# Print tracebacks, with a dump of local variables. # Also an interactive stack trace browser. import sys try: import mac os = mac except ImportError: import posix os = posix from stat import * import string def br(): browser(sys.last_traceback) def tb(): printtb(sys.last_traceback) def browser(tb): if not tb: print 'No traceback.' return tblist = [] while tb: tblist.append(tb) tb = tb.tb_next ptr = len(tblist)-1 tb = tblist[ptr] while 1: if tb <> tblist[ptr]: tb = tblist[ptr] print `ptr` + ':', printtbheader(tb) try: line = raw_input('TB: ') except KeyboardInterrupt: print '\n[Interrupted]' break except EOFError: print '\n[EOF]' break cmd = string.strip(line) if cmd: if cmd == 'quit': break elif cmd == 'list': browserlist(tb) elif cmd == 'up': if ptr-1 >= 0: ptr = ptr-1 else: print 'Bottom of stack.' elif cmd == 'down': if ptr+1 < len(tblist): ptr = ptr+1 else: print 'Top of stack.' elif cmd == 'locals': printsymbols(tb.tb_frame.f_locals) elif cmd == 'globals': printsymbols(tb.tb_frame.f_globals) elif cmd in ('?', 'help'): browserhelp() else: browserexec(tb, cmd) def browserlist(tb): filename = tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename lineno = tb.tb_lineno last = lineno first = max(1, last-10) for i in range(first, last+1): if i == lineno: prefix = '***' + string.rjust(`i`, 4) + ':' else: prefix = string.rjust(`i`, 7) + ':' line = readfileline(filename, i) if line[-1:] == '\n': line = line[:-1] print prefix + line def browserexec(tb, cmd): locals = tb.tb_frame.f_locals globals = tb.tb_frame.f_globals try: exec(cmd+'\n', globals, locals) except: print '*** Exception:', print sys.exc_type, if sys.exc_value <> None: print ':', sys.exc_value, print print 'Type help to get help.' def browserhelp(): print print ' This is the traceback browser. Commands are:' print ' up : move one level up in the call stack' print ' down : move one level down in the call stack' print ' locals : print all local variables at this level' print ' globals : print all global variables at this level' print ' list : list source code around the failure' print ' help : print help (what you are reading now)' print ' quit : back to command interpreter' print ' Typing any other 1-line statement will execute it' print ' using the current level\'s symbol tables' print def printtb(tb): while tb: print1tb(tb) tb = tb.tb_next def print1tb(tb): printtbheader(tb) if tb.tb_frame.f_locals is not tb.tb_frame.f_globals: printsymbols(tb.tb_frame.f_locals) def printtbheader(tb): filename = tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename lineno = tb.tb_lineno info = '"' + filename + '"(' + `lineno` + ')' line = readfileline(filename, lineno) if line: info = info + ': ' + string.strip(line) print info def printsymbols(d): keys = d.keys() keys.sort() for name in keys: print ' ' + string.ljust(name, 12) + ':', printobject(d[name], 4) print def printobject(v, maxlevel): if v == None: print 'None', elif type(v) in (type(0), type(0.0)): print v, elif type(v) == type(''): if len(v) > 20: print `v[:17] + '...'`, else: print `v`, elif type(v) == type(()): print '(', printlist(v, maxlevel) print ')', elif type(v) == type([]): print '[', printlist(v, maxlevel) print ']', elif type(v) == type({}): print '{', printdict(v, maxlevel) print '}', else: print v, def printlist(v, maxlevel): n = len(v) if n == 0: return if maxlevel <= 0: print '...', return for i in range(min(6, n)): printobject(v[i], maxlevel-1) if i+1 < n: print ',', if n > 6: print '...', def printdict(v, maxlevel): keys = v.keys() n = len(keys) if n == 0: return if maxlevel <= 0: print '...', return keys.sort() for i in range(min(6, n)): key = keys[i] print `key` + ':', printobject(v[key], maxlevel-1) if i+1 < n: print ',', if n > 6: print '...', _filecache = {} def readfileline(filename, lineno): try: stat = os.stat(filename) except os.error, msg: print 'Cannot stat', filename, '--', msg return '' cache_ok = 0 if _filecache.has_key(filename): cached_stat, lines = _filecache[filename] if stat[ST_SIZE] == cached_stat[ST_SIZE] and \ stat[ST_MTIME] == cached_stat[ST_MTIME]: cache_ok = 1 else: print 'Stale cache entry for', filename del _filecache[filename] if not cache_ok: lines = readfilelines(filename) if not lines: return '' _filecache[filename] = stat, lines if 0 <= lineno-1 < len(lines): return lines[lineno-1] else: print 'Line number out of range, last line is', len(lines) return '' def readfilelines(filename): try: fp = open(filename, 'r') except: print 'Cannot open', filename return [] lines = [] while 1: line = fp.readline() if not line: break lines.append(line) if not lines: print 'Empty file', filename return lines