2006-01-03 06:44:59 +00:00

462 lines
13 KiB

$! make libz under VMS written by
$! Martin P.J. Zinser
$! <zinser@zinser.no-ip.info or zinser@sysdev.deutsche-boerse.com>
$ on error then goto err_exit
$! Just some general constants...
$ true = 1
$ false = 0
$ tmpnam = "temp_" + f$getjpi("","pid")
$! Setup variables holding "config" information
$ Make = ""
$ name = "Zlib"
$ version = "?.?.?"
$ v_string = "ZLIB_VERSION"
$ v_file = "zlib.h"
$ ccopt = ""
$ lopts = ""
$ linkonly = false
$ optfile = name + ".opt"
$ its_decc = false
$ its_vaxc = false
$ its_gnuc = false
$ axp = f$getsyi("HW_MODEL").ge.1024
$ s_case = false
$! Check for MMK/MMS
$ If F$Search ("Sys$System:MMS.EXE") .nes. "" Then Make = "MMS"
$ If F$Type (MMK) .eqs. "STRING" Then Make = "MMK"
$ gosub find_version
$ gosub check_opts
$! Look for the compiler used
$ gosub check_compiler
$ if its_decc
$ then
$ ccopt = "/prefix=all" + ccopt
$ if f$trnlnm("SYS") .eqs. ""
$ then
$ if axp
$ then
$ define sys sys$library:
$ else
$ ccopt = "/decc" + ccopt
$ define sys decc$library_include:
$ endif
$ endif
$ endif
$ if its_vaxc .or. its_gnuc
$ then
$ if f$trnlnm("SYS").eqs."" then define sys sys$library:
$ endif
$! Build the thing plain or with mms
$ write sys$output "Compiling Zlib sources ..."
$ if make.eqs.""
$ then
$ dele example.obj;*,minigzip.obj;*
$ CALL MAKE adler32.OBJ "CC ''CCOPT' adler32" -
adler32.c zlib.h zconf.h
$ CALL MAKE compress.OBJ "CC ''CCOPT' compress" -
compress.c zlib.h zconf.h
$ CALL MAKE crc32.OBJ "CC ''CCOPT' crc32" -
crc32.c zlib.h zconf.h
$ CALL MAKE deflate.OBJ "CC ''CCOPT' deflate" -
deflate.c deflate.h zutil.h zlib.h zconf.h
$ CALL MAKE gzio.OBJ "CC ''CCOPT' gzio" -
gzio.c zutil.h zlib.h zconf.h
$ CALL MAKE infback.OBJ "CC ''CCOPT' infback" -
infback.c zutil.h inftrees.h inflate.h inffast.h inffixed.h
$ CALL MAKE inffast.OBJ "CC ''CCOPT' inffast" -
inffast.c zutil.h zlib.h zconf.h inffast.h
$ CALL MAKE inflate.OBJ "CC ''CCOPT' inflate" -
inflate.c zutil.h zlib.h zconf.h infblock.h
$ CALL MAKE inftrees.OBJ "CC ''CCOPT' inftrees" -
inftrees.c zutil.h zlib.h zconf.h inftrees.h
$ CALL MAKE trees.OBJ "CC ''CCOPT' trees" -
trees.c deflate.h zutil.h zlib.h zconf.h
$ CALL MAKE uncompr.OBJ "CC ''CCOPT' uncompr" -
uncompr.c zlib.h zconf.h
$ CALL MAKE zutil.OBJ "CC ''CCOPT' zutil" -
zutil.c zutil.h zlib.h zconf.h
$ write sys$output "Building Zlib ..."
$ CALL MAKE libz.OLB "lib/crea libz.olb *.obj" *.OBJ
$ write sys$output "Building example..."
$ CALL MAKE example.OBJ "CC ''CCOPT' example" -
example.c zlib.h zconf.h
$ call make example.exe "LINK example,libz.olb/lib" example.obj libz.olb
$ if f$search("x11vms:xvmsutils.olb") .nes. ""
$ then
$ write sys$output "Building minigzip..."
