2001-07-16 18:39:58 +00:00

1138 lines
37 KiB

# Module doctest version 0.9.7
# Released to the public domain 16-Jan-2001,
# by Tim Peters (tim.one@home.com).
# Provided as-is; use at your own risk; no warranty; no promises; enjoy!
"""Module doctest -- a framework for running examples in docstrings.
In normal use, end each module M with:
def _test():
import doctest, M # replace M with your module's name
return doctest.testmod(M) # ditto
if __name__ == "__main__":
Then running the module as a script will cause the examples in the
docstrings to get executed and verified:
python M.py
This won't display anything unless an example fails, in which case the
failing example(s) and the cause(s) of the failure(s) are printed to stdout
(why not stderr? because stderr is a lame hack <0.2 wink>), and the final
line of output is "Test failed.".
Run it with the -v switch instead:
python M.py -v
and a detailed report of all examples tried is printed to stdout, along
with assorted summaries at the end.
You can force verbose mode by passing "verbose=1" to testmod, or prohibit
it by passing "verbose=0". In either of those cases, sys.argv is not
examined by testmod.
In any case, testmod returns a 2-tuple of ints (f, t), where f is the
number of docstring examples that failed and t is the total number of
docstring examples attempted.
+ M.__doc__.
+ f.__doc__ for all functions f in M.__dict__.values(), except those
with private names.
+ C.__doc__ for all classes C in M.__dict__.values(), except those with
private names.
+ If M.__test__ exists and "is true", it must be a dict, and
each entry maps a (string) name to a function object, class object, or
string. Function and class object docstrings found from M.__test__
are searched even if the name is private, and strings are searched
directly as if they were docstrings. In output, a key K in M.__test__
appears with name
<name of M>.__test__.K
Any classes found are recursively searched similarly, to test docstrings in
their contained methods and nested classes. Private names reached from M's
globals are skipped, but all names reached from M.__test__ are searched.
By default, a name is considered to be private if it begins with an
underscore (like "_my_func") but doesn't both begin and end with (at least)
two underscores (like "__init__"). You can change the default by passing
your own "isprivate" function to testmod.
If you want to test docstrings in objects with private names too, stuff
them into an M.__test__ dict, or see ADVANCED USAGE below (e.g., pass your
own isprivate function to Tester's constructor, or call the rundoc method
of a Tester instance).
Warning: imports can cause trouble; e.g., if you do
from XYZ import XYZclass
then XYZclass is a name in M.__dict__ too, and doctest has no way to know
that XYZclass wasn't *defined* in M. So it may try to execute the examples
in XYZclass's docstring, and those in turn may require a different set of
globals to work correctly. I prefer to do "import *"- friendly imports,
a la
import XYY
_XYZclass = XYZ.XYZclass
del XYZ
or (Python 2.0)
from XYZ import XYZclass as _XYZclass
and then the leading underscore stops testmod from going nuts. You may
prefer the method in the next section.
By default, each time testmod finds a docstring to test, it uses a *copy*
of M's globals (so that running tests on a module doesn't change the
module's real globals, and so that one test in M can't leave behind crumbs
that accidentally allow another test to work). This means examples can
freely use any names defined at top-level in M. It also means that sloppy
imports (see above) can cause examples in external docstrings to use
globals inappropriate for them.
You can force use of your own dict as the execution context by passing
"globs=your_dict" to testmod instead. Presumably this would be a copy of
M.__dict__ merged with the globals from other imported modules.
Piece o' cake, provided the modules do their testing from docstrings.
Here's the test.py I use for the world's most elaborate Rational/
floating-base-conversion pkg (which I'll distribute some day):
from Rational import Cvt
from Rational import Format
from Rational import machprec
from Rational import Rat
from Rational import Round
from Rational import utils
modules = (Cvt,
def _test():
import doctest
import sys
verbose = "-v" in sys.argv
for mod in modules:
doctest.testmod(mod, verbose=verbose, report=0)
if __name__ == "__main__":
IOW, it just runs testmod on all the pkg modules. testmod remembers the
names and outcomes (# of failures, # of tries) for each item it's seen, and
passing "report=0" prevents it from printing a summary in verbose mode.
Instead, the summary is delayed until all modules have been tested, and
then "doctest.master.summarize()" forces the summary at the end.
