@echo off rem Used by the buildbot "remotedeploy" step. setlocal set PATH=%PATH%;%SystemRoot%\SysNative\OpenSSH;%SystemRoot%\System32\OpenSSH set here=%~dp0 set arm32_ssh= set suffix=_d if "%REMOTE_PYTHON_DIR%"=="" (set REMOTE_PYTHON_DIR=C:\python\) if NOT "%REMOTE_PYTHON_DIR:~-1,1%"=="\" (set REMOTE_PYTHON_DIR=%REMOTE_PYTHON_DIR%\) :CheckOpts if "%1"=="-arm32" (set arm32_ssh=true) & (set prefix=%REMOTE_PYTHON_DIR%pcbuild\arm32) & shift & goto CheckOpts if "%1"=="-d" (set suffix=_d) & shift & goto CheckOpts if "%1"=="+d" (set suffix=) & shift & goto CheckOpts if NOT "%1"=="" (echo unrecognized option %1) & goto Arm32SshHelp if "%arm32_ssh%"=="true" goto :Arm32Ssh :Arm32Ssh if "%SSH_SERVER%"=="" goto :Arm32SshHelp set PYTHON_EXE=%prefix%\python%suffix%.exe echo on ssh %SSH_SERVER% %PYTHON_EXE% -m test.pythoninfo exit /b %ERRORLEVEL% :Arm32SshHelp echo SSH_SERVER environment variable must be set to administrator@[ip address] echo where [ip address] is the address of a Windows IoT Core ARM32 device. echo. echo The test worker should have the SSH agent running. echo Also a key must be created with ssh-keygen and added to both the buildbot worker machine echo and the ARM32 worker device: see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/iot-core/connect-your-device/ssh exit /b 127