
301 lines
7.4 KiB
Executable file

#! /usr/local/bin/python
# "Freeze" a Python script into a binary.
# Usage: see variable usage_msg below (before the imports!)
# - Edit the lines marked XXX below to localize.
# - Make sure the #! line above matches the localizations.
# - You must have done "make inclinstall libainstall" in the Python
# build directory.
# - The script name should end in ".py".
# - The script should not use dynamically loaded modules
# (*.so on most systems).
# Usage message
usage_msg = """
usage: freeze [-p prefix] [-P exec_prefix] [-e extension] script [module] ...
-p prefix: This is the prefix used when you ran
'Make inclinstall libainstall' in the Python build directory.
(If you never ran this, freeze won't work.)
The default is /usr/local.
-P exec_prefix: Like -p but this is the 'exec_prefix', used to
install objects etc. The default is the value for -p.
-e extension: A directory containing additional .o files that
may be used to resolve modules. This directory
should also have a Setup file describing the .o files.
More than one -e option may be given.
script: The Python script to be executed by the resulting binary.
It *must* end with a .py suffix!
module ...: Additional Python modules (referenced by pathname)
that will be included in the resulting binary. These
may be .py or .pyc files.
In order to use freeze successfully, you must have built Python and
installed it. In particular, the following two non-standard make
targets must have been executed:
make inclinstall
make libainstall # Note: 'liba', not 'lib'
The -p and -P options passed into the freeze script must correspond to
the --prefix and --exec-prefix options passed into Python's configure
# XXX Change the following line to point to your Tools/freeze directory
PACK = '/ufs/guido/src/python/Tools/freeze'
# XXX Change the following line to point to your install prefix
PREFIX = '/usr/local'
# XXX Change the following line to point to your install exec_prefix
EXEC_PREFIX = None # If None, use -p option for default
# Import standard modules
import cmp
import getopt
import os
import string
import sys
import addpack
# Set the directory to look for the freeze-private modules
dir = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
if dir:
pack = dir
pack = PACK
# Import the freeze-private modules
import checkextensions
import findmodules
import makeconfig
import makefreeze
import makemakefile
import parsesetup
# Main program
def main():
# overridable context
prefix = PREFIX # settable with -p option
exec_prefix = None # settable with -P option
extensions = []
path = sys.path
# output files
frozen_c = 'frozen.c'
config_c = 'config.c'
target = 'a.out' # normally derived from script name
makefile = 'Makefile'
# parse command line
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'e:p:P:')
except getopt.error, msg:
usage('getopt error: ' + str(msg))
# proces option arguments
for o, a in opts:
if o == '-e':
if o == '-p':
prefix = a
if o == '-P':
exec_prefix = a
# default exec_prefix
if exec_prefix is None:
exec_prefix = EXEC_PREFIX
if exec_prefix is None:
exec_prefix = prefix
# locations derived from options
binlib = os.path.join(exec_prefix, 'lib/python/lib')
incldir = os.path.join(prefix, 'include/Py')
config_c_in = os.path.join(binlib, 'config.c.in')
frozenmain_c = os.path.join(binlib, 'frozenmain.c')
getpath_c = os.path.join(binlib, 'getpath.c')
supp_sources = [frozenmain_c, getpath_c]
makefile_in = os.path.join(binlib, 'Makefile')
defines = ['-DHAVE_CONFIG_H',
includes = ['-I' + incldir, '-I' + binlib]
# sanity check of directories and files
for dir in [prefix, exec_prefix, binlib, incldir] + extensions:
if not os.path.exists(dir):
usage('needed directory %s not found' % dir)
if not os.path.isdir(dir):
usage('%s: not a directory' % dir)
for file in [config_c_in, makefile_in] + supp_sources:
if not os.path.exists(file):
usage('needed file %s not found' % file)
if not os.path.isfile(file):
usage('%s: not a plain file' % file)
for dir in extensions:
setup = os.path.join(dir, 'Setup')
if not os.path.exists(setup):
usage('needed file %s not found' % setup)
if not os.path.isfile(setup):
usage('%s: not a plain file' % setup)
# check that enough arguments are passed
if not args:
usage('at least one filename argument required')
# check that file arguments exist
for arg in args:
if not os.path.exists(arg):
usage('argument %s not found' % arg)
if not os.path.isfile(arg):
usage('%s: not a plain file' % arg)
# process non-option arguments
scriptfile = args[0]
modules = args[1:]
# derive target name from script name
base = os.path.basename(scriptfile)
base, ext = os.path.splitext(base)
if base:
if base != scriptfile:
target = base
target = base + '.bin'
# Actual work starts here...
dict = findmodules.findmodules(scriptfile, modules, path)
names = dict.keys()
print "Modules being frozen:"
for name in names:
print '\t', name
backup = frozen_c + '~'
os.rename(frozen_c, backup)
except os.error:
backup = None
outfp = open(frozen_c, 'w')
makefreeze.makefreeze(outfp, dict)
if backup:
if cmp.cmp(backup, frozen_c):
sys.stderr.write('%s not changed, not written\n' %
os.rename(backup, frozen_c)
builtins = []
unknown = []
mods = dict.keys()
for mod in mods:
if dict[mod] == '<builtin>':
elif dict[mod] == '<unknown>':
addfiles = []
if unknown:
addfiles, addmods = \
checkextensions.checkextensions(unknown, extensions)
for mod in addmods:
builtins = builtins + addmods
if unknown:
sys.stderr.write('Warning: unknown modules remain: %s\n' %
infp = open(config_c_in)
backup = config_c + '~'
os.rename(config_c, backup)
except os.error:
backup = None
outfp = open(config_c, 'w')
makeconfig.makeconfig(infp, outfp, builtins)
if backup:
if cmp.cmp(backup, config_c):
sys.stderr.write('%s not changed, not written\n' %
os.rename(backup, config_c)
cflags = defines + includes + ['$(OPT)']
libs = []
for n in 'Modules', 'Python', 'Objects', 'Parser':
n = 'lib%s.a' % n
n = os.path.join(binlib, n)
makevars = parsesetup.getmakevars(makefile_in)
somevars = {}
for key in makevars.keys():
somevars[key] = makevars[key]
somevars['CFLAGS'] = string.join(cflags) # override
files = ['$(OPT)', config_c, frozen_c] + \
supp_sources + addfiles + libs + \
['$(MODLIBS)', '$(LIBS)', '$(SYSLIBS)']
backup = makefile + '~'
os.rename(makefile, backup)
except os.error:
backup = None
outfp = open(makefile, 'w')
makemakefile.makemakefile(outfp, somevars, files, target)
if backup:
if not cmp.cmp(backup, makefile):
print 'previous Makefile saved as', backup
sys.stderr.write('%s not changed, not written\n' %
os.rename(backup, makefile)
# Done!
print 'Now run make to build the target:', target
# Print usage message and exit
def usage(msg = None):
if msg:
sys.stderr.write(str(msg) + '\n')