So this is very nice in practice: each module can be tested individually
with almost no work beyond writing up docstring examples, and collections
of modules can be tested too as a unit with no more work than the above.
No problem, as long as the only output generated by the example is the
traceback itself. For example:
>>> [1, 2, 3].remove(42)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list
Note that only the exception type and value are compared (specifically,
only the last line in the traceback).
doctest.testmod() captures the testing policy I find most useful most
often. You may want other policies.
testmod() actually creates a local instance of class doctest.Tester, runs
appropriate methods of that class, and merges the results into global
Tester instance doctest.master.
You can create your own instances of doctest.Tester, and so build your own
policies, or even run methods of doctest.master directly. See
doctest.Tester.__doc__ for details.
Oh ya. It's easy! In most cases a copy-and-paste of an interactive
console session works fine -- just make sure the leading whitespace is
rigidly consistent (you can mix tabs and spaces if you're too lazy to do it
right, but doctest is not in the business of guessing what you think a tab
>>> # comments are ignored
>>> x = 12
>>> x
>>> if x == 13:
... print "yes"
... else:
... print "no"
... print "NO"
... print "NO!!!"
Any expected output must immediately follow the final ">>>" or "..." line
containing the code, and the expected output (if any) extends to the next
">>>" or all-whitespace line. That's it.
+ Expected output cannot contain an all-whitespace line, since such a line
is taken to signal the end of expected output.
+ Output to stdout is captured, but not output to stderr (exception
tracebacks are captured via a different means).
+ If you continue a line via backslashing in an interactive session, or for
any other reason use a backslash, you need to double the backslash in the
docstring version. This is simply because you're in a string, and so the
backslash must be escaped for it to survive intact. Like:
>>> if "yes" == \\
... "y" + \\
... "es": # in the source code you'll see the doubled backslashes
... print 'yes'
The starting column doesn't matter:
>>> assert "Easy!"
>>> import math
>>> math.floor(1.9)
and as many leading whitespace characters are stripped from the expected
output as appeared in the initial ">>>" line that triggered it.
If you execute this very file, the examples above will be found and
executed, leading to this output in verbose mode:
Running doctest.__doc__
Trying: [1, 2, 3].remove(42)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list
Trying: x = 12
Expecting: nothing
Trying: x
Expecting: 12
if x == 13:
print "yes"
print "no"
print "NO"
print "NO!!!"
... and a bunch more like that, with this summary at the end:
5 items had no tests:
12 items passed all tests:
8 tests in doctest
6 tests in doctest.Tester
10 tests in doctest.Tester.merge
7 tests in doctest.Tester.rundict
3 tests in doctest.Tester.rundoc
3 tests in doctest.Tester.runstring
2 tests in doctest.__test__._TestClass
2 tests in doctest.__test__._TestClass.__init__
2 tests in doctest.__test__._TestClass.get
1 tests in doctest.__test__._TestClass.square
2 tests in doctest.__test__.string
7 tests in doctest.is_private
53 tests in 17 items.
53 passed and 0 failed.
Test passed.
