Guido van Rossum 41bc101dd6
GH-98831: "Generate" the interpreter (#98830)
The switch cases (really TARGET(opcode) macros) have been moved from ceval.c to generated_cases.c.h. That file is generated from instruction definitions in bytecodes.c (which impersonates a C file so the C code it contains can be edited without custom support in e.g. VS Code).

The code generator lives in Tools/cases_generator (it has a README.md explaining how it works). The DSL used to describe the instructions is a work in progress, described in https://github.com/faster-cpython/ideas/blob/main/3.12/interpreter_definition.md.

This is surely a work-in-progress. An easy next step could be auto-generating super-instructions.

**IMPORTANT: Merge Conflicts**

If you get a merge conflict for instruction implementations in ceval.c, your best bet is to port your changes to bytecodes.c. That file looks almost the same as the original cases, except instead of `TARGET(NAME)` it uses `inst(NAME)`, and the trailing `DISPATCH()` call is omitted (the code generator adds it automatically).
2022-11-02 21:31:26 -07:00

91 lines
3.1 KiB

# Binary data types
*.aif binary
*.aifc binary
*.aiff binary
*.au binary
*.bmp binary
*.exe binary
*.icns binary
*.gif binary
*.ico binary
*.jpg binary
*.pck binary
*.png binary
*.psd binary
*.tar binary
*.wav binary
*.whl binary
*.zip binary
# Specific binary files
Lib/test/sndhdrdata/sndhdr.* binary
PC/classicAppCompat.* binary
# Text files that should not be subject to eol conversion
[attr]noeol -text
Lib/test/cjkencodings/* noeol
Lib/test/coding20731.py noeol
Lib/test/decimaltestdata/*.decTest noeol
Lib/test/test_email/data/*.txt noeol
Lib/test/test_importlib/resources/data01/* noeol
Lib/test/test_importlib/resources/namespacedata01/* noeol
Lib/test/xmltestdata/* noeol
# CRLF files
[attr]dos text eol=crlf
*.bat dos
*.proj dos
*.props dos
*.ps1 dos
*.sln dos
*.vcxproj* dos
PC/readme.txt dos
PCbuild/readme.txt dos
# Language aware diff headers
# https://tekin.co.uk/2020/10/better-git-diff-output-for-ruby-python-elixir-and-more
# https://gist.github.com/tekin/12500956bd56784728e490d8cef9cb81
*.c diff=cpp
*.h diff=cpp
*.css diff=css
*.html diff=html
*.py diff=python
*.md diff=markdown
# Generated files
# https://github.com/github/linguist/blob/master/docs/overrides.md
# To always hide generated files in local diffs, mark them as binary:
# $ git config diff.generated.binary true
[attr]generated linguist-generated=true diff=generated
**/clinic/*.c.h generated
*_db.h generated
Doc/data/stable_abi.dat generated
Doc/library/token-list.inc generated
Include/internal/pycore_ast.h generated
Include/internal/pycore_ast_state.h generated
Include/internal/pycore_opcode.h generated
Include/internal/pycore_runtime_init_generated.h generated
Include/opcode.h generated
Include/token.h generated
Lib/keyword.py generated
Lib/test/levenshtein_examples.json generated
Lib/test/test_stable_abi_ctypes.py generated
Lib/token.py generated
Objects/typeslots.inc generated
PC/python3dll.c generated
Parser/parser.c generated
Parser/token.c generated
Programs/test_frozenmain.h generated
Python/Python-ast.c generated
Python/generated_cases.c.h generated
Python/opcode_targets.h generated
Python/stdlib_module_names.h generated
Tools/peg_generator/pegen/grammar_parser.py generated
aclocal.m4 generated
configure generated