it as a global, external function and mark it with a `wasm:import` pragma indicating the imported name (which must be two identifiers separated by a dot):
@pragma("wasm:import", "foo.bar")
external void fooBar(Object object);
which will call `foo.bar` on the host side:
var foo = {
bar: function(object) { /* implementation here */ }
To export a function, mark it with a `wasm:export` pragma:
void foo(double x) { /* implementation here */ }
@pragma("wasm:export", "baz")
void bar(double x) { /* implementation here */ }
With the Wasm module instance in `inst`, these can be called as:
### Types to use for interop
In the signatures of imported and exported functions, use the following types:
- For numbers, use `double`.
- For JS objects, use a JS interop type, e.g. `JSAny`, which translates to the Wasm `externref` type. These can be passed around and stored as opaque values on the Dart side.
- For Dart objects, use the corresponding Dart type. This will be emitted as `anyref` and automatically converted to and from the Dart type at the boundary.