# 0,0,1 06-Mar-1999
# initial version posted
# 0,0,2 06-Mar-1999
# loosened parsing:
# cater to stinkin' tabs
# don't insist on a blank after PS2 prefix
# so trailing "... " line from a compound stmt no longer
# breaks if the file gets whitespace-trimmed
# better error msgs for inconsistent leading whitespace
# 0,9,1 08-Mar-1999
# exposed the Tester class and added client methods
# plus docstring examples of their use (eww - head-twisting!)
# fixed logic error in reporting total # of tests & failures
# added __test__ support to testmod (a pale reflection of Christian
# Tismer's vision ...)
# removed the "deep" argument; fiddle __test__ instead
# simplified endcase logic for extracting tests, and running them.
# before, if no output was expected but some was produced
# anyway via an eval'ed result, the discrepancy wasn't caught
# made TestClass private and used __test__ to get at it
# many doc updates
# speed _SpoofOut for long expected outputs
# 0,9,2 09-Mar-1999
# throw out comments from examples, enabling use of the much simpler
# exec compile(... "single") ...
# for simulating the runtime; that barfs on comment-only lines
# used the traceback module to do a much better job of reporting
# exceptions
# run __doc__ values thru str(), "just in case"
# privateness of names now determined by an overridable "isprivate"
# function
# by default a name now considered to be private iff it begins with
# an underscore but doesn't both begin & end with two of 'em; so
# e.g. Class.__init__ etc are searched now -- as they always
# should have been
# 0,9,3 18-Mar-1999
# added .flush stub to _SpoofOut (JPython buglet diagnosed by
# Hugh Emberson)
# repaired ridiculous docs about backslashes in examples
# minor internal changes
# changed source to Unix line-end conventions
# moved __test__ logic into new Tester.run__test__ method
# 0,9,4 27-Mar-1999
# report item name and line # in failing examples
# 0,9,5 29-Jun-1999
# allow straightforward exceptions in examples - thanks to Mark Hammond!
# 0,9,6 16-Jan-2001
# fiddling for changes in Python 2.0: some of the embedded docstring
# examples no longer worked *exactly* as advertised, due to minor
# language changes, and running doctest on itself pointed that out.
# Hard to think of a better example of why this is useful <wink>.
# 0,9,7 9-Feb-2001
# string method conversion
# XXX Until generators are part of the language, examples in doctest'ed
# modules will inherit doctest's __future__ settings (see PEP 236 for
# more on that). In the absence of a better working idea, the std
# test suite needs generators, while the set of doctest'ed modules that
# don't use "yield" in a generator context may well be empty. So
# enable generators here. This can go away when generators are no
# longer optional.
from __future__ import generators
__version__ = 0, 9, 7
import types
_FunctionType = types.FunctionType
_ClassType = types.ClassType
_ModuleType = types.ModuleType
_StringType = types.StringType
del types
import re
PS1 = ">>>"
PS2 = "..."
_isPS1 = re.compile(r"(\s*)" + re.escape(PS1)).match
_isPS2 = re.compile(r"(\s*)" + re.escape(PS2)).match
_isEmpty = re.compile(r"\s*$").match
_isComment = re.compile(r"\s*#").match
del re
__all__ = []
# Extract interactive examples from a string. Return a list of triples,
# (source, outcome, lineno). "source" is the source code, and ends
# with a newline iff the source spans more than one line. "outcome" is
# the expected output if any, else an empty string. When not empty,
# outcome always ends with a newline. "lineno" is the line number,
# 0-based wrt the start of the string, of the first source line.
def _extract_examples(s):
isPS1, isPS2 = _isPS1, _isPS2
isEmpty, isComment = _isEmpty, _isComment
examples = []
lines = s.split("\n")
i, n = 0, len(lines)
while i < n:
line = lines[i]
i = i + 1
m = isPS1(line)
if m is None:
j = m.end(0) # beyond the prompt
if isEmpty(line, j) or isComment(line, j):
# a bare prompt or comment -- not interesting
lineno = i - 1
if line[j] != " ":
raise ValueError("line " + `lineno` + " of docstring lacks "
"blank after " + PS1 + ": " + line)
j = j + 1
blanks = m.group(1)
nblanks = len(blanks)
# suck up this and following PS2 lines
source = []
while 1:
line = lines[i]
m = isPS2(line)
if m:
if m.group(1) != blanks:
raise ValueError("inconsistent leading whitespace "
"in line " + `i` + " of docstring: " + line)
i = i + 1
if len(source) == 1:
source = source[0]
# get rid of useless null line from trailing empty "..."
if source[-1] == "":
del source[-1]
source = "\n".join(source) + "\n"
# suck up response
if isPS1(line) or isEmpty(line):
expect = ""
expect = []
while 1:
if line[:nblanks] != blanks:
raise ValueError("inconsistent leading whitespace "
"in line " + `i` + " of docstring: " + line)
i = i + 1
line = lines[i]
if isPS1(line) or isEmpty(line):
expect = "\n".join(expect) + "\n"
examples.append( (source, expect, lineno) )
return examples
# Capture stdout when running examples.
class _SpoofOut:
def __init__(self):
def write(self, s):
def get(self):
guts = "".join(self.buf)
# If anything at all was written, make sure there's a trailing
# newline. There's no way for the expected output to indicate
# that a trailing newline is missing.
if guts and not guts.endswith("\n"):
guts = guts + "\n"
return guts
def clear(self):
self.buf = []
def flush(self):
