
568 lines
20 KiB
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// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdlib>
#include <memory>
#include "bin/directory.h"
#include "bin/dartutils.h"
#include "bin/io_buffer.h"
#include "bin/namespace.h"
#include "bin/typed_data_utils.h"
#include "bin/utils.h"
#include "include/dart_api.h"
#include "platform/assert.h"
#include "platform/syslog.h"
namespace dart {
namespace bin {
char* Directory::system_temp_path_override_ = nullptr;
void FUNCTION_NAME(Directory_Current)(Dart_NativeArguments args) {
Namespace* namespc = Namespace::GetNamespace(args, 0);
const char* current = Directory::Current(namespc);
if (current != nullptr) {
Dart_Handle str = ThrowIfError(DartUtils::NewString(current));
Dart_SetReturnValue(args, str);
} else {
Dart_SetReturnValue(args, DartUtils::NewDartOSError());
void FUNCTION_NAME(Directory_SetCurrent)(Dart_NativeArguments args) {
Namespace* namespc = Namespace::GetNamespace(args, 0);
const char* name = DartUtils::GetNativeTypedDataArgument(args, 1);
bool result = Directory::SetCurrent(namespc, name);
if (result) {
Dart_SetBooleanReturnValue(args, true);
} else {
Dart_SetReturnValue(args, DartUtils::NewDartOSError());
void FUNCTION_NAME(Directory_Exists)(Dart_NativeArguments args) {
const int kExists = 1;
const int kDoesNotExist = 0;
Namespace* namespc = Namespace::GetNamespace(args, 0);
const char* name = DartUtils::GetNativeTypedDataArgument(args, 1);
Directory::ExistsResult result = Directory::Exists(namespc, name);
if (result == Directory::EXISTS) {
Dart_SetIntegerReturnValue(args, kExists);
} else if (result == Directory::DOES_NOT_EXIST) {
Dart_SetIntegerReturnValue(args, kDoesNotExist);
} else {
Dart_SetReturnValue(args, DartUtils::NewDartOSError());
void FUNCTION_NAME(Directory_Create)(Dart_NativeArguments args) {
Namespace* namespc = Namespace::GetNamespace(args, 0);
const char* name = DartUtils::GetNativeTypedDataArgument(args, 1);
bool result = Directory::Create(namespc, name);
if (result) {
Dart_SetBooleanReturnValue(args, true);
} else {
Dart_SetReturnValue(args, DartUtils::NewDartOSError());
void FUNCTION_NAME(Directory_SystemTemp)(Dart_NativeArguments args) {
Namespace* namespc = Namespace::GetNamespace(args, 0);
const char* result = Directory::SystemTemp(namespc);
Dart_Handle str = ThrowIfError(DartUtils::NewString(result));
Dart_SetReturnValue(args, str);
void FUNCTION_NAME(Directory_CreateTemp)(Dart_NativeArguments args) {
Namespace* namespc = Namespace::GetNamespace(args, 0);
const char* name = DartUtils::GetNativeTypedDataArgument(args, 1);
const char* result = Directory::CreateTemp(namespc, name);
if (result != nullptr) {
Dart_Handle str = ThrowIfError(DartUtils::NewString(result));
Dart_SetReturnValue(args, str);
} else {
Dart_SetReturnValue(args, DartUtils::NewDartOSError());
void FUNCTION_NAME(Directory_Delete)(Dart_NativeArguments args) {
Namespace* namespc = Namespace::GetNamespace(args, 0);
const char* name = DartUtils::GetNativeTypedDataArgument(args, 1);
bool result = Directory::Delete(namespc, name,
DartUtils::GetNativeBooleanArgument(args, 2));
if (result) {
Dart_SetBooleanReturnValue(args, true);
} else {
Dart_SetReturnValue(args, DartUtils::NewDartOSError());
void FUNCTION_NAME(Directory_Rename)(Dart_NativeArguments args) {
Namespace* namespc = Namespace::GetNamespace(args, 0);
const char* name = DartUtils::GetNativeTypedDataArgument(args, 1);
bool result = Directory::Rename(namespc, name,
DartUtils::GetNativeStringArgument(args, 2));
if (result) {
Dart_SetBooleanReturnValue(args, true);
} else {
Dart_SetReturnValue(args, DartUtils::NewDartOSError());
void FUNCTION_NAME(Directory_FillWithDirectoryListing)(
Dart_NativeArguments args) {
Namespace* namespc = Namespace::GetNamespace(args, 0);
// The list that we should fill.