$ CALL MAKE minigzip.OBJ "CC ''CCOPT' minigzip" -
minigzip.c zlib.h zconf.h
$ call make minigzip.exe -
"LINK minigzip,libz.olb/lib,x11vms:xvmsutils.olb/lib" -
minigzip.obj libz.olb
$ endif
$ else
$ gosub crea_mms
$ SAY "Make ''name' ''version' with ''Make' "
$ 'make'
$ endif
$! Alpha gets a shareable image
$ If axp
$ Then
$ gosub crea_olist
$ write sys$output "Creating libzshr.exe"
$ call anal_obj_axp modules.opt _link.opt
$ if s_case
$ then
$ open/append optf modules.opt
$ write optf "case_sensitive=YES"
$ close optf
$ endif
$ LINK_'lopts'/SHARE=libzshr.exe modules.opt/opt,_link.opt/opt
$ endif
$ write sys$output "Zlib build completed"
$ exit
$ write sys$output "C compiler required to build ''name'"
$ goto err_exit
$ set message/facil/ident/sever/text
$ write sys$output "Exiting..."
$ exit 2
$ V = 'F$Verify(0)
$! P1 = What we are trying to make
$! P2 = Command to make it
$! P3 - P8 What it depends on
$ If F$Search(P1) .Eqs. "" Then Goto Makeit
$ Time = F$CvTime(F$File(P1,"RDT"))
$ Argument = P'arg
$ If Argument .Eqs. "" Then Goto Exit
$ El=0
$ File = F$Element(El," ",Argument)
$ If File .Eqs. " " Then Goto Endl
$ AFile = ""
$ OFile = AFile
$ AFile = F$Search(File)
$ If AFile .Eqs. "" .Or. AFile .Eqs. OFile Then Goto NextEl
$ If F$CvTime(F$File(AFile,"RDT")) .Ges. Time Then Goto Makeit
$ Goto Loop3
$ El = El + 1
$ Goto Loop2
$ arg=arg+1
$ If arg .Le. 8 Then Goto Loop
$ Goto Exit
$ write sys$output P2
$ 'P2
$ VV='F$Verify(VV)
$ If V Then Set Verify
$! Check command line options and set symbols accordingly
$ i = 1
$ if i .lt. 9
$ then
$ cparm = f$edit(p'i',"upcase")
$ if cparm .eqs. "DEBUG"
$ then
$ ccopt = ccopt + "/noopt/deb"
$ lopts = lopts + "/deb"
$ endif
$ if f$locate("CCOPT=",cparm) .lt. f$length(cparm)
$ then
$ start = f$locate("=",cparm) + 1
$ len = f$length(cparm) - start
$ ccopt = ccopt + f$extract(start,len,cparm)
$ if f$locate("AS_IS",f$edit(ccopt,"UPCASE")) .lt. f$length(ccopt) -
then s_case = true
$ endif
$ if cparm .eqs. "LINK" then linkonly = true
$ if f$locate("LOPTS=",cparm) .lt. f$length(cparm)
$ then
$ start = f$locate("=",cparm) + 1
$ len = f$length(cparm) - start
$ lopts = lopts + f$extract(start,len,cparm)
$ endif
$ if f$locate("CC=",cparm) .lt. f$length(cparm)
$ then
$ start = f$locate("=",cparm) + 1
$ len = f$length(cparm) - start
$ cc_com = f$extract(start,len,cparm)
if (cc_com .nes. "DECC") .and. -
(cc_com .nes. "VAXC") .and. -
(cc_com .nes. "GNUC")
$ then
$ write sys$output "Unsupported compiler choice ''cc_com' ignored"
$ write sys$output "Use DECC, VAXC, or GNUC instead"
$ else
$ if cc_com .eqs. "DECC" then its_decc = true
$ if cc_com .eqs. "VAXC" then its_vaxc = true
$ if cc_com .eqs. "GNUC" then its_gnuc = true
$ endif
$ endif
$ if f$locate("MAKE=",cparm) .lt. f$length(cparm)
$ then
$ start = f$locate("=",cparm) + 1
$ len = f$length(cparm) - start