# JPython calls flush
# Display some tag-and-msg pairs nicely, keeping the tag and its msg
# on the same line when that makes sense.
def _tag_out(printer, *tag_msg_pairs):
for tag, msg in tag_msg_pairs:
printer(tag + ":")
msg_has_nl = msg[-1:] == "\n"
msg_has_two_nl = msg_has_nl and \
msg.find("\n") < len(msg) - 1
if len(tag) + len(msg) < 76 and not msg_has_two_nl:
printer(" ")
if not msg_has_nl:
# Run list of examples, in context globs. "out" can be used to display
# stuff to "the real" stdout, and fakeout is an instance of _SpoofOut
# that captures the examples' std output. Return (#failures, #tries).
def _run_examples_inner(out, fakeout, examples, globs, verbose, name):
import sys, traceback
OK, BOOM, FAIL = range(3)
NADA = "nothing"
stderr = _SpoofOut()
failures = 0
for source, want, lineno in examples:
if verbose:
_tag_out(out, ("Trying", source),
("Expecting", want or NADA))
exec compile(source, "<string>", "single") in globs
got = fakeout.get()
state = OK
# See whether the exception was expected.
if want.find("Traceback (innermost last):\n") == 0 or \
want.find("Traceback (most recent call last):\n") == 0:
# Only compare exception type and value - the rest of
# the traceback isn't necessary.
want = want.split('\n')[-2] + '\n'
exc_type, exc_val = sys.exc_info()[:2]
got = traceback.format_exception_only(exc_type, exc_val)[-1]
state = OK
# unexpected exception
state = BOOM
if state == OK:
if got == want:
if verbose:
state = FAIL
assert state in (FAIL, BOOM)
failures = failures + 1
out("*" * 65 + "\n")
_tag_out(out, ("Failure in example", source))
out("from line #" + `lineno` + " of " + name + "\n")
if state == FAIL:
_tag_out(out, ("Expected", want or NADA), ("Got", got))
assert state == BOOM
_tag_out(out, ("Exception raised", stderr.get()))
return failures, len(examples)
# Run list of examples, in a shallow copy of context (dict) globs.
# Return (#failures, #tries).
def _run_examples(examples, globs, verbose, name):
import sys
saveout = sys.stdout
globs = globs.copy()
sys.stdout = fakeout = _SpoofOut()
x = _run_examples_inner(saveout.write, fakeout, examples,
globs, verbose, name)
sys.stdout = saveout
# While Python gc can clean up most cycles on its own, it doesn't
# chase frame objects. This is especially irksome when running
# generator tests that raise exceptions, because a named generator-
# iterator gets an entry in globs, and the generator-iterator
# object's frame's traceback info points back to globs. This is
# easy to break just by clearing the namespace. This can also
# help to break other kinds of cycles, and even for cycles that
# gc can break itself it's better to break them ASAP.
return x
def run_docstring_examples(f, globs, verbose=0, name="NoName"):
"""f, globs, verbose=0, name="NoName" -> run examples from f.__doc__.
Use (a shallow copy of) dict globs as the globals for execution.
Return (#failures, #tries).
If optional arg verbose is true, print stuff even if there are no
Use string name in failure msgs.
doc = f.__doc__
if not doc:
# docstring empty or None
return 0, 0
# just in case CT invents a doc object that has to be forced
# to look like a string <0.9 wink>
doc = str(doc)
return 0, 0
e = _extract_examples(doc)
if not e:
return 0, 0
return _run_examples(e, globs, verbose, name)
def is_private(prefix, base):
"""prefix, base -> true iff name prefix + "." + base is "private".
Prefix may be an empty string, and base does not contain a period.
Prefix is ignored (although functions you write conforming to this
protocol may make use of it).
Return true iff base begins with an (at least one) underscore, but
does not both begin and end with (at least) two underscores.
>>> is_private("a.b", "my_func")
>>> is_private("____", "_my_func")
>>> is_private("someclass", "__init__")
>>> is_private("sometypo", "__init_")
>>> is_private("x.y.z", "_")
>>> is_private("_x.y.z", "__")
>>> is_private("", "") # senseless but consistent
return base[:1] == "_" and not base[:2] == "__" == base[-2:]
class Tester:
"""Class Tester -- runs docstring examples and accumulates stats.