Dart_Handle results = Dart_GetNativeArgument(args, 1);
Dart_Handle path = Dart_GetNativeArgument(args, 2);
Dart_Handle dart_error;
const char* name;
TypedDataScope data(path);
ASSERT(data.type() == Dart_TypedData_kUint8);
// We need to release our typed data before creating SyncDirectoryListing
// since it allocates objects which require us to not be holding typed data
// that has been acquired.
name = data.GetScopedCString();
// Pass the list that should hold the directory listing to the
// SyncDirectoryListing object, which adds elements to it.
SyncDirectoryListing sync_listing(
results, namespc, name, DartUtils::GetNativeBooleanArgument(args, 3),
DartUtils::GetNativeBooleanArgument(args, 4));
dart_error = sync_listing.dart_error();
if (Dart_IsError(dart_error)) {
} else if (!Dart_IsNull(dart_error)) {
static constexpr int kAsyncDirectoryListerFieldIndex = 0;
void FUNCTION_NAME(Directory_GetAsyncDirectoryListerPointer)(
Dart_NativeArguments args) {
AsyncDirectoryListing* listing;
Dart_Handle dart_this = ThrowIfError(Dart_GetNativeArgument(args, 0));
Dart_GetNativeInstanceField(dart_this, kAsyncDirectoryListerFieldIndex,
if (listing != nullptr) {
intptr_t listing_pointer = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(listing);
// Increment the listing's reference count. This native should only be
// be called when we are about to send the AsyncDirectoryListing* to the
// IO service.
Dart_SetReturnValue(args, Dart_NewInteger(listing_pointer));
static void ReleaseListing(void* isolate_callback_data, void* peer) {
AsyncDirectoryListing* listing =
void FUNCTION_NAME(Directory_SetAsyncDirectoryListerPointer)(
Dart_NativeArguments args) {
Dart_Handle dart_this = ThrowIfError(Dart_GetNativeArgument(args, 0));
intptr_t listing_pointer =
DartUtils::GetIntptrValue(Dart_GetNativeArgument(args, 1));
AsyncDirectoryListing* listing =
Dart_NewFinalizableHandle(dart_this, reinterpret_cast<void*>(listing),
sizeof(*listing), ReleaseListing);
Dart_Handle result = Dart_SetNativeInstanceField(
dart_this, kAsyncDirectoryListerFieldIndex, listing_pointer);
void Directory::SetSystemTemp(const char* path) {
if (system_temp_path_override_ != nullptr) {
system_temp_path_override_ = nullptr;
if (path != nullptr) {
system_temp_path_override_ = Utils::StrDup(path);
static Namespace* CObjectToNamespacePointer(CObject* cobject) {
CObjectIntptr value(cobject);
return reinterpret_cast<Namespace*>(value.Value());
CObject* Directory::CreateRequest(const CObjectArray& request) {
if ((request.Length() < 1) || !request[0]->IsIntptr()) {
return CObject::IllegalArgumentError();
Namespace* namespc = CObjectToNamespacePointer(request[0]);
RefCntReleaseScope<Namespace> rs(namespc);
if ((request.Length() != 2) || !request[1]->IsUint8Array()) {
return CObject::IllegalArgumentError();
CObjectUint8Array path(request[1]);
return Directory::Create(namespc,
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(path.Buffer()))
? CObject::True()
: CObject::NewOSError();
CObject* Directory::DeleteRequest(const CObjectArray& request) {
if ((request.Length() < 1) || !request[0]->IsIntptr()) {
return CObject::IllegalArgumentError();
Namespace* namespc = CObjectToNamespacePointer(request[0]);
RefCntReleaseScope<Namespace> rs(namespc);
if ((request.Length() != 3) || !request[1]->IsUint8Array() ||
!request[2]->IsBool()) {
return CObject::IllegalArgumentError();
CObjectUint8Array path(request[1]);
CObjectBool recursive(request[2]);
return Directory::Delete(namespc,