$ mmks = f$extract(start,len,cparm)
$ if (mmks .eqs. "MMK") .or. (mmks .eqs. "MMS")
$ then
$ make = mmks
$ else
$ write sys$output "Unsupported make choice ''mmks' ignored"
$ write sys$output "Use MMK or MMS instead"
$ endif
$ endif
$ i = i + 1
$ goto opt_loop
$ endif
$ return
$! Look for the compiler used
$ if (.not. (its_decc .or. its_vaxc .or. its_gnuc))
$ then
$ its_decc = (f$search("SYS$SYSTEM:DECC$COMPILER.EXE") .nes. "")
$ its_vaxc = .not. its_decc .and. (F$Search("SYS$System:VAXC.Exe") .nes. "")
$ its_gnuc = .not. (its_decc .or. its_vaxc) .and. (f$trnlnm("gnu_cc") .nes. "")
$ endif
$! Exit if no compiler available
$ if (.not. (its_decc .or. its_vaxc .or. its_gnuc))
$ then goto CC_ERR
$ else
$ if its_decc then write sys$output "CC compiler check ... Compaq C"
$ if its_vaxc then write sys$output "CC compiler check ... VAX C"
$ if its_gnuc then write sys$output "CC compiler check ... GNU C"
$ endif
$ return
$! If MMS/MMK are available dump out the descrip.mms if required
$ write sys$output "Creating descrip.mms..."
$ create descrip.mms
$ open/append out descrip.mms
$ copy sys$input: out
$ deck
# descrip.mms: MMS description file for building zlib on VMS
# written by Martin P.J. Zinser
# <zinser@zinser.no-ip.info or zinser@sysdev.deutsche-boerse.com>
OBJS = adler32.obj, compress.obj, crc32.obj, gzio.obj, uncompr.obj, infback.obj\
deflate.obj, trees.obj, zutil.obj, inflate.obj, \
inftrees.obj, inffast.obj
$ eod
$ write out "CFLAGS=", ccopt
$ write out "LOPTS=", lopts
$ copy sys$input: out
$ deck
all : example.exe minigzip.exe libz.olb
@ write sys$output " Example applications available"
libz.olb : libz.olb($(OBJS))
@ write sys$output " libz available"
example.exe : example.obj libz.olb
link $(LOPTS) example,libz.olb/lib
minigzip.exe : minigzip.obj libz.olb
link $(LOPTS) minigzip,libz.olb/lib,x11vms:xvmsutils.olb/lib
clean :
delete *.obj;*,libz.olb;*,*.opt;*,*.exe;*
# Other dependencies.
adler32.obj : adler32.c zutil.h zlib.h zconf.h
compress.obj : compress.c zlib.h zconf.h
crc32.obj : crc32.c zutil.h zlib.h zconf.h
deflate.obj : deflate.c deflate.h zutil.h zlib.h zconf.h
example.obj : example.c zlib.h zconf.h
gzio.obj : gzio.c zutil.h zlib.h zconf.h
inffast.obj : inffast.c zutil.h zlib.h zconf.h inftrees.h inffast.h
inflate.obj : inflate.c zutil.h zlib.h zconf.h
inftrees.obj : inftrees.c zutil.h zlib.h zconf.h inftrees.h
minigzip.obj : minigzip.c zlib.h zconf.h
trees.obj : trees.c deflate.h zutil.h zlib.h zconf.h
uncompr.obj : uncompr.c zlib.h zconf.h
zutil.obj : zutil.c zutil.h zlib.h zconf.h
infback.obj : infback.c zutil.h inftrees.h inflate.h inffast.h inffixed.h
$ eod
$ close out
$ return
$! Read list of core library sources from makefile.in and create options
$! needed to build shareable image
$ open/read min makefile.in
$ open/write mod modules.opt
$ src_check = "OBJS ="