In normal use, function doctest.testmod() hides all this from you,
so use that if you can. Create your own instances of Tester to do
fancier things.
runstring(s, name)
Search string s for examples to run; use name for logging.
Return (#failures, #tries).
rundoc(object, name=None)
Search object.__doc__ for examples to run; use name (or
object.__name__) for logging. Return (#failures, #tries).
rundict(d, name)
Search for examples in docstrings in all of d.values(); use name
for logging. Return (#failures, #tries).
run__test__(d, name)
Treat dict d like module.__test__. Return (#failures, #tries).
Display summary of testing results, to stdout. Return
(#failures, #tries).
Merge in the test results from Tester instance "other".
>>> from doctest import Tester
>>> t = Tester(globs={'x': 42}, verbose=0)
>>> t.runstring(r'''
... >>> x = x * 2
... >>> print x
... 42
... ''', 'XYZ')
Failure in example: print x
from line #2 of XYZ
Expected: 42
Got: 84
(1, 2)
>>> t.runstring(">>> x = x * 2\\n>>> print x\\n84\\n", 'example2')
(0, 2)
>>> t.summarize()
1 items had failures:
1 of 2 in XYZ
***Test Failed*** 1 failures.
(1, 4)
>>> t.summarize(verbose=1)
1 items passed all tests:
2 tests in example2
1 items had failures:
1 of 2 in XYZ
4 tests in 2 items.
3 passed and 1 failed.
***Test Failed*** 1 failures.
(1, 4)
def __init__(self, mod=None, globs=None, verbose=None,
"""mod=None, globs=None, verbose=None, isprivate=None
See doctest.__doc__ for an overview.
Optional keyword arg "mod" is a module, whose globals are used for
executing examples. If not specified, globs must be specified.
Optional keyword arg "globs" gives a dict to be used as the globals
when executing examples; if not specified, use the globals from
module mod.
In either case, a copy of the dict is used for each docstring
Optional keyword arg "verbose" prints lots of stuff if true, only
failures if false; by default, it's true iff "-v" is in sys.argv.
Optional keyword arg "isprivate" specifies a function used to determine
whether a name is private. The default function is doctest.is_private;
see its docs for details.
if mod is None and globs is None:
raise TypeError("Tester.__init__: must specify mod or globs")
if mod is not None and type(mod) is not _ModuleType:
raise TypeError("Tester.__init__: mod must be a module; " +
if globs is None:
globs = mod.__dict__
self.globs = globs
if verbose is None:
import sys
verbose = "-v" in sys.argv
self.verbose = verbose
if isprivate is None:
isprivate = is_private
self.isprivate = isprivate
self.name2ft = {} # map name to (#failures, #trials) pair
def runstring(self, s, name):
s, name -> search string s for examples to run, logging as name.
Use string name as the key for logging the outcome.
Return (#failures, #examples).
>>> t = Tester(globs={}, verbose=1)
>>> test = r'''
... # just an example
... >>> x = 1 + 2
... >>> x
... 3
... '''
>>> t.runstring(test, "Example")
Running string Example
Trying: x = 1 + 2
Expecting: nothing
Trying: x
Expecting: 3
0 of 2 examples failed in string Example
(0, 2)
if self.verbose:
print "Running string", name
f = t = 0
e = _extract_examples(s)
if e:
f, t = _run_examples(e, self.globs, self.verbose, name)
if self.verbose:
print f, "of", t, "examples failed in string", name
self.__record_outcome(name, f, t)
return f, t
def rundoc(self, object, name=None):
object, name=None -> search object.__doc__ for examples to run.
Use optional string name as the key for logging the outcome;
by default use object.__name__.
Return (#failures, #examples).
If object is a class object, search recursively for method
docstrings too.
object.__doc__ is examined regardless of name, but if object is
a class, whether private names reached from object are searched
depends on the constructor's "isprivate" argument.
>>> t = Tester(globs={}, verbose=0)
>>> def _f():
... '''Trivial docstring example.
