Guido van Rossum baf0603493 New version, with contributions from Sjoerd Mullender and Mark Hammond.
Sjoerd writes:

This version of freeze creates one file per Python module, instead of
one humongous file for all Python modules.
bkfile: new module to used to write files with backups.  No new file
is produced if the new contents is identical to the old.
New option "-x excluded-module" for modulefinder test program.
New option "-i filename" for freeze main program to include a list of
options in place of the -i option.
1998-08-25 14:06:55 +00:00

86 lines
2.3 KiB

import marshal
import string
import bkfile
# Write a file containing frozen code for the modules in the dictionary.
header = """
#include "Python.h"
static struct _frozen _PyImport_FrozenModules[] = {
trailer = """\
{0, 0, 0} /* sentinel */
# if __debug__ == 0 (i.e. -O option given), set Py_OptimizeFlag in frozen app.
default_entry_point = """
main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
""" + ((not __debug__ and """
""") or "") + """
PyImport_FrozenModules = _PyImport_FrozenModules;
return Py_FrozenMain(argc, argv);
def makefreeze(base, dict, debug=0, entry_point = None):
if entry_point is None: entry_point = default_entry_point
done = []
files = []
mods = dict.keys()
for mod in mods:
m = dict[mod]
mangled = string.join(string.split(mod, "."), "__")
if m.__code__:
file = 'M_' + mangled + '.c'
outfp = bkfile.open(base + file, 'w')
if debug:
print "freezing", mod, "..."
str = marshal.dumps(m.__code__)
size = len(str)
if m.__path__:
# Indicate package by negative size
size = -size
done.append((mod, mangled, size))
writecode(outfp, mangled, str)
if debug:
print "generating table of frozen modules"
outfp = bkfile.open(base + 'frozen.c', 'w')
for mod, mangled, size in done:
outfp.write('extern unsigned char M_%s[];\n' % mangled)
for mod, mangled, size in done:
outfp.write('\t{"%s", M_%s, %d},\n' % (mod, mangled, size))
return files
# Write a C initializer for a module containing the frozen python code.
# The array is called M_<mod>.
def writecode(outfp, mod, str):
outfp.write('unsigned char M_%s[] = {' % mod)
for i in range(0, len(str), 16):
for c in str[i:i+16]:
outfp.write('%d,' % ord(c))
## def writecode(outfp, mod, str):
## outfp.write('unsigned char M_%s[%d] = "%s";\n' % (mod, len(str),
## string.join(map(lambda s: `s`[1:-1], string.split(str, '"')), '\\"')))