Tim Peters dc5a508761 SF bug 525705: [2.2] underflow raise OverflowException.
Another year in the quest to out-guess random C behavior.

Added macros Py_ADJUST_ERANGE1(X) and Py_ADJUST_ERANGE2(X, Y).  The latter
is useful for functions with complex results.  Two corrections to errno-
after-libm-call are attempted:

1. If the platform set errno to ERANGE due to underflow, clear errno.
   Some unknown subset of libm versions and link options do this.  It's
   allowed by C89, but I never figured anyone would do it.

2. If the platform did not set errno but overflow occurred, force
   errno to ERANGE.  C89 required setting errno to ERANGE, but C99
   doesn't.  Some unknown subset of libm versions and link options do
   it the C99 way now.

Bugfix candidate, but hold off until some Linux people actually try it,
with and without -lieee.  I'll send a help plea to Python-Dev.
2002-03-09 04:58:24 +00:00

407 lines
7.6 KiB

/* Complex math module */
/* much code borrowed from mathmodule.c */
#include "Python.h"
#ifndef M_PI
#define M_PI (3.141592653589793239)
/* First, the C functions that do the real work */
/* constants */
static Py_complex c_one = {1., 0.};
static Py_complex c_half = {0.5, 0.};
static Py_complex c_i = {0., 1.};
static Py_complex c_halfi = {0., 0.5};
/* forward declarations */
staticforward Py_complex c_log(Py_complex);
staticforward Py_complex c_prodi(Py_complex);
staticforward Py_complex c_sqrt(Py_complex);
static Py_complex
c_acos(Py_complex x)
return c_neg(c_prodi(c_log(c_sum(x,c_prod(c_i,
static char c_acos_doc[] =
"Return the arc cosine of x.";
static Py_complex
c_acosh(Py_complex x)
Py_complex z;
z = c_sqrt(c_half);
z = c_log(c_prod(z, c_sum(c_sqrt(c_sum(x,c_one)),
return c_sum(z, z);
static char c_acosh_doc[] =
"Return the hyperbolic arccosine of x.";
static Py_complex
c_asin(Py_complex x)
/* -i * log[(sqrt(1-x**2) + i*x] */
const Py_complex squared = c_prod(x, x);
const Py_complex sqrt_1_minus_x_sq = c_sqrt(c_diff(c_one, squared));
return c_neg(c_prodi(c_log(
c_sum(sqrt_1_minus_x_sq, c_prodi(x))
) ) );
static char c_asin_doc[] =
"Return the arc sine of x.";
static Py_complex
c_asinh(Py_complex x)
Py_complex z;
z = c_sqrt(c_half);
z = c_log(c_prod(z, c_sum(c_sqrt(c_sum(x, c_i)),
c_sqrt(c_diff(x, c_i)))));
return c_sum(z, z);
static char c_asinh_doc[] =
"Return the hyperbolic arc sine of x.";
static Py_complex
c_atan(Py_complex x)
return c_prod(c_halfi,c_log(c_quot(c_sum(c_i,x),c_diff(c_i,x))));
static char c_atan_doc[] =
"Return the arc tangent of x.";
static Py_complex
c_atanh(Py_complex x)
return c_prod(c_half,c_log(c_quot(c_sum(c_one,x),c_diff(c_one,x))));
static char c_atanh_doc[] =
"Return the hyperbolic arc tangent of x.";
static Py_complex
c_cos(Py_complex x)
Py_complex r;
r.real = cos(x.real)*cosh(x.imag);
r.imag = -sin(x.real)*sinh(x.imag);
return r;
static char c_cos_doc[] =
"Return the cosine of x.";
static Py_complex
c_cosh(Py_complex x)
Py_complex r;
r.real = cos(x.imag)*cosh(x.real);
r.imag = sin(x.imag)*sinh(x.real);
return r;
static char c_cosh_doc[] =
"Return the hyperbolic cosine of x.";
static Py_complex
c_exp(Py_complex x)
Py_complex r;
double l = exp(x.real);
r.real = l*cos(x.imag);
r.imag = l*sin(x.imag);
return r;
static char c_exp_doc[] =
"Return the exponential value e**x.";
static Py_complex
c_log(Py_complex x)
Py_complex r;
double l = hypot(x.real,x.imag);
r.imag = atan2(x.imag, x.real);
r.real = log(l);
return r;
static char c_log_doc[] =
"Return the natural logarithm of x.";
static Py_complex
c_log10(Py_complex x)
Py_complex r;
double l = hypot(x.real,x.imag);
r.imag = atan2(x.imag, x.real)/log(10.);
r.real = log10(l);
return r;
static char c_log10_doc[] =
"Return the base-10 logarithm of x.";
/* internal function not available from Python */
static Py_complex
c_prodi(Py_complex x)
Py_complex r;
r.real = -x.imag;
r.imag = x.real;
return r;
static Py_complex
c_sin(Py_complex x)
Py_complex r;