... >>> assert 2 == 2
... '''
... return 32
>>> t.rundoc(_f) # expect 0 failures in 1 example
(0, 1)
if name is None:
name = object.__name__
except AttributeError:
raise ValueError("Tester.rundoc: name must be given "
"when object.__name__ doesn't exist; " + `object`)
if self.verbose:
print "Running", name + ".__doc__"
f, t = run_docstring_examples(object, self.globs, self.verbose, name)
if self.verbose:
print f, "of", t, "examples failed in", name + ".__doc__"
self.__record_outcome(name, f, t)
if type(object) is _ClassType:
f2, t2 = self.rundict(object.__dict__, name)
f = f + f2
t = t + t2
return f, t
def rundict(self, d, name):
d. name -> search for docstring examples in all of d.values().
For k, v in d.items() such that v is a function or class,
do self.rundoc(v, name + "." + k). Whether this includes
objects with private names depends on the constructor's
"isprivate" argument.
Return aggregate (#failures, #examples).
>>> def _f():
... '''>>> assert 1 == 1
... '''
>>> def g():
... '''>>> assert 2 != 1
... '''
>>> d = {"_f": _f, "g": g}
>>> t = Tester(globs={}, verbose=0)
>>> t.rundict(d, "rundict_test") # _f is skipped
(0, 1)
>>> t = Tester(globs={}, verbose=0, isprivate=lambda x,y: 0)
>>> t.rundict(d, "rundict_test_pvt") # both are searched
(0, 2)
if not hasattr(d, "items"):
raise TypeError("Tester.rundict: d must support .items(); " +
f = t = 0
# Run the tests by alpha order of names, for consistency in
# verbose-mode output.
names = d.keys()
for thisname in names:
value = d[thisname]
if type(value) in (_FunctionType, _ClassType):
f2, t2 = self.__runone(value, name + "." + thisname)
f = f + f2
t = t + t2
return f, t
def run__test__(self, d, name):
"""d, name -> Treat dict d like module.__test__.
Return (#failures, #tries).
See testmod.__doc__ for details.
failures = tries = 0
prefix = name + "."
savepvt = self.isprivate
self.isprivate = lambda *args: 0
# Run the tests by alpha order of names, for consistency in
# verbose-mode output.
keys = d.keys()
for k in keys:
v = d[k]
thisname = prefix + k
if type(v) is _StringType:
f, t = self.runstring(v, thisname)
elif type(v) in (_FunctionType, _ClassType):
f, t = self.rundoc(v, thisname)
raise TypeError("Tester.run__test__: values in "
"dict must be strings, functions "
"or classes; " + `v`)
failures = failures + f
tries = tries + t
self.isprivate = savepvt
return failures, tries
def summarize(self, verbose=None):
verbose=None -> summarize results, return (#failures, #tests).
Print summary of test results to stdout.
Optional arg 'verbose' controls how wordy this is. By
default, use the verbose setting established by the
if verbose is None:
verbose = self.verbose
notests = []
passed = []
failed = []
totalt = totalf = 0
for x in self.name2ft.items():
name, (f, t) = x
assert f <= t
totalt = totalt + t
totalf = totalf + f
if t == 0:
elif f == 0:
passed.append( (name, t) )
if verbose:
if notests:
print len(notests), "items had no tests:"
for thing in notests:
print " ", thing
if passed:
print len(passed), "items passed all tests:"
for thing, count in passed:
print " %3d tests in %s" % (count, thing)
if failed:
print "*" * 65
print len(failed), "items had failures:"
for thing, (f, t) in failed:
print " %3d of %3d in %s" % (f, t, thing)
if verbose:
print totalt, "tests in", len(self.name2ft), "items."
print totalt - totalf, "passed and", totalf, "failed."
if totalf:
print "***Test Failed***", totalf, "failures."
elif verbose:
print "Test passed."
return totalf, totalt
def merge(self, other):
other -> merge in test results from the other Tester instance.
If self and other both have a test result for something
with the same name, the (#failures, #tests) results are
summed, and a warning is printed to stdout.
>>> from doctest import Tester
>>> t1 = Tester(globs={}, verbose=0)
>>> t1.runstring('''
... >>> x = 12
... >>> print x
... 12
... ''', "t1example")
(0, 2)
>>> t2 = Tester(globs={}, verbose=0)
>>> t2.runstring('''
... >>> x = 13
... >>> print x
... 13
... ''', "t2example")
(0, 2)
>>> common = ">>> assert 1 + 2 == 3\\n"
>>> t1.runstring(common, "common")
(0, 1)
>>> t2.runstring(common, "common")
(0, 1)
>>> t1.merge(t2)
*** Tester.merge: 'common' in both testers; summing outcomes.
>>> t1.summarize(1)
3 items passed all tests:
2 tests in common
2 tests in t1example
2 tests in t2example
6 tests in 3 items.
