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# 1.7.2
- Fixed issue where a null JSON RPC result could be sent if the VM service
disconnected with a request in flight (see https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/74051).
# 1.7.1
- Fixed issue where DartDevelopmentServiceException could have a null message.
# 1.7.0
- Added `package:dds/vm_service_extensions.dart`, which adds DDS functionality to
`package:vm_service` when imported.
- Added `onEventWithHistory` method and `onLoggingEventWithHistory`,
`onStdoutEventWithHistory`, `onStderrEventWithHistory`, and
`onExtensionEventWithHistory` getters.
- Added `getStreamHistory` RPC.
# 1.6.1
- Fixed unhandled `StateError` that could be thrown if the VM service disconnected
while a request was outstanding.
# 1.6.0
- Added `errorCode` to `DartDevelopmentServiceException` to communicate the
underlying reason of the failure.
# 1.5.1
- Improve internal error handling for situations with less than graceful
# 1.5.0
- Added event caching for `Stdout`, `Stderr`, and `Extension` streams. When a
client subscribes to one of these streams, they will be sent up to 10,000
historical events from the stream.
# 1.4.1
- Fixed issue where `evaluate` and `evaluateInFrame` requests were not being
forwarded to the VM service properly when no external compilation service
was registered.
# 1.4.0
- Added `done` property to `DartDevelopmentService`.
- Throw `DartDeveloperServiceException` when shutdown occurs during startup.
- Fixed issue where `StateError` was thrown when DDS was shutdown with pending
# 1.3.5
- Fixed issue where clients subscribing to the `Service` stream were not being
sent `ServiceRegistered` events on connection.
# 1.3.4
- Fixed issue where `isolateId`s were expected to take the form `isolates/123`
although this is not required by the VM service specification.
# 1.3.3
- Fixed issue where `DartDevelopmentService.sseUri` did not return a URI with a
`sse` scheme.
# 1.3.2
- Add IPv6 hosting support.
- Fix handling of requests that are outstanding when a client channel is closed.
# 1.3.1
- Fixed issue where an exception could be thrown during startup if the target
process had an isolate without an associated pause event.
# 1.3.0
- Added support for SSE connections from web-based clients.
# 1.2.4
- Fixed another issue where a `StateError` could be raised within `DartDevelopmentService`
when a client has disconnected after the target VM service has shutdown.
# 1.2.3
- Fixed issue where DDS was expecting a client provided implementation of
`compileExpression` to return a response with two layers of `response` objects.
# 1.2.2
- Fixed issue where a `StateError` could be raised within `DartDevelopmentService`
when a client has disconnected after the target VM service has shutdown.
# 1.2.1
- Fixed issue where `evaluate` and `evaluateInFrame` were not invoking client
provided implementations of `compileExpression`.
# 1.2.0
- Fixed issue where forwarding requests with no RPC parameters would return an
RPC error.
# 1.1.0
- Added `getDartDevelopmentServiceVersion` RPC.
- Added DDS protocol to VM service `getSupportedProtocols` response.
- Added example/example.dart.
- Allow for JSON-RPC 2.0 requests which are missing the `jsonrpc` parameter.
# 1.0.0
- Initial release.