$ read/end=mrdone min rec
$ if (f$extract(0,6,rec) .nes. src_check) then goto mrloop
$ rec = rec - src_check
$ gosub extra_filnam
$ if (f$element(1,"\",rec) .eqs. "\") then goto mrdone
$ read/end=mrdone min rec
$ gosub extra_filnam
$ if (f$element(1,"\",rec) .nes. "\") then goto mrsloop
$ close min
$ close mod
$ return
$! Take record extracted in crea_olist and split it into single filenames
$ myrec = f$edit(rec - "\", "trim,compress")
$ i = 0
$ srcfil = f$element(i," ", myrec)
$ if (srcfil .nes. " ")
$ then
$ write mod f$parse(srcfil,,,"NAME"), ".obj"
$ i = i + 1
$ goto feloop
$ endif
$ return
$! Find current Zlib version number
$ open/read h_in 'v_file'
$ read/end=hdone h_in rec
$ rec = f$edit(rec,"TRIM")
$ if (f$extract(0,1,rec) .nes. "#") then goto hloop
$ rec = f$edit(rec - "#", "TRIM")
$ if f$element(0," ",rec) .nes. "define" then goto hloop
$ if f$element(1," ",rec) .eqs. v_string
$ then
$ version = 'f$element(2," ",rec)'
$ goto hdone
$ endif
$ goto hloop
$ close h_in
$ return
$! Analyze Object files for OpenVMS AXP to extract Procedure and Data
$! information to build a symbol vector for a shareable image
$! All the "brains" of this logic was suggested by Hartmut Becker
$! (Hartmut.Becker@compaq.com). All the bugs were introduced by me
$! (zinser@decus.de), so if you do have problem reports please do not
$! bother Hartmut/HP, but get in touch with me
$ ANAL_OBJ_AXP: Subroutine
$ V = 'F$Verify(0)
$ IF F$SEARCH("''P1'") .EQS. ""
$ SAY "ANAL_OBJ_AXP-E-NOSUCHFILE: Error, inputfile ''p1' not available"
$ goto exit_aa
$ IF "''P2'" .EQS. ""
$ SAY "ANAL_OBJ_AXP: Error, no output file provided"
$ goto exit_aa
$ open/read in 'p1
$ create a.tmp
$ open/append atmp a.tmp
$ loop:
$ read/end=end_loop in line
$ f= f$search(line)
$ if f .eqs. ""
$ then
$ write sys$output "ANAL_OBJ_AXP-w-nosuchfile, ''line'"
$ goto loop
$ endif
$ define/user sys$output nl:
$ define/user sys$error nl:
$ anal/obj/gsd 'f /out=x.tmp
$ open/read xtmp x.tmp
$ read/end=end_xloop xtmp xline
$ xline = f$edit(xline,"compress")
$ write atmp xline
$ goto xloop
$ close xtmp
$ goto loop
$ end_loop:
$ close in
$ close atmp
$ if f$search("a.tmp") .eqs. "" -
then $ exit
$ ! all global definitions
$ search a.tmp "symbol:","EGSY$V_DEF 1","EGSY$V_NORM 1"/out=b.tmp
$ ! all procedures
$ search b.tmp "EGSY$V_NORM 1"/wind=(0,1) /out=c.tmp
$ search c.tmp "symbol:"/out=d.tmp
$ define/user sys$output nl:
$ edito/edt/command=sys$input d.tmp
sub/symbol: "/symbol_vector=(/whole
$ ! all data
$ search b.tmp "EGSY$V_DEF 1"/wind=(0,1) /out=e.tmp
$ search e.tmp "symbol:"/out=f.tmp
$ define/user sys$output nl:
$ edito/edt/command=sys$input f.tmp
sub/symbol: "/symbol_vector=(/whole
$ sort/nodupl d.tmp,f.tmp 'p2'
$ delete a.tmp;*,b.tmp;*,c.tmp;*,d.tmp;*,e.tmp;*,f.tmp;*
$ if f$search("x.tmp") .nes. "" -
then $ delete x.tmp;*
$ if V then set verify
$ endsubroutine