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(path.Buffer()),
? CObject::True()
: CObject::NewOSError();
CObject* Directory::ExistsRequest(const CObjectArray& request) {
const int kExists = 1;
const int kDoesNotExist = 0;
if ((request.Length() < 1) || !request[0]->IsIntptr()) {
return CObject::IllegalArgumentError();
Namespace* namespc = CObjectToNamespacePointer(request[0]);
RefCntReleaseScope<Namespace> rs(namespc);
if ((request.Length() != 2) || !request[1]->IsUint8Array()) {
return CObject::IllegalArgumentError();
CObjectUint8Array path(request[1]);
Directory::ExistsResult result =
Directory::Exists(namespc, reinterpret_cast<const char*>(path.Buffer()));
if (result == Directory::EXISTS) {
return new CObjectInt32(CObject::NewInt32(kExists));
} else if (result == Directory::DOES_NOT_EXIST) {
return new CObjectInt32(CObject::NewInt32(kDoesNotExist));
} else {
return CObject::NewOSError();
CObject* Directory::CreateTempRequest(const CObjectArray& request) {
if ((request.Length() < 1) || !request[0]->IsIntptr()) {
return CObject::IllegalArgumentError();
Namespace* namespc = CObjectToNamespacePointer(request[0]);
RefCntReleaseScope<Namespace> rs(namespc);
if ((request.Length() != 2) || !request[1]->IsUint8Array()) {
return CObject::IllegalArgumentError();
CObjectUint8Array path(request[1]);
const char* result = Directory::CreateTemp(
namespc, reinterpret_cast<const char*>(path.Buffer()));
if (result == nullptr) {
return CObject::NewOSError();
return new CObjectString(CObject::NewString(result));
static CObject* CreateIllegalArgumentError() {
// Respond with an illegal argument list error message.
CObjectArray* error = new CObjectArray(CObject::NewArray(3));
error->SetAt(0, new CObjectInt32(
error->SetAt(1, CObject::Null());
error->SetAt(2, CObject::IllegalArgumentError());
return error;
CObject* Directory::ListStartRequest(const CObjectArray& request) {
if ((request.Length() < 1) || !request[0]->IsIntptr()) {
return CreateIllegalArgumentError();
Namespace* namespc = CObjectToNamespacePointer(request[0]);
RefCntReleaseScope<Namespace> rs(namespc);
if ((request.Length() != 4) || !request[1]->IsUint8Array() ||
!request[2]->IsBool() || !request[3]->IsBool()) {
return CreateIllegalArgumentError();
CObjectUint8Array path(request[1]);
CObjectBool recursive(request[2]);
CObjectBool follow_links(request[3]);
AsyncDirectoryListing* dir_listing = new AsyncDirectoryListing(
namespc, reinterpret_cast<const char*>(path.Buffer()), recursive.Value(),
if (dir_listing->error()) {
// Report error now, so we capture the correct OSError.
CObject* err = CObject::NewOSError();
CObjectArray* error = new CObjectArray(CObject::NewArray(3));
error->SetAt(0, new CObjectInt32(
error->SetAt(1, request[1]);
error->SetAt(2, err);
return error;
// TODO(ajohnsen): Consider returning the first few results.
return new CObjectIntptr(
CObject* Directory::ListNextRequest(const CObjectArray& request) {
if ((request.Length() != 1) || !request[0]->IsIntptr()) {
return CreateIllegalArgumentError();
CObjectIntptr ptr(request[0]);
AsyncDirectoryListing* dir_listing =
RefCntReleaseScope<AsyncDirectoryListing> rs(dir_listing);
if (dir_listing->IsEmpty()) {
return new CObjectArray(CObject::NewArray(0));
const int kArraySize = 128;
CObjectArray* response = new CObjectArray(CObject::NewArray(kArraySize));
dir_listing->SetArray(response, kArraySize);
// In case the listing ended before it hit the buffer length, we need to
// override the array length.