6 passed and 0 failed.
Test passed.
(0, 6)
d = self.name2ft
for name, (f, t) in other.name2ft.items():
if d.has_key(name):
print "*** Tester.merge: '" + name + "' in both" \
" testers; summing outcomes."
f2, t2 = d[name]
f = f + f2
t = t + t2
d[name] = f, t
def __record_outcome(self, name, f, t):
if self.name2ft.has_key(name):
print "*** Warning: '" + name + "' was tested before;", \
"summing outcomes."
f2, t2 = self.name2ft[name]
f = f + f2
t = t + t2
self.name2ft[name] = f, t
def __runone(self, target, name):
if "." in name:
i = name.rindex(".")
prefix, base = name[:i], name[i+1:]
prefix, base = "", base
if self.isprivate(prefix, base):
return 0, 0
return self.rundoc(target, name)
master = None
def testmod(m, name=None, globs=None, verbose=None, isprivate=None,
"""m, name=None, globs=None, verbose=None, isprivate=None, report=1
Test examples in docstrings in functions and classes reachable from
module m, starting with m.__doc__. Private names are skipped.
Also test examples reachable from dict m.__test__ if it exists and is
not None. m.__dict__ maps names to functions, classes and strings;
function and class docstrings are tested even if the name is private;
strings are tested directly, as if they were docstrings.
Return (#failures, #tests).
See doctest.__doc__ for an overview.
Optional keyword arg "name" gives the name of the module; by default
use m.__name__.
Optional keyword arg "globs" gives a dict to be used as the globals
when executing examples; by default, use m.__dict__. A copy of this
dict is actually used for each docstring, so that each docstring's
examples start with a clean slate.
Optional keyword arg "verbose" prints lots of stuff if true, prints
only failures if false; by default, it's true iff "-v" is in sys.argv.
Optional keyword arg "isprivate" specifies a function used to
determine whether a name is private. The default function is
doctest.is_private; see its docs for details.
Optional keyword arg "report" prints a summary at the end when true,
else prints nothing at the end. In verbose mode, the summary is
detailed, else very brief (in fact, empty if all tests passed).
Advanced tomfoolery: testmod runs methods of a local instance of
class doctest.Tester, then merges the results into (or creates)
global Tester instance doctest.master. Methods of doctest.master
can be called directly too, if you want to do something unusual.
Passing report=0 to testmod is especially useful then, to delay
displaying a summary. Invoke doctest.master.summarize(verbose)
when you're done fiddling.
global master
if type(m) is not _ModuleType:
raise TypeError("testmod: module required; " + `m`)
if name is None:
name = m.__name__
tester = Tester(m, globs=globs, verbose=verbose, isprivate=isprivate)
failures, tries = tester.rundoc(m, name)
f, t = tester.rundict(m.__dict__, name)
failures = failures + f
tries = tries + t
if hasattr(m, "__test__"):
testdict = m.__test__
if testdict:
if not hasattr(testdict, "items"):
raise TypeError("testmod: module.__test__ must support "
".items(); " + `testdict`)
f, t = tester.run__test__(testdict, name + ".__test__")
failures = failures + f
tries = tries + t
if report:
if master is None:
master = tester
return failures, tries
class _TestClass:
A pointless class, for sanity-checking of docstring testing.
>>> _TestClass(13).get() + _TestClass(-12).get()
>>> hex(_TestClass(13).square().get())
def __init__(self, val):
"""val -> _TestClass object with associated value val.
>>> t = _TestClass(123)
>>> print t.get()
self.val = val
def square(self):
"""square() -> square TestClass's associated value
>>> _TestClass(13).square().get()
self.val = self.val ** 2
return self
def get(self):
"""get() -> return TestClass's associated value.
>>> x = _TestClass(-42)
>>> print x.get()
return self.val
__test__ = {"_TestClass": _TestClass,
"string": r"""
Example of a string object, searched as-is.
>>> x = 1; y = 2
>>> x + y, x * y
(3, 2)
def _test():
import doctest
return doctest.testmod(doctest)
if __name__ == "__main__":