r.real = sin(x.real) * cosh(x.imag);
r.imag = cos(x.real) * sinh(x.imag);
return r;
static char c_sin_doc[] =
"Return the sine of x.";
static Py_complex
c_sinh(Py_complex x)
Py_complex r;
r.real = cos(x.imag) * sinh(x.real);
r.imag = sin(x.imag) * cosh(x.real);
return r;
static char c_sinh_doc[] =
"Return the hyperbolic sine of x.";
static Py_complex
c_sqrt(Py_complex x)
Py_complex r;
double s,d;
if (x.real == 0. && x.imag == 0.)
r = x;
else {
s = sqrt(0.5*(fabs(x.real) + hypot(x.real,x.imag)));
d = 0.5*x.imag/s;
if (x.real > 0.) {
r.real = s;
r.imag = d;
else if (x.imag >= 0.) {
r.real = d;
r.imag = s;
else {
r.real = -d;
r.imag = -s;
return r;
static char c_sqrt_doc[] =
"Return the square root of x.";
static Py_complex
c_tan(Py_complex x)
Py_complex r;
double sr,cr,shi,chi;
double rs,is,rc,ic;
double d;
sr = sin(x.real);
cr = cos(x.real);
shi = sinh(x.imag);
chi = cosh(x.imag);
rs = sr * chi;
is = cr * shi;
rc = cr * chi;
ic = -sr * shi;
d = rc*rc + ic * ic;
r.real = (rs*rc + is*ic) / d;
r.imag = (is*rc - rs*ic) / d;
return r;
static char c_tan_doc[] =
"Return the tangent of x.";
static Py_complex
c_tanh(Py_complex x)
Py_complex r;
double si,ci,shr,chr;
double rs,is,rc,ic;
double d;
si = sin(x.imag);
ci = cos(x.imag);
shr = sinh(x.real);
chr = cosh(x.real);
rs = ci * shr;
is = si * chr;
rc = ci * chr;
ic = si * shr;
d = rc*rc + ic*ic;
r.real = (rs*rc + is*ic) / d;
r.imag = (is*rc - rs*ic) / d;
return r;
static char c_tanh_doc[] =
"Return the hyperbolic tangent of x.";
/* And now the glue to make them available from Python: */
static PyObject *
if (errno == EDOM)
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "math domain error");
else if (errno == ERANGE)
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_OverflowError, "math range error");
else /* Unexpected math error */
return NULL;
static PyObject *
math_1(PyObject *args, Py_complex (*func)(Py_complex))
Py_complex x;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "D", &x))
return NULL;
errno = 0;
PyFPE_START_PROTECT("complex function", return 0)
x = (*func)(x);
Py_ADJUST_ERANGE2(x.real, x.imag);
if (errno != 0)
return math_error();
return PyComplex_FromCComplex(x);
#define FUNC1(stubname, func) \
static PyObject * stubname(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { \
return math_1(args, func); \
FUNC1(cmath_acos, c_acos)
FUNC1(cmath_acosh, c_acosh)
FUNC1(cmath_asin, c_asin)
FUNC1(cmath_asinh, c_asinh)
FUNC1(cmath_atan, c_atan)
FUNC1(cmath_atanh, c_atanh)
FUNC1(cmath_cos, c_cos)
FUNC1(cmath_cosh, c_cosh)
FUNC1(cmath_exp, c_exp)
FUNC1(cmath_log, c_log)
FUNC1(cmath_log10, c_log10)
FUNC1(cmath_sin, c_sin)
FUNC1(cmath_sinh, c_sinh)
FUNC1(cmath_sqrt, c_sqrt)
FUNC1(cmath_tan, c_tan)
FUNC1(cmath_tanh, c_tanh)
static char module_doc[] =
"This module is always available. It provides access to mathematical\n"
"functions for complex numbers.";
static PyMethodDef cmath_methods[] = {
{"acos", cmath_acos, METH_VARARGS, c_acos_doc},
{"acosh", cmath_acosh, METH_VARARGS, c_acosh_doc},
{"asin", cmath_asin, METH_VARARGS, c_asin_doc},
{"asinh", cmath_asinh, METH_VARARGS, c_asinh_doc},
{"atan", cmath_atan, METH_VARARGS, c_atan_doc},
{"atanh", cmath_atanh, METH_VARARGS, c_atanh_doc},
{"cos", cmath_cos, METH_VARARGS, c_cos_doc},
{"cosh", cmath_cosh, METH_VARARGS, c_cosh_doc},
{"exp", cmath_exp, METH_VARARGS, c_exp_doc},
{"log", cmath_log, METH_VARARGS, c_log_doc},
{"log10", cmath_log10, METH_VARARGS, c_log10_doc},
{"sin", cmath_sin, METH_VARARGS, c_sin_doc},
{"sinh", cmath_sinh, METH_VARARGS, c_sinh_doc},
{"sqrt", cmath_sqrt, METH_VARARGS, c_sqrt_doc},
{"tan", cmath_tan, METH_VARARGS, c_tan_doc},
{"tanh", cmath_tanh, METH_VARARGS, c_tanh_doc},
{NULL, NULL} /* sentinel */
PyObject *m, *d, *v;
m = Py_InitModule3("cmath", cmath_methods, module_doc);
d = PyModule_GetDict(m);
PyDict_SetItemString(d, "pi",
v = PyFloat_FromDouble(atan(1.0) * 4.0));
PyDict_SetItemString(d, "e", v = PyFloat_FromDouble(exp(1.0)));