"""PyUnit testing that threads honor our signal semantics""" import unittest import thread import signal import os from test import test_support signal_blackboard = { signal.SIGUSR1 : {'tripped': 0, 'tripped_by': 0 }, signal.SIGUSR2 : {'tripped': 0, 'tripped_by': 0 }, signal.SIGALRM : {'tripped': 0, 'tripped_by': 0 } } process_pid = os.getpid() signalled_all=thread.allocate_lock() def registerSignals((for_usr1, for_usr2, for_alrm)): usr1 = signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, for_usr1) usr2 = signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR2, for_usr2) alrm = signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, for_alrm) return usr1, usr2, alrm # The signal handler. Just note that the signal occured and # from who. def handle_signals(sig,frame): signal_blackboard[sig]['tripped'] += 1 signal_blackboard[sig]['tripped_by'] = thread.get_ident() # a function that will be spawned as a separate thread. def send_signals(): os.kill(process_pid, signal.SIGUSR1) os.kill(process_pid, signal.SIGUSR2) signalled_all.release() class ThreadSignals(unittest.TestCase): """Test signal handling semantics of threads. We spawn a thread, have the thread send two signals, and wait for it to finish. Check that we got both signals and that they were run by the main thread. """ def test_signals(self): signalled_all.acquire() self.spawnSignallingThread() signalled_all.acquire() # the signals that we asked the kernel to send # will come back, but we don't know when. # (it might even be after the thread exits # and might be out of order.) If we haven't seen # the signals yet, send yet another signal and # wait for it return. if signal_blackboard[signal.SIGUSR2]['tripped'] == 0 \ or signal_blackboard[signal.SIGUSR2]['tripped'] == 0: signal.alarm(1) signal.pause() signal.alarm(0) self.assertEqual( signal_blackboard[signal.SIGUSR1]['tripped'], 1) self.assertEqual( signal_blackboard[signal.SIGUSR1]['tripped_by'], thread.get_ident()) self.assertEqual( signal_blackboard[signal.SIGUSR2]['tripped'], 1) self.assertEqual( signal_blackboard[signal.SIGUSR2]['tripped_by'], thread.get_ident()) def spawnSignallingThread(self): thread.start_new_thread(send_signals, ()) def test_main(): oldsigs = registerSignals((handle_signals, handle_signals, handle_signals)) try: test_support.run_unittest(ThreadSignals) finally: registerSignals(oldsigs) if __name__ == '__main__': test_main()