Guido van Rossum 400835ea16
gh-106812: Refactor cases_generator to allow uops with array stack effects (#107564)
Introducing a new file, stacking.py, that takes over several responsibilities related to symbolic evaluation of push/pop operations, with more generality.
2023-08-04 09:35:56 -07:00

111 lines
3.3 KiB

import lexer as lx
Token = lx.Token
class PLexer:
def __init__(self, src: str, filename: str):
self.src = src
self.filename = filename
self.tokens = list(lx.tokenize(self.src, filename=filename))
self.pos = 0
def getpos(self) -> int:
# Current position
return self.pos
def eof(self) -> bool:
# Are we at EOF?
return self.pos >= len(self.tokens)
def setpos(self, pos: int) -> None:
# Reset position
assert 0 <= pos <= len(self.tokens), (pos, len(self.tokens))
self.pos = pos
def backup(self) -> None:
# Back up position by 1
assert self.pos > 0
self.pos -= 1
def next(self, raw: bool = False) -> Token | None:
# Return next token and advance position; None if at EOF
# TODO: Return synthetic EOF token instead of None?
while self.pos < len(self.tokens):
tok = self.tokens[self.pos]
self.pos += 1
if raw or tok.kind != "COMMENT":
return tok
return None
def peek(self, raw: bool = False) -> Token | None:
# Return next token without advancing position
tok = self.next(raw=raw)
return tok
def maybe(self, kind: str, raw: bool = False) -> Token | None:
# Return next token without advancing position if kind matches
tok = self.peek(raw=raw)
if tok and tok.kind == kind:
return tok
return None
def expect(self, kind: str) -> Token | None:
# Return next token and advance position if kind matches
tkn = self.next()
if tkn is not None:
if tkn.kind == kind:
return tkn
return None
def require(self, kind: str) -> Token:
# Return next token and advance position, requiring kind to match
tkn = self.next()
if tkn is not None and tkn.kind == kind:
return tkn
raise self.make_syntax_error(
f"Expected {kind!r} but got {tkn and tkn.text!r}", tkn
def extract_line(self, lineno: int) -> str:
# Return source line `lineno` (1-based)
lines = self.src.splitlines()
if lineno > len(lines):
return ""
return lines[lineno - 1]
def make_syntax_error(self, message: str, tkn: Token | None = None) -> SyntaxError:
# Construct a SyntaxError instance from message and token
if tkn is None:
tkn = self.peek()
if tkn is None:
tkn = self.tokens[-1]
return lx.make_syntax_error(
message, self.filename, tkn.line, tkn.column, self.extract_line(tkn.line)
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
if sys.argv[1:]:
filename = sys.argv[1]
if filename == "-c" and sys.argv[2:]:
src = sys.argv[2]
filename = "<string>"
with open(filename) as f:
src = f.read()
filename = "<default>"
src = "if (x) { x.foo; // comment\n}"
p = PLexer(src, filename)
while not p.eof():
tok = p.next(raw=True)
assert tok
left = repr(tok)
right = lx.to_text([tok]).rstrip()
print(f"{left:40.40} {right}")