Terry Jan Reedy 3b220e11eb Issue #17386 make.bat must run with Python 2 until Sphinx runs with Python 3.
If PYTHON is undefined, this fails without the launcher (installed with 3.3 or
from PyPI), but this is better than always failing. Patch from Zachary Ware.
2013-03-13 21:33:50 -04:00

60 lines
1.5 KiB

@@echo off
set SVNROOT=http://svn.python.org/projects
if "%PYTHON%" EQU "" set PYTHON=py -2
if "%HTMLHELP%" EQU "" set HTMLHELP=%ProgramFiles%\HTML Help Workshop\hhc.exe
if "%DISTVERSION%" EQU "" for /f "usebackq" %%v in (`%PYTHON% tools/sphinxext/patchlevel.py`) do set DISTVERSION=%%v
if "%1" EQU "" goto help
if "%1" EQU "html" goto build
if "%1" EQU "htmlhelp" goto build
if "%1" EQU "latex" goto build
if "%1" EQU "text" goto build
if "%1" EQU "suspicious" goto build
if "%1" EQU "linkcheck" goto build
if "%1" EQU "changes" goto build
if "%1" EQU "checkout" goto checkout
if "%1" EQU "update" goto update
set this=%~n0
echo HELP
echo %this% checkout
echo %this% update
echo %this% html
echo %this% htmlhelp
echo %this% latex
echo %this% text
echo %this% suspicious
echo %this% linkcheck
echo %this% changes
goto end
svn co %SVNROOT%/external/Sphinx-1.0.7/sphinx tools/sphinx
svn co %SVNROOT%/external/docutils-0.6/docutils tools/docutils
svn co %SVNROOT%/external/Jinja-2.3.1/jinja2 tools/jinja2
svn co %SVNROOT%/external/Pygments-1.3.1/pygments tools/pygments
goto end
svn update tools/sphinx
svn update tools/docutils
svn update tools/jinja2
svn update tools/pygments
goto end
if not exist build mkdir build
if not exist build\%1 mkdir build\%1
if not exist build\doctrees mkdir build\doctrees
cmd /C %PYTHON% --version
cmd /C %PYTHON% tools\sphinx-build.py -b%1 -dbuild\doctrees . build\%*
if "%1" EQU "htmlhelp" "%HTMLHELP%" build\htmlhelp\python%DISTVERSION:.=%.hhp
goto end