response->AsApiCObject()->value.as_array.length = dir_listing->index();
return response;
CObject* Directory::ListStopRequest(const CObjectArray& request) {
if ((request.Length() != 1) || !request[0]->IsIntptr()) {
return CreateIllegalArgumentError();
CObjectIntptr ptr(request[0]);
AsyncDirectoryListing* dir_listing =
RefCntReleaseScope<AsyncDirectoryListing> rs(dir_listing);
// We have retained a reference to the listing here. Therefore the listing's
// destructor can't be running. Since no further requests are dispatched by
// the Dart code after an async stop call, this PopAll() can't be racing
// with any other call on the listing. We don't do an extra Release(), and
// we don't delete the weak persistent handle. The file is closed here, but
// the memory for the listing will be cleaned up when the finalizer runs.
return new CObjectBool(CObject::Bool(true));
CObject* Directory::RenameRequest(const CObjectArray& request) {
if ((request.Length() < 1) || !request[0]->IsIntptr()) {
return CObject::IllegalArgumentError();
Namespace* namespc = CObjectToNamespacePointer(request[0]);
RefCntReleaseScope<Namespace> rs(namespc);
if ((request.Length() != 3) || !request[1]->IsUint8Array() ||
!request[2]->IsString()) {
return CObject::IllegalArgumentError();
CObjectUint8Array path(request[1]);
CObjectString new_path(request[2]);
return Directory::Rename(namespc,
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(path.Buffer()),
? CObject::True()
: CObject::NewOSError();
bool AsyncDirectoryListing::AddFileSystemEntityToResponse(Response type,
const char* arg) {
array_->SetAt(index_++, new CObjectInt32(CObject::NewInt32(type)));
if (arg != nullptr) {
size_t len = strlen(arg);
Dart_CObject* io_buffer = CObject::NewIOBuffer(len);
uint8_t* data = io_buffer->value.as_external_typed_data.data;
memmove(reinterpret_cast<char*>(data), arg, len);
CObjectExternalUint8Array* external_array =
new CObjectExternalUint8Array(io_buffer);
array_->SetAt(index_++, external_array);
} else {
array_->SetAt(index_++, CObject::Null());
return index_ < length_;
bool AsyncDirectoryListing::HandleDirectory(const char* dir_name) {
return AddFileSystemEntityToResponse(kListDirectory, dir_name);
bool AsyncDirectoryListing::HandleFile(const char* file_name) {
return AddFileSystemEntityToResponse(kListFile, file_name);
bool AsyncDirectoryListing::HandleLink(const char* link_name) {
return AddFileSystemEntityToResponse(kListLink, link_name);
void AsyncDirectoryListing::HandleDone() {
AddFileSystemEntityToResponse(kListDone, nullptr);
bool AsyncDirectoryListing::HandleError() {
CObject* err = CObject::NewOSError();
array_->SetAt(index_++, new CObjectInt32(CObject::NewInt32(kListError)));
CObjectArray* response = new CObjectArray(CObject::NewArray(3));
response->SetAt(0, new CObjectInt32(CObject::NewInt32(kListError)));
// Delay calling CurrentPath() until after CObject::NewOSError() in case
// CurrentPath() pollutes the OS error code.
response->SetAt(1, new CObjectString(CObject::NewString(
error() ? "Invalid path" : CurrentPath())));
response->SetAt(2, err);
array_->SetAt(index_++, response);
return index_ < length_;
bool SyncDirectoryListing::HandleDirectory(const char* dir_name) {
// Allocates a Uint8List for dir_name, and invokes the Directory.fromRawPath
// constructor. This avoids/delays interpreting the UTF-8 bytes in dir_name.
// Later, client code may either choose to access FileSystemEntity.path.
// FileSystemEntity.path will trigger UTF-8 decoding and return a path with
// non-UTF-8 characters replaced with U+FFFD.
size_t dir_name_length = strlen(dir_name);
uint8_t* buffer = nullptr;
Dart_Handle dir_name_dart = IOBuffer::Allocate(dir_name_length, &buffer);
if (Dart_IsNull(dir_name_dart)) {
dart_error_ = DartUtils::NewDartOSError();
return false;
memmove(buffer, dir_name, dir_name_length);
Dart_Handle constructor_name = from_raw_path_string_;
Dart_Handle dir =
Dart_New(directory_type_, constructor_name, 1, &dir_name_dart);
Dart_Handle result = Dart_Invoke(results_, add_string_, 1, &dir);
if (Dart_IsError(result)) {
dart_error_ = result;
return false;
return true;
bool SyncDirectoryListing::HandleLink(const char* link_name) {
// Allocates a Uint8List for dir_name, and invokes the Directory.fromRawPath
// constructor. This avoids/delays interpreting the UTF-8 bytes in dir_name.
// Later, client code may either choose to access FileSystemEntity.path.
// FileSystemEntity.path will trigger UTF-8 decoding and return a path with
// non-UTF-8 characters replaced with U+FFFD.
size_t link_name_length = strlen(link_name);
uint8_t* buffer = nullptr;
Dart_Handle link_name_dart = IOBuffer::Allocate(link_name_length, &buffer);
if (Dart_IsNull(link_name_dart)) {
dart_error_ = DartUtils::NewDartOSError();
return false;
memmove(buffer, link_name, link_name_length);
Dart_Handle constructor_name = from_raw_path_string_;
Dart_Handle link = Dart_New(link_type_, constructor_name, 1, &link_name_dart);
Dart_Handle result = Dart_Invoke(results_, add_string_, 1, &link);
if (Dart_IsError(result)) {
dart_error_ = result;
return false;
return true;
bool SyncDirectoryListing::HandleFile(const char* file_name) {
// Allocates a Uint8List for dir_name, and invokes the Directory.fromRawPath
// constructor. This avoids/delays interpreting the UTF-8 bytes in dir_name.
// Later, client code may either choose to access FileSystemEntity.path.
// FileSystemEntity.path will trigger UTF-8 decoding and return a path with
// non-UTF-8 characters replaced with U+FFFD.
size_t file_name_length = strlen(file_name);
uint8_t* buffer = nullptr;
Dart_Handle file_name_dart = IOBuffer::Allocate(file_name_length, &buffer);
if (Dart_IsNull(file_name_dart)) {
dart_error_ = DartUtils::NewDartOSError();
return false;
memmove(buffer, file_name, file_name_length);
Dart_Handle constructor_name = from_raw_path_string_;
Dart_Handle file = Dart_New(file_type_, constructor_name, 1, &file_name_dart);
Dart_Handle result = Dart_Invoke(results_, add_string_, 1, &file);
if (Dart_IsError(result)) {
dart_error_ = result;
return false;
return true;
bool SyncDirectoryListing::HandleError() {
Dart_Handle dart_os_error = DartUtils::NewDartOSError();
Dart_Handle args[3];
args[0] = dart_os_error;
args[1] = DartUtils::NewString("Directory listing failed");
args[2] = DartUtils::NewString(error() ? "Invalid path" : CurrentPath());
dart_error_ = Dart_New(
DartUtils::GetDartType(DartUtils::kIOLibURL, "FileSystemException"),
DartUtils::NewString("_fromOSError"), 3, args);
return false;
static bool ListNext(DirectoryListing* listing) {
switch (listing->top()->Next(listing)) {
case kListFile:
return listing->HandleFile(listing->CurrentPath());
case kListLink:
return listing->HandleLink(listing->CurrentPath());
case kListDirectory:
if (listing->recursive()) {
listing->Push(new DirectoryListingEntry(listing->top()));
return listing->HandleDirectory(listing->CurrentPath());
case kListError:
return listing->HandleError();
case kListDone:
if (listing->IsEmpty()) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
return false;
void Directory::List(DirectoryListing* listing) {
if (listing->error()) {
} else {
while (ListNext(listing)) {
const char* Directory::Current(Namespace* namespc) {
return Namespace::GetCurrent(namespc);
bool Directory::SetCurrent(Namespace* namespc, const char* name) {
return Namespace::SetCurrent(namespc, name);
} // namespace bin
} // namespace dart